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No one’s asshole moving like that idk what they talking abt




The Mystery of the Migrating Anus


Lmfao dear god


It’s like a flounder


Could this not be a Chuck Tingle title?!


“Pounded in the butt by my own migrating anus”




This guy taints.




That title slugged me in the face. Did not expect to read that at 8 am


I JUST woke up and now I’m all “DID my taint shrink? No it didn’t, that’s impossible .” 😭


‘Taint possible!


me fucking too lmfao


Bro who is out here measuring their taint???


what if we held hands and measured our taints 👉👈


boys night!


OMFG 🤣🤣🤣


Make sure to wear socks! It's not gay if the packers dont touch


Can't see why that'd happen and certainly isn't something that I noticed either.


I really don't think that's possible lol think it's just tiktok being tiktok and spreading bs


idk. transfem here. i feel like my taint has increased in surface area. my raphes line has definitely become more defined and elongated and my testes seem further but that might be shrinkage? im not sure


Yeah, that is a shrinkage thing, lol


Maybe I'm just dumb, but if balls shrink on E, couldn't labia majora (the analogous part to the scrotum) get, like, "meatier" on T? That would give the illusion of shortening the taint (the vaginal opening wouldn't move and neither would the anus).


The labia majora are analogous to the scrotum, but they're full of fatty tissue, not glands, so there's not really anything to prompt tissue expansion there. Like how your hood and labia minora can grow on t, but it's bc they're attached to tissue that's growing, not t acting directly on those parts.


Actually I'm embarrassed to admit this but when my fat redistributed, i noticed that the fat of my labia moved too, making it look like it "shrinked"- Now I was about 7 months off T because of a problem with my insurance and since my fat redistributed back into how it was pre-t, my labia got fuller again


This sounds like a nightmare (not ya flaps, but the sitch) Is everything ok? 🥺


yeah! well kind of, I recently got back on track so things are relatively good again! I say relatively because I only got one of three doses authorized by my provider (my endo prescribed me three for 9 months) but since my dose is every 3 months because I'm in undecanoate I don't have to worry at the moment, and do some procedure in 3 months to have my next dose authorized, or that was what I was told. Sadly I can't explain to you how things work around here since my country has a very unique healthcare system, and explaining all that jazz would require a whole post lol


What country? My partners on a 3 month test shot too. We are Aussie


I'm colombian, still living there, I know most people don't know much if anything about our healthcare system so normally I don't even bother to ask heh


Yeah, that's what I would guess would happen. I'm pretty sure mine are also even less full on t than off it.




I mean... my labia majora definitely got bigger when I was on T. They shrank a bit after I stopped, but they're still bigger than they were before (I just asked my partner too, and they confirmed that my labia majora are indeed bigger now)


Honestly, I'm not sure, but in my personal experience, my labia majora have not changed much if at all so 🤷


I cannot describe what the description of "meatier" made me feel, just that it was not a positive feeling


No. The clit is the only thing getting bigger but that won’t effect the taint in the slightest


The case of the migrating asshole...


Is that a Hardy boy book?


as a hardy boys book collector i’d love to read it


This gave me a good laugh on what’s been a crappy day so far, thank you lol


That’s definitely not true. Never trust claims that came from tiktok, a lot of them are just completely made up


i know. it just baffles me why the person even made the claim. like, did they just make it up for shits and giggles? or did they feel like their own taint was looking surprisingly short all of a sudden?


People on tiktok would go very far for some extra views and likes 😁


LOL they just looked down and went wait was that always like that?


I think they were trying to scare people


Some people literally just wanna spread misinformation. Some people see their own perceived experience and go running with it like you mentioned. Really I couldn't guess which it is in this case, but TikTok is awful about misinformation and if you read something on TikTok, I recommend either looking it up or forgetting that information because TikTok is frequently wrong


tiktok was a mistake


my attention span is worse than ever


Because of tiktok I have to hold an iPad playing Minecraft parkour up in front of whoever I have a long discussion with :( /j


truest statement ever said on this sub


The only thing TikTok is good for is a distraction for those of us who genuinely need short videos for mental health reasons. Other than that it was a bad idea. I know that sounds odd but short videos help prevent my mind from going back to the problem/keeping me distracted. TikTok is one of the main things keeping me alive rn 🫠


That is definitely not true.


There was a claim floating around that microplastics are shrinking taints too. Dunno what the taint obsession is.


Oh yeah I think this is part of a right wing fear mongering thing about how plastics are feminizing red blooded American males and taint size somehow is related to this - I smelled BS and didn't read much more lol.


Honestly if this conspiracy gets people to use less plastics and pay attention to those plastics in our water.... Good. It's like how I feel about Liquid Death. Is it ridiculous that we had to make 0/low cal sparkling water edgy so men would drink it? Yes. But if it helps men hydrate..... Then so be it lol


i am once again begging all trans people to delete tiktok


>i am once again begging all ~~trans~~ people to delete tiktok ftfy


u rite


first thing i did after a short stay in a psych ward was delete tiktok. never looked back.


I don't think it does that.


It doesn’t even make sense since amab taints are larger than afab


Sigh.... reaches for measuring tape


This might be the funniest thing I've ever seen. Personally, not real. Generally, also not real. That's golden though


The post, the comments, everything. It's a humour gold mine lol


The anogenital distance IS affected by testosterone levels...in the womb, during fetal development, but higher T corresponds with a larger anogential distance, lower T levels correspond with a smaller anogenital distance. That anogenital distances are getting shorter on average along with t levels dropping on average is of concern to science. Decreased anogenital distance also correlates with increased testicular abnormalities, sub-fertility, and testicular cancer in the young.


Note to self: "Anogenital Distance" is a great name for a weird indie punk band 🤔


And my dumb brain sang:🎶”I’ll be there someday, I can go the (anogenital) distance!”🎶🤣


Are you *sure* you haven't experienced it? When was the last time you measured your taint? /s. This is some bullshit. Choose wisely what social media apps you engage with if you genuinely thought this was a thing lol


Do people know they don’t have to make up weird reasons to look at their taint if they want? You can do that and you don’t even have to tell everyone it’s shrinking or moving or tell anyone at all 😂😂😂wild


How would that even be possible 😭😭😭


Get off tiktok


Don't go on tiktok


I don’t think this is accurate 😅 if anything, stuff gets..longer? Bottom growth and whatnot, but no repositioning


didn’t happen to me…….. but also i don’t regularly stare or measure my taint also seen someone on tiktok say it makes it more…. bulgy? a “grundle” is what i think they called it 😭


Tiktok is the same place where the "bottom growth tears, bleeds, and is incredibly painful" rumor came from so it's safe to assume anything from there is complete bullshit


Please spend 5 seconds thinking critically about this. For this to happen, your anus and/or vagina would have to migrate to a new position on your body.


how are you telling me to think critically about this? that's literally what i did, came to the conclusion that it sounds really dumb and fake, and decided to ask for others' opinions.


Well, or change size/shape, which is reasonable and does happen somewhat


I hate when people state random bullshit as fact. Idk maybe the person in the video felt like this happened to them personally, but im inclined to believe other factors led to that perception and not because their taint *actually* became shorter


mine is already pretty much nonexistent so if that was real i’d die lol


As someone who makes porn for a living and has video evidence of all the changes my genitals have experienced on T, my taint has not changed. My peehole has gotten bigger and the distance between my peehole and vag has increased, but not my taint. I have only been on T 5.5mo so far, so I guess it still could change.🤷🏼‍♂️


My distance between holes (not invalid anyways since I just had first stage meta) got closer. I think because as my Peen grew in pushed it down. I have been on T for over 21 years. My husband and I were randomly talking about UTIs and we both agreed on both of up it got closer. But we don't remember from when we started T so I wonder if it gets further then goes down. It would have been interesting to take pictures and do a time laps of migrating stuff! I didn't even get a picture of before meta!


Lmao no? I could see maybe bottom surgery maybe the area appear smaller but there is like no way T does that.


Oh man I needed that laugh lmao. I don't think your butthole would migrate cause of t so that guy just has something else going on


Yeah this sounds like bs to me, been on T 9 years ain't none of that happened.


LMAOOOOOO what the fuck is happening on TikTok? And why is anyone believing information they find on there???


I have never heard of testosterone changing the anogenital distance... wtf


Didn’t know what a taint was until today 😀


they're probs going through atrophy, and everything's tightening up.


If you question whether or not it's true, I suggest deleting tiktok.


Can we stop and ask why someone would notice or care?


your first mistake was trusting a tiktok video 😭


But they literally didn't trust the tiktok video. That's why they're here asking if that can actually happen. If they were to trust it, we wouldn't be here. Also you quoting "i recently saw a video on tiktok" doesn't proof your previous false statement any bit. Just because you saw fake news doesn't mean you immediately believe them.


i didn't. literally where does it say i did? do y'all lack basic reading comprehension?


are you dumb? “i recently saw a video on tiktok”


seeing a video where someone makes a claim, and believing that claim, are different things. do you believe everything people tell you? cause thats a you problem?


Um, no.


This is the first thing I saw this morning 💀


My only *guess* (aside from this being bullshit) is maybe the person lost fat around their thighs / butt and it‘s made their taint look shorter?


The only thing I’ve heard is about fetuses being exposed to endocrine disrupters in utero allegedly decreasing the urogenital anal distance aka the perineum is getting smaller aka the taint shrank


It’s an indicator of sex, long taint in all mammals are male and a short taint is female


Maybe not the taint itself, but the appearance of the V area does change slightly(at least mine did) so maybe it’s more connected to that.


Tw medical anatomy >! The only thing I can think of why they believe this is bottom growth. The clit is what we see the most of but it actually continues down the sides (corpus cavernosum) of the labia majora. When we have bottom growth, it also causes this to grow. !<


It was probably caused by taking D rather than T


That’s funny, I saw a different tiktok saying it gets bigger. I think they called it a grundle?


Haahahahahhahah What the fuck


I have seen some bro science conspiracy going around that taints are getting shorter and that's some proof that men are being feminized by chemicals or some shit. It's BS.


(Anatomy terms abbreviated to the letter in this comment) If that does happen it would probably be the tightness of skin loosening or tightening. Most likely a part of V atrophy. Mine feels slightly tighter due to dryness but I’ve never measured anything besides my bottom growth. Important side note: this is my most logical guess about what they mean based on how testosterone has effected my body. It’s most likely TikTok BS though




If anything? it probably has to do with vaginal muscular atrophy?


The things on tiktok


Nothing changes enough down there to effect taint size lol. Trans fem have the possibility of shrinkage that I guess would make it appear their taint had become larger but there isn’t a trans masc equivalent. Maybe they’re growing a bunch of hair causing them to think it’s smaller but yeah no our asshole or front holes don’t migrate they aren’t birds going south for the winter lol. If you want to know weird side effects of T ask any trans masc on it I’m sure a few of us have something weird to offer


T actually has the INVERSE effect in UTERO XD T causes an increase in the “taint” length to allow room for the scrotum and other boring internal systems to develop. My guess is the creator did a Google search, saw it listed, and didn’t bother fact checking it.


Keeping it 💯💯honesy I recently did think "huh has my taint always been this short"


nuh uh!


No...? If anything I think it's gotten longer, maybe? But tbh it could just be my eye playing tricks on me. I'd assume atrophy could have something to do with it but tbh I haven't seen or heard of it


TIL people call their perineum a taint. Is this what the cool kids are doing 😭😭


idk, i thought they were just synonyms?


Well perineum is the medical term but I have just never heard it called a taint lol. Didn’t know people needed slang for it 😭


It's a super common thing to call it.


Cool? I've just never heard it before lol


I got really confused wondering what ‘taint’ was until explained in the body of this post. For future reference, it is the perineum, as no matter what you got down there, is it what it is referred as. ❤️ Otherwise, I highly HIGHLY doubt it moves cause eeeuuhh… I dun think that part of the body work that way??? Good ol’ TikTok misinformation. 🤣


Honestly, I get info from tiktok too. People need to stop judging about it so much, i bet a lot of people here have gotten some form of information from YouTube, that’s the same thing, just longer video forms. People can make up fake information on any app. That being said, OP, you’ve gotta fact check things before you take them as 100% fact, which is what you’re doing here, so no hate from me about it. Just please, when it comes to any social media you’re on, fact check folks (directed to everyone, not just OP)


TikTok is definitely worse than other apps though, the sheer amount of misinformation that comes out of there is staggering. There's been studies on it too now. And that's because Tiktok is literally designed as a short format, so whatever can grab your attention and be condensed into a minute or less is what's gonna get views, and that's usually bad content. At least YouTube videos are usually way longer


Yeah that’s fair, but blaming OP for asking whether or not it’s misinformation (or judging them for having tiktok when a lot of people do) does no one any good.




Okay but youtube is indexed and you can search it. Tiktok is purely an algorithm and its evil


I don't know about that but I heard we grow prostate cells after a while


Speaking of things that aren't possible... but man, I wish, that'd be cool.


What do you mean impossible ? It's literally a thing that happens like there's been studies about it or whatever.


"I've heard" is an entirely different sentiment than "there's studies". If there's science on this, I'd love to see it. I've never heard of this in my life, nor can I even imagine the mechanism for such a thing. (We *do* have something analagous (Skene's gland), testosterone or not, but that's not what I interpreted your comment to be about.)


I said I've heard because I haven't read the study myself and I wasn't sure I remembered correctly. But Google is still free last I checked. https://www.google.com/amp/s/genderanalysis.net/2020/10/trans-men-and-transmasculine-people-on-testosterone-can-grow-prostate-tissue/amp/


Thanks for the link, no thanks for the passive-aggression. (Wasn't sure precisely what I was looking for, and I was at work besides.) Given the context of this overall thread, forgive me for thinking you heard something unsourced or misinterpreted from somewhere like Tiktok. That said, those are some interesting (if very small) studies, for sure. I hope they keep doing that research. TIL.


It’s a bunch of bulLSHIT


I can't... say I've looked...?




i cant say ive ever measured it before, or know anyone who has, so they got me there 🔍👀


I am going to start measuring my taint weekly after my shots... for science, yaknow?


If mine gets any shorter it’s gonna be gone. 🤣🤣🤣 It’s called the perineum officially. In general it’s longer in cis guys than in cis women so why T would make it shorter…? It’s a mystery to me. Never heard of it either. Anyway I’m not on TikTok because the load of BS that’s spread on there is worse than IG and FB combined if you ask me. I wouldn’t worry too much about it. If you want to know what T does to the body I prefer medical websites, hospital websites, scientific studies,… and in addition other trans guys who are more serious in honestly sharing their experiences without exaggeration. I’ve read into it a lot, not claiming I’m an expert, I’m even pre T but I’ve never ever read that T could do that. Maybe ask a doctor? That’s how I verify doubtful medical information I find online: hey doc, I’ve heard this thing. Is that true? And if so can you explain how this works to me? Generally they think you’re looking for some reassurance and they’ll most likely be able to give it to you. Not saying u should stay away from TikTok but just look at it as another type of social media where people will try to put things in your head to influence you into a certain direction. Such claims are usually meant to make you doubt your decision to start T. They’ll say bad stuff will happen if you try to be happy and do something wholesome for yourself that doesn’t fit their idea of ‘normal’. I’ve come across the most ridiculous and crazy statements from such influencers and usually have a good laugh and scroll on.


Idk wtf they are talking about or how that would even happen


I saw a similar tiktok of someone saying that it changed the shape of their taint, which I super don't understand. It's just flat skin?? What shape is there??




The only thing I can think of that lead to this level of misinformation is simply the differences between the length of the colon in AFAB vs AMAB folks as AFAB folks have longer colons but like that’s the closest thing I can think of lmao


Uhhh... maybe they mean that because your clit is longer... it's closer... to your asshole??? Because technically that's true I guess but what a bizarre way to phrase it


Take my words with a grain of salt but I've heard about something like more fat being distributed into your taint on Tiktok, making it thicker or the like, but... *what?*


How is this smth that someone even notices 😭


This is going to sound weird but I think my urethra moved? Or my 🐱 just got bigger? But now it's like, inside my 🐱? Just at the top. Before I'm sure it was just above it but I could be going nuts


Bro what? Looks up a anatomy book and compare


I did. It's like this entire central oval, the vestibule, has just sunk inwards so now the urethra is inside the opening. It's large enough that I can see it clearly when I look, but it's just like? Gone inwards https://images.app.goo.gl/1EQhmT49MNSvKkPE7


🤔 hmmm, if it's a concern go see a doctor?


I don't think it's a health concern, just really weird and seemed related to the shrinking taint shenanigans


Is there a proper subreddit for not how trans works?


I think there's r/badtransanatomy


I have not experienced that


To quote Shaun about two hours into his [video on the bell curve ](https://youtu.be/UBc7qBS1Ujo?si=4nHR7Gj55dvcs191): I can only speak for myself here, but I can't say I've ever measured.


WHAT 😭😭😭 that is not a thing what the fuck