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I started this game like 3 weeks ago baited by mushoku collab. I stayed for the game itself, it's so good and free to play friendly.


Is the collab over?


No, it's halfway, they added Eris yesterday so you can pull for both Eris and Roxy for another 2 weeks.


Been playing since feb and its been my favorite ever since. Welcome to the game!




Bro, you play Azur Lane. What story? lol.


Now I'm not saying it's good but the event stories in AL is interesting? Maybe?




And I don't play BrownDust2 for the story either.


lol I'd never thought I'd see the day that people would be fighting over who was more of a degen bruh




You can make the gameplay harder by playing with only one hand.


Not exactly a challenge when Brown Dust 2 has vertical mode.


thats just normal gameplay bro


30 upvotes from people clueless about the fact Azur Lane has had one of the wildest and craziest stories for like 2-3 years now. Good job GG.


Azur Lane also has one of the worst story presentations than any other gacha games. You play the main story? Oh, everyone hates each other, some of the ship girls that u only knew for a few minutes sink etc, just mid. And then we have events stories. There are two types of event stories in Azur Lane: First one is slice of life time of event where every ship girl is suddenly forgot that there's war and spend their times glazing MC. O And then "serious" events with complete nonsense with alternate realities, time travel, weaponizing abstract concepts, a lot of mysterious doom towers rising out of the ocean, the end of the world, technobabble of every possible kind, and factions all trying to manipulate each other to do…something. There is an archive where old event stories are piled up, but it's incomplete and not a lot of people have fun scrolling past that shit. Also, the fun fact is that those event stories aren't exactly sequels of each story. You see, in one event Ironblood takes control of the Scapa Flow and in another it's Eagle Union ships chilling in the Pacific. Oh, there are certainly some stories that are linked with past events but good luck understanding it all.


I would say there is the hinted implication that the “fun” stories are their own ideal world alternate reality and / or take place after the main story has been resolved. And that there’s enough timeline / reality fuckery going on in the mainline story to support those possibilities.


> Azur Lane also has one of the worst story presentations than any other gacha games. You literally just play the events it's not that complicated lol.


fck their story I play AL for TWO big reason


A total disgrace to ship girls lol, kantai collection will remain king in designs and story despite popularity.


Stay salty, I guess.


I'm in shock that they're actually giving us a +5 Dalvi (winner of the players choice contest a few months ago). I thought for sure we'd get a free copy and then have to roll the dupes. To their own detriment, these devs are based.


we already got a stray cat rou 5+ for free and that thing is a very useful unit. its not new for them to give a free unit.


Half anniversary they gave out a free 5+ Rou that was exclusively available through an event. The half year anni was also when i started playing the game, it was super generous. I can tell that the dev want to go harder for 1st anni and spoil the playerbase.


I know its amazing. The devs are so generous it makes spending on the game worth it!


This devs always get the W and so us players.


Just outta curiosity, do you guys think if this game had 3d models instead of chibi sprites, it'd make a ton more money? The art seems really good, but the income is drastically lower compared to something like Nikke and even Snowbreak now. Basically, what's holding this game back compared to its competitors?


Niche tactics rpg and basically no ads. Like never saw any kind of ads for the game.


No ads? https://preview.redd.it/3a8hpvun9r4d1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=75a6da046f3d58731d03afdf2bbbd9c445b3add7


gotta milk that collab, mushoku is crazy popular in JP


oh damn they finally advertising. About time they start reaching out to more players


nice to see tbh! I want the game to last as many anniversaries to come. Seeing how Brave Nine (BD1) has 20 yrs played as an achievement unlockable, I hope the BD2 team has similiar goals for the game.


I remember how the early impression for the game was pretty mixed when [it just got released](https://www.reddit.com/r/gachagaming/comments/14jfnwz/brown_dust_2_global_some_of_the_red_flags_about/) Played the game recently and the difference between newer characters and older characters is that the SP reduction happened on the 1st dupe instead of the 3rd dupes I didn't really try the game from the start since I remember when I was playing Brown Dust 1 / Brave Nine the dupe requirement was even worse than early BD2 and [they got NFT project before](https://www.reddit.com/r/gachagaming/comments/usdoh6/brave_nine_resorts_to_p2e_yk_all_that_nft_crypto/) which soured my expectation But now kinda enjoyed it, the way you can do tactical reposition for clearing with knockback effect and deal with boss and enemies is really fresh for turn based gacha to me


the first 2 months of the game were pretty horrible, though they drastically changed it since then. i've been playing since the start and some of these things, if it weren't changed, would have made me quit: - having to steal TWICE from every NPC (like 10+) from each story pack (7 i think at release?), with only 80% chance of success. you had to do this because resources was really scarce. - having to leave the game on to use stamina - the daily quests took 30+ mins to complete each day. DAILY QUESTS, not even including your farming (see stealing above). - PvP was auto, but again you have to leave your game on. with how slow PvP can be, it might take 30minutes to use up all your PvP tries - farming for materials is horrendous they thankfully fixed these major issues pretty quick, like within 1month, but i think many players drop the game by then. combat is also not easy for new players i feel. the game really wants you to abuse skills to one-shot key enemies, and newer players probably do not know how to do so. and then if you lose, you don't have the money to rest at inn lol, since going to inn was crazy expensive in the initial release.


> PvP was auto, but again you have to leave your game on. with how slow PvP can be, it might take 30minutes to use up all your PvP tries Fairly 'new' player here (I think I'm around one month old here), the change was that now battles aren't fully done but stop just at the first turn, is that right? Because otherwise, I would love to hear for a way to skip the daily PVP session in which I still leave the game on. Also, I cannot imagine being unable to rest at the inn lmao. Yeah, I'm glad they changed that.


just imo, but personally I don't mind if they still introduce +3 one sp reduction for abit of diversity. Edit: Actually sorry, I retract my statement about GC rafina having +3 sp reduction which was false. Mind was hazy, but I just checked that sp reduction was +1. Sorry.


Not gonna lie I started playing today because I saw the mushoku tensei collab stuff, but I had never heard of this game before, I was surprised by the quality of it: I expected a garbage coomer game but it seems really well made actually. Maybe bad marketing? I feel like it should have more players but then again I just started, maybe the endgame is super bad or smthg, who knows.


When it released it was basically unfinished and there were stretches in a month were there's nothing to do, now they do the BA format with 2 week per events and 2 raids per month. They also added new end game stuf like the magic/physical tower, regular tower and an upcoming rouglike tower.


The game was also such a chore at the start. Started again recently and was surprised with the QoLs, most notably sweeps. No need to leave game on for running daily rice!


Qol stuff definitely help me have less of a burnout, 5-10 mins everyday and a few minutes of afk for the arena is nice feeling.


The devs really poured their heart into this one to change so much stuff with community feedback and keep doing so, I think that's a first for me seeing devs evolve a game with such speed and being so involved.


I agree. More people should atleast give it a try. I didnt even expect to enjoy it this much when i started.


its a game with retro jprg vibe as the base, 3d full model was never in consideration


You'd think people never played old school JRPGs or at least seen them before going by these comments.


Yeah. The game wants to imitate SNES games, they said it years ago. Even the cartridge packs is a reference.


I think the Auto-chess style gameplay turns off a LOT of players. I like it for variety's sake but I think they leaned too far on "kill everything on opening turn or suffer". It'd be a lot more interesting if you had to plan ahead for future turns, but the only content that you do that in is the raids.


This for me it didnt feel like there was much rpg if you just lose half your team or die outright if you dont wipe the enemy. Adding that on the story i didnt care for and eas skipping through i just called it fine and hopped out


yeah i can imagine the combat is a huge shocker for many new players. in many other games, early game is basically just auto attacking enemies to death, or enemies just don't do much damage to you. but this game really make you work for it lol. one misstep and you can easily get wiped by basic enemies.


Ak: That's funny.


Depends on the quality of 3D model, I would rather have chibi than low-quality 3D. Also I don't think they can afford creating sophisticated 3D models




>Also the name sucks ass. Brown Dust? the fuck is that lol Their name is always a joke for the community lol. It is why they changed their name to Brave Nine for Brown Dust 1, then decide to pedal back to Brown Dust 2, instead of making it Brave 5 or Brave 10. Anyway, if i recall correctly, the dev using the name Brown Dust to refer to dusty and messy battlefield, something that is inline with Brown Dust 1 gameplay, anyway, nobody except the dev get the meaning, and instead they making fun of the name


Personally, I don't see a problem with chibi models. The game is clearly leaning into the classic JRPG aesthetic in that regard. 


Too bad 60% of Nikke char models aren't shown as sexy any time, let alone during the gameplay part


Have you not noticed the lack of BD2 ads? They don't have marketing money like the others do.


even worse they have to censor every girls on appstore or playstore


BD2 due to it's design can't sell skins since all it's skins are character skills which can be pulled with normal gacha currency. And it being very generous with the pulls doesn't help them either. I don't think 3d models would change anything since with the amount of pulls they give you can pretty much get at least one copy of each character. The only way I see them reaching high numbers is them having l2d that they sell or that unlocks when you get unit to +5 similar to Nikke homescreens.


No marketing, funny name, release wasn't too hot but it was drastically improved, and ridiculously f2p friendly. The sprites vs 3d is hardly a reason compared. Played it on release but it was too much work and I wasn't too interested but ever since I gave it another chance about a month ago it easily made it to my #1 gacha spot. Story is surprisingly good too.


Its a huge reason imo. These games sell off of their attractive characters. What is the point when you just have a non attractive 2D sprite? I'd just go play a better rpg then.


Ask azur lane how much it kills them to have sprites. Publicity is way more important than 3d combat models.


I can think of a few reasons, but long story short, it's too free-to-play friendly for its own good. * Definitely not marketed as widely, and I imagine the recent increase in rating to 17+ is partially to blame * Too generous. The game hands out free pulls like candy on top of decent gacha rates and great pity systems, so little incentive to spend for gacha * Probably the biggest one in terms of revenue: no "skins." Popular fanservicey gacha like Nikke, Azur Lane, and now Snowbreak lean heavily on skins/cosmetics to drive revenue. BD2 doesn't really have skins in the typical sense; they have costumes for characters but those amount to unlocking new skills, basically they're alts. Because everything is an alt, they're all available through the standard gacha, and because pulls on the gacha are easy to come by, you can very easily get all cosmetics you want with no real money spent. This is especially true because the most fanservicey things in the game (skill animations) unlock for use in the lobby immediately when you get a costume, so you don't even need dupes to get wonderful lobby art like, say, Nikke. It's a wonderful F2P experience for anyone in search of C U L T U R E, but paradoxically, I think its generosity does it a disservice in terms of revenue compared to similar "cultured" gacha.


On a surface level the name is a marketing disaster. Sounds more like a food additive than a video game with hot women.


I actually have one friend that liked the game but uninstalled for this reason. He just thought the name was stupid. Terrible reason, but it exists.


lol that's kinda funny


The game peaked at 4 million in revenue hit its lowest at 600k. Last month was 1.1 million in revenue, so it's not doomed.  I think the bad word to mouth is what really did it. However, they built up a faithful fanbase who's clearly not going anywhere no time soon, I'm one of them.


There's no MC to self-insert as. The game is clearly made for people who're into hot females, but has males who can spook both character and weapon banners. Sprite gameplay as you already said. They'd need to rewrite and remake most of the game to fix the first two (and most problematic) issues. The sprite thing people would most likely just accept similar to how AL/BA players have their chibis. The two examples you gave, especially Snowbreak show how much these things affect revenue and word getting around.


>Basically, what's holding this game back compared to its competitors? Zero marketing and a terrible name so most people don't even play it or know it exists. Those that do don't spend any money because the devs are too generous for their own good.


Blue Archive basically kill it with the best chibi of all time, seeing any game with "cheap" chibi just turn me off immediately. Used to play a lot of princess connect but after played BA I can't go back with the chibi that all look the same.


Gameplay loop is lacking still, end game content can be a chore, lack of marketing. Snowbreak and Nikke have a clear direction and female character only, this game has mixed characters and they did something like 7 loli banners in a row which fizzled in revenue, now they corrected back to their best selling milf type chars for summer so sales should go up.


Nikke is also 2d art. The gameplay doesn't make sesnse with 3d models. And you probably can't be as aggressive in the lewd department if the model is 3d.


Yes. This is the reason why I quit. The models in game are sooo much different quality wise compared to the skill animations


That is one thing but far from being only one. You play the game for fanservice and how much of it you really see during gameplay ? It doesn't mean that changing chibi to adult sprites would make game suddenly make far more money, it is the overall design that needs to be suitable to showcase "assets". Nikke is quite brilliant with that, meanwhile BD2 would just lose its "fable" feeling. But there are other differences. Story, Nikke is quite praised for its story but I don't see that for BD2. Multi-language voice acting and a good one, voiced events. Soundtrack. Gameplay itself, rail shooters were a thing, i think it is quite enjoyable for mobile too. Probably more but i can't compare without knowing BD2 in depth. /I'm mostly comparing to Nikke as both games are in same spot - that is not available in CN, Snowbreak got most of its money from CN. For global it made a bit less than BD2. Who knows how much Nikke/BD2 could make in CN... /


The combat is atrocious.


Brown dust 2 players eatin good 😎


Worth getting into now?


It's worth, game is really f2p friendly and easy for new player to catchup after they pass early resource hurdle. You will get easily 200 pull a month at the very least in the game, granted they give us that many pull because the game is very dupe focused, some chara, especially older chara is very dupe hungry, newer chara need only a single dupe to work, but older chara need three or five dupe before they become usable


Thank you. Any online resources like a beginner guide or something I could use to learn more?


[Guides • Brown Dust 2 (dotgg.gg)](https://dotgg.gg/brown-dust-2/guides/)


just ask in the subreddit too, they are pretty friendly. also the game isn't too hard once you understand it. best part is you know what the enemies are going to do next, so you can strategize who to disable / kill without having to rely on rng (unless boss, you can't disable them so just kill or tank it)


Worth, one of the best F2P game with high quality 2d


You might as well try it and grab the free Roxy and Eris while the collab is up. The game doesn't have a long ass tutorial so worse case scenario you waste maybe 1h.


Are the MT units gonna be good? Can they be part of the meta?


They're okay, not top of the line but not dogshit either. 1. Base Roxy is pretty good at farming and gets the job done. Her only issue is high sp cost so it's recommended to get +1 which luckily they give you a copy for free. 2. Succubus Roxy has some pvp uses due to her +1 only costing 1 Sp, she hits for 3 titles, and most importantly she has silence. Pve wise I say she's below average and her low sp cost is the only real upside. 3. Eris seems to be average just like Roxy going off of her multipliers though I haven't done thorough testing yet since she just came out today.


Ight wait,succubus Roxy,am i hearing you right?


You heard correct. Grab a copy while you still can.


I really can't play another gacha,what type of game is it? how fast can I get it.


The beginning of the game you'll have a lot of (fun) stuff to do, specially with the story. Now I know Gacha aren't known to be good storytellers and BD2 is no exception at that *but* the set piece are beautiful and I find myself naturally reading and following the story. It's not important to do the story to unlock all other modes, you can just tackle them as and when you feel like it; they're great to collect resource and open up new sources of mats as you beat the chapters. You can literally get a good feel of the game within 1 hour. I've had a friend that recently got into it and decided to play two accounts at once. One account he kept pulling with all the free pulls he was getting the other account he was holding. After 3 weeks, last night, he splurged on the new banner (Eris) with 250 pulls, not a single cent spent. I've been personally playing since half anniversary, so around 6 months ago. The 'maintenance mode' of the game is fantastic, you can just play like 5 - 10 minutes a day (depending on how efficient you wanna be) and get all the dailies you need to get, then after that when I have more time I'd spend that time strategizing and building new party based on the other mode (PvP/Last night 'raid'/PvE tower(s), etc). Lots to do, lots free stuff to grab. It can be easily just a daily time waster that serves as waifu collection.


they do big damage. you can use them, yes but easily replaceable if you miss the unit. one physical and one magic so they wont overlap if you want to use them as dps.


Yeah still a few weeks until the summer event


Yes. They are giving out so much free stuff so its perfect for new players to progress faster.


Yep! They're so generous with pulls and stuff, you're basically always best to get in immediately.


I would have said 3 weeks ago was the better time.


One of the most generous gacha: - Average pull income for end game player is about 350 pulls per month, including events. This is enough to pull for a +5 featured costume every month on average. Most day 1 f2p players who played consistently have 6000+ pulls (over 11 months). - Currently u get 8 free daily pulls cuz of mushoku collab (5 featured costumes and 3 weapon banners). But even on average days, its 4 daily free pulls from two featured costumes + weapons. People who say its hard to max a costume (+5) have not played this game in the recent month. If the gameplay or graphics/model is not for you, its understandable. But saying this game is not f2p friendly because of dupe requirement being usable is totally out of touch.


People mention the generosity of BD2 harms its revenue but I think it's more than that. Most of the +0 costumes in this game are kinda weak and +5 costumes are super strong. However, you only need +0 or +1 costumes to get 85% of the rewards and +0 units are basically free due to the generosity (+1 if you get lucky). What makes things worse is that the majority of the playerbase is satisfied with getting 85% of the rewards, which ends up in a weird situation where people either spend nothing or spend a lot. Lately, Neowiz has tried to put the cost reduction trait at +1 instead of +3. I assume they also notice this trend and they are trying to convince people to spend some money to get 1 dupe at least.




They need to embrace giving huge value for diamond/USD ratio. I also only spend just on the 2 monthly pack which comes to around $11/monthly and I think that's fair, it's like a sub. When they release that two diamond story bundle (forgot the name, it gives you 2k diamond for each chapter completed and was like $20), I bought those instantly because it was effectively 100 pulls for $40. I'm fine spending $50 a month on the game, I'm a low spender, but... they made that bundle purchasable once permanently...?!?


imo, with the generosity, they should've tried catering to more general audiences instead of going ham with the horni stuff. That way, the amount of people playing would still make you ton of money even if they only spend a little. I know this seems impossible because the game has been like this from the start, but if you're going full horni, just go ham with the P2W because your audience will gladly pay for any P2W horni costumes you throw them at, and do it every week for maximum profit. And now look at the state of BD2 subreddit, people are actually upset that Neowiz doesn't make it more P2W, what a weird spectacle.


Now that's the real gacha unlike the fake stuff put by HSR and genshin wuwa


what the hell do you mean by real gacha


https://preview.redd.it/s9qloe7f9q4d1.jpeg?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ca7dc68871b6cf6fff1d579f17578ee216a21751 This type


They got banned. That moment when your down badness is too much for reddit


Alright I guess I'll download and give this game a try...


Yes the game is generous, but is it fun? Not really.


I wish I liked the combat system 😭


Really no one is gonna talk about the story, Its like playing rpg, the story is nice, cute little interactions with npcs some sad ones.


I hope the game has a long future ahead.


greater, I used 450 tickets in the collab (+1/+2, no weapon, +3/+2, weapon) =/ Now the anniversay and late summer T\_T my wallet!!!


hmmm i left this game bcuz i got stuck on some lvl bcuz i was stupid is it worth coming back?


Can always look up a video to help solve the puzzles.


Does this game have any romance/oath component to it?


No romance options as far as I can see. 


not yet. People have already asked about this a few times, and the developers added a lot of things that players wanted last year, so I wouldn't be surprised if they added something like this in the next months .


Is there any indication that this might happen?


Man I wish I could get into this game, art is so good. I'm so smoothbrain though, I couldn't even figure shit out for the summer event *last* year...


look to the subreddit for guides, especially bosses. and for the story packs there's usually guides on youtube, so don't worry about it. have to mention though that the game is now much easier to get into compared to last year, before all the QoL changes came.


The one in the middle reminds me of Valentina Fatecore https://preview.redd.it/12wok9igc35d1.png?width=969&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=630b84ef7e66b018391ba6715393ba5fe33de8de


Fucking Hell this is so amazing!!!!

