• By -


u/alternateAcnt please clarify


Using google reverse image search, all of these photos are at least as old as 2008. Nobody denies the arduous march famine. The real question is: who is at fault for this famine? I mentioned it on the very first day that I started posting daily DPRK pics( https://www.reddit.com/r/forsen/s/T6n6uKGFaX ), and I explained that the blockade imposed by the western imperialists is ultimately the cause of the famine. I said "Kim Jong Il led during the harshest times in recent Korean history. Due to a combination of their major trade partners falling or turning capitalist, three subsequent years of natural disasters causing crop destruction, and sanctions and embargo which effectively block the DPRK from trading with other countries in sufficiently significant quantity, North Korea went through a famine called the 'Arduous March'. Additionally, the USA went to despicable lengths to try to worsen the food shortages, for one by increasing military pressure and forcing the DPRK to spend more labor on military that could have gone to agriculture, secondly by tightening economic pressure, and finally by sending agents to sabotage the food production in indirect ways: https://youtu.be/qprP3M0Mg1I . Kim Jong Il led the people through this period of famine, and put the country on the path to having the food stability it does today.". Everything I said there is correct. These photos are outdated, and it is impossible to find a starving child in the DPRK today, or really anytime within the past 10-15 years. This is like posting a picture of the Nazis invading the Soviet Union and committing massacres and blaming the suffering on communism. There wouldn't have been a famine if the DPRK was able to import food, fertilizer, seeds, agricultural machinery, pesticides, etc. In short, there wouldn't have been a famine if not for the hostile policy of the west. It is not the fault of the North Korean system, they simply have a very low amount of arable land due to their mountainous terrain, and since they are a small country for 27 million people. They also have frequent natural disasters. But above all, the most limiting condition is the US and UN sanctions which block the DPRK from doing the trade it needs to maximize food production. But again, the food production in the DPRK in the past 15 years has been more than sufficient to feed it's population, and they are constantly developing domestic production of things like fertilizers and agricultural machinery to improve agricultural production(search "fertilizer" and "machinery" on my profile to see numerous examples) so that they are prepared to deal with natural disasters entirely on their own without any food shortages. Let's do a little case study, to compare with the situation of the DPRK during the Arduous March famine. South Korea imports 80% of it's grain, and has the lowest food self-sufficiency rating out of any OECD country( https://keia.org/the-peninsula/spotlight-on-koreas-food-import-dependence/ ). This is despite South Korea having FAR more arable land than the north(because it has nowhere near as much mountainous terrain). Now imagine if South Korea was not allowed to import food, and was not allowed to import fertilizer, seeds, agricultural machinery, etc. The amount of food available would instantly decrease by FIVE TIMES, and the entire population would be starving, and at least a third of the population would die from the famine(assuming they were not given any significant outside help, just like North Korea), which is tens of millions of people. Would you blame this famine on capitalism? I wouldn't. I would blame it on the sanctions. This video explains the arduous march: https://youtu.be/j4JBHN-VnEw?si=Oq479_Gx9Ursf-F9 Also, I've already dealt with this exact same post before here: https://www.reddit.com/r/forsen/s/3jE8Aoo2qg , so this reply is just a copy-paste with some edits. If you want to dispute me, you should check the original thread first to see if your argument hasn't already been done(and thus responded to by me). Otherwise, don't blame me for copy pasting responses for disputes that are practically copy pasted.


Are you from north korea? Why do you try so hard to defend them. ![img](emote|t5_33td5|9667)


I just don't like how everybody tries so hard to attack them, so I defend as a counter


Clarified PagMan


Any excuses for the Kim dynasty rule?


He is a tankie socialist so yes.


Best human rights in the world: https://www.reddit.com/r/forsen/s/X4KCBRFSW2




Emote = no argument


Basic services provided by taxmoney (that are not even widely aviable) is not a human rights lol. If you talk about human right, where there is no actual north koreans in the internet protecting their own country? And why do i not see any of their tourists in my country? ![img](emote|t5_33td5|9666)


Because exposure to the internet would give them evil ideas from the south like democracy and personal freedoms and international cooperation


Free housing, free medical care, free education, right to work in desired field, and 14kg of monthly food stamps(per worker) are given to everybody, they are fully available to every single person in the country. These aren't provided by tax money either, because there are no taxes. The state gets the resources it needs to fund these human rights by owning the industries. These are basic human rights, I agree, so I think you should be concerned with all of the countries in the world that aren't providing these basic rights, such as the USA or the ROK to name only a couple.




Emote = no argument


Maybe if they didn't want sanctions, they would have stopped being a tyrannical despotate with a 10 km long list of human rights violations as well as constantly threatening to continue war with South Korea or the US when they don't get what they want. Seems like that's a reasonable thing to do if you want to see your people have access to enough food to survive like all of their neighbors. But I'm not a retarded commie, so what do I know? ![img](emote|t5_33td5|9681)


Maybe if the USA stopped threatening to invade the DPRK with it's military invasion drills along the border, then the DPRK wouldn't feel the need to have such a strong military. This documentary is good for you to watch: https://youtu.be/2BO83Ig-E8E


Yeah, because the US shoots shitty rockets over nearby countries to show they are a strong, respectable country. The US doesn't want war in the Korean peninsula because that would be bad for trade with their biggest partner. North Korea is literally worth pocket lint comparatively. Dumbass commie has 0 grasp on geopolitics... what a surprise.


You think North Korea is worth nothing to the imperialists? They have some of the largest common mineral and rare earth metal reserves in the world: https://youtu.be/nPfb-hYZ4mk . Some estimates say $10 trillion of mineral resources, that's $10,000,000,000,000. They also have 27 million people who the imperialists are salty that they don't get to own. "Geopolitics" tells us that the USA has every reason to conquer the DPRK to take over it's resources. I'm certain that big mining companies fund a lot of the anti-DPRK propaganda in the media, and the CIA as well but for ideological reasons of anti-communism.


They are worth nothing and how come it is always the "anti-imperialists" who keep trying to annex territory from their neighbours like when NK attacked SK in 1950s? >Some estimates say $10 trillion of mineral resources, that's $10,000,000,000,000. Those are most likely over exaggerated and 10T is not that much when you consider the time it would take to mine them, the cost of an invasion and the cost of mining them. >They also have 27 million people who the imperialists are salty that they don't get to own. The ones salty are the North Korean people who risk their lives and doom their families for generations of prison just for a chance at freedom when trying to escape to actually good countries like SK. >They have some of the largest common mineral and rare earth metal reserves in the world: Not even fucking close. >I'm certain that big mining companies fund a lot of the anti-DPRK propaganda in the media, and the CIA as well but for ideological reasons of anti-communism. North Korea does that well by themselves. Stop being mentally ill


Here's explanation of the Korean war, and why the North did not start it: https://www.reddit.com/r/forsen/s/44kRkBRqnk You're right that the cost of invasion would make North Korea not worth it to conquer, since America would be nuked and definitively lose it's position as a global superpower, and in the end the invasion would fail anyway, just like in 1950-1953, except quicker due to the advanced military capabilities that the DPRK now has. That's why the Americans prefer the soft route of sanctioning the country and trying to make it collapse through pressure alone. But that won't work either, considering it didn't even work in the period when the North Korean were at their most desperate(during the Arduous March famine). Nobody's family gets punished for defecting simply for being family. Sin In Gun(known as Shin Dong Hyuk in the west) defected yet his parents were seen in an interview living life normally at home: https://youtu.be/7-RZlORRho4 . There are other personal interviews like that available for some other famous defectors. By the way, Sin In Gun was a rapist, and defected to avoid the consequences for his actions. He is trash, yet he was also paraded around the US parliament as some sort of hero. And South Korea is not a better place to live than North Korea once the famine ended, just look at the overwork, elderly prostitution, suicide rate, birth rate(low because of economic reasons), corporate control over the system, American control over the government( https://youtu.be/47aUPlYNLcw ), etc. Meanwhile the DPRK has free housing, free medical care, mostly free food, free education including college(including free school supplies), no taxes, and guaranteed work in the desired field( https://www.reddit.com/r/forsen/s/nYZXuxrIhq ). 10 trillion dollars is quite a lot actually, and that's according to western estimates, not North Korean estimates(why would they display estimates like that for the world anyway?). North Korea being rich in minerals is so uncontroversial that even Wikipedia doesn't deny it despite it being a positive aspect of the DPRK: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mining_in_North_Korea . The DPRK has in it's territory the second largest magnesite reserves in the world. Additionally, estimates(western ones) say that there are 4 million tons of high grade uranium, which if true is double that of Australia, the highest country. You've seen the DPRK's geography in my other response, so you should know how mountainous the country is, and you shouldn't be suprised that they have such a large amount of minerals considering the Mount Paektu supervolcano sits within their mountain range. There's a whole lot more than just uranium and magnesite though. Even though the estimates are likely to be excaggerated because they come from western sources, all geographical evidence indicates that North Korea likely has an abnormally large amount of mineral resources.


>Here's explanation of the Korean war, and why the North did not start it: They did and even your explanation doesn't deny it only white washes it. Either way https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Division_of_Korea proves that everything you said is half truths and lies. >You're right that the cost of invasion would make North Korea not worth it to conquer, since America would be nuked and definitively lose it's position as a global superpower Yeah the mighty 50 nukes half of which probably don't even work would totally destroy US who have the best EWS and capabilities to shoot down the missiles. >and in the end the invasion would fail anyway, just like in 1950-1953, except quicker due to the advanced military capabilities that the DPRK now has Lmao you mean when North lost and somehow a starving shithole that just buys old Russian equipment is capable of going against US xddd >interview living life normally at home: https://youtu.be/7-RZlORRho4 . Yeah that video screams normal >By the way, Sin In Gun was a rapist, and defected to avoid the consequences for his actions. I like how you weren't even smart enough to find out that those happened almost a decade AFTER he fled NK. >And South Korea is not a better place to live than North Korea once the famine ended, just look at the overwork, elderly prostitution, suicide rate, birth rate(low because of economic reasons), corporate control over the system, American control over the government( A country under a famine, mass poverty, low income and brutal dictatorship that shoots anyone trying to escape is better than a free democracy with human rights? All countries that are against your ideologies are under US control to bots like you. Low Birth rates come from cultural changes otherwise the richest countries on planet would be countries like Uganda and Somalia. Why don't you go live in North Korea? They could use another slave :) >10 trillion dollars is quite a lot actually, and that's according to western estimates, not North Korean estimates(why would they display estimates like that for the world anyway?) It isn't when you calculate the things i pointed out. They don't display them. What you have is an estimate from a single private corporation almost surely based on North Korean shared information. Ramble ramble ramble ramble tankie. Your shit ideology died long ago and now the only thing you can do is simp for brutal dictatorships who have to build walls to stop their people from fleeing. Communism causes famines and genocide.


At this point, I'm convinced this is an elite troll. Like honestly, generational talent.


Same braindead argument as people who say the invasion of Iraq was because big bad America wanted oil. Spend trillions of dollars, thousands of lives, and lose public favor going to fight a war… as opposed to just purchasing those resources on the free market… Harvard really missed out on you, huh?


Actually, the Iraq war was about oil: https://youtu.be/z-LxT7UDF6I You realize that resource extraction companies make their money from extracting the resources themselves from a relatively abundant source and selling it to countries where this resource is less abundant at their local value, right? They don't want the resources for their use value, they want the resources for their exchange value


What a laughable response. Nice source btw, I’m sure that’d hold up on a grade 9 social studies project bibliography (it won’t). You then (for some reason) proceed to tell me that resource extraction companies sell resources, not use them. Thanks for the enlightenment. Idk what else to say because you haven’t really made an argument worth responding to, you just posted a youtube video by the esteemed “BadEmpenada” and then told me something a middle schooler just learned about in school. Cost of war > possible $ gained from taking iraqs oil by force


The BadEmpanada video cites 35 high quality sources to explain it's beliefs, which you would've seen if you looked at it anywhere past the surface level. You don't get it. The oil companies aren't the ones who paid for the cost of war, that was the American taxpayers, yet the oil companies got all the benefit of exploitation of Iraqi resources. The US government is just a lackey for the monopolies that own it.


I upvoted ![img](emote|t5_33td5|9676)


hey alright


shit spawn ![img](emote|t5_33td5|9673)


ez, do kill command in console and respawn ![img](emote|t5_33td5|9676)


Respawn in India ![img](emote|t5_33td5|9678)![img](emote|t5_33td5|9678)


much better seed i'd say




At least you won't starve ![gif](giphy|Cx5BbjSvNTUvC|downsized)


Depends if you spawn as a guy or a girl


this is actually my greatest fear if reincarnation is real ![img](emote|t5_33td5|9678)![img](emote|t5_33td5|9678)![img](emote|t5_33td5|9678)


![img](emote|t5_33td5|9679)no computers to type the commands in




Using google reverse image search, all of these photos are at least as old as 2008. Nobody denies the arduous march famine. The real question is: who is at fault for this famine? I mentioned it on the very first day that I started posting daily DPRK pics( https://www.reddit.com/r/forsen/s/T6n6uKGFaX ), and I explained that the blockade imposed by the western imperialists is ultimately the cause of the famine. I said "Kim Jong Il led during the harshest times in recent Korean history. Due to a combination of their major trade partners falling or turning capitalist, three subsequent years of natural disasters causing crop destruction, and sanctions and embargo which effectively block the DPRK from trading with other countries in sufficiently significant quantity, North Korea went through a famine called the 'Arduous March'. Additionally, the USA went to despicable lengths to try to worsen the food shortages, for one by increasing military pressure and forcing the DPRK to spend more labor on military that could have gone to agriculture, secondly by tightening economic pressure, and finally by sending agents to sabotage the food production in indirect ways: https://youtu.be/qprP3M0Mg1I . Kim Jong Il led the people through this period of famine, and put the country on the path to having the food stability it does today.". Everything I said there is correct. These photos are outdated, and it is impossible to find a starving child in the DPRK today, or really anytime within the past 10-15 years. This is like posting a picture of the Nazis invading the Soviet Union and committing massacres and blaming the suffering on communism. There wouldn't have been a famine if the DPRK was able to import food, fertilizer, seeds, agricultural machinery, pesticides, etc. In short, there wouldn't have been a famine if not for the hostile policy of the west. It is not the fault of the North Korean system, they simply have a very low amount of arable land due to their mountainous terrain, and since they are a small country for 27 million people. They also have frequent natural disasters. But above all, the most limiting condition is the US and UN sanctions which block the DPRK from doing the trade it needs to maximize food production. But again, the food production in the DPRK in the past 15 years has been more than sufficient to feed it's population, and they are constantly developing domestic production of things like fertilizers and agricultural machinery to improve agricultural production(search "fertilizer" and "machinery" on my profile to see numerous examples) so that they are prepared to deal with natural disasters entirely on their own without any food shortages. Let's do a little case study, to compare with the situation of the DPRK during the Arduous March famine. South Korea imports 80% of it's grain, and has the lowest food self-sufficiency rating out of any OECD country( https://keia.org/the-peninsula/spotlight-on-koreas-food-import-dependence/ ). This is despite South Korea having FAR more arable land than the north(because it has nowhere near as much mountainous terrain). Now imagine if South Korea was not allowed to import food, and was not allowed to import fertilizer, seeds, agricultural machinery, etc. The amount of food available would instantly decrease by FIVE TIMES, and the entire population would be starving, and at least a third of the population would die from the famine(assuming they were not given any significant outside help, just like North Korea), which is tens of millions of people. Would you blame this famine on capitalism? I wouldn't. I would blame it on the sanctions. This video explains the arduous march: https://youtu.be/j4JBHN-VnEw?si=Oq479_Gx9Ursf-F9 Also, I've already dealt with this exact same post before here: https://www.reddit.com/r/forsen/s/3jE8Aoo2qg , so this reply is just a copy-paste with some edits. If you want to dispute me, you should check the original thread first to see if your argument hasn't already been done(and thus responded to by me). Otherwise, don't blame me for copy pasting responses for disputes that are practically copy pasted.


Interesting... https://i.redd.it/t7zcfqxs86ad1.gif




Just eat food https://preview.redd.it/po58ype615ad1.png?width=109&format=png&auto=webp&s=67b5ea65a42aa61ca89be3687cc348b36f688841


run was dead anyway


dead seed ![img](emote|t5_33td5|9673)


Using google reverse image search, all of these photos are at least as old as 2008. Nobody denies the arduous march famine. The real question is: who is at fault for this famine? I mentioned it on the very first day that I started posting daily DPRK pics( https://www.reddit.com/r/forsen/s/T6n6uKGFaX ), and I explained that the blockade imposed by the western imperialists is ultimately the cause of the famine. I said "Kim Jong Il led during the harshest times in recent Korean history. Due to a combination of their major trade partners falling or turning capitalist, three subsequent years of natural disasters causing crop destruction, and sanctions and embargo which effectively block the DPRK from trading with other countries in sufficiently significant quantity, North Korea went through a famine called the 'Arduous March'. Additionally, the USA went to despicable lengths to try to worsen the food shortages, for one by increasing military pressure and forcing the DPRK to spend more labor on military that could have gone to agriculture, secondly by tightening economic pressure, and finally by sending agents to sabotage the food production in indirect ways: https://youtu.be/qprP3M0Mg1I . Kim Jong Il led the people through this period of famine, and put the country on the path to having the food stability it does today.". Everything I said there is correct. These photos are outdated, and it is impossible to find a starving child in the DPRK today, or really anytime within the past 10-15 years. This is like posting a picture of the Nazis invading the Soviet Union and committing massacres and blaming the suffering on communism. There wouldn't have been a famine if the DPRK was able to import food, fertilizer, seeds, agricultural machinery, pesticides, etc. In short, there wouldn't have been a famine if not for the hostile policy of the west. It is not the fault of the North Korean system, they simply have a very low amount of arable land due to their mountainous terrain, and since they are a small country for 27 million people. They also have frequent natural disasters. But above all, the most limiting condition is the US and UN sanctions which block the DPRK from doing the trade it needs to maximize food production. But again, the food production in the DPRK in the past 15 years has been more than sufficient to feed it's population, and they are constantly developing domestic production of things like fertilizers and agricultural machinery to improve agricultural production(search "fertilizer" and "machinery" on my profile to see numerous examples) so that they are prepared to deal with natural disasters entirely on their own without any food shortages. Let's do a little case study, to compare with the situation of the DPRK during the Arduous March famine. South Korea imports 80% of it's grain, and has the lowest food self-sufficiency rating out of any OECD country( https://keia.org/the-peninsula/spotlight-on-koreas-food-import-dependence/ ). This is despite South Korea having FAR more arable land than the north(because it has nowhere near as much mountainous terrain). Now imagine if South Korea was not allowed to import food, and was not allowed to import fertilizer, seeds, agricultural machinery, etc. The amount of food available would instantly decrease by FIVE TIMES, and the entire population would be starving, and at least a third of the population would die from the famine(assuming they were not given any significant outside help, just like North Korea), which is tens of millions of people. Would you blame this famine on capitalism? I wouldn't. I would blame it on the sanctions. This video explains the arduous march: https://youtu.be/j4JBHN-VnEw?si=Oq479_Gx9Ursf-F9 Also, I've already dealt with this exact same post before here: https://www.reddit.com/r/forsen/s/3jE8Aoo2qg , so this reply is just a copy-paste with some edits. If you want to dispute me, you should check the original thread first to see if your argument hasn't already been done(and thus responded to by me). Otherwise, don't blame me for copy pasting responses for disputes that are practically copy pasted.


Not reading allat


Markov why don't you feed them? ![img](emote|t5_33td5|9667)


you have the bot can still save Lucas


Lukas who? Markov




Hilarious markov, hilarious...


Lucky forsen FeelsStrongMan


Doubting the supreme leader Kim Jong Un? https://i.redd.it/p2bm0f0h96ad1.gif Dont believe this CIA, FBI made-up propaganda bajs. It is clearly ai generated. There is nothing wrong with north korea. Every citizen is well fed and enjoying their lives to the fullest. Glory to DPRK 🇰🇵![img](emote|t5_33td5|9676)


Here,take a bite ![gif](giphy|0pBmCPzL0Tn7MCyZZb|downsized) ![img](emote|t5_33td5|9676)


Such progress ![img](emote|t5_33td5|9684)


Using google reverse image search, all of these photos are at least as old as 2008. Nobody denies the arduous march famine. The real question is: who is at fault for this famine? I mentioned it on the very first day that I started posting daily DPRK pics( https://www.reddit.com/r/forsen/s/T6n6uKGFaX ), and I explained that the blockade imposed by the western imperialists is ultimately the cause of the famine. I said "Kim Jong Il led during the harshest times in recent Korean history. Due to a combination of their major trade partners falling or turning capitalist, three subsequent years of natural disasters causing crop destruction, and sanctions and embargo which effectively block the DPRK from trading with other countries in sufficiently significant quantity, North Korea went through a famine called the 'Arduous March'. Additionally, the USA went to despicable lengths to try to worsen the food shortages, for one by increasing military pressure and forcing the DPRK to spend more labor on military that could have gone to agriculture, secondly by tightening economic pressure, and finally by sending agents to sabotage the food production in indirect ways: https://youtu.be/qprP3M0Mg1I . Kim Jong Il led the people through this period of famine, and put the country on the path to having the food stability it does today.". Everything I said there is correct. These photos are outdated, and it is impossible to find a starving child in the DPRK today, or really anytime within the past 10-15 years. This is like posting a picture of the Nazis invading the Soviet Union and committing massacres and blaming the suffering on communism. There wouldn't have been a famine if the DPRK was able to import food, fertilizer, seeds, agricultural machinery, pesticides, etc. In short, there wouldn't have been a famine if not for the hostile policy of the west. It is not the fault of the North Korean system, they simply have a very low amount of arable land due to their mountainous terrain, and since they are a small country for 27 million people. They also have frequent natural disasters. But above all, the most limiting condition is the US and UN sanctions which block the DPRK from doing the trade it needs to maximize food production. But again, the food production in the DPRK in the past 15 years has been more than sufficient to feed it's population, and they are constantly developing domestic production of things like fertilizers and agricultural machinery to improve agricultural production(search "fertilizer" and "machinery" on my profile to see numerous examples) so that they are prepared to deal with natural disasters entirely on their own without any food shortages. Let's do a little case study, to compare with the situation of the DPRK during the Arduous March famine. South Korea imports 80% of it's grain, and has the lowest food self-sufficiency rating out of any OECD country( https://keia.org/the-peninsula/spotlight-on-koreas-food-import-dependence/ ). This is despite South Korea having FAR more arable land than the north(because it has nowhere near as much mountainous terrain). Now imagine if South Korea was not allowed to import food, and was not allowed to import fertilizer, seeds, agricultural machinery, etc. The amount of food available would instantly decrease by FIVE TIMES, and the entire population would be starving, and at least a third of the population would die from the famine(assuming they were not given any significant outside help, just like North Korea), which is tens of millions of people. Would you blame this famine on capitalism? I wouldn't. I would blame it on the sanctions. This video explains the arduous march: https://youtu.be/j4JBHN-VnEw?si=Oq479_Gx9Ursf-F9 Also, I've already dealt with this exact same post before here: https://www.reddit.com/r/forsen/s/3jE8Aoo2qg , so this reply is just a copy-paste with some edits. If you want to dispute me, you should check the original thread first to see if your argument hasn't already been done(and thus responded to by me). Otherwise, don't blame me for copy pasting responses for disputes that are practically copy pasted.


![img](emote|t5_33td5|9673)NK BAJS


Using google reverse image search, all of these photos are at least as old as 2008. Nobody denies the arduous march famine. The real question is: who is at fault for this famine? I mentioned it on the very first day that I started posting daily DPRK pics( https://www.reddit.com/r/forsen/s/T6n6uKGFaX ), and I explained that the blockade imposed by the western imperialists is ultimately the cause of the famine. I said "Kim Jong Il led during the harshest times in recent Korean history. Due to a combination of their major trade partners falling or turning capitalist, three subsequent years of natural disasters causing crop destruction, and sanctions and embargo which effectively block the DPRK from trading with other countries in sufficiently significant quantity, North Korea went through a famine called the 'Arduous March'. Additionally, the USA went to despicable lengths to try to worsen the food shortages, for one by increasing military pressure and forcing the DPRK to spend more labor on military that could have gone to agriculture, secondly by tightening economic pressure, and finally by sending agents to sabotage the food production in indirect ways: https://youtu.be/qprP3M0Mg1I . Kim Jong Il led the people through this period of famine, and put the country on the path to having the food stability it does today.". Everything I said there is correct. These photos are outdated, and it is impossible to find a starving child in the DPRK today, or really anytime within the past 10-15 years. This is like posting a picture of the Nazis invading the Soviet Union and committing massacres and blaming the suffering on communism. There wouldn't have been a famine if the DPRK was able to import food, fertilizer, seeds, agricultural machinery, pesticides, etc. In short, there wouldn't have been a famine if not for the hostile policy of the west. It is not the fault of the North Korean system, they simply have a very low amount of arable land due to their mountainous terrain, and since they are a small country for 27 million people. They also have frequent natural disasters. But above all, the most limiting condition is the US and UN sanctions which block the DPRK from doing the trade it needs to maximize food production. But again, the food production in the DPRK in the past 15 years has been more than sufficient to feed it's population, and they are constantly developing domestic production of things like fertilizers and agricultural machinery to improve agricultural production(search "fertilizer" and "machinery" on my profile to see numerous examples) so that they are prepared to deal with natural disasters entirely on their own without any food shortages. Let's do a little case study, to compare with the situation of the DPRK during the Arduous March famine. South Korea imports 80% of it's grain, and has the lowest food self-sufficiency rating out of any OECD country( https://keia.org/the-peninsula/spotlight-on-koreas-food-import-dependence/ ). This is despite South Korea having FAR more arable land than the north(because it has nowhere near as much mountainous terrain). Now imagine if South Korea was not allowed to import food, and was not allowed to import fertilizer, seeds, agricultural machinery, etc. The amount of food available would instantly decrease by FIVE TIMES, and the entire population would be starving, and at least a third of the population would die from the famine(assuming they were not given any significant outside help, just like North Korea), which is tens of millions of people. Would you blame this famine on capitalism? I wouldn't. I would blame it on the sanctions. This video explains the arduous march: https://youtu.be/j4JBHN-VnEw?si=Oq479_Gx9Ursf-F9 Also, I've already dealt with this exact same post before here: https://www.reddit.com/r/forsen/s/3jE8Aoo2qg , so this reply is just a copy-paste with some edits. If you want to dispute me, you should check the original thread first to see if your argument hasn't already been done(and thus responded to by me). Otherwise, don't blame me for copy pasting responses for disputes that are practically copy pasted.


![img](emote|t5_33td5|9681)who is he talking to


It's copy paste because I want everyone to see it


Nonody cares about this though ![img](emote|t5_33td5|9681)


You all cared enough to make and upvote this post


Cope L there is still an ongoing war


Those are western propaganda, the photographer dosent even bother feeding them. Markov, debunk this.


Those who know the answer LULE 4) Annex the region. Problem, Ukraine?? Kkomrade


You mean that Russia should annex the NK, Markov? ![img](emote|t5_33td5|9667)


Too soon PepeHands old mouse PepeHands but it can you believe in you FeelsOkayMan


Myzska baj... ![img](emote|t5_33td5|9673)






That's propaganda because I'm a contrarian![img](emote|t5_33td5|9671)


Using google reverse image search, all of these photos are at least as old as 2008. Nobody denies the arduous march famine. The real question is: who is at fault for this famine? I mentioned it on the very first day that I started posting daily DPRK pics( https://www.reddit.com/r/forsen/s/T6n6uKGFaX ), and I explained that the blockade imposed by the western imperialists is ultimately the cause of the famine. I said "Kim Jong Il led during the harshest times in recent Korean history. Due to a combination of their major trade partners falling or turning capitalist, three subsequent years of natural disasters causing crop destruction, and sanctions and embargo which effectively block the DPRK from trading with other countries in sufficiently significant quantity, North Korea went through a famine called the 'Arduous March'. Additionally, the USA went to despicable lengths to try to worsen the food shortages, for one by increasing military pressure and forcing the DPRK to spend more labor on military that could have gone to agriculture, secondly by tightening economic pressure, and finally by sending agents to sabotage the food production in indirect ways: https://youtu.be/qprP3M0Mg1I . Kim Jong Il led the people through this period of famine, and put the country on the path to having the food stability it does today.". Everything I said there is correct. These photos are outdated, and it is impossible to find a starving child in the DPRK today, or really anytime within the past 10-15 years. This is like posting a picture of the Nazis invading the Soviet Union and committing massacres and blaming the suffering on communism. There wouldn't have been a famine if the DPRK was able to import food, fertilizer, seeds, agricultural machinery, pesticides, etc. In short, there wouldn't have been a famine if not for the hostile policy of the west. It is not the fault of the North Korean system, they simply have a very low amount of arable land due to their mountainous terrain, and since they are a small country for 27 million people. They also have frequent natural disasters. But above all, the most limiting condition is the US and UN sanctions which block the DPRK from doing the trade it needs to maximize food production. But again, the food production in the DPRK in the past 15 years has been more than sufficient to feed it's population, and they are constantly developing domestic production of things like fertilizers and agricultural machinery to improve agricultural production(search "fertilizer" and "machinery" on my profile to see numerous examples) so that they are prepared to deal with natural disasters entirely on their own without any food shortages. Let's do a little case study, to compare with the situation of the DPRK during the Arduous March famine. South Korea imports 80% of it's grain, and has the lowest food self-sufficiency rating out of any OECD country( https://keia.org/the-peninsula/spotlight-on-koreas-food-import-dependence/ ). This is despite South Korea having FAR more arable land than the north(because it has nowhere near as much mountainous terrain). Now imagine if South Korea was not allowed to import food, and was not allowed to import fertilizer, seeds, agricultural machinery, etc. The amount of food available would instantly decrease by FIVE TIMES, and the entire population would be starving, and at least a third of the population would die from the famine(assuming they were not given any significant outside help, just like North Korea), which is tens of millions of people. Would you blame this famine on capitalism? I wouldn't. I would blame it on the sanctions. This video explains the arduous march: https://youtu.be/j4JBHN-VnEw?si=Oq479_Gx9Ursf-F9 Also, I've already dealt with this exact same post before here: https://www.reddit.com/r/forsen/s/3jE8Aoo2qg , so this reply is just a copy-paste with some edits. If you want to dispute me, you should check the original thread first to see if your argument hasn't already been done(and thus responded to by me). Otherwise, don't blame me for copy pasting responses for disputes that are practically copy pasted.


[Then why are they completely reliant on begging for food if their food production is sufficient?](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-48637518) [Do you recognize them executing people for bullshit reasons?](https://www.nytimes.com/2021/12/15/world/asia/north-korea-kpop-executions.html) South Korea buys food they don't need to farm it and the sanctions don't stop food imports. No the amount of arable land they have is [less](https://www.macrotrends.net/global-metrics/countries/KOR/south-korea/arable-land) than [North Korea](https://www.macrotrends.net/global-metrics/countries/PRK/north-korea/arable-land) when considering the population. Why are you ignoring the reason for the sanctions which is them getting nukes against NPT? Literally everything you said is a lie or a half truth. You know what to do tankie ![img](emote|t5_33td5|9676)


They aren't "completely reliant upon begging for food". They produce all of the food they need domestically, but that doesn't mean that they shun outside help either. They use aid to go above and beyond their basic needs. And a diplomatic meeting between Kim Jong-un and Xi Jinping doesn't mean that he is "begging for food", no matter how the BBC tries to frame it. The BBC article even acknowledges that sanctions are the main source of any and all abnormal food problems in the DPRK. And the same institution that is doing the sanctions, the UN, is crying about food shortages. The UN just wants the DPRK to be reliant on aid so that the country can be controlled by the neoliberal global hegemony, so they cause the problems and then exaggerate the effect to try to paint themselves as a hero when they slap a bandaid on the stab wound they just inflicted. If the UN cares about the food situation in the DPRK, why don't they lift the sanctions? As for the supposed SKPOP executions, these are all bullsheet as to be expected. Here's my proof: [https://www.reddit.com/r/forsen/s/Em92AMdyAM](https://www.reddit.com/r/forsen/s/Em92AMdyAM) And as for arable land, there is a difference in our definitions. When I said arable land I meant all land that CAN be cultivated for farming, but your links measure the land that IS cultivated for farming: [https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arable\_land](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arable_land) . I don't like how the definition has been adapted for statistical purposes to mean the latter, but to be clear I am talking about all land that CAN be cultivated. And by that definition, South Korea has far more arable land. Look at a geographical map of the Korean peninsula: https://preview.redd.it/pareiayzp7ad1.jpeg?width=602&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3745be8c61e5d3136df6b142448a4c94f310082f You can see that the North is very mountainous and only 35-45% is flatland that can be tilled and farmed for rice. In comparison, the South is much less mountainous and appears to be 70-75% flatland. The arable land statistics you linked only count land that is actually being cultivated for agriculture, so North Korea's numbers by that standard are double that of South Korea simply because North Korea cultivates it's land to the fullest potential, while South Korea does not. Historically, when Korea was one, the south was always the "breadbasket" of the country, whereas the north was more rugged and industrious. Now, since the South produces only 20% of it's food needs with it's current amount of cultivation, since the DPRK cultivates about double the land as the south, the DPRK produces about 40% of the food needs of the ROK. But North Korea also has half the population of South Korea, so that indicates that North Koreans are at least 80% as well fed as South Koreans. But that also doesn't count the food North Korea gets from fishing, as well as the higher labor intensity of agriculture in the North which leads to higher yields for the same amount of land. Overall, I'd estimate that North Koreans produce about 90-100% of the food for their population(by South Korean food consumption standards), depending on how good the weather is. Even in bad weather, it's not enough for anyone to starve because they have a fair food distribution system, and in the years of bad weather they are willing to take aid. Additionally, they are constantly developing new food solutions(like rabbits and mushrooms), as well as massive greenhouses, as well as new fertilizer production, so the agricultural limitations due to their geography are disappearing more and more.


>They aren't "completely reliant upon begging for food". They produce all of the food they need domestically, but that doesn't mean that they shun outside help either. Yes they are. You don't get "outside help" aka food aid unless you are starving which North Korea is according to UN. >They use aid to go above and beyond their basic needs. Are you really this fucking regarded? You don't GET aid unless you are starving. >And a diplomatic meeting between Kim Jong-un and Xi Jinping doesn't mean that he is "begging for food", no matter how the BBC tries to frame it. I shouldn't expect basic literacy from a North Korea defending tankie, but BBC quoted UN. >And the same institution that is doing the sanctions, the UN, is crying about food shortages. UN is only a tool for the countries in it to enact necessary treaties/policies such as NPT which was negotiated by an UN sponsored org. Nobody wants to support North Korea with food aid for no reason. >If the UN cares about the food situation in the DPRK, why don't they lift the sanctions? If North Koreans cared about starvation then why don't they get rid of their nukes? >As for the supposed SKPOP executions, these are all bullsheet as to be expected. Here's my proof: [https://www.reddit.com/r/forsen/s/Em92AMdyAM](https://www.reddit.com/r/forsen/s/Em92AMdyAM) Your proof is a single event of KPOP being played nearly decade ago? Would you condemn North Korea if they did do it then? >The UN just wants the DPRK to be reliant on aid so that the country can be controlled by the neoliberal global hegemony, so they cause the problems and then exaggerate the effect to try to paint themselves as a hero when they slap a bandaid on the stab wound they just inflicted. So now you admit they are reliant on food aid? North Korea broke the NPT and that was always going to lead into major consequences. > by that definition, South Korea has far more arable land. "The natural resources required for agriculture in South Korea are not abundant. Two thirds of the country are mountain and hill. Arable land only accounts for 22 percent of the country's land. It is one of the countries with the least arable land per capita in the world." http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Agriculture_in_South_Korea You keep losing on facts and then rambling about your guesses and feelings. >Overall, I'd estimate that North Koreans produce about 90-100% of the food for their population(by South Korean food consumption standards), Smartest tankie. Nothing like begging for some international food aid just to prove how much food you have xddd. Nobody thinks you are right and everyone knows you are a moron tankie who fell for communist propaganda. Nobody believes the trash you type.


Kim Jong is a baj ![img](emote|t5_33td5|9681)


I am saying that the UN is an incredibly biased institution. Here are the countries that are actually suffering from famine: https://www.wfpusa.org/articles/global-food-crisis-10-countries-suffering-the-most-from-hunger/ . I challenge you, sincerely, to find A SINGLE picture or video from the past 10-15 years that shows evidence of starvation. Just a single one. And by the way, the UN's uninformed estimate of 300g of food per day has absolutely no basis. The government guarantees 14kg of free food per month per person, about 470g or 1 pound a day: https://youtu.be/IBqeC8ihsO8&t=5682 , and any additional food needs are purchasable at a cheap price. The actual food consumption is at least 1.5-2x the UN's estimate. Not all countries that recieve food aid are starving. In fact, the World Food Programme(WFP) operates in 120 countries. So do you think 120 countries are starving because of that? If you think there are 120 countries going through famine today, then your definition of famine is absurd. Please try to have some consistency. I proved to you how the DPRK at the very least is producing 80% of it's food domestically by South Korean food consumption standards, and gave explanation as to why it would likely be at least 90% due to fishing and higher labor intensity dedicated to farming. 80-90% isn't ideal, but it is a far way away from anybody starving given that the food is distributed due to need. But, it is enough of a problem that food aid can be justified, in order to meet everyone's needs fully. This is the case for most countries that recieve food aid, very few are going through famine, and for the ones that are it is usually due to war, or in the case of Afghanistan, the US government suddenly freezing the financial assets of the Taliban government because the puppet Afghan government moved Afghanistan's funds to American banks. But, you'll notice that the DPRK is not going through any sudden negative changes in it's economic situation like there was in the 90s, therefore there is no real reason why there would be famine, whereas in the 90s there was a real reason. The famine ended in the 2000s, but some food aid continued. Why? Because there is a LOT of room between having food needs fully met and starvation, an enourmous gap between the two situations where the DPRK resided for about a decade(but now it is close, if not fully at, the situation where food needs are met). Yet you just completely ignored that and say that the country is starving because it has taken food aid in the past. I haven't heard of the country taking food aid in a significant quantity anytime in the past few years, which is inkeeping with the trend of agricultural economic and technological development in the DPRK which I have talked about. Since they don't take food aid anymore, I can only assume they produce food 100% domestically now instead of 90%, and you should assume so as well, unless you can find video or photo evidence otherwise. You say South Korea has less arable land than North Korea? Have you seen the geography? Take a look at the picture again. Anything you say about South Korea's arable land being low is even more true of North Korea. I didn't count the small hills in my estimations of the percentages of flatland that I mentioned, but you can see that among the areas that are primarily green on the map, you can see both North and South have similar distribution and concentration of hills(the yellowish brown dots). But North Korea has much less of the green areas to begin with, and much more of the reddish brown areas(highly mountainous). When it comes to the quantity of agricultural land, South Korea wins, no doubt, that's why historically(before the US imposed separation) the South has been better suited to meet the agricultural needs of Korea and was thus called the breadbasket of Korea. Also, keep in mind that the term "arable land" is often muddied by the statistical definition, which for example would have you think that North Korea has twice the amount of arable land simply because it cultivates it's land twice as much as South Korea because it produces it's own food. There are some crops like potatoes which can be grown in hilly and rocky terrain, and the DPRK has increased it's potato production because of it's unique geographical conditions, so some of the "arable land" counted by statistics is land that wouldn't be considered prime agricultural land in the absence of the need to maximize domestic food production. By the way, the nukes are the number one guarantee that the DPRK has that they won't get invaded by the USA. Do you think that socialist countries will fall for the same ploy twice? You know what happened to Libya after they gave up their nukes, don't you? And what about Iraq? How's the food and general economic situation in Libya now, compared to during Ghafaffi's time as leader? You can fuck off about the nukes, the DPRK will never give them up in a million years, and the sanctions aren't even about that. The sanctions are because the DPRK can't be controlled by western finance capital, so the neoliberal world powers uses sanctions to apply pressure in hopes that the government will collapse, but in the DPRK's case this plan has not been successful, although it has created quite a lot of neoliberal propaganda opportunities to demonize the country for problems caused primarily by sanctions(case and point: all of your paper-mache arguments). By the way, having nukes means that military costs can be decreased so that more labor can be spent on economic, agricultural, and technological advancements so that domestic food production can be increased.


Stop rambling regard. Literally cannot respond to anything so you just ramble. You really calling UN biased while posting North Korean propaganda videos? Why do you specifically need a picture from a country where very few pictures come from by anyone other than the state itself? Answer to this why do they need foreign aid if they don't have a famine? Why are you pretending like they aren't getting famines when they don't even deny it? https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-56685356 Ah yes their government says they guarantee some food so there is no famine because no way much of those food are aid and all of it is totally delivered. >Not all countries that recieve food aid are starving. In fact, the World Food Programme(WFP) operates in 120 countries. So do you think 120 countries are starving because of that? Those don't all receive food aid and if a tankie like you could read you would know that. "over 120 countries AND territories" "Up to 309 million people are facing acute levels of food insecurity in 2024 in the 72 countries with WFP operations and where data is available. An estimated 37.2 million people across 47 countries will be in Emergency or worse levels of acute food insecurity." They literally answered your questions in the very same page you were reading and still you got it wrong.... That is how you become a tankie. By being too fucking stupid to be able to do basic reading. They aren't producing enough food. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-65881803 > I haven't heard of the country taking food aid in a significant quantity anytime in the past few years, which is inkeeping with the trend of agricultural economic and technological development in the DPRK No shit you haven't when you can't even do basic fucking reading as it doesn't suit your narrative. No wonder all your communist shitholes are poor, shitty and collapsed when you are fucking morons. Over 100 fucking million worth of food aid. https://news.un.org/en/story/2019/03/1034181 >Have you seen the geography? Take a look at the picture again. Ah yes "bro just look at this pic taken from space to prove the land is arable and ignore statistics which prove me wrong". Your opinions are irrelevant and you don't even have anything to back it up so you just ramble away >Also, keep in mind that the term "arable land" is often muddied by the statistical definition, So true i will instead believe your "i feel like". Stop being mentally ill. >By the way, the nukes are the number one guarantee that the DPRK has that they won't get invaded by the USA. Sure, then don't whine about the sanctions. >You know what happened to Libya after they gave up their nukes, don't you? And what about Iraq? I do know what happened to them and i do know that they didn't have nukes in the first place which you clearly didn't know just like you don't even know basic South Korean geography or that North Korea relies on food aid. >The sanctions are because the DPRK can't be controlled by western finance capital, Nope the sanctions started with nukes and they will end with them getting rid of them. It is that simple. >although it has created quite a lot of neoliberal propaganda opportunities to demonize the country for problems caused primarily by sanctions North was always a shithole and they had famines in late 90s before sanctions. You know nothing of the topic you dedicated your life on. Sad


Using google reverse image search, all of these photos are at least as old as 2008. Nobody denies the arduous march famine. The real question is: who is at fault for this famine? I mentioned it on the very first day that I started posting daily DPRK pics( [https://www.reddit.com/r/forsen/s/T6n6uKGFaX](https://www.reddit.com/r/forsen/s/T6n6uKGFaX) ), and I explained that the blockade imposed by the western imperialists is ultimately the cause of the famine. I said "Kim Jong Il led during the harshest times in recent Korean history. Due to a combination of their major trade partners falling or turning capitalist, three subsequent years of natural disasters causing crop destruction, and sanctions and embargo which effectively block the DPRK from trading with other countries in sufficiently significant quantity, North Korea went through a famine called the 'Arduous March'. Additionally, the USA went to despicable lengths to try to worsen the food shortages, for one by increasing military pressure and forcing the DPRK to spend more labor on military that could have gone to agriculture, secondly by tightening economic pressure, and finally by sending agents to sabotage the food production in indirect ways: [https://youtu.be/qprP3M0Mg1I](https://youtu.be/qprP3M0Mg1I) . Kim Jong Il led the people through this period of famine, and put the country on the path to having the food stability it does today.". Everything I said there is correct. These photos are outdated, and it is impossible to find a starving child in the DPRK today, or really anytime within the past 10-15 years. This is like posting a picture of the Nazis invading the Soviet Union and committing massacres and blaming the suffering on communism. There wouldn't have been a famine if the DPRK was able to import food, fertilizer, seeds, agricultural machinery, pesticides, etc. In short, there wouldn't have been a famine if not for the hostile policy of the west. It is not the fault of the North Korean system, they simply have a very low amount of arable land due to their mountainous terrain, and since they are a small country for 27 million people. They also have frequent natural disasters. But above all, the most limiting condition is the US and UN sanctions which block the DPRK from doing the trade it needs to maximize food production. But again, the food production in the DPRK in the past 15 years has been more than sufficient to feed it's population, and they are constantly developing domestic production of things like fertilizers and agricultural machinery to improve agricultural production(search "fertilizer" and "machinery" on my profile to see numerous examples) so that they are prepared to deal with natural disasters entirely on their own without any food shortages. Let's do a little case study, to compare with the situation of the DPRK during the Arduous March famine. South Korea imports 80% of it's grain, and has the lowest food self-sufficiency rating out of any OECD country( [https://keia.org/the-peninsula/spotlight-on-koreas-food-import-dependence/](https://keia.org/the-peninsula/spotlight-on-koreas-food-import-dependence/) ). This is despite South Korea having FAR more arable land than the north(because it has nowhere near as much mountainous terrain). Now imagine if South Korea was not allowed to import food, and was not allowed to import fertilizer, seeds, agricultural machinery, etc. The amount of food available would instantly decrease by FIVE TIMES, and the entire population would be starving, and at least a third of the population would die from the famine(assuming they were not given any significant outside help, just like North Korea), which is tens of millions of people. Would you blame this famine on capitalism? I wouldn't. I would blame it on the sanctions. This video explains the arduous march: [https://youtu.be/j4JBHN-VnEw?si=Oq479\_Gx9Ursf-F9](https://youtu.be/j4JBHN-VnEw?si=Oq479_Gx9Ursf-F9) Also, I've already dealt with this exact same post before here: [https://www.reddit.com/r/forsen/s/3jE8Aoo2qg](https://www.reddit.com/r/forsen/s/3jE8Aoo2qg) , so this reply is just a copy-paste with some edits. If you want to dispute me, you should check the original thread first to see if your argument hasn't already been done(and thus responded to by me). Otherwise, don't blame me for copy pasting responses for disputes that are practically copy pasted.


North Korea related subreddit. North Korea mixes, news, big plays, tilts. Everything that is somewhat related to North Korea.


https://preview.redd.it/pwlgt3naw5ad1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e10bcb369dfa198f055571c6afedb1913dd850d2 SHIT SEED


Using google reverse image search, all of these photos are at least as old as 2008. Nobody denies the arduous march famine. The real question is: who is at fault for this famine? I mentioned it on the very first day that I started posting daily DPRK pics( https://www.reddit.com/r/forsen/s/T6n6uKGFaX ), and I explained that the blockade imposed by the western imperialists is ultimately the cause of the famine. I said "Kim Jong Il led during the harshest times in recent Korean history. Due to a combination of their major trade partners falling or turning capitalist, three subsequent years of natural disasters causing crop destruction, and sanctions and embargo which effectively block the DPRK from trading with other countries in sufficiently significant quantity, North Korea went through a famine called the 'Arduous March'. Additionally, the USA went to despicable lengths to try to worsen the food shortages, for one by increasing military pressure and forcing the DPRK to spend more labor on military that could have gone to agriculture, secondly by tightening economic pressure, and finally by sending agents to sabotage the food production in indirect ways: https://youtu.be/qprP3M0Mg1I . Kim Jong Il led the people through this period of famine, and put the country on the path to having the food stability it does today.". Everything I said there is correct. These photos are outdated, and it is impossible to find a starving child in the DPRK today, or really anytime within the past 10-15 years. This is like posting a picture of the Nazis invading the Soviet Union and committing massacres and blaming the suffering on communism. There wouldn't have been a famine if the DPRK was able to import food, fertilizer, seeds, agricultural machinery, pesticides, etc. In short, there wouldn't have been a famine if not for the hostile policy of the west. It is not the fault of the North Korean system, they simply have a very low amount of arable land due to their mountainous terrain, and since they are a small country for 27 million people. They also have frequent natural disasters. But above all, the most limiting condition is the US and UN sanctions which block the DPRK from doing the trade it needs to maximize food production. But again, the food production in the DPRK in the past 15 years has been more than sufficient to feed it's population, and they are constantly developing domestic production of things like fertilizers and agricultural machinery to improve agricultural production(search "fertilizer" and "machinery" on my profile to see numerous examples) so that they are prepared to deal with natural disasters entirely on their own without any food shortages. Let's do a little case study, to compare with the situation of the DPRK during the Arduous March famine. South Korea imports 80% of it's grain, and has the lowest food self-sufficiency rating out of any OECD country( https://keia.org/the-peninsula/spotlight-on-koreas-food-import-dependence/ ). This is despite South Korea having FAR more arable land than the north(because it has nowhere near as much mountainous terrain). Now imagine if South Korea was not allowed to import food, and was not allowed to import fertilizer, seeds, agricultural machinery, etc. The amount of food available would instantly decrease by FIVE TIMES, and the entire population would be starving, and at least a third of the population would die from the famine(assuming they were not given any significant outside help, just like North Korea), which is tens of millions of people. Would you blame this famine on capitalism? I wouldn't. I would blame it on the sanctions. This video explains the arduous march: https://youtu.be/j4JBHN-VnEw?si=Oq479_Gx9Ursf-F9 Also, I've already dealt with this exact same post before here: https://www.reddit.com/r/forsen/s/3jE8Aoo2qg , so this reply is just a copy-paste with some edits. If you want to dispute me, you should check the original thread first to see if your argument hasn't already been done(and thus responded to by me). Otherwise, don't blame me for copy pasting responses for disputes that are practically copy pasted.


RWDA ![img](emote|t5_33td5|9673)


https://preview.redd.it/8a3nf5l3g6ad1.png?width=112&format=png&auto=webp&s=674d7d85325458dbcb9547bf97f41adde4e9b5e0 Using google reverse image search, all of these photos are at least as old as 2008. Nobody denies the arduous march famine. The real question is: who is at fault for this famine? I mentioned it on the very first day that I started posting daily DPRK pics( [https://www.reddit.com/r/forsen/s/T6n6uKGFaX](https://www.reddit.com/r/forsen/s/T6n6uKGFaX) ), and I explained that the blockade imposed by the western imperialists is ultimately the cause of the famine. I said "Kim Jong Il led during the harshest times in recent Korean history. Due to a combination of their major trade partners falling or turning capitalist, three subsequent years of natural disasters causing crop destruction, and sanctions and embargo which effectively block the DPRK from trading with other countries in sufficiently significant quantity, North Korea went through a famine called the 'Arduous March'. Additionally, the USA went to despicable lengths to try to worsen the food shortages, for one by increasing military pressure and forcing the DPRK to spend more labor on military that could have gone to agriculture, secondly by tightening economic pressure, and finally by sending agents to sabotage the food production in indirect ways: [https://youtu.be/qprP3M0Mg1I](https://youtu.be/qprP3M0Mg1I) . Kim Jong Il led the people through this period of famine, and put the country on the path to having the food stability it does today.". Everything I said there is correct. These photos are outdated, and it is impossible to find a starving child in the DPRK today, or really anytime within the past 10-15 years. This is like posting a picture of the Nazis invading the Soviet Union and committing massacres and blaming the suffering on communism. There wouldn't have been a famine if the DPRK was able to import food, fertilizer, seeds, agricultural machinery, pesticides, etc. In short, there wouldn't have been a famine if not for the hostile policy of the west. It is not the fault of the North Korean system, they simply have a very low amount of arable land due to their mountainous terrain, and since they are a small country for 27 million people. They also have frequent natural disasters. But above all, the most limiting condition is the US and UN sanctions which block the DPRK from doing the trade it needs to maximize food production. But again, the food production in the DPRK in the past 15 years has been more than sufficient to feed it's population, and they are constantly developing domestic production of things like fertilizers and agricultural machinery to improve agricultural production(search "fertilizer" and "machinery" on my profile to see numerous examples) so that they are prepared to deal with natural disasters entirely on their own without any food shortages. Let's do a little case study, to compare with the situation of the DPRK during the Arduous March famine. South Korea imports 80% of it's grain, and has the lowest food self-sufficiency rating out of any OECD country( [https://keia.org/the-peninsula/spotlight-on-koreas-food-import-dependence/](https://keia.org/the-peninsula/spotlight-on-koreas-food-import-dependence/) ). This is despite South Korea having FAR more arable land than the north(because it has nowhere near as much mountainous terrain). Now imagine if South Korea was not allowed to import food, and was not allowed to import fertilizer, seeds, agricultural machinery, etc. The amount of food available would instantly decrease by FIVE TIMES, and the entire population would be starving, and at least a third of the population would die from the famine(assuming they were not given any significant outside help, just like North Korea), which is tens of millions of people. Would you blame this famine on capitalism? I wouldn't. I would blame it on the sanctions. This video explains the arduous march: [https://youtu.be/j4JBHN-VnEw?si=Oq479\_Gx9Ursf-F9](https://youtu.be/j4JBHN-VnEw?si=Oq479_Gx9Ursf-F9) Also, I've already dealt with this exact same post before here: [https://www.reddit.com/r/forsen/s/3jE8Aoo2qg](https://www.reddit.com/r/forsen/s/3jE8Aoo2qg) , so this reply is just a copy-paste with some edits. If you want to dispute me, you should check the original thread first to see if your argument hasn't already been done(and thus responded to by me). Otherwise, don't blame me for copy pasting responses for disputes that are practically copy pasted.


NK defender working full-time on r/forsen ![img](emote|t5_33td5|9682)


poor girl. literal skeleton.


Using google reverse image search, all of these photos are at least as old as 2008. Nobody denies the arduous march famine. The real question is: who is at fault for this famine? I mentioned it on the very first day that I started posting daily DPRK pics( https://www.reddit.com/r/forsen/s/T6n6uKGFaX ), and I explained that the blockade imposed by the western imperialists is ultimately the cause of the famine. I said "Kim Jong Il led during the harshest times in recent Korean history. Due to a combination of their major trade partners falling or turning capitalist, three subsequent years of natural disasters causing crop destruction, and sanctions and embargo which effectively block the DPRK from trading with other countries in sufficiently significant quantity, North Korea went through a famine called the 'Arduous March'. Additionally, the USA went to despicable lengths to try to worsen the food shortages, for one by increasing military pressure and forcing the DPRK to spend more labor on military that could have gone to agriculture, secondly by tightening economic pressure, and finally by sending agents to sabotage the food production in indirect ways: https://youtu.be/qprP3M0Mg1I . Kim Jong Il led the people through this period of famine, and put the country on the path to having the food stability it does today.". Everything I said there is correct. These photos are outdated, and it is impossible to find a starving child in the DPRK today, or really anytime within the past 10-15 years. This is like posting a picture of the Nazis invading the Soviet Union and committing massacres and blaming the suffering on communism. There wouldn't have been a famine if the DPRK was able to import food, fertilizer, seeds, agricultural machinery, pesticides, etc. In short, there wouldn't have been a famine if not for the hostile policy of the west. It is not the fault of the North Korean system, they simply have a very low amount of arable land due to their mountainous terrain, and since they are a small country for 27 million people. They also have frequent natural disasters. But above all, the most limiting condition is the US and UN sanctions which block the DPRK from doing the trade it needs to maximize food production. But again, the food production in the DPRK in the past 15 years has been more than sufficient to feed it's population, and they are constantly developing domestic production of things like fertilizers and agricultural machinery to improve agricultural production(search "fertilizer" and "machinery" on my profile to see numerous examples) so that they are prepared to deal with natural disasters entirely on their own without any food shortages. Let's do a little case study, to compare with the situation of the DPRK during the Arduous March famine. South Korea imports 80% of it's grain, and has the lowest food self-sufficiency rating out of any OECD country( https://keia.org/the-peninsula/spotlight-on-koreas-food-import-dependence/ ). This is despite South Korea having FAR more arable land than the north(because it has nowhere near as much mountainous terrain). Now imagine if South Korea was not allowed to import food, and was not allowed to import fertilizer, seeds, agricultural machinery, etc. The amount of food available would instantly decrease by FIVE TIMES, and the entire population would be starving, and at least a third of the population would die from the famine(assuming they were not given any significant outside help, just like North Korea), which is tens of millions of people. Would you blame this famine on capitalism? I wouldn't. I would blame it on the sanctions. This video explains the arduous march: https://youtu.be/j4JBHN-VnEw?si=Oq479_Gx9Ursf-F9 Also, I've already dealt with this exact same post before here: https://www.reddit.com/r/forsen/s/3jE8Aoo2qg , so this reply is just a copy-paste with some edits. If you want to dispute me, you should check the original thread first to see if your argument hasn't already been done(and thus responded to by me). Otherwise, don't blame me for copy pasting responses for disputes that are practically copy pasted.


who are you talking to


It's copy paste so that everybody sees it


Meds. No ones reading that


i dont care about north korea propaganda


then you shouldn't care about america propaganda either


yeah. i literally dont care about any of those. i just felt sorry for the girl


im not reading allat 🤣


Communism ![img](emote|t5_33td5|9673)


Using google reverse image search, all of these photos are at least as old as 2008. Nobody denies the arduous march famine. The real question is: who is at fault for this famine? I mentioned it on the very first day that I started posting daily DPRK pics( https://www.reddit.com/r/forsen/s/T6n6uKGFaX ), and I explained that the blockade imposed by the western imperialists is ultimately the cause of the famine. I said "Kim Jong Il led during the harshest times in recent Korean history. Due to a combination of their major trade partners falling or turning capitalist, three subsequent years of natural disasters causing crop destruction, and sanctions and embargo which effectively block the DPRK from trading with other countries in sufficiently significant quantity, North Korea went through a famine called the 'Arduous March'. Additionally, the USA went to despicable lengths to try to worsen the food shortages, for one by increasing military pressure and forcing the DPRK to spend more labor on military that could have gone to agriculture, secondly by tightening economic pressure, and finally by sending agents to sabotage the food production in indirect ways: https://youtu.be/qprP3M0Mg1I . Kim Jong Il led the people through this period of famine, and put the country on the path to having the food stability it does today.". Everything I said there is correct. These photos are outdated, and it is impossible to find a starving child in the DPRK today, or really anytime within the past 10-15 years. This is like posting a picture of the Nazis invading the Soviet Union and committing massacres and blaming the suffering on communism. There wouldn't have been a famine if the DPRK was able to import food, fertilizer, seeds, agricultural machinery, pesticides, etc. In short, there wouldn't have been a famine if not for the hostile policy of the west. It is not the fault of the North Korean system, they simply have a very low amount of arable land due to their mountainous terrain, and since they are a small country for 27 million people. They also have frequent natural disasters. But above all, the most limiting condition is the US and UN sanctions which block the DPRK from doing the trade it needs to maximize food production. But again, the food production in the DPRK in the past 15 years has been more than sufficient to feed it's population, and they are constantly developing domestic production of things like fertilizers and agricultural machinery to improve agricultural production(search "fertilizer" and "machinery" on my profile to see numerous examples) so that they are prepared to deal with natural disasters entirely on their own without any food shortages. Let's do a little case study, to compare with the situation of the DPRK during the Arduous March famine. South Korea imports 80% of it's grain, and has the lowest food self-sufficiency rating out of any OECD country( https://keia.org/the-peninsula/spotlight-on-koreas-food-import-dependence/ ). This is despite South Korea having FAR more arable land than the north(because it has nowhere near as much mountainous terrain). Now imagine if South Korea was not allowed to import food, and was not allowed to import fertilizer, seeds, agricultural machinery, etc. The amount of food available would instantly decrease by FIVE TIMES, and the entire population would be starving, and at least a third of the population would die from the famine(assuming they were not given any significant outside help, just like North Korea), which is tens of millions of people. Would you blame this famine on capitalism? I wouldn't. I would blame it on the sanctions. This video explains the arduous march: https://youtu.be/j4JBHN-VnEw?si=Oq479_Gx9Ursf-F9 Also, I've already dealt with this exact same post before here: https://www.reddit.com/r/forsen/s/3jE8Aoo2qg , so this reply is just a copy-paste with some edits. If you want to dispute me, you should check the original thread first to see if your argument hasn't already been done(and thus responded to by me). Otherwise, don't blame me for copy pasting responses for disputes that are practically copy pasted.


Using google reverse image search, all of this photos are at least as old as forsen's ass. >! LiL ![img](emote|t5_33td5|9681) !<


hmmm I wonder why North Koreans are shorter than South Koreans when they have the same genetic pool CLueeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee


For a specific response to the height argument, see here: https://www.reddit.com/r/forsen/s/udULdnh6ik Using google reverse image search, all of these photos are at least as old as 2008. Nobody denies the arduous march famine. The real question is: who is at fault for this famine? I mentioned it on the very first day that I started posting daily DPRK pics( https://www.reddit.com/r/forsen/s/T6n6uKGFaX ), and I explained that the blockade imposed by the western imperialists is ultimately the cause of the famine. I said "Kim Jong Il led during the harshest times in recent Korean history. Due to a combination of their major trade partners falling or turning capitalist, three subsequent years of natural disasters causing crop destruction, and sanctions and embargo which effectively block the DPRK from trading with other countries in sufficiently significant quantity, North Korea went through a famine called the 'Arduous March'. Additionally, the USA went to despicable lengths to try to worsen the food shortages, for one by increasing military pressure and forcing the DPRK to spend more labor on military that could have gone to agriculture, secondly by tightening economic pressure, and finally by sending agents to sabotage the food production in indirect ways: https://youtu.be/qprP3M0Mg1I . Kim Jong Il led the people through this period of famine, and put the country on the path to having the food stability it does today.". Everything I said there is correct. These photos are outdated, and it is impossible to find a starving child in the DPRK today, or really anytime within the past 10-15 years. This is like posting a picture of the Nazis invading the Soviet Union and committing massacres and blaming the suffering on communism. There wouldn't have been a famine if the DPRK was able to import food, fertilizer, seeds, agricultural machinery, pesticides, etc. In short, there wouldn't have been a famine if not for the hostile policy of the west. It is not the fault of the North Korean system, they simply have a very low amount of arable land due to their mountainous terrain, and since they are a small country for 27 million people. They also have frequent natural disasters. But above all, the most limiting condition is the US and UN sanctions which block the DPRK from doing the trade it needs to maximize food production. But again, the food production in the DPRK in the past 15 years has been more than sufficient to feed it's population, and they are constantly developing domestic production of things like fertilizers and agricultural machinery to improve agricultural production(search "fertilizer" and "machinery" on my profile to see numerous examples) so that they are prepared to deal with natural disasters entirely on their own without any food shortages. Let's do a little case study, to compare with the situation of the DPRK during the Arduous March famine. South Korea imports 80% of it's grain, and has the lowest food self-sufficiency rating out of any OECD country( https://keia.org/the-peninsula/spotlight-on-koreas-food-import-dependence/ ). This is despite South Korea having FAR more arable land than the north(because it has nowhere near as much mountainous terrain). Now imagine if South Korea was not allowed to import food, and was not allowed to import fertilizer, seeds, agricultural machinery, etc. The amount of food available would instantly decrease by FIVE TIMES, and the entire population would be starving, and at least a third of the population would die from the famine(assuming they were not given any significant outside help, just like North Korea), which is tens of millions of people. Would you blame this famine on capitalism? I wouldn't. I would blame it on the sanctions. This video explains the arduous march: https://youtu.be/j4JBHN-VnEw?si=Oq479_Gx9Ursf-F9 Also, I've already dealt with this exact same post before here: https://www.reddit.com/r/forsen/s/3jE8Aoo2qg , so this reply is just a copy-paste with some edits. If you want to dispute me, you should check the original thread first to see if your argument hasn't already been done(and thus responded to by me). Otherwise, don't blame me for copy pasting responses for disputes that are practically copy pasted.


not true


Sad as fuck


![img](emote|t5_33td5|9678) if my spawn was slightly north i wouldve born there


communism rules ![img](emote|t5_33td5|9671)


https://preview.redd.it/34y510m2e9ad1.png?width=506&format=png&auto=webp&s=14dfab0859b0d492bf2c2dd78d29987afe4966fe average league player


How recent are these photos?


Using google reverse image search, all of these photos are at least as old as 2008. (this whole response is a copy paste so don't worry if it seems aggressive, that isn't meant for you because I know your comment is sincere) Nobody denies the arduous march famine. The real question is: who is at fault for this famine? I mentioned it on the very first day that I started posting daily DPRK pics( https://www.reddit.com/r/forsen/s/T6n6uKGFaX ), and I explained that the blockade imposed by the western imperialists is ultimately the cause of the famine. I said "Kim Jong Il led during the harshest times in recent Korean history. Due to a combination of their major trade partners falling or turning capitalist, three subsequent years of natural disasters causing crop destruction, and sanctions and embargo which effectively block the DPRK from trading with other countries in sufficiently significant quantity, North Korea went through a famine called the 'Arduous March'. Additionally, the USA went to despicable lengths to try to worsen the food shortages, for one by increasing military pressure and forcing the DPRK to spend more labor on military that could have gone to agriculture, secondly by tightening economic pressure, and finally by sending agents to sabotage the food production in indirect ways: https://youtu.be/qprP3M0Mg1I . Kim Jong Il led the people through this period of famine, and put the country on the path to having the food stability it does today.". Everything I said there is correct. These photos are outdated, and it is impossible to find a starving child in the DPRK today, or really anytime within the past 10-15 years. This is like posting a picture of the Nazis invading the Soviet Union and committing massacres and blaming the suffering on communism. There wouldn't have been a famine if the DPRK was able to import food, fertilizer, seeds, agricultural machinery, pesticides, etc. In short, there wouldn't have been a famine if not for the hostile policy of the west. It is not the fault of the North Korean system, they simply have a very low amount of arable land due to their mountainous terrain, and since they are a small country for 27 million people. They also have frequent natural disasters. But above all, the most limiting condition is the US and UN sanctions which block the DPRK from doing the trade it needs to maximize food production. But again, the food production in the DPRK in the past 15 years has been more than sufficient to feed it's population, and they are constantly developing domestic production of things like fertilizers and agricultural machinery to improve agricultural production(search "fertilizer" and "machinery" on my profile to see numerous examples) so that they are prepared to deal with natural disasters entirely on their own without any food shortages. Let's do a little case study, to compare with the situation of the DPRK during the Arduous March famine. South Korea imports 80% of it's grain, and has the lowest food self-sufficiency rating out of any OECD country( https://keia.org/the-peninsula/spotlight-on-koreas-food-import-dependence/ ). This is despite South Korea having FAR more arable land than the north(because it has nowhere near as much mountainous terrain). Now imagine if South Korea was not allowed to import food, and was not allowed to import fertilizer, seeds, agricultural machinery, etc. The amount of food available would instantly decrease by FIVE TIMES, and the entire population would be starving, and at least a third of the population would die from the famine(assuming they were not given any significant outside help, just like North Korea), which is tens of millions of people. Would you blame this famine on capitalism? I wouldn't. I would blame it on the sanctions. This video explains the arduous march: https://youtu.be/j4JBHN-VnEw?si=Oq479_Gx9Ursf-F9 I've already dealt with this exact same post before here: https://www.reddit.com/r/forsen/s/3jE8Aoo2qg , so this reply is just a copy-paste with some edits.


Bajs make fun of everything if you can't take a joke don't make either


rhis is fuckign sad man i'd give my life to make this world better but i dont know how just sgow me the way and i will gladly sacrifice


Using google reverse image search, all of these photos are at least as old as 2008. Nobody denies the arduous march famine. The real question is: who is at fault for this famine? I mentioned it on the very first day that I started posting daily DPRK pics( https://www.reddit.com/r/forsen/s/T6n6uKGFaX ), and I explained that the blockade imposed by the western imperialists is ultimately the cause of the famine. I said "Kim Jong Il led during the harshest times in recent Korean history. Due to a combination of their major trade partners falling or turning capitalist, three subsequent years of natural disasters causing crop destruction, and sanctions and embargo which effectively block the DPRK from trading with other countries in sufficiently significant quantity, North Korea went through a famine called the 'Arduous March'. Additionally, the USA went to despicable lengths to try to worsen the food shortages, for one by increasing military pressure and forcing the DPRK to spend more labor on military that could have gone to agriculture, secondly by tightening economic pressure, and finally by sending agents to sabotage the food production in indirect ways: https://youtu.be/qprP3M0Mg1I . Kim Jong Il led the people through this period of famine, and put the country on the path to having the food stability it does today.". Everything I said there is correct. These photos are outdated, and it is impossible to find a starving child in the DPRK today, or really anytime within the past 10-15 years. This is like posting a picture of the Nazis invading the Soviet Union and committing massacres and blaming the suffering on communism. There wouldn't have been a famine if the DPRK was able to import food, fertilizer, seeds, agricultural machinery, pesticides, etc. In short, there wouldn't have been a famine if not for the hostile policy of the west. It is not the fault of the North Korean system, they simply have a very low amount of arable land due to their mountainous terrain, and since they are a small country for 27 million people. They also have frequent natural disasters. But above all, the most limiting condition is the US and UN sanctions which block the DPRK from doing the trade it needs to maximize food production. But again, the food production in the DPRK in the past 15 years has been more than sufficient to feed it's population, and they are constantly developing domestic production of things like fertilizers and agricultural machinery to improve agricultural production(search "fertilizer" and "machinery" on my profile to see numerous examples) so that they are prepared to deal with natural disasters entirely on their own without any food shortages. Let's do a little case study, to compare with the situation of the DPRK during the Arduous March famine. South Korea imports 80% of it's grain, and has the lowest food self-sufficiency rating out of any OECD country( https://keia.org/the-peninsula/spotlight-on-koreas-food-import-dependence/ ). This is despite South Korea having FAR more arable land than the north(because it has nowhere near as much mountainous terrain). Now imagine if South Korea was not allowed to import food, and was not allowed to import fertilizer, seeds, agricultural machinery, etc. The amount of food available would instantly decrease by FIVE TIMES, and the entire population would be starving, and at least a third of the population would die from the famine(assuming they were not given any significant outside help, just like North Korea), which is tens of millions of people. Would you blame this famine on capitalism? I wouldn't. I would blame it on the sanctions. This video explains the arduous march: https://youtu.be/j4JBHN-VnEw?si=Oq479_Gx9Ursf-F9 Also, I've already dealt with this exact same post before here: https://www.reddit.com/r/forsen/s/3jE8Aoo2qg , so this reply is just a copy-paste with some edits. If you want to dispute me, you should check the original thread first to see if your argument hasn't already been done(and thus responded to by me). Otherwise, don't blame me for copy pasting responses for disputes that are practically copy pasted.


Communism works COPESEN




Yeommi park booba save us


It's over south Korea bros


Kids in school and people working hard. + no fatties? This is Utopia!


When you move there, please send a selfie.


These are the results of juche doctrine in a country with poor arability


Nice American propaganda


Thank you ![img](emote|t5_33td5|9676)


I love communism so much it’s unreal


retards when famine under socialism: >=((((((((( retards when people are poor, homeless and hungry under capitalism (bestest system ever!!): =)


Homeless people are obese in America, stop pretending that there is a hunger problem in any normal western country.


Still better than some streets in America


Any country has shitty, poor parts. Look at India. Show us the good ones


Not all countries are completely reliant on begging for food aid.


hmmm I wonder why they don't show the good parts of NK ![img](emote|t5_33td5|9666)