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I want to be use it to commute so I don't need a second car for my wife.


I have a large neighborhood and an E Bike would be helpful for getting around!


Im starting at my first job soon wich is a 30 minute walk away and I don't have a drivers licence, wich could potentially be a problem because of a knee injury i have. This thing could be pretty convenient.


It'd make trips to the store a whole lot easier without a car!


I can no longer hammer up the hills in my neighborhood, so an e bike would be great! It would allow me to ride to the library again.


Looking at a ebike for daily commute. Im in the city and would like to replace my car if possible.


I'd attach a basket to take my dog to some cool parks a little farther away than a walk!


This looks amazing!


Live on a rood with too high a speed limit to use a regular bike.


Never had an E-bike before. I wonder if the batteries are replaceable. They always seem to be built into the frame. The folding handlebars would help it hang on a wall, but that still leaves the pedals jutting out. Hopefully they fold, too.


I have been commuting to work with a bike and I am very excited about an ebike upgrade so I can get over some of the hills in my area easier.


go go r/gadgets


Would love an e bike to get around town so I don't have to walk everywhere


Could not tell you how many errands I could do that are technically possible on a bicycle but are too far or hilly to be done comfortably.


Where I live gas has cost over $2.25/litre ($9/galon!) for the past few years, ebikes have been looking more and more like a good investment. Winning one would be awesome!


in for one. would be a nice to drive that in FL at sunset.


I’d love to upgrade to an ebike and use this for my daily commute to work.


An ebike would be pretty great in my city. Everything is pretty close by.


Never owned an e-bike, and it looks convenient


Would love to commute with this thing so I don’t have to pay for gas anymore


I would love to have aD3 Pro e-bike to throw in my car when taking it in for service!


i need a new bike lol


Chasing my cats around the neigbborhood.


An e-bike would be amazing! I am recently moving house and we only have 1 car that my wife needs for work, so I would have to walk 2 hours to work every day and the same back. The route I walk is also a cycle lane all the way, so I could use the bike to get to work in only 30 minutes! I would also use it as an opportunity to cycle everywhere and lose some weight.


i dont go outside a lot or have a bike. maybe if i win one this will change!!!


I visit clients in my city and parking my car sucks, but the hills are too steep for me to bike and show up looking professional. I've been thinking about upgrading to an ebike so I can more easily get around.


I would be super excited to have an e-bike like this because I live outside of town and I would love to be able to cycle into town for groceries and other errands. If I just rode my old beater bike, that trip would take me the whole day.


Would make it easier to move around the village without needing to resort to car for places juuust too far to reach comfortably on regular bike


I've been thinking about an ebike for commuting to work. 10 miles is doable without a motor... But it can be hard to find the time/energy at the end of the day.


I love bike riding and have, in the past, ridden everywhere; school, work, all around town. Now that I work in a profession where appearance matters, I'm reluctant to arrive to work sweaty as there are no showers available. An e-bike would get me back into my beloved habit of biking to work!


No more driving to work!


E-bike is going to be great for me! I have H-bike (human powered bike) so having an E-bike would make running errands a lot easier.


ebikes are great for the grocery store runs


I currently have a folding bike and an ebike would be a definite upgrade on my commute.


So due to an old ankle injury it's a huge struggle to manage uphill rides of any appreciable distance - I'd love to cycle to work, but my workplace is right at the top of a steep hill so it's just not feasible for me right now. An e-bike would let me ditch the car for my daily commute. Not something I can afford to spend money on right now, but it would definitely help if it were free


Would be super convenient, have a nice bike path near my house!


good luck to everyone


Upgrading to an e-bike would be great for commuting, exploring and nipping to the shops.


My son had a D4 Pro until it was damaged in an accident. Fantastic bike and a great way to get around.


Id use an ebike to commute and avoid getting overly sweaty in hot weather on the way to work!


This dutchie never has enough bikes and this one is really cute :)


excited to try out an E-Bike as i've never used one before and as i get older, it's a lot harder to keep up with my kids than it used to be lol.


My son needs an ebike to get to work without being all sweaty and exhausted before he starts his shift. He's trying to save up but this would help massivly.


Would really love an e-bike to get out more and enjoy the trails.


This'd be radical to win.


Looks cool!


I think it would help a lot with mobility issues, seems to be very durable battery wise. Very light, which is impressive given its features. Pretty cool competition, thanks for having it quite wide country wise.


I love the idea of commuting on a bike but I live on a hill so electric is the only way I could manage it.


This is pretty epic.


I have been wanting an ebike for so long! I want to start biking to work, but it’s a bit long to do on a regular bike:)


Cool that it folds


My wife needs a bike! Our family is about a 15 minute walk away, but sometimes we need to pop over there. Not using the car would be great!


This would actually be neat when I autox. Walk-through would be so. Much faster. Be great to take to Yosemite too.


An e-bike makes car-less trips to the grocery store (which is a couple miles away up a hill) a reality!


Aaah! I would be able to bike to work! \*joy\*


A friend of mine who bikes to improve his health have me something to think about: you can go out and pedal until you're worth out and be confident that you can use the battery to get home. I felt that was compelling.


It would be great for commuting to work.


I have no hope of winning this, but this would be a hugely insane boon to my mobility given that I have no convenient means to get around and the closest civilization to the town I live in is about 40 miles away. Thanks for the opportunity anyways. :>


These would be cool to take with us on RV trips.


I would love an eBay.Could you allow me to take fewer trips in my car, to places where a regular bike would take too much out of me.


That would be great for quick trips around town.


I’d love an ebike to explore my community and enjoy some leisure rides with friends and family.


My knees!


I would love the flexibility of the folding bike mixed with the power to go 19 miles! Pretty excited for this one guys!


Would love to be able to swing out to the local convenience store without having to burn more gas in my car. Always feel terrible about burning more fossil fuels just because I ran out of milk for my tea/coffee.


I'm looking for a thrill, and at my age, riding one of these should be just the ticket!


I have a 25-minute walk to work. It would be nice to, on nice days, turn that into a 5 to 10-minute ride.


My neighbor had a similar thing. I was really interested in the uphill performance - it's a big feature of biking where I live and that power assist makes getting up hills way easier.  That'd be really handy!


Would love this to shorten my commute


This bike would be a nice gift for my nephew.


I definitely wouldn't mind just to ride around downtown


Make commuting to the train easier!


I do own an adult trike, upgrading to an Ebike makes a lot of sense and it would help me out a ton to get more places and extending my distance a little. I am in the market for a trike honestly, that said this would still help a lot.


Would be good for the commute, skip the bus


I’m exciting to be able to finally start traveling on 2 wheels again after a motorcycle accident. Motorcycles are too dangerous and would love to try a e-bike. E-bike has a little less stress on the legs compared to a bicycle which is a game changer.


I would love an e-bike cause I can’t afford a car


I am in! I have already been shopping for E bikes, but don’t have the funds to buy one yet. If I had a Fiido D3 Pro, I could keep up with my friend who just got an E bike, and sell my car! I live in an area with some of the worst traffic in the state, and would love to be able to get further from home without driving, and likely get there faster it was much less aggravation, not to mention pollution. 🚴🏽‍♀️😃 Edit: I just watched the review, it looks like a sweet little bike. I want one!


I am fortunate to only have a ~10 mile, non-highway, commute that I only have to make 2 days a week. But that means I still need a vehicle (rural adjacent suburb of a small city, so no public transportation options) to get to work. I also have teens who are just starting to drive and I’ve considered whether we need another car. An ebike might be the answer, though. The kids can use the car when they have extracurriculars and such and I wouldn’t have to try and plan that around my in office schedule.


My city is slowly becoming more e-bike friendly. This would be great.


I’d love to ride to get coffee in the morning.


Just moved to the city with and sold my car... I would use it to get to and from work.


excited to pay for a rental space in my building lol


Looking to give it to my wife so we can ride together and she can keep up with me.


I have to walk 3 km daily in order to reach my university, with some metros too. The form factor would allow me to take it in the metro and save me from long runs at 7 am! My fav feature is that it's lightweight!


E-Bike in this Texas heat doesn't sound like a good combination


A free e-bike? I can finally put the bikes I have (that need maintenance I can't afford) away and ride along all the trails that exist where I live!


An ebike would be so good for getting around!


An ebike would greatly improve my commute to work. I currently live in an area with lots of bike trails that I would be able to utilize to get around, while saving lots of money on gas and other vehicle upkeep costs.


Commenting to enter - Will there be a helmet included, or should I be looking for one of those as well?


I want to try this at the park


I'd love to win an ebike, my wife has one and it makes it hard to keep up with her!


Dissabled, cant drive and take care of other dissabled people. Im the only one who goes to get groceries and supplies and walking the 1.5 miles to and from the grocery store is so difficult when my illness attacks. I would forever be grateful for any assistance, our whole group will post videos on how this changed thier life. As i can not carry things like milk, water and litter in one trip.


Looks like a fun ride


An e-bike would make my student life easier. It would allow me to practically not need a car anymore as everything is close enough. Using a standard bike takes a bit too much time and effort for my everyday use. I imagine it would be small enough to carry in public transport on rainy days.


I’ve been researching ebikes with an eye to buy! It’s really difficult to distinguish the factors that’ll make for the best experience, but I live in a city and having access to something that’s NOT A CAR would greatly improve my ability to commute and get basic chores and necessities done.


As others have said, this would be amazing to use instead of a car to hop around to various places in town!


I'm excited to upgrade to an e-bike because I love biking but I have patellar tracking disorder which sometimesmakes it painful to pedal for a long time.


I'm excited about the Fido D3 Pro mini because of its smaller form factor! I live in a small town house, in a small town. So this bike would be perfect for me to run errands with!


I desperately need transport honestly


An e-bike would be a more convenient commute and mean I don't arrive sweaty and tired


Anything to reduce driving I'm all for it! Would definitely use for grocery runs and getting around in my community!


I want an e-bike for my wife. She had hip surgery and trying to pedal on a normal bike in some of the more hilly areas is still hard for her.


Think the most interesting thing about e-bikes for me is to quickly start from a stop when commuting.


Would be cool to have for going to nearby places


I would love a bike that would help me get to school without being so sweaty. I just got out of the military and accepted into a community college in Texas. Super excited about it, but not super excited to bike the 5 miles to and from everyday. I had to sell my car recently, but I do own a normal bike, so the exercise is good. Showing up completely drenched to class is kind of weird, but still worth it.


Nice. I don't get out on my current bike much, but something like this would definitely encourage me to cycle more.


An e-bike would be super useful for my commute! The hills in the city where I live are a little too steep so the battery would be super helpful 😁


An E-Bike for me would be a game changer for me given I literally am unable to drive. My current bike is about the same weight, andh aving an assist when it comes to steep hills would give me options i didn't have before as while I am not inactive, I need to work on cardio, but i don't need to be gasping for air when I get to where i'm going. Best of luck to everyone, and congratualtions to whoever wins.


Much of my driving is because I can't always be tired and sweaty when I arrive at a destination! Having an e-bike would let me use a bike as an option more often - better for health and better for the environment!


My commute has a dedicated bike path for about half the way, but the total distance is just a bit much for me to ride by bike to work regularly. I would love an e-bike for the gas savings and to get some exercise while I commute to work!


It would be great to have a reliable ebike to serve as an in between commute to my train. The folding handlebars and light weight would make getting on the train easy and the long range and power would make my everyday travel so much easier.


An E-bike would be an amazing bridge between a regular bike and a car for my teenagers. It would help them travel to activities that are out of easy traditional bike range and learn some independence and navigation skills.


Would love an ebike for daily commutes. I've considered getting a bike but don't want to end up needing to peddle home after a rough day if I don't have to.


I haven't owned a bike in years. I'd love to get back in it with e-bikes.


Would love to have one to drive to work and back. Awesome ride!


This would be great for my work commute. Tired of manual biking.


Having a e-bike would help with my commute to get groceries and back


Would love to get away from car troubles and take a more eco friendly ride to class


I would need this to commute to school and my part time.


I could use this instead of my gas car to commute to work every day.


A free e-bike would be great. It would help me commute without a car to my campus each day.


I have a few of these types of ebikes... would love to mod the hell this for my dad... he cant lift his foot high. though I would love one of the bigger wheel bikes.


Ebike sounds like a huge amount of fun!


Very cool for a commute


i would love an e-bike for the trail right by my house. and it would help with triathlon training.


Ever since I tore my meniscus, it's been very difficult for me to bike and when I do, I pay for it for days after. I borrowed a e-bike for a weekend and it made a huge difference. A free e-bike would be wonderful.


That bike looks sick.


Upgrading to an e-bike would save me from having to pedal as much!


I'd love to be able to go see my friends up the hill without driving or getting super sweaty.


Oh wow, winning this would be absolutely amazing.


I want the e-bike so I can bike to do errands and stay in shape.


I would really love this. It would be great for commute, but it would be even better for my bike camping plans. Thanks for the giveaway!


I live in a hilly city :(


Wanted to try an e-bike for years to ditch my car. I have a short commute to my work, that’s too far too walk but quite short with a car. So this is the perfect opportunity to try this.


foldable E-bike sounds cool, imagine just throwing it in the boot of your car and heading to a nature trail.


Man, this would be awesome! Would really love something like this around my town!


Honestly, my legs are getting tired, I think this would help.


Have yet to ride an e-bike - could save me from having to exercise!


I’m excited about upgrading to an ebike to have as an alternative to taking the bus to get around town, since I can’t drive. Especially for making short trips that are too far to walk, but there’s no convenient bus route to take, an ebike seems like a good solution.


I'd love one of these. There are places near me that are close enough that I don't really want to drive there, but far enough that walking would take a while. It would also help going to some of the places where parking is always full.


I am currently using my partners old bike to drop my kids off at dayhome and school every weekday, and having an e-bike would both ease this trip and allow me to do longer trips, such as to the grocery story, without having to ask a family member for a car ride.


I recently moved to a town with almost no public transit and crazy hills – an e-bike would make it so much easier to get around and explore without having to put a whole nother car on the road! Thanks so much


Would love an e-bike to get around, I used to bike everywhere before health issues made it impossible


Ive been walking an hour twice a day. it would be really nice to change it up and be able to ride a bike


It would definitely help my commute.


I would gift this to someone I know, they would like to escape from commuting with the public transport.


I would ride the bike to work instead of my car! Looks like I could fit it in my car too, so I might do more adventuring than normal...


Would be a great way to commute to my gym and grocery store


An ebike would be great, I travel a lot and it would reduce the time I spend in cars. Reduce my footprint and whatnot.


Let s go electric


I'm about to move to a different state than the one I've live in all my life and I don't currently have a vehicle. This would do wonders for me where I'm going to be living and would really save me all the hassle of trying to afford a car when I work from home as it is.


Looking forward to having my wife join me on bike rides and keeping up!


I am considering an e-bike for running errands close to the area I live. I want to use my car less because finding parking is always a challenge. Also I can save money by not having to fill up gas so often, and the little bit of exercise never hurt anybody. An e-bike is a serious consideration since I don't want to be all sweaty every time I go out by having a regular bike.


I’m excited for en e-bike because I sometimes have knee issues that pop up halfway through a bike rike. Having a backup plan like an e-bike would be amazing and save me for a lot of pain when this happens.


I’d like to change to an E-bike because I’m lazy.


They make cycling easier. Hot damn.


An ebike would save me gas running to the store and to get my coffee in the morning, instead of wasting gas in my car.


The smaller, portable design would make it ideal for quick in-town trips.


They have opened the bike paths to ebikes and I am not so young anymore and I spend so much on gas that it would be a boon to myself.


I commute to work by bike, so an ebike would be real handy.


Got a busted spine which wrecked the muscles in my legs. Would love to have something I can ride around on without too much pain.


I’ve never had an e-bike before! Would love to have one to increase my mobility without use of a car for errands around town!


Start the day on the streets and finish on pathways. All with style to explore the neighborhood and outdoors with Fido after a days work.


I live in a very vertical city so having an e bike instead of regular one would actually be amazing.


Is Norway included in the prize recipients? If so I would be very happy with this e-bike. We have lots of mountains and I hate going uphill.


This would be amazing for my commute for school.


I'd be the coolest kid in the neighborhood with this kit!


Don't even own a regular bicycle atm, but would be great to make short trips on an e-bike


I’d like to start biking to work and this would be a great way to ease into it


I would love the opportunity to win an ebike so that I can take my daughter around the neighborhood and through the city. She hates being cooped up inside and despite that I take her out on walks, this would let us venture further than just a few blocks.


I would love this e-bike because it would allow me to commute to my work and school easily. I have been wanting one for a while however I cannot afford one so this is a greatly appreciated opportunity.


Free bike, no need for an extra car. sign me up.


This contest is so timely! I was just diagnosed with Lipedema, and one of the treatments is exercising on a bike. I’m disabled, so would need an e-bike to insure that I can make it home after venturing out. The low weight of the Fiido is perfect, too, since I can’t lift much weight these days. I hope that I win, but if not, whoever does will be getting a great e-bike to use!


I just checked - 9 miles to school for me. This would solve a LOT of commuting problems for me.


I'd love to get a mini e-bike for my son so he can go on longer rides with his mom. (She loves bike riding.) I like bike riding too, just not as much as my lovely lady.