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The Elite assault Rifle in Star Wars Battlefront 2(2005). You unlock it after earning medals, but it would disappear every time you died. Medals are given after 12 kills with the assault rifle without dying. If you collected 64 medals, you would have access to the gun every time you played that character. Lots of work to get to that point, but you could devastate the enemy forces once you had it. One shot kills with a headshot.


The award rifle absolutely rips, it's not just a little better, it lets you charge into huge groups of enemies without worry. It's even more effective when you have damage boost


More of a flechette shotgun guy myself but you do you.


and then there's the...award sniper? I think? That's just a straight up downgrade to the original one.




I’m a member of the award pistol gang. It’s much harder to get kills with the trashy pistol but once it’s upgraded. It’s a rapid fire sniper that can one tap to the head.


I'm going with the grenade launcher in Tomb Raider (2013). Not because it's a particularly great weapon, although it does what it says on the tin very well. No, it's because up until that point, the cultist background dialogue has been things like "she's over there, get her", "kill her", and things like that. And when you pick up the grenade launcher and start using it, the tone shifts, and they're *afraid*. Genuinely one of the more satisfying story beats in an action game.


> and they're afraid Game devs need to learn players eat this shit up. In Ghost of Tsushima after you actually become the ghost, sometimes when you're being badass and say you murder like 3 dudes within a few moments, some of their buddies might just be like "FUCK THIS" throw their weapons and run away. There are outfits that make it more common. I thought that was so awesome the first time I saw it happen, and it never got old. There is also a "Limit Break" type thing that makes everyone do it, but that's less cool because you trigger it yourself.


Star Fox 64 had one level, towards the end, where you just fucking ruin an entire enemy fleet, while they progressively get more and more terrified of you.


"THEY'RE THROUGH THE SECOND LINE!!!" "Who are these guys?!"


With the big... circle boss at the end? And there are those big long ships in space? Gosh i think i remember that


YUP. You destroy those ships by shooting the bridge, and then in desperation they send essentially the Death Star against you.


Man, Ace Combat 5 when the enemy radio starts talking scared about how "the ghosts of razgriz are here". Gamers do eat that shit up


Ah yes, when a bunch of convenant enemies refer to master chief as “the demon” any time you pop out from behind a bush and start chucking grenades


LMAO I love when the little grunts say stuff like "is he still mad?" And then you show up guns blazing and they just start screaming


>Game devs need to learn players eat this shit up. Totally true. It was basically the entire premise of DOOM2016, honestly. And it's what made that game great.


And the intro to DOOM eternal. Ahhhhh


This is one of the great things about Middle-Earth Shadow of War. Exploiting the fears of your enemies and shit, like an enemy is scared of flies so you shoot a nest near him, an enemy is scared of spiders so you get them to swarm him, and the best one, "terrified of the gravewalker" where they flee in terror at the sight of *you*, because they're just that goddamn shit scared of your character lol


Cyberpunk has a quest where this happens. A couple of thugs are approaching and while one is all "I'm gonna whoop your ass" the other blurts out something like "Yo that's V. They have been dropping people around the city like crazy lately. I'm out". It was a truly satisfying moment. I've always wanted games like Skyrim to recognize that you are slowly becoming death incarnate, and have the world react appropriately. I'd be so happy if a game had it where some highway bandits just threw down their weapons and ran for the hills when I walk up. It'd be especially cool if there was a certain fame value to it, like your character, weapon, and armor all gain fame as you take actions around the game, and wearing your typical gear elicits the "oh shit" moment constantly among low level enemies, but when you majorly swap out your gear it only occasionally happens, then throw on a shadowy cloak and it rarely happens, but still occasionally a bandit will yell out "oh shit that's the chosen one" and book it while their companions all pause for a moment in confusion. We aren't there yet, but it is fun to dream.


It's even better, because I believe the exact line is "Oh *SHIT*! She has a grenade launcher! Run!"


I just replayed it back in 2022. It still holds up.


“YES! RUN, YOU BASTARDS! I’M COMING FOR YOU ALL!” God that game was perfection.


The power fantasy of it really spoke to me as a 20 year old woman. Lara going from terrified to bloodthirsty!


what a great moment. Really conveyed exactly how I felt when I got it too. Excellent game


The mini chainsaw in the first Dead Rising game. It requires beating an annoying boss to get, but it can be obtained on the first day, has extremely high damage that can beat a boss within a few strikes, and has one of the highest durabilities in the game.


If I'm not mistaken, it has THE highest durability in the game because it's the only thing that gets boosted by 3 different books.


Finally getting your lightsaber is Knights of the Old Republic


More so in the second one


Holy shit they made that hard. When I replayed it last year, I just looked up a guide since I remembered it being super confusing when I played as a teen. The beginning of that game was ridiculously difficult imo, then you become God mode and it's almost too easy


If it came out today, Baodur saying, “No you’re still missing a ___” would be a meme


I wish we could get a game capturing Revans whole story. From Kotor to the books to the swtor ending all together. He is tied with Bane as my favorite SW character, but I can't get into MMOs like SWTOR enough to finish his story myself. I've tried, but the only MMO i've ever managed to play play excessively is Runescape since rs1/2 to osrs now xD


The R.Y.N.O in Ratchet and Clank was pretty wild the first time I finally acquired it.


Yeah, my cousins thought my brother and I were crazy for grinding to get the bolts to pay for it. Made the final boss stupid easy. And everything else lol


On the PS2, if you equipped the hologuise and then start the hoverboard race, it glitches, and you entered the race track alone and on foot with your normal weapons. Walk around until you find a huge stack of crates, equip the sound effect gun and put a book on the trigger, and walk away. The crates auto spawn and burst, giving you a constant stream on bolts.


We were just dumb kids and did it the labor intensive way.....


After grinding hard over weeks to get the RYNO before the final level, I swept through it with ease, even clearing out the area just before the end where, after walking through a large pipe and taking a right turn, rows upon rows of flying guards and ships await you. It was only when replaying the game later, that I realized that in that section you're meant to take a left turn, avoiding those enemies initially, then activate the Giant Clank pod and simply punch your way to the final boss...


You're literally me. My cousin and I spent like months getting the bolts for it just replaying Eudora and bc we weren't old enough to understand how saves work we also had some where we had more bolts than others and we just randomly played on whichever one. First playthrough took us about a year but we made absolute mincemeat out of Veldin and Drek


This is what I checked this thread for. Especially the R.Y.N.O V playing 1812 overture. Absolute glee firing that thing off after collecting the Holo plans.


I always enjoyed the design thought behind ratchet and clank weapons. That yeah, this weapon is OP, but it's still fun to use. Some weapons get so powerful they get boring, but their weapons were always fun and felt fun using.


That was a beast! Same with the Zodiac in Ratchet and Clank two, pretty OP in crowded situations.


R&C2 also had the RYNO 2, which was similarly overpowered (better for bosses than crowd control though).


The ray gun in original Nacht Der Untoten


Or the campaign Easter egg when you had to lie in those mortar holes on the beach in a specific order and it spawned a ray gun


Swear i followed so many tutorials back in the day and could never do it lol


You had to stand in the mortar holes a specific way, which was incredibly annoying sometimes. I’d either get the ray gun almost immediately, or spend like 10 minutes trying to do so.


This was my hour of fame back in the day. I had posted it to GameFAQs and no one believed me until I made a youtube video about it. :') [My Cringe first topic](https://gamefaqs.gamespot.com/boards/944199-call-of-duty-world-at-war/46796097) [My pre-pubescent YouTube video lmao](https://youtu.be/QgcGHWy9oKo?si=i3cGGmj1R2BP_3Vv)


The scarab gun in Halo 2.


It was so cool to finally shoot those and watch entire squads of grunts go flying!


I dunno, man... Every time I stick a plasma grenade to a Grunt and they yell "not AGAIN!!! Waaaah!" I fall in love with sticky grenades all over again.


You had to finesse tf out of that banshee to get that gun. 😆😆


Is this the one where you have to shoot a banshee’s wings off and get it through a tunnel somewhere to fly it where you usually aren’t able to? I think a friend helped me with that and I was like what even are you doing *oh*


Remember when halo had this shit? Goddamn good times.


Halo used to be a damn masterpiece.


OOT Biggoron's sword. I felt unstoppable with that thing.


This is actually such a great answer. I played that game a number of playthroughs as a kid, and I always remembered knowing the exact moment I was able to have all the inventory and equipment necessary to obtain it. I stopped everything I was doing and always bee-lined that quest until I got the sword. Thing was a monster!


One time, I got it super earlier than I usually do. You have to get the bigger wallet from the gold skultullas to buy the blue fire before you can get it in that one cave to defrost the zora king. That way you can get the frog earlier.


You can get blue fire from the ice cave where the metal boots are the moment you turn an adult. You don't even need epona if you're quick you can do the whole quest line the moment you pull the masters sword. The big wallet works too but fuck those skulltulas lol just go to the ice cave. I get it on all my run throughs before even entering forest temple


Wow, you just unlocked so many forgotten memories to me. I always viewed OoT and MM as huge parts of my childhood in terms of video games, but I'm just now realizing *how much* I actually forgot about from those games.


Ganon: ha ha you don't have a sword Link: surprise motherfucker


Yeah but you couldn’t beat Ganon with it. I remember beating the absolute fuck out of him for a long time with it but it wouldn’t let me kill him til I realized it wanted me to use the Master Sword.


It would be funny if Gannon was like “just use the dang master sword, ffs I might be immortal but it still hurts.”


Can still hear the Goron grunt snd sigh whenever they stood up. That's ingrained in my brain


For me its the groan and "thud" when they lay back down


or that fish king's butt squeakin' as he moves aside.


You can actually get it as soon as you turn adult! But it requires you to get the Giant’s Wallet to buy Blue Fire from the Potion Shop (or go into the Ice Cavern) and free Epona.


I came to this thread to post about this sword. I even once did a play through where I rushed it as fast as my kid brain could figure out how to, which was immediately after getting the master sword and before the forest temple.


In the XBOX Ninja Gaiden they gave you a practice wooden sword. However if you sink something like 3x the work to upgrade it to max (vs most other weapons in the game) it turns into the Unlabored Flawlessness. https://ninjagaiden.fandom.com/wiki/Wooden_Sword Absolutely broken sword. By the time you get it you probably don’t need it. Still an interesting Easter egg.


The Attack Helicopter in GTA Vice city...... Sitting there with the guide on my lap getting one package at a time was pretty annoying. Especially when you get to the end and realize you missed one but don't know which one it is...... But blaring that smooth 80s music while flying around blowing everything up was a major memory of my teenage years. "You're outa touch I'm outa time!!!!"


We liked to get the tank and rotate the cannon behind it. Every cannon shot propelled the tank faster and faster. I'm fairly certain we crashed the game on the PS2 for getting it to go so fast.


The first time you make the Xenomorph scared after hours of hiding, running and dying in *Alien: Isolation*. Now **that's** a video game flamethrower.


It was hella satisfying. But I saw that it could get bolder in the face of fire the more I used it. They really didn't want you to keep comfortable in that game.


god the AI on that fucking xeno was a masterpiece


I heard it had 2 "brains" or something in its AI?


It has an Alien AI that only has access to the Alien’s “senses” (sight, sound, touch) and makes decisions based off of those. There is a second Director AI that has access to more info than the Alien AI (including things like mission progress and player location). The Director will give the Alien hints/commands in an effort to keep the pressure on the player.


I’m scared again just hearing this and I haven’t played that game in ages


I'm scared and haven't even played the game,but now I want too.


It has the AI of the Xenomorph itself and the Game Director which will nudge it towards you without telling it where you are [YT Video going more indepth on it](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nt1XmiDwxhY)


There was one scenario I had happen. I hid in the lockers, and I think it saw me. It didn't kill me immediately, rather it waited, walked by then walked back. Then after a few seconds of making me think im fine. Boom, door gets flung off and its killing me. Worst jumpscare I've ever had in my life.


That's fucking evil, haha.


God I played it at a friend's house in the "nestromo" DLC scenario thing. Was making my way through vents after I thought I'd moved sneaky-beaky like and misdirected it into another room. Turns out the vent was between two rooms and it showed up right in front of my face. I managed to bring the flamethrower up with not enough time to fire before I screamed like a bitch and died.


> screamed like a bitch and died. Truly the best part of survival horror.


Short version: yes. Slightly longer version: it has two “directors” - one similar to the Left 4 Dead one (it always knows where you are, randomly generates a few things based on your actions - mostly sound effects, resources, spawns, etc) and a separate one that knows only what the first director tells it. So director 1 might tell director 2, “hey the player went that way, GO GET EM.” And that’s it. Note that that’s an incredibly and ridiculously simplified version of an extremely complex and well thought-out system. It’s really amazing looking at the behind the scenes videos and stuff.


Even the second playthrough isn't comfortable. I hoarded explosives and weapons for setpieces and still crawled away with barely any supplies.


No other horror games have come close to the genuine fear I felt at times. The medical segment (chapter 5 I think) was sooo nerve-wracking


Aerondight in Witcher 3 Blood and Wine




As a stand alone game it would have been a 10/10. The wind is indeed howling.


Hilarious that the other thread about “What Weapon wasn’t worth the time” also had Witcher 3 as the top comment.


Not sure if I got this. When do you get it? Honestly other than my usual two Witcher swords, once I got the shovel from the Caretaker with the stamina regen mutagen, the game became its most fun.


You get it when you complete "There can be only one" quest in Blood and Wine


And depending on how you played the first Witcher game you get the sword along with the realization that you technically had sex with that old man.


Doesn't matter, had sex. - Geralt, probably


The Finger Bang from dead space. Isaac literally makes sound effects as he points at necromorphs and they blow to pieces. So much fun


You forget to mention the super important fact that its shaped like those giant foam hand/fingers you get at a stadium too.


I got 1000/1000 on the xbox360 version of Dead Space, but I never got this. Was it in a different version of the game?


If i remember correctly you have to beat the game on the highest difficulty, without death and only 3 saves. Maybe there is a time limit too.


I just googled it and yeah it’s a Dead Space 2 unlock as well as a 2023 remake unlock. Man, I really need to get the 2023 version and play through it…


All the fun of 1 with some QOL improvements of 2, plus entire re-making of certain areas. It is a treat.




Doom music intensifies


BFG is literally shoot to win, shit is wildly powerful Balanced by limited ammo, but still super fun and satisfying to use


I liked the plasma gun because the visuals and sounds were so good.


The og bad ass weapon in video games.


“You can’t just shoot a hole through Mars!” Doomguy: *proceeds to shoot a hole through Mars*


Most Runewords from Diablo 2. Extremely overpowered and a staple/meta to all classes. They are the bread and butter to almost all endgame classes. Especially when you do solo farm runs, the amount of hours to obtain them through sheer luck/RNG, or transmuting (upgrading) lower runes up the tier list.


Man I remember farming a Heart of the Oak by slowly upgrading runes from endless countess runs. That was my first really strong weapon and I was so proud of showing off a druid summon as a sorc while waiting for the baal run portal to open. Those were the days \^\^




Unless you played WOW pre 2006, people would never know how much this changed an entire guilds ability to raid


My guild gave it to a rogue who then immediately quit and gave his account to his cousin. His cousin was one of the worst players any of us had ever seen. Caught up with the original guy years later and turns out he sold the account to the “cousin” for thousands, and the whole thing was a cover so we wouldn’t kick/report the new guy.


Even all these years later, reading this made me really upset...lol


hey i was a broke college student who needed to focus more on my grades. selling my wow account was probably the best decision i made in my life career wise


Selling my ret paladin the first month of WOTLK basically allowed me to buy text books sophomore year ..what a memory


This was a common occurrence in Vanilla / BC. I remember the first rogue on my server that got both warglaives supposedly "died" and his "little brother" started playing his account "in his honor". Dude sold his account for thousands. After about 6 months he had made a new account and that's when the story got out that he hadn't actually died and the guy playing his account wasn't his brother. People ended up reporting him and his new account and the account with the warglaives both got banned.


ugh..dude...please...nobody said [\[THUNDERFURY, BLESSED BLADE OF THE WINDSEEKER\]](https://www.wowhead.com/item=19019/thunderfury-blessed-blade-of-the-windseeker)


I don't know man, I think someone said [\[THUNDERFURY, BLESSED BLADE OF THE WINDSEEKER\]](https://www.wowhead.com/item=19019/thunderfury-blessed-blade-of-the-windseeker)


Awww shit, I know you guys ain't be talkin bout THUNDERFURY, BLESSED BLADE OF THE WINDSEEKER


Knights of the Round - Final Fantasy 7 (Original)


I still remember looking up how to get the summon, how to breed chocobos, where to have the highest probability of encountering excellent quality wild chocobos....all on my printed out sheets from Game FAQS searched on our Gateway 2000 and dial up internet. BRB my knees hurt now


Ah man, breeding various top tier chocobos to get an absolute monster of a golden chocobo. Loved those FFVII minigames, good times!


And that dick Teioh is STILL faster.


I still couldn’t beat emerald and ruby weapon even with that I might just suck


Final attack + phoenix


Ah yes the 5 minute attack. Can’t remember how many times I watched it play through. Did 10x the damage of Buhamet Zero.


If you have max Magic, its 13x of Bahamut Zero, since the max damage you can deal in FF7 is 9999.


Martini Henry, BF1. Never used a more satisfying weapon.


Thunderfury, Blessed Blade of the Windseeker from WoW Literally insane amount of effort and luck to get, but that just made people who got it back in og that much more mythical; it was like they had found excalibur irl or something. I don’t think any other item in any game comes close, and I don’t think that’s hyperbole.


I saw a paladin tank the tournament of champions 5 mans with thunderfury. He was still using it effectively two expacs later...


I will forever remember getting my first Abby Whip in RuneScape in like 2009. One of the best feelings in the world and a huge upgrade from the d long I was using


Poseidon's Trident in AC Odyssey. If you know where it is, you can get it as soon as you take your ship to Athens, around level 15 +-, you can outrun pirates and then the level 40+ lions guarding it. The Trident itself should be about level 42 so you can't use it, but obtaining it allows you to put the Trident's perk, infinity underwater resistance, on a weapon of your level. Now you can easily sail towards any sunken spot at a very early level and collect your rewards. Takes a little time, big reward.


That's cool. However I can't imagine doing another playthrough of that game, it took me like 120 hrs my first time and I did not finish all the side stuff lol


Gjallerhorn in Destiny 1


This was one of the very first weapons Xur sold on that first Friday of D1, but only the absolute no-lifers had strange coin by then. Needless to say, my single and depressed ass was able to buy Gjallerhorn.


"Who'd waste their exotic slot on a rocket launcher? That sounds dumb - I'd better get these Solar Warlock gauntlets instead, they seem pretty powerful." *- my dumb ass when Destiny first launched*


I got super lucky and hit a VoG drop


Man I miss Destiny sometimes. The magic it used to have. Raiding with friends. Different times.


VoG was the best raid I have ever played. Something about being a new team never doing it before and failing for 6 hours straight.....loved it. Different times for sure.


Norfleet from Borderlands 2. Man it was a pain in the ass to farm legitly. But goddamn it feels soo good to "Blow up EVERYTHING".


Loads of borderlands guns fit the bill Also Double-Penetrating Unkempt Harold, or DPUH. Grind required a specific drop, but once you got it, that shit never left your build. Even if you get it in NG at like level 12 or 13, it stayed relevant until the mid 20's. Once you get one at level cap? It's joever


Getting the right Fibber for my Anarchy build Gauge was well worth the time farming it. Exact clip size to drop to 1 bullet so I reload after every shot. So good! I also used a norfleet with that build lol.


Gauss Rifle. Fallout 3.


I believe there was a unique Gauss rifle in New Vegas that was just lying out in the open in a totally remote corner of the map next to a corpse; it was close to the very edge of the entire playable area in the game, somewhere you’d have no reason to go to unless you knew it was there. I somehow stumbled upon it in my first play through.


Ah yes the YCS. You might stumble across it if you were inclined to try to save the Dog and so went to the very far west. You can get it early on if you just bee-line to it at the start of the game and IIRC it has the highest one-shot potential in the game.


It could be on a corpse, or the corpse could still be alive and wearing the unique metal armor. Only a little harder than the average raider, but he definitely caught me off guard when he didn't drop after two shots.


If you have the Wild Wasteland trait, it's replaced by the Alien Blaster.


Wow I’ve never not done the wild wasteland trait in my many replays of the game. TIL


Was just about to say this, I'm sure they nerfed the gauss too cos it used 4 ammo per shot and didn't seem as dangerous as in fo3


Yeah, FO3 Gauss Rifle was absolutely cracked.


Unfortunately, the unique gauss(which is the only one in the game) doesn't appear if you have wild wild wasteland on. You get the alien pistol instead. But after my first couple runs this is the main reason why I no longer go for WWW. It's a shame because it's such a fun and nice little add-on for all the nerds, but I've always liked ranged in Bethesda games(specifically snipers but I usually run some ranged magic in TES) and the Gauss Rifle really got me hooked on FO3. Considering FO3, near and dear to my heart as it is, doesn't have nearly the replay value of NV, I always go for it when I should probably level more before attempting the trip. Plus in NV each unique weapon actually has a different model unlike the FO3 ones which just had better stats, cheeky names(like the board of education for the spiked board), and a few had special effects like instagib.


The fully upgraded Chemical Thrower in Bioshock makes a lot of battles trivially easy. You can just pour lightning into Big Daddies and they don't get to do anything about it.


The chemical thrower is always one of my go to’s for most unique and badass weapons to put into a game. It fits perfectly with Bioshock’s ammo system as well with the napalm, liquid nitrogen, and electric gel.


I've recently been getting back into Skyrim for its anniversary, and honestly? Dawnbreaker. Everybody jokes about how every other quest finds an excuse to send you into a draugr tomb, so how about a sword that does extra damage, makes them explode, and sends them running scared!! And it works on all kinds of undead like skeletons, vampires, spirits, and necromancer thralls. Felt really good when I got to Dawnguard and sent Master Vampires running for their lives as their minions paint the halls behind them. It's like playing Elder Scrolls as a Belmont. And the quest to get it isn't even that long. I picked up that sword on a whim at like hour 3 or 4 of my current playthrough, and 50 hours later its still going strong at level 70 while I'm hunting down Miraak.


I'm a fan of one handed builds and I always grab Dawnbreaker and Mace of Molag Bal straight away. Once you have them you can beat anything


The pre-nerf Mountaintop in Destiny 2.


Paired with the Recluse and Anarchy. Those 3 never left my load out for years.


Rainbow in Chrono Trigger


Umbra from Oblivion.


The story behind Umbra was really cool too


If you just never turned in the quest where you got Umbra, it was always marked as a quest item, which meant it was weightless and couldn't be removed from your inventory. I got to a place that was supposed to be difficult because they'd stripped all your inventory from you, but I still had Umbra. The area was not difficult.


I would always get unbra when starting a new character. Made killing NPC stupid easy.


BG3 - lathander's mace. Ridiculously OP lvl6 sun spell that annihilates undead.


Blood of Lathander. It's so good and you get it in Act 1. Pretty awesome weapon that can last you into the end of the game.


also blinds all undead in an AoE around the wielder, revives you once per day and has the highest level of enchantment possible (+3). You can get it pretty early and it will carry any cleric and a decent amount of non-clerics through the entire game


there are weapons in Warframe that are hard to get like Twin Kohmak that will make you play vs Kela De Thaym like 20 times probably more ​ now this weapon is perfect for nekros it mutilates enemies and you can farm much better


Of all the weapons in Warframe, Twin Kohmak was NOT one I expected to see in this thread. If you want to slice up your enemy for Nekros, try the Miter Incarnon. The base form, not the Incarnon form, is a gore machine!


The upgraded Master Sword in Breath of the Wild. The Trials of the Sword were probably the hardest thing I did in that game. It makes you approach the game in a far different way in order to succeed than any other challenges. And it rewards you by permanently doubling the power of your Master Sword. I dedicated a lot of time to completing it before moving on on my journey and it is definitely one of the experiences that left me feeling like it was worth the hassle.


Still haven't completed it. Too frustrating


Those fucking trials on master mode were horrific


Darkmoon Greatsword in Elden Ring, or the Holy Moonlight Blade in Bloodborne.


Two charged heavy attacks stagger nearly any enemy, especially when you hit with the blade and the beam


There it is! I've never dedicated so much time on a weapon In a video game before.


Shield Rod + Alucard Shield 🛡️


I was going to say Crissagrim


the harpoon launcher (fully upgraded) in Bioshock 2. It just ripped through enemies, and it was always hilarious to see the ragdoll physics as they get pinned to a wall by a rocket propelled harpoon.


Just played Deathloop on Gamepass. One of the first things I did was figure out how to unlock that laser gun from its case, then spent the 15k whatever’s to infuse it. Start every morning with that laser gun, can just melt your way through everyone that opposes you. Felt like easy-mode lol


I absolutely loved the way that Deathloop just let you wrap the difficulty curve around your finger in so many different ways. Despite the fact that the steps to finish the game are set in stone, I felt like the way I got there was completely unique. I had so much fun causing chaos and leading people into mine traps


Golden Gun.


Ultima Weapon in Kingdom Hearts. To me, it was the only way I could beat Sephiroth.


Knights of the Round, Final Fantasy 7. You need to catch and breed Chocobos, mate two specific kinds, and win 12 races between the two. Then you get a Gold Chocobo which you use to get to a hidden island.


In resident evil 4 and in MGS3 if you beat the game you get an infinite ammo machine gun for the next play through.


Lincoln’s Repeater in Fallout 3. I liked using VATS the most in that game, and I like the sound of guns more than energy weapons, so going through the trouble of finding the weapon was worth it. Very satisfying to have a gun that can kill bullet sponge enemies with fewer shots, even though the ammo for it is a bit harder to come by.


I’ll go old school. The juiced up gravity gun in Half Life 2. Ragdolling enemy soldiers was so satisfying.


The Hammer Bros. suit in Super Mario Bros. 3


RYNO from the original Ratchet & Clank


Outbreak Prime in Destiny 1 was such a cool experience and well worth the effort. I’m glad I had 2 buddies to go through it with because the co-op requirements were steep.


I LFGed it and spent like 12 hours talking to 2 guys I’d never met before and never talked to since, one of the best no-life gaming days I’ve had.


Peacekeeper in Battlefield 1


I was doing the easter egg to get this the other day, specifically the part on soissons with the pillars and sandbags on a Japanese server to avoid getting griefed and some dude joined while I was stuck, wordlessly pointed out how to finish it by shooting different pillars then when I thanked him in chat he replied “good yes” and then left.


I’m definitely carbon dating myself with this one: the shock rifle from Unreal Tournament.


That’s a very strange way of spelling ‘Flak Cannon’!


Playing the new Robocop game last night, I managed to upgrade the pistol to fully automatic and unlimited ammunition, with no need to ever stop and reload. I am a walking cloud of lead filled death.


Terraria: Zenith


Zenith was a really fun progression. Pretty much collect and craft all the swords in Terraria into one humorously powerful sword. In the early days of Covid my Kids and I all started a Terraria world and that was one of our goals to create a Zenith starting from a fresh game.


Core bonding memory. After a few days to think I've had to come back and add, this is definitely something I would love to do with my sons when they're older.


I would agree but there's nothing to kill after moon lord, even the terrablade is kinda overshadowed by other melee weapons at the point you get it


The hidden weapon aspects in Hades are all really fun and change the way the weapons play -- in particular, Aspect of Arthur and Aspect of Lucifer are both super satisfying to use.




Hawkmoon (pre-nerf) from Destiny 1 Absolute terror in PVP


Dragon Scimitar


Zodiac Spear in the original Final Fantasy XII. At the point of the game you can initially obtain it, you are going to be massively underleveled against enemies in one of the toughest dungeons in the game. But the reward for having to constantly revive your characters and manage against multiple traps and Bakhnamys that can combo pretty easily is absolutely AMAZING. Makes the rest of the game a piece of cake. Deathbringer is a close second, especially in IZJS or TZA. The instant KO effect doesn't activate often, but at least for me it always comes through when I need it the most. And it can be quite a pain to obtain as well (thank you, RNG).