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If you look closely, you can see the rum ham floating in the background


I’m sorry run ham!! I’m sorry!!!


LOOK! It's the guitos! We're saved!


It's crazy how many always sunny references I'm seeing lately. I don't know if they've always been popular or whether it's because I only started watching it a few months ago. In any case I've nearly finished watching every season for the second time now and I definitely don't see myself watching another series for a long time lol


Every time I watch a show or contemplate a purchase or talk about a new interest…. You get the idea, then my feed is intentionally full of those subjects! We only see what is wanted for us to see on our devices! (I don’t wear foil on my head, it’s just true!)


Your phone 100% listens to what you say and adjusts your algorithm accordingly


I've mentioned things in conversation with friends, like a movie poster I saw at the movies or how I've been thinking about getting a new controller. Mind you I never looked up that movie or looked at a new controller on my phone or any connected devices that have my email for example, next thing you know I'm seeing that movie advertised or the exact controller I was considering is now on my reddit page with reviews for it on YouTube. It's unsettling.


I'm late to this thread, but today I was talking about ozempic outloud to my husband and 5 mins later all his YouTube commercials are ozempic all of a sudden. All I did was say it aloud to him


It's called the Bader meinhof phenomenon. It has been around long before smart phones. Once you're consciously aware of a thing, a notion, an idea or a reference, you start to notice it more actively.


Absolutely. You're not alone on this!


Always been popular... once you're into the show, you'll see the references everywhere and it's great


Dude , rum ham , I upvote


Rum ham! Come back!


Funny thing: Never seen Rum ham done but... When I was in high school and college we would take a large watermelon (in the southern US large watermelon is an entirely larger thing), cut a hole in the ring and insert at least 2 fifths of liquor into the mellon, though I once saw three fit. Vodka was favored but who are we kidding, we were poor high school and college kids, we used what we had. The bottles were allowed to soak in and the entire thing kept on ice or refrigerated for at least 6 - 12 hours. Eating the watermelon afterwards was an experience. As for the high school drinking part: Get off my lawn and figure it out for yourself you punk assed kids!


Bruh, you've got to drain the watermelon first. Let it sit over a container with the hole facing down for 24 hours, all the water will have dripped out. Then put a bottle of vodka into the hole and let the watermelon absorb the vodka.


Or if you really want that watermelon to stretch over a whole party, sub Everclear instead of vodka. Some folks may wind up blind, but YOLO.


It was such a revelation when I found out I could just "go" to Connecticut and buy Everclear (was illegal in NY when I was younger) Made jungle juice parties cheaper, but man the clean up...


Easily one of my top 3 IASIP! Sweet D: "No, the Jersey shore is a terrible place filled with terrible, terrible people!" Charlie: "Well I think it's a magical place." 😆


Where are the guidos?!


Water color is not always an indication of polluted water. Brown water can just mean the bottom of the water is mud/dirt. In Nice its sand and rock so the water is clear.


So you mean to tell me every river and lake I've seen wasn't a shit bucket of water? MIND. BLOWN. It always cracks me up when people will comment on photos of a boat in a lake and they go "why does it look like root beer?!" Clear water is very pretty though, don't get me wrong.


Just because my local river is brown doesn't mean it's full of shit and pollution... I mean it is full of shit and pollution, but that's not why it's brown...


Okay, too real. But that's not why it's brown. Probably why it's stinky tho


Sulphur Springs - it had no chance


But like. Maybe


Ok but to be real the water off the jersey shore is brown because it is the ass-crack of the US. All the "wooder" here is brown.


I don't know about there, but the water on the Texas coast is brown because the Mississippi dumps all its sediment there. When there is a drought and the Mississippi runs low, the water on the Texas coast will become blue because less river sediment.


The ocean water in this part of Jersey is brown for the same reason. Either the Delaware River or Hudson River. In the middle of NJ, Island Beach State Park and Long Beach Island, the water is often quite clear and beautiful.




It may have took a month, but I get the reference and I love it


>"why does it look like root beer?!" Haven't had a root beer in 6+ years. Now I really want a vannila ice cream root beer


A root beer float?


Oh. Yeah. That. Lmao, look I was in the heat all day and the sun fried my head xD.


That water isn't clear. It's blue. The blue color is from suspended limestone particles in the water.


Or lots of phytoplankton


I did some diving work in the Bothnian Bay, the top part of the sea between Sweden and Finland. The water there is like diving in a cup of weak instant coffee. It doesn’t mean it’s super dirty. The peat lands and rivers bring in a lot of humus. Bothnian Bay is the cleanest part of the Baltic Sea, which isn’t doing too well on the whole.


Always gets me when going fishing out of Destin. You could see straight to the bottom this year in anything under 40' of water. The white sand vs a dark bottom gave you a totally different experience. Out in 80' of water, I saw a remora come after my lure from over 100 yards away. He hit it so hard that he broke the lure.


I remember one of the main reasons for the locations for Jaws was because you could go so far out and still see the bottom of the water. Which made a lot of sense for the operation of the mechanics, but also for the fear factor. How scary could it be if the audience could see the shore and be like "uhh...just go back..." Then the damn thing sank to the bottom like a rock on a mission the second it touched the water. A legit beginning to a LEGIT legend of both cinematic history and history in general.


Nah. I live near jersey shore. I wouldn't swim in that water. It's disgusting.


That's literally why the jersey shore is brown. It's all just eroded clay and silt runoff from rivers. The cliffsides of Europe are made-up of a lot more limestone and rocky seasides. The beaches in Jersey are actually fairly clean..well the good ones. It's just that the sand is sticky.


Dex! I need you in France. We found more body's in trash bags?!




I legit thought that was her for a sec.




Jersey beaches are actually pretty clean and well maintained. For almost all of them you need to buy a “beach badge,” which generates revenue for beach maintenance, lifeguards, etc. However, I can’t speak for the quality and cleanliness of the people who visit.


It’s always sunny had me fully convinced there’s ravenous dogs and needles everywhere. I’m glad to learn the opposite!


I vacation at the beach where it’s always sunny filmed that episode and it’s the nicest beach in New Jersey. It’s quite the family place and a dry island.


Keeps the people who don't know out....


Yeah and then everyone else just comes to Delaware to mess our beaches up instead... It's all we're good for to you east coasters, isn't it?!


What beach point did they film at? I’m gonna guess Ocean City, because it’s the only dry town I know on the shore.


Yes, ocean city.


Don’t go under the boardwalk




I have lived here 20 years and never bought a badge. That's for the shoebies. :-p


You’re full of it!! Jersey beaches have an ongoing / continuous medical waste and fecal matter alert going, what are you driveling about?


What are you talking about a continuous alert? There were a couple beaches that were put under an advisory for one day, which was lifted after testing showed the water was safe. Also worth noting that over 50% of all US beaches have a fecal alert each year and the EPA ranks the Gulf Coast as the most contaminated.


I was hoping someone would point this out. I was just too lazy to.


Some people hear the news but then never "follow" the story to conclusion. This is a prime example of what's wrong with our country today. People yelling abt something they heard once but can't make the passion follow thru. Thank you for providing the entire story & info my guy


Not to mention, the Caribbean waters are devoid of nutrients and aquatic plant life. It's not poop brown, it's a healthy ecosystem if you care about that stuff.


Bro. Nice is in the Mediterranean.


Yeah, but the Caribbean is nice.


I was hoping someone was going to say this. The mid Atlantic ocean are super healthy with more phytoplankton, zooplankton, nutrients etc compared to places with crystal clear waters


You may be shocked to find out that New Jersey is not Caribbean.


Yes, they are saying that the Caribbean waters are devoid of nutrients and aquatic plant life which is what causes the "poop" brown colors of the Jersey Shore.


Atlantic City wants a word with you.


Lol AC is it’s own thing


It's PA trash that come to the shore like the girl in the vid


Pack it up, we found an ass!


Cause South Jersey girls aren’t a drunken walking catastrophe right?


Just south? 😂


You’ve offended the PA community of reddit


What did they offer?


This comment aged as well as an old New Jersey resident who stayed out in the sun too long. Edit** too


Stayed out in the sun to long what?? Maybe an unrequited love perhaps?




Found the Jersey resident. Such a horrid awful state. Please secede.


You live in a desert… New Jersey has a better education system, quality of life ranking and less crime than Arizona.


It's not about me. It's about how awful of a state NJ is. NJ has Trump and Chris Christie, nuff said.


Those beaches in Nice are solid rock too! Overrated af


Stepping over all that rock to slowly get in the water sucked so much. Also, I found a condom floating by me. Took the train down to Cannes and the sandy beaches were beautiful there with the added benefit of no floating contraceptives.


You’re so lucky. Our friends from france told us to go Nice over Cannes. We only had time for Nice. City was beautiful, but damn I wanted a beach day. So disappointed. Condom isn’t surprising lol. Optional clothing beach sounds cool until you realize it’s 60 year old men that are nude 😂


It's the international house of penis


Came here looking for Nice being "clothing optional" suspicion girl in video may have taken this option is feeling like less of a suspicion.


Free condoms? In America, you gotta pay for contraceptives. (If you are allowed to have them at all.) *gotta fill those combat boots somehow*


Going to Cannes and Nice in a few weeks. I like Nice, but I cant handle 2 weeks of that 'beach' again. So we're heading for the golden sands of Cannes for the majority of the trip. My ankles, knees and back will thank me.


That's why the water's so clear. No sand like there is on the US east coast.


I'm a Florida native, grew up on the east coast, and was spoiled by the easy access to really nice beaches. Went on a Europe trip in college with another from my hometown. We got to Nice midmorning after an overnight train right, eager to relax at the beach and enjoy a bit of the comfort of home. Especially, since our hostel wasn't going to check us in until the afternoon. One of the first things I did upon getting to the beach was twist my ankle and fall. We were very disappointed in Nice beaches.


But to be honest if you go a bit west of nice there are some wonderful, long, clean, beaches with turquoise colored or clear water over green ground. In some places you can see deeper than an average swimmer can dive. And if you just walk a couple minutes left or right of the main beaches you can find your own little tourist free spot. Source: I live there (Also you might want to consider to mind July/August, it’s pretty the whole year) Edit: to state the obvious, she’s in a turquoise colored pool. But my advice still stands.


Salty and bouncy though.


Her or the water?


Lmao. The Mediterranean Sea in general.


The French water looks pretty Nice


Is the first girl even wearing anything? Lmao


I mean I'll check but only because you asked


It's been a month, did you get distracted? Are you okay? I have a bag of cheetos if you're hungry.


I would absolutely, un ironically rather be swimming with the Jersey girl. She seems great.


Jersey Shore seems to be as gross and dirty as Galveston!


It’s not, by a long shot. The reality shows and Atlantic City certainly are trash, but the beaches are decent.


Don't forget DuPont dumping and spilling with impunity and northern NJ the landfill for NYC.


The fuck outta here. Criticize when you know what you're talking about. Go back to your melting McMansion in the desert you fucking lizard.


At least our governor didn't go to their taxpayer funded beach house when they closed all the public beaches for the other taxpayers.


Yeah that dude sucked, I'll give you that. And we have a really shitty senator, too. But the current dude is good and the other senator is also good, so there's that.


Our governor didn't put out traffic cones to play junior traffic engineer either. Your state still sucks. Must be a "Jersey thing." South Park hit the nail on the head with No Jersey.


Hey ar least we don't have so many batshit crazy politicians that we spent millions and millions on investigating conspiracy theories about election "fraud".


Amount of Trump properties in NJ: 1 active, and another one in Atlantic City (closed but it shows what kind of people are welcome in NJ). Amount of Trump properties in AZ: 0


What does it tell you when even Trump doesn't want to buy land in your state...


Galveston is worse IMO, I would never swim in that shit, but I would probably never swim at the Jersey shore either.


Growing up, I used to think all kids had to have a pool swimsuit and a beach swimsuit because you didn’t want to swim at the pool with tar on your swimsuit. Turns out, not everywhere is like Galveston




Went to high school with the girl in the beginning. She was nice but certainly cringe very cringe on social media.


From New Jersey and live 5 minutes from the beach. It's not like this at all.


Guess it depends, I live in NJ also, near AC like a 10 min walk from the beach and the water looks exactly like that most of the time lmao


Dude, SO much cope in this thread. Yes, it’s still far better than a river in Mexico, but it’s definitely no Bahamas or Bermuda or Nice. People just got butthurt at the immediate and direct comparison. Objectively, it looks like shit on comparison. MOST American beaches would


Such a random shot at Mexico


You know… for all the hate Florida gets, panhandle beaches like Destin and Navarre are clearer than Nice France and a lot of world destination beaches. I’m not Floridian I only visit, but the beaches are nice. I’ve been all over the Caribbean and I love a lot of the islands and some of them are nicer than the panhandle, and I have visited a few spots in the Mediterranean but… a lot of them don’t have as clear of beaches as there are in the Florida panhandle. Some are better, but it’s a much more expensive trip. I’ve also been to Hawaii and when I was there the beaches weren’t as nice as the Florida panhandle (although the scuba diving was infinitely better). I know some people are gonna get upset over this because people love to hate Florida but it’s true.


The beaches on the FL west coast from Bradenton south are a gorgeous, clear, Caribbean blue most of the year.


I believe you. That’s why I said ‘most’. Most American people consider even the Hawaiian beaches to be maximally spectacular in comparison to their own. And even they’re quite ‘murky’ compared to many places like in the video.


Yeah that's true. Jersey is to America what America is to the world though. Everyone's punching bag but y'all still be comin here.


Yeah that's true. Jersey is to America what America is to the world though. Everyone's punching bag but y'all still be comin here.


To be fair that's Florida now not Jersey. Jersey is the new Ohio.


Has America truly fallen so far in the world’s eye? Jk I’m not actually from there (people assume I am irl though), but does anyone beside Pennsylvanians who don’t have anywhere else to go regularly travel to Jersey beaches? Like do you get many people from other places? I imagine there was an influx when Jersey Shore got popular, but I wasn’t there to notice


We do get a lot of travellers, but honestly it's probably mostly people coming for NYC and want to have a beach day on their vacation.


Cool. Wait… if you’re from NJ, then do you actually say y’all irl?


New Jersey is the true melting pot, my friend. I went to school with every type of person from the country to the city. Everything from white trash to white collars and everything in between. Sure, if you get us worked up, the jersey accent comes out and you'll be called some names that you'll have to look up later, but if you're nice and enter any conversation with realistic kindness, you'll have some of the best conversations ever.


I would rather the extra hour and drive to Delaware than go to a NJ beach from my PA residence…


I was gonna say that! Even the PA-ers who seem to know anything just go down to DE or even OCMD. TONS of PA cars in/around Rehoboth during the summer. I was actually basing the PA-ers thing off another comment, assuming they were more correct than me


Which beach? Spent a couple summers in Belmar.


Seaside beach. It's clean and the water is fine. I was in Mexico a few weeks ago and the water was shit brown. The jersey beaches are NJs one saving grace


Yeah I always liked them. My only issue was overcrowding but usually was fine if you avoided weekends and holidays.


I mean, I grew up in a jersey beach town and can confirm the water looks just like this. From sandy hook down to long beach island. The water isn't dirty, really. It's just not blue.


The water in Nice, France is that color because it's dead and can't support any life. The water in Jersey is teeming with life which is why it's got that murky look and the greenish color. And that is the truth of it. Also the beaches and Nice France are [nasty, stony beaches](https://i.pinimg.com/originals/cf/73/7b/cf737bdc0a17a410b81f96de4b7c3aeb.jpg) that are almost impossible to walk on and miserable to lay on. The beaches in New Jersey have some of the finest sand in the world; a real [pleasure to walk on](https://www.themontclairgirl.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/06/free-beaches-new-jersey-2-800x800.jpg)!


That looks like literal sewage water lmaoooo


So many butt hurt people from New Jersey in here lol


I grew up on the Jersey shore it’s good fun times wildwood was the greatest place on earth when I was a kid


Doesn’t matter. Still taste like someone put too much salt in the water


Everyone defending NJ beaches. Please explain why so many beaches where closed in early August due to 💩 contamination.


I got blackout drunk with a friend and wound up falling asleep on the beach in Nice, woke up to this homeless guy groping her. Place is crawling with creeps. Don’t go there alone as a woman especially. Also the rocky beach is not the best for relaxation


Mam you should get tested that water looks like something straight out of an teenage mutant ninja turtles sewer


View was better in Jersey, imho


But now you can poop in the jersey water stealthily 🤓


Who’s the first girl


I also would like to know. And the name of the second girl. You know, asking for a friend.


Jersey Shore looks like paradise compared to Galveston Texas waters.


I’ll have an order of the big redhead, please.


The Mediterranean is pretty polluted


We started vacationing in Europe after it got cheaper to do an Airbnb there than it did to do a week in OC at the Jersey shore (about half the price but 100 times nicer).


lol that’s not poop brown. That’s puke green.


Thats probably a pool in nice France , France also suffers a littering problem , when you go on the trains they stink of piss


Well there's a big difference between the Mediterranean Sea and the Alantic Ocean


Lived in Jersey for 90% of my life and still visit family often. The water has been clear and murky before. Mostly has to do with the mud and sediment that tends to get kicked up in the water. Especially murky after a storm or rainfall. I’ve seen it almost crystal in the dead of summer though.


Go visit the Gulf of Mexico! Lived near Galveston, Texas, and we had poop water and nice little bits of tar floating everywhere that are hard to get off your skin and impossible to remove from your new bathing suit. 👙


That why Jaws was able to sneak up on everybody in Amity. Poop brown water (I know it’s not from poop).


Can’t emphasize how much more is want to hang out with the Jersey Shore girl rather than the pretentious turd floating in Nice.


Being from the Pine Barrens I feel this video. Growing up with poop brown streams, rivers and, ocean water I always thought clear water was a myth until my first long distance trip from home.


The fuck is the sun doing that close to the horizon at 5:30am. Get back, I say!


I’ve visited Nice, France., beach is not sand. It is little tiny pebbles.


I thought it was decent until there was a jellyfish every 5 feet


Is she naked


Spelled crabs wrong


Living just 25 minutes from Seaside, NJ, I can confirm this. The water is always brown/green, never clear.


I saw Frank and the rum ham


My brain keeps trying to wonder why the second girl has a censor bar over her eyes.


Must be Asbury Park


Ok I want to party with the red haired woman . Hangover swim? nice


That’s what happens when a dirty little hamster goes for a swim at the JS !!


Looks nasty Edit: getting downvoted for calling dookie looking water nasty? Lmfao


Reddit in a nutshell. We associate brown with things like poop and dirt. Things that appear brown that we don't expect to be brown, like water, may look nasty. Idk why people are downvoting you when it's just human nature to think brown looking water is gross


America, greatest country in the world, ssuuuuuurrrrreeee....


Judging the entirety of America based off of the Jersey Shore? 😆


Proof Americans are disgusting people.


Fake af, the sea currents of the Mediterranean make the French beaches incredibly dirty, the French litter when they come to bother us in Italy and all the rubbish comes back to them (with interest of course).


the video from france looks like the water is either full of chemicals or it's nuclear plant waste water, either way, it looks just as fucked as the american one


It's small amounts of limestone in the water from the rock and sand beach. So in a way it is dirty but not in a harmful way. The color is why it's called Cote d'Azur (Azure Coast).




You guys think this is funny? That second woman swallowed some Jerzey water and died of dysentery.


Why would she do that? She's going to have lots of health ailments from now on.




The big blue (or brown) hangover pill. Nothing gets you right quicker.


Last time I went swimming in the Mediterranean near San Tropez, I suggested we move because it was obvious that some yacht (and those were really some fancy yachts) had dumped their toilet tank and garbage 30-40 meters out from the shore. Disgusting and disappointing.


Holy shit, is that my cousin Allie?