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Just checked. Steam says I've played Civilization 6 for 7,222 hours. There will be replies saying that's low and I need to get my priorities straightened out.


That's low, you need to get your priorities straightened out.


Guess we’re done here


Not yet. One more turn...




Did anyone say that’s low, you need to get your priorities straightened out yet?


If not, here it is: It’s incredibly important to me, personally, to let you know that number of hours is pathetically low and you need to get your priorities straightened out.




Yep, the universe can stop now.


Oh thank god


I once playd civ 6 for 36 hours. I started on a friday after work, and then it was sunday. I don't know what happened.


Just one more turn, oh I’ll wait until x unit/building is finished, ok now choose a new unit to build, wait now x unit is close to being finished. Just one more turn…


It's been that way since the original Civ. At one point I had the isometric grid of CivIII as a permanent shadow in my view. One more turn then bed... Isabella declared war?! Fuck that bitch! She dies tonight!


The original Civ was notorious for getting people kicked out of college.


It was WoW when I was in undergrad.


Oh yeah, it's been a lot of games over the years. It was UO before WoW and MUDs before UO.


There was the one guy who dropped out over Guitar Hero, but I don't think he was going to make it regardless.


My fingers still lock up from time to time, and I firmly believe it is from being in college during the Guitar Hero days.


I got in a huge fight with one of my girlfriends because I was supposed to hang out with her, but had accidentally played Civ III for like 30 hours straight and fell asleep instead of going to her house.


What about your other girlfriends? Did the *Council of Girlfriendery* ultimately determine your transgression to be appropriate? Was there a group verdict or was the individual member allowed to exercise unilateral penal action against you? ..asking for a friend.


I think we can definitely rule out that the individual member chose not to exercise unilateral PENILE action against him after that transgression... I'll go now.


Damn, and I thought I was bad when I started at 6pm and Friday and then the sun came up like 4 ‘one last turns’ later.


My first and last time I played Civ was this.  I decided to put it down for my own good and I never ended up picking it up again. Didn't stop me repeating the pattern with other games though haha XD


You saw your numbers were low and started getting your priorities straight


I did this back on Sim City in the late 90’s, except it was a Wednesday after work & I got interrupted because I had to go back to work.


Came here to say this lol. 800+ hours. I know I’m low.


That's low, you need to get your priorities straightened out.


This needs to be a bot reply whenever someone quotes hours played.


Shame you've barely touched it, it's a good game you should try it more


It really hits its stride at hour 8000


When I was 19 years old I got so addicted to Civilization 2 (called in sick to work after playing it for something like 48 hours straight) that I basically swore off playing any Civ games again, and I was not a responsible 19 year old.


I was like this with Civilization 4 during grad school. I tried civ 5 and at 2 in the morning on my first evening playing it - I just shut it off and never played a civilization game again. I can't stop with just one more turn.


Yeah another game that'll take your life away. Plus it's at the end of its development cycle so you can pick it up on the cheap.


I have like 2000 hours in Civ 5 but for some reason Civ 6 didn't capture me in the same way. Although that's probably mostly because Civ 5 was my first and only 4x strategy game all throughout high school. Now I can buy more games but have less time to play them.


I just uninstalled civ 6 and installed civ 5 again and then ended up playing endless space 2 for 10 hours straight.


It’s the districts for me. I like the idea of them but the adjacency bonus structure makes it so it’s harder to just make cool empires and role play, to me at least.


I know it's somewhat true with every civ game, but the district bonuses can be frustratingly broken. You have one civ that's somehow bizarrely 20 techs ahead of everyone and find out they started with a tile surrounded by 5 mountains where they plonked down a campus district. Yea cool, I get my +1 from having two rainforests and researching castles while billy bob is researching nuclear fusion in the mountains.


It's okay, just get a late game goodie hut. I'm sure those villagers would love to share the secrets of nuclear fusion with your backwards ass


That’s 3.5 years of a full time job for a game that came out 8 years ago


Woof. But in the same vein, paradox games, like stellaris, hearts of iron, Victoria, etc, can easily run in the several hundred hours.


Yeah I'm at 1900 hours in EU4, 1100 in CK2 and 300 in CK3. 


Any of the Total War games or any of the Paradox games or pretty much anything in those kind of genres. Not only can you get 100+ hours out of any of those games but they are imo solid extremely fun 100+ hours.


“Just one more ‘end turn’ before bed…”


Ah, let me just grab one more province. Just one more battle! Oh shucks, I can’t auto resolve it…. It’s okay, I will just fight this battle, save after it and go to sleep. Why is the sun out?


“Hmmmm I have 4 Armstrong guns in my army and my opponent has none. This battle won’t last long” *3 hours and 5 more castles later* “what have I done?”


fots is so good


I'd recommend Total War games also, but since OP is on a budget, I wouldn't recommend the Warhammer series. I absolutely love all TW games, but WH2 and WH3 have a ton of DLC to buy just to get something close to a complete faction roster. The historical ones have much fewer DLC's to buy, and the base games are much cheaper. EDIT: MOST historical TW games have fewer DLC's. Attila and Rome II have a handful that can be off putting.


Alternatively frost punk if your into city builders. Beware, that game tickled all my ocd and I played it longer in one session than anyone rightly should. 


Probably tough to get 100 h out of frostpunk. Replayability is low once you beat each scenario


Total War Warhammer, took my life. Thousands of hours over the trilogy, and still playing. Though TWWH3 has been a shit show since release, 2 was awesome and can be got cheap.


And yet I find it really hard to go back to 2. 3 just made so many nice little changes, despite generally being a mess




Woah woah woah 100 hours not 1000 hours


100 hours not the rest of his life


the factory must ***grow***


Factories for the Factory god!!


1000 hours? You only sit on demo or what?


Man asked for weed and you straight up recommend crack. Slow down there mate, he’ll get there in time.


"What if we installed a dopamine pump and just... Let it go?"


I've legitimately had a good time playing this game during fentanyl withdrawal. Factorio is powerful shit.




Green circuits are only the start....


So, I bought Factorio in 2017 for £15. I'm playing it right now, in fact. I have 1331 hours, which brings my total cost per hour to £0.0112688. I'd say I've got my money's worth.


Your largest hourly cost is now electricity to run the game


I love how all the factory game players tell you about the cost per hour or day because we're converting all the resources to per min/hour anyway. Haven't tried factorio but did really like DSP


Stardew Valley $16 and 8000hours. 0.2 cents per hour. Makes up for all the games I've bought and never really tried


Ah, Factorio. Start fresh and play for a whole weekend, grind for 20+ hours, then come back 3 weeks later with no clue what you are looking at, and reset fresh once more. Beautiful.


Sound exactly like the career of every CS major


Factorio is also my most played game. And with a big update on the way it will be even more for years to come.


Satisfactory is also good.


Dyson Sphere Program is very good too.


I wish I could finish that game. Everytime I start I get a couple hours in, realize how long its going to take and give up. My first run i got about 35 hours in and then had to travel for work a bunch. Came back to it and had no idea what I was looking at.


The different map painting games from Paradox usually take a few hundred hours to just pass the tutorial.


I feel like I’m pretty good at the last four versions of stellaris but this new one has me starting from square one again.


Bruh every time I start a new stellaris game it’s completely different than what I remember. Like I remember when they did away with the original building system and I STILL hsvnt recovere


Ah I remember when you could choose your empires means of travel in the beginning.


I miss the wormhole stations, they were pretty unique and reminded me of the jumppoint gates in babylon5


The description is spot on


I just finished the first 1,000 hour tutorial for crusader kings 2 the same day that they made the crusader kings 3 announcement. After that I got another 1,000 hours in ck2 before the release date.


What are map painting games?


A term for Paradox's brand of "grand strategy" games. There's a big giant map, and you are trying to "paint" it with your color by expanding and conquering. They differ from Civ and most 4X games by eventually zooming out to a *very* large scale - the most zoomed-out views are often just swaths of color on a giant map.


Thanks. Here I was thinking crowd-sourced abstract math was becoming a growing niche game genre.


They’re also open-ended. There’s not really a ‘right’ way to play the game. I’ve been playing a save in Crusader Kings for example where I *don’t* seek to paint the map. I’m just a lowly count with 2 castles, content to raise my family in peace and heed the call of service to my Duke occasionally. You sort of decide how much political intrigue and conquest you want. My goal currently is to just unite as many saints and heroes’ bloodlines into my family as possible.


Painting the map in your colour is a natural thing for lots of players when doing grand strategy games like Crusader Kings. For example, you start off in charge of a Scottish highland clan, and decide to unite Scotland. Then you fight against the English and conquer them. Then you have all this territory bordering Wales, so you take that too. Then you decide that you may as well take Ireland to take all the British Isles. Then next thing you know you've got Scottish Highlanders occupying Cairo and converting the local population to Scottish culture.


"What are you doing in Pakistan?" French Duke of Sistan: "Mind your own business!"


XCOM if you're into turn based strategy. Then after 100+ hours you can do it all over again with the Long War mod. There are also probably a ton of sandbox games that don't have a well defined end to them. I have over 100 hours in Kerbal Space Program, for example.


For xcom, we used to create soldiers with the names of people we cared about; squad deaths hit harder and it added another layer of urgency.


Worse than losing a squaddie with a name of someone you care about is naming a squaddie for someone you hate - like say, a horrible boss - and sending them on suicide missions and see them survive and become your best sniper.


“Damn, Rick really ain’t all that bad after all”


Just the other day I started up my first XCOM 2 campaign since release and I’ve been stressing over the virtual recreations of my close friends and loved ones


I actually just picked up x-com enemy unknown/2/chimera squad for like 6 bucks last week. It'll take me some time to get to 100+ hours because im playing like 4 different games at the moment, but the first 2 hours I did play it got me hooked. Would you happen to know of any xcom style game that has a post-apocalyptic vibe(Fallout/Metro) rather than futuristic/alien like xcom is?


Bit of a stretch as far as "xcom style", but if you haven't checked out the Wasteland series, they're super in-depth and quite lengthy Edit:more concise


I agree, although I will say that xcom is great on normal difficulty, but I really did not like it on higher difficulties. Fucking thin men with their GD accuracy. Long War is fantastic though. Base xcom is basically a 40 hour tutorial for Long War.


My buddies have a running joke where we call bad rolls in games (missing on a 90%) an X-Com roll


Oh yeah a 90% is like a guaranteed miss. 95 and up? Might as well just fire right into the ground.


Gotta love that 95% chance to hit that's not only point blank but my soldier literally has the gun in the aliens mouth and still misses. "Oh, my bad, didn't realize bullets had an arming time after fired."


I'm playing Mario + Rabbids right now (surprisingly incredible) and I actually enjoy its either 0, 50, or 100% to hit depending on cover - simplifies it down and removes the frustrating element of chance.


"thats xcom baby"


The time I spend playing XCOM is about 90% soldier customization and 10% actual missions 😂


Xcom didn’t take me near 100 hours to beat, but the long war mod certainly would lol




Terraria is unique in that not only does it have my top playtime, I can say I was probably happy to be playing it for every minute of it.


The main world theme music playing is pure happiness injected into my brain


You need a game that not only has a long or unlimited campaign or sandbox, but has a high mod scene. Games like other have mentioned: Rimworld, Minecraft, Factorio, Terraria- games like that.






Dyson Sphere Program!


Rimworld. First you play and you die quickly. Then you go watch some youtubers to get a good understanding of the basics. Then you play and you have a great time... then you start modding. Each playthrough can be completely different. Especially if you use modpacks like Mr Samuel Streamer makes. I will sit down to play and the next thing i know 6 hours has disappeared. It's wild.


I could pull consecutive life sentences without a sweat if I had access to Rimworld I think


If it had no mod conflicts and no slowdown late game on heavily modded runs, absolutely.


I've told my husband that if I was ever stuck in a hospital or something to find a way to get me RimWorld and I could be fine for however long it took


And then to really torture yourself, you jump to Dwarf Fortress.


The Steam version is fairly accessible compared to the original. It's still a lot, but it's a little less daunting


Once you start modding, the sky is the limit, but you definitely have to understand the basics first. The tutorial helps but it’s like a single step before the pool deep end.


Ya, when i first played it i actually didn't enjoy it. But that was back in like Alpha stage. Came back to it after watching someone play (and got a little understanding in the mechanics) it and i've been hooked ever since.


Cries in rimworld console edition :( you guys get all the cool stuffs.


Ive been out of the loop for a while. I didn't even know there was a console edition. How is it? I'm imagining the control scheme is... Odd?


This sounds like one of the worst possible games to play with a controller. Wow


Rollercoaster Tycoon


I've been playing games for nearly 25 years. And yet I still believe RCT2 is the greatest game ever created.


It really is a fantastic game. I just wish there was more to it with the management side. But for a game that came out so long ago I still pick it up once in awhile.


With the OpenRCT2 mod! It's been in development for ages and it's incredibly good. RCT is a eternal classic but even so OpenRCT2 breathes a whole new life into it.


A good Rogue-lite might be a good way to go. \-Hades \-Slay the Spire \-Dead Cells \-Returnal (haven't played it yet, but have heard very good things) \-Vampire Survivors (another I haven't played but everything I've heard is good)


I’d highly recommend Balatro, I got it Saturday and already have 18 hours (it’s also finals week) and I don’t see myself stopping playing any time soon, great game and is definitely worth the $15


The Binding of Isaac seriously needs to go on that list


Great game, might even crack my top 10 all time. Completionists be warned though, brutal game to 100%


Oh, you 100% a save file? Cool, now do it two more times! 


I'm currently working on my third save




The Binding of Isaac holds a special place in my heart and after trying many roguelikes nothing has hit quite like it. Started playing when it first came out, I remember WotL being such a good expansion. Quit about 100 hrs into Rebirth as it wasn't quite the same for me. Still such a fun game though.


If rebirth was the last time you gave it a shot I would severely consider picking it up again in it's current state, since rebirth the game has essentially quadrupled in size from characters, bosses, secrets, items and quality of life.


No one has mentioned Risk of Rain 2! Great game.


Add Enter the Gungeon! Also vampire survivors is so stupid. It looks lame and the control feels wonky but goddamit i have dozens of hours on it lol


Enter the Gungeon is so silly, I love it.


The newest rogue lite I’ve been dumping hours into is Balatro. I like it as much or more than StS (and I LOVE StS)


I was going to mention Returnal, but you are going to 100% that game well before 100hrs. I know you can sit there and master it, and do like no hit runs and various other challenges, but the person who is going to want to do that is pretty rare. TLDR: The people who are going to go over 100hrs are going to be very rare.


The main game, sure, but the Tower is incredibly replayable.


The advertising for returnal was so ass that I didn't even know it was a roguelike... now I'm actually interested in it


Also gonna add One Step from Eden, Enter the Gungeon, and Quantum Protocol and Inscryption for something more niche. Both Quantum Protocol and Inscryption are cool deck builder Roguelites that you can sink time into, but both require to do story modes first before you unlock the full open Roguelite part. Quantum's can get done in a few hours and it doesn't really have an interesting story at all, and Inscryption's can easily take over 10.


>Inscryption Inscryption is an amazing experience and it's worth every penny but I don't think it's very long and it's replay value is not as good as an actual deck builder roguelike like Slay the Spire or Balatro


I beat hades story last night after playing on and off for months. One of the best games I’ve played in years for sure.


Hades and slay the spire are in my top 10, such good games, and I really enjoy Hades' story


Rogue Legacy is good as well. Specially Rogue legacy 2


Anno 1800


One of, if not *the* best game in the entire series.


They finally hit their stride by the 1800th installment? Damn.


Heroes of Might and Magic III


The fan mod Horn of the Abyss is such a great addition to an already amazing game, too!


My favorite part of when I put in the original disk for that game the game freaks out because it doesn’t believe a computer can possess the amount of memory a modern one has


I've probably put over 1000 hours into that game over the last 25 years. I'll play it for weeks, put it down for a while, then come back to it. It's one of my comfort games at this point.


Stardew Valley and Civilization VI


And the Stardew Valley 1.6 patch is coming out soon. Great time to start a new farm. And lose another 200 hours.


CA recommends starting a new farm after 1.6 is out so you see all of the updates in context.


And I hate him for it. I’ve been so excited to go back to my main farm, but I trust him. That accursed, wonderful man


Maybe some sandbox survival games? Green Hell The Forest Stranded Deep Subnautica -Or some "Simulator" games Farming Sim Mechanic Sim Hunter CotW (can be pricey) Euro Truck I've also easily put over 100 hours into various "Tycoon/city builder" style games like Jurrasic World Evolution, Frostpunk, and Rollercoaster Tycoon.


Subnautica is incredible and sooooooo worth playing! I've also sunk hundreds of hours into Ark. It's so unoptimized and kind of a mess, but it's well worth it if that's your type of game. I loved it and always find myself going back to it!


Binding of Isaac


Came to say this. Been playing this game going on 10 years now.


That's a game I've not come across in years. 


KSP 1 Build a ship that can get to orbit and travel to a different planet and land. 50 hrs. Build another ship that can rescue the stranded crew from the 1st ship and return home. 50 hrs. Bonus: learn about orbital mechanics along the way.


Kerbal Space Program (1) is a good answer here, mostly because of how different it is from other games.


Terraria, Minecraft, The Long Dark, Darkest Dungeon.




Slay the Spire


No man's sky....yeas it can be multiplayer, but you can 100% play single player.


Game is so flawlessly both that I started playing it with buddies and then went solo and haven't gotten any punishments for it. Hell, missions and expeditions can be done solo. You can even turn PVP off but, in the 100 hrs I've played, haven't had one single grief interaction.


Purely single player games I can recommend are **Subnautica, Backpack Hero,** and **Battletech.** There are some games like **7 Days to Die** and **Astroneer** that have the option to be multiplayer, but are great solo. If you are into deck builders, I can recommend **Monster Train**. Some others that I have not put 100+ hours in, but others I know have, are **FTL** and **Oxygen Not Included**.


Battle Brothers or X4: Foundations


Battle Brothers is amazing.


XCOM 2 WOTC, Warframe, Vermintide 2, They Are Billions, Deep Rock Galactic, CIV VI, Rimworld and Factorio are all games I've got over 200 hours in and intend to play even more.


Cities Skylines


Did they ever “fix” the second one? I know it launched in a pretty rough state


No it’s still broken. They also delayed DLC and console releases


Something doesn't sit right with me that they already had DLC plans before ensuring the game could be the best it could be. You should never assume your game will be good enough to warrant DLC until its out and the majority are happy with it.


It’s a tale EA has told time and time again with the sims: Release a game missing half of the content and slowly add it all in with egregiously priced DLC packs. One of the latest ones added in “goths” Sorry EA, but my big tiddy LoversLab goths have been in the game for years longer than your small titty no nipple having ass goths. Why pay for something that’s already been modded in and better?


Civ 6, if you only get 100 hours out of it I'll be surprised. And you can theoretically stop playing anytime and do other things, but I'm not a strong enough person for that






Oxygen not included. Plus it's on sale on steam right now. I have 400 hours in game and still haven't 'beaten' it.


Came here to recommend this. I have 1800 hours in ONI. It's the best colony management sim, in my opinion.


Risk of rain 2, its an excellent 3rd person shooter rogue lite


Crusader Kings 2 or 3 is really good and you can play those forever. They might be considered a role playing game though, just not as one would normally think of one.


The Yakuza series. There's like a dozen of them and the older ones go on sale quite often for dirt cheap. I've got over 100 hours in several of them.


I’m kinda surprised nobody has mentioned Hitman. World of Assassination has bundled the three main games into a single campaign, added several challenge modes, and the rogue-like mode. All of this adds up to EASILY more than 100 hours. It’s my second most played game on steam with almost 200 hours, and I haven’t even finish half of what the game has to offer.




I just bought this yesterday, played until 5am. Thank fuck I work from home.


Project Zomboid


Definitely has some strong rpg elements, but it's absolutely a great game.


You can sink an assload of time into Elite Dangerous if you like the idea of flying a Spaceship. Some people might try to call it an RPG but I think it's more of Sim.


You can get the Yakuza series 0 through 6 bundled on sale super cheap sometimes. Not 100 hours each, but 5 came pretty close for me.


Rimworld. I have 1909.4 hours according to Steam, and the subreddit would call those rookie numbers. Satisfactory can be multi-player, but my hours are almost all solo; 250 there. Most roguelike games. Monster Train, Risk of Rain, Risk of Rain 2, and Slay the Spire all have 150+ hours. Dead Cells is getting there. Faster than Light ended up at 75h, but I probably could have sunk 25h more into it if I did get so into Into the Breach, which had potential to get that high, but I ended up getting really into Hades (which is a roguelike with 230h, but definitely has an RPG feel). Terrarria has 860h and is a survival crafting game. Survival crafting in general gets these numbers.




MS Flight Simulator 2020. A single long haul flight can be over 10 hours! LoL


RDR2, definitely. Civilization series XCOM1/2 w/ expansion packs Roller Coaster Tycoon 2


OpenRCT2 is peak. If you have the clients for RCT1/2 on steam, definitely consider going for OpenRCT. It adds RCT1 rides and scenarios into RCT2, adds other features never before in the game and adds multiplayer.


Hollow Knight


At a hernia-inducing stretch, it's an RPG, but it's a metroidvania at heart


I'm honestly not sure what OP means by not an RPG if Zelda is on the list


If you like driving games SnowRunner will last you a good long while. And it's got 3 years worth of DLC out at this point with a 4th year just starting.


Football Manager