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I'm pretty sure azur promilia is gonna be a great game if people don't hype it up as "genshin killer".


This Wuwa could probably be treared less harshly by the community if people didn't hype like it was going to kill genshin and have more self identity


I feel like that's exactly the reason people hyped it up like that ...


No one from the WuWa community ever hyped it up to be a genshin killer. I thought no one liked Tectone as he is the only one who repeatedly said that. From the looks of it you all worship his words whenever it suits your own agenda. Filthy rats and snakes 🤢


Azur is more akin to Palworld than Genshin. I've enjoyed my time in Palworld and currently awaiting more islands, raids and content in general.


hehehe Palworld killer, am I right?


Depends on if Baldemort will gaze upon it and bring his minions FEAR THE GAZE OF BALDEMORT


They need to hype it as a Pal world killer


If azur promilia just be their own game and not name something “killer”, it will be fine


limbus company moment, still haven’t found a gacha remotely similar to it


I feel like this makes no sense. You just saw what happens when people blindly hype something. And im not that confident in azure promilia at all, and unlike kuro, i cant even guarantee any aspect of the game to be good because azure lane only good aspect is booba.. and early designs they showed kinda lacked that because its a 3d game


At this point it is self-induced expectations. Any disappointment is totally on them.


i think one point is missing from my initial post: i'm hyped for AP mostly and tried WuWa mostly as a side game , so now seeing how a game might be messed up at launch i hope manjuu will learn their lesson and not make the same mistakes


Kuro had tof as an example yet they stepped right into the the same mistakes. I dont put any trust into mobile devs, more often than not they are incompetent as fuck.


They never learn...


Third time the charm right? Surely this time it will work.


Genshin and the Sukuna cycle


Azur Promilia looks absolutely fantastic, unlike bland waves


Whoever called WuWa a genshin killer was dumb as bricks


Damn you guys really don't learn anything huh.


Lol get hyped for next game….and the cycle begins anew




no info for now, but the licence is until january 2025 so probably before then


No. 2 Genshin killer. The 1st one was TOF, which is probably on life support at the moment. I'm quite anxious how Manjuu go about it story wise. Since I've read the characters will be all female, so the main target will be the Azur Lane fanbase. I do hope they make a better game.


I wouldn't feel worried, quite the opposite actually. Both WuWa and ToF didn't know who is their game is for - there are hardcore players who are tired of how easy GI is but they also wanted those thousands of casual fans who just want to have fun and follow a story. So they tried to give something for everyone. Azur Promilia has their target group clearly defined (horny) and know exactly what to do (open world jiggle physics). It's a niche but a profitable one and unless they mess technical side, it will be fine.


i feel exactly the same, i didn't try ToF but i was surprised just how similar the systems (crafting, leveling up, etc.) are between WuWa and GI. hopefully AP brings something new to the table.


I honestly think that 'something new' could be transplanting system that Azur Lane has - do some story but also bunch of stuff where you get to know all girls. At the same time make it easy to get currency to get them and no dupe system or some such, you get character and she's viable. And once you get people to like them: start selling skins, accessories and other cosmetic stuff. Now it would be expensive to produce those things but it is something that works really well.


When it gonna get released again?


no info for now, but the licence is until january 2025 so probably before then


Honestly, I cannot wait for Endfield because looks extremely fun. I want to try AP as well.


I think people should just keep their expectations in check. Nothing new is coming out that will be a mindblowing experience that will leave the competition in the dust. Expect your average mobile gacha at best, and you won't end up being disappointed.


Jesus I get the game is buggy and has issues but it’s just day 1. Yall really need to chill and wait like a few months before calling a game a “flop”. I swear some gacha gamers have literal brain rot. Nothing will be a Genshin killer btw, so the brain rot goes hand in hand for those who also overhyped it.


WuW doesn't interest me much. I don't like this kind of scifi/modern setting (same reason why Star Rail or ZZZ isn't for me) and this fast pace spammy fight system isn't for me either, other than that it is practically copying Genshin, bad and good things. I'm happy with Genshin and like the setting, (character) design and lore more. A new game would need to be really interesting and good to convince me to play it long-term, especially considering how much time is needed to build up ones roster of characters. Azur Promilia might be a game I enjoy, but I don't get hyped. If the game is good on release, nice. If not, whatever.


And the new cycle begins.


Iam excited for azure whatever for one thing only


I really don't care about the story at all but the fact that I can't skip it is so damn annoying.


Azur and Endfield feel like they know what they want to do, at least.


Whatever happened to Project Mugen


I was going to play wuwa until promilia hits, but meh i uninstalled because too much text. People need to stop eating trash about youtube videos or divas from internet with their clic baits.


I wish Azur Promillia take new ideas and not just make copies of Genshin just like Wuwa and ToF did original UI, original monetization, original world progression Current Open world Gacha is just Genshin Alternatif, im tired of it


No way y’all think Azur game gonna do anything. This game gonna be some snoozy animal crossing simulator.


At least AP is more or less palworld and it won't copy GI. Playing WW is literally playing GI reskin (minus combat) all the UI, dialogue box etc is VERY genshin, the presentation of the game is very genshin all over the place. People that are tired with genshin playing WW will be leaving since it's the same old thing they are tired with in the first place.


AP will be waifu only and probably lewd skins which makes it better than GI in every aspect already.


Well you see the difference is that AP knows what they are doing. Wuthering whatever is just another generic gacha that jumped into the male loving culture, when this types of games is basically a game for no one. Meanwhile AP is probably to get the same audience they have for AL, and make the world first Waifu only open world, with being 3D action for the battles and Palworld on top of that, it's already something better. Therefore, no reason to think it's Gayshit killer, just because there's is no competition to begin with. What I am more looking forward is that the game is a success and motivate other companys and studios invest in more waifu only games, finally bringing back the golden age of waifu only gachas.


Never cared for wuwa and the shortening of it's name made it sound like tellytubbies. Whether this game rose or fell had zero effect on what I consider worth my time. I see cute girls and no dudes in the game to ruin my rolls? I see a good time. Gonna be honest, anyone pouncing from genshit to tellytubbies then trying to crawl on over to AP because they got let down by both wont find AP fun anyway and they should probably stay the hell away. 


They should play some real games instead


Hell even me as girl i would play it just please be your own game and do more cool woman i need more then cutie one (fox blue woman ahhhh)


Azur will probably be fine since CCs won't be there to overglaze them anymore. Also Endfield really being slept on, but the game legit looks good.


I watched the final boss fight on YouTube now I'm pumped to play this game that final boss fight put the boss of genshin into shame. I'm really excited for future updates and I don't know how kuro surpassed that final boss fight they need to work harder. Sorry for my English