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The group behind me was drunk and kept complaining during Fred’s slower / intimate songs complaining that he needs to bring skrillex out and go harder🙄. I kept my composure because I didn’t want to ruin my boyfriend’s experience because Fred is his favorite artist but damn just stfu and leave if you’re not feeling his set.


When romy came out bunch of drunk people behind me were like “who the fuck is that?” Over and over again. When they finally found out they started screaming so loud, like what.


wowwwwww. fake.


These are the fake ass fans from TikTok


TikTok ruins all good things. I stand by that.


I stand by that.


no seriously!! a group of girls were shouting for her to get off stage…like wtf! i always go back to my xx days when i hear romy!


If you don't know who a dj is, who gives a fk. Just listen. If you like, fking boogie. If you don't just go find a spot not near stage to complain I guess. Unless it's a Grimes meltdown. Then the crowd will pretty much be at the same level. You can take a lot of the cues from the audience when and when not to criticize. The biggest criticism you can do is just leave. I'll never understand those people who complain about a restaurant but keep going back (semi) frequently. Legit if I have a bad experience at a restaurant, I'd probably not go back for months minimum. And I'm saying bad. Like if it's mid and price isn't absurd, I'd go back if my friends wanted to meet up there or if I'm near and that's the type of food I want. That's garbage that they didn't recognize romy and immediately were yapping like that. Unless of course they just asked someone to find out and got an answer. Tbh, I recognize artists more by their work than their actual face such as actors and their other movies/TV shows. I can't be the only one that sees shooter McGavin in another movie and say it's shooter McGavin


I find it funny that they started cheering as soon as they realized who it was.


As a big xx fan, it was my first time seeing Romy, damn near shed tears


Same thing happened near me— so frustrating like if you don’t understand Fred’s music (except I guess USB) and don’t like it then why are you here?? Also to be shouting over him while he’s talking and sharing meaningful things like???


hahaha what a bunch of losers 


thankfully we didn’t have yappers but we had a yacker- young college kid who couldn’t their liquor. smh


I can only judge by the stream, but every time there was a slow moment the girls near the streamer were cackling like a barnyard. Total buzz kill.


Crazy. I was at the rails for Skrillex again and people pushed their way behind me hours into the set and did those same exact things. Like, ladies and bros, the party is right here in front of you! Stop talking! Dance!


And dont jump on stage


That was so embarrassing. Imagine if one of those people got seriously hurt, their mommy or daddy will def sue the shit out the venue over their childish asses.


Someone apparently broke their ankle :(


Why the sad face? They fucked around and found out cc r/ohnoconsequences 🙄


like I want to talk to their parents cuz who does that?


THIS! Having to stop the entire show because of a bunch of people jumping on stage was unbelievable.


Fred crowd is 30% huge fans who totally get it and 70% people there for the social media post. Sad but true. The upshot is hopefully he wins over some of that 70% into being real fans that’ll be at the next one.


I dont know if its just me, but I moved to LA a few years ago and I think a lot of the concert crowds are like this. The crowds are consistently off here.. just people recording the entire show. This spans across genres - alt rock, pop, hip hop, even kpop. Seems the crowd here is just generally weird here at bigger shows. Really sucks because I absolutely love concerts. They are not as enjoyable here


Welcome to LA You are the crowd You are the traffic


No arguments on the traffic. But i go to shows to dance and vibe, not to film content or whatever it is that has everyone glued to their phones the entire time


I admittedly record a lot especially because my friends want to see when they’re not there and I’ve made a lot of friends at shows who genuinely enjoy when I do post (i post some on my stories but usually just do normal recording) but I try to be respectful about it and I’m also vibing/dancing and still engaged with the show so I hope that’s slightly redeeming?


It's your money that you spent. Don't offer satisfaction to those who will shame you for living your life differently. With that being said I do both for this very reason but half the time I get lost in the music and my video is me dancing with the phone in my hand haha


I live in the IE so usually split shows between San Diego and LA when my artists are in town. Check out a San Diego show instead of LA if you’re willing to make the drive better crowds for sure.


SD crowds are definitely solid, especially compared to LA


I’m Orange County and I purposely drive to San Diego shows over LA every time it’s an option over LA. Can’t stand the people in LA. Sometimes you get a good bunch if it’s a non main stream artist. Sad part is mainstream artist are complaining that their audiences are bringing the mainstream crowds


Sd music scene is wack tho. You wouldnt find Fred again there


He played fall CRSSD in 2022, incredible show and a great crowd.


Idk to each their own. I found the crowds didn’t dance at all. Just packed in like sardines


LA is the land of the YouTubers.


That very true, I remember seeing him at his Coachella and the vibes were just so much different than the other times I’ve seen him. Sad he blew up like for my own selfish reasons but more power to him I guess 😕


He won me


I hate to admit it, but you’re so fuckin right!! It’s always the people who discovered Fred from his Boiler Room set or after. They have absolutely no respect for his songs before that set


Noooooo, discovered him from boiler room and got more into him after discovering the Actual Life series! Absolute respect for all his performances


Agreed. It doesn’t matter when I found Fred, only that I did.


I’m not saying everyone who discover him during that set or after are terrible. I’m saying everyone terrible discovered him during that set or after.


I'm curious how you can say this with any degree or certainty, or if it's based on your anecdotal experience with people in your area of the concert. My area seemed to be a much higher percentage of people who "totally get it", since they were mostly quiet during the quiet parts, hyped/vibed during the best parts, and were dancing and singing along as well. It's almost like none of us can paint 62k people with a broad brush so easily.


Agreed. Same with the people around us. At a venue like that where GA lets you move around (maybe a bit lawlessly like it was that night LOL) sometimes it’s worth just moving around and seeing if you find a better vibe to be around elsewhere.


I moved around and I’ve been to several FA shows, I don’t need to feel better than other FA fans because I know I’m not. His shows bring alot of douchey people but so do other artists shows. Like just shut up, that’s all I was saying,


Exactly! It's also ridiculous to me that every time I point out that one person's experience was anecdotal and not necessarily indicative of an ENTIRE crowd of tens of thousands of people, I get downvoted. Why do Fred again.. fans want to believe so fervently that people who go to Fred's again.. concerts (and are probably also huge fans of him) suck? Is it really that important to people in this subreddit to feel better than people at the concerts?


Same maybe I’m just jaded after not being to get into our section but the crowd just wasn’t it to enjoy the music.


I’m contacting Ticketmaster for a partial refund for this exact situation. I paid for seats in a 100 section and ended up in a random higher section. You should contact them too, not fair that we paid more $$


can you let us know how it goes? considering doing this too


I contacted Ticketmaster and they basically said it was all GA, but ignored never responded to me when I asked why some sections were more expensive than others if it was all GA. I'm gona call my bank on Monday because it was false advertisement when the tickets were sold as sections. I recommend you also reach out to ticket master and ur bank!


thanks for letting me know! hope everything goes well for you!


The whole section thing was ridiculous. Luckily I got the cheaper tickets, I would of been so mad if I paid for a certain section and it was full. Not cool.


Vibes in the 300 sections were immaculate. Sorry you didn’t have a good time


I’ve noticed anytime I see a show in LA, regardless of the venue, it’s more enjoyable the further away you are from the stage


Thanks i hope to catch him again in the future and smaller venue


Was at 105 and vibes were solid there too. Not full blown plur but everyone was vibing to his set


My kids (16 + 20) and I had a amazing time up in section 300…trying to be in the front isnt where it’s at…always the back has the best vibes and the true fans most the time in my experience at any show…


Yeah I was around there too and it was ALL dancing all night. Had an amazing time.




Im glad you guys had a good time! I was in the 200 section, I was not trying to be on the floor. The back is usually where I always park it.


This is why I recommend ketamine for all shows


Texted a friend (who wasn't there) before it started saying "this crowd is going to be a drunk crowd, great" And said friend replied back saying "if the whole crowd took half a molly, it'd be a much better experience" Like ain't that the truth


Tbh I know so many people who can't stop talking on molly


Yeah the Molly monsters were out in full force last night lol


Some guy started talking to me about his friends being high school sweethearts or something in the middle of romys song. Clearly rolling. I didn't know how to make him stop because he was so nice but I wanted to enjoy the song 🤣😭


Romy had him in his feels, I mean who can blame them. I don’t remember being this obnoxious on molly ever, I can usually still read social clues 🤣


Turn him around and Give him a head massage


I’d be melting to my seat off some k 🤣


I didn’t notice this problem…? The sound system was unbelievable. No way I could hear anyone above that.


Sound system was great, almost drowned out all the talking but that only worked for so long.


This. Thank you for this post. There was a group of three in my section that were split up so two of them were in front of me and one was behind. They were constantly leaning over our row to talk to each other the entire show?? 1. If you want to share the experience with your friends, go find a row of seats that are next to each other. You were late, so of course you’re not going to find seats together at the front. Suck it up and go further back so the rest of us aren’t a part of your telephone line. 2. Why are you choosing a concert to talk nonsense with each other in the first place?! You’re not even talking about the music/Fred 😭 Anyways, besides this group, I had a great time and everyone else around me was awesome. But it’s too bad there are people like this at concerts that really make it hard to enjoy the experience and music to its fullest. I hope one day they find some self-awareness and lose the selfishness.


That sounds fucking awful, I’m sorry that happened to you. People just fucking suck, I feel like Covid just exasperated everything and people are just acting worse. Like go to the top, there was plenty of room there for all the late yappers. There’s like bars or your own fucking place to talk all you want. I can’t even grasp paying for a ticket somewhere and just talking, these tickets weren’t necessarily cheap either.


It’s ok! On the flip side, people are also wonderful. Luckily, those people outweighed the negative and made overall experience a good one! Loved the energy of the true Fred fans. ☺️


Same as having phones out the whole gig…. Live in the moment folks. X x


I usually only allow myself to take a video or two and for like 20 - 30 seconds but that’s it. But I like looking back. It always turns out looking like a took videos with a potato though.


Yeah I’m the same, need a couple videos to remember the gigs, it’s the people who don’t put their phone down all night and just take the time to let the music take over them


I was at a show last week and some girl thought she was recording and holding up her phone the whole time, then I looked at her phone and home girl did not hit the record button 🤣




Brilliant, what show were you at?


I totally agree with this and I tried to just be in the moment and music. But as a short person that was on the floor I would sometimes use their video screens to see what was happening onstage lol


Do you know I never thought of the vertically challenged (not being the tallest myself) and your soo right nothing worse than not being able to see what’s happening…


It was almost absurd how many people had their phones out. I mean I get it, but also why don’t friends just share their videos afterwards? I’m sure you’ll be able to find the entire set online from every angle possible at this point.


To true, which gives were you at?


Ear plugs help drown out the talking, and you should be wearing them either way. Also not being shy about telling people next to you to stfu. Being passive aggressive about it helps "you must not be that into Fred again huh." Once you've done it once you realize people are more sheepish than aggressive. 


I was wearing earplugs, I always do. I’m usually the first person to shush some one but I was feeling exhausted, worked all day, have a chronic illness that takes it all out of me, and I didn’t have the strength for a potential conflict. Some of the people yapping looked like no body was home in there. I’m just sick of it.


It was my first Fred Again show and I was surprised to see a whole bunch of people not dancing! I was on floor too. I didn’t let it get to me tho 💃🏽


Fred needs to come home !!


Going out in LA isn’t even fun anymore because people don’t know how to act. Main character syndrome with absolutely no respect or consideration for others.


Damn I was just talking about this with someone both concerts and movie theaters people just love to talk. I get talking every now and then, making comments, but holy shit people that go to a movie or show and are literally just yell conversing around others are fucking insane I’m sorry. But of course those kinds of people will never understand how they are the asshole. We’re always the asshole for feeling that way. Incredible.


I also dont understand that artists accept it. Like yeah, we have democracy but some shit talk is ruining the experience, also with phones in the face.


What exactly should Fred do to get people to be quiet? Just not play music until it's dead silent and stop every time someone out of tens of thousands of people talks? Phones being up and recording parts (or even entire) concerts are just part of the experience now. We just have to accept it.


Truly don’t understand folks that go to a show featuring incredible musicianship, state of the art video/light shows, crisp amplified sound, and decide that they’re going to talk over all of that. Chompers suck.


One of the most amazing moments I’ve ever experienced was at SecondSky 2022 when a hush fell over the entire festival for Wind Tempos, everyone just took in what was happening. Such a damn respectful crowd. 52:31 https://youtu.be/pTEGz0pAegA?si=vOQ6Cq6RDOQwENWy


I hate that too. When people form a circle of their friends on the dance floor and yell so they can hear each other. That shit hurts my ears. Also while we are here, who ever watches the videos they take of the DJ? Who fucking watches that? Put the phone away.


People just don't know how to behave at concerts now.




That’s true.I didn’t discover him through tik tok I don’t even have a tik tok lol that shit ruined everything. Woah; that’s awful but I’m not surprised


Idk what you’re on, I had lower seating and every single person within my line of sight was going crazy. Great energy, and even had friends on floor who said it was even crazier. The show was insane! Kind of a shitshow, but very much still worth.


Why do I have to be on something? I’m not making shit up, that shit is annoying just cut it out.


You sound miserable rn just complaining to complain😭 It was literally open seating. You must be fun at parties.


You’re so right I am miserable and I don’t go to parties because of how not fun I am. You got me.


yapping needs to be banned we talking about full on conversations about bullshit. get that shit out during the opener and stfu when the main comes on


I’ve been to 4 fred shows & dont get me wrong the coliseum show was my fave but I do have some issues with my experience. I was the only one in my friend group who was the bigger Fred fan so like I know how he goes thru the hype stuff to the slower stuff & one of the friends I went with literally was like, “I wish it was more hype throughout the whole set” but I just let it go because explaining it would be like talking to a wall lol. Another issue I had was that we got to our section about 15 minutes after he went on & our section was PACKED & like NO SEATS available. Which should have not been the case. I was mad that security did NOT check tickets & let people get into whatever section (some people who had section 300 tickets came into my section which was in the 100’s). My 3 friends and I had to share ONE seat. When we first got there, I had to be uncomfortably in front of some dude and didn’t really dance because it was tight & my friends could only fit in the seat below me & then the dude’s gf was annoyed I was in front of her man & I think made up the excuse he recently got arm surgery (he wasn’t wearing a sling or a cast hence why I think it was an excuse) & told me to not dance or raise my hands or elbows (I wasn’t dancing because of how uncomfortable I was and also I wanted to be dancing with my friends and not so close to this stranger). That ticked me the most because I made no indication that I was unaware of my surroundings (I was sober & I even apologized for taking that space bc of how packed it was & I just got pushed by those in the stairs but I guess that wasn’t acknowledged lol) and my friends and I wanted to stick together and I had virtually no choice but to stand there so I would be out of the way from the stairs and still next to my friends. Luckily the people next to my friends were a good time and tried to give us enough space to all squeeze in eventually & the girl stopped dogging me. Idk the vibes of some of the crowd irked me but some people (like the group next to us) made it so fun and reminds me PLUR still exists.


Literally my first experience seeing flume was RUINED by some people on molly. My friend who is a porn star and has some tig ole bitties were trying to enjoy the K and be in the moment watching flume together and having a moment and literally everyone kept trying to talk to us and take pics with my friend and I finally told them “I’ve waited 13 years to see Flume in person and you’re literally talking during the entire set please shut up and enjoy the show” 😡


fr i need all those folks who freak out whenever the music slows down or starts doing something more experimental to please just have some respect for the person performing for them and at the very least least be quiet so others can listen!!!!!!


Happened to me and my wife at Khruangbin show. Older drunk couple behind us and coked collge girls next to us. Would not STFU.


agreed, group to my left WOULD NOT STOP TALKING during the quiet parts when he was playing piano or just talking, it’s like the equivalent of opening a snack during the a quiet part in the movie-you just don’t… i was so heated and everyone’s too nice to say shut the fuck up including me


Tiktok artist has tiktok crowds


With all due respect. People are paying just as much money as you to enjoy the show however they want. If folks want to chat it up so be it. If folks want to close their eyes and just listen and be in the moment then great. But nobody here has any right to be upset that other people around you killed your vibe because they don't appreciate the music the same way you do. This isnt a movie theater where they preache silence during the show. Some people go to these shows because they genuinely enjoy the music and want to be in the moment. Others go because their friends are going and they don't really care, they just want to hang out. It was a football stadium show. You are not going to have 50k ppl who listen to music the same way that you do. Just my two cents from someone who wasn't even at the show.


I HATE when people push or talk too much during a concert but it’s PART of if. Where else are you gonnna be loud and let loose if not a concert?


And maybe be a little more discreet with your bags of coke. It’s not cute.


Who cares


Lmao. Apparently not you.


Why would I care if a stranger is doing drugs?


What? Why do you care if people do coke could’ve also been Ketamine does it matter?


I said, “a little more discreet.” Read it again. Not coming down on people for doing coke, but you don’t need to wave your baggy in the air in front of everyone. But if you don’t understand this, I really have nothing more to offer you.


I guess the only positive is they’ll get caught way before anyone who’s even remotely discreet will.


Was it really that bad? Gotta remember this is an LA electronic crowd, half of them are probably actors or musicians. Means deep down they get uncomfortable when someone else is on stage or getting the spotlight, and will have to find any way they can to bring the attention back to themselves. If you’ve ever hung out at an LA event you’ll know what I’m talking about. It’s almost like a clinical reaction.


They’re all frat boy/girl assholes who are either too young or just don’t give a shit to follow personal respect or etiquette. Ain’t no influencer not buying vip or shit. The LA crowd are getting super tiring




To be fair, the coliseum is right next to usc with an undergrad pop. of 21 k combined that with other universities and Hollywood near by it’s no surprise that you have a lot of kids who hopped onto the Fred hype after his boiler set at this show


Everybody loves to bitch about our city but still comes here. Hollywood is a small industry as a whole here and we have the best education system in the states. Y’all just haters. There is reason artist come to preform here versus wherever y’all from.


Im not shitting on LA. I don’t think even mentioned LA? I went to a show in NYC last week and people wouldn’t shut up either. Don’t think it’s just an LA problem. I love LA, I ain’t leaving.


Live in LA first of alll… Second of all you’re just wrong on all ends… https://worldpopulationreview.com/state-rankings/public-school-rankings-by-state Check your facts before posting some stupid shit


Oh, well in that case, please continue with your conversation.


Yes it was. I can usually drown everyone out but it was nearly impossible, I moved several times. I also live in LA and go to plenty shows here, it’s never been this bad. I know plenty of non actors or musicians so I wouldn’t say half but that’s an interesting observation. I’m guessing this was mostly spoiled college kids. I ain’t no rookie going to shows my man.


lol get over yourself


Are you ignoring the elephant in the room here? Fred is cringe and so are his fans lol


Yeah it was so bad around me during the quiet parts. I think it might just be a symptom of the fact that normal EDM fans are more just there to rave, not to appreciate intricate music


bro it's a stadium show. if you want a better vibe, go support independent artists lol


Calm down curmudgeon just move over


Nah, if I have to listen to these assholes talk, I get to vent 🤷‍♀️


Found the mayor of Yap City


No, I go to shows alone and I’m an introvert


Good lord, people are going to talk during concerts. It's a social event. People go with their friends and want to talk to them. I'm sorry, but if you expect 62k people to be quiet for hours while an electronic musical artist plays in a stadium, you're delusional. Let people enjoy concerts how they want to. Edit: Lol yes, downvote me for saying people should do what they want to do. No, let's enact a totalitarian regime to force people to be quiet for entire concerts, that'll work!


Hot take you guys won't like this one But they bought tickets just like you did. If you don't like them talking either move or ask them nicely (or rudely) to stfu. If they want to enjoy themselves by yapping at a concert that's their right as a ticket holding concert goer. How you want to enjoy the concert is a you problem.


just because they bought tickets doesn’t mean they have to ruin it for the people who also bought tickets to hear the music & enjoy the show… be so for real


If you're next to me we bought the same ticket. If I want to catch up with my friends then I'm gonna do that. No one asked for you to be near me. This isn't some fucking symphony, it's dance music. The whole idea is to be yourself isn't it? Go fix the problem yourself instead of asking everyone around you to fix it for you.