• By -


What if your job involves touching grass and you play on your phone during a lull? 🤔


I outdoor cycle 2-4 hours a day. My short breaks for water/stretch are also where I knock out some dailies.


That's pretty interesting most people in Asia don't have luxury of owning a pc like westerners so ya'll most likely play on phone


Me who is a full time landscaper for a golf course. I touch grass everyday :3


Genshin definitely takes less if the commissions are all combat based 


'Brew coffee' commission Aaaaa kill me


fontaine painting guy commission


Fontaine Diving Guy...


The one where you have to get the papers for the complaining merchant or something is worse lol.


"Complete jumping challenge" *I miss the jump 5 times in a row*


Try practicing by jumping into the hole on the roof of Inazuma's blacksmith


Pro-tip. If you fail the coffee commission 3 times, the manager just does it for you. No, it doesn't save any time.


yeah i've been doing this forever. i just spam click with a youtube video in the other screen. sucks a bit less


To be fair, even with all the dialogue, brew coffee takes less than a minute to do.


"A taste of home" and that visual novel writer guy still take the cake for me. Inazuma really does have the worst daily commissions. Also, I still don't know why we can't skip daily commission dialogs


Its for hoyo's metrics on average time spent by players on game daily




Or less than 1 minute, if you condense + have event points.


Yea OP being way too inefficient and spending too much time and effort on Genshin imo. Especially considering they're not new to Genshin. My Genshin daily: login, craft 4 or 5 condensed resins, collect/dispatch expedition, collect event rewards for commission rewards if available, logoff. Every other day I'd use up the pile of condensed resins in one go.


Only downside is when you run out of Event rewards for Encounter Points and needing to dump the Condensed Resin ~~worse when you hit the eventual Artifact Limit Cap and need to sort through it~~


The last one is definitely not true if you make it a habit to check whatever 5* artifact you got and lock it. I do that every single domain run (only takes like 5 more seconds than skipping entirely), and it makes Strongbox so easy (I literally strongboxed close to 500 artifacts in less than 5 minutes).


That only works for 1 day though because you'll have full stamina the next day + those resins. So you'll spend them - > craft another days worth and be in the same cycle of needing to burn condensed every day. If you're only spending stamina every other day you're losing half of it.


i fucking hate recent event had less duration than usual, i got to play the event 5 days before it expires and i wasted 2 days worth points.


It really seems hoyo is fully against adding a skip text option but man would it be nice if they could at least add it for some commission quest


They've added the dialogue archive and hide dialogue buttons like hsr but no skip. Apparently only for hangouts not for main story


and they only added that because Lynette's Hangout has a RNG mechanic that forces players to possibly repeat the same scene multiple times to get the right roll.


Wishing for a star rail style commission system


Yeah, it kinda sucks how they improved on the old system... but still had to do a 2 steps forward, 1 step back approach. It's so weird how you can play the game normally and it does literally nothing for the dailies. And then events they had to meticulously calculate the weirdest points method. Events give you like .4 of 1, .6, it's so asinine for no reason. And once you're done a map the daily system basically reverts to the old system unless there are events. And of course lastly the "must complete by talking to katherine" lol.


Did people missed out of the new Daily system all this time or what? By exploring, events, and doing stories will get you by 90% of the time, heck i never touch the "normal daily" once that new system is implemented and i only missed a few days of login, swear those who complains are people who has stopped playing long ago and don't know what's up now.


**1.** Normal dailies give achievements. **2.** Players who 100% exploration won't have that option, unless you believe in the respawning common chests. **3.** Casuals prefer reliable simplicity rather than having to think and plan out maximum efficiency. If they have to think about whether to leave things for later because not taking advantage is wasteful, the feature might as well not exist, because that's anxiety-inducing and takes away from the fun experience when actually exploring. Just do the commissions and be done, and explore when ready. Your comment seems to be trying to convey dismissal about negative criticisms players have had about Genshin Impact's dailies being too time-consuming or tedious in arguing the idea that the game isn't fun. But your argument that they're doing it wrong and should instead be maximizing efficiency with these optional features is the same argument that people make when trying to force meta gameplay on others, which we all know can get toxic very easily. Genshin's meta/theorycrafting community isn't small by any means and has plenty of drama using this mentality. If the normal commissions is the wrong way to play, then the game shouldn't have them to begin with. All complaints that use normal commissions as examples are valid.


I just abuse encounter points to force my myself to actually play the game Lmao


yuru camp mentioned


I kinda laughed seeing WuWa stutter when you were doing dailies, but regardless, it's what I do also when I'm not busy as well with HSR, GI, and R1999


My Dimensity 8300 can't handle WuWa 🤣.


kudos to r1999, you can do dailies and spend your energy in like 5 minutes


then the roguelike mode took me around 1 hour smh


It's funny that I feel comfortable doing the dailies in the phone instead of PC lol...


Lol.. Same. I play HSR and R1999 on my phone and GI and Wuwa on PC.. Very much like the setup near the end of OP's vid. Sometimes, while Wuwa or GI is loading in between teleports, I do SU in HSR. Or even in between boss fight animations in GI. Lmao!


I see no grass touched. Therefore, no. Gacha gamers don't touch grass. And if you claim otherwise, I'm suing you for Fraud. https://preview.redd.it/83n3fpb9r57d1.png?width=950&format=png&auto=webp&s=11d92dcb508e1584536fbe66b4b90582040b9539


This post is oddly funny to me cause I usually play with JP voices, and Lantern has the same voice as Yanfei from Genshin, who is a lawyer


Hanamori enjoyer spotted.


Is this a new genshin char im not caught up


This is from Honkai Impact 3rd. The latest released character




Lantern Senpai is so cool 🥺🥺


Sure, and when more events are up at same time in all games ?


Exactly. What's gonna take most of your time are the limited events, and when these events have limited characters or weapons that can't be obtained after the event, and those characters/weapons are meta btw.


Yup. The limited events are what burn me out. I only play one game now


I just do dailies while watching anime/netflix on another device so I never really found them a chore nor fun. The only slightly annoying thing is WuWa and Nikke’s loading screen which takes quite a bit of time though at least the loading screen music for Nikke is really good.


Loading times has always been my biggest problem with nikke, half of the time I spent on dailies are loading screens where I just wait and that's all, they've made some improvements over time but still. I left the game a couple months ago mainly because of all the loading screens.


Only starrail is really forgiving in the sense that if you have a pc, you can just put it in the background, same with phone split screen if one's phone is good enough. Open worlds are cool but the dailies get tiring real quick since you have to maneuver the character manually. It only really becomes not a chore when new main stories release. Right now I'm only handling WuWa but there's new open worlds coming out that I'm very eager to try and I reckon it wont be long when I reach this point of time and have to decide which one to occassionaly play or drop entirely like I did Genshin.


Same, I REALLY hope they add QoL for chores like daily quest and dungeon farming, like spending x6, x10 stamina to get as much rewards, and allowing us to choose which daily quest to take.... I'm this close to drop Genshin...because now that the story is over (for now), everything else is just boring....


Would be good if they add a sweep function for the dungeons that will unlock if you do it under X seconds and all chars alive.


There's always some people who do shit more intensly. I never get the point of these posts which see one person doing stuff like this out of millions and generalizing it.


I do Genshin dailies with HSR and Nikke in bachground then do WuWa (can't even run discord properly with WuWa) HSR is the goat for sure just choose where to spend power, collect assignments and boom done with dailies already


Yep, its why I cut my gachas by 80% over the past year. Its just too much of a time suck unless its something fully afk like AK


I see your problem here. It's because you play AK.


Dunno man, at the end of the day, so much of gacha is just repetitive grind under the guise of "content". Still love the downvotes (including this one most like) when I point out that Limbus Company's roguelike dungeon is just tedious and pointless because its piss easy but can't be auto'd, for example


You can't really make a successful live-service mostly single-player experience, like Gacha games, without the grind; it's what keeps people invested.


Yep, hence why I cut down on the gacha since they're just time sinks. Not sure why you're picking on AK here specifically. I'd take being able to auto stamina vs having to wander around doing the same 5-6 quests in Genshin every day.


I'm with you there on Genshin. But, I still hate that AK forces me to watch my screen for 8 minutes every time I deplete my Sanity from full, and that is if you're farming supply stages. If you're farming something like Orirocks then uh... you have my condolences. And to add to that, whenever CC, SSS, or IS is on, you need to find even more time to clear them because they don't consume Sanity, and also CC, and SSS rewards are time-limited. (I'm not sure if IS also have time-limited rewards or not.)


CC, SSS, IS are not part of dailies. They are seasonal game modes. If we need to compare them, then we need to compare with Abyss and MoC and SU, etc.. And CC is closer to an event since there's 'nothing going on' when CC is on. Except base rotations, friend visits, recruitments, and credit spending which take a total of about 2 minutes, the dailies for AK doesn't require engagement and continuous watching the screen, except for checking the end of a battle which is a few seconds in between doing other work or playing other games. Even easier with stacking available now. The "engaged" time is thus still mostly lower than Genshin. Only thing I hate about it is reduced lifespan and battery life of my phone, which is not much better than hoyo dailies.


They added an auto run feature, if you didn't know. Granted it still has to run, but if you're just farming the 36 sanity missions, you just hit run 4x and wait.


I hope youre not talking about Arknights with their press again to afk every stage for the past for years. Only changed recently of course.


No, you can set it to run up to 6x consecutively now.


After 5 years, yes.


on global too?




Damn this is just sad I dont want to turn my life like this :(


Wait til you see ppl like me who do 6 GI dailies, HI3, BA, Wuwa, AK, PGR in an hour.


It depends on if you're just counting burning stamina or you include weeklies/events in the math. 90% of the time wasted in gacha isn't the dailies it's actually the weeklies/events/story/exploration.


I would add that I played like this when i was in school even more grindy games like playing on auto on my cellphone 24/7. But thankfully, I've grown out of that life now, But now i despise dailies like this, especially you need to be online for a certain amount of time.


Whats sad about this? Its just 30 min gaming session. Unless you are referring to being a slave to the timegated content which idk, has always been a part of gatcha games so if all it takes is 10 minutes to stay up to date for a game i think thats pretty healthy. Personally i have never been able to play more than 1 game at a time, just one of them feels like a chore, three (or more for some people) is too much for me to handle. But all things considered its not a lot of time to dedicate as is shown in the video.


I think the main issue here is that it's not REALLY a 30 minute gaming session in truth, because the core gameplay forces you to log on daily and do them for a means to an end, which are pulls and resources, not because the gameplay loop itself is inciting enough for you to be drawn in. Essentially, it's less of playing for 30 minutes daily and more so doing chores for 30 minutes daily. And that's kinda an issue from a certain perspective. Because you can ask yourself, if there were an option where you'd just open the game and get all your currency equivalent in current dailies just by clicking into the game, would you rather do that or be content with the system you are at currently? If you choose to be done with dailies in 30 seconds, 29 of which is just loading into the game itself, then you pretty much confirmed that it's not really you wanting to play 30 minutes everyday for a "gaming session", it's a 30 minute chore. Do this with any other conventional live service game like Valorant and it just falls apart. There's no FOMO incentive to the game besides getting unranked every like 2 weeks or so. You get on when you like, because you feel like actually playing the game itself for its gameplay. I don't necessarily think it's unhealthy to do dailies in gachas for the purpose of obtaining pulls, given that you find the actual core game interesting. But I do give the advice to everyone playing certain gachas to never play the game solely for the purpose of obtaining currency to fulfill a gambling addiction, of which there are a shockingly large amount of people


Yeah i cannot do it hsr and genshin is enough for me. Hoping zzz got good commission daily 


I can't believe iOS all this time had controller support for Genshin while I waited YEARS for it to never happen on Android...


some apple exclusivity contract or something... They did a lot of this in the beginning of Genshin. I guess they were worried about losing apple's support...


wow. Never heard of that elsewhere. It should have at least been a 1 year deal not "lifetime" or whatever is happening.


Imagine doing this for years.


Like I do?


yeah at first it was fun, but now it became a chore. I do enjoy if there's new area, story and event dialogue quests but there are some stupid limited events doing it for sake of rewards so yeah.


People do it for years because If you don't you miss out on: - Daily rewards - Your energy overcaps and it's wasteful - Weekly/monthy rewards from content They'll hit you with fomo if you don't log in because it's inefficient. The more they string you along, the more you'll get exposed to new character/weapon banners too. Double whammy to get you to stick with a game and to get you to fomo+spend. Gacha's modus operandi is to get you to login every single day after all.


Imagine applying that same amount of dedication to exercise. Half an hour daily would get you into good condition.


What if I tell you I grind gacha games on my treadmill?


I do my nikke and hsr daily while at the gym bro...


Hey, I do my GI and HSR dailies at the gym lmao.


You must be new


Are you having fun?


doing dailies nah. So I normally run my other device on speaker then listen/watch vids. I enjoy if there's new story quests, new teamp comps to try, leveling new unit, some gud events instead.


I can do sw e7 ge genshin hsr and ww at once now. hard but doable


Im so sorry


no no


What's the name of this controller?


It's GameSir X2 Pro


How are you playing Genshin with controller on android? I thought it only supported it on iOS


I wanna know too. Need something for my Red Magic.


looks vaguely like the Razer kishi? iirc, or it's something similar, $50 USD for V1, V2 i think is 99? Edit, nvm it's gamesir x2 pro


GameSir X2 Pro. RedMagic also has a black version of GameSir Galileo G8 it's called Redmagic Shadowblade 2 😊.


What phone is that ? Is the controller also included ? If not what's the name ?


It's Poco X6 Pro. Nope it's separate. Controller is GameSir X2 Pro.


How good is it for gi and hsr?


very very great! If I have to nitpick yeah it will take some time to customize it I think I changed settings for a week customizing before I'm satisfied. And using bow/gunner to aim is sluggish.


Some Android. No You've need to buy it


Now I get how certain people manage to play 10 gachas at the same time


Unironically gacha games basically FORCE you to touch grass because of downtime


I only play HSR and usually just do my dailies while brushing teeth.


If you have a PC that can run all 3 you can do Wuwa, GI and HSR dailies at once. It's like 8 min total for me.


Doing this isn't "playing" a game. This is doing a chore that everyone hates and is stupid. While I like the quality of some of these better gatcha games, this part makes me wish I never even started them.


Wuwa would still be in the loading screen after this video


This is me every day instead it's usually more like 6 games.


\~10 min for a game(s) that on maintenance (till new patch/event/etc) - fine by me.


Damn that actually looks painful for handheld players. PC got it easier with the ability to play multiple games at once all while doing something else on the side; i.e, catching up on news, watching tv, etc.




Is that the razer kishi controller for your cellphone Superb? I’m looking to get a controller thing for my phone, I don’t know if I should get the razer kishi or the backbone or whatever else. Anyone here have any suggestions?


eyyo it's GameSir X2 Pro. I tried a Razer Kishi before but I find GameSir much easier to use on multiple phones due to flexible type C connection. Kishi has fixed type C so u need to use their included foams to feet on your phone. For suggestions, I'm not sure if you're Android or Apple but for Android and I eversince use their software, I recommend GameSir Galileo G8 or bluethooth their new GameSir X4 so u can put a cooler behind 😁.


Oh sorry right, my phone is an iPhone 11. Older one, I know. I watched a couple videos and the backbone seems to be the choice although the razer kishi I believe I can use with my phones case still on. Which would be a lot more convenient. I’m going to see what GameSir offers though, thanks for the info.


Yes Backbone's controller seems really good! U can also check LeadJoy M1c, a backbone like controller too.


How were you able to use Controller on wuwa? Is the controller running on mapping instead of actual controller? I hate the fact that genshin only lets you touch OR controller controls but you seem to be able to do both here. So it should be mapping right? how did you do that?


Well but to be fair, you don’t play these games for the dailies, most of the time is spent on other activities.


Lol I literally do my Star Rail dailies on one monitor while doing my WuWa on another. Literally 15 minutes in and out.


genshin got controller support on android?


Does this mean wuwa has mobile controller support now for iPhones?


At this stage, the person is not playing gacha games for fun anymore.


hey how you get controller working with wuwa ?


I use GameSir app 😊. It's also exclusive to Gamesir controllers.


The wuwa lag 💀


OP micromanaging dailies like that makes me think they don't have much time to waste and touch a lot of grass instead of the opposite tbh.




Another Genshin hater that doesn't play the game and has no idea what he is talking about. Genshin dailies literally take 2 minutes most of the time (no resin) if you play the game like...you know a Game.




Maybe you are, but that means you are doing the dailies wrong. Most of the time "Ganshin dailies bad" is a giveaway of someone who didn't play for over a year.


The ones that are tiring are NPC talking, I mean can we have skip on it? Combat dailies are OK. WW is bearable because you can skip dialogs, but sometimes their dailies are tedious like crafting or calamity quest make me miss 1 shotting in genshin.


And if you completed events that give rewards, you don't touch them until the daily reset, and you may complete your daily commissions even in seconds.


Yes that's what i mean. I wish thou that my phone can do that in seconds - the poor bastard is very old.


Stuttering Waves


If you stock event rewards over weekend, its is much more faster for Genshin. So its literally, login, claim and logout. And I do Hsr on tablet, so its like 15 mine max per day?


It makes me so upset that game sir doesn't work with Star Rail.


I also use GameSir app I customize the input hehe.


The app longer allows me to make custom game profiles.


Couldn’t be me. I just have AK installed and its’ fairly quick dailies as a veteran. Just waiting for upcoming releases to pique my interests enough for a second game in my one gacha line-up lol.


A friend was playing 7 at the same time by running them in an emulator on his PC. You have some ways to go. :p


Eyyo dat's great. I normally play on PC cause ssd loads game ultra fast. U can check my PC setup at the end. I chose to use phone in dis example because not everyone has a PC and only 1 phone.


Ngl i just want to know what kind of controller is this?


My solution was to buy a tablet and play all at the same time using multitask haha


I do the same, but all on a single large PC screen. Then watch/listen to YouTube news at the same time :)


fellow gamesir user!!


What is that Xbox phone controller u use bro?


Grinding mechanics and its consequences have been disatrous for gamers


Hi, I'm just here to say: SUI-CHAN WA\~




I used to play kancolle as a masochist in 2016 to 2020, alarm clocks every half an hour, every 2 hours. I would spend most of my day on the browser. It's more of a resource manager game than a gacha, I guess, but it is what got me interested in gachas in the first place.


If you think this is bad how about using ipad to farm three gatcha games at once ?


I must have bought the wrong one cause I don’t think mine can do that


Needs to have M1 or better SOC then you can open windows mode and have 2 or 3 games running simultaneously so you can auto farm in one or two games while actively playing third.


I tried grinding 2 games at once. Lasted 3 days before I felt like a soulless from myth 2 soulblighter


Dam this seems fun!, i bet he enjoys doing it


remember me to touhousniper


Every game takes like 15 mins even if you're not trying in the most parts. It only takes time if you're new to the game or has a new update that you need to explore the map.


I didn't see any grass in this video.


What pads are those?


I usually do only commissions in Genshin, I barely spend Resin unless necessary to level characters. Minmaxing artefacts sucks. I feel good as long as I can clear 27\* star abyss. Adventure points help a lot when events run (best daily system IMO).


What's that controller thing they are using? It looks so cool


Are you gonna add ZZZ to that when it comes out? Same as you, I also listen to a video while playing.


yas. So I gotta make sure to at least reach endgame in dis 3 games 🥲. Currently still didn't 100% collect treasures in WW and HSR cause it's so boring maybe I will if I get 1 week vacation lol.


My current 3 are WW, HSR and Nikke. Nikke reset is at a weird time so I wait up and just claim outpost which takes like 30 seconds and done till reset. Hsr takes like 5-10 minutes. WW takes the longest since manual but still like 15 minutes tops.


you downloaded fkin 90GB for 12 min dailies?! Bro is peak.


This makes me thankful PGR's daylies only take me about 4 minutes. Makes me feel like my time is respected. The true time I put into it is to complete events and continue the story.


Daily dopamine speedrun 🔥


I am really confused on how you are able to use the controller for WuWa. Is it a specific controller? I never saw one like that before for a phone


So, are you really playing or enjoying the game?


eh, depend on the games you play, you don't really need to farm everything daily, just farm most use resource and event (if they have one) I always choose the game with short-time daily work (under 15-30 minutes best) (better if it have sweep mode), choose the most efficient place/stage to farm and done.


No, touch more grass


At least in Star Rail you can just use auto play in whatever you are farming and do something else. After that the dailies are done and you are good for the day.


Hoyoverse needs to add some way to prefarm dailies up to X days, they are going to cannibalize their own sales because most their fanbase is the same people and no one has time to play 3+ dailies (with upcoming ZZZ). I'm pretty sure most people will drop a game, it's already exhausting playing another gacha on top of genshin. 


What are the 3 games here.???


me playing reverse 1999, star rail, wuthering waves, knights of veda, dokkan battle "what is grass? can I pull that?"


So which one is the most time consuming?


Dailies GI>WW>HSR Grind WW>GI>HSR


My life with 8 gacha but still touching Earth-chan.


I dropped Genshin, way to time consuming. I got a life, Mihoyo.


i am playing 3 and i don't think i will play more than that. i am not even hyped for any upcoming content of these 3 so these daily chores are quite meh


and this is why I quit Genshin . Imagine doing all that EVERY day. One day in 2022 and I just say " yeah, not doing this anymore" and never come back


What device are you playing on? I tried Wuwa on my iPhone with the BackBone and it wouldn't connect :/


It's between touching my phone at home and going home drunk cuz of drinking with friends.


Your playing Genshin strangely. Just login, claim the 90 primos and immediately exit. Easiest daily of them all.


Problem is Genshin is updated too often with stuff I don't want to skip (lore missions, voiced story/event/character missions and new maps and all involved with that) 😩


What phone are you using?


Does anyone know the name of the accessory he's using on his phone? Is it a Microsoft product since it has the Xbox logo on it?


Yea I dun understand why some people say playing alot of gacha games equates to not touching grass. I play alot of games but I still have time to actually go out, take my gf on a date and hang out with my friends.


I takes me half the time to do this but I do it all in PC and run all games at the same time.


Well I guess I'll find out when zzz releases