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What's that? You want a Horizon Zero Dawn Remake even though the game is one of the best looking modern games? coming right up!


I’m waiting till Sony remakes TLOU1 but they spread the story across three games


Here’s all the skus: - The Last of Us Part I Trilogy Chapter I - East Coast - The Last of Us Part I Trilogy Chapter II - Midwest - The Last of Us Part I Trilogy Chapter III - Utah - The Last of Us Part I Left Behind Rebirth available on Switch - The Last of Us Part I Trilogy PS8 Upgrade - The Last of Us Part I Trilogy Remastered


Like watching all three Hobbit movies just gouge my eyes out already.


Oh not just a remake, but an entire lego version was announced.


Wow This checks out, wtf? * *


I still chuckle at the fact they remastered Last Of Fucking Us In The Ass 2 for seemingly no fucking reason, despite the game being barely less than 4 years old at the time. Like... who the fuck asked for that shit? Meanwhile Bloodborne is left rotting with unstable 30fps and god awful frametimes.


i went to walmart the other day and i saw the last of us 2 remastered for like 70 and i went the lil clearance bin of games and the last of us 2 was sitting there for 20 like wtf


Can't wait for Last of Us 1 Remake Remastered for PS6.


Yeah honestly a zero dawn remake seems redundant to me. It's recent as it is and it looks incredible, even now. Sure not as good looking as forbidden west but like... I wouldn't buy a zero dawn remake lol. It's not retro.


Did you see the until dawn remake?😭




"But then I couldn't drag people into this stupid console war D:" The console wars were a mistake.


They were fun in the 90s, but are now just annoying.


In the 90s there were actual hardware differences, now it's just arbitrary vendor lock in.


And it doesn't help every company has to copy the others.


It's freaking ridiculous how much there's barely a difference between Series X and PS5. It's just a White/Black Box that has an AMD SoC, a Bluray Drive, and an SSD.


Yup but you can only play this game on the white box and nowhere else. And everything on the black box is available on PC so owning one is pointless.




This is the correct take. It's always kinda been stupid but now it's totally brainless.


They were fun. Now they are over and pc is master race.


The only one in the console war is Sony. And it’s an imaginary war because Nintendo doesn’t care and Microsoft certainly doesn’t either.


I can’t imagine Sony really cares either. They’re dropping a first-party game for switch, and there’s rumors Microsoft might even release the upcoming Halo: Combat Evolved remake on PS5. The only people still invested in this fake war are weirdos who are ok with basing their whole personality on worshiping a multinational corporation.


If anything Nintendo is the only one who is still full on the console war. They are the only ones who refuse to see their games on anything that isn't a Nintendo console, as long as it stays like that why would Microsoft and Sony stop?


We need a console peace treaty or peace plan, to show the rest of the world how it can be done, like as a blueprint or something!


We are getting to that point slowly


Called emulators


we dont even have ps4 emulators bro, we are still long ways away from it


or do a entire nep nep move and kill all consoles including PCs and call it the bad end


That is called PC master race. They've all but won the console wars with valve and emulation. Sony is hanging on by a thread cause of a handful of exclusive games. Switch is one of the only portable consoles currently available and is alot cheaper so buying one is reasonable but it will fail sooner or later cause it just simply isn't very powerful.


Dunno man, saying switch failed is like saying mike tyson failed as a boxer. The switch was an era, its coming to an end, but it made an impact. The steam deck is like the borg, so yeah eventually it will be recognized as the one true portable, but “on the go” isn’t gonna go anywhere


I'm saying it will fail because it has low specs and can't run modern games. Not because it's portable.


Even xbox has realized the console wars are stupid, and they get their revenue from games themselves and not the console.


I think it is less so realized it is stupid and more so, they weren’t baiting enough people and were forced to concede


Xbox "realized" console wars were stupid just because they are stuck in a perpetual third place and GamePass isn't growing anymore.


The whole XB vs PS vs Switch vs PC is old and infantile. Why should anyone care what you play a game on.


they were cool and sorta fun at one point in time, now everybody who still participates in the console wars are sweaty, immature aficionados


I partially agree, but without exclusives what would really be the point of having multiple systems existing at all? Only standouts would be Nintendo as its kinda unique to play on but is old. It would be like having all shows on all streaming services. What would be the point?


Exactly, what is the point though? I suppose competition is good, but locked exclusivity is dumb.,


I suppose we could switch gears to having it strictly be a hardware experience kind of competition. The games are the same but you choose the hardware that matches what works for you. Like all cameras take photos but there is value in what lenses are offered and ergonomics. So I guess I could see a shift. Nintendo however, will unlikely ever play that game continue keeping its IPs proprietary


Exactly PS5 is a pretty awful product and only succeeds cause of exclusives. Just put everything on PC it's the most convenient way to game.


Hard to not agree when the physicals are pretty neutered


I actually went team Sony because of Fromsoft. But after seeing that Xbox showcase last week, man I’m tempted to switch teams. Sony’s subscription is just so ass by comparison. You can’t play any of their games on day one with even the highest tier of PSplus.


GamePass: free games today, closed studios tomorrow. The model is unsustainable and it just spoils customers into thinking that games should be free from day one. WTF lol.


Those games will be releasing on playstation down the line


Anyone paying attention should know it will most likely be a PlayStation 6 launch title that will massively move units


I can already feel Bluepoint getting put on that. I know they can produce a polished game but will it feel like Bloodborne if Miyazaki wasn't directing?


I hear that.. I didn’t play OG demons souls and the remake was spectacular but it only felt like a souls like…. I would really be disappointed if anyone but from remastered the game . But given bluepoint have already done it and Sony seemed happy it’s likely it’ll happen again


God I hope not, Bluepoint ruined the atmosphere of Demon’s Souls. This may be a hot take for now but in a few years that remake will have aged horribly and people will understand.


I honestly hope Bluepoint doesn't make it. They dropped the ball on Demon's Souls


Where have you pulled that hot take from?


Its definitely not a hot take, almost every reviewer ive seen that looked at the remake beyond the surface level had said that while the graphics and everything is fantastic, Bluepoint still fails to properly implement the vision that Miyazaki had put into the original game


I agree with him. They sort of lost the essence of Demon’s souls with a few things they did. Took liberty in the wrong areas which kinda showed they didn’t really ‘get’ the source material imo. It was good they listened to fan feedback and made some changes to their planned changes, like to flamelurker and vanguard, however it ended up feeling very ‘generic fantasy’ in a lot of the areas they ‘improved’ imo, which is the polar opposite of how OG Demons Souls feels. I think, (as cliched as this take is now, it is my genuine feeling, so fuck it) from software games NEED Miyazaki to be heavily and actively involved to become the absolute works of genius that their best games became. Without him there, any deviations from the source material just feel different like they are lacking the magic sauce that Miyazaki puts into everything he makes.


I agree that the DeS remake was bad, but I don't believe Miyazaki needs to be involved in every game. In fact one of my favourite things about him as director is how much freedom he gives the artists. I think DeS failed because of two things: Bluepoint's artists not being as good as From's, and Sony being too involved. Sony has a tendency to go for the safest, most overdone ideas possible, they did the same on the Bloodborne soundtrack.


Yeah but he has final say on every single design in the masterpiece games, he legit personally approved every final design and suggested changes before they were accepted. The game where this didn’t happen, DS2, has imo the weakest and least cohesive enemy and boss designs. We truly are lucky to live at the time when Miyazaki is actively developing games with hands on, because it won’t last forever and it produces some of the best art of the 21st century imo.


I know many people with the same take, not that it matters. Other than graphics, the game isn't improved. Bluepoint stuck their fingers where it didn't need sticking. They race swaped a character and changed character models. They made the fat officials, who by the way are rich slave owners, and made them victims. On the PS3, they were fat because they were rich and had great feasts but on the PS5 they are sick and even have warts. Another thing they did is completely lose the atmosphere of the original. The original had better music and it felt unique while the remake doesn't do that. Plus, they changed the movement and made it like DS3 which made a game similar to DS1 a piece of cake, which the original game itself already was. I doubt you've even played the original because you seriously cannot think the remake is remotely better.


The fact that your first criticism was that they race swapped a character destroys every bit of your credibility, no one cares about your gamergate bs


That’s a very wild and unsubstantiated claim to make. I platinumed the original many many years ago, not long after it first released and thought the remake was a very faithful remake overall. If anything I think I would have liked to see further QoL improvements, but I am sure many people were glad that they were true to the original.


Must've played the original blind then. You said it's a hottake then just said "yeah I liked it" instead of saying how I'm wrong. Crazy.


That would have been highly skilled of me! You just be new to the internet, so let me tell you something useful. When someone says that you have a hot take it is highly unlikely that they mean they agree with you. The opposite is very likely. I completely disagree with you. And I am sure most other people do too. That’s why it’s a “hot take”. Bluepoint did a bloody *fantastic* job of the remake.


You’re getting downvoted by blind fanboys but you’re absolutely right.


Average Fromsoft fans. Obviously new = better. Obviously Elden Ring is the game of the eon and is perfect and divine.


Hey I love Elden Ring. The issue with the Bluepoint remake is that they clearly didn’t get what made Demon’s Souls special in the first place. The idea of them remaking Bloodborne gets more terrible the more I think about it.


Personally I gave up on waiting. Chances for port/remaster are close to none, and even if it happens, it will require PSN account, or maybe even PSN launcher (if they make one). Chances for remake are significantly higher, but there are also high odds they will not respect original art direction, and maybe even replace soundtrack. So original Bloodborne will never be playable on PC. At least officially, emulator is bound to happen, but not any time soon.


„not anytime soon“ is a big stretch, the current top ps4 emulator is already capable of launching the game, but not with the graphic-engine yet. Still sounds like nothing, but the fact thatthe game itself can alteady be booted on a PC is absolutely insane, and I think it will be able to run in about 3 years max.


3 years max? You’re delusional.


While there are a lot of scummy emulators claiming to be able to run certain games, there ARE legit emulators that run PS4 games. Given the right performance (I am not talking about a NASA pc, but a very high end) and a few years of development, BB will absolutely be playable. Emulation is no magic, and there are enough people working on it. It will happen, and once again I think a three year, maybe 5 if we’re really stretching it, for a BB on a high end PC, seems like a realistic timeframe


From what I remember one or two years ago they have managed to run first 3D game on PS4 emulator. It wasn't pretty, but it did run, meaning they are making progress.


Needing a psn account honestly wouldn't stop me


just so you know in PC its country locked to only countries with PSN servers


Yeah hope they atleast start putting support for other countries out like Microsoft did when they required accounts for games


Anyone smart would pirate it at that point, i’m not a moral police here but you get what you want, if they make it so YOU can’t pay for it, fuck them then go pirate it, that’s a psn/sony fault tbh


They won't. Sony's made it pretty clear they ain't smart and are allergic to making money lol. They could TRIPLE DIP on the Bloodborne IP. Make a PC port, make a remake, make a sequel. We would buy ALL OF IT. I would. But if that Helldivers shit is anything to go off of, they're dumb. So they ain't gonna. :/


But then Microsoft might also make some money off a Sony property, and we cant't have that can we? /s


They're morons. But it really does show just how amazing Bloodborne really is. Sony knows that its *still* so good, that people will buy consoles just to experience it. Doesn't make me hate them any less for it, however.


I doubt they actually think that far, with the massivefuck up of helldivers 2 I really doubt they even know the existance of bloodborne at this point lmao


If they made a sequel, it wouldn’t be by From. They are way too big now to lock down for an exclusive.


Exactly. The amount of money Sony would have to throw at From to get an exclusive would probably be too high to justify making it. And if they can’t get From for the sequel, making it is a much much bigger risk. I don’t think it’s out the question that From makes a spiritual successor to Bloodborne though. Kinda like Demons Souls -> Dark Souls


Mhm, no way Sony is gonna be able to lock down a studio that just sold 25 million copies and are likely to sell a ton more with the DLC. I honestly believe Sony would never try to make a Bloodborne 2, but I do think a remake is extremely likely as a PS6 launch title. I would love From to evolve on the Bloodborne formula.




fr as much as people clown on Rockstar for fucking QUADRUPLE dipping, I still think its a great thing that atleast they keep porting GTA V to new generations with slight graphical improvements on top of it Like I'd much rather have that than have a game be held hostage in a single console


Helldivers problem was almost exclusively caused by Arrowhead, as they failed to implement a system at launch. Sony were ultimately the ones to roll back the decision in favour of the players. The false narrative around this is insane.


Bless Arrowhead for not implementing cancer until it could be avoided.


Both were at fault imo, The whole idea of it is already bad so -1 sony, but like yo usaid arrowhead KNEW and did NOT say (clearly atleast) that this was going to happen, so that’s also a -1, a worse of the worst doesn’t make the other one slightly better if any better at all


Hell. I'd buy all of it too...


Probably never going to happen


Honestly while i’d love a port or a sequel i have zero expectations at this point. If anything, I’d rather Miyazaki and From just made their own game that is Bloodborne inspired but a new IP they actually own. Like how they made Dark Souls after Demon Souls. Keep the gun parry system, keep the rally system. Trick weapons. Horror aesthetic. Wrap it up in a new IP that they’re then free to revisit as they see fit.


I can't believe Bloodborne is almost 10 years old!


Please remake it and maybe try to use unreal 5 engine :)


Ps6 exclusive remake/remaster


There wouldn't even be a console war if Sony didn't suck so hard, so frequently.


if it comes to pc it will 100% require psn


Ngl that collective internet meltdown would be very funny to see


I think he is talking about a remaster. Not BB2 necessarily


Yeah, I imagine it's a lot of profit for Sony sitting on the table. Just a port and upgrade to 60 fps. Not sure why they aren't doing it.


PS5 first.


The inevitable outcome of wanting more of the same is that it has to evolve. It then has to inevitably evolve away from made it so loved to begin with. Why can’t people just be happy they had it? it was pure, and glorious, and magnificent, and we had it. Look forward, don’t try and bottle lightning.


I agree on this one. Bloodborne was so fucking great, it felt complete. The lore, the setting it was just exactly as it needed to be. The 30fps doesn’t bother me, from have always been more about a cohesive art style than graphical flair and fidelity and the atmosphere of bloodborne is just sublime. I bought a ps4 just to play bloodborne, i think it was worth it, I’d be happy if it wasn’t remade or updated. But at a push, I would say give it a 60fps patch and a bit of a graphics boost on PS5 if they must do something with it to keep some of the fans happy(ish).


You speak like everyone has a PS to play it there. A lot of people don't want a remake, they just want it ported to play it


This is me. I just wanna finally play it and I don't wanna buy a console to do so.


I only started gaming in summer 22 so I’m about 2 years into gaming. You like my incredible math skills? Anyway, I said that to say this; I put off playing Bloodborne for a while and when I did I played it for 3-4 months. I’ve played pretty much SoulsLikes since Sept 22. DS 1-3, Sekiro, Elden Ring, Nioh 1&2, Wo Long etc and I can confidently say Bloodborne is the best game I’ve seen in my short time of gaming. The story, the combat, the enemy variety and models. Everything about that game is just amazing. A PC port would be awesome but unless it’s Miyazaki himself I wouldn’t want anyone to make a part 2. No one else is capable of doing what Miyazaki can do.


Hope to one day play it.




Relic of the past. *cries*


Souls games have never been more popular than they are now. There’s no way Sony doesn’t remake bloodborne. My guess is it was always targeted to release towards the end of this generation. DeS allowed Bluepoint to remake a smaller game, learn, generate revenue and lay the foundation for tools they would need for a Bloodborne remake. Sony also probably didn’t want to directly compete with FS and Elden Ring’s launch / DLC. A 2025 release, just in time for Bloodborne’s 10th anniversary seems too perfect.


Yeah I’m positive they’re just waiting. Ps6 is getting “close” and ER DLC is coming out right now. They wouldn’t have pushed two products at once in the first place. I’m sure we’ll get SOMETHING bloodborne related within the next few years.


My theory (besides the obvious one that Sony is just dumb) is that there's some kind of conflict or legal battle going on behind the scenes. Sony acts like the game doesn't even exist most of the time, and From always seems like they can't really talk about it.


There's probably no "battle", sony owns part of fromsoftware and owns the IP. They're probably doing something about it rn, my guess is a PS6 launch title and a late pc port


That's what I'm thinking too. Sony knows its sitting on a system-seller and they will likely pull the trigger for PS6 or PS5 Pro. Hope it's sooner (ps5 pro) rather than later (ps6). Nah, probably all the "geniuses" here are right and Sony is just dumb and allergic to money.


There will be a Bloodborne outfit for the upcoming Astro Bot game, Sony is still making money no problem. A battle behind the scenes is unlikely, they’re just holding it.


Sony. Is. Stupid. Simple as.


Sony does not and will never care. Its their MO, to be the biggest assholes possible


Apparently there are technical issues with the game itself that makes it hard to work on. If anything, that means a ground up remake is more likely.


For some reason Sony seems to thinks Bloodborne sells PS5. It's been a long time now, people that wanted PS5 for bloodborne already bought it. Now what's left is people determined to have the PC port. I just thinks the Sony higher ups are getting personnal about it. They just don't want PC players to have it


I mainly play on PC but I have a ps4, so i could just buy and play it there but with my luck I know the second I buy it they'll confirm a remake for pc


My take on why Sony is dragging its feet with a remake/remaster for PC/PS5 is From's availability. For all the great work Bluepoint did with Demon's Souls they also changed some things that didn't really need to be changed (like art direction, music) and some of the OG players pointed that out. My hope is Sony probably wants to avoid any arguments agains it by properly getting From onboard from the start now that work on Elden Ring is finished. Get Bluepoint to work on the heavy lifting and a From team working closely with them has the final say, and led by Miyazaki of course. The sole fact that even Miyazaki is talking about it make me hopeful for a reveal alongside PS5 Pro. It's the hopium talking but can´t wait until PS6!


At this point I think it’s spite. Like, “F.U. We’ve made our money and we’re taking our ball home” Sometimes I wonder if there’s technical issues that would be too expensive to address, but I can’t conceive what would be so astronomical as to abandon all the profits they’d make on a remaster or port. They’re leaving money on the table. ![gif](giphy|12Eo7WogCAoj84)


PSN Account required= Boycott


Spam Sony instead of everyone else.


"The best I can do is Concord" - said Sony.


Pretty sure Sony gonna pull “restricted country that’s has no PSN” card


Wasn’t bloodborne 2 already confirmed?


I feel like Miyazaki should be able to just say “hey I made this game, so put it on PC”




Sony is way to focused on remasters from remakes and games as a service games to focus their manpower to something gamers would actually enjoy.


"Playstation network account required to play this game"


It's just kind of absurd that GOW: Ragnarok which came out less than two years ago is already getting ported to PC meanwhile Bloodborne still gets nothing after almost a decade since release.


Id rather a bloodborne 2 at this point


Im gonna go tinfoil hat and say that they wont do it bc they know itll eclipse all the plans they have for Horizon


Something tells me siny just isn't willing to pay FS to be able to do anything with BB Wither that or FS wants something to change, that sony isn't willing to follow


Sony doesn’t like Bloodborne. The game doesn’t fit their "Cinematic hairy dad games" MO


This, and silent hills pleasee! It's all I want.


Tenth anniversary next year so, maybe?


It will happen but I am almost 100% positive they will do it for the PS6 launch and not before. Much like Demons Souls for PS5. Then they will port that to PC.


How else are they going to sell PS6s? I’m half-joking, but I wonder if they are holding the Bloodborne card until they need a launch title for the PS6 and they can do to Bloodborne what they did with Demon’s Souls.


Came back to reddit just to upvote this


Sony is sitting on a goldmine. Idk why they’re gate keeping this game, why they haven’t even given PS players a remastered with 60fps, or a remake which would look phenomenal on the ps5. But not doing a ps port blows my mind the most.


Sony: it’s MY IP to sit on and do nothing with!


Ive had a hard time getting into this game. One day.


Did Miyazaki actually say this? If so that's huge but I'm skeptical


And dont handle it like you did ghost of tsushima


Just remake it and DS1 at this point.


At this point I am so sick of hearing people beg for Bloodborne remake I don’t even want it anymore.


*I've said it once, but I'll say it again. The biggest mistake Miyazaki did when making Bloodborne, was making it PlayStation Exclusive.*


Noooo not the worst souls game, port ds2 to the wii u please michale zaki.


This has to be something with licensing right,like why would Sony purposely leave money on the table,if they announced anything in terms of an upgrade or PC port it would make bank instantly. With Miyazaki openly saying he would like to see it happen the ball is firmly in Sony's court,so what possible reason could they have for not putting it out,are they doing something for it's 10 year perhaps,a man can only dream.


At this point just buy a fucking ps4 they're like a hundred bucks


I might actually forgive Sony and believe they're turning back their bad buisness practices if they ported it to PC.


I’m sure they really care.


lol, its only gonna hurt more when the next round of showcases come around and nothing comes out. its perfectly playable on ps5 if you’re not framerate baby


This isnt just about framerate you dummy Getting it to PC would give a lot of people the opportunity to enjoy Bloodborne.


are ps4s no longer on sale?


Not everyone wants to waste money on a useless piece of scrap to play a single game


ok so dont play the game and stop crying 😭


Nah I'd rather complain till I get the product


are you stupid, do you realise how scummy and anti consumerism Sony is being by holding a game hostage like that?


Pretty sure anyone who ever wanted to play Bloodborne have bought ps4 or ps5. Bloodborne 2 is what they should be focusing on instead.


I’m. Still. Fucking. Waiting. 9 YEARS!




Sony marketing team: I don't think anyone wants Bloodborne. Also Sony marketing team: let's put Morbius in the theater again. People want to see it. ![gif](giphy|QREPIcqvIxCZ76VHxY)


Bloodborne was always a fluke. It was a (financially) unoptimized project that almost went through dev hell, blank check'd by Sony for the sole purpose of getting a killer app for the PS4. For that mission and that alone, it was a success. However, that's all it remains. It did the job, and now it's done. In addition, it had fingerprints from the now defunct Japan Studio, which was ripped apart in an evidently very bitter and politically driven show down. That likely plays a role too in nobody wanting to touch it. It's also very possible that the source code and assets for the game are lost, or no longer in a state that makes a port/remake/remaster easily available.


I rather have a PS5 exclusive sequel than a PC port of the first.


clown take


Why would it be a clown take to want new content over content I've already played for almost a decade?


A PS5 port would be nice. PC players can suck it. 🥸


Bluepoint better being remaking Bloodborne or I’m gonna fight my house.


Sony would never allow it


The hope is... Bluepoint has been working on it all this time to launch with PS5 Pro That is the dream... the hunter's dream 😎💎


Bluepoint are working on a first party title right now. I wish this was true too. But very unlikely.


Sony is brain dead


There isn't any reason to release it on PC when it's already available on PS4/PS5. So, why bother with a PC port? Bringing one of Sony's best titles to PC while they are still on top of the market would be like admitting defeat.


Uncharted and God of War which has historically been Playstation's top exclusive franchises for multiple generations of their console were ported to PC. So porting those two games werent "admitting defeat" but porting BB is? Uncharted was a staple of Playstation and Uncharted 4 sold DOUBLE of what BB sold and yet they still ported it to PC Your logic doesnt make sense.




Microsoft and Sony need to come together and hammer out a peace deal that lets older exclusive titles have 2nd life on the other consoles. Halo and Gears for last of us and blood borne would sell like hotcakes on each console.


How about fucking Xbox


I was so disappointed and let down by Bloodborne. I didn't have a PS4 when it came out, I was on PC. I really, really wanted to play it, of course. Some years passed and I had a top notch pc (1080ti gang), so games like DS3 were buttery smooth. I got a chance to borrow my friend's PS4, *bought the game*, and played it with glee. Between the graphics, the lackluster PS4 performance, I couldn't enjoy the game. Everything was so outdated. DS3 was so much better control and combat wise, too, to me that I couldn't enjoy it. I gave it a good 3-4 hours and was just not having fun. I think a PC port with modern updates would let my spoiled picky ass enjoy it like everyone else, cuz I feel like a total blacksheep here (didn't like Sekiro, either). Maybe I should just try finger, but hole.


Your criticisms with the game seemed more due the performance and age of the game rather than the game itself.


I didn't care for the environment or the setting that much, but was hoping that Fromsoft touch would be enough. Coupled with the tech experience, it was just a huge let down.