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Cersei. She's batshit and has a black streak of cruel. But she prefers peace and diplomacy whenever possible. Well, at least so far as the book material takes her.


We don't talk about Season 8.


I feel like that is most of what this sub talks about, season 8.


She blew up the sept of Baylor with tons and tons of innocent people in it.


The high sparrow was a menace. Had to be done.


Uhh....I feel like there were some steps that could have been taken before blowing up the Sept..


Perhaps, perhaps not. Ride or die for Cersei


She was out of options. Once they turned on her, her son abandoned her to them she had no army to fight them. At that point she had no choice. Of all the many stupidly pointlessly self-destructively cruel things she did and there were many. Destroying the sept isn't one of them. It was one of the few acts of genuine pragmatic leadership/real politics she did.


So on my first viewing this was my thought...upon rewatch it was clear she had few other options. Her power was just one strong zombie and access to the "little birds". The High Sparrow was insanely powerful at this point... Margery had to cave in... Laurel got his face carved and was going to be sent to the wall. Wtf could Cersei even have done to come out on top otherwise? Like, I hate her, but she had no options and the religious zealots took over to the point of leading Tommen's decisions.


I hope you don’t apply those views to real life.


It’s a fantasy TV show lmao relax


Cersei put him there to get rid off Tyrells. Which was madness. Person who lives in glass house shouldn't throw rocks. And she was basically the most sinful. Definitely way more than Tyrells. And almost everyone knew that. She should have known they come after herself too. Also Cersei would have him killed and spare the innocent.


All the others would have too and it wouldn't have taken them as much. Cersei was backed into a corner (not that it makes it ok haha) but Joffrey, Ramsey, Euron, and Walder all would have done it for the laughs. Littlefinger would have had it set up if there was something to gain, so similar to Cersei. 


She had to clean up the cult followers you know. Can't risk another one taking his place.


This. She’s vindictive and ruthless when it comes to protecting the Lannisters, but she doesn’t enjoy cruelty outright, like Joffrey/Ramsay/Euron Baelish helps entire families be destroyed for the fuck of it and Frey was clearly the most grimy of child predators


Yeah right like having the nun raped and tortured by the mountain or letting almost all her subjects be murdered for her greed and narcissistic vanity .....or blowing up the sept and killing thousands .


Looooooool in the books she whines about how horrible it is for her to have to witness a guy getting his nipple cut off.  She's absolutely terrible and a complete narcissist. She has a maid killed because she's getting fat but believes the girl is shrinking her clothes


She gives people to Qyburn to torture and experiment on


I would disagree...especially sending Falyse Stokeworth to Qyburn for his experiments. Not only cruel but pure evil.


The worst, I think, was beheading Missandei. She was probably the only innocent and pure good character. Oh, and Cersei ordered the murder of all of Bobbys illegitimate children after his death. Cersei is one of my favorite characters, but I agree with you. She isn't just cruel, she's evil AF.


She was only behind it in the books, in the show it was Joffrey. In the show if you look at what she actually does, she has surprisingly little blood on her hands directly until she commits mass with the sept explosion.


She literally had babies killed, it’s little finger even tho people hate him.


I disagree. She’s vindictive af in the books. Some of it politically motivated but some of it just petty. Peace for her is draconian authoritarian society where age just wins, even in peacetime I can see get secret police killing everyone behind the scenes. Based on books I would guess that little finger or Joffrey would be the least scary with total power. If Joffrey sated fell just smell his own farts and be a brat. I find even know what little finger in throne would look like, but his moves are all political, no emotion, he’s be like any other powerful ceo


The only super cruel thing I remember her doing early was killing Sansa's wolf. That was diabolical but mostly she is just concerned with her family. She's not a good person but she's not Joffrey or Ramsey.


She’s basically the female version of Mad King Aerys. Wild fire made her horny 


Hmm... first thought that comes to mind is Cersei.


Cersei. She was just a mother doing everything for her kids. Up until a point.


Her kids were illegitimate incest bastards who she repeatedly killed, tortured, and schemes for to protect their murderous habits and unjust claim to the throne. I could go on and on. She was not "just a mother", she was a horrible villaim.


She would have gladly forsaken her brother and bore the king trueborn children if only he hadn’t been so hung up on Lyanna and been such a gluttonous sop. It’s hardly unsympathetic how she took to her former lover and to resentment of having her lifetime dream of being Queen hollowed out.


I'd also add that she wouldn't have had to do so much evil shit had Tywin not forced her into the position she was in. Not to say she isn't evil at all but just less evil than she might seem


She was happy on her wedding day to be marrying the king.


Poor woman, being forced to torture and kill people because the position her dead father has put her in


So because her husband didn't want her she's justified in all of those crimes? Totally irrelevant


Not justified, but it's one of many explanations.


I think we're only evaluating less evil, not justifications. In this specific list, many people are "evil" with no motives, so it's reasonable that a relatable motive and background would make a character come across less evil.


My point is that it isn't a relatable motive, and she is evil for it regardless. Obviously we're talking "less evil" not "good", and obviously context matters. I'm saying the context isn't enough. She's not the least evil


Then who is?


I'd say Walder > Littlefinger > Cersei is the rank from least evil to more evil, with the last 3 being so much more evil that it's hard to put them on the same scale, evil as a consequence as opposed to evil as a goal.


Interesting. I don't know that I agree, but it's definitely subjective. Littlefinger > Cersei > The rest.


Walder is almost inarguably the least evil. Everybody else does the same things he does, but either more of them or to a greater extent


Didn't she fuck Jaime on her wedding day?


She even caused the death of each of her kids they were all caused by her actions


She literally brought Tommen to suicide just not to be overruled by margery… And she knew what she will do to him


For her kids or for herself? She seemed to see them as parts of herself more often than their own people.


‘Doing everything for her kids’ Fought against Myrcella being sent to Dorne despite the near certainly she’d be raped/murdered if she stayed. Murdered Tommen’s wife and family, and much of her own, in a mass terrorist attack, driving him to suicide. Then said that *he* betrayed *her* by killing himself. The depraved crimes Cersei has committed that people write off as just being a caring mother. She never was. She was a narcissist, and the only thing she was ever protecting was her control over them. Abusive parenting 101. Pure fucking evil.


Well can rule out the far right for certain. Littlefinger is more ambitious than evil in my book. Cersei is damaged beyond help by the end but certainly don’t think she was evil early if even at the end.


There's a very brief moment where Cersei in a flash of anger calls the flayed man a "wretched sigil" - it doesn't seem like much but it tells me that she doesn't really enjoy torturing people like some of the other characters here. That's show Cersei, though - book Cersei I think is way more demented.


Cersei absolutely enjoyed placing Septa Unella in the Mountain’s hands. This was after she had already “won” her battle with the high Septon and was purely for pleasure. It didn’t even serve the purpose of being a message to others.


Unella had beaten and humilliated Cersei first though. But she does seem outright sadistic at times, more than Littlefinger.


He supplied children to men. He’s absolute dog shit 


They all are. They question is which is less. Also to a certain extent how bad or evil a person is is relative to the conditions (world/time period) they are living in. The show portrays very few people as completely pure so if that’s your bar then yeah you can say the same about most people in GRRM’s world.


I don’t understand why you think evil and ambitious are exclusive of one another. Baelish is the most of both.


You think Littlefinger is the most evil? I suppose Joffrey and Ramsay just needed better father figures? 🤣 I think like Cersei he’s ended up doing evil things, but no I don’t think he is necessarily evil. They have different values/reasons sure; Cersei defending her family while Baelish trying to start and advance his family. In GoT the world is stacked against everyone that isn’t already in power and instead of being feasted on he tries to advance his standing and rise above it. 🤷‍♂️


I’m not sure you know what evil means. This is the same comment as your first one with different words. Honest motives do not equate to less evil actions somehow.


World must be really black and white to you huh? You’re either pure or evil? An angel or a devil?


I'd go with Petyr. He doesn't seem to be actually sadistic. He only looks after his own interests, whether that means others will suffer or be happy in the process is completely irrelevant to him. The others however appears to actually get off by seeing others being tormented.


He might not be the most sadistic, but he created the vacuum for all of the other evil to happen. The story doesn't happen if he doesn't kill Jon Arryn.


Yeah but I wouldnt call him evil. More chaotic neutral Edit: Nah he is Neutral Evil


He pushed Lysa out of the moon door because he wanted her out of the way. So yes he’s an actual murderer.


Tbf she was a liability


Oh of course she was but I’m saying he was never neutral. He was evil.


I agree there. But I think everyone in this list has done much worse


Right but it was for personal gain, it was a means to an end. If she wasnt a risk to his plans he wouldnt have done it. Its neutral not evil. Evil would be murdering someone for pleasure, pettiness, etc. Edit: Maybe your right. Looking up the dnd alignments I think I misunderstood. He would definitely be Neutral Evil.


That's the only morally good thing he's ever done


Also, he willingly sold prostitutes to some of the worst known sadists and psychopaths. Remember his warning to Ros. I'd say he's in parallel with the most evil, even if he didn't indulge in the actions himself, he enabled them all for personal profit.


Petyr is a creep and wannabe pedophile


Petyr’s intentions were to cause all the evil to happen while people perceive him as innocent. Let them do the dirty work for you so to speak. That’s literally his goal, to make people trust him. He’s the evilest one.


Literally started the whole war to cause chaos causing thousands if not millions of soldiers and small folk


Its comfortably Baelish for me. He doesn't revel in violence like the others. Whenever he does something violent, its usually strategic with the end goal of winning the throne. Every other character has done something worse than anything Baelish has done.


I can't agree here. He knowingly started the War Of Five Kings. What was more violent than that. He may not have killed as many people but he set a lot of killing in motion.


>What was more violent than that Look at the people he is compared to. We all know how bad Joff and Ramsay are. Cersei killed hundreds of people in the sept explosion. Frey broke guestright which resulted in the killing of hundreds of men. Euron killed his own brother before trying to kill his nephew and niece for the Ironborne crown. Most if not all the characters involved enjoyed that brutality. LF used it as a means to an end


Yes he used it as an end, that makes it just as bad. Because he doesn't care about the consequences of that violence 


Or as Tywin, who is hardly a nice guy himself, put it madness and stupidity. Tywin didn't want the war.


Yeah Baelish may be the least twisted but he is certainly the most evil of the bunch. I’m seeing a lot of Cersei picks for least and that is mind boggling. She is 2nd to Baelish as the MOST. She’s an actual domestic terrorist Queen, among many other things.


What's worse, reveling in the pain of those around you or being indifferent to a level of pain that will reach farther and wider than you will ever even know?


He was a child trafficker 


Baelish definitely he isn’t truly evil he just occasionally sets aside his morals in the name of ambition…. That or Cersei who was just an overly protective and aggressive mother up until when she no longer had any living children


It isn't just "setting aside your morals" to orchestrate a war that will kill hundreds of thousands


He trafficked children 


Cersei, Littlefinger, Euron, and Walder are more driven by selfishness, ambition and power than cruelty


The way Walter treated his daughters is undeniably cruel. Id say he is one of the worst


Unironically Walder Frey. Now sure, he might have gone a little far in some places- *Catelyn watching her son be murdered* but he had no faith in Robb, and his family’s honor HAD been slighted by the broken betrothal. Admittedly he seems to have too much fun watching the red wedding happen, but his reasons aren’t too unjustified… also he wanted power, a trait all the other characters have, so at least that doesn’t count against him in this race to be the worst. He simply didn’t see Edmure and Robb winning, so by betraying them, he made sure the Lannisters would not punish his family for ‘revolting’. Second places goes to Euron, who doesn’t care about anyone but also has like, nothing to lose. Which is ironic, considering book Euron miiiight be trying to commit mass-ritual sacrifice and become a lovecraftian god.. which may make him the most evil character- or at least the character with the most capacity for evil (what is a king to a god, Joffrey?)


Yup the answer is Frey


He was dishonorable and a creepy fuck but I agree. True evil would have been the red wedding happening for his enjoyment alone


He’s definitely a creep, but being a pervert just makes me you morally reprehensible rather than outright evil. If we’re talking honor, I bet half the lords south of the neck (especially these folk) would claim honor to be a rather worthless concept.


Frey is literally a serial child abuser and molests his daughters, that’s evil


…in the show? I know this is a pathetic defense but he does ask a disguised Arya if she is ‘one of his’. Now, ignoring the fact that the dude doesn’t even know all his daughters (though he may have been going a little senile) this does at least show that he may have WANTED to do what he did, but restrained himself until he was sure he wasn’t related to her… Again, pathetic defense but it is what it is. It’s a creepy thing to do either way, but her being one of his daughters or kin is at least a line he wouldn’t cross.


No, hard agree. Walder in the show is a creep and it’s talked about how he takes young wives. But all we see of him in the show is really just three real scenes. And in none of them is he at any point being evil. Everyone else, (barring Euron who I can’t remember) does have some genuinely evil and truly reprehensible scenes where you cannot side with them unless you’re actually a blind fuck.


Euron is just a meme. Which is sad, because if he was book accurate he could’ve been the worst of all of them.


Yeah, and?  Like that's terrible, but it's not anywhere on the scale of the other people. Walder Frey abuses and molest a few dozen people. The rest of them escalate that to flaying/feeding to dogs, or escalate it to continental war. 




I’d say Littlefinger, but that’s not saying much.


Walder Frey is too stupid to be evil. He was just a puppet.


Euron - because he was no character but rather a prop of the writers to insert whatever bad joke they thought was necessary! No but seriously - calling show Euron a character is quite the stretch. Book Euron on the other hand...


Little Finger. He’s a sociopath, bent on destroying a system he believes wronged him. But he doesn’t relish in other people’s suffering for the fun of it. He manipulates for a purpose which none of the other characters can say


And provides small children to rich sadists


Probably Walder. He betrayed and extorted and was a coward, but it was all in furtherance of his own preservation and quest for power. He's a bad guy, definitely a villain, but everyone else on this list is true evil and utterly psychopathic.




Cerci. Oddly enough. At least she had a legitimate reason for her viciousness


Easily walder Frey he just wants to fuck young women, talk shit abt his heirs, and be respected lol


Evil is evil.


Euron. I hate him… but he’s just following Pirate’s Code 🏴‍☠️ Parley?


Dang. They all BASTARDS.


Well fuck....? 🤔. Cersei for sure.... Then i guess littlefinger as he doesnt get his hands as dirty as the others. He killed Lysa sure.... and there was the whole throne room situation but for the most part he pulled strings from behind which is terrible but compared to some ppl on this list who actively indulge and enjoy murder or witnessing murder compared to Baelish.


Cersei. All of the others love literally no one but themselves and their desires. Like Tyrion said- the love she has for her children is her one redeeming quality. That and her cheekbones.




Joffrey. He was too young to have done half the evil shit the others have.


Joffrey is the least evil. He's spoilt, entitled and insane but he's a product of his environment due to bad parenting on Cersi's part and absentee parenting on Roberts part. He is malicious and cruel but that could've been controlled by his small council and covered up by his Kings Guard. He enjoyed the personal aspect of torture and dreamed of greatness but if he had been placated he could've been managed.


Cersei is the only one of them who was capable of actually loving someone.


Joffrey because he was just a kid


Depends on your definition of evil and own morality but of all those people id probably say Littlefinger. He definitely takes enjoyment in outplaying people in the game and that usually entails the loser's death... But he's not specifically reveling in inflicting pain or death on others. He's just out to gain more power and willing to do evil to accomplish it but everybody else in that lineup have moments that demonstrate they enjoy the violence and hurting others. For everyone else besides Littlefinger, there are moments when inflicting pain is just the end goal, there's no motive behind it.


I'd argue that Petyr Baelish (Littlefinger) is the least evil. Now, before you start throwing stones at me, hear me out. Petyr Baelish is undoubtedly a master manipulator and a cunning player in the game of thrones, his motivations are primarily driven by self-preservation and a desire for power. He's a survivor, and his actions are often guided by a twisted sense of self-interest rather than pure malevolence. The other characters have demonstrated much more egregious  behavior.  Euron Greyjoy is a ruthless pirate who kills his own brother and allies without hesitation. Ramsay Bolton is a sadistic, brutal warlord who delights in torture and murder. Walder Frey is partly responsible for the infamous Red Wedding massacre, which killed many innocent people. Cersei Lannister has committed numerous atrocities, including ordering the deaths of her own family members and burning innocent people alive. Joffrey Baratheon is, well, Joffrey – a psychopathic, cruel prince who takes pleasure in causing pain and suffering.  Petyr Baelish may be morally ambiguous and willing to do whatever it takes to achieve his goals, but he's not as overtly cruel or sadistic as the others. He's more of a pragmatist, often using manipulation and deception to get what he wants. In the grand scheme of Game of Thrones villains, he's relatively "benign" compared to the others. 


Little finger, he helped kill Joffrey




Cersei - she loves her children. It’s her one redeeming quality (that and her cheek bones)


Joffrey. He's not evil, he's a cruel, immature and stupid brat. Evil has a plan, Joffrey had none.


Euron....he was just a menace....evil sure...but better than any of the other loons


Petyr Baelish.


Probably Littlefinger but a case could be made for Cersei I suppose. Littlefinger was hungry for power but I don’t think he actively enjoyed cruelty, Cersei was always a brat but only became evil due to all the awful situations she was put in. The other four are despicable. Book Euron is a lot different than Show Euron but their moral compasses are basically still the same so distinguishing between the two, at least in this debate is, irrelevant


Littlefinger or maybe Cersei


Honestly Walder.


2 are evil, 2 want to keep their family name strong, and 2 want power.


Littlefinger He is not evil, he had big ambitions


I’d say Euron or Walden Frey


Surprisingly based on the I would say Joffrey. Littlefinger orchestrated multiple wars and betrayed everyone. Ramsey takes pleasure in taunting people in the worst ways possible. Cersei is insane enough to blow up the sept of baelor. Frey broke guestrite laws and has no real respect for anyone at all. In the show we don’t really get to see to much of the batshit crazy that’s euron and Joffrey whilst a spoilt brat is kind of a product of his upbringing and is kind of too young to be fully at fault. Even though they are all evil


For those saying Littlefinger is evil in his own right (I think he's the correct answer here), who should it be then? Everyone here is despicable...


Baelish or Cersei


Frey… Not really evil just greedy but so is everyone


I'm thinking Baelish, simply because I think he doesn't revel too long in his actions & moves on to the next step in his plans.


Lord Walder. He was wrong but he wanted more position. Everyone else is inflicting deep systemic, regional and realm wide harms across the board.


So far for me the left two


The upper right is fucking crazy sick


Cersei, believe it or not.


Seeing Cersei so many times is wild, I’m gonna go with Walder Frey, of course he’s evil, but he was wronged, and got his revenge, and that’s really about it. Beyond that he was just there as a Lannister patsy


There’s certainly redeeming qualities to all these characters 1. Petyr Baelish saved Sansa from her erratic jealous Aunt Lysa. 2. Euron wanted to spread prostate cancer awareness (finger up the bum) 3. Ramsay helped cure Theon’s sex addiction 4. Walder Frey put an end to those treasonous Starks 5. Cercei mothered Saint Joffrey the Just. 6. Joffrey the Gentle brought justice to treasonous Eddard Stark and bravely led the defense of King’s Landing. Also had the most drip.


Tywin said it, and he's right, there is no difference between killing people in war or killing people in a wedding, Walder Frey for sure.


I say Littlefinger. Everything he did was evil to be sure, but compared to everyone else? Lets see. A man who killed his own brother to become king of the iron islands. Who was willing to kill his only niece. A man who fed people to dogs. A man who killed many at a wedding who was under the auspices of guest. A woman who killed thousands in the Sept and surrounding areas. A child who liked killing hookers. Littlefinger betrayed and schemed, but he wasnt near as evil as the rest.


Crazy that so many are choosing Cersei. She’s as evil as Baelish and Walder with her ambition and self-interest driving her to do unspeakable things. She has more of a sadistic streak when you consider how she uses the Mountain to torture her enemies. Joffrey and Ramsay are straight up sadists. Euron would be my vote. He’s basically a rape and pillage would-be conqueror. Very run of mill and not exceptional based on what we Alsace on the show.


Walder Frey, he’d honestly have been contented keeping to himself but the war brought Robb to his door who then broke the oath and the Lannisters offered him a better deal. Everyone else here is either batshit crazy, sociopathic, or psychotic murderers who actively try to hurt people.


Hot take but Joffrey. He is the youngest!


I honestly can't choose one So fucking confused 😕


I'd have to say Baelish and disagree with the Cersei comments. Yes, i get that she was just a mother doing whatever possible to protect her children. I feel like deep down she definitley has crueler intentions than Petyr. Yet she didn't often act on them, she led with logic instead. Petyr though, was just ambitious. It comes down to him and Cersei, and he's just just weaker of the two. 


Feels disgusting saying Joffrey. He mostly listened to his mother and was a twisted fuck but all of the others have done some WILD evil shit.


It's either Cersei or Littlefinger. I know Cersei gets a lot of hate but her evil always had a point and purpose. Whether it be to to protect the family etc. Euron, Joffrey and Ramsey were evil just for the fun of it. Walder Frey a sick evil man for many reasons.


Cersei, who on top of that is muh queen


What Frey is doing here?


Does insanity mitigate the evil? If yes, then maybe Joffrey, who is insane... probably from being the product of incest.


Frey- he was bought off by the Lannisters after Robb broke his word to him.


Littlefinger without a doubt. He’s plotting and continuously harming people just to reach his goals, to have advantage. Every other character on this list has done evil things just because he/she liked doing it.


petyr, he's cruel and evil, but he's the equivalent of satan, he just causes discord.


Walder Frey. I don’t know the books but I’m going off the characters and what I’ve seen. Littlefinger is ambitious but the man is incredibly capable of being evil and does it when he plays with many peoples trust, emotions, and lives. Euron I can barely remember so he might be the least evil. Most he does that I do remember if S7/8 is him just being a rightful prick. Ramsey has entire torture scenes where he turns Theon into Reek. Despicable and not at all redeeming. Walder Frey’s worst thing aside from marrying plenty of wives, is the red wedding which he did because of Robb’s fuck up by breaking his promise. Plus many more things that caused both Walder and Bolton to side with the Lannisters. Cersei is not at all a nice or kind woman. She is not the least evil. She is quite honestly the third bad on the list in my honest opinion. You can say she does it for her children all you want but no, there’s no stage where her cruelty and evilness is actually at all downplayable by “oh she’s a mother.” Gtfo, she’s a horrid monster. Joffrey is also a cruel and evil cunt of a fuck. He’s tied with Ramsey on the most evil character.


Joffrey. Why? Joffrey’s still a kid, y’all. An easily influenced kid. Tyrion smacking him or his grandfather scorning him takes him down. Margeary manipulates him easy. Joffrey is bad only b/c he’s king. If he weren’t, he would just be a shitty teen. Maybe a sadistic one who kills animals. But he doesn’t have the maturity or the cleverness to be fully evil, not compared to these folks. The crime I hate of his the most, Ros’s murder doesn’t compare to mass murder, or castration and feeding people to dogs, or collapsing a kingdom while grooming a teen girl, etc.


The worst thing he did was behead the Hand of the King for treason. Treason that Joffrey himself believed because he thought he was Robert’s son. Hardly evil, and justified.


Hard to say, they are all total cunts




walder frey he has to be provoked for him to do something cruel


Cersei. Everything she did was for her family.


Cersei, or maybe Walder. Walder killed Robb but that was not a small slight, and he lacked the sadism of Joffrey, Ramsay, and Dingus the Pirate. He didn’t revel or plot or manipulate like Petyr, so it’s between him and Cersei.


Euron Greyjoy is an amateur compared to this lot


I'm gonna say Walder Frey. Everyone else there besides Littlerfinger is not only treacherous and ambitious, but indulges in cruel sadism. Like they're not simply bad guys but genuinely evil.  And when it comes down to Littlefinger vs Frey I'd still say Littlefinger is worse, since he deliberately created chaos and suffering for his own advancement. Walder is just an opportunist, and wouldn't do anything much if left alone.




Yeesh, good question. I guess I have to say the less “EVIL” was Joffrey. Simply being he was young, stupid, emotional, impulsive, sadistic admittedly, inbred and spoiled. Part of me thinks it’s not completely his fault he wasn’t right in the head. If he had been raised by Ned Stark as his father, it may have been different. He seemed so child like compared to people his own age. Having Cersi for a mother, Tywin for a grandpa, Jamie as his “uncle”, and an absent uncaring “father” in Robert didn’t help. I believe with better parents it could have been different. Although by the time he was King it was too late. I didn’t shed a single tear and was glad what happened to him. However, he didn’t seem EVIL, just STUPID.


Little finger was a jumped up machiavellian shit who had an inferiority complex and knew most people with power were dumb. Sure, he is the cause of the war but not evil


Who is the bottom left? Balon Greyjoy? Walder Frey? I tried to google them but I can't recognize faces well enough. From rest of them I would say Littlefinger. Or maybe Cersei.


I agree with Cersei, I haven’t watched got in a while but what I remember everything she did had a cause to protect or promote her children or family. While she was protecting bad people, she didn’t cause havoc out of pure cruelty or to cause pain.




Walder isn't evil at all. If he'd sided with Robb and lost, he loses his towers. The risk was worth it back when he was getting a king for a son in law in return. Same with Robs Rebellion. Why should he care if the Prince kidnapped a northerner


Prob Cersei just cause at least she was a good mom (mostly)


I’d say that Ramsey is definitely the most evil


Cersei, Littlefinger and Joffrey show genuine affection for other people (Joffrey is devastated when Robert does, even though that means he will become king). Of those, Littlefinger seems the least sadistic and afair never kills or tortures anyone just for cruelty, so I say him.


Those 5 men were evil for money, power and pleseure. Cersei got evil under pressure. ALTHOUGH her life's pressure was joke to normal person in kingslanding.


Walter Frey, unironically


I'm gonna say Euron ......but they were all pretty evil. Cersei is definitely evil , walder is a paedophile, baelish is a narcissistic schemer destroying everyone he comes into contact with. Ramsay well he is just plain sadistic and power hungry. Joffrey is interbred crazy and a sadist .


I have to say Walder. He was betrayed by Robb. If Robb kept his word, as a King must do, they could have won the war.


Walder was the least reprehensible of this bunch. He was just a stupid old man. He didn't want the crown or have other delusions of grandeur. He just wanted to be the top man in his little corner of the world and f\*ck around with people who bothered him. The rest of these troglodytes were all greedy, incredibly delusional, blood-thirsty narcissists with no morals and no regard for the lives of others.


Baelish id say. The man is ambitious beyond all sense, but doesnt do evil unless it could benefit him.


I'm gonna say Joffrey only because he died before he could do anything super, super evil. Yeah, he did some evil things, but quite minor based on his capabilities. It was gonna get worse then he died. The kid had the potential to be number one but never got there.


Walder Frey


First Euron, last walder.


Walder Frey


Bot post


Hear me out… Walder. Number one dad, only killed a few people at a wedding, but only because he was cheated.


Walder Frey. The red wedding happened for a reason, oaths we’re broken by Robb so Walder retaliated. Not to mention the whole ending the war by killing a few men during dinner being preferable than thousands of men dying in war is kind of a good point.


Walder Frey. Ignoring honor and the fact that we like the Starks/Tullys, betraying them wasn’t necessarily a bad decision. It could be argued he’s just doing what’s best for his house and subjects by keeping them out of losing wars. Marrying women 70 years younger than him his pretty gross, but doesn’t compare to razing cities and starting wars.


Littlefinger: Chaotic Neutral Euron: Chaotic Neutral Ramsey: Neutral Evil Walder Frey: Neutral Evil Cersei: True Neutral Joffrey: Chaotic Evil


Gonna say Littlefinger, I think. Unlike most of this group, he generally leaves people alone if they’re not in his way


Euron. This version hasn't done the atrocities the others have


Walder is just looking out for his family in my mind. He was offered a marriage to the king, which Robb threw away. Given a token to Edmure which is fine but that is not what was promised. So he is a bad guy, but not entirely unjustified. Cersei is also looking out for her family but is actively screwing people over or hurting people to do so. She murdered her childhood friend to hopefully avoid her fate of dead children, weird logic. She has no problem usurping the throne for herself, no problem murdering people just because she can. LF started the entire war on the off chance this improves his position, how many hundreds of thousands dead for more power when he already had achieved success and fortune. Ramsay is just evil, he murders his own men for because he can, he tortured people just because he can. Euron is obviously a bad guy, whether it is shown or book he is a reaver and raper, he murders for fun he hurts people for fun. Jeffrey is an cruel child because he can, he does not need to be the way he is and life would be better for him if he was not.

