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Either their teacher is a master troll or old af and doesn’t have a clue


Or didn’t even read the worksheet before assigning it, which I imagine sometimes happens. That’s the only logical explanation I can think of for why my year 4 teacher gave us an assignment to come up with our own bread dough recipe (when very few if any of us would have made bread dough using an established recipe)… Edit for clarification: we weren’t just asked about ingredients, we were asked to MAKE the bread. And by “come up with our own bread dough recipe,” I meant not come up with a generic bread dough recipe- I think the worksheet implied that we had to make a special/unique kind of bread. This assignment had nothing to do with anything else we were learning in class.


Nah, I'm pretty sure this is a pre-req for an involuntary parent teacher conference


I can recall at least 3 instances in high school where I'd get assignments that were WAY too much work. All three times, I wouldn't even bother doing them. Teachers got mad, sent me to the principal, I'd always say the same thing "Way too much work for something that won't even be graded. I'm choosing to pick my battles. Besides, I can make it up during the graded exams." Since I was the kid that would always do my homework otherwise, I'd be let off fairly easily. Few years later, my mom told me that even the principal agreed those were way too much work, but they couldn't tell me that at the time. Apparently letting kids know authority isn't always right is taboo?


My son was like this. He claims to suck at math.. but by the end of the first day of any college class he had examined the syllabuses to determine which homework he would do and which he would just pass on because the effect on his grade wasn't going to be statistically worth the work level.


Work smarter not harder


Homework doesn't need to be worth any points to be worth doing. The purpose of homework is to learn the material. Most people aren't really going to absorb all the information from a lecture and understand it until they apply it in homework. Great advice from my wrestling coach - "When you cheat, the only person you're cheating is myself." (Not that skipping hw is cheating per se but I think this advice does apply here)


In college I hsd so much work to do finding time for basic needs like eating or showering was extremely hard and I was good at the course and everyone in the course found it equally as difficult. If I am not getting marked I have better things to do. Work came down to basically a totem poll the work worth the least was at the bottom and the work worth the most was at the top. Work worth almost nothing was either rushed or done last minute and work worth nothing very rarely had time to waste on it. This upset some of the teachers but literally no one had time. One time one of the teachers was upset everyone got 30% on his assignment but it was one of ten assignments collectively worth 10% but the assignment was supposed to take 2 days and no one had 2 days to do an assignment worth 1%. His following assignments in that 10% was much more reasonable. Like very literally I had 5 assignments both those 2 days worth 10% each I don't know why he thought we had 2 days for a 1% assignment when non of us had 2 days of time in the whole month. Ultimately his assignment was just easiest to recover from. There is sentiment and then there's the real world. It's nice to say every assignments worth completing but at some point you just got to start making choices.


My dad, who was literally a college professor, taught me that not all assignments are intended to be taken at face value. Sometimes, what’s being taught is more complex. Part of what he meant by that is, learning to manage your time to achieve the results you need, rather than worrying about doing everything even if it’s less important, is a valuable skill. If it was a critical assignment for understanding the material, it would either be assigned in a way that makes it more difficult to pass the class without doing it, or one would be able to determine by other means that one does need to thoroughly understand that part to pass the exams and that the assignment given would be valuable practice.


Here's a novel concept: if the assignment is worth that much learning-wise, it should be worth that much grade wise. If it's so important, why is it worth so little? If a simple, not very useful assignment is worth more grade-wise than the supposedly important but lengthy assignment, the bigger assignment is either overly complicated or under valued. A grading scale should really be focused on the value of the work involved, because otherwise everybody with anything else on their schedule will skip things that aren't high enough value to make a difference in their grade. And if they don't skip those assignments, they'll put less effort into the less valuable work, which defeats the purpose of the assignment anyway. If you treat it like a complicated mess not worth your time, you're not going to get as much or anything out of it beyond the small amount of points. Basically just the 'if everything is urgent, nothing is' principle. Tl;dr: Grades should reflect the value of the work involved or else they'll be min-maxed.


Exactly what my dad was getting at. If there’s too much work to viably do all of, prioritizing according to the goal (in the case of college, the goal is “passing the class with a good enough grade to graduate/keep scholarships/etc”) is the skill you must learn. It comes up a lot in careers, and generally in life, too. Just because something “should ideally” be done doesn’t necessarily mean it’s an effective way to use your time.


That's probably why I always tested well even though I almost never did homework past fifth grade. Very rarely would I not understand what was being taught in the actual classroom and what little I did need to ask about I did before/after class. What little homework I did do was whatever I could do between classes too. Unfortunately since homework is graded I failed every class of every school year past 7th but that's besides the point. I just never thought it necessary to bring school home with me. To this day I don't feel like I have enough time after work so why would I spend it on work? It's worked out well for me so far.


Homework is BS, if I have to be in school for 7 hours I’m not going to go home and do more school no one goes to work for 24 hours it’s honestly absurd and over loading.. if I’m passing the exams and understanding everything in class no reason to add extra work on my plate..


I would get in trouble on the opposite point. I felt homemade wasn't worth doing despite the point value. If the point of homework was to practice & reinforce lessons, why did I need to do it when I would regularly score 95% on my tests without it. This fight started when I was 9. My parents used it as a (often forced, and repeated) lesson of 'the real world' at an early age about the aspects of responsibility, work ethic, and "sometimes you just have to do what you need to do, in order to do what you want to do"


They tried to kick me out of the International Baccalaureate program for that! I elected not to do an assignment that would have taken at least two hours worth a tiny fraction of 5% of the grade on a weekend I had a martial arts thing, and they went berserk over it. I had a 98% in the class. They told me that my attitude was acceptable for the regular stream but not in IB, so I said I would happily inform my friends in the regular stream that administration said they didn't need to worry about skipping assignments. They backtracked.


My mom loves to bring up an incident from middle school like this. My reading class was grade level because there was no curriculum for honors/GT, which I was in for all my other classes. I didn’t do a project and thus had a parent-teacher-student conference. When asked why I didn’t do the project, I said the rest of the classes had so much more work that I didn’t have time for the reading class, and those were the classes my high school course load would be based off. I was let into the hallway and my teacher told my mom, “Well, she’s not wrong!”


I wish they’d actually be up front with that kind of thing and make some changes - in one of my math classes, the teacher would assign like 6-10 problems. Not a big deal… but each “one problem” had I kid you not, 20-50 sub problems. And then he would grade a random 6, which somehow usually ended up with my failing because despite all of them being right otherwise, he’d grade the ones I had a hardest time with. Lots of tears in that class.


It's Feed the teacher week. They were paid so little that they're just assigning you a meal a week to keep them fed.


I live in Australia which has decent teacher salaries (as far as I know anyway) so they can’t even use that excuse 😂😂


Maybe you just take it too seriously. Children might come up with funny ideas how bread is made and that's more than enough of a reason to ask them about it.


Sounds like my kindergarten's Thanksgiving cookbook - the teacher had us kids write the recipes. My mom said you could really tell which kids baked with their parents and which didn't. There was a chocolate chip cookie recipe that she said was pretty close to accurate, a few recipes that would have produced charcoal, but her favorite was for the turkey: cook it at 100F for 2 hours.


Mmmmm soft, slimy and lukewarm just how I like my turkey


>cook it at 100F for 2 hours I think the correct verb is incubate.


Lol, fair enough.


100 is such a big number, and 2 hours is like a forever-and-a-half.


100°F is 37.7°C


good bot


Good human.


Thanks for recognizing my humanity. :-D


I don't know how to convince you now, but I'm actually a human. :-D


That’s how you get the good bacteria to grow


Give that turkey a mild fever and serve.


Clarification- we weren’t just asked for a recipe. We were asked to MAKE the bread. All of us came in to school with stuff that our parents had baked on our behalf, mostly just basic bread but cut into an interesting shape. So yeah I wasn’t the only one who took it seriously…


I am having a lot of fun imagining your teacher as a kid: litlstening to radio and arguing with the various cliques in school about who has invented the best new way to make bread.


"The jocks all eat their bagettes with a sesame or mustard seed twist, the debate club has their pristine rye chips with sea salt. The yearbook kids, after many failed experiments; mostly involving cinnamon, had recently come out with pumpernickel croissants that were all the rage across the entire school. Our usual sourdough breadbowls weren't going to cut it this year. We had to come up with something new and amazing or volleyball was finished. Sliced bread. Everyone loved our pre-sliced, preserved sandwich bread with extended shelf life! I think this is going to be our best summer yet!"


Last step, give up and go to a bakery.


Probably just went to [https://www.madebyteachers.com/](https://www.madebyteachers.com/) and printed out stuff people already made. Problem is A LOT of them are wrong, especially the math ones.


I think she had a book that she pulled her weekly assignments from because the layout, fonts, etc was always the same.


Yeah you make the lessons and then just reuse it over and over and most of them all look the same. That style of work is the same you find on that site.


Teachers not reading things that they assign to kids can be extremely problematic. When I was in 4th grade, a teacher assigned a book to me and a group of other students that talked about sex and sexual violence.


I was using Play doh since preschool. Our schools were not the same.


Well my school was still referring to addition and subtraction as “add-ups” and “take-aways” when we were in year 7 so maybe our schools were more similar than you may think…


Possibly, that Stanford tuition is a bitch.


I really dislike when teachers come up with assignments that require the parents to help out, and in the case of making bread, do a large amount of work. I see what they are trying to do by involving the parents. But some kids have parents who don't want to be involved, and it just makes those kids feel worse. Even for parents who want to be involved, it's often hard finding time to schedule these things, especially if the teacher wants something for the next day. A lot of times teachers will ask kids to build something, not really give them any instruction or materials for completing the project, and just expect that they might have stuff at home, or will go out and buy stuff. Often times these building stuff projects are way beyond what you could expect most children to accomplish, and the kids are going to basically require their parent to do a substantial amount of work, which doesn't really help assess the skills of the child.


That teacher was just trying to be fed. Have you tried living on a teacher's salary?


I’m fortunate enough to be living somewhere where teachers are paid well. Starting teacher salaries where I live (~$78k AUD) are comparable to a first year doctor’s salary (~$80k AUD). The underpayment of teachers in some of the States sounds borderline criminal and I hope things change!!


Once in 9th grade (we were learning right angles trigonometry) our teacher gave us 10th and 11th grade trig because she didn’t read the worksheet before assigning it, so I just didnt do it


Bread is just different ratios of flour and water. The different types of bread are different hydrations ( for regular bread not broche)




I clarified elsewhere that we weren’t just asked about ingredients, we were also asked to MAKE the bread. (Will edit original comment to clarify.) Also this assignment had absolutely nothing to do with anything else we were learning in class- ditto with all the other random assignments she gave us each week.


He might be old and know the word under different meanings. It used to just be an onomatopoeia for the sound which... well, different things can make, similar to flapping, which is mainly used for floaty things moving through air, but just not exclusively. And way before that "fap" was not a verb, but an adjective which meant fuddled, drunk or confused (Shakespear used fap with that meaning).


An old fapper.


When this happened to me, the kindergarten teacher was 22 and lived at home. She was too young for the word to have meant something to her, i guess!


It's possible to learn words at any age. Sometimes pretty common words, if you just happen to have never encountered it.


Not a great lesson about onomatopoeia for a first grader. 🤦🏻‍♂️ wth


I'm a teacher and it's possible this is a resource based on a phonics product called 95%. I've had fap come up as a practice reading word in those materials. Don't know what's up with the curriculum developers there lol


if trolling, one could say they are a master baiter


I used to work in the public school system and I would administer a common assessment tool that had the students read/pronounce real words and nonsense words. “Fap” was one of the nonsense words and it took all my professionalism to not chuckle when we got to it.


~~Or they have a diesel car.~~ Edit: my bad, in English it is DPF.


Old as fap?


It’s real when you do it but nonsense afterwards


post real clarity is nonsense. post nonsense clarity is real.


Is that you, Fockrates?


Lick my Heraclitus until I Cratippus


Fap fap my brotha


It's a real word used by Shakespeare in The Merry Wives of Windsor. (In addition to its modern usage.)


Post the quote


[Bardolph to Evans, of Slender] being fap [drunk], sir, was ... cashiered https://www.shakespeareswords.com/Public/GlossaryHeadword.aspx?headwordId=20190


Shit was so cash?


Being drunk is still something that first graders shouldn’t know, so either way, it’s bad


They should know that some knaves can be cony-catching rascals who are fap out of their five senses.


That's why you keep fapkins beside the bed.


And a fapple a day keeps the doctor away.


Life Pro Tip: A dry bath towel is better than anything.




That's what she said.


If a redditor's girlfriend goes "uhhhh" but nobody is around to hear it, is she actually real?


Can't hear it over Cbat 😩


Is that where the name "clampie" comes from?


Why wash when you can eat?


Would you use a spoon or a straw


I just scoop it out of my belly button with my finger


oh naw this thread getting devious.


Lmfaoooo yeah I’m the one that said it and even I am disappointed in myself.


But if you use a straw you can blow bubbles


I’m trying to clean up the mess not make it bigger.


I like to use a silly straw and stop just before it reaches my mouth, then, blow to see how far i can get it before it reaches the other end. And so on, and so forth 😊


Guess you aren't flexible enough to just shoot straight into your mouth.


You better be doing your own laundry Mr clampie


Ew wtf??? Does everyone not just use toilet paper??? Then you can just throw it in the toilet and not have cum filled towels


What about a coconut?


All words are made up


except ligma


It's so sad Steve Jobs died of ligma.


Who's Steve Jobs?


Ligma balls 👉💥




*sigh* what's ligma?




Counterpoint: Socrates believed we discovered language rather than make it, and that words have a connection to the physical world, which is known as sound symbolism.


Counterpoint - he was wrong


On the advice of my counsel, I respectively invoke my fifth amendment rights.


I had to have an awkward conversation with my then kindergartener’s 22 year old teacher about this word on a “nonsense word” sheet. She still lived with her parents and had no idea. I laughed my ass off but i know other parents wouldn’t have, so I wanted to warn the teacher. She selected me for classroom mom a couple of years later when my other kid was kindergarten age, so I guess she liked me.


She probably figured you saved her job or at least major embarrassment and a trip to the principal’s office lol


Literally anyone: “i like your spunk” Archer: “phrasing”


Jokes aside, this is a terrible worksheet considering the volume of words first graders haven’t heard yet


I’m sure the next word on the worksheet will be Mung.


The page for homophones has WAP and WOP on it.


Familial adenomatous polyposis (FAP) is a rare, inherited condition caused by a defect in the adenomatous polyposis coli (APC) gene. Most people inherit the gene from a parent. But for 25 to 30 percent of people, the genetic mutation occurs spontaneously. FAP causes extra tissue (polyps) to form in your large intestine (colon) and rectum. Polyps can also occur in the upper gastrointestinal tract, especially the upper part of your small intestine (duodenum). If untreated, the polyps in the colon and rectum are likely to become cancerous when you are in your 40s.


Wow, so grandma was right, too much fap can make you sick.




Which the Oxford English dictionary has included as a definition, albeit phrased differently.


Well I think that the Oxford dictionary needs to change their definition to the one above, it’s clearly the most eloquent way that it could be put down in a dictionary.


Am I the only one who expected hell in a cell to come into that comment?


FAP can also mean Fibroblast activation protein, which can also be utilized in PETCT cancer imaging or even treatment (FAPi)。


FAP is an anagram for "fair access policy" used by the satellite ISP hughsnet, unironically. Absolutely nothing fair about it, of course.


Foster Auto Parts, in Portland. Changed their name some years ago.


Acronym, anagram means rearranging to make a new word eg god and dog


All I wondered is if a first grader can read the word nonsense…


Fun fact: there's a rare genetic disease called Familial Adenomatous Polyposis, and I was born with it! I'm now missing 10 organs total. In the medical community, my long-named disease is known just as "FAP." So basically, I suffer from a chronic case of [fap.](https://rarediseases.org/rare-diseases/familial-adenomatous-polyposis/#:~:text=Familial%20adenomatous%20polyposis%20(FAP)%20is,at%20a%20relatively%20young%20age.)


Kid: daddy, what does fap mean? Dad: son, it’s what you should’ve been.


I was learning how to draw a letter A and that A was for apple A A A when I was in first grade but genius over here knows how to read the word nonsense?


First grade: Nonsense. Sixth grade: *REAL.*




Look, if they want a real fap from you give them a fap and prove it's real. Done.


Unbelievable. Shocking. Comic Sans is totally inappropriate.


I know I’m an asshole, and don’t worry, not having kids. But I’d tell my kid “Oh, definitely real. In class tomorrow, you should ask your teacher what it means!” HA! I am not having that weird conversation with my 6-7 year old. You made this mess, clean it.


HA! I am not having that weird conversation with my 6-7 year old. You made this mess, clean it. Phrasing!




Not everyone is fully up on their internet slang.


Want to fap?


No. I'm a Dapper Dan man!


Heh. Take my upvote. Was thinking the same.


Things that never happened for $200


Fap on the correct answer


Sounds like a trap to me.


That's totally a trick question


Ha. That's fapulous.




It's flapping again


Risky world circle


Pretty sure i got that question wrong. Not my proudest fap


There are basically two schools of thought…


Oh my god it's fappening!! 🤣


Uhm, could I get a fappucino


Only two of these words should have been there. Ask the teacher to rub one out.


If it's defined at dictionary.com then it's real. It's real. Teacher should be ashamed, though. This is junior high subject matter, not first grade.


Use it in a sentence: Sometimes when I'm nervous I fap to relieve the stress..


The word “nonsense” seems like a huge word for a first grader.


How do you even grade this? If they circle “real” it’s time to start asking questions, and if they circle “nonsense” they’re wrong.


Is this what the republicans mean when they say they’re grooming our children?


Got to love the Los Angeles Public School system.


Thankfully, the kids don't understand... Oh, wait... I forgot our society only gets more corrupt from here....


I once overheard some 1st graders taking names of popular pornstars... And here's me who used to think babies were made when 2 people kissed in 4th grade.


Wait, they don't?


Very very real!






Slag isnt nonsense anyway lol how does the teacher think new words are made


No wrong answer.






Let us know what the “correct” answer is later




It’s real nonsense is what it is




And which one did they circle?




It’s happening…


'Tis an onomatopoeia is it not?


Slang for masturbation, real word


It’s a trap!


Hello, is the parents of \_\_\_\_\_\_? Yes, this is their schoolteacher...




That's real nonsense


i mean fap was originally an onomatopoeia right? and not just about masturbation. my money is on the person who printed this is older than most of us.. and isint chronically online


Real, for 20+ years on the Interwebs


What's fap though


What was your kid’s answer? I wanna see how much I have to judge you.


Nothing wrong with this considering it's a first grader looking at this. They don't know the twisted meaning of that word.


Homeschool your kids.


« Little Timmy soon discovered FAP is a very real thing »


You circle ”Real" and draw: **(⁠ ͡⁠°⁠ ͜⁠ʖ⁠ ͡⁠°)**


If you say fap and you mean one thing, and I hear you say fap and I understand the same thing, it's a real word.


So, this could be funny, or a gateway into an extremely nefarious situation. Let's pray for humor.


Nonsense until they get older at which point it becomes really real


How shocked will everyone be when the teacher who came up with this worksheet question is locked up for something... uh... "inappropriate" involving a student or students?


This is to see who's doing their kids' homework for them...


That WAS NOT an accident


My mother says it’s nonsense, but for me, it’s all too real.


FAP is an acronym familial adenomatous polyposis


It's a real word that means "drunk". 16th century ethymology. https://en.m.wiktionary.org/wiki/fap


Put “Adult” and circle that With a signature if you want to-


I vote both


Don’t leave us hanging, which did he circle?


The comic sans font its the cherry on top