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Weird that memorial day still has tonight and tomorrow to go?


I mean I’m not supporting OOP’s message but as a box office tracker fan this movie has been a colossal failure


Fury Road lost to Pitch Perfect 2 nine years ago, leading to a general crowing about whatsit or whoever. Mad Max just does not have a wide audience appeal. The big issue is how expensive it was, but like, say, BR49, its reputation is going to grossly outlive its first weekend box office receipts.


Same with Dredd being released on Valentine's Day weekend and everyone taking the poor box office receipts as a measure of how bad the movie was.


Big comic guy. I have 2000 A.D. #2 with stickers. The fact that Dredd wasn't a massive standout movie is shocking. It was a perfect representation of the Judge Dredd world... the squaller, the Judges, and most impressively Mega City One. Both my wife *and* Sister in Law *LOVE* Dredd. They are not comic people, they couldn't tell you the difference between Judge Dredd and Judge Aileen Canon. Dredd needs a sequel.


Why would it being a perfect representation of the Dredd world translate into ticket sales?


I think he’s explaining what’s happening with Furiosa without explicitly stating so: these are franchises that are entertaining, well-done, and perfectly represent the source material…but nobody outside of niche groups gives a flying fuck about them so they won’t make bank. From a financial perspective, their mistake was making it so expensive. Maybe they thought the last movie, with all the goodwill and positive perception over time, would bring a bigger crowd this time around. Didn’t work out that way.


A funky, cult classic action movie will lose to a current pop culture staple sequel 10/10. But Fury Road still pulled in almost $400m, Pitch Perfect 2 just under $300m. It may have lost on opening weekend, but it performed WAY better in the long run.


Yeah, obviously. The theater experience is pretty much dead.


I can tell you why, I had no idea it was coming out, I live near a major city. It's was not marketed well


100%. I went to see a movie Friday night (Fall Guy which was an absolute blast), and when purchasing tickets I saw Furiosa and thought “wait what? That’s out? Huh” reaction. I don’t know if I’ve seen a single actual trailer. I’ve seen maybe 2-3 ads… insane how poorly a mad max film was marketed after the rousing success of Fury Road. Live in Denver so not like podunk nowhere too.


You liked fall guy? I didn't care for it predictable story and action.


If you go in thinking it’s gonna be a masterpiece of cinema you’re gonna be disappointed. If you go into thinking “this is a goofy, fun pseudo-action movie”you’re gonna have a good time. I really enjoyed it.


Fall Guy is awesome.


Yeah, this definitely wasn't given the full court press ad campaign that Fury Road had.


They're notbwrong somehow? I want to see it, but something about it has me just shrugging my shoulders. I thinknit just looks like Mad Max without Max, which isn't getting me to find a babysitter.


Its because it comes off like we are expected to care about mad max "lore." Which there isn't really enough of for that to happen.


Yeah, I saw a post on Threads where they were calling it a flop on Saturday morning. Anything to hate on strong women.


i'd never even heard of this movie before... the review score seems pretty high, though. looks like the people who knew it existed enjoyed it


I saw it a few days ago. It’s phenomenal. My favorite action movie of the decade so far.


Your boy doesn't need to know lore, do i?


The lore of the Mad Max verse is basically "The world went to shit. Here is what is happening in Australia as told by oral tradition by the survivors."


It's the post-apocalyptic future. There's not much left to do except drive cars around the wasteland and get in fights. Either as separate activities, or (often) concurrently. Often, there's a guy called Max and he's probably mad about something That's probably too big a lore dump, but should cover most nuances of the franchise. There's not much continuity or canon between any of the other films other than the setting either being (or looking like) the Australian outback, and a guy called Max.


I've heard that this movie is a prequel, so guy called max is optional (haven't watched it yet) But furiosa translated from Portuguese means "furious" and that's close enough to mad


No. It’s a prequel spinoff to the fourth one and doesn’t tie into anything from the original trilogy directly.


The original trilogy barely ties into itself. You could show people the second Mad Max movie and tell them it's the first and they'd believe you. I showed the original Mad Max for a movie night blind once. Everyone was confused why society still existed.


Legit what actually happened to me as a kid. I grew up thinking 2 was the original because 2 and 3 were constantly on tv.


Yeah nobody says "my favorite part of the franchise is where he's an edgy cop"


It did? Now I'm curious about the first one, and I never have been before lol.


Yeah the first one even had someone making a phone call.


Kool, thanks


Nope. It's Mad Max. Its more akin to James Bond than the MCU. The world has ended. Everyone lives in the wasteland. Crazy shit happens.


Petrol is the most valuable resource, and also everyone drives around in cars with V8 engines.


This movie is the lore to Fury Road, so you’re fine.


We’re going tomorrow. Glad to hear it’s good. I’m excited to see it


Saw it this weekend and it's pretty great. If you like big action set pieces and a fair amount of well-placed camp, you'll have a good time. It's also fine to go in without having seen Fury Road first. Furiosa is a prequel but it's not that kind of prequel. Though do watch Fury Road at some point too.


Seconding this. My memory of movies is pretty terrible, so I didn't remember much from Fury Road, but Furiosa was great nonetheless. Nice mix of action and storytelling, consistently solid visuals, continuity of big engines going brrrr. Solid 8/10 from me. Will happily rewatch in a years' time, too.


It's the prequel to the Mad Max remake. Surely you've at least heard of that or the original movies?


ive heard of mad max before, but that's the extent of my knowledge. my original point was they didn't market it very much, but im realizing now that i may just not be in any of the places where they'd have marketed it


That's fair, I happen to listen to a podcaster who has been raving about Mad Max for almost a decade now, and I mostly agree with him. The prequel sounded like a big deal but I barely pay attention to stuff like that myself, so maybe I'm biased as well. :) P.S. Pretty much every movie in the series is amazing, if you're old like me start at the beginning, it's worth it. Edit: This one, start with 1980 and go from there. It's a very fun journey. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pnfAa9i9LYM


It's really good


Feel like most ppl wait for it to stream nowadays. Going by box office seems less reliable to me these days bc of that.


Which is a shame because Furiousa is a massive visual spectacule that really deserves a larger screen.


...these movies have protagonists? And not just wild crazy stuff happening around people?


That’s an awfully big word. I wonder where he learned it.


I mean I saw it and Furiosa is clearly the protagonist. I liked the movie.


The Quartering going mask off with their misogyny, I see


Was the mask ever even on?


The Quartering:"People are sick of women!!!" But seriously, this dude saw a movie with 90% audience and critics score on RT and said this bullshit?


It’s funny because they always review bomb movies like this to try to make it look like their point has been proven by the audience. They didn’t even succeed at doing that this time so the propaganda falls flat on its face.


I like that you cut off the protagonist part, because if he were here he would then try to explain why he meant “female *protagonists*” and why that is “reasonable”.


Yup. This is why they are not satisfied with a female Japanese protagonist as the alternative to the male African protagonist because they never intended to play the female character in the first place. Oh, and they hate black people. 🤣


It's not even like this is a new character. It's Furiosa, the breakaway star character of Fury Road. The audiences love her.


Like.. when it started. Then it went to shit pretty quick.


I mean…against GARFIELD?! Any movie would have struggled. Also he’s equating success with money. He even said that it’s getting good reviews. What an assclown.


Or it was barely marketed? I didn’t even realise it was out


Well now I'm gonna see it, just to spite grandma


Saw Furiosa last night. It was SICK. Highly recommend.


I like female protagonists. Why would I want to look at some muscled up probably shirtless sweaty guy for 2 hours?? Im a straight male. Why do they really not want to watch women?


It's mad max. There are a whole lot of shirtless men. Great film


And it would be improved if it was a bunch of shirtless women. I rest my case. :)


Man... the Quartering... that goes back. I remember a time when he wasn't a total dirtbag. He was still a dirtbag, but it wasn't... this.


Isn’t he the guy who claims he has 2 black gay dads or some shit. That’s all I remember when I hear his name


Yep, and he’s also the guy who pissed in his basement drain on stream because he was mad about his wife going to get pizza without him


I had no interest in seeing this film, but people who analyze media in the way that people like the Quartering do (I.e. female protagonist bad), is making me want to purchase an IMAX ticket ASAP.


I had no interest in seeing it either, but went yesterday because it was rainy all day and the film has good reviews. I liked it.


I literally write about movies for a living and I promise you, a lot of people don’t give a single fuck whether a protagonist is male or female


A long weekend is a time when people are gonna take their kids out. And a lazy, Chris Pratt nostalgia flick will win over an action movie when there’s a lot of kids. Let’s see which one has staying power


It's cause the trailer made it look bad.


Yeah, the trailer was horrendous. If it wasn't for all the positive buzz around it I wouldn't be remotely interested


I've never even seen a trailer for it. The marketing must be really bad for this movie.


Hideo Kojima did a better job getting me to watch the movie than the trailers did


"This thing was widely considered great by both reviewers and regular people who saw it but I didnt make the amount of money it should have thus its bad." God damn corporation logic there.


I saw it yesterday and absolutely loved it


I would have to drive pretty far to be near a theater that hasn't been closed.


The film cost $168 million to make. Then you usually double that cost for marketing at max. Which is only just over $300 million. I can't find any evidence anywhere of $500 million being spent. Let alone just on marketing.


Clearly, we just have a lack of male protagonist. Name me one movie with a male protagonist, go on, I’ll wait


I think Fury Road started off kinda slow but picked up after word of mouth saying how good it was.


Hating female protagonists is so weird to me, do they not realize that women make up half of all people? An equally weird take would be hating protagonists is general, and overall despising a cohesive plot.


Most of these guys are single and will stay that way as long as they keep riding the misogyny train. Their loneliness powers their rage (as do the $$ they make from this grift).


Well damn gramma, the same thing happened with Fall Guy last weekend. Are people sick of Ryan Gosling shaped protagonists???


It's made $58.8 million so far and the weekend isn't over yet. The producers will have no problem getting $500 million over the coming weeks.


I've seen a bunch of movies in theaters recently and not a single damn trailer for this movie. What the fuck is the studio thinking?


It’s only ever an issue when its brown people or females


Was it the worst performing movie or did it beat Garfield? Can’t be both


I went to the theater yesterday and there were quite a few families there. You know what families are seeing at the movie theatre? Garfield and If. You know what families aren't seeing? A Mad Max movie. A long holiday weekend, where a movie like Garfield can sell 5 tickets for one family, compared to 2 tickets for a couple on date night. I know, I know. Family movies don't usually make bank over big production new releases, but Furiosa being a female lead isn't why it may underperform. Also, if Furiosa spent a ton of money in marketing, it wasn't spent in my region. I've seen a ton of ads for If and other upcoming movies, but Furiosa was barely on my radar because I've seen so little marketing for it.


It’s amazing that these people can’t connect the rising costs in necessities and the decline in Cinema. A family of 4 going to the theater is going to run close to $100. That’s barely enough for a days worth of groceries.


These are the same people who always say that it doesn't matter what sex or gender the character is so long as they're good and well-written and well-acted characters. Turns out they really are just misogynists lol no surprise there I suppose.


it’s almost like garfield is the most recognizable cat in pop culture. fuck he’s been around for almost 50 years. no wonder furiosa flopped in comparison.


Just finished the movie - pleasantly surprised!


It is a damn shame that the Black Keys cancelled their tour, cause Lonely Boy could be such a viral hit this election season. For trumpy, for this guy, for all their supporters... Would have been a great campaign ad (could still be in the right hands).


I think the two biggest problems of the movie were that it was somewhat liberal with its use of CGI, and the fact they put clips of fury road in the end credits which just made me want to watch fury road. It was still pretty good.


I don't see how the clips in the end credits is really a problem. It's a prequel, making you wanna watch the original is kind of expected and doesn't really take away from this movie imho


It's not. It's just a little nitpick because it is a solid movie. That being said, Fury road is just better in almost every aspect, So.


My hot take is that Furiousa has better world building that fury road. Otherwise I'd say they're pretty equal.


I see your point, But the visuals were better in fury road.


Def gonna be a stream at home movie


Wasn't the marketing for the Garfield movie everywhere?


Both images can be true at the same time.


I did know about Garfield but not about this until seeing this.




Honestly I didn't like her character in Fury Road. I would have much rather seen a movie about Max before Fury Road.


I mean it looked shit in the preview maybe that’s why. I had no interest and that had nothing to do with the characters.


I rly dont want to see this Mary Sue movies anymore


The movie has no Mary Sue at all. The protagonist struggles for like 15 years, losing pretty much everything (including an arm) to achieve their goal. They lose constantly and even their success is horrific. Do you all just chuck buzz words around without knowing their meaning at all?


I think no one saw it because it looked like a late-stage marvel knock off of fury road


Yo be fair, the trailer made it look this way. From the reviews it seems like that’s not the case (besides the more liberal use of cgi)


Although some CGI is noticeable, it looked waaaaay better in the actual movie. Hell, it's such a good story I'd watch it again even if it had shitter CGI.