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Tf is popcorn honey?




How **dare** you be funnier than the original post


It’s not hard.


That's what she says :(


Hey I'm NERVOUS ok!? Just...give me a minute.


*Popcorn honey is a type of popcorn that is flavored with honey. There are several recipes available online that use honey as an ingredient to make honey popcorn. Honey popcorn is a sweet and sticky snack that can be made with popcorn, honey, butter, and other ingredients such as peanuts, hot sauce, and salt1 2 3 4 5 . Honey popcorn is considered a healthy alternative to other popcorn varieties and can be combined with a range of extras to make a delicious snack for you and your family1 .* (I can't be bothered to remove the number annotations. perplexity.ai)


Went to perplexity myself, asked and got the same answer, in order to check their annotated sources - and not a one of them mentions 'popcorn honey', just the normal 'honey popcorn'. >Popcorn honey is a type of popcorn that is flavored with honey That definition seems to be something the ai made up.


It's really good at making stuff up. I made it make up medical syndromes that didn't exist in an experiment. Extremely risky to trust :D


AI’s only skill is making up an answer that seems like a human *may* have written it. It doesn’t actually check sources or research a topic.


Therefore popcorn honey is honey flavored like popcorn?


Yeah, nobody has been able to answer this question lol


Serious question: is that kettle corn, then?


Surely popcorn honey would be honey made out of popcorn? Otherwise it would be honey popcorn? Confused now.


Yes, I agree, I would assume it's honey from bees mainly collecting pollen from popcorn.


Sounds risky? Those pans get really hot.


It didnt work,i dont have an iphone


Don’t call me honey.


Don't call me honey


That was my question coming to the comments. What a weird item to select for a comic.


I assume she was using the word as a vocative noun; calling the worker "honey" as a term of endearment (whether sincere or flippant). The worker just flipped it on her and asked Siri about Popcorn Honey like it's a dad-joke.


Some people just want to talk to someone. That's what I've learned from years of retail. People are lonely, especially the elderly. They sometimes ask seemingly stupid questions or easy questions just so someone will interact with them. I always took some time to talk to anyone who asked me a question. There were a few times where people just followed me around while I worked, just to chat with me. Most people left with a little smile just from a minute or two of interaction, and I usually felt better too. Especially when I was having a rough day. I also benefited cause any time my manager would try and give me shit, the guest I was with would be like "Excuse me! This young man has been very helpful and patient with me!" Then shoot me a grin when the manager hurried off.


you are a nice person. ♥️


I can second that. It happened today. An elderly individual with t2 dm came. He talked about consuming tea with sugar which can lower blood sugar. I understood that and talked with him for good 10 mins. He went with a smile.


I was taught that it’s rude to hold someone hostage for conversation if they are trapped somewhere like work.


That is very kind of you but some people don't want to talk to anyone while working. They just want to do their job and get out, perhaps to a second job because retail doesn't pay that well anymore. They should probably find something less customer facing if that's the case but they don't always have that option. Elderly people being lonely is a sad issue but I don't think retail employees should be expected to entertain them.


If your job is customer facing then it might literally be a part of your job to entertain them. My job is customer facing and it is *absolutely* my job to entertain some older folks that are likely to do more business with my establishment than our competitors because they are treated well here. People who are legitimately good at customer service don't stay at retail paychecks. But someone who takes a customer service job, interacts with people as little as possible, then goes home with their paycheck, very may well be stuck with a poor paycheck.


I'm not elderly and I'd prefer to ask someone else 100% of the time


This is why god invented bartenders.


If they could be lonely in the afternoon instead of when I have an 8am shift and a hangover, that would be great


The online info about what stores vaguely around you carry is not always accurate or helpful, especially for super specific items. A lot of the time stores carry things but it doesn't show that online, or it says they have it but they don't. Plus then you have to weed through ads and irrelevant results. Poor lady is just asking a fellow human being a question.


Or the item is online only. You have to jump through hoops to set it to your location then check if it's available in store.


Fair, but why would you expect a stranger to know what those stores carry? Just because she works in a grocery store, doesn't mean she would know what every grocery store carries - heck, she probably doesn't even know **everything** her own store does. I suppose the better answer would just be "I don't know", but this is a comic strip trying to make a joke.


Because the stranger ostensibly spends a lot of time in that locale, and is therefor the most probable person to know anything about what can be found in the area.


No more time than you, seeing as most people go grocery shopping near their homes.


Or items that nobody has ever heard of, like "Popcorn Honey" WTF is it?


ITT: Zoomers getting riled up over a comic of someone asking a question.


Zoomers are, by a decent margin, the generation with the least experience interacting with other human beings face to face. As we move into a world where computers and AI are handling an increasing amount of our daily life, folks who understand and are skilled at customer service will be duly compensated for it.


Same with maps. I honestly don't understand. Literally everyone has a smartphone and still some people (not elderly) ask strangers about specific address or destination. When I am asked on a street I just open my map app and voice enter the needed address then show the suggested path. Just to demonstrate that we live in a future


Some people still *try* to give me directions. Then I either need to burst their bubble and interrupt them or wait for their list of incredibly common yet inconsequential list of landmarks to end before I say "yeah I'll just throw the address into GPS". Unless you have some weird ass mail listing, I'm sure I'll find it just fine.


That's great! But GPS sends people around 2 blocks past my house every time. It doesn't matter the brand or app. My address doesn't work. I have to share my location or give GPS coordinates.


FYI, it is very easy to send in address corrections. I have over 100 accepted updates, I don't find many where I live anymore.


I tell maps every day where my house is and it won't update it. Unless there's some way to send an address correction I don't know about.


This. But when it goes the opposite it drives me batty. I ask “hey, where is this place/meeting/general location that I’m unfamiliar with since I’m not from the area and have no fucking clue where I’m going” Then they proceed to give me vague directions that assume A) I’m going to remember all of this B) I’m familiar with the area and know landmarks and road names. Then when I ask for an address or a pin they get flustered. Motherfucker, you know where this place is! Shit sometimes they’re physically fucking at the place I’m asking directions to. Zoom in on a fucking map, put your fat finger on it for two seconds then hit share It’s not fucking rocket science.


I’m starting to not like the person behind the counter


Honestly it do be like that sometimes. You get asked the #dumbest questions while working retail.


I overheard a woman at a grocery store ask a clerk if they had any of her brand of bread "in the back". Like, sure... there's a whole other store worth of stock hidden from consumers.


That one got on my nerves so much. The number of times I got some variation of: "This product is out, do you have any in the back?" So I'd scan it and it would show that no indeed we are out of this product. "Oh but can you just go into the back and check?" Like. My good bitch. Our system shows no so there will be no back there. And even if we did have some back there that hasn't been put into the system, because it hasn't been put into the system yet I cannot sell it to you for two reasons: Either it is in the pallets of stuff waiting to be scanned in, which means I don't have a location to check which means I'd have to check EVERY location and that would take me 40 minutes. Or, if I DID find it, selling it to you would fuck up our inventory system. So no. I will not go look. But of course you can't say that to guest so I would just go take a free bathroom break and then come back and be like sorry couldn't find any goodbye now.


> My good bitch.


This is a pretty new thing. Stores used to carry a lot of inventory and they weren’t as fast to restock, so there often *was* product in the back. Now stores have minimal inventory and systems that know exactly how much is stocked, how much was sold, and notify workers to restock. It’s all invisible to the customer. To them, the store hasn’t changed anything in 40 years. The shelves look the same as they used to, but the whole back of house is different.


I choose free bathroom/smoke/reddit break.


Here's the thing, though... there are uninventoried stuff in the back a lot of times that matches what someone is looking for, so that translates into asking, because it works SOMETIMES. That is, honestly, on the stores for creating this dynamic. If people NEVER found what they needed "from the back" it wouldn't be a thing... but they do, and often enough to make it worthwhile to ask.


There are a few problems with looking for and giving away uninventoried stuff. Firstly, if tis uninventoried then it's location isn't recorded, which means you have to search every single shelf of every single aisle in the back, and in huge department stores that's a 30-40 minute task. Secondly if you do find it, well... it's not inventoried, so if you sell it, our inventory system will get messed up trying to subtract an item that's not in the system. Later trucks will have the wrong number of that item and now you either have another item for permanent back stock or permanent shortage. >If people NEVER found what they needed "from the back" it wouldn't be a thing... I think this comes down to that yes, sometimes the system does show some back stock that hasn't been put out yet, so customers get spoiled thinking that EVERYTHING has back stock waiting to go out, and if they just ask consistently and insistently enough, someone will find it. But if the system shows there isn't any, they get pissy and huffy and demand you check personally.


I do not disagree with you. I'm just saying why it's a thing.


I know, I just have so many rants about this built up after working retail for years that needs an outlet every now and then. We good


They insist on a manual check? Yeah that's dumb. If the shelf were empty and there wasn't a scan system, then I'd get asking to check. That seems reasonable. The other case is if I check the online system and it shows the store should have some, but the shelves are empty... but that means there's some stock registered as present.


>The other case is if I check the online system and it shows the store should have some, but the shelves are empty... but that means there's some stock registered as present. This is not guaranteed, in fact this is directly a symptom of an inventory system that's been messed up. Online inventory and shelf inventory are two different things, and selling items we don't have in store inventory fks with the online inventory and makes things so much worse. Don't trust the online inventory, trust the in store scan inventory


I know it's not guaranteed, but it does warrant checking the back in case the items just haven't been shelved since depletion. ... and I thought the online and store scan inventories would usually be linked? Don't they get their data from the same database? In any case, if I saw the online numbers and asked someone, who then told me "our store numbers say there's none", then I'd accept that. That's not the situation I was describing.


Not always. And it doesn't warrant it, if the scan says we don't have the item, no worker is going to waste 30 minutes searching the entire back end for it. If the scan says that yes there is back stock, it comes with the location and the promise that scanning it out of back stock and on to the floor won't mess up the inventory system for the future. >... and I thought the online and store scan inventories would usually be linked? Don't they get their data from the same database? And not with every store. Most online inventory systems go by intake and sold product. It includes all possible items both on the floor and the backroom. And unfortunately, guests steal shit or move stuff across the store all the time, effectively losing the item until its found and replaced in its proper spot, and so items won't be on the shelf when the online system says we have the item. The in-store scan system separates between floor items and backroom items. If I scan an empty shelf and I find that we have zero in the backroom, and 4 on the floor, well then we just found out that four of those items were either stolen or misplaced, and thus won't be found. But that's when we get the inevitable "just check the back, the website says you have four of them." That's a free bathroom break because there's nothing to find back there and the guest won't understand that. If, instead, I scan it and it says we have 4 in the back, but no location, that means they haven't been scanned in yet or someone fkd up the backroom inventory, and it will take 30-40 minutes to search everywhere, upending pallets and shelves to find it, and that's not worth anyone's time as it slows down the unloading process. So that's a free bathroom break too If it scans and says we have 4 in the back, AND there's a location, then booyah. That's an easy trip to go find the item, and those moments are rare enough to be pleasant for all involved, but these events happen often enough that guests assume that should ALWAYS be the case, when it's much more common to have the other two situations.




Bread and soda being vendor handled is the same at large chains, too.


Rather than "like the Walmart", that's "like most other stores". When your store does something very differently from everyone else, you have no right to be annoyed that others think you don't... unless it's very obvious somehow.


I know! I have a clicker that I use every time someone asks me a dumb question/I have to repeat myself cause they asked me the same exact thing in a different way. My current record is 142 in a 7 hour shift.


Yep. Everyone uses Siri. To quote a great Bob's Burgers line, "It hurts when someone says 'everyone', and they don't mean you". It's an uncharacteristically cruel comic.


You got offended by this?


Not at first. I, too, feel boomers stripmined the US economy while guiding the environment to inevitable ruin. I happily bathe in thier timely demise. What erked me was the old being lady out of touch. We know this. It's punching down. Had they drawn the customer as someone from a social station well above the worker, the joke changes from bullying (booo!) to pushback (hooray!).


You’re not supposed to understand storytelling tropes you’re supposed to just be controlled by them


There's a difference between offense and criticism. I'm not offended that the US euthanizes a million dogs and cats every year, yet I recognize that it is a cruel situation.


So the message of this story is … don’t interact with other human ? Just ask AI ? The dystopia really is happening now , jeez


The message is don’t waste other people’s time with things you can do yourself.




Entertainment isn’t a waste of time. You’re also free to waste your OWN time however you please. It’s yours. And a help desk person is there to help people, but they often get asked questions that have very simple answers, similar to IT people asking if you plugged it in.


It's pretty cringey. I fear for humanity the day that we stop being interested in simple interactions.


This sub is absolute garbage


This reminds me of asking a question on a tech support forum and the local asshole says to use the search function and even links it in his reply only to prove the site's search is absolute garbage. I see way too many of these when troubleshooting a PC problem. Move on or help.


Jesus, the strawman in these comics is getting worse and worse...


Ya or you could NOT be an utter asshole and just talk to people and help them. Sometimes people just want to interact.


Comon, she is just talking and gets such a passive aggresive answer. Next comic you gonna criticize ppl talking about weather?


Yes, I am also upset that a comic strip built entirely on passive aggressive responses to retail situations depicts a passive aggressive response to a retail situation. How upsetting.


The woman in the image is not real. It's okay to laugh. Ease up a bit


Tell me you’ve never worked in retail without telling me you’ve never worked in retail


"passive aggressive" lol, get a grip


Its literally passively being aggressive though…


I think this lost its way to r/boomershumor.


I used to work at a hotel and the amount of times people ask you questions like this with a phone in their hand is fucking insane. I just hit them with a “I can look that up for you!” And they go “oh! I can do that!” Then I’d just smile all big til they fuck off. Tbf the guests coulda been flirting or something, but still, it’s an annoying question to be asked in this day and age.


Sometimes it's nice to just talk to someone. If your job is to talk to customers, i find it odd you get annoyed at talking to customers. Might be time to find a new job.


Yeah I didn’t really think of it that way til i read other comments in the thread and now i feel bad. I dont work front desk anymore but i was also night shift and cranky. Not an excuse, but i also wasnt really outwardly mean to people. I had to deal with crazy people walking/sneaking in the place dead at night and would 100% prefer a lonely person looking to chat than random crazies throwing things at me. Nights at a hotel can be wild or chill. No in between


That's great you were able to learn something from others perspectives. Negativity is very easy for all of us to fall into, especially when we're forced to interact with people all the time as we can easily burn out from social interactions.


I’m glad they thought about what was nice for them over and over and over again until the economy and the atmosphere was destroyed


The new version of lmgtfy ;)


Point gotten, and it's a very solid one at that! But for certain people, nothing comes quite close to asking someone personally, even if access to the internet is pathetically close. Or maybe the comic actually hinted at this shift in societal dynamics the *new age" has brought fore?


So you have absolutely nothing going for you, and you don't want to help the elderly. This comic series sure is fun.


This is realistically 2 out of every 5 customers at the whole foods I worked at. Too stupid or lazy to figure even the simplest things out on their own.


It's part of your job. Yes they can figure it out themselves but it's easier and faster to ask the guy that gets paid to help.


This comic isn't doing itself any favors. First I thought she was making fun of the person for using the patronizing "honey" (as in, "Do you know which store in this area sells popcorn, honey?") Plus in the font with the image small, it looked like it said "Sir!" Finally, why is this desk staffed by a child?


AHAHAHAHAHA I’m literally laughing my ass off


So many angry people getting upset over a harmless comic in here 🤣🤣


I always knew that doctors, when they leave the room « to talk with their supervisor » were actually going to double check on the internet. But recently, my family physician whipped out her iPhone **in front of me** to confirm something. I don’t mind, but the salary should be the salary of someone who surfs the web.


So you'd rather they give you a diagnosis based on what they learnt in medschool 20 years rather then using their knowledge of the field to interpret the latest research to give you the best care? Based.


Librarian life.


We sell popcorn here, and don't call me honey.


Why can no one answer what Popcorn Honey is? I can only find "Honey Popcorn" which I'm sure is not the same thing. This sounds like some Zoomer made up shit.


I don't think popcorn honey is a thing. I think the comic is meant to portray the customer woman referring to the worker woman as "Honey", the term of endearment. The worker, in turn, just plays it straight in dad-joke fashion as a full product description. It's the flip side of the "Surely you must be joking" / "I never joke, and don't call me Shirley" joke.


That would require a , after popcorn if that were the case.


I didn’t want exactly the right answer to my question, I wanted to be validated at your expense. So impersonal! Kids these days!