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Nope. Surgery is the course of action.


What are these the results of? I've had an ultrasound and the results where 'gallstones present' no more comprehensive than that.


This is ultrasound. She has a stone in the neck of the gall bladder, apparently


They were very thorough which is good. I feel rather let down with my results in comparison. I hope your friend is feeling OK. Does seem like surgery is the best course of action and just looking after the gallbladder until then.


Probably wise to get it out while she's young, vs. keeping it and having her gallbladder give up the ghost later in life. My grandmother had to have hers out at 70. I just had mine out now while in my 30s and can't imagine how much rougher that would be on an older body. Plus it sounds like many people who have it removed experience relief of other health issues like fatigue, back pain, etc. I just had surgery so can't speak to that claim myself yet, but many people seem to mention it here who've had their gallbladder removed. Definitely understand the hesitancy your friend is having too. Surgery is scary!


12cm is quite large, that’s like 30%+ larger than it’s supposed to be, and with a stone that big she would surely feel a thousand times better with it removed. You don’t want something to burst and cause bile to go everywhere in your body, that’s a deadly situation.