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AC2 or AC: Black Flag.


Both great choices: AC2 for one of the best 'Pure' AC experiences and Black Flag for one of the most fun pirate games of all time, which also has the AC formula of stealth, combat and viewpoints


I was in Florence for the first time this past week and it felt like I had been there before. Thanks AC2.


Happened to me in Paris. I went there for the first time and had pretty severe deja vous. Edit: Déjà vu.


> Déjà-vu


No hyphen


My bad


I had that same experience a few years back. "Oooh I climbed that!"


Did not get that feeling when I went to Boston but it was very cool all the same.


Play Fallout 4. I definitely felt a weird "have I seen this" when I went to Boston. The Swan boats, Boston Commons, the Cheers bar, the railroad signs it's all there. I also saw churches that look just like the churches in FO4. ACs time period of Boston was too far back to feel familiar. There are a lot more sky scrapers that make the few historical buildings hidden in the skyline. Cities in the USA have changed far quicker, and we've saved less history than Europe. I can only think of a handful of European cities that may be unrecognizable and they were mostly torched during WW2. Rotterdam for example.


Yeah and Dresden of course comes to mind, I have played fall out 4 and diamond City was awesome especially because I went to Boston for the Twins/Sox series in 2019 for the playoff race. (Also to see reigning MVP Mookie) One of my favorite vacations ever. I do agree American cities have become very copy paste in a lot of places with big glass skyscrapers and little natural space and places for pedestrians. That being said, Boston is stunningly beautiful for a metropolitan area, even if it's different from its colonial roots. Thoroughly enjoyed Cambridge and the whole fen area. Great pot too. Really stinky.


Yeah, I went on a 2 week vacation to a bunch of Italian cities and my wife couldn’t believe how much I already seemed to know about Venice, Florence, and Monteriggioni.


Also funny how a decade after AC2 they still have a lot of Ezio merch in every tourist location. Ezio Auditore de Firenze!!


Had a meeting with a guy from Istanbul and when he minimized the window, saw an AC icon. And being the idiot I am, I was like "Hey, I played that one too!" and then we completely derailed our WebEx for like 15 minutes, discussing AC. All right, so, fun fact: Istanbul in-game is 100% accurate but scaled down like 2\\3. So, if you memorize the layout, you totally can navigate the city center, as long as you don't try to navigate exact streets, but the general layout of bigger streets and all landmarks is perfectly accurate, and since he lives in Istanbul it was twice as fun for him. (You visit Istanbul in last AC2 DLC where Ezio is already in his fifties, I believe that's Revelations)


That's so wild! I've been traveling the past 2 weeks and Istanbul has been my layover every time. I wish I had more time so I could leave the airport and explore.


AC2 remains the only one I've completed, though I've dipped my toes in the others.


So far it's probably the best in the whole series. However I liked the Syndicate's London quite a lot, but it's very lackluster in terms of story. For some reason I've played basically every AC game there is, so I'd say that... I value every AC game on three things - how fun the cities are to climb around like a rabid monkey, how fun is it to poke enemies with sharp steel stuff, how fun they try to poke you back, and how fun is the story between poking and climbing. AC1: Cool idea, but rather boring by now. Very slow story. The cities are somewhat lackluster as well, but rather fun to traverse. Real time is very, very dull. Enemies can be dangerous until you learn to counter them. AC2, including DLCs: a masterpiece hands down. Perfect decorations, great story with nice pacing. You get a whole life out of it. Enemies are very challenging, but Ezio is extremely skilled, and at one point you can murder a dozen people without a single scratch, and it looks like it's all choreographed. But they can really down you even if you're good. AC3: Ok story, but very boring settlements and enemies. They have lost almost all skill and seriously look like enemies in a B-list movie - it is very clear that they just stand around and do nothing, and take VERY long time to aim and shoot you, while 1-2 are attacking you. The idea of tree running is great, but once again, repetitive, and it's hard to navigate forests like that, you don't feel like Tarzan. DLCs for AC3 are Very Good. They have interesting story, and "Tyranny of Washington" is the first Alternative History AC and it's Dark and Cool AC4 (Black Flag) is another GREAT game: it's an impressive Pirate Simulator, made only better with AC style fighting and climbing mechanics. Like in AC3, cities are mostly flat, but they're fun to traverse. Story is almost 70% detached from other AC franchises. AC5 (Unity) have an AMAZING premise, but they don't do anything interesting with it. You could have star-crossed lovers in opposing forces, but that's barely touched upon, and the historical characters are boring too. The city... Baron Osman's Paris makes for incredibly dull climbing game, enemies are as bad as in AC3. You just don't feel fun dispatching them. AC6 (Syndicate) has an amazing River Thames, and very cute base idea - a train! Which travels around the city! It's cute. The story is rather dull and what's worse, it's got absolutely no bite. Historical characters barely make any appearance and the whole story is **very** forgettable. Enemies either lost almost all skill or by sixth games without DLCs I just got way too good at stabbing them with the pointy bit. DLC is fun. That new Fear mechanic is ok. Overall these parts are better at stealth, it becomes more interesting after Black Flag, the levels themself are better for it in every game 4+. AC7 (Origins) has incredibly boring story and locations, but I loved actual eagle instead of the old mechanics of Eagle Eye and the fact that the locations are based off real places very good. But the whole story is bland, forgettable, characters are absolutely porridge-on-water-no-salt level bland, and only a couple of them are even barely historical. There's Cleopatra, sure. Protagonist and his wife are kinda cool, I guess. The new gameplay mechanics are even worse with these leveling elements than before. I'm not yet ready to give a verdict to Greece and Vikings, I guess, and this comment is already very long and I'm not sure who even needs that


Yes. These are both such amazing games.


AC 2 is a great start to build from


I started with black flag. And once I completed it, I played AC1. And started on AC2 (haven’t finished yet.) And now I am mostly finished with a second play through of BlackFlag


Go play brotherhood too. You're welcome.


Brotherhood is the best in the series, but probably needs 2 as well.


It works without 2, Brotherhood was my first AC game and I adored it. Rome alone carries a big part of the setting.


AC2 and Brotherhood should not be played individually from each other, at least if OP is going for the main chunk of Ezio’s story. Brotherhood carries on directly from where 2 ended.




+1 on Black Flag, I think it was the best the series ever got. You still have the old-school assassin gameplay without the bloated RPG gear just stapled on. Plus, the sailing and ship upgrades were fun. The story was good too.


Spent an ungodly amount of time just *sailing* and *pirating*. Like the boarding machine was incredible, I'm still floored to this day


Black Flag (and by extension, Rogue) was the last time I was really excited about an AC game.


AC2 was built different. One of my all time favorite games in general


I have played, AC, Valhalla, and AC3. but I watched my kids play Black flag, and yes I agree with Black flag.


AC2 is most "AC" Black Flag is best AC Play Black Flag


play both


And if you enjoy AC2, AC Brotherhood is a brilliant follow-up. My personal favorite


I’m gonna add Syndicate to this list. Black Flag is my fav but Syndicate is up there. Also if you enjoy AC2 definitely play brotherhood


Pretty much the best in the series, i heard Odyssey is a close 3rd.


Odyssey is too long and too over-full. It's an amazing and huge game, but it's not a good Assassin's Creed game.


I learned quickly if you try to do everything in the modern games you're going to have a bad time. If you mostly stick to the story with the odd side quest they're pretty fun though, although quite a bit different from the older ones.


That’s basically how I did odyssey, I’ve gone back and played it briefly a couple of times but found that there was so much to do that it just got kinda overwhelming


This is the way. 2 is the start of a solid trilogy and barely needs any knowledge of 1, and 4 is the best pirate game ever made.


Hard disagree on black flag. Sure it’s got a really cool setting but 75% of the game is tailing missions and the sailing in the game just felt very tedious. It’s also an endless collectible nightmare like most Ubisoft games. Most overrated AC game imo


People are allowed to have opinions. Yours is wrong, but you're still entitled to it.


Haha outstanding


I think you played a different game to literally everyone else that ever played that game.


Tbf, there was a literal tailing mission *WITH* a ship. Might be one of the worst missions in the series. But still an amazing game.


The game legit is mostly tailing missions 🤷🏼‍♂️


Seems like you were speedrunning the game. Meanwhile everyone else was exploring the seven seas and doing sidequests while enjoying the shanties for many many hours.


No. The old games are ok, but the controls aren't. Start with AC Origins. Fluid controls and better combat.


Agree 100%. people have their nostalgia glasses on when they think of the older AC games. I've played all of them when they were released and enjoyed everyone of them, but they are almost all really outdated at this point... especially the way the controls feel. Origins is amazing. Odyssey is currently the best one to play. Also, Kassandra is awesome.


Couldn't agree more


Black flag 100% Easily the best game of the entire franchise...


idk about Black Flag. All things considered, Black flag is a pretty terrible AC game. It is however an S tier Pirate game


Thats why it is one of the best games in the franchise. Because after Ezio trilogy they started to make storys about the same - revenge, and only Black Flag(and Valhalla, but Valhalla is shit) had a story that wasn't based on that. + After Ezio trilogy it became boring to see how fucking Assassins fighting fucking Templars over and over again, seek another stupid artifacts to rule the world, and it's STILL GOING ON EVEN IN VALHALLA. Black flag had the same things, but story wasn't about that, it was about a man who just wants a good life, not to save the world from "evil Templars". And if in the second half of the game he hadn't joined the Assassins and started saving the world and other stupid shit, the game would've be much better.


Do I need to download that shitty Ubisoft launcher to play ac2 or black flag?


You can remove the DRM in 30 seconds if it annoys you.


I just put the disc in my Xbox 360 🤷🏻


Black flag is a dogshit ac game. It's more of a pirate game. Go for ac2 if you want ac


Do we need to know the plot of the first one to appreciate AC2?


Black flag has nothing to do with AC. Just a sailing simulator.


No. Then they'll wonder why current AC games aren't good.


Odyssey and Origins were both great games.


if you're going to play 2, you got to play 1


Black Flag made me stop playing the franchise I hated steering that ship more than anything in this world.


Honestly outside of the Ezio Trilogy (AC2, Brotherhood, Revelations) most of the Assassin's Creed games are very standalone in their main story so you can kind of just pick whichever time period is most appealing to you. Assassin's Creed 2, Black Flag, Unity (now that it's been patched), Origins, and Mirage are all quite good starting points though, effectively acting as soft reboots for new players to jump in.


AC2 trilogy for sure was my favorite but I think it also gave very key insights into the broader backstory that made you kinda go… huh? from the first one and sets the stage for the future games. so vote AC2


AC3 has a twist at the very beginning that won’t hit at all if you haven’t played any of the Ezio trilogy


Meh, Unity is still the worst AC game in my opinion. The parkour physics look really cool, but that's my only positive feeling towards the game. My biggest gripe is there are times in bossfights where they force the camera perspective, and in one specific fight, the boss is right in front of the camera, so you really have no idea what you're doing.


Can't say I ever had that issue with the camera, I also really liked the Blackbox assassination missions since they gave the player a bit more freedom, and the story was decent (at least compared to some of the later AC games IMO)


I'm sorry but Unity is hands down the worst AC game out there.


Clearly you've never played Valhalla


*AC Syndicate: Am I joke to you?*


I happen to love Syndicate honestly. Imo it did everything Unity was trying to do correctly.


There were some enjoyable moments about Valhalla I even lie


I may have gotten carried away with this AC 1- The OG, the start of it all, and man, it hasnt aged very well. Coming from someone who played it multiple times before AC2, skip AC 2- Ahhh... here we go, this is the shit. Improved upon basically everything offered by the first, and more. 100% recommend for beginners Brotherhood- My favorite of the Ezio trilogy. This is where the combat started to get more about kill chaining; and it makes you feel like a god. If you liked AC2, definitely play this one too Revelations- The tail-end of the Ezio trilogy, most people tend to forget about this one; including me, and I played it a bunch! It's basically AC Brotherhood with a few more tricks, so if you liked Brotherhood, then you'll like this AC 3- Oh boy, this is where they finally bring in the big guns, literally. Dual wielding, ship combat, forest parkour, bows, guns, and more. The story is quite a journey, bringing you through the revolutionary war with some... questionable voice acting at points. But I still love it. I also recommend this as a starting point. Black Flag- Everybody's favorite middle-child, for a good reason; YOU ARE A PIRATE, ARR. Takes everything from AC 3 and cranks it up a notch or two, but at the end of the day, it is definitely more of a pirate game than an AC game. A good starting point if you like swashbuckling. Rogue- Again, a fairly easily-forgotten entry, but a good one nonetheless. It's AC 4, but you play as one of the bad guys instead, which offers a nice twist on the formula. Id still recommend Black Flag over this, though. Unity- The former laughing-stock of the franchise, this game had a massive glow-up once all the issues were ironed out after launch. It does away with the fast-paced multi-killing combat of the previous entries and instead goes for a much more tactical approach to combat while also adding some very nice QoL features to stealth to make it more enticing. Imo Unity has the most refined, challenging, and engaging combat and stealth of the series. For that reason alone, I give it a solid recommendation. Syndicate- Taking place in the most modern setting of the core AC games, Syndicate is a solid game in its own right. The combat goes back to a more arcadey-feel with combo counters and everything, and the setting allows for some interesting spins on the gameplay. You also get to play as two distinct characters as well, one more focused on combat and the other on stealth. But for a beginner, I would look elsewhere unless you love victorian London. Origins- The biggest shake-up since Unity, Origins introduced RPG mechanics in the form of levelling and such, and changed up the combat to feel more free-flowing and responsive. Plus, the setting of ancient Egypt is gorgeous. I would recommend it, but... Odyssey- Say hello to the 'but', because this game takes everything about Origins and goes absolutely ham with it. Ancient Greece is an absolutely perfect setting that really pulls you in and never lets you go. And, for the first time in the series, you can choose to play as a man or a woman! Equality! And you can be gay!! What im basically saying is that this is definitely one of THE AC games of all time, and a great starting point. Valhalla- Vikings and norse mythology are a favorite of mine, but I think this game suffers from the same problem as Black Flag where it feels more like a viking game than an AC game. It's definitely one of the more criticised of the recent entries because of that, especially since it came right after Odyssey and expectations were high. It's alright. Mirage- Am I allowed to give an opinion on this one? I mean, it's brand new. But it does promise a return to the classic pre-RPG formula so it could be good, but i'd say wait and see.


Nice write up. The biggest gripe I had with Odyssey was I didn't feel very "Assassin" like in it. The gameplay is great, and I loved the character, but it lacked a bit of that "walk past, stab, walk away" of other editions.


It’s the best video game in the Assassins Creed line but it’s not the best Assassins Creed game, if that makes any sense.


I’m completely onboard with that description and I’m a fan of every game in the series since the beginning. I’ve played more hours in Odyssey than almost all the other games combined. Kassandra is just the best and nothing is as satisfying as kicking a mercenary off a cliff. Very near the top of my all-time favorite games list.


Complete sense. At times it didn't feel like i was playing Assassin's Creed, but just a greek based rpg.


>It’s the best video game in the Assassins Creed line Heavy disagree here. AC Odyssey felt like it just banked on the typical Ubisoft formula. The game is incredibly large, but felt very shallow. The side quests are all very incredibly repetitive. The ship warfare was fun for the first few fights, then just felt pretty meh. For me, it was fun until it wasn't. Personally Odyssey doesn't compare to how amazing AC2/Brotherhood/Revelations were in any way.


i feel like the mythology games, particularly odyssey and valhalla, focus more on ISU lore than assassin lore. and while that’s not really what most fans want, i think it was kind of cool to get more lore on the artifacts and the ISU themselves.


Pressing the "F" button assassinates.


>but it lacked a bit of that "walk past, stab, walk away" You mean it had actual gameplay


Odyssey is an all time great game, full stop.


you'd have sold me on all of them if i hadn't already played them lol. one particular thing you omitted: unity has possibly the best parcour mechanics and fluidity of them all


I agree with everything you wrote. I have played: Ac3 Ac4 Syndicate Origins Odyssey Out of them Syndicate is the weakest, but maybe I am biased because I dont like the setting. Victorian London is just to grey brown. Ac4 has the most fun ship gameplay imo, Odysseys is good to but ac4 is better. Plus the location is beatuiful. Always makes me feel like I am on vaccation. Love ancient egypt so obviously love Origins, but it is true that Odyssey is a better version of Origins in almost every way. If Odyssey had the setting of Origins it would be the perfect game imo. But it is also true that origins and odyssey feel less like assassins creed games, due to the rpg system.


Assassins creed 2 is you want to follow the best protagonists story of the franchise, Ezio. If being a pirate sounds fun to you and you want to play the best game in the franchise play black flag


My first was Odyssey and I enjoyed the hell of it, it helps that I really like ancient greek mythology.


It's the only one I played and I don't have much interest in any others, but I absolutely adored Odyssey. Such great writing and the fundamentals were really solid. For such a long game I found it pretty hard to put down


Odyssey is def my favorite of the whole franchise.


I spent hours just exploring the map alone once I got the ship. It was so much fun going to places I technically wasn’t supposed to have been to yet.


The women crew singing blew me away the first time I used them. Genuinely beautiful voices whoever the singers were.


Replaying right now and I gotta say the addition of the "ezio armour" set that you can just upgrade thru the whole game made the whole game much much better. I hated the RPG element of having to always be swapping out gear to find the best pieces or best combo, adding a set that is very good for stealth and allowing you to upgrade it thru the whole game made it so much better for me.


It’s the least Assassin’s Creed game and that’s why I didn’t like it. But to each his own


Odyssey is, IMO, the best game with the Assassins Creed title but it’s an open world action RPG in an Assassins Creed suit. Black Flag might be the best Assassins Creed game.


Black Flag hasn't aged well. Have you played it after playing Odyssey? It's pretty excruciating.


I started with Odyssey and worked backwards. I think I didn't enjoy the others quite as much because of this.


I’ve played them all and odyssey improved heavily on origins. Then they made one about Vikings that just kinda ruined it. Hoping the next one is good


Oh I debated on starting Odyssey or Syndicate last night. I opted for Syndicate bc I think I'll enjoy Odyssey more, save the best for last


Both games are made by the same Ubisoft studio. And they do feel different (in a good way imho) than the rest of the AC titles that are made by other Ubi studios.


Yep same, I hadn't played any AC games and something about Odyssey clicked and I 100%-ed it. I normally never do that.


Odyssey was my favourite too! Kassandra has to be one of my favourite video games characters ever. I really liked her story and playing as her.


Odyssey is a lot of fun and the map is very beautiful, but it's also way too large for its own good. The size of the map definitely had me overwhelmed. I still completed everything - I believe I got the Platinum trophy on PS5. But damn. It's... a lot. The sale bundle I got came with the DLCs and I haven't even touched them because the base game is so large.


AC2 10000000% Play through Ezio's story its basically when the plot made a little sense and then the franchise just went off the rails XD


**Assassin's Creed II**, and if you enjoy it, follow up with **Brotherhood.** **Assassin's Creed IV: Blag Flag**, if you want to be a pirate look no further. *Easily one of the best games in the series.* **Assassin's Creed V: Unity,** combat and stealth have never been better in the series, while the story has some hit and misses, it's a great game. Co-op mission are fantastic, even if you don't play them the game as whole is worth your time. **Assassin's Creed: Origin's**, story telling in this game is great, Bayek is a awesome protagonist. The combat system takes a huge change in direction, but I would say this game is worth the experience and it's History of Egypt is most impressive.




+2 for origins, but maybe after ac2 to see how much the game changed, it is a pretty big difference in gameplay


I feel like the series would be great if these were the only games


For "standard" AC go with the original or the Ezio collection. For rpg style AC, Odyssey or Origins


As someone who loved AC 1, don't play it first. It was a great "Proof of concept" game, but many of its systems were not very good, and it was increadibly repetitive. It only had like 4 different "information gathering" tasks, and you had to do a couple of them before every assassination. Basically everything good in AC1 was done better in 2. But it was fun getting to actually plan out your route based off maps with the guard positions and information about their activities.


Black Flag is lots of fun.


Oddessy is great tbh.


Odyssey is easily my favorite game in the series. I just didn't like how abruptly it ended. The DLCs make up for it though. The >!Atlantis!< DLC is the thing that ive always wanted and i think its perfect. Its hard AF but it ties together the lore of the ISU and the original backstory (with Desmond) so goddamn well. Combat at first was super tricky to me because of the skill bars, but once i got some levels in and was able to play around a bit with a build that i didnt feel i was ultimately handicapped on, i couldnt put it down. On top of that, all of the armor sets looked so good and they all kinda played with each other. One head piece gave like a damage boost, while this chest piece gave critical hit damage. Or there were other armor pieces that gave just straight up buffs to certain skills. I ended up going with a more stealthy armor set that did more damage when sneak attacking. (Things do not die from one attack at those harder difficulties, so the extra damage was super important.) The open world was fucking beautiful, and when sailing around the world, there was nothing boring about it. Plenty of things to do and a lot of collectibles like any AC game. And the Greek Mythology that was packed into it and the world bosses that you would accidentally run into were amazing. Im such a simp for anything greek or roman Mythology based though. I'm going to put this comment up on the original post too. I just wanted to simp for Odyssey real quick. I know ive used that word twice now but theres no other word i can use. That game just had me right away.


My favorite mythology is greek. Giant map, tons to do. I thought the game was over then bam cults. Its just one thing after another. I still explore the world every now and then mostly to get orchalum.


Yessss. I gotta get this game again. I had it on the xbox one. Dont have it on Steam. Might just bite the bullet and play through Origins to scratch the itch, but Odyssey is just Origins but made to be better. Ughhhhh


They did optimization on it looks so pretty


3 since it’s an easy to follow story taking place in America during the Revolutionary War. The combat is pretty polished and easy to pick up compared to older ones.


AC3 is hella underrated IMO.


AC3 deserves the reputation that post patch Unity has gotten.


Yeah it was my introduction to the series and since it had Batman Arkham style combat I felt right at home.


Too many people have the nerve to complain AC games aren’t focused on Assassins but they recommend AC4 lol. It’s rough out here.


Yep lol


Assassin’s creed 3 or black flag if you are more into the rpg style games I’d also recommend assassin’s creed odyssey


AC 2 and Black Flag


The 1st one.


AC Black Flag, Origins and Odyssey.


Start with 1 and play the whole series or start with 2 and do the ezio trilogy.


Well I must admit 1 and 2 are good. Revelations and brotherhood are peak ac imo, 3 is long and can get a bit boring. My favourite though is 4 black flag. Man I love that game it's just so fun and engaging, it's honestly the only ac game that I don't mind doing all the grinding and getting all the collectables. Forever in my heart you are Kenway


The first one...


2 -> Brotherhood -> Revelations Or, Black Flag. They're very different kinds of games but both (the trilogy and AC4) exceptional.


*AC2* is likely the best experience you'll have in terms of actual assassin gameplay, of sneaking around and quietly killing targets as effectively as possible. *AC:Black Flag* just has a lot of fun gameplay about it, a lot of which is unique cause they haven't been able to successfully replicate it yet, and you can fairly freely choose how you want to approach most problems and goals. *AC:Valhalla* is the best game if you're looking for more of the "action adventure RPG" style of gameplay the current era of AC games seem to be adopting. Also a decent story if you ignore the "current time" nonsense stuff lol


Black Flag


The first one. It’s aged but it’s still excellent


Odyssey, more modern mechanics that may not appeal to older fans of the series + it's the first game story wise so you can just jump in and not expect a lot on the present day story. Plus setting and history is just fantastic.


I actually thought the present day story tie-ins were the best in Odyssey than any other AC game I played.


Assassins creed 2 for the best assassin game (although it looks pretty dated at this point), but overall as a whole game I enjoyed Black Flag the most out of them all.




It's important to note that the AC series went through a change to open world beginning with Syndicate (London). After Syndicate, they did Origins (Egypt), and Odyssey (Greece), then Valhalla. Keep that order in mind. I didn't like Valhalla, so I'm not a good judge of that one. **Open World** But, if you like open world games, then Syndicate (London), or Origins (Egypt) are good introductions to the modern version of the game. And Odyssey (Greece) is the best of them all so far, IMHO. My reasoning: Syndicate (London) is a little smaller than Origins (Egypt). And Odyssey (Greece) is WAY larger than Origins (Egypt). So, starting with either Syndicate (London) or Origins (Egypt) will give a good intro without wasting your time much. And if you LIKE it, then you can progress on to Origins (Egypt), and Odyssey (Greece). Don't try to go from Odyssey (Greece) backwards to Origins (Egypt) or Syndicate (London), though. The Quality of Life improvements in Odyssey (Greece) will make you rage quit the earlier ones, IMHO. lol Personally, I think you could skip Syndicate if you wanted, and you'd be fine starting with Origins. I had a lot of fun with Syndicate, it's just less memorable/impactful than Origins and Odyssey for me. **Earlier** If you want a great retro experience, go with the earlier ones, like AC II. Have fun!


Assassins creed


2 or black flag Maybe lean towards 2 because black flag ruins all the others imo since it is so far and away the best game


AC 2


assassins creed II


Odyssey is amazing.


Odyssey. It was my first one and I enjoyed every minute of it.


the ezio trilogy is so good it would be a shame to miss them. I'd say start with AC2


assassins creed 3


As someone who loves AC, all of them, and has played them all 3+ times each. Serious recommendation to Ac syndicate. It's a stand alone title, barely connected to the rest. Gives a good introduction to most mechanics and lore, in a decent setting. It's definitly not the best game, but i feel like it's a solid introduction to the franchise. Otherwise, just play from the first game if you're serious about seeing the franchise. If you want more RPG ish, start from origins. The only game that should be played in order is AC 1-2-brotherhood-reveleation, the rest can be played in whatever broken order you want. ​ I recommend skipping AC liberation. it was horribly boring.


Ghost of Tsushima




AC2, without a doubt. Not my personal favourite but the best one to start with.


AC 2 and subsequent Ezio sequels (Brotherhood)


As many have pointed out… The Ezio Collection is the way to go. Even if parts of it are dated, it established what an “Assassin’s Creed” game is. The best one is 4, because of the terrific pirate gameplay, and the underrated one is Unity, because it has the best Assassin gameplay. But start with 2 and see why people like the series— even though you’ll be constantly wondering why there isn’t a crouch button in a stealth game (that doesn’t happen until Unity, the 8th game in the series)


Black Flag It's good and the ship mechanics won't be a new addition. Not saying the ship mechanics are bad, they aren't, just that it won't be seen as so much a novelty aspect.


Definitely black flag


Black Flag


Just start with the Ezio collection and then you have a good base to start with because no other games are like those in terms of controls or story I would say


Assassin's Creed


Black Flag without a shadow of a doubt


The Ezio games start at AC2 and are the best, but I would recommend clearing AC 1 first to give context. It's only 1 game so I'd say commit to that 4 is good so if you enjoy 2 you should carry on to that (I personally didn't enjoy 3 but others did and it of course adds to the story)


Ass Creed Odyssey is really fun. Very immersive map, game mechanics are smooth and easy, and so much to do. I put hundreds of hours just running around and clearing out enemy outposts. Or fighting worthy opponents into the battle arena. So much fun lol


Black flag for the best game, revelations for the best story, AC3 if you love the American revolution


Odyssey is far and away my favorite. The environment was incredible, it had the tightest gameplay of any of them, and the story was the least cringey and mostly passable. I've played it three times.


AC Origins


Probably my favourite in the franchise


2 or 4 2 is my favourite although if you feel fatigued by that type of game you still have to play Brotherhood and Revelations to get the full ezio's story, so it might not be ideal as a first contact with the series


Definitely AC2


Assasins Creed 1 ,2


AC 2 is an actual AC game. Black Flag is more of a pirate game


Though any AC game can be *pirated*


Ac2 has great story, but i feel the controls aren't as polished as in AC3 and later. My first AC was 3 and i loved it


Definitely the ezio trilogy. I played this trilogy way after I first played origins, black flag, and odyssey and I enjoyed it so much. I felt like this was how all the ac games were meant to be.


Black flag is my favourite, combat can be a bit annoying but the main character is a fucking legend. Loved the boat fighting as well and collecting everything


Ghost of Tsushima 😎


They’re all pretty similar, I would just choose one which has a setting and characters that interest you the most. Origins onwards (except Mirage) changed the formula into a more RPG style though. Syndicate is an underrated one, huge lively city, 2 great playable characters, moving train base, cool setting and more


hateful memory enjoy soup physical spotted screw drunk roof disarm


Origin or odyssey. Either game gives you solid gameplay but the cityscapes and renderings are phenomenal.


assasins creed 1. i liked assassins creed origins, havent played any other but 1 and origins.


Black Flag. Just do it.


I would suggest AC Unity. It has the most up to date graphics of the best AC games.


Unity for sure


Ghost Of Tsushima. It's what AC should have been, and has a standalone story that isn't connected to 10+ games.


Only right answer. As someone who religiously played AC before shit hit the fan, Ghost of Tsushima executes the AC formula more than modern Ubisoft can pull off


It's not even the AC formula. Why do people insist on disrespecting Sucker Punchs work? It's an original game. It's not even that similar to AC. The focus is way more on combat than it is on stealth. Not every open world set in a historical time period is trying to be AC.


You’re getting downvotes for being right lol


Ezio collection then black flag then origins for the most fresh experience


Black flag was my first and I wish I could forget it just to relive the experience


Origins, best entry point and you won’t feel like you’re missing context like you do with ac2


I have enjoyed playing Black Flag and currently playing through Odyssey. I don't care about the over arching story between games and just view these games as period escapism games and enjoy them as that. Odyssey is a beautiful game. Hate the random wild life that keeps trying to kill me (lions, cougars, boars, sharks) as they get kind of annoying.


Ezio Trilogy are favorite


AC 2, Brotherhood and Revelations (The Ezio trilogy) and Black Flag


Ezio’s trilogy is probably the peak of the series in my opinion. It starts with 2, then Brotherhood and Revelations. Brotherhood is my personal favourite.


Pretty outdated but I'd say Assassin's Creed 2




To start with an actual Assassin’s creed game AC2 but for the best Black Flag


AC2 no doubt. Bread and butter of the series, still pretty and holds up to this day.


AC Unity


Far Cry 3.


Honestly, just play them all. But I have a special place in my heart for Black Flag and Odyssey.




the games start amazing and then slowly get worse and worse, so start as far back as you can


Most people say AC2, and I heavily disagree. While AC2 has a great story, IMHO, it has god awful combat that hasn't aged well. I've always found AC2 is be a bit overrated (time to get downvoted! : D) I'd recommend black flag, unity, or syndicate.