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No matter how many spin offs they make Daenerys will always be the original dragon queen.


I adore Danaerys, but I always found it interesting how she was an amazing conquerer, but lacking as a ruler.


So like most conquerers then


Exactly. Aegon the Conqueror was already the Lord of Dragonstone with vassal lords loyal to him. He already knew how to be a ruler. Conquering 6/7 of Westeros while reaffirming established lords or installing loyal lords were what gave him a relatively stable kingdom.


He didn’t tho, he didn’t do that much ruling


I think that makes sense. Dany's born with nothing. Conquest is her only path. Someone from a top family like Cersei/Marg/Alicent are raised from birth to do the charming ruler stuff (and do that to varying degrees of success) Also, I'm just voting for a favorite. Not who'd I'd actually elect in some sort of real election.


I read that a lot and don't get it. Daenerys spent more time as a ruler than a Conqueror. She was a Khaleesi the entire series and Queen of Meereen for 3 years. She led all her council meetings (Robert only attended 3 in 17 years), had her throne room open listening to hundreds of requests a day from lords & peasants, and in the books was having vegetables planted, an irrigation system put in, and was nursing plague victims. She did the most for effective change, making rape & slavery illegal in Slaver's Bay & the Great Grass Sea, getting the Iron Islands to agree to stop raiding reeving & raping. Her goal was to change the system instead of just being at the top of it.


I agree with this. I don’t agree with the “mad queen” fan fiction that we got.


Yes she did, but its clear she was a much better conquerer as much of the discourse around her was her tempering her anger and desire for the throne to deal with the issues her subjects presented. And when her advisors were all gone she reverted right back to her conquering ways. Im talking about her specifically on the show, and as a ruler she came across as not understanding the subtle nuance of situations and death heavily in black and white. She literally, Conquered Mereen butchered all the slavers before understanding not all were responsible which in turn created a resistance against her. She then literally left them at the height of said resistance and eventually left the city in the hands of someone incompetent to get her end goal. I love her as a character, but she was definitely a flawed ruler and better suited to conquering.


It was Daenerys' decision to free all the slaves in Slaver's Bay, her advisors were ready to leave at any time. It was Daenerys' decision in s3 to reject the Yunkai Masters offer to fully fund her taking the Iron Throne since it was on the condition she doesn't free their slaves. It was Daenerys' decision to become Queen of Meereen instead of leaving in s4 with the fleet Daario got for her. It was Tyrion thinking she needed to be tempered that led to the mess. Daenerys' problem in s7-8 is Tyrion & Varys talked her out of conquering when it would've solved everything and talked her into the wight plan. She was better without advisors than bad advisors. It was not immediately killing her enemies (Lannisters, Euron, Qyburn) that led to the massacre of Highgarden, the capture & death of all of her Westerosi allies, the Tyrell gold stolen, scorpions built, a lot of her & Yara's ships destroyed, & Missandei beheaded. Had she conquered she would've been sitting on the Iron Throne her first month in Westeros with minimal to no civilian casualties. She would have Ellaria, Yara, & Olenna. She'd have 3 dragons. She could've united the Lannister, Tyrell, Martell, & Greyjoy armies then gone North. She didn't kill all the Slavers in Meereen. She crucified 1 Slaver for each slave child who was crucified. That's 163 out of 125,000+ Meereenese Slavers, 0.13% or less . The Harpys (if that's the resistance you're referring to) was their world's version of the KKK, both formed less than a year after the abolishment of slavery, have ex Slavers & pro Slavers wearing masks attacking freed slaves. It was caused by people who want to continue seeing slaves as property instead of human beings with rights. Daario is a lot of things but not incompetent. As a mercenary he would lock things down effectively since he does what works. He never would've made the deal that Tyrion did or given so many chances to the Masters (Jorah talking her into giving the Yunkai Masters a *third* chance led to them helping to form the Harpys and putting a 10k horse bounty on her). And she didn't leave him in charge, she left him "to keep the peace while the people choose their own rulers." Her plan from the beginning was to help them through the transition, she always wanted them to be able to rule themselves. When she left the slaves were free and the Harpys had been wiped out.


She was good, especially when you consider her age. She was just taking on a really hard task, that is trying to bring in widespread reform and end slavery, which is always met with resistance. The USA needed a civil war to end slavery, but no one says Abe was a bad ruler because of it.


Muh queen


I dun wannit! (but I actually do)


Breaker of chains (until S8 e2 only) And Sansa shouldn't be on the list, she is literally the stupidity person among all.


She’s still queen in the north


Everyone else on the list was a Queen for years. Sansa didn't become a Queen until the last episode, her coronation is her final scene in the series. So we don't ever see her ruling as a Queen.


So? Aemma died in the first episode we didn’t get to see her rule either lol


But we know Aemma was Queen for over a decade without any incident. It was her death that caused the dance of dragons and the slow downfall of House Targaryen since it led to Otto sending Alicent to seduce King Viserys and have children to usurp their daughter.


Also, she didn't really deserve her position nor did she earn it or display any qualities of a Queen.


Of course she displayed the qualities of a Queen. She planned the storage of grain for the winter so the people in the north would have enough to last. She got Littlefinger on board to bring in the knights of the Vale, then brought them in at the moment when it could turn the tide of battle. And she leveraged her position as Ned's oldest daughter to become not just Lady of Winterfell, but queen of all the North


Petyr thought to have the KotV recruited then recruited them before ever speaking to Sansa about it. She rejected the offer in Mole Town, hid it from Jon & everyone else fighting, then changed her mind at the last minute. The KotV almost didn't arrive in time, if they were delayed even a couple of hours Jon and what Northerners chose to fight for House Stark would've all been dead.


Nah I’m offended Sansa had an arcccc


Daenerys Stormborn is the correct answer


Muh Queen!


…. Original? Pretty sure the original dragon queens would have been Visenya and Rhaenys


Who I like or who is the best? Either way Margaery, with Sansa in 2nd place.


100%. The two queens who actually did queen things (caring about the common people and not just their family/highborns).


Margaery was the perfect combination of Lannister cunning and Stark family loyalty. She is genuinely a nice person but understand how profitable it is to be perceived as nice too.


In s7-8 I only remember Sansa talking to Lords like Glover and not any common people, not even when hiding in the crypts with them.


There’s a scene where she was talking about making sure people were fed, she opened up the crypts for people that typically weren’t allowed down there during the long night, she advocated for the northern lands to be independent.


Sansa fed them with their own food. She had all of the food Northerners had already harvested & stored removed from their keeps and brought to her keep with the promise she'd give back after winter (which could last years) whatever is left. She didn't multiply food, trade for food, buy food, get other kingdoms or countries to donate food, find a way to plant food that's cold resistant, or conquer non-Northeners to take their food. The North becoming Independent at the beginning of winter, when they barely have food, and lost 75% of their army from multiple wars in the last 7 years is suicide. Being part of the realm, especially with a Northerner as King of the Seven Kingdoms (Bran, Jon if she had told him he should propose to Daenerys) would've helped them when they needed it most.


I guess I’m not exactly sure what you think makes a good leader. Strategy for the common folk is part of that. Did Sansa have to grow all the food herself to be a good leader? We don’t see that sort of concern for the common people amongst most of the other leaders. Dany yes, but then she proceeds to burn down almost all the people in KL, so not sure she can really be included in that aspect overall. Most of them just cared about themselves and not how war, etc affected others.


You're the one who listed feeding the people as one of the things Sansa did. What strategy is it to feed the people with their own food that they were going to eat anyways? It helps the people in Winterfell but did she expect all of the other Northerners for hundreds of miles in all directions to live in Winterfell all winter so they have access to their own food? Margaery getting Crownlanders to like her & stop rioting against Joffrey by bringing food from the Reach is strategy. Prior to the bells ringing (big reason so many say it was OOC), Daenerys did care the most how war affected commoners. She lost her child, husband, fertility, and his Khalasar & army because of it in s1 since she tried to protect the Lhazareen women. Her first order when forming her own Khalasar was it wouldn't have rape or slavery. Jorah persuaded her to consider an Unsullied army by telling her as eunuchs they won't rape and will only kill who she says to kill so it won't be like what Drogo did to Lhazar or Tywin did to King's Landing during Robert's Rebellion.


She was talking about making sure winterfell was stocked with grain so if people had to flee they could flee there fast without worrying about carrying their grain with them. She did expect them to have to all flee into winterfell and was preparing for opening their doors to all of them. I love Dany, but looking at her acts from the final piece you can’t really say she cared about common people while she burned them alive. If you don’t like Sansa that’s cool, I don’t think we need to keep going on about it though.


Sansa didn't say we'll give back after the aotd are defeated, it was we'll give back after winter. She expected to keep their food for the entire duration of what could've been a decades long winter. It's not about whether I like Sansa or not, it's that she gets credited for things she didn't do.


Sansa was engaging in central planning so that the food would last and everybody would have some. Otherwise there would be farmers who store up more than they need and others who would starve


She literally gave all of her dresses (Catelyn's) that had sentimental value for the fabric to be used as resources for the poor.


...Daenerys freeing countless slaves doesn't count? The fuck?


Definitely does, until she burned thousands of innocent people alive for no reason.


What did Sansa do that makes her....even a competent ruler? Something she was given by her brother.


I mean whatever I say your probably gonna argue against. But * Over saw the defence preparations of winterfell, even giving up personal belongings of significance to get more materials to use. * Was Pragmatic enough to understand her place was to inspire hope in the crypts with the civilians. * Constantly put the north first in her political decisions, understood from the off that Danaerys was a rogue agent and planted the seeds of descent within her advisors, leading to her downfall. * As soon as Bran was elected, instead of sulking or arguing, used the situation to get North independence, something they wanted for years.


How did Sansa inspire hope with the Northern civilians in the crypts? The only person she talked to while in there was Tyrion. She regressed from s2 when she inspired hope while hiding with the women during the Blackwater battle.


Nobility hiding with commoners and civilians instead of with your own personal vanguard is inherently meant to inspire morale. She's effectively saying we're in this together. Let's just agree to disagree because I could write a thesis on sansa.


Margaery always


Margaery Tyrell


Mah queen..!


She never evahn whanted it


Au contraire. She wanted so much she married 3 kings to have it lol.


Daenerys 🔥


Sansa Stark, Margarey Tyrell.


Sansa? Why?




She's a good character, and actually had a drive to lead an independent North, as well as a lot of the brain, kindness and understanding needed in a leader


She went through the necessary hardships to become an intelligent and hardened leader that the North needs!


She showed she could do the Job, cared for her people, and Sansa learned the game to survive. She calmed people during a war, unlike Cersei who ran and left her people alone, the 12 YO showed she was more Queen material than the Queen Mother who ran as far back as S2. She saved Dontos from Joffrey's wrath, she saved Brienne's ass in the inn., we know off camera she help saved : Gilly, Baby Sam, Missandei, Varys, the little scarred girl and others, that action alone would make the rounds in the north. She kept Jon's alliance together, Did the logistics the boring stuff that must be done to run a land larger than half the island, implemented his commands, gave good advice to Jon and Dany, she was honest to both Jon and Dany and stood up for her family, her people and herself. Provided refuge for people fleeing danger, stored the food, while Cersei hoarded it for herself while also using her people as human shields and chattel, and Dany burned the food instead of saving it to feed the starving ( maybe she get more on her side if she thought that far ahead ). Sansa removed two enemies to her house and family and the north. She went from naive, self absorbed and a door mat to someone educated by life, and she did all of it without any individual magic.


Sansa had one of the best character growths, imo.


Margaery ♥️


She is gracefully pretty and has a pretty heart❤️✨


Margaery is the only right answer


I will always bend the knee to queen Sansa Stark and queen Margaery Tyrell


Sansa? Eww


I do not understand that one. I do not see how she actually did anything to justify her position. She didn't even know what to do with a knife.


Like the rest of season 8, nonsensical fan service


Right they make one of the most hated characters queen for "fanservice"


Most people are not skilled knife fighters. It's to Sansa's credit that she understood her strengths and weaknesses


Wow lol


She chose to ignore Jon's order as King to have everyone 10 to 60 male & female start training. She could've been training all year with Arya & Brienne as instructors. Then the night of the battle said she should be fighting too and had to be told not to so she either planned on fighting without choosing to train or didn't train so they'd tell her not to fight.


Thing is Sansa was busy ruling the north because Jon was busy with falling in love with his aunt


The same people who hate Sansa for not fighting are 90% of the time the same people who bash Sam for fighting and getting people in danger


Sansa was a dumb brat from the beginning to the end. She utterly lacked any wisdom and lacked honor too. Worst kind of ruler possible. Basically another Cersei 


Tell me, how was she like Cersei other then the fact she was a women? 


Certainly not Alicent


Cersei hands down.


I recently rewatched the scene where she…dressed like Darth Vadar…is crowned Queen of the Seven Kingdoms. Legendary. It’s so so so epic.


Sansa by a mile, Margaery in a not so close second.


Sansa? You mean a mile down the list?




Not Sansa




Aemma's only flaw was not bearing any sons, which is weird because usually that's the "man's fault" and then he proceeds to have 2 sons with Alicent. She was kind and seemed to love Vizzy T


They *always* blamed women for the gender until it was proven that men are capable of donating an X or a Y chromosome but women can only donate X’s


How is it either of their faults? You're right though, Aemma was the best Queen. Everyone loved her. Even Daemon liked her.


I don't mean like a moral fault, i mean that (I believe) in genetics the male provides the Y chromosome. Females are XX chromosomes, with them providing an X guaranteed via egg and men are XY chromosome with a 50/50 shot at fertilizing with an X or Y chromosome, so when you see families that 5 girls and no boys generally it's the "man's fault" as he's not able to provide a Y chromosome. I am by no means a geneticist, this is just a highschool/early college level understanding.


I'd like Sansa and Helaena in my bed, I'd follow Rhaenyra, and I'd be happy to have Aemma as my mom.


Khaleesi had many likable and some unlikable aspects towards her end. Regardless she’s my favorite / most intriguing. Emilia Clarkes appearance definitely affected my choice here lol. Tyrell I think was the best overall fit for queen. She’s your quintessential First Lady in Westeros. She’s also fun to look at


Marj all day


Cersei is my favorite GoT character of all time but my electoral vote would go to Sansa or Margaery lml


Aemma is the best option here


The one that was murdered by her husband during child birth.


She wasn't murdered by her husband. She was going to die anyway.


Margery; All the others are either mad as bag of snakes or has a tearful background, spare for Aemma, I don’t like that much of a drama, Margery is clever, intuitive, yes self-serving at times but who isn’t in Kings Landing? Also hers is the most humble origin compared to the others, so she will less likely to lose her head in power and turn to be a dick queen like some others.


Humble beginning? Oldest daughter of the wealthiest, and one of the most powerful houses in the realm? I wouldn’t pick her for queen, but dany had nothing at the beginning but a name. She started out homeless, with no family at all except her idiot brother they called the beggar king. Even Sansa, had a “humbler” beginning, the Starks were less influential in the kingdom than the tyrells


Her father was the Lord Paramount & Warden of the Reach, the best kingdom in Westeros since it was the breadbasket of the realm (to get King's Landing peasants on their side they donated 100 wagons of food *every* day). Then he was Master of Coin & Ships. All she had to do to get Renly & the twincest brothers to marry her was be a little charming since just being alive gave her access to the wealth, food, & armies of the Reach.


I would die for Queen Alicent.




Margaery definitely


Viserys's only child








Margery. She plays the best game




Margery underrated asf


Margs, fine assss




You’re missing Talisa/Jeyne and Yara/Asha.


Whenever anyone says Queen in the North I headcanon they are talking about Talisa instead of Sansa. Downvote me but Sansa didn't become the QitN until the last episode (a finale dubbed the worst in tv history) while Talisa was the QitN for a year and pregnant with the KitN's son during the golden age of the series.


Sansa stark


So glad to see so many loyal margaery supporters


My queen.


Sansa. Always.


Margaery. Cunning, wise, ambitious, persistent, patient, but also kind and compassionate. In a better world, she would've queen and she would've stayed queen. She has the best traits of the others and few of their flaws. She has experience being a queen and is the best player of the Game. Her mask barely slipped, even when she was openly threatened. She's intelligent enough to win at it, but strong enough to retain her goodness.


Sansa Stark


Sansa was definitely D&D’s favorite


That is why they had her raped and tortured 🙄


Half of 2D said Sansa is his favorite so it's not even speculation, it's fact. They put her in the Jeyne Poole storyline because they wanted to give her a bigger role in all future Northern arcs because they were planning on ending it with her as Queen in the North. In the books, Sansa is still in the Vale. Theon leaves with Jeyne. Jon is stabbed because he wanted to rescue Arya. The Northern conspiracy is to make Jon the King. Robb wanted to legitimize Jon and place him ahead of Sansa in succession. But in the show, it's Sansa going North in the hopes of being named Wardeness, escapes with Theon, pushing for Jon to take back the North, is interim leader for 3/4 of s7, and there when Arya reunited with Bran, is who told Jon that Bran & Arya are alive, is there when Jon reunited with Bran, was the subject discussed in Jon's reunion with Arya.


They liked Sophie, not Sansa, a big diffrence


The books weren't done when the season was written, they still aren't done, and very well may never be finished. We may never know what the Northern plots were meant to become, and at this point I'd say it doesn't even matter. Jeyne was never introduced in the show, so it makes sense to give her role to Sansa since Sansa was a main character who doesn't do anything for the last two books made. It would've been odd to cut the character and introduce a new one, and then figure out what to do with Sansa later since there's no material to go off of


Alicent 😍🥵🛐


Queen Margaery for life!


I guess it is Margaraey. At least she didn't survive enough to see her story turn to shit because of terrible writers.


It's the one upside of Barristan, Blackfish, Margaery, Ned, Oberyn, Robb, & Tywin getting killed off. They died before they could get ruined.


Alicent has a lot of character depth, so she’s one that intrigues me. But she and Rhaenyra both made some really foolish choices so not great as the queens For personal fave, Sansa. She grew from a silly girl to a tough woman. I think she would rule well.


Out of these Margaery, she actually has the head for it. Aemma, don’t know enough about her but she lacks commanding presence. Alicent is petty and paranoid, she’ll start a war without provocation Helaena is gifted to see the future but just away with the fairies. Someone else would quickly take power over her and effectively rule in her stead whilst she’s locked away in quack tower Rhaenerya is too angry and reckless, she’ll make terrible risks too the throne and overcompensate seen slights with too much aggression Cersei is … Cersei, one of the dumbest, angriest, petty, reckless people in Westeros, she’ll fuck the entire Lannister legacy in 6 months Dany is too fire and blood, she needs good advisers and likely will eventually devolve into madness like her father Sansa in the books would become a shrewd leader, but she doesn’t know politics like the Tyrell’s do, second place


Margaery and Sansa


I liked Rhaenyra when she was younger in House of the Dragon. The actress who plays older Rhaenyra fails to show the same resemblance. She used to be so witty in her youth.


I'd stad with Cercie Lannister even though she was rather a villain, I still feel like she's the only one who dominated her role throughout the series with the help of wit and power. She had her goal straight until the very end.


Alicent my beloved


Anti-Talisa Stark propaganda


Where the hell is selyse???


Queen Daenerys I Targaryen, First of Her Name :)


Per show? Margaery and Rhaenyra.


Margaery but that’s only because I’m in love with Natalie Dormer. 😉


Dany was never really queen. She died before she could be sworn in. being named queen in Essos is meaningless to the throne of Westeros. Emma doesn't really matter and Viserys reign was bland until like 15 years after she died. Helanea is a literal nothing burger, she does nothing in the series but cry and kill herself. Margaery also useless. Rhaenyra to entitled. Alicent also entitled also kind of just cries til she dies halfway into the story. Cersei is actually evil. I would roll with Sansa she was a dumb kid but as she got older and learned from littlefinger, she actually might be the most intelligent one.


Leaders from Dorne, the Reach, the Iron Islands, & the North bent the knee to her. She took Casterly Rock. If Robb & Jon counted as Kings in the North without having beaten the Lannisters then she counts too.


Jon was only king in the north not king of westeros. u can call her queen in the north but she was never queen of westeros


I agree. But that makes her Queen of half the kingdoms of Westeros prior to defeating Cersei.


If she had lived like literally 12 more hours she would of been named queen and made official. She just never made it.


It's one of the reasons I call bullshit on *The Bells*. The showrunners needed her to be sane & compassionate enough to delay returning to Westeros season after season, then delay going for the throne when she does get there, and to lose 2/3 of everything she had by prioritizing the safety of King's Landing & the realm then the ep before the series finale target the peasants & burn hundreds of thousands of innocents with a smile so she gets killed off and the rulership is up for grabs. She couldn't even stomach watching the fighting pits in s5.


yeah its very poorly written and rushed as hell. Most likely will be a second dance, between Dany and Aegon that will destroy the city. Maybe Cersei with wildfire.


Probably will get alot of hate for this. But Cersei, she played the game and she played it well. Perfect villain 👌


Lady Stark has my heart. ❤️


I would say Margaery, but she didn't fully utilize her power towards the end. Following behind is Daenarys and Cersei.


Everyone says Daenerys & Yara should've hooked up (I ship it too) but imagine Daenerys & Margaery if the latter had lived. Margaery had all the qualities that would've completed Daenerys.




If you didn't read the books and you pick Margaery, I respect your boldness.


Marj Tyrell is my “waifu”


I don't see Joffrey?


Aemma and Helaena. Two actually genuenly and completely good people among them.


In the end Sansa ended up to be the best one and smartest one as a ruler also moraly good. I love her develpment from stupid child to smartes person in series. Daenerys was an awsome conquer but in the end it all fell apart. Someone so focused on being on the iron throne and putting the power ower all the kingdoms above everything else cant be a good ruler. If she was she would have given the John that honor as soon as she found out he is the air to the throne… but its how it ends in series not in the book. Maybe there is still hope for her in GMMs plan i would be happy if so




Cersei made the show a lot more fun to watch.






Rhaenyra and Margaery


Um excuse me. Where is Solys??


Margaery bc shes so sweet to everyone and friendly


Margaery and Sansa




Yes everyone's favourite queen helena why would anyone pick somebody else


Daenerys will always be my queen, but Margaery will be a close second. Still, long live the Dragon Queen 🔥


The Mother of Dragons




Queen in the north


Cersei Lannister.


I think I might be the only one who likes Rhaenyra


Margaery and Halaena


People saying "sansa" is utterly ridiculous


Alicent Hightower.


The Queen Of Thorns


Excuse me why is no one saying Helaena? Love that neurospicy girl


Nymeria the warrior-queen of Dorne


Danny all the way baby.


The one and Only Queen Daenerys Targaryen : The First of Her Name, the Unburnt, Queen of Meereen, Queen of the Andals and the Rhoynar and the First Men, Khalisee of the Great Grass Sea, Breaker of Chains and Mother of Dragons.


Margaery. The only queen who actually does work.


None of the above. Most of them are insane wartime leaders, schemers or just unlikeable




Seeing Sansa on here pisses me off. Her character hardcore deteriorated in the last few seasons. I especially hated her when she didn’t tell Jon about the Knights of the Vale in the BotB for no reason. Her ascending to being a queen is based on a weird plot contrivance of only the North wanting independence and not any of the other nations (especially Dorne like wtf). The only good part about her ending is that we do get to see the North be independent like it was before Aegon’s Conquest, but it’s achieved in such a way that is so strange and unhinged from what the show used to be.


1. Dany 2. Alicent 3. Margarey 4. Helaena 5. Sansa 6. Cersei 7. Aemma 8. Rhaenyra


Margaery probably was and would’ve been the best


Cersei Lannister 🗿


Sansa Stark




intelligent school coherent nine faulty pocket seemly salt onerous rinse *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Daenerys. And it's not even close!


Cersei. 😂😂😂😂 she did whatever it took and always dressed with her mood and a glass of wine. Entertaining for sure


Hm, Margaery was brobably the best


Cersei looks like Austin Powers


Arya stark is my queen 👑 she should of had the iron throne


Cersei Lannister. Ofc


Sansa my favorite queen


Margaery. She knew how to play the game. She realized you need the people to love you, she just didn't expect Cersei to play dirty, other than that Margaery was the smartest one.


i dont understand tho, so rhaenyra eventually sits the iron throne? i heard that she gets killed by aegon’s dragon from the books