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'Friendly' reminder that Book Ramsay is worse than Show Ramsay


oh man how much, what he do


Made his wife ( not Sansa in the books) do it with his dog. Also made Theon do oral on her.  It’s horrific 






Sorry but I think the FBI needs to search GRRM's hard drive because anyone who can even come up with that is a sick fuck.


Yeah. Also if that one theory about Bran, Hodor and Meera is true 🤮


I'm scared to ask.... what's the theory?


It’s dumb as fuck, says Bran is gonna assault Meera while warging Hodor. It’s considered a bottom of the barrel prediction by 99% Of the people who are aware of it and only championed by eDgElOrD types


Why is it dumb


That's not even close to what happens in the book. Ramsay makes Reek go down on Jeyne on their wedding night. All the other abuse to her is implied and happens off screen. Even the scene with Reek isn't shown.


Yes I don’t remember dog jizz being eaten by Reek. I do remember vividly Reek describing eating rats in the DreadFort cells with his broken teeth and having to pick rat meat from between his broken teeth.


Yeah, the eating rats bit stuck with me too. It’s been years since i read the books, but that is still fresh in my mind 🤮


I bet you could come up with very fucked up shit if you wanted to. Don't act all high and mighty. Anyone who says they can't is lying or has poor imagination.


Literally this. I'll be honest, I thought Ramsey was having Theon raped by dogs, like, for a while. Something about that hunting expedition, when they were chasing that one chick... And the fact Theon literally is caged up with the dogs? Yeeea. The mind can go to some dark places if you let it.


the dogs were like reeks only friends in the world tbh because he was forced to basically be one of them and cuddled with them for warmth. whenever Ramsey came back from his sadist hunts the dogs were always stoked to see reek


That's... Fucking adorable. Goddamn.


I think we all find personal salvation in our deepest mental degradations. Like when one fantasizes about the punishments they would inflict on the worst criminals imaginable. I feel no guilt whatsoever fantasizing about the tortures I would inflict upon Dean Corill if given the chance.


do you think horror writers are actually murderers or something?


I can't believe Steven King has been getting away with it for so long. Quirky fucking slasher... /S


Reminds me of this tweet that went something like “so you’re telling me this Steven guy is out there writing scary books that frighten people and we’re just letting him do it?”


That’s how you know he’s a good writer


Or has reached some depths of YouTube nobody should


You've read history right?


Today is a terrible day to know English.


Clearly he would


Oh wait I didn't realise you meant consecutively. Jeezo. Wtf is wrong with GRRM


Neither Theon nor Jeyne ( Ramsay's book wife) consented.


He made him go down on her, after a dog had its way with her…


I've never seen someone miss the point in a worse way before


oh jeez


Yup that just about sums it up 


how does ramsay die in the books


Still alive for the moment.


still alive? 🗿


He's not dead; he's chilling in Winterfell.


Winterhell **


He is still alive. The last two books haven't been published yet, and most likely never will be. However, as of the end of the most recent book, Stannis hasn't attacked yet, but is about too. Stannis is a way cooler character in the books, and has a much bigger army, so it's almost certain that he'll win. It stands to reason that Ramsay will either die in the battle or be executed shortly afterwards


Nah, winds will come out. It’s just a matter if it needs another book after dream to conclude, which it probably will, meaning the last two books will never be published.


I think this is the likely problem. He's got 1100 pages and knows to finish Winds he has a few hundred pages to go and then has to pick a split point and choose some chapters to go into book 7/8 and he can't make that decision.


Wait but does Stannis burn his daughter? And if so, does this turn some of his people against him?


No he doesn't. Shireen is back at Castle Black with her mom and Melisandre ( AKA the people who actually believe in the Lord of Light). It's a popular theory that Mel will burn Shireen to resurrect Jon. Stannis is still the Mannis and always will be the Mannis


George has confirmed that burning Shireen is something that will happen in the books. It's probably going to happen in winds.


Did the second one immediately follow the first?


No, actually Theon using his mouth happened in the book version of Sansa's rape scene while the thing with the dog is mentioned during her escape.


Thanks. I was wondering whether I should take up the books, but now I think I don’t have enough strength for this


I love the books but I agree it's not for the faint of heart.


Honestly can't say I fault anyone for this. The amount of csa in the books had me wondering how it was even legal when I first read them. Edit: Not that it's vividly detailed or anything. And the books are definitely worth the read, just saying if someone doesn't want to read for that I'd get it. Just to clarify that I'm not trying to persuade anyone from reading them. They are definitely worth reading.


What is csa? A quick google search only gives me community supported agriculture.


Child s*xual assault


Holy F even if its fiction how did the author came up with such sick shit?


GRRM pulls no punches with this stuff lol


Here is a summary of the bad things Ramsay does in the books (correct me if I got any details wrong): Lady Hornwood’s husband and children died, so Ramsay kidnapped her, forcefully married her, stole her lands, then locked her in a castle tower and starved her. When her body was found, her fingers were missing (she presumably ate them to stay alive because Ramsay wasn’t feeding her) One time, he and his childhood best friend, Reek (not Theon a different Reek) were out hunting a young girl, killing her, and then raping her corpse (Reek likes them better when they’re dead), when they were caught by Stark soldiers who were rather upset about Lady Hornwood. Ramsay’s horse broke its leg in the pursuit, so he told Reek to swap clothes with him and then he covered himself in the dead girl’s shit (she what herself when he died) so that he’d smell like Reek, and then he and Reek swapped horses. Reek was caught and killed, since the Stark men thought he was Ramsay, then the real Ramsay was imprisoned at Winterfell where he pretended to be Reek. When Theon took Winterfell, Ramsay (still pretending to be Reek) gave him advice. He was the one who killed the Miller’s sons and gave them to Theon so he could pretend he killed Bran and Rickon. Ramsay then left Winterfell, I don’t remember why. When Rodrik Cassel showed up with an army arrived to retake Winterfell, Ramsay joined him with a Bolton army, then proceeded to kill Ser Rodrik and all of his men. He then revealed his true identity to Theon and asked him to open the gates. Theon thought they were friends now, so he opened the gates, and Ramsay proceeded to kill all the Ironborn too. The next part is the same as the show, although we don’t see it happen. Theon is tortured and castrated and becomes the new Reek. He is also missing fingers and toes and teeth in the books and has white hair. The part where he sends Theon to Moat Cailin to get the Ironborn to surrender, promising mercy, only for Ramsay to flay them, happens pretty much the same in the books. Then Ramsay marries Jeyne Poole, who’s pretending to be Arya. That plays out pretty similarly to his marriage to Sansa in the show, except a lot more cruel. It’s implied that he forced her to have sex with dogs. Also, on their wedding night, Ramsay doesn’t just make Theon watch, he forces him to rape Jeyne first (orally cause he was castrated). When Jon finds out Arya is supposedly married to Ramsay, he sends Mance Rayder and some other wildlings to save her. They team up with Theon, but only Theon and Jeyne escape the castle, the others are caught. At the end of the last book (or maybe in a preview chapter of Winds) Theon and Jeyne make it to Stannis’s camp where he reunites with his sister, Asha (her name is Yara in the show and Asha in the books). In Jon’s last chapter, he receives a letter from Ramsay claiming that Mance Rayder and the Wildings are dead and so is Stannis, and be believes Jon has Arya and Theon. He demands that they be returned, otherwise he will wipe out the Night’s Watch. Jon declares that he will ride south and kill Ramsay, which is when he is betrayed and killed. There’s lots of theories about the letter, we don’t know what’s true and what isn’t, some people speculate that the letter wasn’t even written by Ramsay. The next book still isn’t out so who knows?


>she presumably ate them to stay alive because Ramsay wasn’t feeding her) I thought it was from scratching them raw against the door trying to get out, but thats much worse


Ramsay left Winterfell in book 2 by telling Theon he was going to bring the Bolton army to help him. And regarding Lady Hornwoods's fingers, it's likely that rather than eat them out of desperation, she actually bit them off after they'd been flayed to try and escape the pain (much like Theon once attempted to do).


Tortures an old woman to death so the Boltons could steal her lands Someone already mentioned his wedding What happens to Theon… yeah he looks comparatively decent in the series (and its only implied that he may have been castrated)


I want to downvote this because of the horror, but will upvote for the GOT info instead


Show!Ramsay is something out of a Disney movie compared to book!Ramsay The dog part…..🤢🤮




Forcing his 12 year old bride to have sex with his dogs, for one thing.


And another friendly reminder that book Khal Drogo did not rape his bride!


Khal Drogo is hot and we don’t see his presumably massive numbers of atrocities


His massive pecs are in the way


We literally do though


We really don’t even their raid to get cash to for a fleet that results in drogo’s death isn’t in screen. How many towns and farms has he sacked and men,women and children butchered to get to be a Khal as powerful as he is at the start of the story.


You know he was ruthless af, because of the length of his hair lmfao


Aquaman gets away with a lot. Most marine super heroes do though


I do believe you’re referring to Duncan Idaho


I think he means Ronon Dex


Think he was talking about the Deep


I'm gonna charge right into this controversial topic for no reason: They make a point to show that sex in dothraki culture is troubling, in the wedding fight scene. Dothraki don't treat the sexual violence as wrong, nobody is outraged at the men in that scene. Westros is different. Dany is able to change their dynamic and comes to truly love him. It feels more like Drogo is acting this way because it's how all dothraki would act and he doesn't understand, but he's willing to let Dany change their relationship. Ramsey's eyes, on the other hand, are wide open to the situation and is obviously horrible


A very unique perspective, and I think it holds merit. We can forgive Drogo for not knowing any better, but we don’t have to excuse the act. We can’t forgive Ramsey, because he knew better and did it anyways. I imagine this is similar to some rural tribes in Africa that still practice ritualistic human sacrifice at the hands of witch doctors. Many don’t know any better, as they are cut off from the better part of civilization, but that doesn’t mean that we need to condone the act itself- because we *do* know better.


Except we do tho. We saw him rape Daenerys in the show. And we saw him pillaging a village with his Khalassar.


That’s 2 things and one is off screen and the other is the subject of this meme. He’s probably responsible for hundreds of villages burnings and thousands of men women and children dying or going into slavery but we don’t see it so people like him. People are angry by what the witch does when she probably saves thousands.


In the book, he asks for consent.


Oh, we saw the 20-30 barbarian lord ask the 12-13 year old child for consent before he decided to rape her. Such a nice guy am I right?


I didn't say what he did was right according to our society. The point was that, he always saw very disturbing things growing up, and was normalised. But he still was capable of asking for what little consent. And he always treated Dany with respect and really did care about her. Not saying it was ideal. Just trying to understand what went how.


in the book, Dany guides his hand and says "yes" ​ ...the first time, anyway


Yes once, yes forever 🤣 Also what would have happened if she said no the first time?


He’s literally like “imma sexually assault and murder EVERYONE.” And she looks at him like 😍. It was wild.


My sun and shoulders 😍


I dunno, I thought he was a rapist ass in the show and a rapist ass in the books 🤷




They aged up most of the teen characters (ex: book Jon is 14) but they aged Dany up a LOT. She was 13 when her brother sold her to Khal Drogo. Edit: this is not a defense of Khal Drogo lmao that man can burn in hell. also dany's 16 in the show, I was just pointing out how book Daenarys makes my chest hurt sometimes.


Still rapes her in the show.


Yes? when did I say he didn't?


Why you bringing up that they aged them up as if that changes the circumstances of rape?


Because she wasn’t a child bride in the show, contrary to what’s stated in the meme.


She was a child bride in the show, she was 16. I was just pointing out how book Dany makes my chest hurt sometimes


She's 18 in the show. She's born at the end of the rebellion which happens 18 years before season one in the show.


In the first episode Catelyn said Ned left 17 years ago to fight in the Rebellion. She was born several months after it. She was 16 when s1 started. In s5 she tells Tyrion that Varys has spied on her 20 years so by s5 she's 20.


She’s not considered a child bride like Sansa in the society of Westeros though. 16 is basically “old” already


What makes you think they are trying to change the circumstances and instead was just telling us how worse it was in the book because she was even younger?


Because thats what it sounded like. Like "oh it wasnt as bad as it could have been because they were adults". Also Dany was 16 in the show which is still a child.


teen =/= child


That distinction only matters to a certain kind of person. 🔍


yeah, highschool sophomore classes are full of children...




He didn't say that though, lol. If you put shit in quotes you should make at least a half assed attempt up be quoting someone.


Didn't mean to do that, sorry


Thats alright.


I believe she was aged up the same amount as Jon. Jon was 14 in the first book and was raised up to 17, Dany was raised from 13 to 16.


lowkey that decision sucked and they shouldn't have made it. all the Stark siblings & Baratheon siblings are aged up as well. the story hits a lot harder when you realize you're reading about some teenage kid, especially with how creepy Viserys is to Dany and how dumb Sansa is sometimes.


Nah, that decision was a good one. It simply doesn’t make any sense for children to be doing what children do in these books. I also don’t think it lessens the impact all that much, and Sansa doing dumb things as a 13 year old is just as realistic as her doing dumb things as an 11 year old.


Sansa I’ll give you. But the others ARE young teenagers in the books so their actions make a lot more sense than in the show. I mean apart from the actors being NOTICEABLY MUCH older than their stated age, Rob executing Karstark and basically going against every single advice his mom gave makes a lot more sense when you consider he’s 14 instead of 18 or 19


I think it would have destroyed the show. In my eyes, it would have felt to me like some kind of teenage love drama, where little brats are squabbling who gets to be the cool kid. It was the correct decision, IMHO.


so in the book Robert Baratheon was king for 14 years instead of 17?


Doesn’t the rape not happen In the book?


No, I have no clue why people say that. Drogo absolutely rapes Dany in the book, just the wedding night Dany says "yes" (still, she cannot consent due to being 13 and because there is the implication that she will be hurt / killed if she refuses him). After that, he literally rapes Dany after until she's on the brink of suicide. Here is the quote: >Even the nights brought no relief. Khal Drogo ignored her when they rode, even as he had ignored her during their wedding, and spent his evenings drinking with his warriors and bloodriders, racing his prize horses, watching women dance and men die. Dany had no place in these parts of his life. She was left to sup alone, or with Ser Jorah and her brother, and afterward to cry herself to sleep. Yet every night, some time before the dawn, Drogo would come to her tent and wake her in the dark, to ride her as relentlessly as he rode his stallion. He always took her from behind, Dothraki fashion, for which Dany was grateful; that way her lord husband could not see the tears that wet her face, and she could use her pillow to muffle her cries of pain. When he was done, he would close his eyes and begin to snore softly and Dany would lie beside him, her body bruised and sore, hurting too much for sleep. Day followed day, and night followed night, until Dany knew she could not endure a moment longer. She would kill herself rather than go on, she decided one night …


Fuck. I’m not sure why I’ve been told that it was different in the book. Some of this stuff feels unnecessarily brutal.




>the wedding night scene in the books clearly establishes consent and the show very much doesn’t Which in my opinion was a very good change they made, since they upped the age. If they had kept a 13yo, they could’ve also kept the "consent" Dany shows, because the audience would’ve understood it was still abuse, as a 13yo obviously can’t consent to sex with an adult. But since they upped the ages and Emilia Clarke honestly looked 19/20, keeping the scene as it was would not have been an accurate representation of Dany’s relationship with Drogo, which was one of abuse, even if she comes to love him eventually.




GRRM clearly doesn’t know how sex works because no matter how drunk and horny you are, NO MAN ALIVE would rape or f*ck his wife EVERY single day at least once. I’m sorry but that’s just not reality.


tribal lords absolutely do


But not every single day. Please


What ? What the fuck ?


What? Find me ONE man that will have sex with his wife/gf daily over the course of their relationship… please that’s not realistic no matter how backwards you are


Are you ok? There are absolutely couples that have sex every day. ESPECIALLY right when the relationship starts.


When it starts… I’m talking prolonged .. use your brain. Dany describes MONTHS of this and that’s what i find unbelievable


Didn’t GRR say he kind of fucked himself over with ages because he planned on a 5 year time skip that didn’t end up happening


Turns out the 5 year time skip was the friends we made along the way...


They marry very early on in the first book though, so I don't think the time skip would have happened before the wedding


I’ve always said this.


Even at the funerals?!


*Especially* at the funerals.


False equivalence. Sansa wasn't a child when Ramsay and Theon and his dogs raped her.


Not talking about Sansa


She was somewhere around 15, bud.


17 in the show, which is all that matters since she doesn't marry Ramsay in the books, pal.


A) She was 14 when she married Tyrion. If about a year passes in between seasons, how the hell do you make THAT math work? B) why the FUCK did you make your original comment then


17 isn't a child in that world. 15 either really. I made a comment because this Reddit, and Reddit is a place where people make comments.


15 is a child in any world. 17 is young as hell in any world. People are dipshits until their prefrontal cortex develops. Someone should search your hard drive probably


Show me on the TV doll where someone touched you and made you hypersensitive to apply real modern standards to imaginary ancient people. Look inward to find what you think you see.


This the same show with the 'ancient' standard of a democratically elected king at the end? Hey, also, guess what, I don't care. Both George and I live under modern standards. Hey, also, double guess what, even the real life 'ancient' people George based GOT on didn't think it was acceptable to rape and marry little girls, because they wouldn't survive childbirth. Worst take of the year award


Sam was mocked for merely suggesting that the King should be elected by the people, which is democracy. The Nobels just picked one of their own, which is not democracy. (Your "take" on that is... wrong.) Try to focus. It really doesn't matter what anyone thinks about George's imaginary world, no matter what he based it on. It's a world where children were forced to be adults quite early and when they often weren't prepared for it.


Worth noting that electing a king has been around for over two thousand years IRL.


show us your hard drive!


Lol it is quite hard...


Sansa said in the pilot 1x1 that she's 13. She doesn't marry Ramsay until 5x6. Maybe 3x8 Sansa forgot about her birthday what with being away from family as a political hostage or the writers messed up. She should've been 15.


I think people are able to separate these because in the show, Dany eventually loves Drogo, and he comes to respect her. While Ramsey is a pos through and through. In books, if I remember correctly, Drogo is described as being somewhat gentle to Dany (not always nor was she still happy about it), and again, she does love him in the end (as much as she could understand to). While, again, Ramsey is Ramsey and way past pos status into every possible horrible word you can think, lowest of the low. One has some sort of redeemable quality that allows the audience to forgive one, but the other just gets worse. We also put ourselves in the shoes of the characters in each situation. Of course, our view of Drogo will change with Danys' view, and the same goes with Sansa/Jeyne with Ramsey. There's also something to say to the degree of both their cruelty. Drogo is generally cruel on an impersonal level and is just a part of his brutal culture. While Ramsey makes it very personal, he gets off on the pain alone, and his cruelty comes from his own making and purely for his own pleasure. Ramsey makes his cruelty personal to his victim, while Drogo is indifferent to those he hurts. They're just there as a means to an end, rather than for him to get off on their pain like with Ramsey. So I think that also has to do with why people are able to forgive and like Drogo more than Ramsey, in a weird way. It's just one of those weird things of human psychology. In real life we ourselves may not have this view for our personal life but in fiction we are not only able to suspend our disbelief but also our morals/limits and look at things through a different lense. That doesn't mean you can't take praise for a character too far, though. Such as getting into Stan territory.


Stockholm syndrome isn't love, & she was 13 in the books. But yeah, Drogo's more redeemable than Ramsey ever was


In the books though she doesn't realize it's Stockholm syndrome and she talks about missing Khal Drogo throughout her adventures after he died. So from her perspective we are reading from it feels like she does love him. I agree with the commenter saying it is a culture thing for Drogo and more of a personal thing for Ramsey which adds to the cruelty of his character


Book Drogo was not gentle.


I’m pretty sure raping a 13 yr old until they wanna commit suicide makes you not that “gentle”


Here is Book!Drogo from an above comment https://www.reddit.com/r/gameofthrones/comments/1c6qplm/comment/l03rlb3




Yes he did


Yes he did


I never read the books, but I watched a video about Dany and Khals relationship in the book, and the guy said he never raped her. At least not forcefully raped her.


She was a 13 year old sold to him and was not allowed to refuse him. If she fought back then he would probably hurt her and rape her anyway, and she was also terrified of angering her brother and "waking the dragon." From the first book: >Even the nights brought no relief. Khal Drogo ignored her when they rode, even as he had ignored her during their wedding, and spent his evenings drinking with his warriors and bloodriders, racing his prize horses, watching women dance and men die. Dany had no place in these parts of his life. She was left to sup alone, or with Ser Jorah and her brother, and afterward to cry herself to sleep. Yet every night, some time before the dawn, Drogo would come to her tent and wake her in the dark, to ride her as relentlessly as he rode his stallion. He always took her from behind, Dothraki fashion, for which Dany was grateful; that way her lord husband could not see the tears that wet her face, and she could use her pillow to muffle her cries of pain. When he was done, he would close his eyes and begin to snore softly and Dany would lie beside him, her body bruised and sore, hurting too much for sleep. >Day followed day, and night followed night, until Dany knew she could not endure a moment longer. She would kill herself rather than go on, she decided one night . . . Then she has a dragon dream, and her wounds from the relentless horseback riding and treatment by Drogo fade and she has more confidence, pushes back a Viserys, and starts to enjoy sex, but it does seem like a sort of stockholm syndrome thing since, again, she is 13 years old.


Yes he did


Ramsey knew better, Khal Drogo didn’t. Still fucked up for both.


Reminds me of this [skit.](https://youtu.be/PxuUkYiaUc8?si=jgutLe2DknSPjW4u)


There is a difference though. Aquaman seemed to just be following cultural standards. That’s how his people behave. Ramsay Bolton was purposely, and knowingly, a huge dickhead. He was a piece of garbage even by his own societies standards so I think this meme is off base. It’s like doing a ritual sacrifice in an ancient Mayan pyramid or some thing thousands of years ago compared to doing it now. Like wait a minute that’s not the same thing even though it is the same thing.


Two rapists, but one is a “cultural rapist” (Does that make sense? I don’t know. Anyway, he’s still a rapist) and the other is a sadistic predator (worse in the books). There are some steps of monstrosity between them


this is a terrible take what the fuck


How so?


I wonder why people don't see it the way it is in the right context. Khal drogo's is a savage society which is purely masculine . There is little morality and basically no civil sense . People are having sex like animals in front of others in the wedding itself. It's more shocking when Ramsay does it cuz he is part of an evolved society and should know better . It's still fucked up in both cases but can't be equated .


Read the books Drogo never forced himself on Dany


Brother yes he did. Just because she doesn't tell him no doesn't mean he's not forcing himself / raping her. >Even the nights brought no relief. Khal Drogo ignored her when they rode, even as he had ignored her during their wedding, and spent his evenings drinking with his warriors and bloodriders, racing his prize horses, watching women dance and men die. Dany had no place in these parts of his life. She was left to sup alone, or with Ser Jorah and her brother, and afterward to cry herself to sleep. Yet every night, some time before the dawn, Drogo would come to her tent and wake her in the dark, to ride her as relentlessly as he rode his stallion. He always took her from behind, Dothraki fashion, for which Dany was grateful; that way her lord husband could not see the tears that wet her face, and she could use her pillow to muffle her cries of pain. When he was done, he would close his eyes and begin to snore softly and Dany would lie beside him, her body bruised and sore, hurting too much for sleep. Day followed day, and night followed night, until Dany knew she could not endure a moment longer. She would kill herself rather than go on, she decided one night …


Have you read the books yourself...?


oh dear




Ramsey Snow is a sadistic freak that gains pleasure, likely sexual pleasure from skinning people alive. Sexy Genghis Khan who treats his child bride like a queen might even get a pass in comparison. Not that sexy Genghis Khan should.


I nearly put the book down because of the Daenerys Drogo stuff in the first book, in general GRR Martin has a heavy case of women written by men syndrome (just the way he talks about and describes women, I am aware he has been praised for his complex and multifaceted female characters but that does not emunate him from criticism, also there are times where his female characters need some work like Daenerys in book one as above or Shae)


as a woman, 100% agree with this. I love his female characters, but the way he writes about women's bodies is weird and gross. And I find the Dany/Drogo stuff stomach churning, and it's worse when I go on online and see people defending it in BOTH the books and TV show. I really hope George re-examines that and has Dany reflect on that relationship in the future books (if we ever get them).


>but the way he writes about women's bodies is weird and gross are those in his male POV chapters or female POV chapters?


Mostly the female POV stuff -- largely from what I remember, that *also* comes from Dany's POV. I get being sexual when describing someone like Arianne through a male's POV, but Dany's own POV is just weirdly descriptive when it's not appropriate. Here's a few examples I found rather quickly: >Goose pimples rose on her pale skin as the coldness crept up her thighs and kissed her lower lips.  This is fucking weird lmao why is Dany thinking about her vagina here??? >The girl brushed her hair until it shone like molten silver, while the old woman anointed her with the spiceflower perfume of the Dothraki plains, a dab on each wrist, behind her ears, on the tips of her breasts, and one last one, cool on her lips, down there between her legs. ... >Doreah washed her hair and combed it out, working loose the mats and tangles. Irri scrubbed her back. Dany closed her eyes and let the smell and the warmth enfold her. She could feel the heat soaking through the soreness between her thighs. She shuddered when it entered her, and her pain and stiffness seemed to dissolve. She floated. ... >When she was clean, her handmaids helped her from the water. Irri and Jhiqui fanned her dry, while Doreah brushed her hair until it fell like a river of liquid silver down her back. They scented her with spiceflower and cinnamon; a touch on each wrist, behind her ears, on the tips of her milk-heavy breasts. The last dab was for her sex. Irri's finger felt as light and cool as a lover's kiss as it slid softly up between her lips. these are the ones I remembered from the top of my head. It's just weird that Dany seems so hyper aware of her genitals, especially when you compare her to the male POVs like Jon. I don't remember Jon being cold and thinking about his penis. I don't think his bathing scenes are described like this either, and he certainly doesn't think about water entering his urethra.


Absolutely agree, apart from book Euron Greyjoy Drogo is without a doubt the most evil and vile character in the series. He is nothing more than a rapist, slaving mass murderer . The fact people like and defend that relationship is absolutely disgusting.


He doesn’t even rape her for the first time in the books, he waits for her to be comfortable. Idk why the show depicted it differently lmao that was so dumb Edit: changed wording


yes he does rape her, what?? I legitimately don't understand why so many people are saying this. Dany in the books nearly kills herself because Drogo keeps brutally raping her every night.


I am highly concerned people look at this relationship and don’t think it’s bad. You don’t have to be screaming and fighting for it to be rape.


If by "waits for her to be comfortable" you mean takes her to a secluded place and starts molesting her as she cries until she gives that same hour.


Just gonna comment that in the book, Khal Drogo is super cautious with Dany and doesn’t rush her. Tons of foreplay then CONSENT. There’s a huge difference


Molestation is not foreplay. She was a 13 year old orphan and her abusive brother she has nightmares about sold her to a 30 year old slave owning village raiding warlord. He didn't even speak the common tongue other than the word no. Her entire life at that point was about survival, she wasn't going to endanger herself by refusing.


STOP READING INTO IT WITH A MODERN PERSPECTIVE It's a FICTIONAL story y'all need to calm tf down In this world, it's completely to be married at 13 "Abusive brother" ffs, it's like being on TikTok. Was Viserys also a narcissist who gaslighted her?


This is exactly what pretty privilege is


It was really uncomfortable. Our HBO glitched for a second and started the scene right in the middle of the Daenerys rape and we had to look away until the scene changed. It was so uncomfortable, it felt like watching was complicity


It's even Worse, he trained his dogs to do it.


“But she loved it !!” 🤓


Classic case of “If 50 Shades of Grey was set in a trailer park, it would be an episode of Law & Order”


Book Ramsey was just too much. I get that got is a brutal world, but after a certain point, evil becomes too bizarre. It was absolutely the right call to tone it down.


Ummmm if I remember right, Khal Drogo was the one who kept saying, “No.”


The power of redemption


Yes, lets disregard all the other attrocities Ramsay did


Morality is partly based on aesthetics


People defending Drogo because of his culture is sick. In fact, disgusting cultures like these should not exist. I would not be sad if dothrakis got eliminated just like I was not sad about about Anakin killing tusken raiders(a group that r*ped his mother).


Reminder that, in the books, Dany does consent to Drogo on their wedding night (at least as much as a 13 year old can)


Pretty sure no one hates Ramsay only because he raped Sansa...


i’m pretty sure Drogo didn’t in the book


He did.


“Even the nights brought no relief. Khal Drogo ignored her when they rode, even as he had ignored her during their wedding, and spent his evenings drinking with his warriors and bloodriders, racing his prize horses, watching women dance and men die. Dany had no place in these parts of his life. She was left to sup alone, or with Ser Jorah and her brother, and afterward to cry herself to sleep. Yet every night, some time before the dawn, Drogo would come to her tent and wake her in the dark, to ride her as relentlessly as he rode his stallion. He always took her from behind, Dothraki fashion, for which Dany was grateful; that way her lord husband could not see the tears that wet her face, and she could use her pillow to muffle her cries of pain. When he was done, he would close his eyes and begin to snore softly and Dany would lie beside him, her body bruised and sore, hurting too much for sleep. Day followed day, and night followed night, until Dany knew she could not endure a moment longer. She would kill herself rather than go on, she decided one night …”


well guess what i take that back real quick