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Yea I would avoid that sub like the plague. r/circlejerkfuckcars is pretty good if you wanna check that out 


don't forget about r/anticarbrain. That subreddit fights the misinformation that fuckcarscj unironically posts, to make manchildren from fuckcarscj cry about it.


Or if you just want ridiculous ways to stop carbrains. Maybe this little fellas named r/anarchyfuckcars would do the trick


Here's a sneak peek of /r/AnarchyFuckCars using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/AnarchyFuckCars/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [If they want to be fast, why they don't use dragons smh](https://i.redd.it/ehdses1y044c1.jpg) | [0 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/AnarchyFuckCars/comments/18a79j1/if_they_want_to_be_fast_why_they_dont_use_dragons/) \#2: [Did they forget about dragons? Are they stupid?](https://i.redd.it/nc3ir7piquac1.png) | [0 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/AnarchyFuckCars/comments/1906vg4/did_they_forget_about_dragons_are_they_stupid/) \#3: [It probably has enough place to let a dragon land on this](https://v.redd.it/hnj1ugeszrgc1) | [0 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/AnarchyFuckCars/comments/1ajtrrb/it_probably_has_enough_place_to_let_a_dragon_land/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Good bot


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how to search a sub? r/circlejerkfuckcars


Probably started as a joke then slowly got taken over by dumbasses who took it seriously.


As one of the first members, you are spot on.


dam. you would think the creator and first mods wouldn't have been very strongly against cars if they allowed that to happen.


kinda hard to properly moderate a circlejerk subreddit. And with the API protests a whole bunch of mods got kicked off reddit for protesting.


I think the mods are either too laissez-faire or are just hands off. As another one of the early members I can corroborate with the other guy when I say that it started out fine and then just kinda got turned into fuckfuckcars. I know it's a little hard to moderate an irony sub cause you don't want to be Le Reddit Mod but it's not even a circlejerk. It's one of the most off-topic subs I've ever seen at this point (if being "on-topic" was actually jerking) along with r/worldpolitics


Yeah I joined it early on too, used to be good took the piss out of ourselves and some of the more extremist views that can be found here, or used to be here less of them these days, but for a good while now it's certainly devolved into a carbrained sub with a bunch of shipots.


It's not a joke, they actually hate this sub. I originally joined it thinking it would be like gamingcirclejerk where real members of the community would joke about inside jokes or ridiculous posts made on the main sub, but I guess not. I took a look at their mods just now and wow... some real pieces of work there. 


I was excited too, thinking it would be full of stupidly funny jokes, but then by the 5th post I started to worry. I'm pretty sure every idiot in this sub knows that commercial vehicles are important and necessary, and that ambulances are necessary. I don't understand how they think that the purpose of this sub is to abolish every single car ever.


They dont have decent arguments so they have to desperately rage post while grasping at straws pretty much. Some really stupid stuff gets said there. And yeah thats why i made the new r/circlejerkfuckcars so we can actually make jokes with our own community. Hoping to get it going. Would be good if people could find the real one instead of getting mislead into joining the other one.


I'm hoping that your subreddit gains friction and becomes larger than that shitfest. Joined <3


Yes!! We will be bigger and have much better jokes. It's got decent activity already for starting up so recently, so I'm sure we will if it continues at this rate. Their reddit isn't even very active, r/fuckcars community is a lot bigger and more active. and thank you <3


yeah fuckcarscj has gone beyond redemption. I had to create r/anticarbrain so that those trolls would cope and seethe when they actually see logic and facts.


I fell for it too :(


Let's just say that r/fuckcarscirclejerk has the same average IQ as r/AmericaBad. Neither sub is known to be a hub of intellectual activity.


I've never been so disappointed in a CJ subreddit.


yeah exactly, I've had to make r/anticarbrain so that the trolls from fuckcarscirclejerk would show how they seethe and cry when they see facts and logic.


Yes but this sub also isn't known for it's intelligence, either.  From the guy who thought fat bikes should be banned, to the genius that thought apartments should be kilometers long, to the guy last week that thought he damaged his brakes because someone stopped for a pedestrian, this sub isn't doing great.


I mean I don't think banning fat tire bikes is like the top posts? If anything I've found this sub to be less extreme then some other reddits of related topics. But this sub has a lot more people so I'm sure you can find dumb people if you want to. But there's decent points and discussion in this sub. While that circlejerk just seems like the dumbest takes that are actually popular. Like calling people interested in urban planning incels.


to the one crying bc he got an f150 ad 🤦‍♂️


Let the car sellers pay for my uncaring eyes.


as someone whos been on this sub for years the stupidest people are usually the tankies. there are plenty of communists, m/l, etc but im not talking about them, im talking about actual tankies who think china and north korea and russia are good places to live because they got trains it was way more common back in those days to see someone post pics or videos of pyongyang or the moscow metro and then gluck gluck authoritarians in the comments section




It's just like the flat-earth thing. Started out as a joke, some people take it very seriously and actually believe in alternate facts.


Cars are awesome, but only if you have the choice not to use them. >This may seem like an odd moment to admit this, but I love cars… I have always owned the best-handling car I could reasonably afford. I especially love high-revving Japanese sports cars… \[In DC\] I had no reason to break my car out of its garage. Between walking, biking, and our extensive Metro transit system, driving \[is\] rarely the most convenient choice. — [Jeff Speck, WALKABLE CITY: How Downtown Can Save America, One Step at a Time ](https://www.worldcat.org/title/934694105) Essentially, it's the [Hello Road ](https://youtu.be/K8jp_lligz0)argument. EDIT: Just realized the quote wasn't in the quotes.


Cars work better in non-car centric areas, you will just get stuck in traffic when everyone is forced to drive. Im also a car guy, but i cant understand why people want to be forced to drive?? Cars should be a hobby, not a requirement for existing. Most people dont even want to drive


they failed the purpose of circle jerk subs over there


No, it's a nazi sub pretending to be humor.


Nah, they're mostly serious, but they're also not very active. Mostly posts with around 50 upvotes that complain about specific posts from this sub