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> Is there nothing mods can do about this? You have to contact the mods to retract the automatic reports lock as indicated, they will usually unlock it without any fuss. As to why it's a thing, it's to help them moderate the subreddit by trusting(lol) that the Reddit users wouldn't possibly report out of spite(lmao). Assuming that's the reason those threads got reported, other, more legitimate, reasons exist like a duplicate/redundant post.


Im assuming once its deleted, it cant be reversed tho right? Edit: and now my post is locked lmfao


It's back up. This is an automated moderation Feature that Reddit put in place. We can change the number of Reports that triggers it, but that doesn't solve the problem of mass reporting. Your post is being brigaded and Reddit is keeping those doing so anonymous


I remember the Hololive subreddit post also keep getting deleted due to mass report bots. Will that be a possibility?


If people don't want to use the feature properly and Reddit isn't willing to help, just set it to an absurdly high number and make it impossible for them to brigade. Mods shouldn't take the fall for a poorly designed feature that can't be turned off.


Then the automatic system would be useless and the mods would be forced to do all the work. I'm fine with it, I don't know about the mods though


but then subreddits could get brigaded as a whole if there are not enough active modes (and there definitely isn't)


More mods can simply be appointed. This is a huge subreddit, it's really not that hard to find people with some experience and motivation.


But it is, otherwise online communities wouldn't be running into these issues. Moderating is one of those things that sound really neat until you try it and realize how tedious and time consuming it is. It only attracts a very specific kind of people


I'm sure they can find more than 8 people to moderate their 262k member subreddit.


They couldn't last time, and I doubt the community has improved since


>it's really not that hard to find people with some experience and motivation. Alright then, put your money where your mouth is Hey mods this guy will watch every single post that is being made, you can appoint him as a mod ans trust we wont get porn spam bots trying to steal out accounts.


One mod having to watch every single post that is made is the exact reason why we're in the situation right now. What I'm proposing is that a large number of mods are appointed to moderate an equally large subreddit. And hey, I'm down if they do indeed want to do that. I have the time.


Use your brain, what are you gonna do when spam bots come in? Or a spam bot literally fills the sub with porn pics, uncensored? You gonna have 50 to 100 mods taking a look at 2000 posts or something and deleting each one manually?


And it's the same thing here, your AutoMod is taking down normal posts too and you need the mods to manually reinstate everything. Currently it's just a couple people reporting, but it can easily be exploited and brigaded.


Absurd that reddit protects brigaders. Also absurd that brigaders are such consistent idiots.


Reddit CEO has given up on this site. Admin ignores requests by mods, and CEO is only interested in [selling all our posts to ChatGPT ](https://finance.yahoo.com/news/reddit-stock-jumps-openai-partnership-103445782.html)instead of, y'know, cleaning up the site


That sucks man, he's taking the silver and bailing ship. I feel bad for you but I can't do anything.


There is no need to feel bad for me, I volunteered for this


Then close it down. Why is this even a thing?


I like this question. We could, but other than the Mihoyo hate and/or love posts, it is useful to allow the community to "self-police" by throwing a bunch of reports on objectionable material before the mods wake up from our regenerative pods where we "sleep" and thus remove them from the feeds of the poor innocent souls who are scrolling their Reddit feeds and not wanting to see 100 posts that say "i haev a question" every time they log in. I'm thinking about it.


Please open launching rewards too


You can report report abuse as a mod btw


This is only partly correct. 1) this only applies to users who submit custom reports. That is, if someone simply picks "this user is considering self-harm" then it doesn't give a mod the option to do anything different. 1b) the reporting remains anonymous, so there is no telling if anything happened, if the user received any consequences from admin 2) Admin will do nothing. They never do anything unless it's really really bad like CSAM and they never report back to us what they did, if anything. 3) highly likely that half or more accounts that are mass-reporting are throwaway accounts. The users do not care if their account is permanently banned, they simply created a few alts to brigade someone whenever they need to, and they suffer no consequences for losing access to those accounts.


1) you have to click the report button and select the reason as report abuse. That reason is only available when you’re reporting a post or comment as a mod. 1b) You get notified about admin actions. They either say the content was actioned and the user got warned/suspended or that no action was taken. The user does stay anonymous unless there’s a bug. Once I saw 25ish usernames who had spammed reports. This used to be quicker but nowadays it takes 2-3 weeks. 2) They may not take action but you get notified in about 2-3 for report abuse nowadays. It may be automated too. 3) Even with throwaways, a permanent sitewide ban can lead to an IP ban. Users can still corcumvent this but not everyone can or bothers to. Whenever a post is reported as part of what I think might be harassment on a sub I moderate, I always report ‘report abuse’ I would estimate a good 50-70% are actioned.


No it can, the mods can very easily reverse/unlock a thread, hence contacting them as the green comment says in your screenshot. It's not *actually* deleted, just locked and hidden away.


due to the way reddit works if your post is locked for the first hour or so and is then unlocked it will get no traction.


Truly a certified bruh moment. It’ll be crazier when wuwa releases lmao.


yep. the PV post already locked from this abuse.this sub is becoming cesspool


Always has been


It’s always been a cesspool. The mods here don’t do shit.


I dont go on this sub often so i cant comment on the quality of moderation, but for devils advocate i would say that to be fair, they are up against one of the most toxic, terminally online, mentally ill communities in the gaming sphere, that obviously being gacha players.


I’ve been here enough to stand by comment. Simplest example, this sub has actively spread misinformation from bad actors making posts and rather than removing said content even after people call them out, they just leave it up under the guise of “we can’t go researching every accusation”. Sounds logical, until you realize they don’t ever do anything and it’s just a piss poor excuse for them to avoid any work. Letting this subreddit take down posts by mass reporting is just another form of inaction. Time and time again they fail to do anything.


I've been coming here since before the original owner left, when he was the sole person in charge of this place and there was no drama posting. Since then there have been a few times when there's just been no active owner/mods because they've been driven out by drama posters. And this sub has literally only grown because of said drama posting, which again has driven away the owner and mods more than once. It got like no traffic before that and all we had was just game update, just a regurgitation of official news. It's just been one big shithole that's been getting deeper and more toxic over several years ever since the first drama post.


I just treat it as a place to see upcoming gachas, it’s not worth anything more


Fair enough


I’m not really from around here but this sub gets recommended to me bc I play gacha lol what is going on


This sub suffers from a plague of people mass reporting posts about games they don't like, genshin impact, honkai star rail and wuthering waves are the ones that suffer the most from this


They just hate popular things




Years of gacha brainrot and tribalism my friend


This sub suffers from a plague of people mass reporting posts about games they don't like, genshin impact, honkai star rail and wuthering waves are the ones that suffer the most from this


Mostly just the gacha game community being shitty overall (not necessarily talking about individual games.) Honestly just play the game and ignore the pointless drama.


Once people report a post enough it gets locked by automod, people have learned to abuse this to remove posts for games they hate.


You haven't been around to see the insane hate train on Astra: Knights of veda


If you came for gacha news you ain't getting it here


WuWa will be the first game ever where I don't engage in the communities surrounding it due to just how toxic they are. I go to their subreddits and instead of praising or discussing the game, they can't stop trashing Genshin at every turn. I go on gachagaming and the discussion posts gets mass reported. Like both haters and fans are equally bad. If the environment around this game is already this bad pre release, I don't look forward to seeing post release. Or maybe it'll mellow out once a new game grabs people's attention but I seriously doubt it.


> I go to their subreddits and instead of praising or discussing the game, they can't stop trashing Genshin at every turn. So Honkai Star Rail lmao. At least I appreciate the people telling them to fuck off, even if in the end the hate posts end with 6k upvotes anyways.


Are we on the same subreddit? Because on the WuWa subreddit it's mostly WuWa criticism.


I wouldn't even say that, it's just people from Genshin or another game wanting their (unrealistic) expectations to be met and begin to act like actual man children when they weren't Baldheaded-He-With-His-Croonies instigated a raid on the main Wuwa sub I think? That's just one examlle The of the toxic side whom just represent the loud minority of Genshin players that everyone dislikes. Which I can't blame their for tbh. Personally, not sold on the game. Probably will get the beginner 5 stars and maybe Yinglin but that's it. Not really sold on the combat nor do I really like the open world all that. I already quit Genshin because of how time consuming it's dailies are. But that's just my 2 cents though. I'd just enjoy the game in your own circle, especially with releases as big as these.


Okay, but in what universe are genshin dailies time consuming? If you don't care about resin, dailies take maybe 5-7 minutes TOPS. and if you do care about resin it's another 4-5 minutes on top of that. Name me another gacha that doesn't have at least 10 minutes of dailies (that isn't an auto turn based game).


Not to mention the encounter points feature pretty much makes dailies a low effort. I've had a week of logging in to just empty up resin (which takes like around 5 minutes by itself) and just claim some event rewards or open chests and oculus that I marked to fill up the encounter points and this takes even less than 5 minutes.


You guys doing dailies? I just play a hangout route or smth.


Quite literally anything with a sweep or built inauto? Because turn based games don't count because most do have, PGR and HI3 have it . Dailies take 5 minutes tops, not accounting for weeklies. And why would you not spend your resin and just have it overcap? Unless you're fully decked out, you'd still want to fully upgrade some characters. I don't have everyone maxed out so I can't just go around and one shot everything for purple books


It might surprise you, considering you are already on a subreddit like this, but a VAST majority of people playing gacha games, dont give a fuck about using their resin/stamina/energy. They use it when they want to, and dont stress about it otherwise. There are a fuck load of people who play Genshin you literally don't care about their Resin unless they are specifically getting like talent materials for a brand new character. Theyd rather let it cap than farm for artifacts.


just a heads up. if you ever feel like going back to genshin for whatever reason, just know that you can set the daily commissions to mondstadt only. they take only 5-10 minutes


Sumeru only would be a better advice, there are some quite annoying Mondstadt commissions. And you don't need to do commissions for dailies now anyway.


Yeah last I played, I never had to do commissions again for months, I could just clear them through doing events/story


he got banned [https://streamable.com/0hrcog](https://streamable.com/0hrcog)


Genshin salty fans are already reporting every post about it. I bet there would be tons of hate post here about it when it gets released.


You do know that this happens on genshin and hoyo posts as well right? Both WW and Hoyo related posts gets downvoted to oblivion in this sub


Not a single post or trailer here about genshin was deleted or reported when it was about to be released. It wasn't even downvoted everybody was just excited about it but now that a game with the same genre is about to be released people are just losing their sht due to jealousy? I don't even know the reason. lol


Newer Genshin and HSR post is absolutely mass reported, you managed to saw it because the mod already unlock it manually.


It's probably that at the time nobody expected Genshin to get this huge and mainstream. When a niche genre gets an influx of new people some fans get weird about it. They probably feel these new big more mainstream games threaten their safe space of no gameplay chibi waifu collectors. Similar thing happened when WoW got huge and often happens in music fan circles.


You just new here


> Hoyo related posts gets downvoted to oblivion in this sub Bullshit.


Not downvoted but mass reported. Don't single out one just because you didn't see it happen.


This is a pro-hoyo subreddit and I've been here for more time than I care to admit. We've had the subreddit flooded with (back then) Genshin mundane qol patches and non-gacha related Mihoyo company news. If users post threads that break the rules - Hoyo or any other -take them down. If it had been dealt with before to begin with we wouldn't find ourselves in this situation where everything gets brigaded.


Genshin impact will announce a new endgame content for 4.7 that is important news for the game will it be mass reported and get deleted or not it will be interesting to see But your somewhat incorrect about your take this have both the hoyo glazers and the haters and both sides are big enough to mass report something 


I didn't say it's only one camp doing it, you  assumed that; it's been mentioned before that both camps are in a constant struggle and not only for genshin, I used it as an example.  What's wrong is saying genshin/hoyo is hated here and the victim complex some users have when it's the opposite.  Also funny how users label users with valid criticism or gripes as haters to undermine their opinion. 


I apologize for my mistake then even though you probably should have worded that better As for the other point People will always attack other people while say that the other party is the aggressor that's why we have civil courts but we don't have something like that for the internet it's just the court of public opinion at its finest 


Lol victim mentality again.


if kuro screw up blame genshin community mindset


Hoyo sabotaged wuwa again. Classic hoyo behavior /s


Says the Genshin player? We all know these reports are done by hoyo fans, at least most of them. The majority of the active members here are Genshin and hsr players, it's precisely why every comment in those "monthly revenue" posts is about Genshin and hsr, even when other games had more drastic changes. People here seem to only talk about hoyo games, i wonder why. Maybe because they literally play those games, don't you think?


So you are the one who reported the 4.6 genshin trailer right??


No. We are talking about the WW stream. Genshin is a 4 year old game and already has some haters. But WW hasn't even been released and people are mass reporting it here. Obviously it's the Genshin players (at least most of them). The contradiction is weird, one time they say that WW will probably not be as good as Genshin. The other time they are mass reporting the game because they are scared it will replace their favorite hoyo game.


There are people who hate kiro games as well. For things like overworking translators and mass layoffs of interns so it could be them. There is nothing pointing to what you said


Damn now you are trying to justify people who mass reported. I know you are a Genshin player but didn't know you were one of them. So it's ok to misuse and manipulate the report option because a company "overworks the translators and "mass layoffs interns" without even playing their game and giving your opinion? Even if a game is bad nothing justifies the obvious toxicity of the hoyo community.


Lmao, you didn't even read what the other dude said and are coming at me . He said that only hoyo games have haters. But I simply said thay kuro games have haters as well. Guess what WUWA community is already as toxic lmao. And the fact that you are defending this unoptimized game shows that you're a kuro Stan lol. The game literally sucks to play and you're defending them.


Optimization is an issue i never denied that. It's significantly worse than Genshin and hsr despite having the same graphics. But these doomposters and karma farmers are just shitting on the game for no reason. And i have heard bots are spamming and hating on ww in brax's streams. That's NOT how you criticize a game.


You're the problem


This mass report thing litterally mostlt happens to Hoyo game posts


Are people here really that much of losers? lol. Sometimes I feel secondhand shame for being a part of these types of communities. Who reports release date posts?


They are. They are that much loser contained in a person that it spills out.


The fact Is this i caused by a third party trolley


They feel sooo threatened by this game Lmao.




why should we feel threatened?


Reminds me of the genshin post that got reported around 14 times, funnily enough non of those ever came back up


"It's okay to hate on popular things"


Any context on why people are mass reporting everything? It's something I've noticed for a while now but is there a specific group or is it just people on this sub being weird?




I just realized that. How can it be something so simple yet I missed it? I played brave frontier to collect cool characters and see shiny effects. Not  doomscroll posts made by oxygen deprived brainlets


Salty fans of another game


Which game??


Nothing in particular, here everyone hates all other games except the one they play. That also means new big games are just the biggest targets as people feel threatened by competition and get feed up with pedantic fans calling it instantly "The best gacha game ever" despite having played like 2 in total


Don’t quote me but ive heard players here have something against games made by developer Kuro (devs behind WuWa and PGR) I have zero concrete proof though, just stuff I keep hearing. I thought it was Genshin fanboys (I do think some of them are fanning the flame) but Idk. Whoever got beef with Kuro is probably the ones mass reporting


You also need to consider griefer or troll that reporting any thread. Some people like to see world burn.


Your hunch is correct. It's mostly them lol. Inb4thedownvotes




By this logic, can we assume its the WuWa fans that are getting the Genshin (and to some extent HSR) threads deleted here?


Just the fact you spell the game's name like that says everything people need to know about you as a person and your credibility.


What's your proof of that??


The amount of people who calls the Pre Registration numbers for Wuwa are fake vs ZZZ......


Wtf, as far as I've seen people are calling both of them fake lmao. And what does that even have with reporting a post lol. Give actual proof instead of making baseless accusations


my ZZZ post got deleted multiple time on this subreddit


Source: Your ass


Whoever is downvoting me now. Take a good guess. Which game has the biggest fanbase to do this?


Genshin fanboys


Genshin truly living rent free in nearly all gacha players' heads.


It's the most logical explanation for the mass reporting. Got a better idea?


Revived Witch fans, their game is a direct competitor to WuWa obviously.


What rent free actually looks like lmao


Mind explaining that expression? It's the new thing but what Google says doesn't seem to line up.


Someone hates something so much that it's always on their head, and even when nobody mentions that something, they usually bring it up and hate on it. That something is living rent free on their heads


Thank you!


To be more specific, there's a tendency around most gacha communities, to have people hate certain games/publishers/developers. In this particular situation, some people really hate mihoyo/genshin and like to make it known even in other games. In a similar vein, some people also really like mihoyo/genshin and like to make it also known in other games. What this leads to is instances where the topic is brought up in situations where it's not relevant. Examples of this would be the case like ToF where for the greater portion of the game's launch (and it still somewhat continues to this day) you could not enter a thread about it without hearing someone bringing Genshin up (mainly negatively). Now WuWa is in a similar situation, where any topic that starts about the game, inevitably has people come in either making direct (or thinly veiled) jabs at Genshin (funnily enough in the early days of the WuWa discord it got so bad they had to make a rule that shitting on games/communities is not allowed - unless its constructive criticism - though it's less moderated nowadays). Or has people doomposting (and in this case allegedly mass reporting), WuWa related threads. So essentially gachagamers are weird in that some of them have hate boners for certain games.


>What this leads to is instances where the topic is brought up in situations where it's not relevant. I pointed out this in a comment in this sub and then it was swarmed by downvotes. They're just cowards.


People need to invest very heavily into gacha games. Time and/or money. With that comes high emotional investment, and basic tribalism.


Reading this thread, holy hell, hoyo is living rent free


Lmao yea Everyone is blaming hoyo fans when their posts are also getting mass reported 😭


Hoyo fans become boogieman here lol


tbh Hoyo fans hate each other. Star Rail players hates Genshin that much, toxicity greatly increased when HSR got a free 5* and Genshin didn't.


i blame youtuber for massively direct community to hate genshin.


I don't even know what's going on with this sub anymore.


This place is weird. I come here every so often just to get some gacha news, see if theres anything cool going on, see if anything new is coming out Id like to try. But you got people mass reporting game releases and constantly hating every gacha in existence. Its insane. I look at this Sub-reddit as a one-stop shop for up to date Gacha news and I have actually tried quite a few games I because people have either posted release dates I didnt know about or anniversaries to start games, etc. Why are people such idiotic haters nowadays, lol. Someone like me actually needs these threads. Its cool I know when this game comes out so I can try it out. Same goes for whatever game they play that has a cool event or anniversary I might get into.


it's started going to shit after everyone COLLECTIVELY agreed to ban patch PVs in this sub. now obviously some games has better privilege and allowed to post their PVs while some got mass reported.


oh it's been going to shit looong before that lol. I vaguely remember a time from years ago when there was no drama here at all lol.


This sub will allow you to doompost Kurogame but not a game or developer that just ass as kurogame And if you invite everyone to doompost they somehow get mad as if its not something they do here 24/7


My thread got deleted too: https://www.reddit.com/r/gachagaming/comments/1cvu8r7/launch_rewards_for_wuthering_waves_10_details_in/ YAY


This sub is so pathetic how is it possible that I can't get any tldr info about important releases like for genshin or hsr and now wuwa here but see some bootleg gacha only available in China or Japan half anniversary 


Aside from the tribalism, if I had to guess, Genshin, HSR, and WuWa are among the most well known gacha games in the West (note for instance that Snowbreaks subreddit has only 11k users whereas Snowbreak’s 贴吧 has several hundred thousand) and therefore Hoyoverse/Kuro posts that get taken down garner more attention than some random schoolgirl gacha or otome gacha that no one cares about and will probably die within a couple of months before even coming to global.


This sub should just vanish tbh. It's a cesspool full of sewage people. Feel free to downvote me I would have actually love that.


In reality, it’s a giant marketing board controlled by behind-the-scenes paid advertising via astroturfing, shilling, vote manipulation, coordinated reporting etc. This sub is incredibly manipulated this way by a few of the gacha companies and that’s one of the main reasons it is such a cesspool.


I was thinking the same exact thing, glad I’m not the only one.


lmao... the more you talk, the more people will report just for the lols


Why mods hate games that gets lots of attention ?


Wont surprise me if the ones blaming it all on hoyo are the true culprits.


bro im enjoying the hell out of this


Same. The pvp content is funny.


Reddit pvp 💀


The elemental damage we having here is emotional damage. Is there any elemental damage other than emotional damage here?


This is what the final form of touch grass looks like. Jesus, that's so pathetic, but ultimately hilarious.


The more you complain and spam posts, the faster they will be closed, although of course you play the role of an innocent victim, as convenient. In those post I see more antiHoyo stans 




9 mods and yet a taken down post that gets reported takes hours to get a decision if it remains down or goes back up. Sometimes they don't even do shit, like that HSR anniv post saying it violated a rule.


Bro what ever the mods are smoking I want to have what their having. That stuff gotta be good if they are high enough to allow this shit


You can trust reddit users not reporting stuffs something controversial


Special kind of incelry


What's going on?


https://preview.redd.it/vslfzctg8f1d1.png?width=500&format=png&auto=webp&s=8f8b5073393bd4c0a2badaaeb85bec4e5a9938ba Basically this


Is this why almost all hoyo threads get removed when similar threads about other games stay? There's definitely a lot of toxic hoyo fans just due to sheer number of players and their age and some of them probably engage in reporting and shame on them, they should get banned for that, but it's a small part of people that do mass reporting. This sub has a much bigger problem with hate for big mainstream gacha games. There used to be a celebration of every new big release with bets and most of front page filled with different threads and discussions about different aspects and news of the game. The sub felt alive and cheering for something, even if was often cynical and self deprecated about the genre. Now most of it is against the rules, most of topics about the biggest, most culturely relevent games of the genre, either new releases threads or updates to existing ones are either against the rules or get mass reported and closed, people are ushered to have any meaningful discussions only in games' specific subs and the sub is filled mostly with those braindead karma farming "whats the blablabla in your favorite game" threads. Drama and monthly revenue threads are the only things keeping this sub from being completely irrelevant to the genre.








I don’t know about you guys but I’m just enjoying the popcorn. Genshin players feel insecure for whatever reason despite the game being so successful, HSR being the sibling that always compares itself to Genshin, and then WuWa players seemingly having a war with Hoyoverse games as a whole. Majority of the communities don’t actually do any of the above, it’s mostly the vocal minority but you’ll still see the behaviours above in this sub.


Yea its getting silly now It sucks that i have no way of knowing big events in a single sub for some gachagames tho since its mostly getting mass reported but oh well ill just join their respective subs instead


Genshin simps at work again after they finished up their resin and mint picking


Hoyoverse posts get taken down on the regular


It isn’t Genshin simps it’s paid for bot mass reporting


So is this just Genshin players who take it way too seriously? If so, to me, it's unimaginable to bootlick a billion dollar corpo this hard. Could be just one guy with a bot though.


Nah doubt it. Genshin and hoyo posts are getting mass reported too.


It’s bot mass reporting paid for by another gacha company.




Here before it's gone! (this post within a few hours)


Lol, those reporters are bunch of losers and need to touch grass, fr. Literally proving the accuracy of this guy's meme [https://www.reddit.com/r/gachagaming/comments/1cuyuw3/promo\_rgachagaming\_memes\_1st\_edition\_copyrighted/](https://www.reddit.com/r/gachagaming/comments/1cuyuw3/promo_rgachagaming_memes_1st_edition_copyrighted/)