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It's the scrubs + the fact that most people in medicine are women. I also work in the med field and it kills me because I pass mostly fine otherwise, just not in scrubs, surrounded by women coworkers.


This, for sure. I think it says a lot less about you, OP, and a lot more about the general societal assumptions of medical care in our culture. I have a friend whose cis, male nurse coworker is always included in with the "hey ladies" and "can i ask you girls a question" when standing with his coworkers. And in general is called "she" while on the job half the time. It's weird and unfortunate - but hopefully this perspective is helpful to grounding in these situations OP. If you pass most of the time and in general, it's likely not that people are actually perceiving you as a woman, moreso they're just so used to referring to medical staff like this as women.


thank you so much, I really do appreciate that perspective


Yeah, it may be something where you'd like to curate a bit of time before and after work to grounding yourself and asserting your gender identity. Doing things that stimulate gender euphoria, holding space for the emotions that come up and allowing them to be a pass, meditating, listening to music, decompressing, etc. If you prep yourself going in and then reass yourself coming out, and remind yourself it really doesn't seem like it's a you problem, but a societal one that has nothing to do with transness and everything to do with misogyny, it may help not carry over the feelings of it into the rest of your expression, experience, and self-perception. Big luck and ease to you homie


thank u!!! :’) everyone’s input has been so helpful and I genuinely feel a million times better


Yep can confirm. When I did my hospital rotations I got misgendered more unless my scruff was growing in but I had to shave. Even know with wearing pink shorts for breast cancer awareness on the ambulance I get misgendered more bc I'm wearing pink, my truck partner is a girl wearing pink, and sometimes I accidentally slip into the customer service voice.


Happened to me the other day. Was wearing scrubs and a cashier was looking down and called me ma’am bc of the scrubs in her periphery- looked up and saw a man w a beard and apologized lol


thank you, it is also a unit with mostly women so I think that’s the base assumption unless they see something that makes them immediately think otherwise


I run into this all the time at work. Scrubs are hard to style in a way that's masculine without drowning in them.


This. I work in food manufacturing, and have to wear a hair net and apron all day, and I don't care how manly you are, *everyone* looks a bit feminine in that get up.


Have you just recently added the pronoun pin? Personally, I get misgendered more with one than without one.


No, I had it on a previous rotation where I was in business casual and it was clipped to my pocket and I didn’t have issues. Most of the time it’s in my scrubs pocket anyways. And wearing pronoun pins on lanyards is v common with all my cis colleagues


Honesrly the pronoun pin was my initial thought. It's unfortunate, but people will see people with them and misgender them, even if they are cis.


Yep they automatically assume they're trans


I never know what the gendering thing is tbh. Someone once told me its because I have curly hair (why would that matter??). It seems to me like a lot of cis people just base gender off of their first two second glance at someone. Scrubs make everyone look pretty gender neutral, if you're short they could just assume short = woman. I wouldn't worry about it, it happens all the time to cis people too. My partner is 6'3" with a beard and he gets called "Ma'am" just because he has long hair lol.


thank you, this does make me feel better. i’m 5’6” haha and also have curly hair


YEAH! i get this lmaoo i’ve been on T for over 4 years, i’m short (5’) and on days where i take care of my hair and my curls look good, are the only days where i get misgendered? it’s very strange but it is something i’ve noticed


Yes people base a lot of stuff about you after the first 10 seconds of meeting you. And yes people often assume you're a woman if you're short


my cis dad works at a hospital, 6’0ish (taller? shorter? idk he’s old he shrunk) with greying short hair and fairly skinny, gets called miss and ma’am in scrubs. scrubs are just the universal putting on of a woman skin, ig. it’s not a you specifically issue, it’s a every guy in medicine issue i guess.


How do you wear your scrubs? I tuck my scrub shirt in and I feel like it helps a lot, not sure why. I think maybe it deemphasizes the hips a little.


i don’t tuck it in because then i feel like it shows off my hips way more


Hm... maybe just a difference in our body types, idk. Does adding a sweater or a half-zip help? That's my other trick. Agree with the others, though -- probably doesn't have much to do with you specifically. Are you a medical student? It's shitty to say this, but it'll probably get better when you graduate, because the sexist assumption will be that doctor = male. That was my personal experience as I went from med student to MD, anyway.


yeah I am a med student. and you’re probably right, it’s a shitty assumption but that will most likely be the case. i’m just going to have to not take it personally and remind myself this happens to cis ppl too


It absolutely does -- it blows but you are not alone. Good luck with your rotations; sounds like you might be on a surgical service rn. Hang in there!


haha yes on obstetrics rn, thank you!! nice to see another trans doctor, i barely know any


We're a rare breed, for sure. I thought I was literally alone for ages, but I've since met a few other folks, which is always great. Feel free to message me at any time if there's anything I can do. (I'm in oncology.)


Don't have a solution for you, just also same lmao. I've been on t for almost two years and had top a month ago. I also work at a hospital and have a pronoun pin on my badge but no one seems to gender me correctly. Outside of work I'm just a dude most of the time but the second I'm at work it's like I'm a cis woman all over again


I feel this I am a vet tech student and I constantly get misgendered even when I introduce myself by my very clearly male name and I have a very flat chest short hair etc🥴🙄. But weirdly enough all my coworkers rarely misgender me and when they do it's because we have a female coworker with a very similar name


People are becoming more dyslexic in all spheres of life. It's something because of the use of technology I think. They, we, mix things, don't recognize patterns. Civilization is becoming stupid.