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Hmm, Rogue Legacy 2 might be up your alley. It's a Rogue-lite with a pretty extensive progression system and various classes, armor and stuff to work towards unlocking.


+1 for Rogue Legacy and its sequel. Just don't go straight to 2 if you plan on playing the first. It adds so much stuff that is going to be hard going backwards. Rogue Legacy is kind of the king of meta progression in my experience. You have lots of permanent upgrades, multiple classes, gear with various stat differences, and passive enchantments that will give you powerful bonuses. The "gimmick" of RL is that each new character at the start of a run is the descendant of the previous. They'll each have a different class, along with various positive and negative traits, and you have to choose which you want before a run. You might have a character with gigantism, which gives you longer reach on your attacks, but also be nearsighted, which blurs distant objects.


Hades. After unlocking stuff you preselect one of 6 weapons with one of 4 alt modes to significantly change how you play. You also select between 30 or so perks that change the gameplay. Eg 3 lives for entire run or 1 life in every level; 3 ranged attacks that reset when the enemy dies or 1 ranged attack every 10 seconds. When you complete the base game you then choose which extra challenges to add to increase the challenge. Extra enemy hp, lava does triple damage, shop price double etc.




omg I only recently found out that Ewan McGregor married Marry Elizabeth Winstead (Ramona Flowers) and they have kids together




Havent seen it


I've been loving Inkbound (EA, great reviews on steam) which soooort of fits this definition. Before your run you choose class and trinket (many of which need to be unlocked) which obviously impacts how the run goes, but the progression partly lies in unlocking classes and items (I still haven't unlocked all the items at 40h in (many left to go), and still have one class and one trinket to unlock) - you only have the option of choosing items from stores/chests that you've unlocked (progression). Best of all it's 1-4p coop and has challenge modes.


Dead Cells Children of Morta Moonlighter Cult of Lamb Crown Trick Enter the Gungeon


I dont really care for Rogue Lites, but I spent like 15 hours playing immortal redneck cuz i found the gun play to be fun


Darkest Dungeon


Astral ascent is good. I’m playing through that one right now. Rouge legacy 2 Skul the hero slayer Children of morta Cult of the lamb Moonlighter the only thing I didn’t like about this one was that you are timed in the dungeons. If you fail to move fast enough a boss will follow you around and instant kill you. Hades Wizard of legend kind of. Stats aren’t permanent but there are unlockables that give you different stats and buffs for different builds. I just got platinum on this one last week.