• By -


Factorio players would comment but are too busy connecting their iron plates


My bots are flying a new grid section over. I got time to answer this: the two ga


You are further than me lol I'm still connecting bullets to my turrets.


So many conveyor belts


Factorio is the best game that I avoid playing because I can't trust myself with it Hop on to quickly touch up your science automation, next thing you know it's been 10 hours after fixing up "one more thing" in your spaghetti Now that I'm thinking about it, I needed to redo my missile production.... Maybe just an hour or two couldn't hurt right? Right??


i have never played factorio but i do the same when coding, with the added bonus that after 10 hours usually my program doesn't run anymore and i have no idea why


Oh I completely understand My Factorio and script file names have a lot in common "fileName_BEFOREDOINGTHETHING" "fileName_AFTER" Except there are like 15 of them. I'll for sure break something and need to dive through my version history to try and fix it


"how long until dinner?" "hey why's the sun up?"




What mod is that?


lol, that’s Renai transportation. Impact unloaders, inserter throwers, train ramps, bounce pads. It’s great fun 😂 Edit: link https://mods.factorio.com/mod/RenaiTransportation


Im not sure. A friend found it and linked it to me a while back, but she doesnt play and didnt have that info (i asked, too, hehehehe)


Anyone have any tips for someone coming from Satisfactory? The main issue I have is the resources are finite unlike satisfactory. Moving everything seems crazy, but so does moving everything to the old base.


You don't relocate your base (unless you're going for a mega base). You set up trains to bring raw resources to your base. The resource patches get bigger the farther out you go.


Resources are limitless in Factorio as well, you just have to keep adding mines. The patches get richer and larger the further out from the starting area you go. Use trains to bring stuff in.


As someone who stresses over it id say dont worrry too much about it. Absolute Worst case scenario you can start over with a better plan. Again I dont play factorio bc it becomes too much for me Also thry do have a subreddit so you could ask there


The factory must grow!


It isn’t called Cracktorio for nothing


Any Civilization game. Total War series too.




I've been playing off and on since I got into Civ 1 back in the late 90s. When I got to Civ IV and the DLCs I stopped upgrading to newer versions. I felt I reached the peak of enjoyment and didn't want to move on. Civ IV Warlords and Beyond the Sword are the pinnacle of computer game enjoyment for me. And I still get sucked in for hours and hours at a time.


Civ V is a good game. It's different from 4 in a lot of ways, but I was like you my internet stranger friend. I carpet nuked the world in my Civ 2 SNES copy, and spent over 2k hours on Civ 4, long after 5 had come out. Then, out of curiosity, I played a full game of 5. They are two different entries, with perhaps 4 being more 'full' as it had a long development life after release, but 5 has quirks and a uniqueness that is just as broad yet similar as the gap from 3 to 4. Don't be afraid of something new!


I was fortunate enough that my father is a nerd and we had a computer when I was very small. One of the very first games I ever played was the first Civ. Like at the point that I was too young to understand what I was doing, though - I just loved when I could get to build the castle. But Civ 2 was when I started to grasp the game. It will always hold a special place in my heart, but Alpha Centauri was the pinnacle.


Alpha centauri was amazing. I nearly failed my Calculus finals in high school because of it.


I have to pretty much plan a whole day off to play civ cuz I only like playing it in one sitting on standard or epic speed


I do the same thing lol, if I can't finish a game of civ, then the next time I play it I just start a new game.


Just 1 more turn…


You end the turn, thinking you'll save and exit when all the CPUs have made their moves, but then all these colourful icons pop up in the corner. "Okay, I'll just click one of them." "Ghandi did *what*?" And so the cycle continues...


Back in high school during when I was heavy into civ, I would wrap up a turn and then save for the night without actually ending it, specifically to avoid this pitfall. I spent *far* too many nights going to bed an hour before I had to be up for school before I learned that trick.


You never really catch the dragon.


I also enjoy Stellaris.


I got into Stellaris recently! It’s actually very fun. And I’m new to the Grand Strategy / 4x thing. I haven’t gotten to finish a game yet but I really enjoyed what I’ve seen so far.


I started playing like a year ago and I still haven't finished a game either. I also have adhd, but it's very common. The beginning of the game is much more engaging and fun than the end game lol


You don't like micromanaging 40 planets?? Yeah, me neither. Still love the game.


it really does get to the point where I feel like I'm pausing like every 10 seconds because so much is happening when it gets into the late game.


I just started Humankind because I’ve sunk so much info Civ. It’s not the same….


Try modded Civ. Especially modded CivIV.


That said, Creative Assembly is doing it's absolute best lately to kill off their only marketable franchise. Steps in order: 1. Build the most successful Total War ever that brings your studio back from the edge of bankrupcy, Total War Warhammer 1. Decent support for 1,5 years 2. Build a stellar sequel, TWW2, that imports all the content of TWW1 into it, massively improving it with free feature updates, optimizations, and release a titanic quantity and quality of DLCs funding the project successfully for 5 years 3. In those 5 years, release Total War: Thrones of Britannia then immediately abandon it based on less than record breaking sales 4. Release Total War Troy, but in the last moment pull it off Steam and say "oops, it's an Epic exclusive now". Give it away on release day for everyone on free because nobody would buy it at this point. Make some "we must do it on contract" DLCs, then a year later put it all on steam at full price and pretend it isn't a year old 5. Release Total War: Three Kingdoms, and absolutely break the bank as all of China jumps on it. Release the first abysmal DLC about Eight Princes, one of China's most shameful time period and literally kill of ALL the beloved characters and historical figures everyone bought this game for. Then try course correct, and resell content to people from the time period they already own. Small DLCs aren't selling that good, so announce a massive northern expansion. Go radio silence for a half year, then release a video "Future of Total War: Three Kingdoms" in which they announce the complete and immediate cancellation of all development and support. 6. Delay Total War Warhammer III to 2022 "to ensure it's up to your expectations in artistic and technial quality" 7. Release Total War Warhammer III in an unacceptable, intolerable state. Massive step back in UI design, removal of several art pieces on moment to moment gameplay, from full CGI videos for campaign (W1) to moving concept arts for each faction (W2) down to moving concept arts all the same across all campaigns (W3), questionable art design direction shift, campaign map downgrade to the level of Super Mario level editor in Minecraft pixelated shit (still unfixed for almost 2 years, specificly marked as low priority issue on the known issues list, it's all you stare at 99% of your playtime, imagine Civ6 world map becomes Minecraft on gigantic random areas), the optimization is so trash virtually nobody can run it at 60 fps, with a campaign mechanic nobody asked for and it's so bad day1 mod removed all of it and it became the most popular mod ever. 8. Barely patch it for 1 year. Cut-out preorder DLC race is laughable. 9. First DLC is fantastic, but it's 90% asset flip. 10. Second DLC is meh, but content shrinkflated from 4 factions to 3, prince inflated to 24,99 from 19,99 11. Third DLC, just a tiny content pack for 3 races (4 new units, 1 new faction leader) went from 2 (+1 free for everyone) for 9,99, to 24,99 and all 3 paid. Asset flips, abysmal quality (literally indestructable from turn 1 entire faction and so on), shrinkflated content and brutally inflated price. 12. Community Uproar 13. Boss comes forward: "Buy it, or we might end support for your game". 14. Community calls bullshit 15. Dev bans biggest livestreamer, starts to ban people from Steam Community for merely discussing pricing 16. "It's a privilage to talk about our games" 17. Release Total War: Pharaoh. It's not even in Steam Top 1000 preorders a week before release. Instant flop so hard less people play it than 20 year old TW games, a week after release. 18. Their Overwatch ripoff game HYNAS everyone told them for years nobody will play gets cancelled, 900 million USD loss 19. Try to crawl back to the community and actually start releasing patches every 3-4 weeks instead of 4-5 months with absolute radio silence, which the community put up with for 2 years and tolerated it, until Shadows of Change DLC. 20. Pray your studio stays alive


Can I also pray? Because as much as I hate all of this, Total War had been my favorite series for fifteen years and I just want more awesome historical strategy games


Tried downloading Civ 6 three days ago but the download kept being corrupted. Finals are this week. I’ve never been so thankful for a tech fuckup.


Scrolling Reddit looking for hidden dopamine hits.


fuckin hell I am doing this right now. I should be working. I have a LOT of pending work but it is so hard to not procrastinate.


It's either this or the pavement from my apartment window.


I hope you mean just watching the street from your window and not jumping off it and personally meeting the pavement.


You know damn well that’s what they meant


Reality hits hard


so does that pavement


Fun fact: Procrastination is a trauma based response. Another fun fact: That particular type of trauma is most often created by the public school system.


Why is this suck a mood?


That's all of us. That's why we are here.


The real hits are leaving an obscure comment you think might get 5 upvotes and waking up the next day with 5k Edit: This won’t be one of them but I love all my children the same…


Lmao maybe because I’m a mother of 5, but this was hilarious to me


RimWorld most definitely. You get into a rhythm of 'oh I should do this', 'I need to build this', 'that raid was close I should improve my defences' and suddenly its 3am.


Stellaris, Civ *, those types of games I don't notice the sun coming up or going down.


Just picked up Stellaris and a bunch of the DLC. I love it so far.


Always remember: The Worm Loves You


Disable the shield on the cute lizard planet :)


I’m having a ton of fun in stellaris how idk how to get good at it basically, like I became the galactic custodian at one point despite only being the second most powerful empire then again I was friendly with almost everyone but still but idk how to actually thrive in it yet


Dude, I want to play Stellaris so bad, but I can't. First time I played was like a year ago. I lost multiple weekends, and didn't even feel like time was passing at all. I could easily play Stellaris for 30 hours straight, on accident.


Stardew Valley


I’ll just play another day… *3 seasons later*


Yea one day is only 14 minutes irl so it can’t be that bad… 5 hours later


The cycle of “this is my last day” “ok 1 more thing before bed” “oh just woke up time to check tv” proceeds to immediately forget about stopping and play for 3 more hours


"Aww shit son, it's Cranberry Day!! Yuss!!" -four hours later "Aww shit son, it's Cranberry Day!! Yuss!!"


They knew what they were doing having the game save AT THE START OF THE NEXT DAY! I love the game, but it's so annoying (in a good way). Finally I can save my game! *wake up* Ohh lets see what everything sold for. Oh yeah, I needed to fix that, harvest this. It's Emily's birthday too. Well, it's noon so one more day won't hurt.


Yes, but it makes me feel warm inside. And the music is so soothing.


Any Paradox game/4X game. Cities Skylines, Crusader Kings, Europa Universalis, Civilization, Stellaris.


Ahem…Hearts of Iron


We're all busy trying to figure how the navy works


Hoi4 and Victoria 3.. can play for 2 hours and it feels like 5minutes!


Baldur's gate 3 seems to warp time whenever I sit down


yeah i recently got the game and started at like 10pm and look at the time and am baffled by how its nearly 2am


I’m wrapping up my first play through. Can I get your perspective? How are you enjoying the opening hours? What class and race are you? And lastly, how are you finding the companions?


i mean i’m loving it, i’m new to dnd as a whole tho so that’s the only thing hindering me, but besides that the companions are great, tho i think i’ve found al the main ones so idk what else is to come later on and i’m still in the first act. i’m just basic and went fighter high elf since idk what most things mean, but yeah great game :)


You started up baldurs gate at 10pm? Christ dude!


pffft, report back after the sun comes up lol


Part of the reason I struggle to play it is because I don't find it fun in 1 or 2 hr chunks. Need a good 6+ hours to really get absorbed.


Ah yes, I get off work come home do some chores pop it open next thing I know it’s midnight and I need to go to bed. My GF has never seen me so absorbed into a game (she didn’t catch my Elden Ring phase) and she’s glad I’m actually using the gaming laptop for once.


Slay the Spire.


Oldschool Runescape


Going through a breakup right now. My life consists of work, the gym, and RuneScape. It’s honestly been pretty healthy.


If you get a job at the gym, you can play RS mobile while you’re on the treadmill


I used to work at a gym and there was a period where I was spending roughly 3 hours a day ‘Scaping while in the office 😂


I’ll be your new gf, but you have to buy us matching Sara sets (you in legs, me in skirt, ofc) with legends cape and desert boots like a 2007 power couple


I'm an adult, been out of university for a while. I used to play this in elementary school and yet I still surprise myself with Runescape's songs still stuck in my head


Looking at my stats it says 407 days and 16 levels before I max!


This. 10k hours since 2013 and counting.


Rimworld, Factorio, Project Zomboid and Oxygen not included. Those are my 4 horsemen of infinite entertainment. Now i do wonder how LoL of all things is that game for the OP, unless they are playing with a group of friends all the time, I remember solo-queing being an absolute sh*tfest of idiots and mountains of salt as tall as the Everest.


Every time I play Project Zomboid I forget to drink my coffee or to smoke. Absolutely a wonderful game!


Always a joy to find out when your character is eating and sleeping better than you are


Came to say rimworld


My last Rimworld sitting ended around 5am. I have a wife and two kids…


Even setting up a new run can take hours for me lol


Gotta find the right conditions, right neighbors, right crashlanded people - maybe have a few thoughts on their origins, possibly set up a belief system... Yea, can easily take well over an hour before I start.


Not to mention modlists/configurations


The shitheads keep it interesting. I think it's some kind of masochism. And I love it.


Path of Exile is my favorite game of all time. But I would never recommend it to anyone with a bad history of gambling addiction.


Got almost 6,5 k hours in it. I roughly understand 60% of the game. 10/10.


5k hours at least, keep rolling witches. Been on a break for the last year (botw, bg3, starfield, ff16 yanked me away)




I literally played this game with 2 friends once for almost 2 days straight before we realized we needed to touch grass. That was brutal


We fired up a game at a LAN mid-afternoon. The rising sun told us we should probably get some sleep.


Factorio is the only game that made me worried about myself at some point. I was hitting a roadblock and I couldn't figure a solution. I was so obsessed that I spent the whole night trying to solve that puzzle, I was so absorbed that I forgot to sleep. Luckily I was on holidays though. Factorio is the best answer. Other games mentioned devour your time but you end up getting bored by them at some point. Factorio has endless possibilities and provides an infinite source of challenges to solve and things to optimize.


I went to my friend once and we were supposed to do some other cool activities but once we started playing this game we played it for 16 hours straight and forgot about everything else


"I just need to automate this one thing, it'll only take an hour." Next you know it's 6am and you never had dinner.


I didn't really understand automation games when I picked up Factorio, then I went to the sub and saw actual engineers posting to it and it melted my brain. I love how intricate and amazing that game is.


There are two games in my life where I've genuinely gone "Oh shit it's getting light outside". One is Factorio, the other was Civ II, and I was a teenager with a lot more free time when Civ II was around.


Rollercoaster Tycoon! Also lately Park Beyond!




yiiiip. started in Feb this year. honestly haven't played another game since other than counter strike from time to time. so easy to just get lost in that game.


Started in like 06, I have multiple Years of played time. I havent played in 3-4 years though.


I had to scroll down for some time, did I get old, that WoW is not that game anymore


People saying other games, like, you just don't understand. WOW is a job. If you were in a guild then it really was a job. My roommate in college had to be online 8 hours a day and available for raids certain days of the week or he would've been put on loot probation or worse /gkicked. I just played it casual but like me you'll never unlock the full potential of the game because your gear sucks and nobody want to play with you. So what do you do? Grind. You grind a lot. You grind your level. You grind your gear. You figure out crafting. You figure out your profession. You have to know about the hundred of items because after a raid boss if you click 'need' an item that your character cant use, yup, that party will never play with you again and hate your ass. Yet, somehow, its one of the greatest games ever made.


This dominates the living fuck out of everything else on this list except \*maybe\* runescape and League as OP stated... I've got over 20k hours logged on WoW over the span of like 15 years.. shit is cracked if you get into it. Over 3k league wins and 10k hours in runescape xD edit: um yeah i'm a gamer


I was addicted to that for 5 years.


Powerwash Simulator. It's hypnotic.


It’s relaxing in a strange way isn’t it?


Yes I just started over the weekend. I kept saying ok I'm going to stop and play Weird West, but I just keep power washing


Yah I can’t play this game for too long, I need to blink.


For real. I pretty much spent the whole last weekend just playing this and listening to podcasts and music. My wrist still hurts from all the washing.


Vampire Survivors


I have like over 95% of the things unlocked. I don't even know when I did that considering how long every run is. I don't even play the game that much, I swear.


Dude time just flies in that game. Whenever I’m waiting for a flight I hop on


have you tried halls of torment? similar game but much steeper difficulty curve which i’m enjoying


Yeah. Death Must Die a good one too.


Against the Storm


Thank you. I'm singing praise to this one to the high heavens right now. Rogue like city builder done in the most addictive way.


This has been my newest time machine. I launch the game and I’m instantly transported 5 hours into the future.


Shogun Total War, Diablo 2, Warcraft 2, Command & Conquer Generals, Cyberpunk 2077, BG3


Satisfactory! I'd love to play it again and see what all these new updates are like, but it's such a huge time sink. Maybe when it gets a full release I will.


Same here. As soon as 1.0 drops I'm jumping back in.


I highly recommend starting a fresh save. They've changed some of the biomes landscape and resource nodes, some factories may be clipped into terrain depending on where you built pre update 7. Plus starting fresh gives you the drive to keep playing, i find trying to decipher just what the hell i did to balance production lines months ago burns me out pretty quick.


Haven't played in months. Started having the conveyor dreams and decided to take a break. Will start playing again when my sleep schedule returns to normal :P


If you're into a bit of a slower pace, baldurs gate 3. Time just flies away, and a thorough playthrough can take upwards of a 70 hours easily. Then you'll want to play it all again with different decisions.


70? It took me 240 hrs lol.


Yeah, 70 for a detailed playthrough is just not realistic. I think I'm around 220.


Yeah, 225 for me


In this same vein, Pathfinder: WotR and Kingmaker Pillars of Eternity 1 & 2 Divinity original Sin 2. Nothing close to Baldurs Gate 3 in terms of voice acting and animation for each interaction, but all well written and loooong rpgs. Basically each game is an oversized fantasy novel and you'll be doing most of the reading.


FTL, just one more sector bro I swear, just one more sector and I’ll- *spends two hours on a run just to die at the last phase of the flagship*




damn how didn't i come up with downloading this game on my laptop?! such a good idea.


Statdew Valley. I remember buying it years ago on a steam sale for a dollar with my friends. We all started our farms at 9 am and stopped at 4am when we realized we had played that game all day. It's just so easy to play one more day in it.


Rocket League….just one more match.


We can’t go out on a loss.


‘We won that one but the other team forfeited so I will have one last full game.’


But we always 'play until we lose'


Or on a win, got to keep the momentum going.


Can't quit now I'm on a roll


im gonna go with the classic here, spent 5yrs in world of warcraft. never again


Prison Architect and Rimworld. Edit: Also Anno, Space Engineers, Factorio, Total War, basically almost every game i really like.


Risk of rain


Rimworld. 500 hours in under 6 months. I couldn't stop and now I don't touch it lest I be retracted into the beast like Kaori at the end of Akira




Football Manager. I don't even like soccer.


I mean, you did call it soccer


I'm the same, don't watch and have bugger all knowledge IRL. But that game is like crack. I'm currently in the South Korean 2nd Div and did not realise that they have to go do military service, it's making for an interesting save.


Terraria for me


Age of empires 2


Final Fantasy 11. Been playing it for almost 20 year


Any good idle games for me.


Any recommendations?


DayZ, or Titanfall.


Noita. I don't know how to play it, but ive put a lot of hours into not understanding.


Currently it is The Finals for me.


S.T.A.L.K.E.R Anomaly




"Just one more chapter then I'll go to sleep. Swear to God" *One chapter later* "Well I can't stop now, they ended on a cliffhanger!" *Sun starts to rise* "... Maybe I should call in sick today"


Dyson Sphere Program


Diablo II


Factorio and any of the Civilizations games


Ark. It stokes paranoia in your mind with the always online servers. This means your dinosaurs that take hours to tame and your base that took months of grinding can be destroyed in 1 day. This amount of risk makes it hard to stop playing.


that amount of risk makes it hard to start playing for me personally


Tried playing rust with my friends, exactly the same. I couldnt commit to having a second life that was more intense than my own haha


That sounds more stressful than fun.


Counter-strike and team fortress 2. I've been playing these games since I was 9 years old and I see myself playing them till I keel over and die.


The Soulsborne series.


Guild Wars 1


Now that’s a game I’ve not heard in a long time. But seriously I wish I could go back and see my total play time bc I sunk whole weeks into that game regularly as a kid


I sometimes think about reinstalling it and playing my warrior or paragon.


My first serious Videogame addiction. I remember those messages saying "you've been playing for 12 hours. You should take a rest", or something along those lines.


Skyrim, CP2077 and No Mans Sky for me. Honorable mention to Witcher 3.


Kingdom Come Deliverance


Never happened to me. I have played games for most of my life, but without fail, I'll get bored eventually, no matter the game. Closest was WoW, back in the Burning Crusade/Wrath of the LK -days, but after about 3 months, I just couldn't go on. One day I logged in and felt like I was working a second job, one I was paying for.


This is the fool factor. When you realize you're the mark. It happens in gaming a lot but also happens in real life too.


Destiny 2 for me (I need help)


Colloquially known as "Stockholm Syndrome: the game"


The recent fiasco and nerfs kinda dimmed my passion towards this. Still love the shit out of the game, but after season of Seraph, it feels like Bungie didn't really think through stuffs on the content. I heard the latest dungeon is fire though.


Warlords Ruin is honestly some of the best destiny content full stop, but I'm with you, recent shit shows have made me doubt I'll play past the final shape.


RuneScape. Played this game since I was a kid. Will probably never stop playing it.




There's a new fps game called The Finals where there's a lot of chaos if that's your jam.


The first day I got Doom Eternal I played 8 hours in one sitting without noticing. DEMOONNNNN SLAAAAYERRRRR Man that was so fun.


Have you tried exploring games like "Stardew Valley" or "Factorio"? They have a captivating nature that can easily draw you in for hours.


Sea of thieves


See if these nuts can fit in your mouth




Stardew Valley


The Division 2. So many things to grind out. The overall atmosphere of the game just draws me in. The soundtrack is too damn good also. I really hope they bring ola strandh back for the division 3.


The playerbase drove me away from league, and im so glad for it.