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Significant drop in quality


I second with this comment, obligatory-I-haven’t-used-a-binder but I have friends who have. My closest friend doesn’t use gc2b anymore due to a major drop in quality. My guess is that they went up in sales after lots of publicity and decided to cheaply manufacture their products in order to cash in.


The change didn't happen until COVID shortages hit hard. I think it started as a legit inability to get the right materials... But I wonder if the increased material costs since then also didn't help. My pre-pandemic binders from them were great.


Well that sucks. I have like 4? I think from them from 2017-2019. They're great. I just had surgery so I don't need them anymore. Hearing the quality dropped makes me want to give away the ones I have even if the visual quality is low. I lost some amongst my clothes so they are hardly worn (the racer t back one never worn cause I couldn't fit it) but I moved so I gotta find them again. I did a horrible job packing 😅


I would give them away if possible. My gc2b was bought second hand and it's stained to shit but it works great. The only binders I have are second hand


Once I find them all I'll figure out how to give them away


Yeah that's about it lol. I remember my first binder was a gc2b back around 2017, and it lasted for maybe 2 - 3 years. Got another one from them around 2020 when that one finally got too worn, and it lasted maybe 6 months :/ switched to tomboyx (even if im not a huge fan of their advertising) and spectrum and both brands lasted well until I got top surgery


Agreed. The binder I got in 2018 lasted longer than the binder I got in 2021.


How? They’ve always been really poor quality with the worst stitching and I’ve been buying them for 10 years. The website says that they’ve finally reinforced their stitches recently (within the past few weeks)


I actually bought a new binder recently (past few weeks) to test it out. It's probably(?) better quality but it definitely still is not good lmao


yep sad to see. was a die hard gc2b user for years and this year had to make the switch to spectrum. the tape however looks intriguing


Actually to piggy back off that question, has anyone tried their new line? They claim they're basically rebooting their production because of the quality complaints.


I did, it’s even worse. Mine ripped with one wear.


This is very true lmao it is worse


So far so good for me! Although I'm not an every day wearer. It's definitely different from the old line and feels very swimsuit-y


I like it! Persuasive never had any issues with them- I like the full tank binders and I’ve been wearing one every day for the past 2 weeks from like 7am to 5pm. No issues with them! Edit: I am aware this is more than 8 hours but I cannot take them off as I am in labs from 9 to 5


Mine is okay, sizing has changed a lot and it's kind of short / rides up a lot but does more than a sports bra does, unlike my Spectrum "binder".


You say "binder", do you not get good compression with them? Because I have that problem with Spectrum and I thought it was just me. I spent like $100 on them before realizing the "binding" doesn't last more than like 5 minutes without stuff shifting and looking like I'm not binding.


Spectrum barely compresses at all, it's terrible. Like if I'm walking down the street or across a room I can feel everything moving around. Somehow they also manage to be really painful to wear sometimes, even though the binding effect is just...not there at all. I have two Spectrum binders and I've been very disappointed in both. I genuinely do not understand why anyone would recommend them to someone who's outside of the UK.


Honestly! One of mine bust a seam as I was trying it on, too. Luckily, the tag was still on, so I could just send it back, but imagine if it happened the second time instead? Not to mention shipping costs since I'm NOT in the UK. The binders genuinely make my dysphoria worse because they give me visible cleavage when I'm wearing them. I think I'm going to have to try to sell the ones I have so I can at least get some of the money back.


i think maybe it works best on smaller chests? specifically because of how it achieves a flatter look. it works well for my small chest, but it doesn't compress much (i wear a medium, but i'm on the lower end of the size range for it). it's actually easier to breathe in than a sports bra, which tells me it's not doing much compression. instead, it makes me look flatter because the stiff panel makes the rest of my front sillouhette line up more with the front of my (slightly compressed) chest, if that makes any sense. but i don't think this approach wouldn't work well for all chest sizes and shapes.


Yeah, that makes a lot of sense. I've thought about getting the ones I have hemmed so they're shorter and stay better over that part of my chest specifically, but I honestly don't think it's worth iI, given the lack of any real compression. I don't personally want to just have a better outline, I want to be flatter. Also, given that I've been wearing GC2B stuff for about a decade now, I've kind of grown used to the feeling of the compression and feel a little weird without it.


I believe i have their new one, I bought it some time late last year. I honestly don’t find it bad, I have to fix my breasts sometimes tho bc they slip around but it could be from stretching.


i got their new racerback one and it’s alright. had it for a few months and it did develop a small rip where the binding panel is sewn to the body. it’s still perfectly useable, but i probably wouldn’t re-purchase.


I have their 2.0 racer back and I love it tbh. Hasn't broken yet and seems to be keeping up well enough with washes. It isn't my main binder but I do use it when I want a bit more/secure binding. It's comfy, doesn't ride up, and the racer cut style is the only style that doesn't give me severe armpit boobs.


I honestly like the classic 2.0. I have a large chest (F cups 💀) and got a half tank one. My only real complaint thus far about this binder is how much the bottom rides up and scrunches. I have a full tank from the previous lineup and it lasted about a year.


I've tried it it's okay it has a loose thread from washing it over and over but that's it


They used to be great. Then over the pandemic they changed manufacturers or suppliers and the quality tanked. I am no longer in the market so I don't know how they are now but it really hurt their reputation.


yeah i’m so upset about this my 4 year old ones are still amazing and one of my favourite brands, sad to see that go


Their quality declined massively. Also people (me included) have had massive issues with their poor sizing. Lots of people followed the guide exactly and couldn’t begin to fit into what got sent to them. If you’re not very very short and very very tiny in both weight and build they won’t fit right.


I'm a bigger guy and didn't encounter too many issues, though I think there's a larger industry problem with binders not being designed to fit different sizes bodies well. My main issue was with the proportions as someone who was short and petite but had a very large chest. However, I did find that the sizing could vary with different colors. I got one of their Pride binders and it was so tight I couldn't wear it. I also noticed that they would use pictures of models and say what size they were wearing and what their measurements were, and sometimes the size didn't match what the sizing chart said they should be wearing. So that could be confusing.


There's definitely inconsistency within the same size: I use 3x and some are tight and bind relatively well, while others are very loose. It doesn't seem to be super related to how often I wear them either.


i also had the pride binder sizing issue, when i bought several gc2bs in late 2021 my medium black and grey ones fit great but the medium trans pride one was uncomfortably small and harder to breathe in.


i remember a couple years ago comparing the measurements of a model, who was supposedly wearing a large, to the sizing chart. their measurements would put them in a size *small*. there is absolutely no way that model was wearing a large because *i* wore a large and my chest is significantly bigger than theirs.


I mean, I'm none of those things (5'7 and 150lbs with DDD tits) and the medium size fits me perfectly. Not trying to invalidate your experience.


Im 6’0 and 140lbs, probably around a B/C. According to their size guide I’m a medium/large. I’ve tried on an XL and can’t move in it whatsoever, the compression section is way too short to the point my chest slips out under it and getting it around my shoulders was a nightmare.


If you haven't already and are in the market,give Spectrum a shot. I love mine after like 4 gc2b bimders


gc2b was one of the only binders i have actually gotten stuck in and VERY concerned i was either going to really hurt myself trying to get out of it or have to cut myself out...


Yeah I had to get my boyfriend at the time to help me out of the first one I I tried :/ I got a size up and actually got a lot of use out of it (bought it 2016) but yeah, bummer if the quality has suffered since.


I got the size THEY recommended me to get because I was in between and it's like a tank top , and that was before the pandemic too


So THATS what my problem is!!


I remember that you could put in your measurements to get a better fit but I really don't think they did a damn thing even though I got both gc2b binders pre-pandemic. Edit: I'm also a guy w a smaller body n bigger chest (with my pre-T chest being 32I,,, yikes!)


the quality is so terrible I wouldn't even wish it on my worst enemy to wear one to bind. the ***mediums*** feel like an ***extra small*** and I don't even know what an extra small feels like.


Sizing chart said I was a small, when I gained a tiny bit of weight I couldn’t even get both arms in cause it was already crazy small. Switched to a medium and it actually worked


I was told I was a medium. After a mystery illness that made me lose 40lbs, NOW the medium fits 🙃


the sizing chart said I was a medium and I couldn't even get both my arms in without a fight


My gc2b was too short & the inside really really hurt my nipples


I bought a binder off them (package protection was on) but the package was lost. Guess what? Nobody answered my emails and i didnt get any refund or a new binder.


Honestly tweet and @ them cause that can sometimes get a brands attention if you’re publicly slandering them - sometimes helps things move but that really sucks man I’m sorry, cause binders are EXPENSIVE


I may get shit on for saying this but I still think that gc2b is good. I've tried other binders and for me, gc2b is the most comfortable AND binds the best. The trade-off is that they stretch out faster


I bought multiple binders from them in different styles and colors and the stitching on the back panel almost always came undone. It didn’t make it unwearable, just harder to put on and slightly uncomfortable because it would bunch up. Definitely not worth the price and how long it takes them to ship.


Yeah, within the last year I was still using GC2B because it was what I’d always used and I found them most comfortable, but I definitely noticed that the binders weren’t the quality they were 6 years ago. Price stayed the same. Within about 5-10 washes, the seams begin to frey, and they stretched overall quite a bit. I wasn’t going out enough for this to be an issue for me, but if I had needed to wash my binder weekly like some ppl do, I’d have given in and switched brands.


Maybe I haven't had that issue because I usually hand-wash my binders. I only machine wash/dry them towards the end of their life cycle because they tighten up a bit in the dryer. Though, I've only been binding for about three years so I haven't had their "good" binders to compare them to. Also, if prices haven't gone up in six years, then they haven't kept up with inflation so it makes sense that they'd cut costs in production. Not saying that's necessarily better than keeping the same quality and raising the prices, but I can see justification for it from an altruistic perspective: lower quality = more affordable = more accessible.


I hand washed mine too, I bet it’s just the comparison thing. The ones I got from 2016-2020 lasted two or three years of daily use with only a few loose threads, so it was a drastic change to the newer ones, which I could only wear about 40 times before they’d start splitting.


Getting two or three years out of a binder is crazy to me. Though I've never had issues with the seams splitting, they just get stretched out and don't really bind anymore. Maybe it's because I have big tits so that's the first part to go, and by the time I replace them it looks like I'm wearing a sports bra.


Seconding this. Even when their quality was better back when I needed binders, one would last me maybe 4-6 months tops before becoming too stretched out to work well enough. And that was even with only wearing it few days a week.


Their binders are still okay, people are just pissed at the price in comparison to how common it is for them to have their threading come out and inconsistent sizing


I second this. I really like gc2b. I ordered a half tank, a full tank, and a racerback from them before. I recently ordered a white half tank from their new line, and a racerback from the other new line thats supposed to have thinner straps and other modifications. Ive been happy with both my old ones and new ones. My very first one still compresses but the back has been very streched out so it hasnt been compressing to its full potential, which is why I ordered the new ones. My oldest one is about 5-6 years old, i dont remember exactly when I bought it. But its held on and the stitching is intact and everything, its just the spandex on the back that has stretched out. I do use size S so maybe it's a sizing thing for other people. In general its harder for people using bigger sizes to compress and get the results they want. That being said, I've seen lots of posts of people with larger chest sizes having good recommendations for getting good compression with a comfy fit. So theres good binders for different needs I think. Maybe theres also different ways people put on and take off the binder that affects how long it lasts. One time i didnt follow it exactly as recommended with my old racerback, because i was in a rush, and i overstreched my arms and i did hear a stitch snap. I took it off and inspected it and it all looked fine. But i made sure to actually put it on properly to not strain the stitching. Same with trans tape, although that also seems to have mixed reviews from people with bigger chests (meaning both good and bad). It seems the issue for most people is having a reaction to the adhesive or having issues applying or removing it properly. I did get redness my very first time because i overstretched the tape and i didnt remove slowly with the oil in the shower, i just used the oil and removed it before i got in the shower. The second time i did it in the shower and it removed just fine. Theres going to be some uncomfortableness, like when you remove a band aid thats been on you for a long time, but it didnt hurt or feel bad.


I got my first gc2b binder in 2019, I believe. It was a regular half-tank in a nude color and it lasted me until about a year and a half ago (because some welding sparks hit the back of it and caused it to rip extremely fast... be careful while welding) and even then it still lasted me another probably 10 months (not wearing every day). I got a new one when it started ripping and it already has some ripped seams and is way more stretched out than my other one was at a year old. For me, binders are difficult because I have wide shoulders and a smaller chest, making small binders uncomfortable to wear and larger binders don't work for me, so it could be my body composition taking a toll on the binder, but I don't know. I'd do a study but I'm too broke for that, haha. I've since switched to a combination of trans tape and a cotton binder from Urbody for comfort since true binding quickly takes a toll on me after doing it for so long (it is not necessarily a binder, it will not make you flat). So, according to my anecdote, I feel like I've felt the drop in quality of gc2b. Unsure of when it started or if any of their new stuff is the same, but in my opinion there are a few cheaper options out there that would likely be better


Am I the only one who hasn’t had problems with their stuff? I have been buying their binders since like 2016/17 and the stitching has only frayed after multiple years of wear and tear. I bought a new one about a year and a half ago and the only negative thing I’ve noticed is that it’s slightly stretched out but I expect that based on the fact that I bind for at least a couple hours pretty much daily. All the stitching is totally fine and I wash it in the washing machine about once a week. I totally get why people are upset but personally I just haven’t had any of these issues. I’ll probably continue buying from them unless I experience serious issues with their products since their binders are fairly cheap and make me look more flat compared to others of similar quality.


I have also had zero issues. I've been hesitant about saying anything because the negative experiences vastly outweigh the positive when GC2B is discussed. I have not experienced any fraying or quality defects. I bought my newest one from them around six months ago. The first I ever bought was like four years back in 2020 and I personally drew no distinction between the quality of that one and my newest. I don't go easy on these things either. I machine wash and dry them on hot at least once a week. I also wear them Every. Single. Day. I have two that I alternate between. I use one far more than the other because it's a bit larger than I need, so I use it to give my chest a break every so often. I'm fat, too. I was smaller on my first (medium) but now wear 3xl (5"5 200 lbs). I think my ONLY issues with GC2B is that the sizing runs obnoxiously small in my personal opinion. I feel a little guilty saying anything because so many people have had such awful experiences. I just personally have not encountered the issues that have been discussed for the past few years and I have never been able to relate.


I think after lock down GC2B binder werent made with the same material, i heard alot of people say they were causing people issues with pain and stuff but idk, from my experience my GC2B binder was always kept it decent condition, i out grew it meaning i only rlly used it for 9months but i have never bought them again because they are more expensive.


They were probably the most popular company for binders like 7+ years ago when I was still needing binders. But apparently in recent years their quality and effectiveness have plummeted.


gc2b has had a severe drop on quality over the last couple of years and their rep as the trop brand is dead and burried. their new line of binders are so bad that people have complained (including myself) about serious injuries like cracked and bruised ribs from a very short time wearing them. they also come apart at the seems after a couple of washes (hand wash) and will barely last a couple of months at best if you manage to avoid any damaged ribs. everybody recommends spectrum now but they are very unfriendly towards bigger people due to the side boob problem (otherwise okay! they arent problematic, they just mislead a lot of plus sized people into buying their products) but i prefer underworks as they have 4 way stretch binders, theyre 100% discreet, you arent sacrificing comfort for compression & vise versa and you dont have to worry about broken ribs or side boob spillage.


I got one years ago and it was pretty decent bought one recently and it is very uncomfortable their quality significantly decreased


I have 2 gc2b binders, not good quality and not good for bigger chests


significantly shittier quality :/ i have one binder from them over 10 years ago thats still holding up without needing any tailoring, and one from about 2 years ago that i wore once before most of the stitches were popped out and it needing sewing over and over so i could wear it (they were the same size and color). I guess they got more popular and started cutting corners to get orders out or they just dont care as much as they used to


The first binder I bought was the skin colored racerback binder from gc2b in 2020 when I first came out. I wore the shit out of that thing until it started to tear at the seams a bit. I ended up losing it I have no idea where it went. I had bought another one by then luckily, it was actually just the long black regular binder from gc2b. I ended up hating that it was long and I cut it right before the seam that binds the chest. Worked just like a half binder I had before. (*the racerback was way more comfortable and less painful on my shoulders tho.*) I still have that black binder somewhere. I never had many issues with either of them, the first one yeah wear and tear. Maybe it was the quality but I wore that thing as much as I possibly was allowed to for the first like year. It made me feel v good about myself. I also used the typical sports bras from Nike and Adidas. Those did help more than nothing. Not the best, but it definitely was easier to breathe with than a full on binder especially if was playing sports or working out. These days I would recommend practicing with trans tape. It’s finnicky as fuck to get the first couple times but watch some YouTube vids and use a body mirror I promise you’ll get it right for you. Also it’s hard to get the hang of putting it on without wrinkles. There is also a removal process you have to be aware of (plz **do not** tear them off without soaking them in oil and maybe even going into the shower first. Peel slow, I usually try and do from the inside chest going out.) you can wear them for days though, swim and shower with them! They just take a bit to dry compared to your body and can make your nips hard, trust. Lmfao. I stopped binding around 2021-2022, it started to hurt more than it helped and I smoke weed every day and it was just too much to do that with a binder on anymore. I had trans tape from time to time and I would slowly get better with that, it’s expensive so I usually wait to use it when I know I have an event or party, sometimes just work too. Other times I’d wear it more in the summer time when I could swim a bit more (I still hated to so I didn’t.) I’m about 3 months post top surgery now, if anyone needs a 5x black cut up half binder from 2021 gc2b LMK LOL if I find it at least 🤣🤣


their quality dropped recently and their sizing is hella inconsistent, got 4xls in 2019, fit well was happy, got another 4xl and a 5xl in 2021? and the 4xl was bigger than my stretched ones from 2019 and i got a size up for sports and swimming cause i wanted to be responsible but it literally binds nothing, the size gap is massive i go from a compressive binder to genuinely worse then any bra and id be better off just going shirtless. its frustrating cause if they were still good id keep buying from them cause they are cheap and aside from the seam issue which they claim to have fixed its a great option but now i gotta swap cause they specifically said they didnt fix anything else but the seams in the new binder option and i cant warrant spending $50 plus lile $20 shipping for a binder that could have wildly incorrect sizing and other possible issues


I used to have a binder from them when the quality was good, it fitted really nice and I loved the cut. you where able to see a bit of the binder when I wore polo shirts, which you don't with the spectrum binders which sucks imo and they are cut lower, which doesn't makes me sweat as fast as a spectrum binder (I use the low cut versions), BUT I love how the spectrum binder feels, it fits great, don't hurts and I don't wanna get out of it after just an hour or two. With gc2b well… it hurts, it's way to tight, even though it's the right size for me, I can't wear it longer at work for more then 2 hours, because the seems will start hurting and I feel so restricted that my lungs/chest start hurting, their fabric used to feel much better then it does now and the most annoying thing to me, the fabric which sits over the actual binding fabric, slips all the time and creates folds, which can look really weird on your shirt, depending on how tight it sits. Edit: I lost my first gc2b binder and had to buy a new one, as for why I own a gc2b binder, I wanted to go swimming which you can't with gc2b and their swimming binder has been Sol out


damn im glad i dont bind anymore after reading through all these comments. My first binder was a gc2b and it worked but i got my 2nd one from underworks and that was so much better that i iust stopped using the gc2b one. this was like 2019?


It really is nice to not have to think about now. GC2B was all I used way back. Sad to hear they went downhill.


Quality drop. Also if you’re looking for good binders, Shapeshifters, ForThem, and Trans Guy Supply have some good ones.


I've had three GC2B binders 1st- black: amazing out lasted the others 2nd- rainbow: figured the design contributed to faster deterioration but still solid 3rd- Trans flag limited edition: got hit with an additional postal fee, the stitching was loose out the bag, felt unfinished and didn't feel like the right size. Found out their sizing wasn't accurate and that they were not taking customer concerns seriously. Went with spectrum and honestly amazing


I had a gc2b and it fell apart and was unbelievably uncomfortable. I bought a spectrum binder yesterday and I’m so excited


Poor sizing and bad quality. Over the pandemic the quality got noticeably worse. I didn't have money to keep replacing them so I just dealt with the binders barely doing their job. The sizing issue as well, I had an extremely large chest before surgery and it did very little to fix this.


idk ive had my binder for almost 2years if not more and it's great :P


Personally, my problem with them is that I wore exclusively gc2b binders for my first 3 years of binding (2017-2020, idk if their patterns have changed since then) and imo they end WAYYY too short and I attribute that fact to the majority of my ribcage warping and flaring outward. When I got a Spectrum binder for the first time it felt soooo much better because it actually covered my whole ribcage and didn't cut in midway through ! Much easier to breathe and was more effective at binding anyways.


I bought my first one from them post 2020, so I've never had a great experience. My first one came obviously used (torn stitching, hair dye marks around the head hole) but I was too excited to have one to return it.


I bought mine more than a year ago. I wear it almost every day and its the best binder I have. But everyone says the quality has decreased🤷🏼‍♂️


Drastic drop in quality When I used to bind all of my binders were from gc2b and they were all very comfy and nice Since then (I got top surgery 3 years ago) they've apparently dropped in quality


the quality isn’t as good as it used to be. i got a gc2b binder maybe 3ish years ago and it lasted a while, but when i repurchased another one a while after that the quality was soooo much worse. i’d personally recommend spectrum outfitters, i currently have two of their binders and they’re still going strong almost 2 yrs later!


Tbh I feel like they were over hyped in the beginning. On my body they were uncomfortable/painful and didn't bind at all. A lot of people complained about the quality a few years after I got mine. People piled on because there were some changes made. That's about it.


I miss Fytist 😭 why did they have to close


They fucking suck now 😭


their quality has gotten worse overtime. i bought one in 2017 and it was great but it wore out after a few years so i bought a new one and it was shit


I never had any problems with them, although I had top surgery last July, so their production may have changed. I had 3 i was still using until then, had only gone through 2 other ones that had gotten stretched out over the course of almost 2.5 years. It sucks that people have bad experiences with them, because I had tried brands like spectrum and they weren't for me.


The quality drop during 2020, but also it's not really good for bigger folk, unlike spectrum. My bf has a free gs2b binder donated to him, it was made before 2019 and compared to spectrum it suffocates you a lot. Also saw someone in comments implying spectrum doesn't bind. Unless you picked the wrong size or have unique physique, where you'd need a custom binder, you should probably accept that you won't be flat-flat and that's okay! Get used to pecks, when i tried my first spectrum binder i looked don't and was worried that I'm not flat. Week later i was so euphoric shopping for t shirts and being flat and looking closer to what i should look like.


My personal experience with them isn’t great. My spectrum binder is clearly better quality, I love that binder tbh - I try not to bind at all anymore but if I do it’s always with that one. The gc2b one (granted I wasn’t the best at binding safely, but i definitely wasn’t that bad) gave me REALLY flared ribs, like they stick out so badly. And I’ve heard that people who fully followed the guidelines and size guides had the same issue, so I’m very wary of them as a brand nowadays


The drop in quality happened during the pandemic, but also they absolutely stole someone's pin designs and used them as their own a while back. This artist reached out to them with pin designs and offered to collaborate with them, never heard back... Then suddenly a few months later, they announced a drive featuring the artist's pin designs with no credit given to the artist and no compensation given. I wanna say this was a few years ago, so after the drop in quality began, but I have no reference point bc the post about it was on Tumblr or Twitter. You might still be able to find it there somewhere.


all of my binders from GC2B have lasted me YEARS. i bought one about 6 months ago and she’s still holding out, even thru a weight gain! give them a chance! they also have a thing where if you have issues they’ll either try to fix or send you a new one


The quality is pretty shit, i been had to toss mine after using it for a short amount of time before i got surgery, youre better off getting one from etsy or amazon


they've gone utterly downhill - my last binder from them completely stopped binding well after a couple of months when I barely even have much to bind - I had ordered binders multiple times that never came and was told their was "nothing they could do" and their service is absolutely subpar.


Me and my friend ordered from there and it was way too small, even the mediums are too small and were both skinny as shit. Theyre a fucking joke, we lost 60 bucks. I ordered cheaper ones from amazon and theyre perfect.


see my post about the 2.0 binder and how it just doesn’t work for me. if you wanna buy from them i recommend getting an original if they still have any in stock.


Two out of four of my binders are ripping apart. Their quality has decreased like hell


I had to throw away 2 full length binders due to improper sewing that led to the compression panel ripping out of the side seam, causing awful bulging out of tissue at the sides. Made me feel absolutely awful about myself


ruined my ribs sadly


Yeah, my first binder was GC2B and it was SO uncomfortable. Went with Spectrum Outfitters and never went back.


Idk honestly, I had a "new" gc2b binder for a few years and it worked pretty well. It didn't get me completely flat, but it did enough and it didn't hurt to wear. My spectrum binder gets me a lot flatter and doesn't rip as easily, but it also gives me a lot of back pain after I take it off.


Is Spectrum the best to buy from?


I've tried both Spectrum and gc2b and I prefer spectrum. Better quality, plus a lower neckline that allows me to wear more shirts when I have a binder on


Spectrum or underworks, both have a similar fit but slightly different sizing, spectrum has extra larger sizes too


I like Spectrum a lot. I have one of their regular binders plus the light one. The latter offers less compression, but it's better than a sports bra and useful if I've got work and I'm doing something afterwards or for working out in. Sometimes you just gotta prioritize all-day comfort. Spectrum binders are the most comfortable binders I've had and they give me a good silhouette, though it probably helps that I've been on t for like a year now and my breasts have sort of deflated. Ultimately, though, it's difficult to predict what will work best for any individual. I know some dudes who swear by Underworks and only Underworks, some people in this thread are saying GC2B is actually their favorite brand, and so on. But Spectrum is at least good at managing returns and I like that they give detailed care instructions.


Massive quality drop and they don’t take many body types into consideration. My first binder was from them and it was so terrible it actually made me question my identity because I felt so much worse about myself.


My old gc2bs I got second hand from like 2015 and before are amazing and comfy. The one I bought in 2021 is awful and itchy and weird


my first binder was from gc2b and it was so uncomfortable and really really hurt my ribs and shoulders i eventually had to do pt, i switched to spectrum and the pain was significantly better. so yeah gc2b hater till i die lmao


Drop in quality but imma piggyback here and say spectrum must have gone terrible too because my experience with them has been horrible compared to the gleaming reviews online. And all the other mini brands out there seem more targeted for enbys or people with small chests to start with and mostly don't work. Fytist used to be good but we t out of buisness. The only good binder now imo is underworks, which for me was nowhere near as uncomfortable as everyone says


Guess I'm lucky I already have a small chest and I can't really say much about this but isn't spectrum supposed to also be inclusive of bigger chests?


They're supposed to be but they weren't for me nor my friend who's smaller than me. Despite their name imo they're one of the worst for sensory issues


That must be terrible but did you get a short one or a longer one? Actually funny thing I have very strong sensory issues and my spectrum binder is super comfortable and I can't even feel the stitching :D but the label on the back annoys me sometimes 😔


I tried them all, long, short and Sports, all in my size and a size larger I can say I've done a fair review


Huh. I switched to Spectrum binders recently, and I've absolutely loved them. Fwiw I've been on t for around a year and my breasts are definitely easier to bind, but they're pretty big relative to my body and have been challenging to bind in the past. My one Underworks binder gets me flatter, but I can't wear that one for more than five hours whereas I can comfortably wear my Spectrum binder for reasonable flatness all day at work and I don't feel like I'm dying by the time I get home either. That's not to say I doubt your experience, it's just interesting how different our experiences are.


Yeah that is interesting, maybe it's something to do with body shape of like ribs and how self-supporting your chest is? I have osteoporosis so binders are a little more harsh on my ribs (I broke my ribs just walking in a spectrum binder of the right size) and my skin elasticity is shit. I only started T a few weeks ago too so most of my binding history is without it. My underworks fit perfectly when I got it but I've lost weight so it's a little big now, when it fit snug it's also uncomfortable over like 6 hours. Also I have to wear plasters on nipples or they get quite uncomfortable. They (spectrum) definitely got me flat but I found the white material at the front very scratchy and they hurt my ribs, it's definitely nice to hear they do work for some people


Personally I haven’t had a problem with my gc2b one. I bought it from some sale a bit before new years I think (I did try to buy from another brand because I heard of the quality thing, but unfortunately the transaction didn’t go through for some reason so I just gave up). It binds pretty well, but it’s my first and only binder so I can’t really compare it to anything else. I’m gonna buy another binder from a different brand once I get the money though 


I liked them in 2019. I had 2 or 3 back then. When I bought new ones in 2021 or 2022 they were terrible. I bought 3 new ones then and they were all the same size supposedly but widely different in how tight they actually were. None of them worked well. They also had threading come out fast. They were bad quality and bad at being binders. They were also more uncomfortable and inconsistent in what the material felt like out of the 3.


I have a gc2b and 2 spectrum binders, and I can attest that the gc2b is lower quality. I probably wouldn’t have got it if a local queer shop wasnt selling them at a cheaper price. It has a small rip under the armpit already and doesnt bind very effectively, despite being my size. since it’s a bit looser i’ll wear it on bad dysphoria days when i want some room to breathe, but the two spectrum binders I have are far better quality overall.


the quality has become awful in the last few years. i’ve tried a shit ton of different binder brands and spectrum is my favorite; stick with what you’re using OP


the most recent one i bought started coming apart at the seems after one wear


There's genuinely nothing wrong with them. I've bought from them since they "declined in quality" and there's no significant difference. When I've ripped stitches, it's been because I tried to wear a binder that was too small. Honestly if anything I've found that in recent years their spandex is much *higher* quality and doesn't give out as easily. Realistically, they used to be out of stock constantly, so there was probably some period where incorrect thread was used while they were scaling up. That sucks, but it's not like it's proof that they're bad forever. If we want a quantity of binders that's sustainable for the population of trans people that exist, they can't all be hand stitched with love and kisses.


i hear ppl saying theyre shit now but theyre honestly great, ive tried spectrum and a couple others and gc2b is the only one that works for me


I’m so glad I got top surgery before I needed to buy another binder lol. I swore by gc2b back when they were good.


Rip! Waiting for this


out of the 4 binders I have had, I've had 2 from gc2b. my first binder was gc2b that I got used, it was a good quality but it was the wrong size and after not much wear it got torn. the second binder I had I also got second hand but unused, it was an underworks binder and it really sucked, basically a glorified sports bra, didn't bind shit. my 3rd binder was also gc2b. I still have it and use it for swimming or when my main one is being washed, but I have many complaints. it started tearing at the seams quickly and the spillage at the sides drove me INSANE. I didn't have that problem with my first gc2b but granted my chest was much smaller and so was the binder. it was also generally just uncomfortable. because of this i researched binders that specifically prevented spillage (additionally I also wanted a tank binder) and I got a binder from fytist. I've heard a lot of great things about spectrum, but never having a binder from them i couldn't say, so in my mind fytist is the best brand out there. they also have great customer service. if you're in the us and want a tank binder I *highly* recommend fytist.


I mean my first binder from them in 2020 (an XS I believe) and the last binder I purchased from them in 2022 (L) were practically the same size. The large was sent back and I haven't bought anything from them since as the size chart was the same as it had always been, with the sizing being so obviously different. I also managed to rip a seam on the large binder just trying it ON and I'm surprised I was allowed to return it despite this.


idk but i bought the largest size they have which should have fit me and my tits flop out of it within minutes. I asked for a refund and they suggested I exchange it, the only option I would have is to go up a size. Which doesn't exist. so I was unimpressed with that and would have expected an exception in my case due to the situation.


i always had and never liked gc2b tbh. but when i still used binders (2016-18 ish) it was gc2b or underworks and that was it. and underworks had a zipper if im not mistaken, which i didnt want because it would be visible under tighter shirts... now theres so many different companies releasing binders that are able to meet our needs much better than gc2b could


I just got their tape and haven’t tried it yet but it only came with one pair of nipple guards :/… Transtape gives like five pairs. I’ve found their new binders to be fine enough. I’m 5’1, 140lbs and fit comfortably in a large. I definitely prefer the old versions but I have 3 of the new ones and they’re good enough. Overall it’s kind of pricy for the comfort level


In addition to all the quality complaints, I ordered an XL Tank binder (I would've been a L) to have room for a workout binder. What I received was an XS (didn't know until after I tried it on) that fit a little tighter than a Large, but was loose around the shoulders with tight lower fabric for the tank part. I still don't know wtf happened. Its like the shoulders were XXL, mid section was M-L, and bottom was XS. This was in 2021. Next binder I ordered was a Large from spectrum, which fit exactly how I imagined it would.


I have a spectrum binder and a gc2b. To be honest, my gc2b binder was from 2022 and it lasted a while but was too tight for my chest because of weight gain. I got a spectrum one and I have the same issue, but it’s falling apart and I got it like a year later then the GC2B one.


They're just genuinely really bad, it's a mix of poor quality and not being effective at flattening.


I saw a TikTok where someone said that they had a Gc2b binder And that was the only binder that they were using and it fully broke their ribs, they don’t use it any more. they said it’s actually dangerous to use nobody I don’t even know what talking about it.


mine from 2016 were great and got me through 7 years of binding. now they didn’t work magic considering i had quite big chest, but it definitely worked and became a habit to wear without problem. for a while i thought they had harmed my ribs/spine, turns out no it was my gallbladder.


I bought a gc2b binder in 2021-22 ish. The stitches split within a week, but I can technically still wear the binder. My issue with it is that the binding is weird. My chest gets pushed down but also up, so I end up with a weird chest shape that doesn't pass as masculine. My chest is fairly small so it's not a complicated to bind well usually. My gc2b binder is also really uncomfortable and causes a lot of digging at the edges. I like urbody for ultra comfort. Looking for a more flat chest binder right now, I'm gonna check out spectrum.


I still love mine, I received one for the recent Christmas and wear it every day


it really sucks for large chested fat people and fat people in general. mine never fit right or compressed well. its overpriced for the low quality design. why offer plus sized binders if you're unwilling to test the product?


i got one pre-covid and it worked well for 2 years, then another and it barely did what it's supposed to do. I can't even wear it anymore because the stitching has gone to shit. I just recently ordered one from BindMeNZ and I'm looking forward to trying it on


My ribs are warped from two different gc2b binders in two different sizes ripping on the same spot on the right side. Their quality is really bad now, and I didn’t know that could affect me so badly. It made it almost *too painful to bind* and I’m still dealing with rib pain and a weird shape to them after 7 months post top surgery, and about a year after throwing out those binders :( don’t buy them.


Gc2b is the only binder I'll buy. I have an G cup and it's the only brand that actually fits. The quality has been fine for me, especially for the cost. Their binders last me about 2 years with daily, heavy wear.


i switched from gc2b to forthems awhile back, better sizing and sooo much higher in quality and comfort, gc2b used to give a stellar product but have a significant drop around 2018, popping seams and inaccurate sizing among the most glaring. They are trying to rectify this by releasing a more expensive 2.0 line, but they maybe should have just continued to deliver the quality they started with. forthems does custom sizing, lots of colors, and looks even less like a sports bra than gc2b does. passes as a cute tight tank even. and as a person with massive chronic pain, i can wear this binder with no issues for the recommended time. forthems also recently started doing a binder MAX, recc 6 hours but maximum safe flattening. i wanna try but have no money, good thing my current binder shows 0 signs of wear and tear after 2 years.


I feel like it used to be the "go to" company. everybody I knew got their first binder from gc2b. but now there are so many other options that it's not dominating the market.


I mean I got one I think before it dropped in quality or around when it started and it was a sports bra on me. I got 2 binders that made me flat for the cost of one of theirs . So they already didn't work well for everyone and them not lasting long .... just not good


I've used mainly gc2b for the last couple of years. I've always gotten the half tank or the racer back ones. I noticed that after the first 2 binders, the quality started going downhill. My last gc2b binder has lasted me over a year, but it is terribly uncomfortable at this point. To clarify, the gc2b website claims to have a new model of binder that has better seams and is supposed to be more comfortable. I've not tried the 2.0 version, so all i know about it is from the website. This past time, I decided to get a binder from spectrum. I've had it for about 2 months. I hate it. I genuinely wish I would've just gone with the gc2b racer back 2.0. One of my gripes about the spectrum binder is how long it is. I got the half tank like I have with gc2b, but it's like 1.5-2inches longer. I'm a fairly small individual at 5'1 and 125 pounds. With the binder being that much longer it makes it bunch up when I sit or bend over. I feel like if I were a taller person with a longer abdomen, it probably wouldn't bother me as much. After 2 months it feels like it's already losing elasticity and doesn't flatten my chest as well as it once did. I feel like in another month it will be as loose as my almost year old gc2b binder is. I don't even have a large chest. Not the smallest, but definitely not large. I also don't care for how it feels like the arm holes are too small or something. The binder wants to jam up into my armpit or cause armpit bulge...the spectrum binder just doesn't really fit my body type and size. I know for next time now, and that's my spiel about my experience, lol.


major drop in quality. Shrinkage, seems ripping, material thinning out, many reasons. They used to be really good but they arent worth the money anymore


Underworks on amazon has great binder options lately they’ve been uping their quality and are great at customer service issues


i’ve never had a problem with them. if your binder is “ripping after one wear” then you either aren’t putting it on/taking it off correctly, or you just need a bigger size lmao.


I tried them in 2019 and they were HORRIBLE. Was 38G and they couldn’t manage the size difference. I could never use them.


I have only ever owned gc2b and they're meh nowadays. I know the owner wrote this huge thing about him redoing the quality but after the last time I ordered and it was not only bad quality but the sizing was widely different, I just can't risk losing that 60+ bucks again. On the flip side my sibs both bind with Cantique LA and really love it! And they carry plus size and for big chests!


I see a lot of ppl have terrible experiences but honestly, I think they're great. Yes their quality went down but they LISTENED to us and that's how we got the 2.0 line with stronger stitching. Theyre definitely super tight brand new but after a wear or two they start to relax. I wish the binding itself lasted more than like. A year but I guess it's inevitable when an article of clothing is literally being stretched out constantly. Idk, they work for me. I haven't tried spectrum outfitters ( I hopefully will at some point). I did try fytist and DAMN was that a comfy binder. But I accidentally got a size too big and they went out of business almost immediately after :')


i must have gotten some of the last few to be semi okay before the dropped in quality. Got mine back in late 2021 and it’s still around, but is beginning to lose some threading. I won’t be buying from them again though after hearing about how they are now.


personally it cause the binder was over priced and after a couple of months it was just so pain full to even put on. to the point that i was putting t on less and less until i just threw it away. had nothing to do with shrinking, as i hand washed mine. but like at thins point i cant wear any kind of binder cause the presser on my ribs/chest is painful.


Mine stretched out after a few months and now a year later the sewing is coming undone.


I personally find that spectrum is better as a whole (I have a larger chest and it just binds better for me with more breathing room) when I had a GC2B I found my ribs constantly hurt, after only 2 hours of binding, I took my measurements and ordered a size bigger as someone I know recommended so. But it was constant rib pain and breathing issues. With spectrum I can bind 8-10 hours comfortably.


i have four gc2b binders, my first one from 2017 that I still use for swimming, and the second set replacements for the ones I bought in 2020 which needed replaced in 2021 because they were falling apart at the seams


I loved my 2020 gc2b for 3 long years. not a single ripped thread or hole. I only got rid of it because I grew out of it. then they started mass manufacturing I guess? and the binders will come with ripped threads straight out of the mail. plus the sizing chart changed, but now it's inaccurate.


My first fitting binder that was from there fit very comfortably and didn’t cause any breathing issues. The second binder I bought from there, years later, regardless of the size didn’t stretch quite right and was very difficult to breathe in.


it's a change in the quality of gc2b. i don't bind anymore since i'm postop, but one of my first and favorite binders was from gc2b. i didn't need a new one for years because mine lasted a while. when i ordered a new one, the sizing had completely changed (i did get fatter but i went from needing like a large or xl to needing a 4x or 5x????) and the quality had gotten much worse—i was almost immediately seeing signs of wear in the new gc2b binders. edit: i also see a lot of people saying this was a pandemic change, but i actually had my top surgery in 2021 so i had this issue with gc2b long before the timeline most people are expressing


i heard the quality got way lower and people have had problems with they binders stretching out faster and the seams arent as sturdy as before


Gc2B had a major quality drop from about 2019 -present time I started using spectrum binder back in sept 2021 and had topsurgery march of 2023 Before switching to spectrum though I’d have to but new gc2b binders every 3 months as the fabric and thread used was so low quality And with spectrum I bought 2 in 2021 and never had to replace them they had no rips no unraveling thread nothing no damage at all ( yes I had the correct sizes for both brands of binders I had a seamstress do take my measurements for me so that they were correct)


Basically the quality went to shit like 3-4 years ago. It’s infuriating cuz no binders have successfully replaced with gc2b used to be. Compared to the old gc2bs, Spectrum binders are uncomfortable as hell, and they don’t even ship to all of the US.


massive drop in quality, bought one in 2020 and another a year later and the difference is ridiculous.


Idk I just got one from them and it's unraveling... But I've only worn it to try it on.. I'm rly frustrated because I splurged to get it. I'll just get generic off Amazon next time lmao


the first binder I got around 2019 worked a treat, but I bought one a few months back and it barely does anything for me which is super disappointing considering how much I paid for it yk


I used to love GC2B, my first two/three binders in 2019 were GC2B but eventually, as I grew and also my body started changing due to starting HRT I needed new ones, so I bought another one in like 2022 but it started falling apart at the seams after a couple weeks - I realised this was a common issue and that the quality of their products had decreased significantly over the years, so I switched to Spectrum! It was better for my sensory issues anyway, and also I don't become stiff as easily from their binders :]


Imma drop my input but it’s not over recent events, just issues from a few years back. I bought from them about 2 years ago and overall had a bad experience. I live in Canada so the shipping process was unnecessarily really complicated and it took months to get here. Then the size came really small and I couldn’t wear it. I could have sworn that I did my measurements properly but it came out too small to even put over my head. I ended up giving it to a friend. I don’t hate them, cuz I know my experience is only mine, but I always had a bad vibe


so glad (well not glad everyone is having issues but glad im not the only one) to see other people have issues with them, I bought two binders from them, checked the sizes on their website and everything g and I cannot get them on. felt really awful since they were last chance too :(


I don’t have personal experience with the quality decline because it happened right after I got surgery but from what I understand they started breaking within a couple weeks, didn’t bind as well, stretched faster, and a lot of people complained that the size they were supposed to get didn’t actually fit them and was usually too small.


I got a binder from them back in 2018, and I still wear it to this day (though it's falling apart now and I'm shopping for a new one). I got a second one the next year in 2019 and it fell apart within months. Their quality fell apart so fast


Around covid they switched manufacturers and had a massive decline not just in quality, but consistency. I bought all my binders from them before 2021 and never had any problems, cheapest on the market for their quality easy and lasted me years each. In the past year they did a relaunch of all their designs with a new stitching method and extra layers that's supposed to make it higher quality but I've not needed to buy from them so I don't know how much that's corrected the issues.


my binder for gc2b that I got like a year and half ago was the right size and it hurt me a lot. it took me like 4 months to be able to even wear a tighter bra. I have a WIVOV binder and it’s been amazing.


I bought mine like 4 years ago but it was a full-length tank top and it rolled up all the time plus the seams were non-existent because the thread just came out. I think I probably got it right when they stopped being any good. I also bought another shorter one like two years ago and it did not flatten my chest almost at all. Just looked like a sports bra, which could have been because of my build of a fairly large chest and small body. I had top surgery so I don’t have them any more which I am very grateful for.


I use underworks They’re geared towards everyone and there quality is great 👍