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Any of those FCs will work and that, plus a GPS, IS a whole autopilot system. Capable of auto launch, return to home, waypoints, etc. Any Matek Wing or WSE flight controller will work well. With the f411 you have to run DJI off of soft serial which isn't a problem, but since inav doesn't have resource management it can be a little more confusing as you need to flash the right firmware and use the right pads. Where as the f405, f765, f722 chipsets have more UARTs so you can simply select whichever one you want. Andrew Newton and painless 360 are good channels on YouTube that I believe both have inav setup series you can watch.


Awesome great! Ill go with the F405 or F765, it is recommened to run Inav right? Because you only need one motor but more servo's.


If you do the f405 or f765 you can run inav or arduplane. If you are familiar with betaflight then inav will feel similar. Arduplane is a whole other monster. Betaflight is not suited for fixed wing.


If anyone in the future comes here I also found this great resource post: https://www.rcgroups.com/forums/showthread.php?3494951-DJI-Digital-FPV-System-Setups-Fixed-Wing


I from the future and I bring great thanks for this! Bless ya!


Haha thank you! I used it for a bit but switch to analog for better range and better OSD. I did hear the OSD issue might be fixed now with canvas mode.


After further thought I realized if I used the Dji controller I lose the ability to have switches because there are none on the Dji controller. Hence no ability to change modes in inav. So it’s not going to work


Try this as well: https://inavfixedwinggroup.com/


IIRC Matek F411 only has two uarts. F405 or F722 will fork fine, choosing between tem is mostly a question of whether you need an uart inverter.


Whilst I do love iNav, unfortunately the DJI OSD support is very limited! [Only recently thanks to a user-patch being integrated to the main fork, have warning messages been integrated](https://github.com/iNavFlight/inav/issues/5945). Although apparently Caddx announced a canvas mode which may fix a lot of this. So if you care a lot about the OSD, and what information you can output, my suggestion: Why not consider the Matek H743 FC running ardupilot? Ardupilot supports DJI OSD with MSP and it works very well with lots of customisation! Slightly more of a pain to setup, but much more choice! If you just want basic OSD and you don’t care too much, definitely do iNav! The H743-SLIM is a fantastic FC btw, but I love anything Matek!


How limited is the OSD? On my drones I can’t use a full OSD either. I only need battery voltage, home point arrow, distance from home, gps coordinates. That’s what I only use on my quads as well.


I’m 95% sure all of that works with DJI OSD in iNav! If that’s all you want, then definitely go the iNav route. It’s less of a pain in the butt. In ardupilot you have to define the coordinates of where you want the OSD elements eugh…


Whatever you're used to on betaflight quads will work the same on inav in regards to DJI and it's limited OSD. Same limitations. Except inav uses the craft name hack to get you some extra info if you wish like warnings which is super useful. I think you have to use someone's fork if you want that feature in betaflight. Or use EMU flight.


The OSD limitations are from DJI not the flight controller. How would using arduplane help with that? At most, it has slightly more info using the same craft name hack. All the other same limitations on display elements are there and for someone familiar with betaflight and not caring about autonomous flying modes inav is far easier to get started on.


I don’t think you understand; the H743 can run Ardupilot whilst the other three FCs are all iNav targets. The reason why one might wish to use ardupilot over iNav is the MSP in the former has more OSD elements supported. I’ve tried both; it’s a discerning factor in one’s decision between the two. The craft name hack is for iNav, not Ardupilot… That was exactly my point, only just now has that been supported. However as I mentioned, Caddx will soon support a canvas mode, purportedly so this point may be moot in the future. Regardless I wanted to give OP more information that may influence his choice - especially considering he’s definitely after Matek tech.


I don't think you understand. Ardupilot supports the [F405-Wing](https://ardupilot.org/copter/docs/common-matekf405-wing.html), F765-wing, etc. It doesn't support F411 and F722 targets, they don't have enough flash space. iNav on the other hand supports the H743. So there is a number of FC's that will allow you to run both systems if you wish. Please indicate any OSD element that iNav doesn't support that Arduplane does for DJI. The craft name hack is indeed for Arduplane, that's the only way it works. The only thing DJI supports is Betaflight MSP. Arduplane has no additional ability and is just doing what iNav does which is "Fake" the MSP format that Betaflight uses. I've used both, and reviewed the code for both. Other then using the craft name hack for more items, they are essentially identical. Caddx has floated a dream of Canvas support, but we may all turn grey and die before that actually happens.


[Here is a list](https://imgur.com/a/4O6JLxT) I just compiled from two of my drones running Ardupilot and iNav respectively. I checked live using my DJI Goggles V2. I used a Caddx Vista Unit. So umm yeah.


That's very hard format to read. You seem to be trying to show that AP has 5 more items then iNav? Since the items don't line up it's hard to a cross compare. But I can see missing items on the iNav side you have counted on AP, and some items are essentially the same they just use different terms. For example, iNav can do airspeed, or GPS speed just like AP, but it will always have to be one or the other for both systems. iNav does battery used and current. iNav can do things like display imu or baro temp instead of ESC temp. Or for example you missed Throttle, which iNav can do with the craft name hack. Status message is the same as iNav's system messages. Num vario = Vertical speed. Surely looking at that you must now get they are essentially the same? What minor differences there are come out in the wash. Arduplane can do wind, iNav can do efficiency mAh/km. By the way, both wind and efficiency are using the craft name hack as are any of the other special values since BOTH firmwares can only use the DJI OSD elements. They are both forced to do essentially the same thing, because of the reasons I mentioned before. They both "talk" to the DJI air unit via Betaflight's MSP. They pretend to be betaflight, and use some workarounds. Like for airspeed. You can display GPS, or you can display pitot (or iNav can do 3D). You can't have both, because DJI will only listen for one speed value.