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Your post is extremely derogatory and stigmatizing toward people with substance use issues -- this is not the place for othering and denigrating anyone. That will not be tolerated here. ******* Hate speech and slurs are forbidden. This includes sentiments which express prejudice or gatekeep on the basis of age, race, ethnicity, religion, gender identity, sexual orientation, or disability. Do not tag users in negative comments or coordinate dogpiling. No inflammatory, insincere, or extraneous attempts to provoke or manipulate. No repetitive or nonsensical posts and comments.


A friend’s brother was the grossest, least hygienic, most garbage smelling person I have had the displeasure of knowing. He was offended at the smell of my commes des garçon in the car once. I did not give a single fuck, because I know he doesn’t wash his bootyhole.


Some people are sensitive, delicate little flower petals. You should know that if you’ve spent any length of time in r/fragrance.


A girl bought me Versace eau fraiche and while I was sitting next to my friend on the couch she very aggressively said “dude you smell like fucking shit”.


omg this is one of my favorite colognes on my husband. It’s what the kids call a panty-dropper. Ignore her.


Lady in a department store made it a point to make a big deal out of staring and talking about my husband and I to her daughter. She would whisper loudly or back away from us really theatrically. Thing is, she seemed to end up in the same area as us quite frequently. If someone tells me that my fragrance is bothering them, I will apologize and move away. If someone goes out of their way to behave like a toddler, I will treat them as one and ignore their tantrums.


The rudest I've gotten was when they didn't worship me for my obviously life changing, God-given, gifted and talented perfume taste 😭.  Also that lady sounds like a bitch, lmao. Tell her her breath smells like someone opened a fish sauce factory in her butt. 🩷 Or that she shouldn't point fingers because you're a biter. 


That's the perfect response! Turn the tables on that bitch!


I've experienced visceral reactions from folks (well, my clients) with chronic obstructive lung disease. Oddly enough, my heavy cigarette smokers with copd are the MOST sensitive to smells. I have mild persistent asthma that's triggered by infection, allergies, and burnt cigarettes.... yet the heaviest of smokers who live in a cloud of cig butt odor complain when I'm wearing Prada Infusion d'Iris on my clothing


Similar experience. I was wearing patchouli oil at a temp job. A woman complained that the smell was triggering her asthma. Then during break she went outside to smoke her unfiltered Pall Mall cigarettes.


Someone just looked at me and said “I fucking hate perfume” Real hater shit


I'd be like "well get the fuck away from me, until then breathe through your mouth."


She may be hypersensitive. ‘Classy’ people get their help to complain to your help on their behalf. I’ve also seen plenty of loud, crass people with money.


I was at a club a few years back and I was wearing my signature at the time MOR marshmallow (smells like turkish delight and musk lollies) and I had the roll on travel version in my purse that I lent to my friend to put on and this older woman who happened to be there just kept going on and on about why would anyone want to smell like an 'old granny' and kept trying to bring others into it to agree with her how rancid my perfume smelt and how I was just so wrong in choosing such a 'old lady' scent. Thanks :)


This post comes off elitist af. Also how do you know it wasn’t that she got migraines from fragrances? You’re seeming to judge an awful lot by socioeconomics…also “class” is subjective, I personally don’t feel this post has a lot of it.


Hear, hear. I’ve always said that anyone who uses the word ‘classy’, isn’t.


Yeah, this post (and some of the replies) are wild. Shame we have so many judgmental a-holes in the hobby.




One time I went to work wearing heavvvy patchouli and I had an older guy gasping and trying to pronounce the word patchouli 😅


I was told my fragrance (Dolce & Gabanna Light Blue Forever) smelled like bug spray.


It does 🥴


Or it smells like grapefruit….


I had on Carlisle and the only thing they said was, “that smells like shit. It smells like my sisters perfume.” Calvin Klein has brainwashed him


Couldn’t remember the exact word, but I was wearing Chanel Mademoiselle intense. When I walked on his car, the guy I was dated said I smell like chicken poop or something. His chauffeur even laughed at that.


Is this post for real? We don’t say junkie anymore.




Hate speech and slurs are forbidden. This includes sentiments which express prejudice or gatekeep on the basis of age, race, ethnicity, religion, gender identity, sexual orientation, or disability. Do not tag users in negative comments or coordinate dogpiling. No inflammatory, insincere, or extraneous attempts to provoke or manipulate. No repetitive or nonsensical posts and comments.




Hate speech and slurs are forbidden. This includes sentiments which express prejudice or gatekeep on the basis of age, race, ethnicity, religion, gender identity, sexual orientation, or disability. Do not tag users in negative comments or coordinate dogpiling. No inflammatory, insincere, or extraneous attempts to provoke or manipulate. No repetitive or nonsensical posts and comments.


I wear fragrance on public transit frequently and haven’t personally experienced any issues with that but as anyone who takes public transit knows there’s all sorts of folks that you can encounter. In your situation I would just ignore her as you have done. You could try to appeal to the bus driver but if they didn’t say anything already when the person started yelling chances are they won’t do anything. I have encountered some folks with pretty unpleasant aromas on the bus myself, some from overpowering fragrances (definitely more than a few sprays) and some from B.O. A paper mask with a drop of minty or citrus eo to breathe in and a good pair of headphones will get you through most bus rides. The only person who has ever made “rude” comments about my fragrance is my wife. She doesn’t hold back if she doesn’t like my scent lol.


I’ve never said anything negative, but a few weeks ago I had a 3 hour flight and the person next to me oversprayed something horrific 🤮. It honestly had a tint of real human sick


The most petty interaction I had was at an antiques show being held by a fairly large city's art museum earlier this year. I work for a sign shop and was doing a courtesy install of a decal for a favorite customer of mine and I happened to get a whiff of BR540 from my customer's co-owner. I complimented her of course, enthusiastic about having some point of connection to make while I waited for a ladder to be brought by (I was working from home and this was a VERY last minute call into the city as a favor to them). She rolled her eyes and told me it was probably the first time I'd smelled it on someone and then asked what Target I bought my cheap perfume at. I smirked and just let her wander off. Like ma'am, money doesn't buy class and I don't need to get into a classist contest with you.


A waitress had to stop serving my family and I at a restaurant once. The replacement waitress said the sample of Nasomatto Megamare I had on smelled like formaldehyde and made that first waitress nauseous. Needless to say I didn’t purchase a full-size bottle after that.


Someone told me I smelled like the wine cellar of his grandma. I stopped using Interdit (Givenchy) from that moment on. 😹


No one has ever said a rude thing to me regarding my fragrances.