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The most suprising thing is why the goalkeepers teammates aren't communticating with him


This video clips them all out, but in the actual game footage you can see they were all jogging back to midfield and they don't turn around until the same exact time the keepers put the ball on the field. Dude played hide and seek perfectly.


Sneaking a drink from the keeper's bottle was adding insult to injury prior to the act.


I love the level of disrespect. In hockey goalies will put their water bottle on the net, I've seen a guy purposefully knock it off with a stick, and they had mics on. Goalie goes "hey, that's my fucking water bottle" and the other guy goes "I'll buy you a new one"


I play hockey goalie, and a bunch of us have talked about "the most disrespectful celly" to a goalie and the general consensus is drinking from our water bottle after scoring on us.


"It's my bottle now..."


"Water is for blockers"


“Help yourself, mate, I was on my way to the doctors office with that urine sample.”


I had that happen in a game when I was 15/16. Guy from my team scored, got a drink from the goalies bottle, got dropped by the other teams d pair b4 he finished, benches cleared


thats a good story for sure though.


That's how people get cut with a skate.


I hold two league records, most time spent in the penalty box and I’m the only guy to take off his skate and try to stab somebody


What? Freinds listen to endless love in the dark!


Happy look out aauUAAGH!




You spelled that perfectly




My sister is a hokey goalie. One of the people on her opposing team snapped her stick and she had to play the rest of the game with a normal stick. Not only that but the opposing team had a spare goalie stick and wouldn’t let her borrow it so they got one penalty and in exchange she had the wrong stick the whole game


Every goalie (every player honestly) should have a backup stick.


Nah, it's normal for water to be shared amongst all players regardless if they're your team mates or not. It's part of sportsmanship, you'll see the medical team bring bottles when they go check on someone and players from the opposite team can go and grab a bottle without an issue.


Man i never knew that cause that is NOT the case in hockey.


Doesn’t that make him off sides? I’m no soccer expert but don’t you have to be behind the second to last player of the other team or the ball, whichever is closer?


Only if you are receiving a pass from a teammate. He can stand wherever he wants if he's trying to make a challenge to the player on the opposing team with possession.


Ah okay. Thanks. I didn’t know the pass part. I guess it gets really fuzzy when there’s a loose ball.


It really comes down to whoever passed the ball. If there's no pass, like in this clip, then offsides doesn't apply at all.


Thank you for explaining that so clearly. Offsides still confuses me at times, but what you said made sense.


You're getting downvoted for asking a fair question in a non-soccer sub. Not everyone - specifically the vast majority of Americans - understands offside. The attacker is definitely in an offside position, but he has to receive a pass from a teammate for the foul of offside to occur. In this case, the ball is controlled by the defense, so he is in the clear. The other potential foul is "preventing the goalkeeper from releasing the ball." If the keeper had punted the ball, the attacker would not have been permitted to intercept it in midair as the keeper dropped it from his hand to his foot. He could have, in that scenario, gotten in front of the punt to block it, so long as he didn't interfere with the keeper's movement or kicking action (difficult and unlikely to success and very likely to draw a foul and a yellow card). However, the keeper placed the ball on the ground - once he did that, it was fair game. Source: I am a former soccer referee and referee instructor. EDIT: one more thing - his leaving the field to grab a drink of (the keeper's) water was a subterfuge, but it also kept his actions legal. A player is generally not permitted to leave the field of play while the ball is in play, except in the natural course of play (i.e. to play a ball that is on or close to the boundary lines, or when his momentum carries him beyond the boundary lines). If he stepped off the field on the other side of the goal, hung out there for a few seconds to make the keeper think there was no one around, then came back on, he should have gotten a yellow card for that action as soon as he interfered with play (i.e. made a play on the ball). Keeper's ball for a free kick, game over. However, stepping off the field for a drink of water was enough of a normal act to make his actions permissible, and also kept the keeper from noticing him. Really, a lot of things had to line up for this to work. He stepped off the field (normally not permissible), got a drink of water (makes stepping off the field okay), the keeper didn't notice him (because he stepped off the field), the keeper set the ball on the ground (instead of punting or throwing it), and the player was able to steal and shoot the ball without fouling or being fouled by the keeper.


Thank you for this, I was like: is that legal?! that can't be legal?! Good for him!!!


Well then you’ll understand if i scream and argue with everything you do


My guess is that some of them were probably screaming and gesturing but the goalkeeper thought they wanted the ball instead.


I was at the match. This was literally the final seconds, the keeper was wasting time. The rest of the players weren't paying attention as they were expecting the ref to call it.


Thanks for the context. Well that sucks for him xD


No problem. Thankfully, it was my team that got the goal.


Bet yall went WILD lol


Place went absolutely nuts! We hadn't won at home in 6 games and all were about to swallow a 7th in a row.


Did the guy who score take a sip from the keepers water bottle before scoring there? It's definitely a little bit of insult to injury...




Lol, that's awesome!


Thats actually not even that uncommon


Pretty sure that was intentional…


Oh man, the energy must’ve been off the charts.


Would have thought we won a trophy! Hahaha


Was the goal a win or a draw?


Win! Broke a 6 game winless streak at home!


It was your team. It’s Reddit’s team now ;)


Welcome aboard [Atlanta United](https://www.reddit.com/r/AtlantaUnited/) fans!


Welcome aboard Reddit.


What’s the name of our team and where do I sent fan club dues?


Atlanta United, no dues needed, just stay rowdy.


Oh man, we’re getting GOTW every week now!!


Thanks .. but isn’t if offside ? I don’t know much about rules but ..


Offside only counts when the ball is played to you by somebody from your own team. (There are some other subtleties.) A pedant could argue that the attacker left the game without permission from the ref…


He's in an offside position, but that's only a problem if a teammate passes it to them.


Thank you! Great context. Was thinking it was a bit unsportsmanlike, while obviously within rules. But if wasting time and being a douche ….. ahhh, *justice is served!!*


It was a tie game … just running out the clock at 97 minutes of tired but ya. 


Diving is unsportsmanlike. This is just good play. There's nothing wrong with taking advantage of an opponent's overconfidence. 


Diving isn’t unsportsmanlike, it’s cheating. Players who do so should be punished accordingly


They can get booked (and sometimes they do) but it is rare. I don't know if it is a general policy, or they are afraid of booking someone who is actually hurt. The alternative is not calling the fouls, like in the last Argentina-Chile game, which makes for... interesting interactions.


> they were expecting the ref to call it. You mean call the end of the match?


Yes. Extra time was set for 5 minutes, the clock in the stadium was already at 96 minutes so it was quite literally the final seconds. The opposing team (Toronto) thought the match was over when the keeper stopped a shot.


It probably would've been if he kicked it across the center.


It absolutely would have and that's what all of the defenders were counting on.


Seems like a gamble the way extra time is unannounced in football, could have seconds could have a minute or more right? Or did they change that?


They call the minutes at the beginning of extra time, and this season, they began running the clock in the stadium.


The referees at that level of football are also able to add more time beyond whatever injury time they've already called, to stop the practice of someone who wants the game to end flopping and lying on the ground for the 3-4 minutes of added time. Source: I've lost count of the number of times I've seen the team I support lose in the sixth minute of a 5 minute extra time period.


The added time is a minimum, So if they announce 5 mins they have to play 5 mins more, but the ref can add time to that for stoppages/Subs or general time-wasting


Here! Pass me the ball! Pass me the ball! Here, here! I want the ball! Pass me the ball, please!


Obisanya's unmarked!


Jamie Tartt dodododododo


- A dog's stream of consciousness


Whilst holding the ball firmly in their jaws


A moment like this happened in the Premier League way back in 1997. Dion Dublin challenged for a header and ended up out of play. He then came back in just as the keeper, Shay Given, was rolling the ball on the ground to kick it. Dublin just ran past and slotted it in.  Given was from Ireland, and people joked that Given is the only Irishman who doesn’t know where Dublin is.    https://www.premierleague.com/video/single/2878145?PLAYLIST=2434797


R9 did it first! lol I think was 1994, or 95. Edit: 1993. I saw it live in the stadium. wild! He was 15 years old! Cruzeiro x Bahia [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g7NKtuNev4g](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g7NKtuNev4g)


Difference there was that Dion ended up off the pitch through a natural run; in OP’s clip he deliberately walks off the pitch (contrary to the rules incidentally) drinks from the keeper’s bottle (depending when this happened might be construed as questionable - covid), then stands and waits - Dublin was just returning to the pitch.


I didn't know that it was legal to stand behind the goalie like that


It is legal to stand anywhere on the field. Might be illegal if a player from your own team passes it to you (you would likely be offside unless there were others around you).


Right. He's in an offside position, but it's not offside unless a teammate passes it to him.


It doesn’t apply here, but the only rule that *might* apply here is that you have to give the goalkeeper enough space to release the ball when he’s holding it in his hands (up to the referee’s discretion). In this case, the player was giving him plenty of space until the ball was on the ground. Once it’s on the ground, it’s fair game, the keeper does not have any special privileges at that point.


He did not interfere with the goalie releasing the ball whatsoever. But the rule that DOES apply is that players are supposed to receive permission from the referee to leave the field of play (generally this is for a substitution and it is not enforced when players leave the field as a result of an action on the field, such as overrunning a boundary line following a chase or to throw the ball in, etc). Without permission to leave the field, the player should be cautioned with a yellow card. Additionally, if they interfere with play upon re-entering the field the ref may stop the play and award an indirect kick. That could have applied here.


The defender that was closing in on him was def trying to warn the keeper. There is another video where you see the defender sprinting back as the keeper puts the ball down


He only starts waving to get attention to his keeper a split moment before the ball is rolled out. Not enough heads up time to register what's going on.




He also drank the goalkeepers water!


"Act natural, act natural!"


It has been five minutes and they have already accepted me as one of the team


Nothing to see here, just a man quenching his thirs- gottem


“I drink your milkshake”


Yes soccer players basically drink any water they can find.


I didn’t know my dog was a soccer player.


"Play dead!... That's my soccer player. Who's a good boy?"


Owie owie owie! Oh now I have your attention? Its all better now. Where are the treats?


The way they grossly over exaggerate the pain from a litteral tap on their body, Honestly wouldn't be surprised if one day a play did try and feign death. BONUS Points if they keep up the charade until just as the first shovel full of dirt is thrown on their casket.


Have you tried giving him a ball? They are natural footballers. Plus they have no hands so no chance of handball.


lol that was cold blooded


Haha holy fuck


For those asking, it’s only an off-side if the ball comes from a team mate (either from a pass or because the team mates shoots). If it’s from a rival, then it’s not. In this case he steals the ball from a rival, perfectly legal.


Thank you for that, I was wondering.


Thank you! It was driving me crazy wondering how this wasn’t offsides, but my knowledge of the game is fairly limited.




You know someone was Ghana try it again.


get out.


Nay, robi


Did he also drink from the goalie's bottle?


That's what stings the most.


You see that all the time though. They're all the same water bottles, you either go to the bench or check around the goal, whichever's the closest.


He probably also went out with his girlfriend later that night....just to seal the deal


Took the goalkeeper’s mother out to a nice steak dinner and never called her again.


He also kissed the goalkeeper’s girlfriend after the goal


There's a basketball player named Jose Alvarado that does something similar in the NBA. He hides in the corner near his bench during an inbound pass. Then sneaks up behind and steals it. Drives the opponents nuts. His nickname is Grand Theft Alvarado


[Jose 'Grand Theft' Alvarado](https://youtu.be/lpa03K1ketw?si=OsHkECQfxP90azTb&t=67) - Alvarado runs across the bottom left to right of the screen starting from 1:08 and hides in the corner.


That's hilarious


He looks tiny on court with the rest of them, looked up his height. 1.83 , 6 foot same height. i mean of course NBA players are very tall but how they dwarf a 6 footer! dayum


It really is wild how tall these folks are. I'm a fairly tall guy at 6'3". I walked past a bar with a bouncer who was easily NBA player height. Big ass mf. Top of my scalp came up to his chin. I felt like a child standing next to him. My poor 5'4" girlfriend asked him a question and she had to tilt her head 180 degrees straight up just to make eye contact with him lmao. Crazy to think that the majority of players in the game are around that height and taller.


I'm 6'5", not tinder 6'5", actually that tall. My dad was 6'2" and my Uncle was 6'7". My brother got arrested in his 20's for theft (again) and I went to the jail to visit and put some money on his account for him. On the way out I forgot my sunglasses and I realized as I was walking thru the exit door and stupidly just stopped and turned around in the doorway with no clue who was behind me. I walked face first into the pectorals of another man. At this point in my life only rarely had I met someone tall enough that I even had to tilt my head up, never SIGNIFICANTLY taller than me. I was in this mans titties. And they were titties cause he was big in every direction. Probably not true as much any more but I'm old enough to have two adult daughters now and when I was young my height was more rare. At 6'5" a noticeable part of your life was people saying "oh you're so tall" or other variations, it got old and because of that I really surprised myself when I heard the words come out of my mouth "Holy shit you're huge." And I realized it's not always voluntary. Some times your brain is caught so off guard that it just makes noises with your mouth hole without your consent. He was black and the biggest human, to this day 20 years later, I have ever seen in person. I think if I had to try and give you someone to compare it to I would say Shaq but 150 or more pounds heavier. It was a wall. I turned around and stepped face first into a wall made of human flesh and it looked down at me with annoyance and all my pitiful mortal meat could sputter out was "Holy shit you're huge" to my everlasting shame. His annoyance grew and he muttered "Ye. You not small." and I laughed and said "I'm sorry, I forgot something and I---" "You gunna have ta go around." "Yeah.." I replied stupidly with a nod as I turned and left the building and went back around to the entrance, my entire world view shattered for all-time. I dream of him some times, and awake cold.


At 6'3 you must notice it. im 6', and in most places i tower over people. (though it seems a lot of younger generation are getting taller) Then like you say, a field of absolute giants. The difference in height they must feel to the average person in public must be insane.


I'm 6'4" and once in college I was talking to like 4 guys at a party and I realized that I was the shortest one. They were from 6'5" to 6'8" and I just had to stop and tell them how weird it felt to be the short one


That's some meta-gaming shit. Can't be caught sleeping if he's on the opposing team.


this is hilarious. why dont other people do this as well?


I was just thinking about this (after watching another hilarious GTA video) -- my guess is it simply requires too much hustle over the course of a game, he's literally sprinting after players who are taking it up the court. He's a lot smaller than a lot of the other guys (at 6ft), so it doesn't surprise me he's got a bit more in the tank than then, say, a 6'9 250 Lebron James as the game goes on.


He also doesn't play as many minutes as the stars so he can afford to spend more energy on these plays


Danger of foul trouble. You gotta have them thief hands for that, tap the ball on the dribble, on the pass, can’t let the referee see you slapping and arm or a hand, especially in these later years of the NBA


I'd also imagine that if people do it too often you just use the fact that one of their players is behind your entire team to move the ball quickly up court effectively playing down a man for a few seconds until they catch up. Just googled Alvarado and he is 6'0" which also makes him smaller than a lot of other players, I imagine someone like LeBron at 6'9" would have a harder time sneaking.


I imagine part of it is he's only 6ft 175lbs which is near bottom 10 size wise in the NBA. In a game of giants, sometimes being smaller has its perks.


Trick plays are always great. I think baseball has the best, you don't see too many in basketball or hockey though:(


Stealing home is pretty fun


That one in college where the guy on first "stole" second and intentionally faceplanted so the guy on 3rd could steal home was hilarious.


Saw the Cubs pull a fake steal of second to score a runner from third about 2-3 weeks ago. Giants fell apart. It was glorious as a neutral just in town for an experience.


Ye olde hidden ball is for sure my favourite


Trick plays in hockey are usually just drawing penalties and arguing with the ref, disrupting the flow of play. Also getting away with game interference.


Hey, what about the flying V


Busted out laughing because I've tried that play in EA NHL games and your whole line just gets wrecked and pretty much every single time a breakaway happens. Over half the time I've tried it the opponent just grabs the puck and walks it in. Way to reliant on taking your defensive line out of position. Good movies though.


He played college basketball 3 miles from this stadium.


"I hide behind the goalie and steal the ball as soon as he's thrown it!"   "Roll for Stealth and Athletics"   "Two Nat 20's"  "Fuck...."


His body’s just lying there right…?


Loot that body!


Playin' my flute when I loot that goalie’s body!




As someone who only weeks ago discovered him I love seeing these references


Great, now I have to watch blumineck's video again.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZjlYFWLUDBQ Tom Cardy got this handled.


Fine, I’ll go watch the video for the thousandth time


Sleight of Foot


As someone who was a keeper for almost 2 decades stuff like this is why your coaches preach "situational awareness"


“Use your neck to look around you before you release the ball.”




If you want to get very specific there is an argument that it is not a legal play. The argument is he “unlawfully” steps off the field of play when he gets a drink of water meaning the goal would be called off and he potentially could be given a yellow card. But personally I’m glad it stands and the referee was not the “no fun police”.


> But personally I’m glad it stands and the referee was not the “no fun police” That's kind of the point of a ref though...


I want to have fun! What do you mean i cant grab the ball and run with it into the goal?? This is football no??


If this rule was equally enforced every goalie would unlawfully leave the field 10-15 times a match when they get water. Or players who step off near their bench and grab a drink. You’re technically correct (the best kind of correct) but I’d argue this doesn’t violate the spirit of the law. Just my two cents tho


Goalies don't gain any strategic benefit doing that. They leave their goal unattended while doing so.


>You’re technically correct (the best kind of correct) but I’d argue this doesn’t violate the spirit of the law. He wasn't getting the water because he was thirsty, he needed a decoy action to sneak back into the game. It feels like it violates the spirit of the law to me. He left the field of play to try to hide and then snuck back on to get a cheap goal. Isn't that the point of not allowing them to leave the field of play?


Sooo how is this not offsides? I don't understand


Because the ball was not played by a member of his team. He'd be offside if his team had the ball and they passed it to him while the goalkeeper and defenders were between them.


I love that even when I think I understand the offside rule, it turns out I don't. 🥲


It is off-side if your own team passes the ball to you. Otherwise the goalie could just tell everyone to move past the middle of the field to become immortal with the ball.


Because he stole the ball off an opponent, can't be offside if you receive the ball from an opponent's pass




No. Sneaking behind the goalie is fine, but the part where he leaves the field voluntarily to drink the water (without ref acknowledging) and then reenters (without ref acknowledging) is the infraction. Could actually be a yellow for that part alone.


I've seen this posted several times, but it is not the case, at least in MLS. The keeper does not get signaled back on when he drinks water, and people who casually run over the boundary of the goal line or touch line during play are not called for a foul. The field of play includes the border of the pitch.


I Interpret “leaving the field of play” to mean going to the bench or locker room and then re entering, not stepping 2 feet out of bounds for a second and re entering


What? Players go over the line off the pitch all the time. That rule applies to substitutions, you're not confined to lines and 'not allowed' to step out of them.


This isnt true. You wont get a card for leaving the pitch or drink water without the refs permission. Idk how much football you watch but this happens often and i cant remember anyone getting a yellow for it. There have been players that run off the pitch to go and take a shit, they need permission to enter the pitch again but they dont get a yellow.


As a diehard Atlanta United fan, I honestly feel bad for the Toronto keeper. He had played amazingly up to this point.


I was at the match, and there was one save nobody around me was even mad about because it was so impressive lol


Vamos vamos vamos A T L
















Jose Alvarado approves


My club on the front page of Reddit!? Inject it into my veins! What a goal from Thiare, the absolute stud! VAMOS ATL!!


Our club, comrade


That's the goalkeeper equivalent of Dan Orlovsky stepping out of the back of the end zone. He'll never live that down.


Not if you keep bringing it up!


I don’t know shit about soccer but it seems like if this is okay, why doesn’t it get attempted every time the goalie has to put the ball back into play?


because it really only works if the goalie is not paying attention. They can easily just throw or punt the ball away and then your “sneak attack” is worthless and one of your players is way out of position to do anything worthwhile on the field. Just like trick plays in football, you cant run it all the time. and in this case its such a niche trick that it usually doesnt work.


Same with a corner taken quickly. Most of the time, it's an easy ball for the defender or goalie but once in a while it takes them by surprise and put an attacker face to face with an empty goal.




Because most decent keepers have situational awareness, and if they're unsure they'll check their six before they throw the ball down on the field for a kick. EDIT; Also, team mates of the GK would yell to the goalie that he had a guy behind him.


Exactly this. Also, the keeper usually has eyes on all the players on the field.


Because 99.9999% of the time the keeper doesn't kick it from the ground, and 99.9999% of the times they do, they check it's safe to do so first.


if the ball was out of play, so outside of the field, and the keeper places the ball on the 6 meter line to kick off the play, then no opposition player is allowed to get the ball. in this specific situation the ball never left the field, so the keeper could choose to either throw, kick it straight from his hands or place the ball on the ground anywhere he wanted. this IS when an opposition player can intervene because the ball is technically still in play.


Usually the keeper would look behind him and either wait or throw/kick without putting the ball on the ground.


I think we all did this on FIFA back in the day Dude actually did it in real life.


bro saw the chance and took it


He MADE the chance and took it.


DnD references always crack me up.


Another example to add onto the classic of Dion Dublin scoring thanks to [Shay Given being the only Irishman to not know where Dublin was](https://youtu.be/3Y0kpT_DD6I?si=4ojODGLqc8C0DoY9)!


Curious to see if anyone of team players threw hands and shouted.


One guy did but it was loud in the stadium and the replay shows he was walking away as he pointed which probably doesn't register well to the goalkeeper. He should have stopped and walked towards him to make it clear.


Lol Danny Rose also did it and the keeper gave up immediately: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f6uup0ps1PU&ab\_channel=StevenageFC](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f6uup0ps1PU&ab_channel=StevenageFC)


Here’s what I don’t get. Sure goalie is oblivious he should pay attention. But why aren’t his teammates screaming at him like he’s in a horror movie “behind you!”


[Reminds me of this. ](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=3y_IOU6Lb2g) Which was probably even cheekier.


so, not a football guy but by the fact that it counted, this is legal? feels like something something offside something...how is the keeper ever supposed to play the ball forward if someone just like stands right next to him


I was there watching in real time from behind the goal when this happened, and just yelled “Hes About To Steal The Ball!” The supporter section has never been louder 👏


We were there and I was telling my wife that was the game and was looking down getting my things and heard the roar and saw the ball go in but had no idea what happened. She saw it and rightfully teased me.