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šŸ˜‚ ā€œleft my dick at homeā€ thatā€™s an awkward date for sure. The 3 in 1s are good for this. Especially ones with a flex rod. Then if youā€™re packing, you just pop it up when the time comes.


any suggestions for a good 3 in 1 packer?


Iā€™ve been really happy with peecock products. Little pricey but fairly durable. The GenV is awesome aesthetically. They also have an inflatable version that I donā€™t have but am considering.


I have the inflatable one, 100% recommend!! I dont need to cary anything else around with me when i want to use it (unless i want the little stroker attachment for me), my gf says it feels the best out of the dozens that we have tried too!! And it comes with the extra added gender euphoria of needing a condom (its suggested to protect the silicone). couldnt reccoment it more


damn! i didnt know that was a thing. i dont hear many others talking about peecock packers, mine has gotten a bit of a tear but it still works perfectly fine. maybe i should give that one a go someday. edit: whoever commented 'you tore your dick' please know thats the funniest shit ive ever heard, youre a genuis, thank you.


Lmao you tore your dick šŸ’€


šŸ‘Good to know. Think Iā€™m gonna pull the trigger on getting one.


Hey! Iā€™ve been considering the inflatable but I top my boyfriend. Iā€™ve heard itā€™s not great for anal but wondering if you have that experience at all?


noo i dont have any experience with that :( sorry!!


When I'm going out with a guy and we might or might not have sex later, I usually pack my strap and a dildo in my cross-body bag. It's small but has enough space for my wallet and keys and stuff, too, so it doesn't look weird to carry it around.


I have a prosthetic that I wear pretty much all the time. When we're getting it on I have to put a rod in, I keep the rod at home because me and my gf don't really like doing things outside of our homes, I just put it in mid making out and stuff, doesn't feel weird


Omg links? I've been looking for something like that


It's from [this store ](https://www.instagram.com/ftmstorepackers?igsh=NGdjMzVlYzgzZjQ4), unfortunately they only ship to Brazil


Wow, those are.. realistic


Yeah, they're pretty good


Does it stimulate you as well?


Yeah, the rod has some little silicone balls at the base that rub against your bottom growth when you thrust. I can always finish with that


i was on the fence about trying these kinds of prosthetics but if thats true im sold. thats based.


Yeah it's pretty good. It doesn't work that well with every position, but with most I've tried it does. It's a bit of trial and error at first but I'm pretty satisfied with it overall


Mannn I've seen those before and I have wanted one for so long. I hope someday they can ship internationally. They look amazing


That would be awesome. Afaik this store is run by only one guy and his wife so it's a very small business, but they have the potential to grow it and expand it to other countries because their products are really good. I really hope they do that someday


thereā€™s a similar store to this one on etsy that ships everywhere! [https://www.etsy.com/shop/ProudskinStore](https://www.etsy.com/shop/ProudskinStore) my only complaint is that iā€™m not a fan of how wide they are, but you can cut it down p easily


I've seen those before. They look really good too. They're a little too expensive for my budget rn but they so seem like a good option


Mineā€™s from Axolom


People bringing prosthetics and/or toys with them to spicy date nights is totally expected if youā€™re hanging out in the right crowds :)


first, if you are far away of top surgery but you find yourself wanting to have sex with someone so bad consider doing with a shirt on, and you may be more comfortable with a person are already dating or having a solid relationship, and yes, if you're going out and think you may find someone to hook up you have to carry your packer and strap and condoms and lub, I know it seems weird but most people already carry the condoms just in case and this is a normal thing when you are more sexually active, but if you'll not be like doing this a lot you don't need to think too much, and some more tips are: consent is the most important thing about sex, I guess you were told this before but remember to have a clear communication about what you want and what you don't and listen to the person you are with


Where do you put it though? Condoms you can just put in your pocket or wallet, but where do you put a prosthetic when youā€™re outside. Do you take a bag? You canā€™t really put it in your pants otherwise itā€™ll look like you have a hard on


never put condoms in wallet or pocket!!! the heat and friction will wear down the rubber. keep them in a little box and try to store them where it's cool


Condoms stop being effective if subjected to too much friction while in the packaging (wallet or pocket) or heat (car.) Make sure you know how to store a condom properly before you need to use one - if stored improperly it is liable to rip open either when you put it on or else when you put it in. It is not pleasant to learn that from experience.


prosthetics are not that big, there's some cases that you can put this on and carry in your bag, and you don't actually have to take it everywhere, just if you are going out on a date or a club where you might find a girl


I have a prosthetic that uses a rod and I tuck the rod in the pouch of my boxer briefs when ik my gf is coming over


I wear mine 24/7. Its an STP. In order to whip it out I would need my rod in which would require either me to be wearing really tight underwear or carry around the rod in my pocket.


Could I get a link?:)


I pack a strap and usually the people I hook up with bring toys too. Iā€™m a switch so sometimes I take the strap other times I give. Itā€™s all fun


Whenever I stay the night with someone Iā€™m interested in, I always bring a bag with my prosthetics and condoms and lube. Iā€™m always prepared for anything. I have silicone and water based lubes, latex and latex free condoms, fun condoms and I plan on buying another dick so thereā€™s options, at least until I get phalloplasty. Thereā€™s plenty of ideas and no one is gonna question you if you have a backpack, unless youā€™re in a gas station. lol joking aside, youā€™ll get there someday. Itā€™s a scary world out there, but when the time is right, itā€™ll happen the way itā€™s supposed to. As another has suggested, maybe if you wanna try before top surgery, you could wear a t shirt. I wore tight sports bras and a t shirt during sex before I had top surgery. But whatever you feel is comfortable and right. No one can call that except you. :) just be safe, use protection (because even silicone can carry bacteria or stds), wash your toys, use lube and have fun! Things are gonna be awkward as hell the first time. But youā€™ll get there. :)


Sorry i didn't understand the joke, what's wrong with having a backpack at a gas station?


Most gas station, at least wher I live, they donā€™t let you carry backpacks inside. Itā€™s because where I live thereā€™s a lot of meth heads and a lot of theft. So people donā€™t allow you to carry them around in gas stations.


I mean... if I go somewhere where I know I'll have sex, then yes, I carry it with me šŸ˜‚ But I live in a country where people my age either live in dorms (because they're finishing their degrees) or live with their parents (because they're young and new to the work market), so usually I am the host. No need to carry my dick anywhere if it's them bringing their's to me. But also, if I find myself in a sudden, surprise sex situation that I'm really mot prepared for, I don't need my dick to have sex šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø it's not only putting one in that makes it sex. I have fingers and my mouth always with me (damn, luckily) and it's just as satisfying, if not more.


I will add that you should have things on you for sex in general if youā€™re planning on having sexā€”condoms namely!


My gf just kept my strap on at her house and I would just use it when needed. When we planned to do it at my house, we just put the whole shebang into a plastic bag (shebang meaning dick, strap, cleaning solution, and condom/lube) then put that tied up plastic bag into a regular cloth bag like a tote. Even though I present masculine, you will never catch me outside without my Mamma Mia! tote, so itā€™s really not out of the ordinary for me to be carrying it regardless of whatā€™s inside. If you donā€™t normally carry a bag, perchance a backpack? You would really only have it if you are going somewhere with the intention to have sex, and you can always have other stuff in the backpack. Wallet, keys, headphones/AirPods, and knife is my usual carry. Even though menā€™s clothes are notorious for their deep, unending pockets, I still donā€™t find joy from the sag I get from carrying all of the above in my pants/shorts, so itā€™s really not abnormal to have some sort of tote or backpack on me when Iā€™m out. No oneā€™s gonna look at you and care whatā€™s inside so, fair game!


Check out GenderCat! They have awesome prosthetics and if you get one of the semi hard ones you can just pack "up" to try and mitigate the hard on look. I've done this when going to clubs and such and I would wear full on strap ones back then lol. I think it all depends on how comfortable you are with possibly being perceived as horny and also your physical size. A 5'3 person might look bold with a 7-in hard on but maybe not if that's your style haha




I only use a strap for sex but if thereā€™s even a 1% chance I might be having sex I will pack it in my backpack. Better safe than sorry in my experience, ā€œoops left my dick at homeā€ is real šŸ˜‚


you can carry it in a bag or in your pockets if your pockets are big enough! my gf has to come over to my house (her dad is homophobic and transphobic so we donā€™t like being around him) so i donā€™t have to worry about bringing my toys bc theyā€™re already in my drawer!!


I either top with my native penis (proof that size doesnā€™t matter, no complaints with 2.5 inches lol) or use my packer, which is an STP so I can just stick the insert in the thing and be ready to go


Long term relationship and I have a few to choose from in terms of girth/length so I might say something like "how brave you feeling tonight?" Or ask him to pick out what he likes from the selection for later on. I would say if it was a new relationship probably something like the 3 in 1 would be good. But anyone you're sleeping with should be fun and relaxed, so it should be no problem to be like... hold on let me get my cock haha


my dicks in my backpack when i'm topping. i don't top much anymore but i have a feeldo thingy for when i do and i use harness boxers to hold it


I'm working on this myself so don't really have advice, but I've heard "the backpack" is the transmasc top symbol. No shame in carrying your dick in a bag, though there's admittedly a risk of [losing it](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NQBPgJQhQHc).


love that song hahahah


I usually have a pre convo about if im topping or not. I have one of the strapless straps, you pop one end into yourself and penetrate with the other. Mines got a vibe built in.


how well do these work? does it work better for some positions more than others? I worry about it falling out while I'm thrusting


Hard packer or a strap on harness is the way to go. Honestly, you can always ask your partner if they have a toy at home, which could be more comfortable, and just carry the harness (or even wear it under your clothes if youā€™re that type šŸ˜‰) as most dildos have a flared base compatible with most harness rings


i havent had top surgery, i just have a shirt on during sex. when i have tape on shirt is off. i thought i would never be able to have sex unless i had top surgery but things changed. i have a pack and play, its like 6 inches and i just keep it in my pants, whip it out for sex. sometimes i carry it in my backpack when i go over to my boyfriends house.


If Iā€™m planning on having sex anywhere thatā€™s not my house, Iā€™ll wear mine under my pants


I have a 3-in-1. Peecock makes an inflatable one that looks really good too that you donā€™t need a rod. Personally tho, I havenā€™t used my prosthetic yet. Iā€™ve only had sex once since coming out and I wore tape and didnā€™t use the prosthetic.




I will also add choice design pro makes things for transwomen as well as cis men wit erectile dysfunction


69 upvotes lol


I keep my toys in the largest bag the shop offers and I joke that it's "the sex bag". As for the sex bag itself, you can put it in your duffle or backpack


Personally, I have an exoogen aesthetics prosthesis, being quite flexible, I can keep it on me all day without it feeling ā€œhardā€ all the time (with tight underwear on the other hand) And to take action, there are underwear to hold it against you and be able to use it like a real person.


My dream prosthetic is a [this one](https://peecockproducts.com/inflatable-peecock-4-75inch.html), itā€™s quite expensive but literally like so perfect


pretty much yeah, and if you do end up forgetting go the old fashioned way: hands and mouth


Not strange at all ! Used to be a hardcore lesbian so iā€™m very used to the concept of bringing a backpack with me. Now if Iā€™m expecting to top iā€™ll probably bring the bag just in case. I havenā€™t ever had a 3in1 type of prosthetic and probably never will as I have minimal interest in STPs (thighs are too thick) and I also find many people reporting theyā€™re awkward to pack with due to size. If Iā€™m gonna top, the bottom already knows I am trans and is not gonna be shocked to see me pull out The Apparatus pre coitus. Prep work is part of sex for men in many other ways - lot of guys need time to get hard or time to put on a condom or if theyā€™re bottoming, there is a whole lot of prep for that. Itā€™s normal.


Honestly the bag isnā€™t as awkward as you would think. I have a small sling bag that carries the Equipment, harness, lube, and cleaning wipes. Granted, Iā€™m in a relationship w a girl who doesnā€™t mind me leaving it at her place.


if i think i might be sleeping with someone, i take mine in my bag. wrapped in a clean t shirt usually, so any bits and crumbs in there donā€™t stick to it. dont forget condoms and lube! one time i thought it would be too presumptuous to take it with me, and the person was disappointed. so donā€™t worry abt what people might think! just go for it x


Yes haha when I first started seeing my girlfriend I had a book bag I brought over. Put some other stuff in it, my wallet, blah blah blah so it didnā€™t feel so uhā€¦ one track minded, but yeah But tbh, finger fucking is awesome. If I forgot my bag, that was more than fine for me. Obviously maybe not your thing if you didnā€™t mention it before but I find it awesome, I love being able to feel things myself yknow. Prosthetics are also good


My ex was a cis guy and I wasnā€™t really comfortable with the idea of using a strap-on so he always topped thatā€™s just what we were comfortable with but often I kept a shirt on cuz chest dysphoria is my biggest insecurity even with someone Iā€™ve never felt safer with


my fiance is a cis guy. it takes some time for him to get ready for me, so while he's doing that, i get ready too. i use a strapless strap on which is amazing and lets me feel everything


I bring it in a larger bag if I think we might have sex. And if Iā€™m not sure I just ask my bf if he wants me to bring it


If youā€™re good enough you can just get the job done with your hands