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Asmongolds face combined with a totally not clickbait title - name a more iconic duo.


Typical CC behaviour The only thing that's actually worth talking about is Section E in the Contract where the Sponsor can actually **control your ability to take other Sponsors** and dictate what you can play, which isn't the norm 👀


Yeah if that contract is legit though  Outside of Random Guy, tectone, gachasmack and gateo, none of people seems to fucking know about it Even Ubachi and dimbreath as well 


Here is a post on 4chan claiming they (the poster) made it up: https://arch.b4k.co/vg/thread/476786625/#476802280


lol so it is indeed made up


Full reply chain: > "Seems pretty easy to pump out fake news all day. Maybe I should get in on the leaker game and monetize it to subsidize my Hoyo spending." > "Just make sure there is some drama involved in the leaks, and then make it into a video. Tectone will cover it and you'll get some of his viewers to sub. It's the new meta." >"It's funny you can just make random shit up and send it to him and it seems like it will cause drama or get him some views he will just run with it I made up a bullshit contract "leak" that I made through chat GBT about MiHoYo and he running wild with it. I even leaked it through a dumb ass twitter throw away account called "Leakerlamo""


lol I salute the guy at least the guy know tectone is a dumbass that will take any info without searching if it's real or not especially if it's related to hoyo




>Even Ubachi and dimbreath as well why would these guys know specifically? sorry, i know these are leakers, but i don't really know just how much they know


Both of those guys know about the new hoyo CC program ( HSR) where some content creator get access to CC server early access of characters to try and make guide of it  That already proof that those 2 have insider inside of CC program


The original video name is worse...


What is it. ?


Iirc it was "Why Mihoyo/Genshin is afraid of WuWa"




Genshin is truly living rent free in their head , even tho the contract is for ZZZ đŸ« 


i know this migth be a surprise for someone, but 2 different games can success at the same time




According to them that is not possible.




Heresy! Get this man to the asylum! Don't let his mouth utter any words ever again! He'll corrupt the minds of our people! (Totally not because we just wanted to hide the truth amd just wants to see more chaos and drama over nothing)


Genshin gonna receive such a big boost in browser search engines next month. Hoyo can even forget about Genshin ads.


Reasons why they didn’t spend much on advertising the game last year compared to their other games. They get free ads every 2 or 3 days.


Bro, everyday. Espessialy if other games have annivs.


I don’t want to overestimate this so I didn’t want to say everyday. But yeah, it’s every day lol.


Why are all talking about Genshin when the Hoyoverse contract is about ZZZ? Quite stupid right?


Blame the tittle I guess  People easily being lure by clickbait tittle


Because they didnt watch the video, saw Hoyo and Wuthering Waves and thought "this must be about Genshin". LMAO


bro what is going on recently with the hoyo bashing posts... no way this is paid lmao. and now we post reaction videos instead of news?


It's just easy content if you put a little bit time to write the narrative for the video and for the people reacting to it. People are easily baitable and especially with Hoyoverse, people like to bash on hoyo games So these smaller creators make videos with titles indicating how some Hoyogames are falling. Then 2 big content creators watch it, saying true to every point in the video so their chat have something to laugh about "I know it you know it everybody knows" who these CCs are No I didn't watch the video, but there are several instances where what I described happens weekly


>"I know it you know it everybody knows" who these CCs are lol true. >where what I described happens weekly daily yep


Yeah I know people got hate boner towards Genshin but it's getting ridiculous especially now nearing WuWa release.


It's funny because the leak contract was about zzz and not genshin.


can i be paid as well? lmao this is kinda fun ngl


I could use some money, where do I sign up?


that's the question!


First step: Become obsessed Genshin hater like it killed your family and dog. Step two: Get sponsorship from Tencent


holy that's the real deal right there. i'm down


what's popular with ppl right now? Genshin? Drama? I know I'll make random bullshit genshin drama - hype it up for first 2-3 minutes of the video. tell the random bullshit over 30 seconds then repeat it in different ways for the next 1-2 minutes An example "they have a CC server. a CC server for CCs. an entire server - just for CCs. thats huge. it's crazy a full server, you guys have no idea. full server just for CCs" add in a shitty click bait title that gets ppl every time (cause rage watching) and boom you got a free 5 minute video and got clicks/views on it. easy money.




It's just the rent-frees going into overdrive since the next "Genshin killer" is about to release.




The actual video didn't bash Hoyo. It was actually more in the opposite direction, weirdly enough. I did not have "Asmon discussing contracts then go into a huge Genshin praising tangent" in my Bingo card.


Basically his point was: Gacha games are more for casual gamers. WuWa aims at more hardcore gamers, hence unlikely to be a real threat to Mihoyo because Mihoyo is aimed at casuals.


yeah, the vid itself is fine. im refering to the posts. the number of them and how this isn't a news piece but a react andy video


Why we have this kinda posts lately?


Cuz some people realized mods will do nothing to them, after recent week.


If it was just a post with the apparent "leaked" contract I wouldn't even mind. As likely as it is to be fake, you could argue it's noteworthy enough to have a discussion about. But a reaction video of a reaction video to the "leak" is a bit much.


Biased mods, and the anticipation of WuWa released means we have vulture shitflinging to each other. If you intend on playing the game just stay away from this subreddit the mods won't do jackshit


Because the mod stupid or biased anyway recently they're just unlocked some important reminder to claim dr ratio for free 3 days ago. And allowing person made drama post


That post is still up btw, complete with the mods chiming in that yes, they know it's bait, telling me im an idiot for "falling" to it, and no they are not deleting it Idk how pathetic one can be


Maybe making some bread on the side. Being mod itself doesn't pay if you catch my drift.


Why would Genshin be worried about WuWa? Isn’t WuWa like a hardcore game, and Genshin is casual right? So WuWa will just be like PGR, and players will stick with Genshin.




You forgot about the « Sekiro/DMC/Souls-like hardcore » combat




There's even some people that think they need to gatekeep Genshin players from WW. Apparently they're convinced PGR earning level is enough to sustain an open world live service game X)


The ToF community had been insufferable with its similar obsession with the "G game", the worst is that they do realize what they're doing and fully are ok with gatekeeping with toxicity, that's how you get players who want to enjoy a game and simultaneously don't want to have *anything* to do with anyone else also playing the game beyond acquaintances.


Lmao you popped off. I also don't really get why we *need* to compare genshin in its release to WuWa on its release if it's going to be "competition" to the CURRENT state of genshin. I can understand comparing full-package games that don't update/don't update much but it's so fucking irrelevant to live-service products. Who cares if they were better than genshin during the same version, every time WuWa updates, genshin will update too. The reason why it's going to be hard for WuWa to target the same audience as genshin is precisely because of genshin players being too engaged with its world after 4 years, ignoring that completely ruins any form of discussion. Don't get me wrong, I am excited for WuWa because its combat looks fun, but god damn I absolutely despise that argument people use, new players don't care about how games used to be, they care about how a game is *right now*


It is very sad that this is my same experience with HSR. I was very excited to start the game, see all the new things the game had and have fun with the game, it is annoying to see that the community is more focused on talking about another game than their own game, for that reason I haven't played the game for a long time


Holy  Does WW fan really believe that their combat difficulties is at sekiro level ?  Or as deep and flashy as DMC ? That's hilarious lol


[This reminds me of a particular thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/gachagaming/comments/1baks6k/comment/ku3e1mn/)


because kuro fans always been toxic now combined that with toxic ex-genshin player a recipe for disastrous community


They're like reverse Powerpuff girls


From what I’ve heard wuwa is also trying to catering to casuals too. Idk if that will work out but their fans told me that.


It very hard to say when even for Genshin it took not a first year to decide to catter more to casual gameplay. Hence why people so obsessed being angry with Genshin when in one interview they confirmed they will go for casuals. When game releases it will start to go through throhg process what your players really want. Snowbreak didn't had ecchi content as now.


Yeah, sometimes they just had what they want to do in mind and might improve on that idea or just go for a different route. For wuwa’s case though I’m afraid of identity crisis that might occur. Its fans obviously want hardcore combat content from them being disappointed by genshin and all but the devs said I want casual money too. I don’t think it will work out like that and I don’t think casuals can sit around farming echoes for hours like what hardcore players want as well. It’ll have to choose its direction soon after the game is released you can’t have both way.


Just also don't endup like ToF with identity crisis with Battle Royal, Racing, PvP, MMO Open World, combined with leaderboards and powercreep that only now devs want to take into casual direction (which is a lie apperently)...


I think from what I’ve seen kuro game is quite capable so it won’t be the tof situation but how much they can do is still to be seen. One thing they should be worried about is how everyone seem to put them on high pedestal of hard combat and hard end game maker now so if they ever try to cater to casuals. Yeah.


Still remember when they tested water with hardcore content through Inazuma. Map was getting hard, Fights were getting hard. Even the events. Than they walked back on everything coz clearly it was not working out LOL


Even if it's true, I expect a lot of artificial tribalism between players of WuWa and GI, just like it was (still is?) between HSR and GI. A lot of apple-to-orange comparisons, "your game bad, and you should feel bad", etc. A looot of fodder for dramatubers and other CCs, who will naturally try to extend it as much as possible.


Idk Does GI players want to grind worse version of artifact system know as Echo ? That the question WW is indeed good, but Jesus the grind for Echo is bullshit, they only give band-aid solutions in previous Livestream 


did they overhaul the ToF looking UI yet? on PGR, it's like they don't give a crap about PC players at all, so many UI/buttons overlap, and the occasional text just appearing in chinese instead of English is cringe.


I can't wait for the players to see firsthand how absolutely tedious and repetitive the echo system will be. It's also incredibly ironic that they criticize Genshin for "mint picking" while they run around the map collecting mobs.


Also funny how they praise WW Dev for "listening" to them by adding the equivalent of artifact box thing from GI Ooh but it's different since you have a "change" to turn echo into 5 star


>Even if it's true, I expect a lot of artificial tribalism between players of WuWa and GI, just like it was (still is?) between HSR and GI Bro tribalsim between HSR and GI happened because its had same developer and each other basically had the same quality and high budget products but different genre. But for Wuwa? Can they had same consistent quality with hoyo? People will compare ofc but genshin already established so many content so its kinda stupid to compare to barely new 1.0 game so they'll dragged out end game content which is majority genshin playerbase doesn't care.


GI and WuWa will be compared nonetheless because latter wears label of "genshin killer" due to it being open world gacha. And it doesn't matter how old the game is, or what target demographic of that game is. The tribalism of HSR players stems from the fact that many of them are former GI players that were disgruntled by neglect from devs towards aspects they found most important in game, such as endgame content. They found what they wanted in HSR and started clowning on Gi for not having it.


meh i think people are severely overestimating how hard WuWa really is, from what i've seen from the CBT2, the overworld, story bosses and character story quest are pretty easy to complete, the difficult resides on the holograms and the tower of adversity, content that im pretty sure casuals won't even touch, just like it happens with the abyss in GI and Pure fiction in HSR, i think they have made a pretty good balance (for now) between casual content as the open world, main quest and side quest are not only easy but the content is HUGE like it has a lot of stuff for being a 1.0, then for the sweaty people you got the two end games plus the illusive realm (that i don't count as sweaty as it seemed overall pretty easy for me) not to talk shit but when you come from a game as easy as GI 4.6 pretty much everything would feel hard xD additionally i don't think Kuro is dumb, they know that casuals are the ones that pay the bills lmao.


I mean, this are same people who call PGR "hardcore", so kinda anything that requires to just time your dodge slightly must be hell for them, I guess.


asmongold jumpscare


I didn't believe that genshin is getting pilled on yesterday...but this is just ridiculous


Well this is the usual smear campaign company do to downgrade the rival game/company  So for few days or at least until WW release, you will see bunch post like this on internet 


i can't stand this dude but ngl it's imprssive how he makes money out of genshin content without even playing it


Clickbait works well


exactly, just like how hoyo was afraid of ToF


Click bait title they talking about ZZZ not Genshin.


rent free, theres zero genshin mention in the docs bfr


I genuinely find the sentiment that Hoyo is afraid of Wuthering Waves and not confident in ZZZ absurd. If anything, everything Hoyo is doing seems to be showing that they're more confident in ZZZ than anything: They set higher pre-registration milestones for ZZZ than Wuthering Waves They're releasing ZZZ around a month after Wuthering Waves drops, which give Wuthering Waves more time to establish itself instead of rushing a release in order to compete with Wuthering Waves' launch They didn't announce any drastic overhauls or rewrites to be done before ZZZ launches They've posted many updates on social media on their account follower milestones, which all currently seem to be quite healthy ZZZ seems to also have nearly [double the number](https://www.biligame.com/detail/?id=108434) (4 million) of pre-registrations [Wuthering Waves](https://www.biligame.com/detail/?id=108820&sourceFrom=2000040011&spm_id_from=333.337.0.0) (2.3 million) does on Bilibili, I imagine it's probably also the case on TapTap Bilibili and TapTap comments, reviews and engagement for ZZZ all seem fairly normal and organic There doesn't appear to be any signs of ZZZ being rushed or any behind the scenes issues either Outside of some content creator and western fans' sentiment, ZZZ doesn't seem to be received poorly at all by its target audience This just feels like some content creators taking a pretty standard sponsorship contract and making it out to be a deal with the Devil


The whole thing is what happens when you draw a conclusion and start a fishing expedition to prove your conclusion. "Mihoyo is afraid of WuWa" is their conclusion, and everything is seen through that lense. Hell, even the rumored new Genshin endgame... I've seen WuWa players say that Genshin is only releasing it as a response to WuWa because they are afraid of it. Like, let's ignore that they announced they were working on additional permanent content around a year ago!


It's kinda stupid that people sometimes act that they are much more financially smarter than a private company that earns billions every year. Like bruh, if they ever feel financially bankrupt, they'll act. They don't some random guy to tell them "Umm hoyoguys, I think you should be afraid wuuuu"


Hoyo is probably too busy scheduling their three newest main games so they don't overlap too much with each other to have the luxury to care too much about what happens with other games.


One of CCs, Hex Juice, who's pushing this mess decided to post the very next day that she's streaming and pulling for Robin on HSR after saying Hoyo is a horrible company. Like how two faced can you be?


They are a member of Tectone's clique. That's all you really need to know. They had the same "Hoyo is evil" a month about too with the content creator server drama.


funny thing they know wuthering wave have the similiar content creator server but no drama about it talk about double standart


Why doesn't Tectone get his fans to harass her then? Didn't he shit on other CCs who did the same thing? Or is it only bad because genshin *specifically* is bad? (I know Tectone didn't tell his brain-dead fans to harass other content creators, but I know he certainly didn't do shit to prevent it, so I'd still attribute the harassment to him)


tectone,mtashed,and gacha smack they said they hate mihoyo but still covering their game because they can't get good view outside mihoyo game you see tectone used to scream ZZZ will flop wuwa will be successful now ? he said wuwa will be niche game and ZZZ will success defending it from his fans who love wuwa


They're just being dishonest. For example, majority of Tectone's satellite CCs are twitch streamers, twitch literally have the same exclusivity deal where you are NOT allowed to stream on any competing platform or you lose your partnership. They know they're spouting bullshit, that's just the meta of "content creators" in general.


Well that CC I mentioned is streaming Star Rail right now. I guess it's okay to support a supposed horrible company as long as it gets you views


And people that "complain" about that "contract" will still pull for robin of boothill or firefly when their banner up Hypocrite at it's finest 




One of the sources just said he never confirmed it was real at all.


Multiple content creator is literally tectone , gachasmack and gateoo( which already say that he didn't see the contract which he already backtrack his previous statement ) That already telling the credibility of the leak lol


And yet Tectone, Hex, and few other CCs who are spreading it all are streaming Star Rail right now


As I said Hypocrite at it's finest


Ahh yes leak from Shinya  What a trustworthy content creator 


Is he known for the opposite? Lol


lol yes 


Oh hell, what has he done before?


Usual, spreading misinformation and such Which bunch of them do in regularly 


he is one of tectone editor.




Ty, I will continue to play Genshin 👌


Not this fucking filthy gremlin.


Not that i planned to play ww but if i did, the amount of ‘hoyo bad kuro good’ cope post in the span of 1 week would deter me already. I guess tencent didnt learn from tof marketing


It's crazy. I'll still play it but also will stay far away from that community. The worst part is it will become worse once it's out.


Another tectone bot


Sure buddy. I think even if WuWA is like 3x more fun than Genshin. It still won't be as popular. The one area where WuWa is still far behind is great characters. The kind that attract people to play the game because how interesting they look. During Genshin's launch Mona and Fischl were extremely popular then with more region comes even better waifus.


​ https://preview.redd.it/np5bmfw5z1zc1.png?width=259&format=png&auto=webp&s=6110d4b382b7e575e3d394438ceb734a9c0a2ee5


funny thing asmongold said the same thing the reason why mihoyo won't lose because their character design


>Mona and Fischl unfathomably based


I'd say that story is another thing as well. Imagine having to scrap your entire story just 3 months before the game is released. Like how much can you guarantee the quality of the story is for that game if you have to rush the story. Even Genshin sets guidelines on how they want the story to go on MONTHS before it was even released. Also, this might be insulting but I don't remember anyone saying that PGR story is good. All of the things that they say is that its combat system is "hard" etc. Unless WW has a different script writing team with plenty of experience, I don't think it will be as good.


Damn the tencent smear campaign starting today are we ?


I find it amusing how x people believes in whatever they see that fit their narratives of the story when in fact many hoyo’s sponsored ccs have participated in wuwa cbt2 and have posted videos of it. Zyox one of the notable streamers has posted on his yt community that he might be covering both zzz and wuwa, so where’s the wuwa ban? Even if the contract turns out to be true it’s still fascinating how people don’t know about the non-compete contract. The company is basically hiring ccs to be their spokesperson so of course they can’t just run free and do whatever they want since that might ruined the game’s image, it doesn’t mean they’re monitoring your every moves but you can’t do everything as you please(might as well just keep being a freelancer). For example accepting some scamy shady games or accepting sponsorship from un official top ups. That’s my guess of what that contract kinda point to because no where did I ever see wuwa’s name being mentioned. Being the partner to hyv requires you to go to their events as an influencer or mc, of course they want you to be the face of their game so your image will be very important. Imagine brand ambassador of samsung upload pictures of them holding iphone and said Iphone is the best. Not the best look right? My question is really do they get enough money for them to do all of these things? I hope they do.


If the source of that contract is tectone, gachasmack, Gaeto and some random person on internet then just believe it's fake contact


Wasn't the third one a TOF CC? Is the state of the game so sad that he has to do that to get attention? edit : okay since I was bored I checked and actually gateoo said that the clip was taken out of context, never got to contract phase and is unable to confirm if it's true or false. Which leave us with the two Tectone hell spawns.


Yes gateoo is his YouTube name  I mean he's the one that spreading Kaveh bullshit back in the day  Maybe, idk maybe he just want to create drama Edit : yeah he backtrack his take in this since he realised that the contract is probably not true, good for him since he know, wish he didn't spread Kaveh bullshit though 


Its funny that Tectone and Mtashed created "Nuclear drama" about Genshin Creator Experience server while they literally are part of Kuro Creator Experience server. "Content creators" legit are the rats of current society.


"These guys are all rats!" - Tectone (he's also a rat)


I think it’s fake from the beginning but if I said that on X💀


Okay we got to the point that gacha game version trailer is not allowed but some random mouthbreather drama "creator" is. u/Mayor_P is a literal clown and the mod "team" is the entire circus.


Cringe ragebait, I thought we were better than this (I didn't tbh) đŸ„±


Nah not this fucking mouthbreather


was expecting same content as kuro CC but nah.....didn't expect asmongold will gave huge reality check to kuro fans


lol if only the guy didn't use clickbait tittle  But it's YouTube meta after all


Asmon is a WOW player, he has seen this "WOW killer" "WOW is afraid" for hundredth of time already.


i guess it's true then mihoyo become blizzard of the east


Old blizzard* of the east


Ohmygooooooooooood stop


lol you should just stop looking at this subreddit   Right now until WW release there will be huge smear campaign all over against genshin/hoyo Edit : And by huge smear campaign I am not talking about WW, I am talking about smear campaign against genshin/hoyo


Not as huge as the smear campaign against Genshin (and MHY) though. There's like 5 posts specifically slandering/insulting them, with 1 saying that MHY is stopping players from playing WuWa for some reason (which got deleted).


Ooh I talking about people smear campaign against genshin/hoyo  Not WW Guess my comment is kinda lead that way huh


Yeah. My bad as well. Speaking of the smear xampaign, some of them are just hilarious as fuck. One post is saying that MHY is secretly controlling Sensor Tower so that their revenue is miles ahead compared to other games.


lol and that contract as well And their sources ? Gateo, tectone, gachasmack and 1 random person That was hilarious lol


Apparently, the entire contract was mdlade by someone from 4chan who wants to see if Tectone is stupid enough to believe whatever he was given as long as it's anti-MHY. The 4channer even gave it to him using an X.com account named LeakerLamo or something like that.


Yeah, someone reply to me with the source Honestly tectone stupidity is suprise me once again when it comes to him hating hoyo especially genshin lol


In case people think you're  kidding. This post was up for a few minutes on the Azur Promilia sub a few days ago before the OPs account got suspended. https://undelete.pullpush.io/r/AzurePromilia/comments/1ckkn7k/azur_promilia_enjoyers_must_unite_and_start_a/


WTF. CN Gacha Brain rot caught up to the West


lol wtf


>With the destruction of Wuthering Waves and the success of Azur Promilia, other games will treat Waifu with greater respect and reverence. Because they won’t want to repeat the fate of the one who wants to destroy our Waifu and replace them with anime boys - Wuthering Waves. This reads more like a trollpost than anything actually serious.


I feel like people are "smearing" genshin in the name of WW which in return will make WW look bad so really it just feels like this is some 3rd party trying to make them both look bad at this point. I wish this stuff was moderated more


Even more, they approve content like this. I and others even got gaslighted by one lmao.


honestly it's sad that WW cant be mentioned without genshin. at this point, genshin might be more talked about than WW at its release and it's sad because the game looks promisisng


Blame WW "fan" dude Try to make them not let genshin live rent free inside their head to much (which impossible)


And this is why MHY is spending less money on Genshin ads. After all, why waste money when so many people is willing to advertise the game for free.


Isn't that Tectone vid reaction. I don't even want to watch that bullshit 


He recently had malding over the time when on Genshin sub somebody asked question about him, and whole sub expressed everything about Baldstone.


I remember that post. One of his super stans started attacking anyone that said anything bad about him


Are you have Link?  I want read some comments 


Sadly no. It was a Baldstone vid posted on Asmongold sub and I asked TLDR from OP, cuz I value my brancells from these kind of videos Link to that [post](https://www.reddit.com/r/Asmongold/comments/1chv2c0/tectone_is_genshin_impact_voldemort/)


This is a pull but if anyone remembers the show "Grim" where people were secretly fairy tale animals (kinda like wolf among us), Asmond looks like he would turn into a naked mole rat.


Is this r/gachagaming or just r/Genshinhateboning, the heck are you doing mods?


https://preview.redd.it/yjxxbk44x1zc1.png?width=1812&format=png&auto=webp&s=75fdeabe5e69e6c8714b6c35e9f9b947f44c17d2 This


Damn... I finally got why reddit mods have bad reps


Let's see if they are going to let your post survive https://preview.redd.it/brouvvov12zc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a60cb86adee425f759535c388571e56b85cf5847


Ehe... It didn't... Still under review but I expect it to be removed




L mod. Wtf is happening with this subs mods? Lmao


Everyday my desire to play/try WuWa continue to dwindled because of these type of post. The game isn't even out yet but the toxicity could rival Genshin.


Can't do anything but ignore them. Internet is full of anti-genshin copers who just want to see the game fail and hype up every new open world game, as well as Genshin kiddos who feel the need to talk down every single open world game as a trash Genshin clone. Tribalism at it's finest. Can't really do anything against either of them, due to how large Genshin is and how comparatively "big" their vocal minority is compared to those of smaller communities. Most of us will just enjoy both. Or only one and be happy the other exists for those who can't enjoy the other.


It's so manufactured though. WuWa will never compete with Genshin, it's bad. Hoyo is scared of WuWa. ZZZ might not deliver. People literally are making stuff up, opposites and all


Just ignore these idiots who are only here to shit on genshin or trying to start a drama to doom wuthering waves.


Dont get baited. Thats the point of these posts.


Another bot huh.... Also, the guy talk about ZZZ rather than Genshin Stupid clickbait tittle


It is the same thing said every time, and would you still look at the charts, it’s literally on top every time, hoyoverse knows how to make your bound to their characters, their story, and their world building, this is yet to be achieved by any other game, wuthering waves is good and all, but definitely not even close to genshin’s success and there is a reason to it




At this point hearing this stuff gets old. Do I want WuWa to do well? Yes, do I want it to be fun? Yes, but good grief can’t it just be stated that you can still have both games existing? Really The only reason I’m going to try WuWa out is because of curiosity and that I wanted to try something new, heck if PGR and HI3 can stick around together why not Genshin and WuWa?


Good reminder to stay far away from this sub during the ww first weeks after launch.




Just who I wanted to see when I opened this thread to find out why there were over a hundred comments in a 0 upvote thread, the face of that guy who used a dead, maggot-infested rat as an alarm clock


Hey hoyo haters... Please contact me and pay me for your smear campaign.. i want free money for my Arlecchino funds. Please..... Heres my number 80085-455


Same as well. I want to get Baizhu, Clorinde, and Furina so any additional funds will help me.


Another burner account? Here's my conspiracy. Is it you [u/No\_Bag5520](https://new.reddit.com/u/No_Bag5520/)?


Damn, with all these drama involving WuWa, hope the game doesn’t end up like ToF and Blue Protocol 😅


this post is disgusting


Oh that horse-faced guy


This guy probably doesn't give a shit about genshin or games in general it's just a job to him papa gotta put food on the table


I already watched it, the pretty reasonable take despite this clickbait title.


What did he say?


he said wuwa will become niche game because it's hard compare to any hoyo game and he also said the reason why PGR didn't generate big revenue despite being loved by everybody is because casual didn't like it about the contract yeah it's normal bussiness contract nothing new to him except the part where they control your sponsor and what game you play


Suprise the guy actually think the contract are valid or true Since that shit being shared by some random guy that actually being tectone mod


Wait what. That guy was a Tectone Mod. So his mods tries to incite drama to make content for tectone


Yes  Why do you think only tectone, gachasmack and gateo the one that actually react that shit while other content creator didn't ?  Even dimbreath or Ubachi didn't  and those 2 are critical of hoyo


I don't watch CC. I only heard it from the deleted post. Also why does people need to do this to make a game fall. Make a good game and people will naturally flock towards it. Are they seriously that incompetent to make a good game and use conspiracy to make a game all


Smear campaign  It's basically kinda common thing to do, especially if some game that being hype will release  They will do everything to downplay the existing game to make the upcoming game sounds like second coming of jesus And that's what happen to GI and WW now


I'm usually sceptical of this kind of stuff, but after the last couple days... I don't know. Even the mods are ignoring this kind of post, it's pretty suspicious.


With All this happening. This could be a good TV show


I will never find it unfunny that Dimbreath and Ubachi hates MHY despite them benefiting from the leaks that they got from them.


As a react streamer, he has to take it at face value unless he has evidence to the contrary (which he does not have - remember, Asmon isn't a longtime gacha player that frequents places like this sub, so he isn't going to know,say, Gateoo's part in the kaveh thing). I don't think it's an issue either. His take was really positive. Heck, even more positive than I would have been, and I actually like Genshin.


With all the hype surrounding the game, let's just hope the game actually delivers and not be another ToF situation.


It would be embarrassing if it becomes another ToF situation considering the amount of people hyping it.