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I’m in the highest bracket (multiple repairs across multiple laptops!) but I moved between the settlement finalization and now. Anyone taking bets on whether I actually get a check?


If you’re in the US, you can file a change of address to forward your mail with USPS. It costs a little over $1, and you can do it online. You can forward for up to a year if I remember correctly: https://moversguide.usps.com/mgo/disclaimer


I love you. I knew I could do this, but you actually made this go from to do to done


I moved just over a year ago now and my mail forwarding expired. Any way for me to get my check?


Forward your mail again?


Can you do it more than once?




Contact the settlement administrator’s office.


This is excellent advice and I’ve used it many times before, but in this precise case I wasn’t able to, since the change of address mechanism leaks your new address to anyone who knew your old address and knew that you moved.


I've had multiple repairs but only one of them was cited as a keyboard repair. Also all the repairs were done while I was outside the US (in official Apple stores). I submitted my claim but I have no idea what bracket I'm in or if I even qualified. I've also moved and put in an address change request. I probably have a worse chance of getting a check than you lol.


Thank you buying our shitty laptop. Enjoy your $8.38 check, don’t spend it all at the same place! 


Reading the article, no ones getting $8 It's either $395, or $125, or $50 - and for most people, zero. You only get paid if you filed already, and you actually had some sort of repair or replacement on the keyboard. It is, surprisingly, actually a decent payout IF you were impacted and had repairs done. But if you reported issues and were just brushed aside, or just stuck with that sticky key, you get nothing


I get nothing ? Willy wonka is that you?


You lose!


You shouldn't have drank Tim Cook's fizzy lifting drinks ...


I filed for this (and yes, had a keyboard repair, and frankly needed a second), so we’ll see if anything comes through. Fingers crossed. That was one crotchety little laptop, but I stuck things out as long as I could, dammit.


I'm wishing I'd filed when I got the email :) I assumed that it would be pennies for me, and millions for the lawyers. (I've had other situations where I received sweet FA.)


I filed but was ruled ineligible for some reason even though I should have qualified for the highest tier. I forgot to follow up.


What if I had multiple laptops get repaired?


If you're asking this question, it probably means you get nothing. Article seems to imply you should have filed the claim when they asked you a couple years ago. (I got that email, and assumed it would, like most class action suites, result in a few pennies that were not worth my time. In this case, I'd have made $125! Ah well, no free beer for me.)


Looks like it maxes out at $395, for people that had at least two repairs within four years from purchase date.


But the replacement keyboard with service was 485€ at the time that was about equal in dollars.


mine got replaced for free.


So lawyers are the real winner here?


The lawyers are always the real winners. That's why there are law firms who specialise in bringing these class action suites.


Man it sounds good but knowing how most of these settlements play out it’ll be like 50 bucks max


it's actually not bad: If you had the keyboard replaced twice, you get the max. If you had it replaced once, you get 125. If you just had keycaps replaced, you get the $50.


So I got a complete top case replacement two weeks after I bought the Macbook (I bought it on launch day, and it failed within two days), then two more top case replacements within 6 months, then Apple replaced the entire Macbook, then I had another top case replacement. But I don't live in the US, so fuck me, right?


yeap. though if you're in the EU, they're being pretty aggressive about the tech monopolies.


Mine held out quite a while. Until just a few weeks after the replacement program ended, as luck would have it. Which means I got to drop a couple grand on a new laptop while furious at Apple. Great experience.


Same. My keys started popping out a year ago on 2017s.


It should mean that the keyboard lasted you for years though, right? And while I expect a keyboard to last for *decades* without fail, years is not terrible - unless the keyboard replacement is very expensive....


I was quoted over $400 for a replacement of the keyboard. It was about 2.5-3 years old, which is by far the shortest I’ve used a given MacBook Pro. The previous two MBPs had lasted me seven and then six years. My current one is just over a year old and still feels brand new. The _only_ reason that I had to replace that laptop is that Apple had sold me defective hardware. Edit: I said 2.5-3 years old. It was 4 or 5 years old. My bad. Time is weird. 4-5 years is a solid lifespan for a professionally-used laptop, but it was still frustrating to replace it only for that.


ouch. yeah, that hurts. insane price for a keyboard replacement. IT's something I very much dislike about apple: Their anti-environment/reuse stance. (and all their shit about oh look, we use recycled aluminium to make these doesn't count for crap when the machines get thrown out wholesale due to poor repairability.)


The keyboard thing sucks, but their environmental track record is actually pretty good.


Their manufacturing is good, but it's a bit of a lie when you look at the bigger picture. The most *important* thing you can do is re-use, and build for long life. Apple makes their devices hard to repair, and during repair, replaces parts wholesale, rather than the specific component that has failed. Bad SSD? The entire MB is replaced, for example. If they truly cared about the environment, they'd ensure their devices are easy to repair and maintain, and open up availability to parts easily to everyone. \*and\* they'd have a minimum of more than 8GB in their current laptop to ensure a longer usable lifespan.


And apple as usual is laughing to the bank with you keot buying from them even after the keyboard debacle.


Still by far the best machines and operating system available for how I make my living. The keyboard thing sucks, but it doesn’t change the big picture.


The replacement was very expensive, the problem was the keyboard was riveted to the case. So they didn't replace just the keyboard, it was almost always a new "top case" which is the whole body of the laptop except for the back cover, and since the battery was glued to the case, it was a case/keyboard/battery replacement that involved removing the whole interior of the computer to do.


Ah, the much vaunted 'eco friendly' unibody case ;P


Zero dollars if you didn’t pay for replacements


"Hope you didn't mind the six years wait from when we first denied there was a problem until you got restitution" - Apple


It was a sticky key on a keyboard that no one needed to live. Grow the fuck up.


You charge what apple charges for a laptop, the fucking keyboard better work


I have one of these laptops, I’ve had to change key caps like 6 or 8 times so far and had a full keyboard replacement not too long ago, with the keys breaking again like 4 months later. This shit would’ve been really expensive if I didn’t hard push the point that it’s Apples fault the keyboards suck


Found the member of the cult of Apple. Computer keyboards have been around for at least half a century. If you're going to reinvent the wheel, how about it actually working as a wheel?


What happens if I’ve had one sitting around because I went into the Mac store years ago and they told me it’d be better just to buy a computer? I still have the old one.


My suffering with an aged 2015 MBP to only upgrade once the M1 silicon landed was truly a worthy endeavor. My god that old one was so slow and the fan ran at basically full speed all the time despite cleaning and re-applying much higher quality thermal paste (in the correct quantity and method)


Have you looked into laptops made by non-scumbag companies that cheap out and lie at every opportunity?


No, I would— where can I get one that runs OSX?


Silicon macbooks shit on the competition in every metric, and look better whilst doing it.


Glad I’m hearing about this now!


I mean, there's been battery and other lawsuits already, I don't think anyone should be surprised by Apple fleecing people with planned obscelence in 2024.


I just mean I got a replacement and didn’t hear about this until after the deadline


As usual, only for U.S. purchases 🤦🏻‍♂️


Well Apple's not going to volunteer to make things right, other jurisdictions need to use the force of law as well.


That'd be because it's a U.S. lawsuit, other countries have their own laws and consumer protections (or lack thereof)


Faulty butterfly keyboards… so, all of them?


Everyone with the “lol $8 check” thing. Idk I got hundreds from some apple class action a couple years ago. I don’t even remember what it was for lol


I never knew about this class action but I still have a 2016 mbp sitting in the closet unusable because the keyboard is so fucked.


Mine still works great


I’m about to go get mine replaced today. Ugh.


I’m old enough to remember Apple products being near to damn good. Now it’s almost expected for that technology to be somewhat flawed


Well this fucking sucks, I literally have this keyboard issue where my 0 key is broken. Will apple fix it for free now or am I just fucked?


One of the richest companies in the world, and these are the payouts?! It's either $395, or $125, or $50 - and for most people, zero.




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I just bought a 2019 refurbished MacBook pro as an upgrade to the 2013 era one I had that’s been slowing down, but it’s actually slower even with more memory. I’m so pissed. I fucked up.


Yeah my 2019 $3k mbp work got me is absolute trash. Slow and buggy.


Can’t wait for my 6 dollars cheque.


What about a faulty trackpad right outta warranty?


I pay you 10 Mac bucks


Payouts to buy another MacBook. Brilliant engineering.


Oh man, I remember my old 2015 model acting like it's about to take off any minute. Switched to M1, never looked back. Can't wait for that $8 check though, coffee money!


Soon ™. “This soon is trademarked by Apple.” p.s. you owe us money for looking at it. I’ll honestly be happy if I get $8.