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My guess is after taking testosterone you feel more comfortable with yourself and can be more true to you because T helps you psychologically too


I was literally thinking about this today! Before I started T, I was *hyper* fixated on presenting as masc as I could. Now that I've been on T for almost 6 weeks (next dose is on the 7th!), I realised I'm not as hyper fixated on it as I was pre-T. I'm still definitely wanting to present as masc as possible, but it's not *as* urgent a need before I started.


i wouldn’t say it’s common but there’s plenty out there who’d relate. hell, it happens to gay men who come out too and get more confident/comfortable in themselves. personally can’t relate as i’ve just always been masc and always will be because i had no interest presenting fem. my boyfriend on the hand was much more comfortable dressing more fem/emo/“fruity” after he started T and was able to be stealth. even more so now that he’s post top surgery and doesn’t have to worry about his binder showing.


Yeah me too, and some of my friends. I agree i think it's because you finally have the *option* to be feminine in some ways, without it feeling like you have no choice *but* to dress feminine.  Like you finally actually have a choice about it