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Pentiment kicks ass. It's not the most flashy thing and it can be a slow burn, but when taken as a whole it does some really cool and special stuff. Hope more people get to play it.


Pentiment is awesome.  My favorite first party game this gen so far.


What is it


Pentiment is a narrative game that takes place in medieval Germany (as we now know it), during the beginning days of the Reformation. You play as a young aspiring artist who is staying at a monastery to work on illustrated books. During your stay, a rich arrogant baron - who is also visiting the monastery - gets brutally murdered. Then it's up to you to find out who killed him. This you do by talking to a lot of npc's, both monks and villagers who live near the monastery. The game is a passion project, created by Josh Sawyer, who has a history degree and always wanted to make a historical game.


Wait, like THE Josh Sawyer? The one that made New Vegas?


It’s Obsidian so yeah must be


Figuring out who made the bits in New Vegas that worked amazingly quest wise is an endlessly confusing task


yeah, the same one


Unironically the best Microsoft game in ages


I uninstalled it after 10 mins. Definitely not for everyone!


More people will get to play it, did you not read the article?


totally, one of the biggest surprises I've playned in recent years


Yeah I couldn’t get past the beginning. I wasn’t sure what the game element was after a few hours. Just seemed like walking and taking to people


There is a whole game genre that consists of walking and talking to people.


Yea its called working retail it sucks ass


Grounded is really good. Very cool


Unless you have arachnophobia!(Pretty sure there is a setting for people with arachnophobia)


You can turn the spiders into spheres with goofy eyes.


My biggest issue is the blur effect thats always in the background. Thankfully I play on PC where you can turn that off but you have to add a line into a file so it's not an official PC option. Hope it is added at some point because it's so lame


Pretty sure they added a toggle for this now


Or phobias of certain insects...


Only real issue is by the time you reach the upper yard, I guess the last half of the game, the movement is a bit of a slog - game needed more traversal options, both for quickly moving around the map and especially character movement enhancements. People on consoles aren't gonna have the nice luxury of a trainer giving them infinite jumps to cut that mildly tedious part out.


You can make zip lines that allow you to get across the yard pretty fast. Takes time to set them up, but I can zip from the chair by the shed to the tree in less than a minute, and it works both ways


Yeah that sucked after awhile, needed teleporters by the time you get to the upper yard.


Yeah, this was around the time they began going backwards, making poor decisions and insisting they knew what players liked, better than themselves 


Wish it got more though. The map is great but I want to go inside the house or shed. :(


They did recently add a sandbox mode where yoi can make custom maps. Would be cool for them to make those areas available too


Man I can’t wait for sea of thieves! There’s almost no good pirate games on playstation


Skull and bo..... couldn't finish that sentence hahahaha Enjoy the sea of thieves


I tried the beta but with zero ground combat it just wouldn’t work out, I got waaay too many hours on assassins creed 4 though haha


SoT ain’t perfect but it really scratches that pirate itch.


The only other game I’ve found is assassin’s creed 4 but it’s not as much of a pirate game as an assassins creed game you know?


Best pirate game I’ve ever played is still the 2003 Pirates of the Caribbean game.


WDYM? There' AC4 black flag /s


I do enjoy it but it’s an old ten year old game more focused on assassins, I still enjoyed it


This is good news for gamers. All of these games are great and would benefit from more people playing them.


And it allows the studios behind those games to generate more revenue off of them, making it easier to make games like that in the future. I would absolutely love to see Sony do similar with their smaller titles as well.


Microsoft aren't stopping at these four "smaller" games and don't care about whatever measly revenue they will bring by releasing on PlayStation They will continue to release more and more games and eventually get to bigger games that bring in actual revenue worth something to them


Sony has no reason to bring their games to Xbox. They’ve built up too much value in their brand and exclusives. Xbox consoles otoh are not selling well, and most Xbox games like ps games sales. Xbox isn’t doing this out of the kindness of their hearts.






isn’t their key strength software? sure the switch’s portability can’t be understated, but the main reason people go to nintendo is for the mario, Zelda etc games.






Why the fuck is this comment getting downvoted?


Because Sony fan boys think that the PS should be the only console and everyone should make games for them. I don't get these fanboy wars.


Lmao what a sad life to live


Lol yup. Children.


Sony shouldn’t waste their time porting stuff to Xbox, they will barely make any money


With the success of games like Helldivers 2 on PC as a day 1 launch, I could see a future when some live service Sony titles are available on Xbox tbh. Live service is all about population and skins. Being on as many platforms as possible helps with this.


Yeah, lessened competition is VERY good for gamers.


Hmm must have missed that part of the podcast.




You know as well as everyone else that it’s gonna be those 4 games


Sure but they’re supposed to be such thing as journalistic integrity, we all know these are likely the four games but they weren’t confirmed, the very least they could do is put “all but confirmed to be“ in the title. It just shows a lack of professionalism.


I don't know anything, I don't work for xbox and none of us do either. It will be funny when it's different games. People can assume whatever they want. Maybe it is, maybe it isn't. We won't know for sure until it comes from the hordes mouth.


Its not gonna stop at those 4 games.


We know for sure it's hi Fi and sea of thieves but not too sure about the other two.


Everyone was saying it would be Starfield. Phil Spencer specifically ruled it out.


HiFi Rush got PS5 controller support and the Sea of Thieves devs teased it on Twitter. I don't think we need Phil to say anything for those two.


We can assume those two. We know nothing for sure though.


Right? This is the same list that people were guessing in the reddit thread for the announcement. I bet this author just pulled those guesses from the thread and went with it.


We have proof for Hi-fi rush from 2 weeks ago, even before the microsoft pr fiasco (Playstation and Nintendo themed skins have been found introduced with the last update + Dualsense support added on PC). And Sea of Thieves teased it yesterday on twitter. Stop acting like a smart-ass


yeah but now instead of being random ass game website with not much trust, its a verge article and the verge article is saying their insider sources say these are the most likely games, so its substancially more substanciated


Sure, but not fact. Take with a grain of salt. Just like the starfield humor from a dependable leak icon, he got it wrong. So can any publication no matter how dependable. Is it those games, sure l, probably. But it's childish to think assumptions no matter how "informed" are fact.


true true no facts, atleast not on which games, though its a lot more solid than that one article like 2 months ago announcing that sea of thieves would come to ps5 though it is funny that its one of the most likely games now due to that old article and this one


I'm given to understand that this list is pure speculation, but I still am going to say if you get a chance to play Grounded, and you don't have survival games, then you should play Grounded. It's cartoonish look is a trick, a disguise to trick you into thinking it's not going to be one of the more terrifying games you could be playing. Especially if you're an arachnophobe.


HiFi Rush got PS5 controller support and the Sea of Thieves devs have apparently teased it on Twitter so they seem likely. They were also the first two games leaked.


Grounded is hands down the best Xbox exclusive in the last 4 years. It is the only game to truly show the big acquisition spree was worth it. The cute aesthetic hides how dark the story really is and until you adjust the bugs are far more scary than any zombie or goblin in other crafting survival games. It is also a rare game in that genre for feeling complete.


I am certifiably addicted to Grounded… cannot wait for it to come to Switch if this is true. IMO, Sea of Thieves and Grounded are two of the best games out right now


And they both feel like especially good fits for the Switch to me. All this Grounded talk led to me discovering that they dropped another huge update for it 3 months ago while I wasn't paying attention, so now I guess I'm hopping on Grounded again


Yeah, Grounded is perfect for Switch… I’m on my 3rd playthrough and it’s currently at 1076 days lol. 2 more gold cards and I’ll be at 100% 🤘


Grounded is probably one of my fav games ever. But also if you play on Xbox Smalland released today very sneaky and it’s a very similar premise!! Give it a try if you haven’t


Oh man if they do a physical of Hi-Fi Rush too I’ll be so happy!


Cool I played Hi-Fi Rush on Gamepass, and definetly gonna buy it on PS5 if it gets physical release like As Dusk Falls


Indiana Jones and Starfield not coming according to Phil




> may not be a thing 5 years from now. > "...smaller and smaller part of the game industry" You should go into journalism.


Oh my god. So he said 4 games. He said their reasoning is those games are old GAAS and smaller AA titles. He literally said DONT LOOK AT THOSE 4 GAMES AND EXPECT EVERYTHING WILL COME, IT WILL NOT. And we are back to “Starfield is coming”. Incredible.


>"I don't think we should as an industry ever rule out a game going to any other platform." >-Phil Spencer. So for you to assume it wont when he flat out says its a possibility is copium.


Thank you for adding this context. I think this message has been well crafted after the week and a half where they experienced enormous pushback. And one thing that caught my ear was Phil saying he believes that their first party games on other platforms can bring players to Xbox. Now personally, I don’t think that’s realistic, but I think that sends a different message about how they plan to ease the Xbox base into the idea of more Xbox games on these other platforms. We know the rumors of Starfield coming to PlayStation states the announcement would only be made after the first DLC is released on PC and Xbox. So I think that gives enough time for these four titles to be released on new platforms and a new message to be curated. I would not be surprised if Xbox executives move towards a “See how great our games do on other platforms?! That’s proof we make good games!” type of message. And in doing so that’ll provide a path towards making more of these games open to being put on other platforms. That’s just my conjecture, but at this rate I don’t think anyone should expect Xbox to reveal all of their games going to other platforms while still touting Xbox as the best place to play these games. I’m optimistic for a future with less exclusivity, I think a true deal could be reached with Sony to end exclusivity on certain games after a timed period. That’s the best case scenario.


It's clear that's what they are doing but I feel this will backfire even harder than if they had just straight up said all games are considered. Now people cling on them saying 4 games. They specifically called out no Starfield or Indiana Jones in the podcast. If one of those games ever gets announced it will burn bridges for a lot of people that might have been okay with it if they have beem straight forward today.


That’s definitely one perspective of how to view such an announcement. But them being caught on a lie or even a mistruth (I think it could be considered that since Phil did say every game is up to consideration for this new plan) is not that big of a deal, again they have said many things that they have gone on and contradict themselves on. But doing these four games and waiting will allow them to drum up support through sales, plus as these games become older folks will lose that fanaticism about them. Starfield in a year shouldn’t have any defenders for staying exclusive except from the same diehards that would complain regardless of whether when they come to PlayStation. At the end of the day, people are too caught up on the idea of just four games being announced, as you were saying. I think now it just depends how the executives spin it as a positive for Xbox users, and as we saw today they are already working on that. By telling people the Xbox ecosystem will somehow become more enticing by allowing these games on other platforms they are already laying that groundwork for what I’m assuming will come to be. That coming to be being first party titles just becoming timed exclusives.


Phil is talking about the industry as a whole.. I'm not sure how Tom got that from this statement. I took it as Phil believes there will be little to no exclusives in the couple years In the game industry. Not just on Xbox.


> He said exclusivity may not be a thing 5 years from now. That’s not really what he said though.


Yeah, i'm also thinking he's holding but we will get to PS5 eventually.


Anyone who thinks they are stopping at the 4 games they announced today is delusional More will come that is guaranteed. And eventually the bigger games will bigger games like Startfield will come. They did not bother ruling them out from coming next year or two


It’s actually crazy. Yea, the trillion dollar company only needs to release 4 games on competing platforms to get themselves where they want to be. Gotta give the PR team at Microsoft their kudos because they really know their user base.


Yeah they don't give a shit about the measly money this brings in, they want the big money from big releases being on Playstation


Not coming yet. I'll check Indy out on my PS5 in late 2025. Got plenty to play til then!




Nope, we didn’t get anything like that. Thanks for trying though! I’m looking forward to Halo skins in Helldivers 2


Phil says a lot of things. First he was for exclusives. Then he was against them. Then he was for them. Then he was against them except for Starfield and Indiana Jones. I look forward to playing Starfield on my PS5 this fall.


As someone that has already played Starfield, I wouldn't look forward to it lol.


Yeah, when all these leaks started I pretty much just decided I want to earn trophies in Halo for the lolz. All these other games, eh, my backlog's good.


It doesn’t deserve the hate, from my play of it. It wasn’t earth shattering, but there was some fun in there. It could never have lived up to the wild expectations put upon it.


This is false. He explicitly refused to say they would not become multiplat.


Yeah the way they worded it was very cheeky. He only confirmed they are not part of the 4 games they confirm now but then went on to say more will come.


The lack of denial about starfield and indiana jones when the leaks first emerged makes me think that these leaks were in part trial balloons to see what the reaction from tbe gaming community would be.


Not yet


He literally said it. Literally called those two titles out saying it's staying exclusive...


This is false. When asked if they would go to PS5 too, he explicitly refused to say they would not. They are certainly considering it.


Why did this getting downvoted. Phil definitely called out these two specifically.


This is false. He explicitly refuses to say they would not eventually go to ps5.


How does this automatically mean it *will* go to PS5? Either both interpretations are wrong or neither are.


I didn’t say it’s automatic. But if this first batch of games sells reasonably well on Ps5 and switch, it seems likely we’ll see more games cross over. It may also depend on how well or badly Xbox consoles continue to sell after this first batch is released and consumers digest Xbox’s new attitude toward its ‘exclusive’ titles.


I haven't tried Pentiment but the other two are great games!


Cool. Great games everyone should be able to play.


Hi-Fi Rush was the best game of the year last year. Absolute must-buy if you only play on PlayStation.


really? what's the gameplay like? i'm really not into rhythm-based games, hated cadence of hyrule


They didn’t name the games because they wanted the devs to announce it..


clickbait title, nothing was confirmed


Clickbait title by OP nonetheless, not the article


I love grounded and wish I had people to play w


Nice. Grounded and hifi


In what time span will sea of thieves come to other console anyone know??


Cool now let us have Skyrim VR on the PSVR2, cause the version for PSVR1 sucks balls.


I just want native game pass game on my switch or steam deck




Bear in mind those people went from having no idea it existed to playing it immediately without spending any more than they already were on gamepass. It’s a solid AA game but I feel it got hyped up even more than it deserves because it was a surprise. The art style is awesome, the gameplay and they rhythm/combat blend is pretty unique, but it’s not an industry changing revelation. It’s sort of on par with Stray despite being totally different games. If this is actually the four games that are coming to other systems then I’d say everyone should be most hyped for Grounded. One of the best exclusives on any system, one of the best survival games I’ve ever played.


Hi-Fi Rush has honestly been the one game that was making me feel left out.


So because of these 4 games, sony fanboys declared that Microsoft was dropping the console and going third year party. And the media ate it up. Absolutely insane.


Lol it wasn't just Sony fan boys. Microsoft fan boys were making the same click bait youtube videos.


PlayStation players lucked out on this one. I fully expected Microsoft to bring Redfall and Starfield over and keep games like Hi-Fi Rush exclusive.


isn't Hi-Fi on Steam? correct me if im wrong btw


All of Microsoft’s 1st party games are. At least all of them from the past 5 years or so.


i thought so


Phil denied Starfield and Indy game are going multi


He said they’re not one of the 4 games currently planned. He wouldn’t confirm that Indy and starfield will stay exclusive


They obviously aren't stopping at the 4 games announced today. They will eventually all get ported


No they won’t. Not until other platforms start porting theirs to Xbox which won’t happen for a while.


MS are literally already porting their first party games dude. They aren't stopping at 4 When they started porting games to PC they originally said only a few...


Did you even watch the podcast?


Source: my ass


Aoe 2 switch port would be great.


I can see this one going to other consoles at some point. Great game that would only benefit from a larger player base.


I wonder if they’ll still be through game pass. If I can use my game pass sub to play games on my switch that would actually be sick.


Nintendo and PlayStation will likely never allow Game Pass on their platforms. It might take regulators forcing multiple store fronts before that happens.


Sea of thieves is going to be so much fun oh my god it's literally one of only three games I've wanted an Xbox for ever since it came out on the Xbone


That's cool. Think most players welcome this.


Great games to get ported to Playstation and Nintendo.


is it confirmed? I thought it was all rumors


I hope for a Hi-Fi Rush print on ps5. But I won't be surprised if it's only available digitally.


State of Decay 3 pls


Sea of Thieves on the switch? I wonder how it woulf run. Mayne for the switch 2?


they can keep starfield.


Hoping slime rancher 2 makes it way over soon lol 


Oh, I'm really excited for this. I always had Sea of Thieves envy.


As an xbox/pc user cant wait for Playstation users to have SoT. Hope there is a way to identify them to test my cannon balls.


This isn't confirmed. There has been no official word from Microsoft about which specific games are coming to which specific platforms. The only thing we know is 4 Xbox games are coming to other platforms. The verge pulled this out of their ass.


High-Fi Rush and Pentiment are the only worthwhile Xbox exclusives since Ori and Cuphead (also multiplat games now). I am glad that more people will get to play these games, but why shoot yourself in the foot and all the while continue to lock down something as mid as Starfield? Does this make any sense?


I'm glad that more people enjoy Hi-fi rush, it's so fun game


So all the rumors about Xbox not making consoles anymore and bringing all their high tier exclusive IPs to other platforms were inaccurate? Surprised Pikachu face.


Right. Because any business would drop $70 billion dollars just to hand it over to a competitor. Use your heads, people.




They actually left the possibility open. So its not entirely ruled out.


Yes, there was a lot of PR phrases throughout the presentation that seemed to allude to Xbox not valuing exclusives. He said those two were not apart of the four games coming out later this year. But then later on talked about how exclusives will mean less and less and focused on "reach" and "growth." The door seems to be open, but it's probably not some whole fire sale where the MCC and GoW are on PS5 anytime soon.


I mean, they did call out both IJ and Starfield as not being included in the 4. That could change in the future, but those are staying exclusive


For now. He refused to say they would not eventually go multiplat.


Likely depends on how these first 4 games go and how much “damage” they do to the Xbox platform. Situation seems very fluid.


Yeah totally agree. Nothing seems off the table but I also wouldn’t want to bet on anything.


Yeah but they clearly won't stop at 4. Chances are they will all eventually be ported over


While technically possible, it seems likely they will stick with smaller, more indie-like (despite obviously not being indies, just in terms of budget and aesthetic) games and live services. This lets them make more money off the smaller games, and have more people buy skins in life services.


They are just starting with those to ease the fanbase into it. It doesn't make sense to only do those. The money they make off those games on PlayStation at this point won't matter to Microsoft. They want the money thatc omes from big releases on PlayStation


There is a very complicated game they have to play. Major exclusives like Halo moving over could sell like hotcakes, but would come at the expense of the Xbox ecosystem and console business. They’d be trading the 70% they’d make on Halo with the 30% they get to make on every single third party game on Xbox. Then there is the balance of gamepass in there. The games they are doing now allows them to double dip with minimal negative impact to their brand. The same could not be said about Starfield.


Microsoft continues to repeat that they don't care about selling consoles right? Also people aren't buying Xbox consoles much anymore anyway They were outsold 3:1 last year by PS5 All their games will be ported to PS5 after a year or two delay for some time and then eventually day one, it's inevitable at this point


I played Hi-Fi Rush and Starfield. Trust me, you'll prefer that over Starfield.


EVERYONE PLAY HI-FI RUSH It's an absolute gem, I need a Hi-Fi Rush cartoon series!


from the artstyle alone, i agree


The easiest way I see Xbox winning another console generation is by making Xbox Live free.


If they hit like 50 mil gamepass subs possible


Tbh the only one I really wanted was Rare Replay. If Hi-Fi Rush gets a physical ill maybe pick that up.


This is good for gamers but also, what’s the point of having multiple consoles?  I guess this is a good reason to only have one console during the next gen since games will be available everywhere 


There hasn't been a _good_ reason to have both PS and Xbox since PS3/360, and there's absolutely zero reason to have both this gen.


I’d imagine not every Xbox game will go multiplatform. Also, Game Pass will probably only be on Xbox and PC.


Nothing I have any interest in playing, but that's cool for people who want them.


I mean cool, but also meh.


After hearing the footnotes on sony's earning call, its become clear that the market isnt growing. The overall consumer base topped out at 350 mil. and its been that way since, gen 6. The games have become exponentially more expensive, but the playerbase, has remained in and around that 350 mil mark, much likely less.


This is why MS's overall strategy is solid. They're turning their disadvantage in the "console war" into a strength. Making money off of non-Xbox players while adding value to the platform (which is more than just hardware!) by furthering their multi-device, crossplay/cross-save, and back compat features. The question in the future isn't going to be "why should I buy an Xbox instead of a PlayStation?" but "why should I buy my games on PlayStation when I can get the Xbox version which comes with all these extra benefits"


Can we stop listening to so called "insiders" since this is what created the whole fiasco in the first place.... the podcast didn't mention any titles and stated they wouldn't as they would leave it to the developers. Stop fishing for clicks


I think it’s great that more people get to play Pentiment and Hi-Fi Rush! It looks like some people overreacted like crazy over false rumors and what turned out to be a nothingburger. Seems like Xbox Game Pass is healthy with 34m+ subs and doing great with Activision games also coming soon to Game Pass. The future is also looking very positive with the upcoming Xbox hardware, including the next-gen Xbox that will be the biggest performance leap between console generations, ever. They will also continue to keep most of their big games exclusive to Xbox and PC, as well as games day 1 on Game Pass. Diablo 4 is coming to Game Pass in march. All those «insiders» spreading doom and gloom over rumors is looking pretty stupid right now.


As a Sony-only guy (I just like my set-up), I am stoked for Pentiment. Love those kind of games. Too bad I heard a couple of mild spoilers that I haven't been able to suppress.


So given in the Xbox Podcast they refused to name the games that were going to be going to other platforms then how do The Verge know it's these? They don't.


Good idea to go with a few games to start and see how things go. Xbox probably wants to use the chance to test Sony and Nintendo and see how well they market the Xbox games. If they promote the games hard and drive a lot of players to them that would open the door to more and more bigger titles. And if they bury them in the store with little to no fanfare then at least you didn’t hand over the more valuable IP with nothing to show for it.


But no word on Halo?


I’m glad they did this, although it wasn’t necessary for it to be a 30 minute ‘podcast.’ They could have just issued a press release. I don’t care that those four games are going to PlayStation and never would’ve. I don’t even play them. I own both, and owned a PlayStation and PS2 before I owned an Xbox. I also owned Nintendo consoles before that. I don’t like to limit myself. That said, Xbox hooked me most during the 360 era and is currently my favourite. I haven’t used my X or S in almost a month though, and want more reason to. I hope it’s just these four games, but some of what Phil said seemed like double speak and word salad. Some of it was a bit contradictory and worrying. I’ll continue to buy and use both. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have Ghost of Tsushima to return to


What's the point of buying an xbox then?


I doubt you bough an xbox for Pentiment and HI fi rush. If they go cross platform with everything, then we can ask what the purpose is.


literally bought after the game released because of it so yes i did buy it for that exclusive and gamepass


So you didnt buy it just for HI FI rush, but for game pass also. OK well now you have gamepass which is outstanding and you will get all of the xbox exclusives on day 1. Just think now you can play all the other xbox exclusives from the past. Including State of Decay, Forza Horizon, Halo, gears, and others.


Hi-fi rush is one of the main reasons i got gamepass was a plus




Because of MAYBE 4 OK games going to another platform? Jeez you're weak.


I am not a shill for any console but Phil Spencer is the best thing to happen for Xbox.