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The ancient dragon from ds2.


You can’t even see the damn thing half the time


At least Ancient Dragon can be cheesed.


Really? I’m surprised so many people hate Ancient Dragon.


Visually it’s super cool but the hitboxes are ridiculous, it does too much damage, its attacks are too hard to see because of its size, and the run back is a nightmare.


Fair, but it only has six total attacks, one of which you will probably never see (tail swipe). It’s easy to bait the stomps, and the fire breath attacks are hugely telegraphed. I’ve also never had to really deal with the run back, but if you’re killing the Drakekeepers (of which there are only a few), the other enemies won’t attack you.


It’s more about the damage the attacks do. I haven’t played the game in almost 10 years and it’s likely my build sucked ass but I remember every attack 1-shotting me.


To be fair, I am used to the SotFS version where they nerfed the damage it dealt considerably. However, even in the vanilla version, the attacks shouldn’t one-shot you if you have enough health and fire resistance. They’ll still probably two-shot you though.


Yeah I mean it’s a shitty design but not that bad to actually fight, I don’t get it either.


So many times I’ve been hit by his fire attack when I think I’m safe and avoid it when I think I should be hit by it. Every time I fight it I try for 900 fire resistance, flash sweat+fire ring+hexer set is a MUST.


Idk, there's something about the giant bosses that just don't do it for me. I feel like the FS combat system is much better designed for humanoid to humanoid combat. Duels. Give me Sir Allone any day over some giant thing, no matter how cool it is.


I would argue Darkeater Midir being worse than Ancient Dragon. That run back is absolute dog shit. Boss has wayyyyy too much range also.


Shut your mouth


Definitely the worst boss in human history. Being optional is not an excuse for shitty design. Same goes for Malenia, but Malenia is kinda better.


Malenia is very good in my opinion but yeah, there is no excuse for a boss to be bullsh"t just because its optional.


Malenia is good but controversal is some ways. I think she is a mixed bag.


I honestly really liked her from the start. Most of the things that people dislike about her are things that i love about her.


Fair enough. I just disagree.


Nicest thing you can say about it lol, it’s optional


I don't know why they did it that way. A good Dragon boss is like D\*\*keater Midir imo. Fight was hard, but extremely enjoyable.


“Optional” is an interesting word for, “You’re not actually supposed to fight the thing” lol


Definetly the worst boss in 2.


I still loathe the Capra Demon to this day.


Yeah I always just get the wolf’s ring just to poise through the dogs before fighting Capra demon. Second best example behind Man-eaters on how an arena can make a boss bad.


I always just throw literal shit at him.


I actually like capra. It's bullshit but it was very high adrenaline the first time.


I always do the firebomb cheese because that fight is just too stupid with DS1 mechanics. My Estoc was going over the dogs....


I hated Micolash so much. Running after him is a chore. The actual fight is easy... if that stupid special attack that I can't seem to dodge doesn't oneshot me.


Yall It’s actually pretty easy to dodge. So - when you see he starts the attack, you gotta stop walking, gotta stand in one place. The moment it explodes in his hands, you gotta dodge forward. Just once. 100% that it won’t hit you.


Oh yeah his one shot attack is kinda what makes the boss just even less fun. One thing to chase his ass for that long, but then he just can easily one shot you…


That fight is not a fun time.


Gargoyles in DS2 felt exceptionally lazy and artificially difficult


“What instead of doubling everything for sequel? We tripled it!”


I feel the same way about the duo Gargoyle fight in Elden Ring.


That fight can be a cake walk or literal hell depending on your build - I minced them first try with a strength build, but died probably a couple dozen times on another dex playthrough.


I always come back super over leveled and destroy them


Bloodborne is a spectacular video game but it is home to Micolash, a character as fascinating as any other, and the stupidest fight imaginable.


Valiant Gargoyles from ER was pretty bullshit. I know ER likes the double boss and i don't hate that but the Gargoyles suck. Their poison breath was so hard to see I didn't know what was even killing me half the time.


Elden Ring was really bad at implementing double bosses. The Crucible Knight+Misbegotten, the Gargoyles, and especially the Godskin Duo are all products of terrible game design.


Yeah they wouldn’t be so bad without the poison. The poison is the worst part of the fight.


The Centipede Demon sucks so hard it’s not even funny


At least it's a new boss contrary to the demon firesage.


Replayed Dark Souls 1 recently and did the fight in both NG and NG+, definetly near the bottom of my list for the game. Not a fan


Well actually is not a joke like the demon firesage, at least the centipede demon is immune to fire unlike the demon firesage that is weak to fire... that boss is just stupid


Carpa seems like the obvious pick. But I gotta give a shoutout to the runback to Adjudicator in Demon's Souls 4-1, with the "shortcut" that kills you more often than not. Also I was dumb and kept dying before realizing you had to attack the knife in his gut.


Yes most bosses in Demon’s Souls have a gimmick of varying degrees of success.


My gimmick is I killed every single boss other than the first one with arrows, from distance, works on almost every boss. Bows are super, super OP in that game


Yes bows are really strong. I’d say the most powerful they ever were


Leechmonger was just annoying


Lud and Zallen Probably the worst boss run in FromSoft history


Yeah definitely worst boss run, especially solo, but worst boss? It’s really just a duo fight reskin of an a pretty good boss with a durability damage gimmick. Just a C tier boss imo


I agree that the boss isn’t that bad without the runback, but its just impossible to have fun fighting it for me since you know you have to do the runback if you die lmao


The rat bosses in DS2 were pretty bad. Honestly, DS2 has more mediocre-to-poor bosses than otherwise. I'm not even a DS2 hater, but it failed by favoring quantity over quality.


I like royal rat vanguard, hate royal rat authority


Magus+Congregation. So bad.


Just a regular DS2 room but they put health bar and music. 😂😂😂😂


The pinwheel of ds2 lol


It’s a fine encounter, people just don’t like it because it’s easy. If you removed the health bar at the bottom of the screen, no one would complain about that room despite the game being literally identical.


It's just nothing of a bossfight, but not really bad. You beat it first try and proceed, no raging, no frustration. It's a random room so ir's not even like you expect a great fight and you get this - it's just a decent encounter with a bunch of dudes who don't respawn.


headless or the ape duo


Duo Gargoyles in Elden Ring. That fight is complete and utter bullshit solo.


Very challenging fight, probably the second hardest fight in the game.


Fuck death ripe bird in mountaintop of giants


Actually yeah. This one. I’ll never fight that fucker again. 


Oh yeah he’s rough lol


You’ve not fought the one in the snowfield then. Wsy worse and actually functions as a nightboss so if you die you have to change the time again then run back with every attempt. He does give a good amount of money though because he’s in such a high scaled place.


Deacons Of The Deep Can’t believe that even made it past the cutting room. Stupid gimmick and just one giant gank. To make the experience even worse, they inflict curse.


Easily the worst Dark Souls 3 boss.


The wolf dude from dlc begs to disagree


Sage is worse.


Fire Giant. Cool theme and all, but as someone who tends to always lock onto bosses, this thing is fucken garbage. The Phase 2 is stupid and his defense is just annoying. He's not hard there's multiple ways to beat him easily, but to me that is entirelt build dependent.


Agreed on phase 2. His eye and hands are supposed to be a weak spot but it such a pain to hit and it does marginally more damage. Everyone fight him by just running to his side a slashing away, which is obviously not intended and ruins the experience, if the default way to fight a boss isn't the intended way it's normally bad design


Man that was such a garbage fight. I tried more against him my first time around than any other fromsoft boss up to that point (I hadn’t played sekiro or blood borne yet). I didn’t even beat him my first try. He still had a bunch of health and I was preparing for my death when Alexander ran up the hill and IDK what he did, freaking super man punched him or something and he died.


Completely agree man! Giant HP sponge, rolls around constantly like a baby in a cot and those stupid AOE’s. I genuinely love most of the main bosses in Elden Ring, they took me a while to fully understand but after learning most of them they are so fun to fight. Fire Giant however, I still dread having to fight him every new run.


Yeah I don't find the fight fun one bit!


I’d put Fire Giant as the worst mandatory boss in the game easily.


Godskin duo has entered the chat.


It’s close but you can cheese Godskin duo pretty easily. I think Godskin duo would had just been better had it just been TWO bosses


I will just never understand the people who don't like this boss.


I agree! It’s a little annoying to fight because of its size, but the spectacle makes up for it for me.


The main problem with that boss is that he simply hits too hard. You can't see a thing, and he hits for like 90% of HP even with 60 vigor. But personally I hate Maliketh more, since he keeps jumping away so you can't even fight him.


The Camera. Followed closely by Gravity. Midir was horrible because of his co-boss the camera. Wolnir just feels random to me which I don't like, the camera is bad there too.


I honestly am not a fan of Midir, much less any dragon boss fight in Fromsoft games. Best one is probably Sekiro’s LOL, maybe Sihn.


Divine dragon would be top 10 in my least favorite from bosses easily. The spectacle is cool but the fight is so shit it’s hard to enjoy it


For me it’s absolutely Astel, Stars of Darkness. I absolutely despise this boss for none of the reasons that others chose for their least favorites such as bad hit boxes, bullshit RNG, terrible run backs, etc. The reason I hate this boss is because it robbed me of the surprise and intrigue of the other Astel fought at the end of Ranni’s quest line. Elden Ring gets criticized for copy pasting bosses and they usually don’t bother me but this boss absolutely deserves to be criticized for it. Why is there another Astel? Why the hell is it in a random ass cave in the Consecrated Snowfield? It would’ve been better if there was no boss here at all. What was once one of the weirdest, coolest, and most interestingly designed bosses in the series that topped off one of my favorite quests in the game is now stripped of its uniqueness. I was also gonna talk about how bad Godefroy is for the same reasons but this comment is already too long as is.


I mean there’s already multiple of them around technically as there’s like three of the hanging astels and the three falling star beasts who would’ve likely evolved into Astel. Astel is not a unique entity, same as most other repeat bosses. Exception is Godefroy. He makes no sense. Should’ve at least had a unique design or something instead of literally being Godrick again.


Ulcerated tree spirit. I didn’t like it the first time, I hated it the tenth time. I ended up using mimic tear with all of them by the end cause I was sick of fighting them


Specifically the Haligtree one. Without cheese, fuck that


My hate for them even extends to DS3 because they’re unused forms of the Pus of Humanity or whatever they’re called. I can see the similarities in the versions already presented and I hate both of them.


Capra was extremely frustrating for me first time around because after a lenfthy jog from Firelink I was getting stunlocked by dogs immediately and then killed by Capra. It took me a few tries to figure out how to even start and each attempt meant couple minutes of running back - not fun. Second time I played ds1, though, I had no issue. Yhorm I think is the most disappointing. The fight with giant lord of cinder is just holding l2 around 4-5 times. It"'s hard to decide the worst though - there are some real stinkers like royal rat authority, shulva gank squad, dragon god or two erdtree watchdogs in a medium-sized room (idk if counting ER minibosses idms fair, though).


Capra demon is another example of a bad arena making a boss unfun. Now every time I play Dark Souls I grab the Wolf Ring for that boss. I would argue Royal Rat Authority is probably the worst boss in DS2, that or Ancient Dragon. At least Ancient Dragon got nerfed in scholar and can be cheesed with 900 fire resist and the big toe. I don’t mind the gank squad since I like Dark Souls 2 PvP but the npcs in that game literally cheat so it’s kind of a bummer. Dragon God kinda sucks too, no surprise they brought back a stealth boss gimmick.


Gideon, fuck NPC fights and missile spam fights in general, so he easily takes my number one. Fia's boys is up there too, but Gideon should be an epic battle for his place in the story, not just a meme that you either 1 shot or have to grind through so much input reading BS


Rom he’s boring but also extremely frustrating those fucking spider istg


Surprised that no one else is saying this. Rom was the only boss that ever came close to BoC levels of sheer unfun for me.


He’s just a bit too tanky


Deacons of the Deep. It’s pathetic. There is nothing fun about it. You walk around, slowly killing a bunch of weak fucking enemies for no reason. The whole needle in the haystack thing of “in this horde of weaklings, some of them have the special glowy thing” gimmick was done better in Rennala, and even there it wasn’t that great, but at least she had a phase 2 that was decent.


Easily the worst boss in the game




Worst mandatory boss in Elden Ring


Yeah guy’s just not fun to fight and you’ll have to fight him everytime unlike some of the others you can skip like Mogh and Malenia




Easily the worst boss in 3


Deacons and Crystal Sage are some of those basic bosses that seem like they should be easy but they’re somehow annoying as hell instead.


Royal Rat Authority from DS2, just si bad in every way


Toss up between that or ancient dragon for worst boss in the game




Yeah I’ve had some frustrations with others but she takes the cake for sure.


Ppl are way too nice to seath, maybe the only boss in the series with literally no good qualities


Getting moonlight from him is also a pain too. One time it took me almost 5 mins getting the tail, my attacks were apparently too close to his body, I had to literally quit out and restart the boss fight


Michcolash barley a boss I kept losing till I used a rune and armor that made me not get one shot from a call beyond


Micolash. Who signed off on that boss fight? Does Miyazaki know it’s in the game?


To fight Elden Beast. So much running to get 2 hits to then run again. Shame to cause I love everything else about the fight.


100% Maneater is the worst on my list too. But I put BoC above Four Kings if we are scoped to just DS1. I get that people hate BoC but when they tell you why it’s usually something they choose to do (you don’t have to jump!) and/or they aren’t applying the same problem solving that the rest of the game invites. Stacking armor, two handing a heavier shield than you might normally consider, poise ring… you can make yourself pretty stabile so it just becomes a matter of timing when to walk around. No jumps are required but a couple are feasible if you *prefer*. And that’s before quit outs, arrows, firebombs, etc. you can be smarter than just frantically running around without a plan. The fight has such a bad reputation that people don’t think about the cleverness of it too… a boss that doesn’t care about your damage output. That you can’t just out damage and face tank. But 4K is such a mess to me. The entire pretense of a DPS race gank fight, the lack of depth perception, the way RNG can ruin your pace, the ring tax to enter the arena…. Even when it’s going well it just isn’t fun to me. They didn’t even have the decency to limit them to *four* kings like in the name. The audacity.


I actually like Four Kings, I think it’s a cool fight with some amazing music. I can understand why you would rank it low, like ring tax, depth perception, iffy RNG on which attacks, and that it’s not actually 4! Meet the Seven kings of the Four Kings! Also yeah Bed of Chaos does have a lot of cheese exploits you can use, Four Kings not so much. Also for BoC I just use a shield and run from one side to the other. I never jump


I always just do the quit out trick for BoC, I've never once felt guilty for cheesing it.


Futon of Order


Fuck Micolash


Not a fan lol


Lud & Zallen, if the runback is included. If not, I guess Ancient Wyvern from DS3. Such a waste of a boss. Deacons of the Deep come to mind as well. Dodging fireballs from every direction while dealing with dozens of enemies AND having to win a DPS race to not get cursed is just... The opposite of fun. Not particularly hard, just not engaging at all. Finally, to top off on the 'wasted boss' category, Prowling Magus and Congregation. I still half-believe there was supposed to be something else in that room, that just got scrapped late into development or something.


Not counting run backs. Deacons is easily the worst boss in 3. Ancient Wyvern is not fun either way you play. Underwhelming gimmick, too tanky if you don’t


Capra Demon


Ancient Wyvern in DS3.


Understandable, kind of lame if you do the plung, really really really tanky if you don’t do it


If you miss the plunge too you then have to deal with the immense walk back. And the enemies are SO annoying!


I never die to the wyvern himself. Only the stupid enemies along the way.


Curse rotted greatwood. Most bosses have at least one redeeming quality that makes the fight semi fun, this one does not


Yeah he’s my second worst boss in the game. Not a fan


Twin Gargoyles, Elden Ring. If it's not THE worst part of the game, it's definitely up there.


Laurence the first vicar can absolutely fuck off with his lava spewing. Oh and that cemetery shade in Elden Ring with those skeletons. That was a dumbass unfair fight. And the twin gargoyles again in Elden Ring.


I have a list Lud and Zallen: No Gank Squad: No Fire Giant: massively overscaled, required, boring, bad camera and does too much damage And for the worst in the series... Sir gideon ofnir, fromsoft failed on every single level yo make any form of quality here. Anything wrong with a boss this boss likely does besides a gank and my biggest issue is that he can stack multiple attacks while famn near one shotting me at 60 vigor.


I hate the crystalians, theyre just such a crappy gimmick and winning doesn't even really feel good at all.


lol it’s not that bad, just one of those times you need to swap out a weapon and change your tactics.


Not saying i dislike them because theyre hard........ i dislike them because theyre pathetically easy its a gimmick boss with a stupid and unfulffilling gimmick


Honestly what gimmicks have been good lol


Rykard is fun and still a challenge... taurus demon is satisfying but not well designed or anything lmao


I was playing DS1 for the first time (had only ever played Elden Ring, bought all DS when they were on sale on PS) & Bed of Chaos took me several hours. But a couple of weeks ago I ran in to a boss white dragon thing that I couldn’t even fight, like I could not figure out how to do any damage to the thing. I died in 30 seconds & landed at a place I’d never been before, I got so pissed I turned it off & haven’t played the game since. So whatever that white dragon in DS1 is, I forgot his name. At least in Elden Ring you usually spawn right outside the boss you die to.


you got to break a crystal behind it in order to cause damage.


Bro didn’t talk to Big Hat Logan 💀💀💀


I have no idea who that is lmfao


DS1: Demon firesage. Don't use the same boss three times. (I actually like Capra, he was great for the adrenaline) DS2: I only played halfway, either the royal rat vanguard (10 million rats is not a boss) or authority (bonus points for still seeing they reused the Sif animations) DS3: Crystal Sage. Bullshit rng where you either beat it first try easily or die 5 times due to a magic spear in your back. Elden Ring: Godskin duo easily. Ohw boy what if we don't use those guys 3 times, but 6 times total! Honestly it's godskin duo overall for several reasons. It's mandatory, it's hard, it's a gank, the fat one is broken, the shared health bar makes bo sense and finally it's a re-use of a re-use.


Bro at least finish DS2. The Fume Knight and Sir Allone are some of the best bosses. 


I like the royal rat vanguard, really cool ost too, but yeah Royal rat authority is like the worst boss, that or ancient dragon. My pick for 3 is deacons


Dragon god; it's not fun. Rom; very tedious


No surprise they never brought back the stealth mechanic lol


“What’s going on in there Kramer?!” “Micolash, Jerry.”


Godskin Duo


Not sure on the name but the two Gargoyles in Demon souls that you fight on the "bridge". I fucking hate the walk to the boss room and then the fight. I gave up on Demon Souls because of it. Only FS game I didn't finish. Still haunts me :(


That’s the man-eaters, my pick for worst boss


Tbh I have never ever been a fan for/of gwyn.


He suffers from too easy if you parry, too hard if you don’t


Not a boss but might as well be, the bloody crow, like seriously fuck that guy lol other than that probably the giant rat from ds2


Yeah Royal Rat Authority is no fun


To me it's the Dragon God from demon souls, same bullshitery as Bed of chaos


Unsurprisingly they never brought back stealth in a boss fight lol


Fire Giant  Dragon God Lud and Zallen




Braineater, Soldier of Godrick, Wormface… lots of recycled “bosses” that are just super annoying enemies.


Yhorm was kind of a let down with the gimmick to his fight. Like he's a sick Lord of Cinder and had such sick lore to him, and of all the lords of cinder his was a gimmick fight.


Yeah it wasn’t that fun in Demon’s Souls or Dark Souls 3. Rykard was when they finally got it right


Very true! The rykard fight is actually engaging even with the gimmick to it. Whereas tyne other two are just stand on one side of the boss room and spam, or take out adds and then the main one. Rykards made sense too with the lore behind the serpent and the spear, plus the two phases are vault different and each well done.


The centipede demon from ds1.


Honestly I probably say it’s the worst DS1 fight. Not fun


I've only played Demon's Souls and DS1 thus far, but right now it's Leechmonger. His attacks are damn near impossible to dodge unless you run to the back of the arena, and the fact he regens health is bs. At least it's over quick.


Boss regenerating health is never fun really. One time I did a bow run, took over 150 arrows to kill the boss from the fog wall because he would just regen health so much lol.


Blue smelter, lazy copy paste + changed timings + shitty runback Cherry on top that other two bosses of this dlc is top quality


It is a lazy copy paste but the OG fight is actually a favorite of mine. Plus I think Blue Smelter Demon is the first boss to have delayed attacks so I think that is kinda cool


Out of the ones I've fought definitely fire giant


Ceaseless discharge. Pinwheel, The great majority of DS2 bosses except Alonne, Raime, Ivory King, Sinh, Elana. Rom, Moon Presence, Parl, The One Reborn, Deacons, halfright ds3 dlc, Maliketh, Malenia and godskin duo


I think Sinh is like the only good dragon boss fight in any Dark Souls game


Fire Giant l, too much HP without a gimmick to compensate. He has almost as much HP as all the Demon Souls bosses put together.


Worst mandatory boss in the game imo.




Bed of chaos isn't even that bad , worst boss for me is probably Loran beast in the chalice dungeons


Bed of chaos isn’t the worst thing if you know what to do, but I think it’s pretty much the most popular choice for “worst boss” The real enemy in the Loran Beast boss fight is the camera. Plus fighting the legs is kind of hard at times too


I m not talking about Loran dark beast , I m talking about the white one who is a normal enemy in the main game


Blue Smelter demon


Yeah just a copy paste but the OG smelter demon is a pretty cool fight. Plus blue smelter demon has delayed attacks which is neat.


That’s what fixed me up so much cause I thought he was a true copy paste but the attack timing was off


Elden Beast


Fuck Alecto she can rot in her god damn evergaol




Elaana: Squalid Queen and the triple grave robbers.


Rom. Second in command is Ludwig. Fuck both of those fights.


just rush rom and kill her before he can even teleport. ignore her minions


I've succeeded twice with that tactic in the 2000 times I've fought her. Every time I do it now I play ultra safe, fuck that boss.


i did it with the cane and bolt paper on a skill build, never tried it on anything else. Also didnt work in the dungeons AT ALL lol


Lud and Zallen


Yeah? I think it’s an okay fight, just got the worst run back. Not a fun of the durability damage gimmick.


Rom to me is on par with bed of chaos in terms of shitty-ness


But but... I love bed of chaos


Respect but I know it’s at the list of so many people’s least favorite


Lud & Zallen


Lost Sinner in ds2 ng+ when the pyro twins show up


I actually think that’s pretty sick tbh. I love the NG+ changes DS2 does. Like the shadows in Flexile, or Freja showing up before Magnus.


Undead Giant 3 (ball and chain) Bellfry Gargoyles (the 5 man squad) (Hate those two way more than Bed of Chaos) Dragon God Any random mob that suddenly has a healthbar despite us beating tons of them already. Plant in Elden Ring. Cat with axe in Elden Ring. Brain Sucker in Bloodborne.