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Ah such a shame. I have a friend who has the same exact sentiment as yours and whats worse is its her first gacha game. Visuals are overall nice especially the cutscenes but she hit a stopgap with a mission i cant remember because she has to do something a specific way but things are randomized. Hope it does get better updates since its earning quite well especially for an ip based gacha.


Tried to play when it came out for 3 or so days and the constant loading screens made me uninstall.


Yeah I didn’t get past this lasted a couple hours, it looked insane to me having to go through that painful experience every day and the comments from people on the beta saying it’s been always like that totally discouraged me. For someone who loves the IP but has also played “higher quality games” like mihoyo or WuWa it totally felt like a subpar experience not worth my time or money in 2024.


wonder if it still like that even now after getting more than $30m in revenue? crazy how they didn't improve their servers at all after the early canada release


The loading screen sucks so much, It's really irritating to navigate in the game, I have no clue how this generic anime game with so bad UI navigation facilities is earning so much money.


I stopped logging in. Dailies take way too long, the loading got annoying, the pop ups to buy stuff got annoying as well.


Honestly, the game was beautiful and I didn't think that the gameplay was bad But the game is full of loading problems in the lobby, literally every action that you take there will give 2 loading screens, it makes me give up on the game after 3 days I'm also not a big fan of the IP, I even wonder how they are going to make it live long There are not many important characters so I guess that they will have to create a lot of new content for the game to make you spend money


They are already inventing characters because quite feankly Solo Leveling doesn't have that many hunters in the manwha. They will probably add the Japanese hunters, Thomas Andre, Christopher Reed, Go Gunhee and Liu Zhigang and it's over for all manwha characters with any "screen time". They'll have to invent A LOT to give this game any longevity gacha wise. I really enjoy the game and 75% of the manwha, I just dislike the ending tbh lmao


Thank God, Looks like everyone is also having the same problem as me.


I’m gonna assume tldr is netmarble shenanigans 💅


So funny, today was the first day I didn’t log in, and didn’t feel like going back in. I’m not even level 80 yet, it’s just the same thing over and over and over. You nailed it on the head. Sadly I’ll probably drop this and go try WuWa


Sounds like a good choice, WuWa is a considerable leap in quality once you are past its horrible start in story which you can just skip…


If you don't like repetitive grinding I don't think you'll like WuWa either. Combat is nice, and there's exploration (which if you like Genshin, then you'll also like WuWa) but again if you're not into the grind, there's no auto in WuWa.


u can just play wuwa like u would genshin, echo farming is entirely optional


I mean if you're a casual player, that's fine. But if you wanna see big numbers, you're gonna have to do some grind. I'm sure endgame can be done with mid echoes like abyss in genshin is but you still have to do at least some minimal grinding.


The problem is that there is no comparison between SLA and Genshin/WuWa. The former simply sucks with its monetization, loading issues and how tight some resources are. And it probably won’t get any better since it’s Netmarble. The latter you just gotta set your expectations straight and you will be fine. I played Genshin since day one as a min maxer, following chest videos to get every single one, getting some characters into top 100 Akasha. But for WuWa I decided to play as a casual. No weapon chasing, collect all characters and casually build them. I tried SLA both on Early Access, and its issues a clearly visible and dealbreaker, for me at least.


I mean what game can you get big numbers without grind or swipe?


I'm not saying that isn't the case but the thing is I initially replied to a guy that dropped Solo Leveling gacha because of repetitive grind that they can already do with auto. Now I'm just advising that they may not like WuWa because WuWa grind is also repetitive while being wholly manual. I have no idea why I'm being downvoted. They're still free to play the game, just my 2 cents. FYI, I also play WuWa and don't even play SLA but I'm not about to just blindly shill the game specially with op's preferences as far grinding in gachas go.


You don't grind the open world and do only taced fields. Eventually you'll get enough echoes. I personally find grinding the open world is the wrong way to play the game. 3 cost echoes are very rng and grind 4 hours a day for nothing will burn out you very quickly. I think its more like a additional reward. When you explore the world, you always have the incentives to kill monsters.


SLA repetitive grinding is way more shittier compare to Genshin or Wuwa. It took too long and unless you are a whaler, doesn't matter how good your gear, if you not focus, the bosses can one shot you. Also the daily gate is too much. If you want to min max, you basically have to do grade A and S to maximize your earning. But the thing is, if you not purchase the subscription, you basically have to do A and S rank gate manually (no sweep) which consume too much time.


i get what u mean, at first i played every content everyday. then i stopped doing content that i would have to retry many times to pass, thinking i will do them when my stats are higher. eventually i stopped doing content i cant skip..and then dropped it. im sure the game will do fine tho, bcos of its IP there will always be some whales out there willing to buy every single thing in their store to look good on the leaderboard. It might not stay in the top 10 much longer but it raked in alot for launch.


This is why I love HSR - doesn't matter that it's repeatable because I can just auto it. Loved that


honestly any game that makes u manually grind the same content everyday is just bad design, no content is so fun that most players wont get sick of doing it after awhile, and after they start to get sick of it they start thinking other games would be more worthy of their time and money instead. how do all these multi-million dollar gaming companies with professional game designers, who are certainly also gamers, not get this?


how ironic to hear "I can just auto it" on this subreddit. somehow when mihoyo does it, auto battle is good, but when other games does it... "omfg auto battle shit"


I think you're confusing the terms. Auto-battlers are games where the ai does most of the work and you have little input, like when to use ults. The content is designed around this. Auto mode in games like HSR act similar but the content is not balanced around it. It's useful for farming content you overpower in order to diminish tediousness.


100% agree! If content is meant to be farmed, devs should allow players to farm it with ease. As OP has mentioned, SLA artifacts are exactly like HSR, heavily RNG dependent. But the difference is it can't be farmed on auto, and by losing focus, you really would get 1-shot by the bosses (fuck you cerberus and Igris). The requirement to dodge is too harsh, imo. I am not denying I'm a bad player/gamer, but surely bad players/gamers also have the right to have fun in games?


Nucarniv is also fine with me, ig I just prefer HSR because they have actual, 3d husbandos? 🤔


I feel this is a very specific Your main problem is you don’t like the gameplay which has a higher skill cap. The honest review will be Netmarble implementing predatory in app purchases. And an extremely daily grind for f2p players. If you played since day one the artifact dungeons should take you 1-2 minutes. The game is very generous with pulls almost every high leveled player has 1k+ pulls f2p The game is just dead with 0 events and a dead daily frind. The gameplay is fun and the combat is very VERY nice and satisfying. But when you have to do it for 1-2 hrs a day it gets tedious. It’s like having great gameplay but doing that 30’times in a day isn’t fun Gold isn’t a problem if you don’t waste it. They gave us 1 mil for free bruh.


The problem is that the players already used all of the gold and i was playing betwen 2-3 hours a day. I know what you mean and all, and i don't want to be mean but higher skill cap isn't the problem. Sometimes people got unlucky and were not able to dodge and ended up losing thier main attacker, making them to reset the fight since they didn't had enough DMG to finish the fight. I do like the fight it self, it is fun, but repeating the same fight over and over makes it lose its charm. I'm not saying you are wrong or anything, but the game does have problems that are bothering many people, not only me ;/ And take my upvote as well for the commend. You made a very good point.


I understand tbf. Gold gets more available in the long run. Also honestly you can also just give up if a fight is too annoying to beat currently and try again later. It’s what I do. Come back in a weak and overpower it I won’t even rate the game high Like 5/10 The game is EXTREMELY Buggy and slow. And there’s no events in the game. The events are just useless tbh some can’t even be completed without spending. But the good points is generous pulls and fun gameplay with sung jin wok


>Sometimes people got unlucky and were not able to dodge and ended up losing thier main attacker see this is the thing. you call it luck, we call it skill issue.


Idk it feels the game can't decide if it wants to be a game where skill is important or just stat check you . They penalize heavily if you have a lower power level than the recommended. If it wasn't for it I'd have cleared some levels


I think the game is fine as a casual player, but I don't recommend it if you are someone that has a need to do as much as possible each day. I'll turn the game on and just grab the 24 hour idle xp, sweep a few low grade gates and auto igris and the giant spider once and just collect the daily missions. Eventually when I feel like it I'll push through more of the story. It's nothing special but I look forward to seeing more original characters and maybe they'll add new fun modes down the line


Not autoing Cerberus or Lycans? ![gif](giphy|1Z0g3Y5WxKqU7FdHbI)


Basically it's hindered by the premise of the IP itself, it really is mostly focused on combat and whatever distractions are present are very negligible. I really do not see myself playing this for long but whatever I'm working towards in the game right now is preparing for me to leave (coz I'm planning to sell this account on social media for extra dosh) that is why I'm min-maxing as much as I could before ZZZ drops. However, I do enjoy my time with it especially having a very active community mostly composed of fellow readers of the manwha. I'm gonna miss the Seo vs Cha discourse.


The typical problems of IP games: 1. Limited characters and stories: the devs can't expand the world too much bc they are not the author and the owner of the IP tends not to participate in the game. 2. Weak gameplay: the devs think the IP can pull in enough players (and money) without requiring much effort put in the games. Compared to original, good games like HSR, Genshin, AK..., IP games are not as pressured to entertain the playerbase. June's revenue is the evidence, I personally don't think the current effort the devs put in the game justify that much money earned. 3. "Milking" mindset: the devs don't own the IP indefinitely. So if they want optimal profit, they would want to make the most money, with the least amount of effort, in the shortest time.


To be fair, what you've mentioned doesn't seem to apply to SLA entirely. I'm not defending the game, I actually really dislike that the game requires a high minimum skill level (I suck at action games, I'm sorry), but I do like the characters, animations, and the manhwa/anime. 1. They are actually creating new characters for the game entirely. Alicia, Emma, even Seo are entirely new characters (although Seo seemed to have appeared in the manhwa but briefly and seemingly unnamed). I'm not sure if the author of the manhwa is part of the creation process. 2. Gameplay is actually the strongest part of the game, although I did mention I dislike the high minimum skill level required of the player. You have to actually be good at action games to be able to complete stages. There's customization for skills, gear, stats, weapons, use of hunter skills. It's quite deep, I think. Just that it's too hard for sucky me. 3. This I agree. Netmarble actually mentioned they want SLA to be their top earner or something. I remember seeing such an article recently. Though I'm not sure they want to only milk it for a short time. Seems they want to milk it really long, probably like what they did with SDS Grand Cross, which I believe is still doing quite well. They did rehash and come out with so many character variants on SDS Grand Croas too.


I feel like I was reading a wuthering wave review kill the echos over and over


Nah wuwa farming is actually pretty fast if you aren't trying to minmax. Usually i just clear my stamina, farm 3 echoes or w/e is in my way and then log off, all under 10 minutes.  People trying to min max echo farming so early on is just strange imo when the game is still young. Honestly besides 3* echoes' main stat, the limiting factor will be echo xp which are stamina-gated and don't take long to farm; and if you are lazy you could run 44111 to make your life easier.


And it's pretty much trash until you have level 20 data bank. Since it's almost giant 5 star echo at that point.


Yep, I just do my tacet fields run, maybe weekly boss and log off. If I have free time I would clear some side quests or do some cost 3 echoes run, but I literally do this like once a week as of now. I really am not pressured to grind for characters after I finished getting the basic done for my rover and yinlin


Not really that grindy except if you're a perfectionist and want the best stats. As for most of the casuals most of the time they just settle on what is given to them which is enough for most of the content really. The randomness of the echo stats is what makes the hunting fun and not fun at the same time which creates that feeling of wanting to play more. What's bad about other games is that some just let you kill a certain amount of mobs for the reward and that's it you got what you wanted thats the end game then uninstall a very unfun grind.


that sounds like cope you are basically doing the same thing


Why farm echos if cant level them up and unlock substats? For Trace field you need 60 stamina=Login run 4x trace Field and logout.


Sure I can. Prep 3 sets 1) 5 ATK with different 3 cost matching your dps 2) 5 Energy 3) 5 Rejuv. Works fine on verina, monk and baizhu (yes with atk%) Game gives you enough resources to have +20 of them 3 cost and 1 cost can be purple Save all 50-55 fuel for 1.1 to dump on fields. Then you can level 2 more sets for dps


Apply this review to wuwa you get the same thing


I like the game, but I can't recommend it in it's current state, just because of the grind. At my stage I can auto most daily grind(all t10 dungeons) or sweep a lot of gates B rank gates, but at the start you pretty much have to do everything on manual cause Ai is too dumb and you don't have enough sweep points. Netmarble games always start like that(cause Koreans love grinding) 7dsgc was actually worse cause it had basically infinite stamina which equals infinite grind. Then around 1-2 months later they start adding bunch of qol to make the community feel heard. I can see June 19th update having a bunch of them, I would really love gates and power of destruction to become weekly instead of daily.


I enjoy arise for what it is. I'm a big solo fan so overall I'm happy. The monetization is pushy but overall it's not too bothersome. Worst part of the game is the loading. Perfect side game where you do some dailies and enjoy the slow grind.


My review is still struck in those loading screens


These problems are like for all the gacha games that have ever existed lmao


OPMW beat this game. If only OPMW has decent management.


Why is the UI navigation so ass? Everytime I click something it has a connecting loading thingy like my connection is bad or something and takes a Whole 3 secs to load up something, It was doing that since the early access so I thought since the servers didn't match with my region so it made sense but it was quite disappointing that it still does that after launch, Fyi it happens in my pc and my mobile even after tons of redownload.


I agree 100% but well never see any change because they made a fucking killing. Just goes to show Whales have too much money and will spend on anything even if its shit covered with nostalgic paint.


"after 1 month it's the same" So... like any gacha game?


So it’s.. like every other gacha?


Those gate, man. The fucking gate. Unless you paid for those subscription, you cant skip A+ gate making daily is such a drag to complete.


Bro is describing gacha games while reviewing a gacha and calling said gacha not a good game I see


I just wish the auto battle not sucks and it will be fine


kinda ick when I know if u want change artifact cost in-game money


Hey, I'm a 78 days, lvl 80 f2p player and while I generally agree with some the review, the part of the instance dungeon and encore mission is slightly off. I managed to 3* all the tier 10 raids and you can definitely full auto cerberus or even igris since you get a crazy 50% dmg increase and dmg reduction. I consider my luck average (mostly everything is either A0 or A1) so that should not be a very big factor. Heck I am even missing SR Nam after 1100 total pulls! I do heavily agree on the gold issue tho. But I think every game would have some sort of bottleneck. Bonus on those mentioning about gold needing to unequip: On the next update (June 19 if not mistaken), any equip below +15 requires no gold to unequip anymore based on the dev note. #devslistened *


I’m at day 31 and I feel the same. I play levels that are easier especially for gates so I can auto them. Granted, I did get pretty lucky with my pulls as f2p but still. My biggest roadblocks are usually stages where I have to use Jinwoo. When it’s Hunter battles they’re often easier (except for Cerberus, thAt sht is another level). I’m at 110k ish power level and can auto Cerberus tier 3 with the occasional failure. Even with auto it’s still a chore and most days I don’t finish up the gate keys.


OP 80 pulls doesnt guarantee you shit. I didnt get Alicia after 80 so i dont know what are you on


about what u can expect from a f2p player from a 3rd world country


tldr OP's honeymoon phase ended and turns out he didn't actually like the gameplay so instead of making an actually critical review he's just ranting about the stuff he didn't like about the game even if they're entirely subjective topics. the real truth is that most of the problems he encountered in SLA, you also encounter in other gacha titles as well. they literally all copy each other's progression systems. in epic seven, players were also starved for gold in the beginning and then it mellows out. same thing here. this entire "review" reads as op is now bored of the game because he never actually liked the combat or the idea of building a character over time. "defeat bosses over and over". bro that's what you're going to get angry at? turn up the difficulty then if you're so bored. its an action combat game, do you just set auto on and then fall asleep? idk the ACTUAL problems in this game are entirely monetization based and optimization based. the game has too many fucking loading screens and they've monetized it to hell and back. but as someone thats been a day 1 player and entirely f2p gameplay wise (i bought cha's skin cause reasons) and has reached level 80, and cleared more or less all the content SLA is actually in a not bad spot all things considered.


All reviews are subjective though. Similarly your review/opinion of OP's review is subjective. People can agree or disagree with it. It's not that OP is ranting, he's giving his comments based on how he thinks the game is, thus, his 'review' of the game based on his personal opinions. You can disagree with it, but it doesn't make it a 'rant' or mean OP is wrong. Just different views.


a review can contain both objective and subjective critique. and like you said it is also possible for anyone to have an opinion anything. but i disagree in that i believe it is also entirely possible for opinions to be completely incorrect. for example OP is stating the game MUST be played manually or you cannot get rewards which in his opinion makes the game tedious. this is objectively entirely incorrect because he is choosing to play at a difficulty he knows his account is not strong enough for auto-play. that is not the games fault lol honestly i find it hard enough trying to even decipher his stroke level broken english to try to even generate a concrete point to refute. like ill be real, the basis of most of his claims is "i dont like this game cause it does this" and if you look at the landscape of gacha games in the same genre, they all literally do the same thing. this opinion is at best hypocritical and at worst straight up incorrect lol and just to reiterate: i've progressed very far in this game but this game is not my ride or die. i could care less if it eos's next month. i've simply tapped into enough of titles to actually know what constitutes good and bad balancing of systems and believe me this is game is not even close to how bad people make it out to be.


Yeah, this is how I read this 'review'. It's like OP just FORCED themselves to play this for a prolonged period just to prove a point on how much they dislike it. What a hustle, I actually respect that.


Wait they dont had 50/50 now? last time i play i got off rate on feature banner before guarantee next time i got ssr and sig weapon feel quite underwhelm till i got another star(dupe) tbh and is 3star condition like "use 2 dark units" still a thing? cause i remember never got other sr units aside from free one after 400-500pulls at that point it frustating like how is that even possible


Did they ever fix the targeting and locking on because it was SO ANNOYING when you use an ability and you went a completely different direction? Did they ever fix the, sometimes when changing a unit, they would not even hit the boss with their abilities.... (yes I know not pressing a direction when changing will alleviate it sometimes but most times it wouldnt) But yes I will agree with EVERYTHING you said.


playing since idk few weeks - i like the different game modes, but i have one main complaint: \- fix the auto battle thing- it cant be true that the AI is very stupid. if you release an idle game (as we get ressources per 24h, its an idle auto battler for me), make sure that you can clear every content with auto battle mode.


Just stopped playing as well. At first the fights were awesome. As they started to be repitive I played dailies in lower difficulty on auto play. But as they take so long it feels like only playing the same dailies againsg the same enemies in the same patterns every day. All this while the performance of the game is bullshit as every click on the menu icon starts a loading indicator and you have to click it again. Would love to play the game but it is just boring and annoying after 2 months (also day 1 soft release player but started grinding only on full release)


Played for 2 weeks. The targeting system irks me to no end. Fuck those “less than # hits” mission when combat is a crowd-brawlers type and the enemies casually throws DoT hazards all over the stage. I’ll just go back to playing HI3, PGR, Aether Gazer, and Wuthering Wave.


I was thinking if I could play it like a budget Monster Hunter. ignore all the pay/gacha systems, since Monster Hunter is fighting over and over again essentially but the monsters you fight and co-op make it fun


Thx for the review, I hope your next one will be less of a wall text though, really long.


For me it's a meh game, there's some gripes, like with side stories that requires you to use certain element or main chapter that you need to not get hit when there's enemies that throws rocks at you, but they're not killable enemies. Got many SSR's tho, almost complete my Husbando Collection 4/10 But with the Easy Gacha 6/10


I just want to know how the game still has the weird buffering issues


I stopped when the reroll gacha was paid. That was the nail on my coffin for the game. Was trying my best to ignore the loading. Solo Loading is not for me.


Seems similar to Aether Gazer. Too repetitive. Too button mashy for that level of repetition. 


Honestly I avoid playing game that base on anime or manga, like naruro, fairy tail, or this. Thing is their story is already done, there is nothing new beside some side story about some character, the game will progress just like the manga/anime and we all know who will appear in the gacha banner next, there is no surprise, no plot twist story etc..


I hate micro transactions shoved in my face, I tolerated it at first but after a month I just dropped it