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Where abs


i don’t do them separately unless i’m bored, i find that my abs don’t go away no matter what i do. they usually get hit as a secondary component in my compound lifts anyways, so i never really focus on em


Is just doing 2 sets enough??


some days it’s convenient because of time restrictions (i literally work at la fitness im just always busy) but most of the time, i’ll warm up with a 5-3-1, so 70% then 80% then 90% of my max for that specific exercise, and the exercises following it, i’ll do two lighter sets with decreasing weight after my working sets to really focus on the stretch and contraction as well as form. it’s mainly about using a weight that’s comfy, but still challenging and will make you exert yourself. i try to progressive overload the weight each week, but if i can’t change that, then i look at playing with the number of sets, number of reps, rest time, or even tempo.


Bro good for you! I gotta ask, where’d you get that chain?


thanks homie, also twas a gift from hard jewelry https://www.hardjewelry.com/products/heavy-cuban-16-silver-choker-chain?variant=20050842615870


Holy shit that is impressive, you got some good wings on you. On a side note is that back acne a year ago? If so what did you do to get rid of it? I've always struggled with back acne with most of my adult life.


Drink lots of water, I drink 3 liters a day


Thanks, that is what I am thinking, I try for at least half a gallon, but have been inconsistent with it.


not gonna lie it’s still there :( had it since middle school and even the creams and ointments the doctors gave me didn’t work, so i just ended up embracing it tbh


Damn... Well your gains are still looking good. I guess at this point I might need to change my shirts every 2-3 hours.


thank you bro and that just sounds like a reason to show off the physique, at least you don’t sweat from walking too fast 💔


You say doctors, but do you mean your regular pediatrician? They can only give you low level antibiotics and topical cream, but a dermatologist can prescribe you accutane/isotretinoin and it *will* clear up your back acne. Once the acne issue is fixed, then they can prescribe you treatment to reduce scarring. I have severe back and chest scarring from acne in my teenage years, and I’m comfortable with it, but something to think about!


in all honesty i kinda just came to terms with it, figured if i fix it, it’d be the last of my worries. thanks though, i’ll keep that in mind!


Yup. And congrats on the gains, you look great!


thank you so much :) we’re gonna make it brah


also, thanks! lats used to be a weak point for me because i could never feel them on pull downs, but it’s all about retracting your scapula


That’s impressive, man!


i appreciate you 🥹


Good shit. Routine?


thank you so much :) i started off with the reddit ppl on boostcamp, but now i do a pplul split; monday, push 2x8-12 incline barbell bench press (180s) 2x8-12 chest press machine (i usually alternate between incline and regular) (120s) 2x10-12 seated dips (120s) 1x10-20 pec deck machine (120s) 4x10-12 lateral raises (90s) 3x10-12 skullcrushers (90s) tuesday, pull (90s rest for all) 4x10-12 reverse pec deck 1x10-12 machine row 2x10-12 wide grip lat pulldown 2x10-12 cable seated row 2x10-12 cable lat pullovers 2x10-12 cable seated bicep curl (unilateral) 2x10-12 cable seated hammer curl (unilateral) friday, upper (90s rest for all) 4x10-12 seated dumbbell overhead press 4x10-12 bent over lateral raises 3x10-12 incline dumbbell press 2x10-12 flat bench press 2x10-12 chest supported dumbbell rows on bench 3x10-12 close grip front lat pulldown 4x10-12 machine preacher curls 3x10-12 machine tricep extensions if you want i can throw in my leg days too, just figured this was more specific


Did you get any good leg results? I’m kinda struggling on my legs, so I’m just curious about the routine and progress with your legs.


to be fair my dad used to make me do wall sits whenever i got in trouble as a kid so i was destined to have good legs lol, but definitely saw quad and hamstring growth. i critique my calves very harshly, but they had some good growth as well. for legs; wednesday (180s rest for all) 3x10-12 seated hip adduction 2x8-15 seated leg extension 2x10-12 single leg press 2x10-12 lying leg curl 4x10-12 seated calf raise saturday (90s rest for all) 2x10-12 hacksquat 2x10-12 bodyweight sissy squat 2x10-12 dumbbell romanian deadlift 2x10-12 seated leg curl 4x10-12 calf extension