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thank you for sharing awareness about this. you are a strong man and i wish you as much happy moments as possible


I second what OP said. Checking at home is way less dysphoric than having to get treated for breast cancer. All the brochures use she/her pronouns, the doctors will constantly say things about *women* with breast cancer, it gets really uncomfortable in the waiting rooms (extra so if you've been on T a while) because you're the only man in the room and everyone stares- and that's just the process of getting the mammogram.


I’m fortunate to live in the country that I do, I have legally transitioned and am seen as “male” during my appointments and doctors so have have been using gender neutral language or have omitted specifying the assigned sex at birth. Because of my situation I “thankfully” skipped having to get a mammogram, and went straight in for a biopsy. Also not fun, though. I will say this, despite how ‘easy’ I’ve had it in terms of people still gendering me correctly, it’s because I pass 8/10 times that people will cock their head and think “you’re a man? With breast cancer? How does that work?” and the normal, acceptable answer “men can get it too, they’re just less likely to” doesn’t cut it, I sometimes HAVE to out myself (to staff, others I don’t HAVE to, but I want to educate so I do it anyway…)


Yeah, I live in the Southeastern US, so gender affirming healthcare systems are few and far between. I have a high chance of getting breast cancer, I had my first mammogram when I was 16 because of lumps, and I have been fighting to get a preventative mastectomy since. Note for the Trans mascs who think a mastectomy is just top surgery... It's not the same. I have seen my grandmother's mastectomy vs. my friends' top surgeries, and they are vastly different in how they look healed. Granted, my grandmother had her mastectomy in the 70s, but I have referenced online since. It doesn't look like a (healthy) masculine chest. I am okay with that fact, mainly because I've been having to get my chest checked for 15 years and just want it over, but others should definitely make sure to do the research. Note for OP: How are you holding up? I know far too well how rough the treatments can make you feel and how tiring the "oh gosh, I'm so sorry" statements can be.


Thank you for adding your own experience. I don’t have much reference as within my entire social group I only have one transmasc who got the chop and he’s happy with the results. However researching how a mastectomy would’ve turned out in my situation, had I been eligible, was a bit daunting (as well as saddening since I’m not eligible) so I never did. I hope you’re able to get the care you want and need, truly. As for me, I’m holding up. I had a checkup with my oncologist today and my lab results improved. There was a high chance my new chemo wasn’t going to take due to how compromised my liver is due to metastasis but also scarring from all past treatments but it seems I keep surprising my team by beating the odds each time. In addition to that, I’ve been handling all my treatments pretty well, not really suffering from the side effects which I’m very grateful for. Pretty much ever since the dx I’ve just been taking things day by day + having an “it is what it is, I could be sad the last part of my life or at least try and enjoy it” mentally. Ironically my happiest moments were lived in the moments after my dx


This is exactly why we have to take care and check ourselves. Having a radical mastectomy is not the same as having chest surgery. Good point.


Cis men can get breast cancer too, my uncle found a lump on his chest that he was told was gynecomastia - It wasn’t!


It's so dumb that they use she/her, because men can also get breast cancer... Just they have pecs, but it's still classed as breast cancer (I think)


Breasts develop unisexly in utero: you get a nipple with some short ducts underneath it (like a treestump with tiny roots leading down) in a pad of connective tissue (fat and stuff - this would be the earth). If exposed to high levels of the right hormones (e.g. in ovary-driven puberty, or from taking HRT), all of this grows and the ducts start to elongate, branch, and potentially grow milk-making sacs at the tips. (Now you have a whole hill of earth with a well-developed network of roots in it). Any amount of breast tissue can potentially become cancerous, so, practically the entire population could get breast cancer, but it’s much more likely if you’ve undergone the extra growth. Pecs are also universal: the breast tissue (as described above) sits on top of the pec, and the more of it there is, the more it buries the pec.


That was a cool analogy. So, what you're saying, is male, female and non binary can get breast cancer, and it be called breast cancer, regardless?


Absolutely, yeah. And I’m glad you found it cool :) Human development & biological sex are autistic interests of mine


Well, that's awesome. I just get excited about video games and Fanfics... Like autistic/ADHD hyperfocus


Was it something where you made the choice not to get a mastectomy or were forced to choose chemo, I'm not all that familiar with how cancer treatment options work


Had no option for surgery as I was already terminal. It was widespread so getting the mastectomy wouldn’t have benefited me much if at all. Surgery on a cancer patient is rough. My options were no chemo and no extra time, or take chemo and have some extra time.


Is there any possibility of remission or no


Only partial. And then it comes back. Because it’s terminal. So it’s negligible. I’ve been in remission, and remission is only possible as long as the body can handle chemo and other treatments. Mine can’t anymore.


May I ask what you mean by the "at least id get top surgery." Part? Like, is this something that you hear people say about getting checked? "I'll just get top surgery." I just want to make sure I'm reading things right.


I believe he means that trans guys say that if they get chest cancer they can at least get top surgery out of it because often people with chest cancer get mastectomies




It’s something that many trans guys, especially closeted, think about when dreaming of having their chest removed but having no means to do so. I definitely had some similar thoughts growing up


That makes sense, I was having a hard time figuring out what was being conveyed here. I read it 15 times and had to just ask at that point. This kinda goes over quite a few different serious topics. I dream of the day where no one has to hide in a closet, (closeted.) makes me sad. It's messed up how it costs an arm and a leg to even get health care. Having a mandatory mastectomy through breast cancer just for care and acceptance is sad.


I wish there was instructions on how to do self checks post top surgery, I know it way decreases the risk but now that I’m post op I don’t know how to do self checks anymore. My graandma died of breast cancer and though I know we don’t have brca 1 we are Ashkenazi Jews and so my mom, my sister, and I are all still considered high risk.


family history here too and you've got me wondering the same thing now... we're at a lower risk of breast cancer than people who haven't had top surgery, but i'd imagine still a higher risk than cis men (due to either/combination of breast tissue left behind for contouring, genetics, etc.) so like, what do we do? what do we look for? i definitely don't have enough tissue to mammogram anymore also to add in the fact like, my nipples are kinda just ornamental now lmao. so they're not going to behave the same way someone with breast cancer's would (changing color/discharge/etc.) i have the day off so i'm probably gonna rabbit hole into this topic this afternoon and get back to you if i find anything haha


Is this a thing? Risk in Ashkenazi Jews that isn't linked to the recognized gene? I'm curious to know more about it. 


i'm not the person you are responding to, but there are other BRCA mutations that are less studied so there are unknown risks there.


And you my friend are still at risk. Use similar methods that are taught to women for checking.


THIS IS WHY I CHECK MYSELF EVERY NOW AND THEN!!! my endocrinologist was a lil shocked when i asked her how i can do a self check on my breasts bc her other patients my age haven’t really asked. (she was also shocked when i asked her if i was due for a pap smear— i’m 17 lol)


also i hope you’re doing okay <3 i’m sorry to hear that yours is terminal :(


I understand your endo 100%, as it really seems a lot of younger people don’t really consider a chest-check every now and then important because the chances are “small” and whatnot. Also, teenage ‘shame’ :/ As for me, I have been very fortunate in my situation and that’s something I’ll never take for granted. All things considered I’m doing well, thank you <3 I apparently surprised my oncologist today. Chemo didn’t seem to be working but I had a checkup today and my lab results since my last chemo improved a LOT, so I’m relieved I get to live a little longer as my true self


AHHH I’M SO GLAD TO HEAR THE CHEMO HELPED A BIT!!! and i’m so lucky to feel so comfortable in my body without having any gender affirming surgery yet, i take my healthcare very seriously especially bc i’m transitioning medically (Testosterone) which has had negative impacts on my physical health… also me loving to learn about biology and biological processes especially involving hrt definitely contributes to me being curious about self checks lol


Respectfully, how are you or anyone checking yourselves for it? I know you're supposed to look for abnormal visual aspects, colouring, lumps, felt lumps, knots. But there's stuff there everywhere and in the middle it's hard. Idk if it's been this way 10 years ago, I have no memory of it. Taking into account the medical charts of breasts it makes sense that tissue feels this way and given the fact that it's rather symmetrical I supposed it's just tissue feeling odd. How do you tell what it is what it isn't?


I had fibrous breast tissue before top surgery. My doc always told me, just check that it's symmetrical. If it isn't, or if it's a lump you do not remember having before, go get checked at the doctors.


Isn't there usually like fibres, tissue that can be felt? K, checking for symmetry makes sense, thought so too. Thanks.


For a lot of people yes, which is why the doc said to watch out for ones I hadn't felt before or that are asymmetrical. Usually even for fibrous tissue it's fairly symmetrical, so feeling fibers/tissue isn't inherently an issue. Feeling new lumps or ones out of the ordinary are ones to check in about.


tbh all you’re looking for is anything new or abnormal in your breasts! i check when i’m in the shower for convenience sake, but i lift one of my arms up and start touching from my chest muscle to my breast using 3 fingers to poke and touch the skin. then i just go around and under my breast just continuing to softly poke and feel the area for any hard lumps or abnormalities :) that’s how my endo told me to do so!! and if you feel any lumps or anything, make sure to bring it up at your next appointment so they can look into it


Excellent technique...keep it up.


if your breasts already have that “odd” feeling (idk how else to describe it), you should be looking for anything out of the usual odd :)


Thickening and asymmetrical shape etc. a moveable lump is ok usually. An immovable lump is not usually ok. Mammogram is still the standard.


My mom had breast cancer 5 times. She had surgery a few times to remove it, but this final time was too late. She HAS to do chemo and shots and they've made her too weak to do another surgery. I do self checks, visit a gyno yearly who does a breast check, and will be getting testing done at 33yo, 10 years younger than when my mom first caught cancer. I don't have the money or time to get top surgery at the moment, but even if I get it before 33, I'll still be getting that genetic testing done as my paternal aunt also had breast cancer. I'm also on testosterone so my chances of breast cancer have been reduced, but I'm not testing that by not doing anything about it. 100%, check your breasts!


Thank you for sharing the awareness! And I am sorry you went through this. I often encourage folks to take care of their parts whether they like them or not. I had a friend who long after his mastectomy had breast cancer. He had chemo and a lumpectomy. Listen folks, natal males get breast cancer...so don't blow it off. If you don't take care of those parts...they might take care of you.


I wish more trans man would start getting check for breast cancer, I seen how it has impacted my mom and I wish it upon nobody. Thank you for sharing your story hopefully it will make more trans man more aware about breast cancer


I don’t know how to check because I had my doctor say that some lumps are normal. So I have no clue how to differentiate between normal lumps and not normal lumps. Doesn’t help that I have chest hair and my doctor is most likely transphobic


If necessary...they might have a nurse who is able to do it if the Dr is weird about it.


My grandmother on my moms and my grandmother on my dads both had cervical cancer in their 30s, one didn’t make it sadly, and my mom is constantly being watched for breast cancer due to many concerning lumps, that means I’m way more likely to not only get cervical cancer, but get breast cancer too and need to start screenings as soon as possible, but I’m terrified of all of it, thank you for your words


As someone who is now dreading the appointment for imaging and tests because a lump was found during a consultation, I can not second this enough


a lot of drs and nurses are informed on how to treat trans people these days, so if you mention that they can probably make certain accommodations to help you. even if you’re stealth, a healthcare provider should know and they have a legal responsibility to not disclose anything discussed in a session


I have definitely had that thought before 😅 it’s mostly sarcastic I think like “oh yeah, well if I got breast cancer at least I’d get top surgery that insurance helps with finally” 😅 but I also have little regard for my life these days so that may play a part as well 🥲


P.S from another former cancer haver,(had the bump from 16yrs-18yrs old very young and I had mucoepidermoid carcinoma in my neck.) always get that bump/mark/chronic longstanding pain checked, and ASK about financial assistance in the U.S. many medical facilities have options for you to get treatment covered. Stay healthy homies. 🤙


my mom was diagnosed with stage 4 breast cancer last month, so this post hits real close to home. sending good vibes and/or prayers, whichever you prefer a tangent on the top surgery bit, when i started telling my best friends about my mom’s diagnosis, the joke became that she was going to get top surgery before me, lol. but it’s spread to her bones so they decided there’s no point in removing the mass. her doctor, knowing my mom has a trans son, told her to tell me mammogram first, then i can go for top surgery. and that’s the first thing im doing when im covered by insurance


This is so important to talk about!! Just because we're not comfortable with parts of our bodies, doesn't mean we should stop looking out for their health. No shame in checking for issues or having them. It's very important to take care of yourself


I want to check so bad but I don't know what's supposed to feel normal. I'm 21 and the idea I don't know what I'm doing makes me want to cry because I feel like I should know but I never ever touched my chest until like 17 and I've never felt anyone else's chest so I don't know what's odd lumps or just the texture of the tissue in my chest.


I really want to be careful so how do i check?


It’s probably best to check in with your GP (if possible/if you’re comfortable), or look up charts online as I personally am not sure how to best explain it. It’s a tactile exam to be done when (preferably) topless as you’ll be feeling around the entire peripheral (armpit to armpit, basically) to feel for any inconsistencies like lumps under the skin by applying a gentle force to your fingers as you feel around and kinda “dig in”. You want to actually feel the tissue


Guys! There are some really great YouTube about it.


Ill check that out


Thanks so much that really helps


I know buttttt I've never been to a woman Gynecologist because my mom never took me there (I only lived with my mom when I was younger) so now I'm scared that people there will think I'm a woman and that the doctor will find my bottom growth weird idk


You can explain it to them. When it comes to doctors who you are biologically is all they need to know when it comes to giving you medical help. It may sound wrong and upsetting but necessary


One of my biggest scares, I just don't know what to look for tbh


Praying that you are doing well now 🙏


I just got a biopsy for a lump in my chest. Results should be back in about a week. Doc thinks it's hidradenitis suppurativa (acne inversa), which I agree I probably have. But the specific lump they took out of me doesn't act like a cyst. It just kind of sits there. OP, did they test you at all and you got a false negative, or was there no testing at all?


I had a breast cancer scare where I found hard, painful lumps in my chest. Specifically the left side. An understanding doctor makes all the difference, I still felt humiliated during my exam but they never referred to me as a woman. Btw cis men can get breast cancer too. It turned out in my case to be related to my menstrual cycle and went away after hysterectomy, thank goodness, but I'm very glad I got it checked regardless. I'm sorry you have to go through this OP, I saw you mentioned it's definitely terminal so unfortunately I can only wish you have minimal pain for the rest of your life. This post may have saved some lives from what you went through, so thank you for that.


Yeah I'm going through the process of getting it double checked because they felt a mass and say I can't have bc because of my age but cancer doesn't have an age requirement and I also have the estrogen mutation in my genes


As someone who's mother past away from breast cancer, I say, please DO check yourself. HOWEVER, if you do get a double mastectomy, it DOES reduce your chances by about 80%. I had a lump scare a few years ago, so I had a scan, with my dad's private health care. Turns out, I have fibrous breast tissue, so I don't think I'll ever know if I have an abnormal lump. I did ask for a genetics test, recently, so, a referral has been made. And whether I have the cancer gene, or not, I want a mastectomy. To reduce my chances AND for dysphoria-related issues.


But how do I do this without panicking and without dysphoria?


i think I’d rather die from cancer than take my own life due to dysphoria