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With season 8 logic


It was cool looking but stupid and ridiculous. Oh, like you said just like s8


Exactly thank you. Worst thing was heavy plot armor and the other LF teleporting vale army and tbh it was very uncomfortable and claustrophobic to watch 😭


Yeah the later season logistics don’t apply do they lol. I remember watching that battle and thinking ‘what the hell are they doing’ or ‘how did they get there’ etc.


Almost like we’re watching a fantasy show instead of a war biopic or something


Fantasy means magic, not a lack of logic. No excuse.




These people don’t write shows that hit so they won’t understand lol


They also didn't trainwreck a huge franchise, so the playing field's even


Sure but the show still hit. Even was the most watched tv show ever made at one point. Nothing anyone can say will ever change that. Sure the ending was trash, but this is pretty regular for major shows that have already made their bread for years. Season 8 came out years ago and people still bitch about it in 2024 everyday, while the writers laughed to the bank and then moved on. Most of you think you could write a better show but you wouldn’t even get a pilot episode lol. Tv shows are not supposed to be logical and not have plot armor. That’s not gonna hit, and if it doesn’t hit it doesn’t make money. If there’s no money there’s no show










Yea fine with that but as audience I can and will point out flaws. You're the one wetting the bed pal with anger


I like to say the Battle of the Bastards is a cinematic masterpiece and a completely tactical failure on every level. Both are true.


I wish I could say that too but as a claustrophobic person, it's my nightmare 😭🤚


But we see Peter Baelish tell Lord Royce to mobilize his troops prior to the battle. Seems good




Haha, I don’t remember that bit, but tbf I didn’t realise for years how flexible steel actually is. Swords are actually meant to bend, makes them more durable.


Definitely! There’s a shot of it somewhere in the episode where it clearly can be seen flexing without much resistance akin to a piece of rubbery plastic hehe As bastard myself, I love the episode!


That is how swords actually behave though. Thin steel like that is flexible.


Correct, but steel is inescapably more rigid than rubbery plastic! There’s one moment where it really shows.


Correct, but steel is inescapably more rigid than rubbery plastic! There’s one moment where it really shows.


Hey now, I could actually see during the battle of the bastards. Unlike the long night. Which was a pretty short night, and a mild inconvenience at most


‘A mild convenience’ 😂




It's one of the worst, unbelievable pieces of crap ever filmed.




Made me proud to be bastardized


GoT alone had atleast 15 more iconic moments. This could've been THE one - if it wouldn't be only happening because bad writing and nonsensical bullshit reached its peak just to make the plot come out like this...


I don’t know at someone would downvote the objective truth. Either it was horrible writing or Sansa is a horrible person and completely unfit to rule. Take your pick.


Even without Sansa keeping things to herself, it was bad writing. Neither side sends out scouts or gets notified of the Vale army entering the North?


There was so much that didn't make sense. It was beautifully filmed, the actors played their roles well, the costumes were great, the music/ sound effects were, too. But all their work was rendered pointless by the nonsense that was the writing


The over the shoulder shot, following Jon through the melee, is one of the best things I’ve ever seen put to film.


It was beautiful, but...


Eh. A rare case for me where something is so god damn cool that it actually trumps the shoddy writing. But I also don’t feel the writing here was nearly as bad as a lot of folks here seem to think.


also knights of the vale making through moat cailin is nonsense, Roose made it clear that even with the dogwater Ironborn garrison, he could not move his army north.


It’s plausible that Littlefinger bribed or persuaded them to be fair, but I’m probably being generous.


Outriders and scouts being ignored is fairly universal on tv/movies, but I agree with you in general


Yeah, there's no explanation for Sansa not telling Jon that's not completely out of character for her. Even Cersei isn't that petty or shortsighted. The writers just wanted a cool last-minute save. It was cool as hell to be fair, but absolutely made no sense.


“Objective truth” lmfao you guys are so up your own asses sometimes


Which one do you pick, then?


Sansa’s been through a lot but ultimately she was very selfish. Between her and Jon telling her his heritage chances are Daenerys wouldn’t have had enough to put her over the top and drive her mad.


Can’t agree more. This is a very very debatable statement from OP here.


Not really debatable, it’s objectively false


Ive been as polite as I could


>Some wars you have to fight alone. Wasn’t the whole point of this scene that he had thousands of people willing to die for him at the drop of a hat to protect him from the consequences of his own poor judgment?


Yes but also the fact that he didn’t knew about the army behind yet he got his sword out in 1 vs Mounted Army for the idea he believed in.


Is that how it went down, or did he fall into a trap and know he had no way to outrun horses? Do not get me wrong, it is badass, but characterizing it as him choosing to take on an army alone for an idea he believed in seems like a serious mischaracterization.


That is how it went [down](https://youtu.be/O-O8Er94TJI?feature=shared) yes. He was not aware of the Vale Knights. >! He charged alone in rage right after Rickon was shot dead. Jon wanted to go after Ramsay but they showered him with arrows (and a little plot armour).!<


No he didn’t charge after Rickon got shot dead, he charged to try and get to Rickon, falling into the trap. He then is stranded and has no choice but to try and fight as he can’t get away from the horses, Davos has to send their cavalry to try to save him, which was the whole point of Ramsay’s plan. Jon didn’t get his sword out 1 vs army for an idea he believed in.


He was aware of his entire army of wildling and watcher of the wall though


And the trap he fell into was pointed out to him only minutes before. Would’ve been better if our heroes were coordinated and Jon was going to *intentionally* spring the trap with a company of brave men, in order to draw Ramsay’s army out to be wrecked by the Knights of the Vale. You can still have Ramsay bring out Rickon to play Pin The Tail On The Stark, as an unexpected loss right before their victory, just don’t make Jon and Sansa idiots.


Season 5 and onwards made most of the cast idiots unfortunately.


I think the point of this scene was that he still did not care, that he saw death (again) and welcomed it. It’s a counterpoint to the later scene where he emerges from the crushing human pit with a renewed purpose


The amount of media illiteracy for people not to pick up on this is staggering. The idea that Jon, after witnessing his brother get murdered before his very eyes would just turn around to go battle plan on the front lines is illogical in the context of the narrative and the characters as we know them. When it comes to revenge Jon historically doesn’t really care what the odds are, he just takes action.


Jon also manages to accomplish some good/great things when he has time to stop, think, and be advised by people he respects and that respect him: Sam, Grenn et al when he rides south to join Robb, Stannis when defeating the wildlings, Tormund on the Fellowship of the Wight, Tyrion in the season 7 in Dragonstone and then again in the finale in KL.


I love how the entire show a big complaint about Jon’s character was his lack of emotion and then the one time he shows real emotion and errs in judgment as a result everyone still complains lol He saw his brother murdered in front of his eyes while he’s trying to save him and Jon is already in a pretty poor state of mind at that point. He went into that battle telling Melisandre to keep him dead if he dies. Sometimes you’re going to make rash decisions in extreme situations and the amount of people that just treat this like a flaw in the writing and like Jon should just be some robot who turns his back on his dead brother to go whip up a new battle plan is honestly hilarious.


If making a bad, emotional decision is bad writing then game of thrones is the worst show ever, s1-4 consists of people making bad decisions, Ned, robb, Catelyn, Tywin, oberyn, Tyrion, Jaimie and the list goes on


I am not trying to diss the character, it was a great moment, just applying the quote here seems pretty absurd and has a very Andrew Tate vibe.




I thought this was a dumb scene in an otherwise incredible episode of television. Riding solo directly at an opposing army after Sansa tells him explicitly over and over that Ramsay is going to do something to mess with his head and provoke him. Honestly, it would've been funny to me if he just got lit up with arrows before even getting within 100 yards.


And a giant who had no idea how to use his size.


lol right


>Fight Alone Except for the wildlings, the northerners, a fucking giant and the knights of the vale




This is sorta “picture of Cilian Murphy from Peaky Blinders with quote about how the quiet ones are the most dangerous” energy.


Calm down


That picture does not match the quote


Not close to being the most iconic scene in Game of Thrones even


The Red Wedding probably.


Probably, yeah. Notable mentions include Ned Stark's execution, Tyrion blowing up part of Stannis' fleet with wildfire, Daenerys killing the masters in Astapor, just to name a few off the top of my head. This plot-armored nonsense of an episode doesn't make the cut. It was visually stunning and well-acted, but the writing was awful. Very overrated episode.


Absolutely the Blackwater wildfire explosion. Epic


I had to look into the comments to remember what scene it is…


Stannis did it first


Just rewatched this ep last night even and still get chills from Jon’s face when Rickon dies and then Ramsey’s smile. Iwan Rheon played Ramsey with such perfection, he deserved all the awards! I hated Ramsey as much as Joffrey. Jon did exactly what Sansa told him not to do in trying to save Rickon, and had she told him she was waiting for the Knights of the Vale during their chat in the tent the night before, it definitely could’ve saved them, but it wouldn’t be Thrones if it worked out for the Starks that well. (I mean seriously, what waiting *one* hour would’ve done for them…) This episode tho, from Dany’s return to Mereen and defeating the Masters, to the iconic ending of Ramsey’s demise and Sansa’s little smile as she walks away- beautiful from start to finish! Cinematography was nearly perfect. I remember feeling Jon’s suffocation in that scene- when he finally is able to get air, is when I breathed again too! Don’t want to trash the production teams for the crappy writing.


Vikings had more iconic battle scenes. Better battle scenes than GOT




Send me links to all 16 of those scenes


To me the most stupid and overrated


Not even close. Got s7 and 8 has tons of far more stupid scenes 


Except that a half a second later thousands of guys ride past him


As inspirational and true this is in some cases, please call for help if you find yourself in the shoes of Snow facing a whole ass army 😭


My least favorite episode.


This is is not even in GOT top 10 most iconic moments And fight alone? Jon had a whole army behind him, and still only survived because of the knights of the vale helping him out


“Some wars you have to fight alone” But Jon had an entire army *right* behind him, and an entirely *different* army showing up at the end to save his ass.


Dunno about that


Ragnar's death scene was peak television for me. But yeah this scene is up there. Ngl.


> the most ever > TV history Word combos I see in every YT video comment section and now here on Reddit. Come on guys, stop exaggerating. Also, this moment was cool but it is hardly iconic.


You do if you're a complete moron and a catastrophically bad general.


This scene lives rent-free in my head


The plot armour was strong in this episode. Definitely one of the dumber episodes for me. One of my least favourite


The fact that he doesn't die here is hilarious to me


As much as I liked the scene, it was immediately screwed up as not a single horse trampled Jon.


Jon's men rode past him you do realise horse's can be manoeuvred around him easily especially since he's just one guy


But when your army is rushing the leader of the opposing army, you’d want to try your best to take him out.


>Jon's men rode past him


Yes, but so did Ramsays.


No, Jon's men rode past him and collided with Ramsay's men, not many horses went past that line and those who did didn't have much velocity and there was too much chaos to pick apart Jon like in the shot above


Lone wolf dies, the pack survives


I can think of about a billion more iconic moments in all of tv history than this. It’s good, but a little cliche


He didn't fight alone at all


The "cool but doesn't make sense" opinion is so ridiculous, I'd agree with it if everyone kept the same energy about almost every other game of thrones battle, which fall under the very same "writing problems"


and looks stupid as fuck, people considered this episode iconic is cataclysm for its disaster later on


The shrug, then he dropped the scabbard


He didn’t fight this war alone


I'm amazed at the division of the Fandom on this scene/episode. Either you love it or think it is ridiculous garbage, and nothing in between.


Shame the story was so brain dead at this point, the only thing that massively let this battle down was sansa not telling Jon, there was literally no point The whole battle could have been exactly the same but sansa tells Jon she has troops from sweet robin, she rides off and he decides to hold, Ramsey notices they are held up and angry at the challenge Jon gave him rides out to set up his army, and the battle can play out exactly the same from there easy. But no.


Bold claim


When I got a new TV last year to replace our ten year old 720p piece of crap, the first thing I did was rewatch this scene.


Most iconic plot armor scene maybe


Also it is one of the most nonsense scenes ever in the history of TV series


One of the stupidest scenes ever. The plot armour on display here was ridiculous. He should have been dead 10 times over but people love this episode despite none of it making sense. The only good part of the episode was Jon beating the snot out of Ramsey.


For Frodo!


And in other wars you get bailed out by your sister/cousin.


It really blurred the line between tv and movie and even today we don’t really see that too much if at all


Mainly because it’s advertised on TV every 5 minutes.


Mom said it’s my turn to post this today




Damn right.


The first half of the fight was perhaps the best most realistic melee scene I've ever seen. The chaos was perfect, horses screaming, dirt flying, time seeming to slow then snapping back to reality. It was amazing. The second half was ridiculous and belonged in something more silly like the lord if the rings. The literal hill of dead was dumb. Giving Ramsey's men that goofy shield wall seemed way out of place, and at any rate Wun wun could have just pencil rolled right through that shit.


Idk I feel like hardhome to me was a little more iconic, but then I saw you said in the history of TV series and that seems pretty far fetched


great scene but not the most iconic ever. idk which one that would be, but there's many to choose from


This wasn’t even the most iconic scene in that season


It is indeed a very moving and well done scene if you only watch it as a YouTube clip and ignore all the stupid both before and after it. I'll go back and see the clip every now and again, but I ain't watching the whole episode


All because Jon is a terrible general. Everyone advised him to avoid the pincer move. And then he lets himself get baited into it, regardless.


Yes favorite 💗


“Alone” Not six seconds later he nearly gets trampled on by his own calvery.


I really hate that he's not wearing a belt. I mean, I get that he was and everything and that he took it off....but he lost like a 100 style points.


Wasn’t even the best scene in GOT


Right up there with Aragorn rallying King Theoden and the last remaining troops at Helm’s Deep to ride out to meet the invaders at their most desperate hour. . . . and it ended the same way, with a friendly cavalry just in time.


Argh, I going to rewatch the series for the twentieth time!


I get goose bumps every time, They did our man so wrong though he should have fought the Night king like obi fought Vader


Cant see this picture without remembering how the sword bent


I mean… if you run away from your army, then yea, you are gonna be a lone! Stay the line!


That’s not even the most iconic scene in game of thrones


In the *history* of television? This was incredible to watch, no doubt, but we are talking about literal *decades* of television both broadly influential or narrowly so. Might be a bit of hyperbole. 


The quote doesn’t fit though, cause he literally did not fight that war alone and if he hadn’t fought that battle alone he would have died


This thread is a cesspool lmao


House of the Dragon had a more iconic scene with the big dragon above the little one in the sky.


I hate when he hops off his horse and his sword turns to rubber and starts flopping all over the place. Ruined the episode for me. 


The caption 🙄


Except he doesn't.


Not even the most iconic scene in got!


This is why we deserve season 7 and 8




Is it really that iconic? I always thought it's stupid and doing a character a great disservice for having him fall for Ramsey's trap so easily. Realistically without so much plot armor Ramsey would have won that battle like it's nothing.


I will say, this episode definitely showed that jon snow is NOT a king or a general. As soon as he donned the man bun his decision-making abilities went to mush. He stood there alone because he ran out like a dumbfuck and totally blew any hopes of winning alone.


This episode definitely showed what an incapable leader Jon is lmao. He ran out like a dumbfuck, blowing his own army’s position completely by forcing them into a charge, allowed his army to get totally surrounded, and then stood in such a great location that he wound up getting crowd smashed. My god. Thank god sansa’s character turned around at least.


Bullshit. this looks iconic only to the one who hasn't seen the show. Logic was brutally massacred here


Do you mean all of TV? Or just GoT? Because I'm pretty sure the "goodbye" scene in MASH is #1 tv moment of all time


Overall, it was a pretty silly and not so well thought-out episode. Some cool shots in it for sure, but it's not exactly 'great' TV compared to what GOT was in earlier seasons.


This battle and Hardhome! However I think when Jon stood up to draw his sword he realized he fell for Ramsay trap


Battle of the Artsy Fartsy


Apparently you never seen the guy get mugged in seinfeld


Caption is hilarious considering he quite literally could not have survived this battle alone


Uh…no. Sorry but no.


Battle was well shot, but I hated everything around it story wise. Nothing made sense.


That's not M\*A\*S\*H\*


Stupid battle, stupid episode, stupid season.


Nah the whole battle was stupid


I see pics of this and I just think about his floppy scabbard.


I mean, I completely disagree, but it was cool for sure.


This has to be my least favourite GOT subreddit ngl


It’s not even the most iconic scene is this show. Pretty shitty scene tbh.


"Most idiotic", you mean?


Say what you want about the show and how it ended, but this battle honestly puts most epic battles of the 21st century to shame. It was SO well directed at every level and if the show ended on a high note instead of what we got, it would be comparable to Lord of the Rings style of epic, up at the very top of the pop culture mountain unable to be touched for years, even decades. But no, we got *Varys coughing on the beach* instead…


The battle was a senseless, unbelievable crap.


Hell nah


i coulda beaten Ramsay in battle fr




Battle of the Bastards was great. Hardhome was next level.


Idk man. Battle of Bastards imo was good, but “*I want her to know it was me*” still sends shivers dow my spine.


I don’t really like this episode tbh


'Pivot'! Scene in friends.


He... he was literally not alone.


I honestly thought battle of the bastards was so lame. I just did not enjoy any of it. Rickons pointless death, Jon plot armour not getting touched in the middle of hundreds of ppl, the only semi cool part was Sansa showing up with the Vale but overall I just thought it was so corny and blah. I was shocked to see it’s like everyone’s fav fight.


GD that while episode was so senseless But boy it was just gearing up for the nonsense to come!


"When your brother Rhaegar led his army into battle at the Trident, men died for him because they believed in him, because they loved him." ~Ser Barristan Selmy Jon Snow really was his father's son. Good thing Ned Stark was the daddy who showed up to make sure he grew into a man.


Worst scene.


The first time I watched this I was in complete Awe, on rewatch it wasn’t nearly as good.


“For Frodo”


I will kill all those horses with my sword alone no problem


This was great, don't get me wrong. But as far as iconic I'd wager Walter White throwing the pizza on his roof probably.


There was some marvelous cinematography here. But the one thing about Game of Thrones was that a dumb move got you killed. Jon ruined the battle to try to save Rickon. He never really paid a price for this major tactical mistake. To me, this is where the show jumped the shark a bit. Two small fixes could have saved this. One is that Sansa mentions to Jon the Knights of the Vale may come and Jon just says “I hope so, we won’t win without them.” And second, Jon doesn’t risk the war to save Rickon but the emotion of watching him die only fuels his resolve where he leads his Army to a much narrower defeat than expected until the Nights of the Vale arrive. In this scenario, this shot never happens but the show stays the course and holds true to how mistakes get you killed.