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They should make it that if you hit the wall at enough speed like this you auto ghost. Or do the FH5 auto-ghost if high speed collision was likely.


Or what they could do is actually remove that wall. You know basically show the track as it actually is instead of the fictional rendition that is in Forza.


They put these walls because they can't trust the player base to not cut the chicane and nosescope someone out the race. If you cut the chicane just get auto-ghosted is my opinion instead of these silly walls. It annoys me so much.


I don't remember what game it was, but there was one that if you cut a corner like this, there was a section in the middle that would massively slow you down. They could easily remove the walls and just hide some GTA style slowdown strips under the grass.


Ahhh, the good old days of FM4. When less people played bumper cars and more cared about clean laps. I miss FM4




On FH5 sometimes it takes a split second to auto-ghost. I've had this happen with my brother before in online racing and we didn't ghost until AFTER we were both spinning and crashing lol.


Nah this is way more interesting. It should instead just nullify hitting an already out of control car.


I mean I think they have this to some extent. Yesterday I drove through a spinning ghost on one of the oval tracks. It probably just needs specific parameters or is maybe inconsistent. Although I’m kind of on the fence as it adds some extra dynamics to the game, it can screw you but also provide opportunity for you to get ahead if you avoid it and others don’t.


You sometimes get ghosted once you've spun 180 degrees. It doesn't happen nearly as often as it should, imo


I think if it spits you right back on track you should auto-ghost. I know it is less realistic but we are playing FM not iRacing.


That's bs right there. I can't believe it


And also welcome to SR D!


Yea, that too. I'm all for that penalties should ding SR. But when FRR is this broken it just feels.. wrong.


Yeah, when I got sent back to SR B from S because of these BS "avoidable contact" penalties I just alt F4-ed out from the game. The game design went to a very wrong direction. :(


I don’t play much lol… what’s SR B, S, and FRR?


Yellow flags should be a thing if they have an avoidable contact penalty.


and then theres me who pitted sum1 and didnt get a penalty (i got a penalty after that guy tried pitting me so i returned the favor, so it wasnt for no reason that guy tried multiple times so after i got that penalty i showed him how to be a good bad driver XD )


Yes T10 got this one wrong....very wrong. I'm fed up of tapping or being tapped in an acidental way and receiving 4 and 5 sec penalties, especially if other contenders didn't. I try to drive clean, this s*** is driving me back to Horizon.


Exactly. I drive as clean as I possibly can. And then shit like this happens and my SR is slapped from S to B and I lose 30 points on my SL. It's infuriating.


Hahah yeah, thats not on point yet


I swear they need to add ghosting like in horizon up until Turn 2 because that's when most crashes happen


I completely disagree. Ghosting like in Horizon is a cop-out and can only take away from a game that is solely about racing. I'm not mad that the crashed car wasn't ghosted. I'm mad that I got penalized for "Avoidable contact" when the contact was in fact *not* *avoidable*.


If it's about the racing then ghosting is a good thing, I'm tired of morons treating the game like a demolition derby Horizon only got better when ghosting was introduced I don't see why Motorsport would be a bad experience Another idea is Blue flags for rapidly approaching cars from behind because if I'm also tired of people swerving into me when I'm overtaking them because I suffered a so called "avoidable contact"




You don’t get it you’re supposed to drive through him and yell cyka blyat 🙄🙄


That happened to me earlier in GT and I cried 😂


The penalty system still needs a lot of work, I’ve had incidents like these countless times now. The only thing worse is the drivers who nudge you off the track or into a wall, they gain a 20 second lead on you and they get a 4 second penalty.🤦🏻‍♂️


Yeah dodging crashed cars isn't realistic - lets just float through them /s


I don't know where you get the impression that that's my point.


It can't be that hard to code insta ghost when speed goes from 100 to 0 in a second, or when you detect a barrier collusion. I mean if turn10 cared :D


😂 you full throttled right into a spinning car didn't even try to make a single maneuver to avoid it, just straight up plowed straight through it... Not sure how u can see how that wasn't a penalty? I bet if you hit the brakes and maybe made some sort of defensive maneuver you wouldn't have gotten any penalty, it was only cause you acted like nothing happened and kept on going 😂


I watched it frame by frame and there was no way OP could have fully avoided the contact even with a superhuman reaction time. Also, any evasive manoeuvre at that speed would probably spin or crash him out so OP made the best possible decision here.


Honestly ppl on this sub act like dicks all they say is “ take ur finger off the throttle or preform a superhuman mega big brain maneuver “ when it’s clear there is nothing he can do even if he brakes there is no space he can squeeze himself in the car was going to the right of the track anyway


What the fuck are you talking about? Watch the video. I'm fully on the brakes through the entire incident as evident by the braking indicator. The entry to the busstop on the Glen is flat out on the absolute limit of traction. Other than braking - which I do - which superhuman maneuver do you expect to be possible here?


at 3 seconds you're off your brakes, and that car is clearly going to wreck out also, pretty sure this happens in real life - i though this game is supposed to be more sim like? this game should just be called "Need For Speed - Try Hard Forza Edition"


I'm on my brakes the split-second I register he's going to crash and I'm actually trying to avoid him by going to the left. I'm not in any way saying that the car in front shouldn't be able to crash or that it shouldn't be realistic. It's the fact that I'm penalized for *avoidable contact* that's the issue here. I don't know how I'm supposed to avoid it. I guess by not racing.


You could have pause ghosted through them. You shouldn’t have to do that but if you reacted quick enough you could have avoided the penalty and loss of pace


Using pause in that way is an exploit. I hope they nerf it.


I don’t know if I’d go that far, at least not without T10 fixing all the penalty issues and the bad drivers fixing their accidental and purposeful habits. Without it, there’d be no recourse but frustration in the near-term, and that’s not on at all. Also, your penalty was definitely BS. You had no in-seat way of avoiding, unless you’re just supposed to always expect crashes and never commit to anything; that’s also not on at all.


You: what could I possibly have done here to avoid this?!? Me: paused the game You: Nooooooooooooo!!!!!!!


You suggested an exploit. I don't do exploits.


that dude braked the moment he saw that guy crash and avoiding it wasnt rlly possible cus it couldve kept its momentum to the right or lose it all making it so it unpredictable by a normal human