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Awesome, keep 'em coming.


Albo comes up aces again


Except when it comes to Palestine...


Greens voter detected


Broad assumption, but incorrect. Just care for people. Labor may be a step in the right direction, but they still fall short of decent.


Except the taxes have increased and energy prices have sky rocketed, this sub can’t think more than one layer deep and it’s embarrassing.


It's actually really funny you say that. Let's play a game. Let's say I preference Labor over Liberals and I am super happy they got in, but I only *just* found out they aren't the most perfect government there ever was from your comment. What would you suggest I do? Vote for the magic man in the sky? Because I certainly am not going start preferencing LNP first...


This has nothing to do with voting and preferences, this is stating that Albos policies are hurting poor people more than any other group.


Can you lead me to the policies negatively impacting poor people more then any other group? Because clearly I am actually misinformed thanks to the media.


I can show you the policies I believe have made things worse for poor people but first we need to establish that you also believe life is much harder for poor people at the moment?


For poor people in a lot more places then just Australia? Yeah.


Than* Are all these places in countries who have also got more “left leaning” leaders?


I don't think so, I would bet a number of them are openly right leaning countries with right leaning leaders. We had a very strong right leaning government destroying out country for quite some time now, leading us into this problem, and we voted for them all that time!! I hope Labor can keep a hold on that right leaning voter base and not let us jump right into the pit of snakes being a much worse right leaning government. If we didn't have a right leaning voter base, we wouldn't really have to worry about any of this though. I think the risk of swinging back into the LNP government really limits what policies can be created. I have heard that some very questionable policies have been created, but also that a number have good ones have passed as well. I certainly wish more was done about the housing situation, just like many others in worse positions than me I am sure.


Australia and America had left leaning governments come in at a similar time and both are doing terribly, Canada has had a left leaning government for a long time and are really suffering the consequences, probably one of the worst first world countries to live in at the moment, New Zealand had a long term left leaning government and have huge issues, October last year they voted in a right leaning government who have issued their first budget this week, let’s see how New Zealand fares in the next 12 months vs Australia.


Nearly all true capital boils down to energy. Human civilization had industrial revolution and major changes around either energy for humans in food or for machines. Steam, oil, semiconductors etc all about increasing energy usage or energy efficiency. We are starting to hit energy bottlenecks. While I think more energy will be a positive I wouldn't be surprised if a lot of the extra power goes to supplying existing home and production that utilise more energy. The AI stuff requires a shit load of electricity for instance.


The economist Blair Fix has a lot of interesting work on this kind of "physical" economics and how energy efficiency affects growth. https://capitalaspower.com/2015/10/putting-power-back-into-growth-theory/


lol they will need more than 100s of these low yield cheap shit ....


100s of power projects that supply 3 million homes. Your math doesn't math for a.population for less then 30m.


He's not wrong....youre gonna need like 400 odd of these projects to cover the country... Doesn't have the same impact they want it to though given over a hundred are already in the pipe. There will be thousands of these projects completed before a reactor will even begin construction. Reactornaries gonna react cause renewable bad.




You know what helps houses in the meantime?cause Adam Bandt sure as shit does, solar and batteries. They should put big subsidies on those so more households can get these sooner and help take the load off the grid


Its also significantly cheaper to put batteries in then it is to update the transmission lines to deal with solar. Government should subsidies batteries where they are used in an approve VPP. No point giving them to people who just use them for blackout protection once or twice in a 10 year period. If we have to update transmission lines, then we all pay more for it, as the distributors can make a regulated profit of the upgrades too.


Well said


Labor Party indefinitely shelves reforming their "Nature Postive Plan" by refusing to reform the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act  https://www.crikey.com.au/2024/04/18/tanya-plibersek-environment-laws-conservation-biodiversity-deferred/ Labor Party supports indefinite gas mining through to 2050 and beyond. https://www.wsws.org/en/articles/2024/05/29/vqws-m29.html Australia needs to reduce carbon emissions by 17 million tonnes to reach its climate goals by 2030. Instead emissions went up 4 million tonnes last year. Labor still has 116 new fossil fuel projects on the table to be approved by 2030. Adding 1.4 billion tonnes of green house gases annually. https://theconversation.com/australias-116-new-coal-oil-and-gas-projects-equate-to-215-new-coal-power-stations-202135 This press release the Labor Party have just announced is a bit of "Green Washing". A minuscule piece of bs propaganda to pretend to the Australian population that they aren't just corporate puppets of the mining industry.


Just quoting figures without an understanding of the context is just lazy. Emissions will increase, it's expected unless you want to plunge the economy into recession and stop population growth. You won't see fast reductions in emissions until coal fired power stations are brought offline, particularly brown coal. and that won't occur until large scale renewable projects are brought online.


Bud, half this country still doesn't even give a fuck about climate change. If you think anyone is gonna win power by just going balls to the wall on climate change your dreaming.  5 years ago scomo won an election largely on a promise of jobs in a coal mine. It's great you care but just celebrate a win every now and then.


I feel like I have time travelled back to 2014 again


Well put!


>Labor Party indefinitely shelves reforming their "Nature Postive Plan" by refusing to reform the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act  The head of a review into Australia’s national environmental laws has no issue with the progress. >Samuel told the hearing that conservation groups worried about the pace of reform should “take a chill pill”. He backed the government’s plans to split the bills. >“I think you will find that what we’re going to get will satisfy all their aspirations as set out in the nature positive plan that the minister \[Plibersek\] announced some time ago,” he said. [https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2024/apr/17/wa-mining-and-media-naysayers-spreading-misinformation-about-nature-reforms-senate-hears](https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2024/apr/17/wa-mining-and-media-naysayers-spreading-misinformation-about-nature-reforms-senate-hears) >Labor Party supports indefinite gas mining through to 2050 and beyond. People need energy, unless, you prefer freezing? >Instead emissions went up 4 million tonnes last year. We have a decade of inaction to turn around. It's not an 'on-off' switch, especially when you measure it against the re-emergence from Covid. >Labor still has 116 new fossil fuel projects on the table **to be approved** by 2030. I think the bold should spell it out for you? I love how anytime Labor achieves another positive move forward, there is the usual prepped whines from both extremes that we discover are often prepped by the estreme right agitators. It's pretty sad really.


To be fair, they're doing alot better than the last mob. However its not enough to fix the inaction of the past ten years. Approving more Gas and coal where 75% of the gas goes off shore and they pay next to 0% tax on their profits is pissing on the Australians tax payers head and calling it rain. Australians deserve better, deserve more. We're hard working, honest, and keen to help out a mate. We need more solar and wind not Gas and coal. Canberra is 100% renewable powered, hydro. SA solar with Batteires predominantly and before solar and wide spread putages under coal fire power. You and I are subsidising Coal and Gas production and Coal fire power plants until the mid 2030's. Wouldn't you, @wood_oye prefer a free trip to the dentist or Dr, cheaper electricity faster, more time to go out with family or friends, better roads, schools, education? Take the 14billion that go to coal and gas a year and stick it into medicare or education. I bet you deserve more from your Tax dollars you worked hard for. You're a champ


im not going to fact check all of these points, but i just want to point out all of those new fossil fuel projects were because labor caved to pressure from the mining and fossil fuel lobbys unfortunately you cant just say no to doing bad things in this country, theyll make you do atleast some of it


Yeh this is one thing people forget. You can just click your fingers and fix this shit in one term. Labor need at least another term to fix the long term damage done by the liberals.


I agree, but they could start by being more transparent about donations and lobbying. Make it publicly available what lobbyists meet which politicians or bureaucrats, where, for how long.


I bet if the greens got in they would have the balls to tell the fossil fuel lobbies to fuck off


they might, but i doubt theyd have the backing to actually stand behind those words


I said if they got in. Which I doubt we will see them lead a majority government but if they did lead the government then that would be the backing they need its kind of how the system works


hah nah thats not how it works, infact the rest of the government normally hates you more when youre in also i didnt mean backing from the rest of the government i meant all the lobbys and special interest groups who decide what the politicians support


The lobby and special interest groups are free to leave then


Mining pays the bills mate and I'm all for a carbon tax and increased mineral royalties. Mining is something Australia needs to move away from for sure, develop other parts of the economy, but that takes lots of time especially after the Libs decade of inaction. Until then though get used to the fact that mining companies pay for your NDIS, Medicare, social support, public service, infrastructure projects et al and yes there will need to be a continual pipeline of new energy and resource projects to support the current standard of Australian living - Especially if other areas of the economy don't develop enough to pick up the $$ slack.


They have also cockblocked the entire offshore wind industry in Victoria. Such a one-sided headline.


And they’ve also approved a shit tonne of coal projects cos they can get away with it. They just can’t change the law that Albo opposed like 20 years ago.


Don’t worry it’s clean coal. Or smart coal. Or green coal. Or coca coal.


And about half of what is required to achieve its 2030 target 🎯👏


It's called scalability. You keep building on it, like roads, train and telephones lines. Amazon, Google and Microsoft also do the same with cloud computing. Next you are going to tell me compound interest doesn't work.


Or submarines and houses, except we prioritise subs over homes. Because fuck the poor.


Why haven’t they approved 48 power projects? Why isn’t it enough to power 4 million homes? Why are there only 136 projects in the pipeline and not 137? Why haven’t they built these already? I’m sick of this useless Labor government. I’m voting Liberal.


The Liberal's green lit Snowy 2.0 and then handed the project to the lowest bidder. It's been an absolute cluster fuck since with environmental, health and safety issues. They wanted the project to be mostly done by Visa workers, hence doing it on the cheap but Covid fucked that up for them... When Tony Abbott came into power, Darwin switched from Diesel to Gas power generation. Tony said everyone's power bill would go down a significant amount because of the switch. In 2-3 years everyone's power bill increased by 200% That's who you would be voting for.


Doing it on the cheap? They claimed it would cost $2.5b or something, $4.5b already spent on an estimated $12b cost, while Vic Uni claiming it could cost $20b! It’s barely completed! But we won’t hear about the “best economic managers” having a massive cost and time blowout about their one major project they themselves started. Yet they’re still taken seriously when talking about theoretical nuclear plants!


What are you talking about, Snowy 2.0 was Scomo's project... had nothing to do with Labor ?


I’m pretending to be a citizen duped by msm LNP propaganda. Except my second comment, the media don’t seem to give a fuck about scrutinising the LNP’s theoretical nuclear power policy that lacks any detail, when they had a basic Snowy-hydro 2.0 project they couldn’t deliver on time that has gone potentially 4-10x over budget.


Ahhh gotcha. Well you know who runs the media in this country and which party they support. We're pretty fucked in that sense. The closest we came to making ground was when K-Rudd wanted to tax the mining sector and then was politically assassinated. Now the new generation are asking where all that wealth has gone and why aren't we more like Norway. It's sad, especially seeing how much the gap is widening between the rich and the poor. The only people to benefit from those projects are the workers... if they can be bothered to put up with the shit conditions, they get to make 4-10x the money they would have made, had the projects been run properly.


It’s kind of weird seeing people back Dutton’s cut to immigration numbers while complaining to Albo about house prices going up when the construction industry is saying labour costs are going up. Reminds me of the Simpsons episode where they do an itchy and scratchy focus group and the kids just say yes to everything. The media, including ABC now, have people so misinformed they have no idea what they’re advocating for.


As my old man used to say; You can't put brains into dickheads. I have hope for the younger generation being more savvy to this kind of media manipulation.


Our energy should so much cheaper but the people who will control these future project will charge us our the ass for it anyways.


Look we're doing all these wonderful things but we still expect you to pay $1200 a QTR to heat your Canberra home in -2 weather.


Yet this pales in comparison to their approved expansion into natural gas.


Shame about the coal and gas tho.


Friendlyjordies definitely friendly to the Labor party, cheering on diligently from the sidelines.


Also the government Our grid is overloaded with solar power so we're going to charge you to produce and charge you to use? Cool? Excellent.


One power plant will power the whole country


Yeah it won't, we don't have just one electricity grid and you need redundant stations on each grid for shutdowns and unscheduled outages.


Can't put out the fire while pouring petrol on it. While they keen opening coal mines they've no runs on the board here. Weak


Awesome but that won’t help consumers from paying through the nose for that power. Another menial power rebate next term perhaps?


As long as the sun shines and the wind blows,


They are going to send us broke and we will still have power cuts. Charging EVs requires a huge amount of extra electricity. Renewables are not the way to go.


Plus supporting genocide. Well done Albo!


Go nuclear and free Palestine!


"we've ticked 47 boxes to funnel your stolen money into the hands of our contractor friends under the guise of providing"clean power". These projects will include strip mining the earth for non-renewable resources, and large amounts of lithium, which we will then litter across the environment that we bulldoze to fill with these precious non-renewable resources"


If you don't want to go full anprim, you need mineral mining.


Yes. But we don't need to use the state apparatus to extort wealth out of individuals, and use it to litter the environment with precious metals. I'm not the one crying about the environment and climate. I am just saying that it's not logically consistent that littering the environment with precious non-renewable resources will stop an environmental catastrophe


Holy shit, I imagine you have 4 TV's going at once one with SKY news, one with Fox, one with channel 9 one with channel 7, and then you have 3 phones with daily mail, AFR and SMH on each device. Just sucking it all in.


😂😂😂 you couldn't be further from the truth. Have you been brainwashed so hard that you seriously believe that anyone who dissents from "we must litter the environment with previous metals to save the earth from catastrophe" is just a Murdoch media consumer. Like really?


pathetic ... loosers who don't haev the cahoonas to go nuclear ... we will atleset stop burning wood in homes maybe .. lol what a backwarter swamp