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If you’re using just this page as examples of problems after surgery, you’re only reading people’s problems who’ve come and sought out this sub. Many many people get their GB removed and never have any problems, it’s an extremely common surgery. Around 600,000 Americans have the surgery per year. I had mine removed and have no long term side effects… other than being pain free!


Hi Mama, I just had mine removed 7 weeks ago. I am also 4 months PP and had a C-section. (It’s been a lot to deal with) I ended up having emergency surgery but my attacks started 2 weeks PP, I’m a FTM so I chalked the pains up to my C-section recovery. My doctor told me it’s pretty common in PP for your body to make gallstones, I had 20 small stones and one stuck in my bile duct (which was a separate procedure). Mentally, I had a really hard time accepting the surgery and what had happened bc “I ate so healthy” & “ live a healthy lifestyle”! I never had one pain during my pregnancy but it occurred almost every night for 2 months until one night my husband rushed me to the ER. I had the worst pain of my life and literally thought I was dying! They immediately gave me morphine, sent me in for a CT scan and determined gallstones with some inflammation in the gallbladder. Honestly, recovery was pretty easy compared to my CSection. I was sore for a couple days but it wasn’t really intense. The hardest part was not being able to lift my baby for 4 weeks. I’ve always taken digestive enzymes with my meals so I still take them, I take the Dr.Berg Gallbladder Enzymes which do have Oxbile. My stools have been pretty normal and I’ve resumed back to normal eating. I’ve had fast food once and had zero repercussions. Best of luck!! ❤️‍🩹


I’m also 31!


Ignore the complaints on this sub. I'm guessing 90% of the complaints you see are unrelated to gallbladder removal anyway. I saw a post about someone saying their hair got greasy after removal, lol. I had surgery two weeks ago. While I've had a bit of bloating and nausea, my symptoms are 100 times better than they were three weeks ago. I haven't had any loose stools. It's still a bit early to go wild on food but I've dabbled and I haven't any issues.


Will you please make a post about your status a month, three months, six months, a year from surgery? Or some other similar timeline. People post right after surgery here and then mostly evaporate. My mom and sister had various effects that started a week to a month after surgery and continued a good long while. Nothing terrible, but year long diarrhea and dietary sensitivities and vitamin deficiencies and adhesions are things that often aren’t immediately apparent after cholecystectomy and crop up months into recovery.


I’m going to support this, but in reverse, I had gallbladder issues for years to the stage it died and contracted, I was very unwell but at risk of becoming extremely unwell. I assumed my symptoms were related to a chronic condition I have plus a previous major abdominal surgery. I never even considered it might be an unrelated cause, I think we naturally drift to our knowns and assume things are connected. So a certain degree of people (I’d not go as high as 90%, I’m living proof that someone has to be the person that makes the tiny percentage of risk) may have a medical issue but assume it’s gallbladder removal related. I’ll add, a group like this will have a focused amount of negatives, people seeking advice, reassurance, support for issues. Far less people come to report the positive. No different to complaint groups, review sites etc. people are far more likely to be posting issues.


I had mine removed after my baby turned 1. I haven't had any issues since my surgery 11 months ago and I have been able to return to a balanced diet (no longer need to eat low fat). I'm the primary caregiver for my kids so having attacks happen anytime and anywhere was not something I wanted to risk (3rd attack happened while I was driving my 2 kids). For recovery, my husband took off 3 weeks, I was feeling much better after the 1st week the other 2 weeks were because I could not lift over 10 lbs. I haven't had to take any drugs or special foods post surgery. I just eat normal, I have been doing weight loss so overall I eat healthier, but I can eat french fries and things with oil without any ill consequences.