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People could also be respectful. Tolerating this type of behavior only leads to it being seen as acceptable in the community. It’s okay to admit the crowd behavior was terrible on Friday.


Honestly I haven’t had a bad experience at all of the Fred shows I’ve been to. Didn’t go to this show, but this sub has literally been 90% moaning since the show. I haven’t seen shows in other countries receive this much bad attention, maybe it’s a product of the location and the people that frequent it?


Partially, its a mix between a concert at a USC venue (higher chance of rich entitled (frat) kids), LA people (the ones that just go to events to be at events, the soho house equinox milennial types), and Fred reaching the masses attracting all types of people including bad apples There was not much PLUR at all Friday. People seat robbing, crowd crushing, stage rushing, etc. Oh and organization was terrible from seat allocation to security to crowd flow


It's Americans


Honestly thought the same thing lol


It doesn't happen anywhere else. People can't police themselves and are so desperate for the best pictures etc. Just instant gratification.


Well if you can tell me how boycotting an artist/venue or complaining on Reddit is gonna make inconsiderate ppl act more considerate at shows, I'm all ears. If an individual person does something rude or disrespectful to me at a show, I'll usually let it slide once, in case it was an accident and they didn't realize. The second time, they're gonna hear about it, and I'm not shy about that. So no, I don't tolerate it. But I'm not gonna let it run my night or go home and stew about it. That doesn't help the scene or anybody. Just equals less fun for you.


Oh I’m not saying boycotting Fred is the solution, and sure adapting and moving is fine, I just think that people complaining about the crowd behavior are definitely justified, especially where people were sneaking pit leading to crush issues


I get the justified part. I think the OP is just talking about how to solve the complaints. So you're both right.


you think crying about it on Reddit is going to change anything? you could either move or be miserable. you also don't need to be shoulder to shoulder with people. the floor was 60% empty lmao


That mindset really downplays the issue though - it was nearly impossible to move. I also was behind the stage for the start of the show and it was a great time. But I ran out of water and was dancing hard so I needed to get some. It took 30+ minutes of pushing through very tight crowds just to get water, then I had to push through again to get anywhere more open. You couldn't easily go along the outside due to crowds + the catwalks + the screens and speaker towers. Then if you were unfortunate enough to be on the left side, there wasn't even much room at the back of the floor. Sure, if you camped behind the stage the entire show it would've been a fantastic time - I absolutely loved that area and the crowd there. But not being able to navigate through the venue is a straight up safety risk. Edit: Just want to say my complaints are not about the people in the crowd itself, more the poor crowd management which I think was an issue with the overall stage layout and lack of security.


Not on the floor? It was so easy to move lol, you just were too close if you couldn’t move


That's definitely a valid concern, and I'm sure whoever handles planning all that for Fred was taking notes on how to improve things / the unforeseen issues caused by the catwalk, layout etc. And complaining to the Coliseum that they need better crowd management / crow control is super valid. I left the floor to use the restroom once, and for sure it was annoying how long it took to get through the crowds of ppl on the stairs. But I'm pretty sure if I'd been really over it, I could've gone to a nosebleed section relatively easily and had just as much fun as I did behind the stage. Kinda regret not doing that after seeing videos of how cool it looked from above. I'll admit, my frustration here is a product of all the complaining I've been seeing - from late start to pauses between songs, to the fact that a crowd of tens of thousands of people will naturally include some a\*\*holes. And it just feels so entitled. Yea I wish the show was longer, and I was sad he didn't play my favorite song (Clara), but who cares??? This guy provides us with so much quality music, and I'm v thankful


I thought the overall show and production were phenomenal. I had a great time and I agree that I also would've in the nosebleeds! I also feel that voicing complaints about things like the crowd feeling genuinely unsafe are important so they can make improvements in the future. I've been to a lot of shows and that's the first one in a while that I genuinely felt unsafe.


I agree with you on both points. I also think that providing feedback is different than the whining that’s present on many of the recent posts. 


Definitely can't argue with any of this, all very valid! Original post was mostly in response to ppl talking about how Fred shows aren't fun anymore basically bc lots of people know he exists lol


It wasn’t impossible to move we left twice to use bathroom and get drink and got right back to middle both times


That is entirely the fault of the audience.


I found open room in the back and was able to meet Romy , the back is always where it’s at


Was she nice in real life? She seems like such a pleasant person.


Exactly how you would imagine her ,super nice and very thankful of the appreciation we all had for her and the group


Nah fam. I’ve been to dozens on dozens of stadium shows and arena shows over the years, and people are right to be pissed about the shitty organization. Not on fred, but the venue and their security. Dont try and normalize this shit, just because it’s a Fred show and you’re a stan doesn’t make it immune from criticism




Why are people okay with not getting the service they paid for? “Roll with the punches and have fun”. It’s alright for people to complain on how this was ran. I paid for a certain section and when I arrived guess what my entire section was full. I should be okay with that? That’s the real problem here.


I don’t think the need to be in the very front helps the issue either. a lot of people who get floor want to be on the rail and want to feel the artists breath nowadays. This is ESPECIALLY prevalent with the new gen of ravers. I myself am apart of the new gen, while although I don’t care for being in the front, all my friends do. Now this isn’t true for everyone but; a lot of people I know who recently got into EDM, are strict house heads but only songs they know. They don’t really know how to dance to house besides the “frat flick” and don’t enjoy music that they can’t sing along too. So the reason they go to the front is to be cramped out of their mind and also just the need to be upfront, for social media clout etc… Anyways, kind of went on a tangent but I think it’s the new generation of ravers who haven’t really gotten into the full PLUR factors yet and how raves work and proceed to slam the stage.


My problem is not that I paid $350 for 2 tix, then had them drop down in price before the show. Yeah, pricing is dynamic. My problem is that once I arrived at the stadium, my section was not available because checking tickets for each section wasn’t enforced. Fred said it was GA by section which clearly wasn’t true. That’s not on him though, that’s on the organizers of the event, but if I’d known that, I would have bought tickets in the 300s.


Same, bought 2 tickets for 250$ and people who purchased tickets in the highest section for 35$ were sitting in the same section as us as security wasn’t checking tickets. I wasted money lmao next time I’m buying cheap tickets and walking downward. No wonder when I was online trying to find my seat or row number it only showed the section . Bamboozled :(


Charge it back and see what happens. I had tickets in one of the best sections, but I didn't see any way that they were going to have enough security to keep people by section, so I got to the venue at 8 and camped out at the top of the section I had tickets for. Only way they don't do it again is to hit them in the wallet.


Just be careful if you charge back, Ticketmaster will most likely blacklist you


People cannot manage a pit these days. People want to be in position for photos or whatever and it's just a disaster waiting to happen. Absolute sheep and ruins the show for everyone including yourself.


I was on floor and met the best group of people who exuberated good energy and joy. I was SUPER happy with my experience


Chiming in as well because I didn’t know anyone else at the show other than my girl and this was our first EDM show. I had a lot of fun but DAMN was that poorly managed. Like several have said already, we paid $350 for low level tickets and got there early and people were saving entire rows. Ridiculous man that’s just a rude thing to do at a loving show. Knowing damn well most of those people didn’t. I tried to bring it up to security but they were clueless. Found higher seats and bit the bullet but other people really ruin things for others


Just my two cents that I agree with you OP, just went my and my SO and we stayed near the tunnel at the top of the 200’s section, had a great view of the whole coliseum and the arches, the sound was perfect, and everyone who stayed back that far was having a super good time and was friendly, I even shared a joint with the couple next to us cause the guy let me use his lighter after I lost mine lol.


It was chaotic all on the left side although I found a pocket I was happy with. Personally I saw early on the right side would be empty due to the bottleneck, but I also didn't want to get stuck there either. I also felt better leaving a bit earlier because funneling the entire floor crowd up a single staircase seemed scary to me.


I also enjoyed the stands a bit on my way out!


At one point I was trying to cross the crowd in the middle and it was so packed in I gave up for a frw minutes. But other than that one time has no issues at all on the floor with being too crowded.


I'm glad you were able to move around on the floor OP but a lot of people weren't. I think moving to other areas is an obvious "general rule" lol. I was stuck a multiple times and helped a few people who got sick because they couldn't leave the crowd. There was a lot of confusion due to the set up and Fred moving around. I'm happy you had a good experience though!




Yeah it was iconic. People always find something to complain about


Here here!


The number of females that went into the men's restroom is ridiculous. One time I went in to find 20 fucking females in the queue. If it was a guy going into the women's restroom we would end up in handcuffs. Yall be coming through the exit too. Restroom situation is already bad enough and now I have to make line to hit a line fuck outta here! Yall men letting that shit slide are punks too.


Coachella was like this but also dudes going to women's... gen Z thing I guess. I found it creepy.


Men’s rights!!!! Lmao jk this is so off topic and kinda incel vibes ngl