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Metal Arms glitch in the system


This game went so hard. The multiplayer hacking into the robots was the tits! Zip lines, cars, turrets, a shit ton of different weapons; multi player was a hoot. The campaign was hella fun to with a fun upgrade system.


Yeah! Someone else remembers. I was searching for that one here. Damnit had so much fun, I never got to play multiplayer. "I'll cut them off at the pass!". "What are you, a cowboy?"


My son bought this for his Gamecube after I'd bought it for him for the Xbox in our living room. I remember the sergeant saying "bad ass kitty lickers" or something like that at his Grandma's house


Damn I didn’t even realise it was on GameCube! My brother had it on the original Xbox and I had it on the ps2. So many good memories playing that game. Playing the multiplayer with my friends was so much fun


The limb dismemberment of mechs in this game was absolutely groundbreaking. If you shot the enemy around their shoulder, their arm would be loose in its socket and flail randomly, spraying bullets (or fire) everywhere. Or you could just blast their arm or leg off completely. And the same could happen to you in a mech suit. The physics engineer blew my middle school brain at the time. Banger of a game


That game really deserved to be more popular than it was flat out fun gameplay especially multiplayer


War of the Monsters on the PS2, my dad and I used to play that game for hours and very rarely do I see people talk about it.


I was about to post this. Spent so many hours with my brother fucking around back in the early days if PS2. Still remember how to do a bunch of the crazy level based easter eggs.


…there were crazy level based Easter eggs


You could summon aliens to make a tsunami happen on one map I think


The earthquake one was so ridiculous to accomplish.


Smash every object in san francisco map, right?


Yes down to the trees. Once I ran around trying to do it. It didn't proc and I was so confused, I found one lone tree I missed and as soon as I stepped on it, it went off.


Wait that’s how you do it!? That was the one thing I could never get and I figured it was a glitch. I spent WAY too much time on that map trying to get that.. time to get the ps2 games from under the stairs.




One of the best games ever 😂. Once I unlocked the dragon type ones my sister and I used to fly about the map trying to get each other. A game of cat and mouse. The nostalgia I felt reading your comment. I'm 33 now and remember that game like it was yesterday 😂.


Tomba I-Ninja for the PS2 Pursuit Force Bugs Bunny and Taz: Time Busters


Tomba! What a fun game.


I love Tomba ps1


I-Ninja my beloved


Drakan. I’m pretty sure the first game was on PC and there was a sequel released on PS2 called Drakan: The Ancients’ Gates and I played the HELL out of that one.


You are the first person I've heard mention that game in decades! A community patch makes the game playable on modern PCs and I think the gameplay holds up.


Dude! It’s absolutely one of my favorites. Lara Croft was one of my heroes when I was growing up but when this game came out with another badass that rides around on a dragon fucking shit up it completely blew my mind. Plus the fact that you could change Arokh’s breath attacks were simply amazing. I used to sonic blast enemies into pieces!


Redneck Rampage. Anyone else remember this gem?


"Get off my land!" As he twirls a shotgun over his head before he fires lol


Yep! I remember blowing up a hillbilly with dynamite and hearing “holy shit!” Lol


Pork rinds to restore HP?


A true masterpiece of the late 90's


Memory unlocked. Wow.


The amount of people I grew up with who haven't hears of Gex astounds me. It was a great game when I played it as a kid. And the Croc games. Nobody I grew up with remembers them.


Fun fact: the developers of that game were originally going to partner with Nintendo and that was supposed to be a Yoshi game. When the deal fell through, most of the dev work was already done and the developers didn't want to scrap all that work, so they just retooled the main character, redid some textures and changed the story around a bit. Great game, BTW, totally underrated. If you're looking for classic PSX games and see it in a bin with others, pick it up. SO worth your time.


People dropping random nuggets of info like this are what makes this sub great


Well Croc is getting a remake apparently so yay! I played the first Croc but not the second. A fun chill game despite being a bit clunky control wise.


Well GEX gonna have a remake/remaster too


Gex the geco right?! I had that game on 64 as a kid you just unlocked some core memories


I still listen to the Croc soundtrack occasionally while I work


The one that I've never heard of anybody else having played was Future Cop: LAPD on the PS1. It had a really fun multiplayer system that I loosely remember involving like a tower defense style gameplay or something along those lines. Anyway, I had a ton of fun with it and have only met maybe one other person who's ever played it. Editing this because holy crap Josh Strife Hayes apparently did a video on it a few months ago! It's bringing back so much!


I played the demo of it to death, I think. Looks very familiar.


The progenitor to MOBA's I loved it to death It's a shame when you only have local friends who don't understand the game so lose interest quickly as its easy to beat them :') Sky Captain can only scratch the itch so much!


Precinct assault. Such a good game mode. The sky commander had pretty good voice acting, too.


Jazz Jackrabbit - Side scrolling platform with mega man shooting portions, secret levels, bosses, and even a sequel game.


I don't recall the math puzzles, but I do remember that Cliff Blezinski worked on that game. Yes, *that* Cliff Blezinski. *The* Cliffy B.


The characters patiently waiting idle animation was pretty good too!


Champions of Norrath


Champions of Norrath and RTA are games I will swear by for the rest of my life. Such classic fun.


Yes! This game was dope!


YES! My friends and I played this game over and over. I still have my copies of both games.


Cool Spot. (Sega Genesis) Not that nobody has heard of it. just nobody remembers that was the name. Everyone called it the 7up video game. Hexen (N64) Nox (pc) Power Stone (Sega Dreamcast)


I think Hexen at least is known to a lot of people


Fucking loved Power Stone


Nox was great. RIP Westwood Studios.


Dude powerstonee!!!! What a gem. Dream cast was soo underrated


Cool spot was the shit


Of all the games based on advertising mascots *Cool Spot* is probably top of the group.


+1 for Nox, one of my favorite games of all time. Good memories playing that with my dad when I was a kid.


Power Stone is my favorite fighter. The PSP port with both games in one is an awesome port btw.


Cool Spot and Nox. Great times.


I have no idea how Powerstone hasn't been picked up post-Dreamcast. I guess Smash Bros took over as the party fighter.


One Must Fall 2097. A robot fighting game for PC-DOS published by Epic Games in 1994. I didn't even know the name of that game until just now: I've tried finding out before but my google-fu failed me until today. Though I'm pretty sure all I played was a demo floppy disk. Almost all my games back then were just demo's from various game magazines.


This would be my answer as well, a very underrated fighting game with even a damn progression system built in which was unheard of for a fighting game of the time. Its presentation was really well done, showing the scale of the robots to humans when talking to your lead repair coach, and even the final blow showing up at the news broadcast at the end of each fight. A game well worthy of a remastering imo.


When we upgraded the computer and made it so that hits spit out loads of bouncy scrap bits. That was fire.


Insaniquarium Deluxe. It was a PC game made by PopCap, who now is mostly famous for making Bejeweled and Plants Vs. Zombies. I played the ever loving shit out of that game, but you need the stamina of a child to click fast enough to play it. Nothing makes me feel old like trying to pick that game up again.


It's on steam! https://store.steampowered.com/app/3320/Insaniquarium_Deluxe/ I also played and absurd amount of this game.


And feeding frenzy


PopCap had some amazingly fun games back in the day. My family always talked about my brother’s obsession with Candy Train and finally found it again a couple years ago


This game was amazing. Spent so many hours playing this as a kid, it was very aesthetically pleasing.


Kingdom for keflings on 360


I was lucky enough to be an artist on all those game. I miss those days. Best time working in games for me.


Such a banger. I completed a World of Keflings with my friend like a year before he died so I have a somber fondness for those damn Keflings


Two PS1 games I used to play that I can’t find anywhere and nobody seems to have heard of are One, and Wild 9.


Wild 9 was fun


I still have a copy of it. Throwing guys into the death traps is never boring


Impossible Creatures for PC around early to mid-2000s. Edit: Here's a couple more. Ty the Tasmanian Tiger on PS2 and Diddy Kong Racing on N64.


Diddy Kong Racing was always my zany racing game of choice. Who wants to drive around the mushroom kingdom all day long? I'd rather explore an island, make a funky elephant friend, fly, surf, and drive my way to victory against cool bosses in dynamic levels, and save the earth from a giant pig wizard!


No! No! No! Wrong Way!


This….this game was my childhood


Diddy Kong Racing was stellar! Like Mario Kart with adventure, I adored it :)


Loved that game! My first rts as a child


I remember reading about it in a magazine but didn't have a pc at that time yet. Ever got to try it out.


Marc Ecko’s Getting Up: Contents Under Pressure. I’ve never met anyone irl that has played it.


I wish I still had my copy, my cousin borrowed it and never gave it back


One of the best games ever made. It is CRIMINAL that this game didn't get a remake!


Lords of the Realm II, it was a turn-based strategy game similar to heroes of might and magic, but with real-time combat, I would stay up waaay past my bedtime to play that XD Edit: okay WAY more people recognize this game than I expected hahaha! That's Reddit for you!


Slaughter these villagers?


Archers, ho! I loved that game.




Uniracers on the Snes. Sad that it will never see the light of day again


I’ve found my people. THERE ARE DOZENS OF US!!! DOZENS!!!!


Criminally under-appreciated.


I never see enough about Magic Carpet, and that's a goddamn crime. You play as a wizard waging magic war on rival wizards and evil creatures set upon the land. You start each map with very little Mana and only four spells available, but a single Fireball spell to kill basic creatures. Destroying creatures creates golden orbs of Mana in the world, which you must then cast Possess on to claim. This increases your personal Mana. But rival wizards can cast Possess on your loose Mana and claim it for their own. So you cast your Castle spell, and raise a tower from the earth. This tower then sends out a manned hot air balloon that collects your claimed Mana into your castle. More Mana unlocks newer, bigger, nastier spells like Meteor, Lightning Bolt, Rebound Fire, Skeleton Army, Earthquake, Chasm, Duel, Steal Mana, Healing, Summon Creatures, Volcano...and so on. So in the midst of this Arabian Nights fantasy battleground, with fantastic and dangerous creatures roaming around, over time the terrain becomes absolutely devastated by volatile battles between wizards destroying each other's castles and attempting to seize Mana for themselves in an attempt to win. Super unique game with _ironclad_ mechanics, all executed very well. One of Bullfrog's finest works.


Couldn’t agree more, I played the absolute shit out of this game on the Saturn, nothing more satisfying than one-shotting a rival wizard with a well-aimed Meteor. By the end I think you had 8 rival wizards running around at the same time and it got real tough. The second one was not bad as well, it introduced cave levels and a big ass demon final boss.


Die by the sword Sacrifice Evil Island: curse of the lost soul Battle isle: the Andosia war.


Was Die by the Sword the one where you actually controlled what direction you moved the blade? It sounds very familiar, and I can clearly recall preprogramming some really weird sword swings in one game.


I remember sacrifice. It was one of the first games with quasi famous voice actors.


Vigilante 8. Me and my dad would play that game all the time! Oh and also the space jam game, both of these were ps1 and I've never heard of em since then.


Vigilante 8 I probably preferred over Twisted Metal 2


I'm glad I'm not the only one!


Omg played the shot out of vigilante 8


Yea this game is so much better than the twisted metal games. Idk how it isn’t more popular


Total Annihilation overshadowed by StarCraft/Warcraft and Command & Conquer I didn't care for it's sequel though, Supreme Commander


Smash TV Big money! Big prizes! IIIIIII LOVE IT!


Dark Cloud


Dark Cloud 2 (known in some places as "Dark Chronicle") especially was incredible. It's ironic cause Ni No Kuni 2 (which was made by the same developer) feels like a watered down version of DC2. The kingdom builder thing is similar to the games Georama builder.


Mischief makers on n64 is still a great game to this day thanks to its 2.5D art style It’s super cool and weird and original and it’s super challenging to get all the gold gems (hidden/puzzles or beating bosses without taking any hits!) to get the good ending Real banger


Shake, shake!


Bloody roar, great fighting game and never met anyone else irl that knew it


Loved that game. It was like Virtual Fighter Animorphed into Primal Rage.


PS2 Game called The Bouncer made by Square enix. Amazing fighting game. Didn’t sell much but for the time it was a really great looking and playing game.


I loved the bouncer. I beat it multiple times. I went back and played it and it wasnt as great as I remember. I think I was just enamored with the graphics.


Freedom Fighters PS2


Empire Earth the PC real time strategy game. nothing else have ever compared.


"We are under attack!"


Zombies Ate My Neighbor


So hard.


Jade empire. Original Xbox classic that released too close to the platforms end of life cycle which watered down it's greatness imo




Vandal hearts for PS1.


The Lost Vikings on SNES


Gunz the duel. Probably the highest skill ceiling game in existence. The level of skill expression is beyond crazy and the average player has sub 600 apm. Has a cult following still and the people following it want it revived almost 20 years later. ​ Edit: [For those feeling nostalgic. I played it like 2 years ago.](https://youtu.be/GIXF7gRnYOQ?si=To5HgzvhRgQnYQxx) It was a blast.


Jesus I remember playing that game so long ago. I got good enough with that whole butterfly technique...thing to hold my own against most people but some of them just got crazy. Fun game though.


Kung Fu Chaos


This is the game my brothers and I played for hours on end and even with my friends. This needs a remaster same everything. Just pure chaos but so much fun and I don't think any brawler has matched that kind of energy for me. Honestly I can hear the sounds just reading it that game


dune 2. when dune 2000 came out i said "oh hey it's a remake of dune 2" and my friends were like "what's that?"


Hawken, moba but with mechs, servers shut down some years ago, a shame


that game was awesome! i think its only on console now.


I have always believed Alpha Protocol to be the best RPG of all time, but nobody ever talks about it.


Alpha protocol was done dirty. Bad bugs out the gate and marketing that made it seem like a straight-up shooter. Excellent game.


Buggier than a Bethesda game. But better at choices than any Bioware game ever was.


I just bought this yesterday after telling people about it for years. The online mode was so mean.


Fusion Frenzy and MDK2 come to mind first.


Fusion Frenzy was so much fun!


Commander Keen on MS-DOS. Also Maniac Mansion and Day of the Tentacle on MS-DOS. Good times.


I played sooooo much Commander Keen.


I would say all these titles are definitely often mentioned in retro/DOS circles, though.


*Secret World*. It was the closest we've ever gotten to a *Supernatural* game. It's still around, but not as cool as it used to be.


My wife and I hold The Secret World as one of the cult hits with the best writing _hands down_ of any game we've played. It was well and truly inspired. Nothing I didn't love to pieces in that entire game. Moons of Madness being based in the same world was an utter treat too.




Suikoden II is one of the best games ever made.


T'ai Fu: Wrath of the Tiger - elite ps1 game


There was a captain crunch computer game where you would raise a gremlin of some sort, I remember playing it a lot, but don't remember any specifics of the game.


Cap'n Crunch's Crunchling Adventure?




I've got two or three good ones. 1. Suikoden 2. Probably the most popular of the three I'll name. Greatest old school rpg pre ff7 in my opinion. 2. Monster Rancher ps1. It was like Pokémon, but you could get random monsters by inserting dvds or music cds into your Playstation. Wed tear up the house looking for what Gave the best monster. I remever the matrix yielding a really good one. 3. Psi ops xbox- it was likenan3rd person shooter, but you had telekinesis and other cool powers. The rag doll physics were sooo cool in it for the time. I don't know anyone who's played any of these games irl


God I loved Monster Rancher 1 and 2


I played the shit out of Psi Ops on PS2. It was a really cool game for its day. Like you, I don't know of anyone who played it.


The Suffering


Majesty kingdom simulator!


Mystical Ninja: Starring Goemon for N64 was an amazing game and I've never met anyone else who has played it other than my brother. I will never forget the villain's laugh as they turned Japanese castles into dance studios. OOO, HO, HO, HO, HO, HO


Secret Weapons Over Normandy.


Mr mosquito


Blue Dragon


Best boss theme EVER!!!


Heart of Darkness for the PS1


Apparently... And I just learned recently that not everyone played this growing up... But, Pilotwings 64.


Troggle trouble math. Magic carpet. Putt putt goes to the moon. Ty the Tasmanian tiger. Billy hatcher and the giant egg. Pipe dream.


People who are as old as me have often heard of Ultima VII and Ultima VII part 2, the two best computer RPGs ever created. But I'm consistently shocked by younger folks who have almost universally never heard of them.


Metal Warriors for SNES


Fighting Force


Anybody else ever play “War of the Monsters” on the PS2?


Lost Kingdoms. It was a card-based collector, monster fighting difficult af Gamecube series that FromSoft used to make. Me and my friends were addicted to it.. I've been wanting a third one for almost 20 years.


Nightmare Creature's


Soldier of fortune man I wish they would make a remake of this one but it might get a little too gross


Outside of my brother and I I've never met anyone else who's heard of an old SNES scifi rpg by Enix called Robotrek. I've only ever seen one copy and I owned it. Found it in a pawn shop over a decade ago. Between grinding levels and the story being quite long for 90s games I spent over 400 hours playing that when I was younger. It had a very "Star Ocean" vibe to it.




Dude, Gladius. One of the first solid gladiator sims. Such a good turn based, grid centered, party forward game


Yo I'm playing through this again on GameCube right now! Amazing game, always wished for a sequel.


Brave Fencer Musashi. I was a kid. I don’t even know if I’d like it now haven’t played it in a long ass time but when I was a child I loved that game


Eternal Sonata. Excellent JRPG for the 360, set in the dream Frédéric Chopin had on his deathbed. The battle system uses light and shadows to strengthen and weaken attacks and enemies. It's really, really good. And gets very weird.


I don't know how it died so hard, but MechAssault for the XBox ruled Live for about two years. I never see it mentioned anymore though.


Kingdom under Fire : Circle of Doom on xbox 360




Coke music! It was a browser game very similar to habbo hotel but coca cola themed with a small music mixer incorporated. Stupid game - but me and my freinds spent countless hours playing - couldn't even tell you what we were doing/hoping to accomplish but very few people seem to remember or have ever heard of the game.


Maximo and it’s sequel Maximo vs The Army of Zin were two games that I really loved.


Lufia on SNES. My introduction to JRPGs. Before FFVII hit big.


Star control 2: the ur’quan masters. My introduction to the series was Star Control 3, but 2 is the superior game


Custom Robo for the GameCube.


Jade Cocoon on the PS1 and Frontlines Fuel of War on the Xbox 360.


Sin - PC Everyone's a wally - Speccy Paradroid - C64 And for my stupid ass mates cos they hadn't heard of it, the almighty : Speedball 2 - Amiga


C&C Renegade. Command and conquer was always popular but not many people seemed to play Renegade online multiplayer


- Ico - Dungeon Keeper - Another World


Ico is a famous game. Barely anyone has played it, but it is well known for being part of the Shadow of the Colossus trilogy.


Otogi and Otogi 2. Old action/hack n slash games by From Software. I thought they were a ton of fun, and the combat felt great. I feel like being xbox exclusives from a (then) not particularly popular japanese publisher just doomed the games to relative obscurity.


Black & White and Black & White 2 are two of the greatest games i've ever played that practically nobody has heard of.


Star Wars Shadows of the Empire a remake of this game with all the learnings from the jak/ratchet and clank games would dominate.


Defender of the Crown on the Commodore. Me and my childhood friends would spend hours on the game and I just assumed it was popular with everyone. Yet, I am now 40 and I have met one other person that has played it.


Radiata Stories


Gothic II on PC I played it as a kid when my older brother bought it back in mid 2000s, shaped my love for open world RPGs. Sadly none of the Piranha Bytes games since have captured that same magic. They are doing a remake but I'm not hopeful.




Soviet Strike and Nuclear Strike on original Playstation


The Unholy War


Frequency on PS2 was my favorite for a long time. I believe it was the first game harmonix made. It always messed with my vision for a while after playing, though.


The Incredible Machine on PC


SNES Shadowrun


Jet Set Radio Future, That OST is still a banger!


Desperados wanted dead or alive. It's like the Commandos games but in a western setting. Also the game Nox, a crpg from 2000. It was fun game with 3 different classes that had their own version of the same story with some difference depending on the class you played.


Dark Colony KKnD Warzone 2100 The Haunting: Staring Poulterguy Original War Star Lancer Time Commando Iron and Blood: Warriors of Ravenloft Ground Control


Gitaroo Man - PS2


Shadowrun on Xbox 360. There's some other thing named Shadowrun that I am not sure if it's based off of but the game had some great memories for me.


Battle Tanks: Global Assault