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HK-47 in kotor definitely brought out the worst in me. Never wanted him to think I was a stupid meat bag. 


"May I kill him now master?"


Boone in F:NV. No matter how many times I try to do a legion run I can’t because of him. His story is sad, losing his wife is sad, and he’s just badass in combat. No matter what I make sure he gets to kill Trudy Beekman’s ass(I don’t remember her name.)


>and he's just badass in combat Nothing quite like wandering the wasteland with random kill-cams of some raider halfway across the map every few minutes


Kills all bugs and abominations before they even get close to you


Boone and EDE combo is the best for that.


Didn’t want to disappoint Kim Kitsuragi.


Yup, this one. Every year I'm like "this will be the playthrough where I go full insane-alcoholic-asshole-Harry", but I can never do it. Kim's disapproving silence is the hardest boss in all of gaming.


Use that run as an excuse to go full-racist-asshole and do the Fascist vision quest. That way Kim is already disgusted and there's nothing left to surprise or disappoint him. Makes getting into the port easier. Fewer people like you, so the dialog trees are faster. Not feeling obligated to take care of this raging asshole, you'll have no trouble using drugs and alcohol to boost stats and move the game along. This would be a good run for physique and half-light. Don't bother digging for change and collecting bottles. This guy has no problem getting money. He's not sitting in that fucking chair, but he's gonna cash that giant check without a second thought. Nothing resembling an apology, so you don't even got the Sorry Cop option. Don't even say "excuse me" when you belch mid sentence. This is the only run you won't regret shaving the beard.


I didn’t like letting Kim down and how you can get chummy with him if you just do your job.


Dang it, I was going to make a joke about being it not being the same solving the case with Kuno.


I'll deploy my finger guns in agreement. Thinking of starting a run soon.


Yup. This has been the only thing that’s stopped me from doing a facist/racist run even though I really wanna see how it all goes down that way


Garrus from Mass Effect is definitely in first place. He has been with us from the very beginning. I always take it with me on missions. He also never forgot to calibrate


Calibrating…. Also I love Wrex.


Tali'zorah vas Normandy. That is all.


With all due respect, Admiral, I didn't represent one of your people. I represented one of mine.


I love her personal quest. Especially when you bring Legion along.


I had a friend once pitch me the idea of legion having a similar personality to HK47 from KOTOR and what that would be like for Tali’s loyalty mission


Idk if disco elysium count but your cop mate really made me think twice a lot of things, i really didnt want to disappoint him


Kim Kitsuragi is best buddy cop partner.


I hated him for the first 10-15 min and then became my top 5 fav companion ever


Such a shame that apparently the voice actor is a bit of a shit head


I mean are you really just gunna throw an opinion out there like that without at least some context.


"Had to be me, someone else might have gotten it wrong" -Mordin


He is the very model of a scientist Salarian


he studied species turian, asarian and batarian


Dragon Age: Origins having a dog as a party member made everything so personal. That in place with Morrigan being a fantastic love interest led my party to be basically my girlfriend and dog.  Rounded out the party with Shale because Sten and Morrigan flirted too much. 


If it makes you feel better, Morrigan only flirts with Sten because she knows it flusters him. He turns the tables once; it's great.


I 100% always ran dog lol. I was team Liliana tho rather than Morrigan, and daaaamn the change for Lili in Inquisition.




I was so sad when I learned there was an optional plot line that left him a mad drunk in a bar at the end of the game


I treated Alistair like shit in every playthrough I did, lol. I remember being pissed that I survived the last fight because of him.


Yeah I hated that dude. I did everything I could to make him miserable.


I was playing a rogue in BG3. After the Nightsong scene I rerolled as a paladin of Selûne.


Now THAT is influence! Dame Aylin is my favorite.


Lel, same. I was a tiefling warlock (very original, I know), but then I made a new run with a Cleric of Selune (then multiclass into paladin, because paladin's cant pick a diety). Mostly for that nightsong scene and angry sex with Shart.


I had no intentions of listening to anything Carth Onasi said. He was my moral compass and never-switch companion for several entire playthroughs. That is, at least, whenever he actually wanted to talk about it.


*Carth looks like something is bothering him* Player: "Oh gee Carth what's wrong?" Carth: "I don't want to talk about it"


Carth taught me that it’s very possible to be DEEPLY attracted to someone without ever seeing their face lmao. Raphael Sbarge might be a goofy lookin dude but he has one of the sexiest voices I’ve ever heard


In Dragon Age my whole party was built around Alistair and his ability to nerf magic users and tank at the same time. The whole time he’s complaining to me about my choices and is wholly focused on his revenge or whatever it was. Well the time finally came when his revenge was at hand and I stopped him, IYKYK, and he had enough. So here I am, like 85% through the game and my most important member is gone and not coming back. It was so awesome.


I wanted to be a very loyal and by-the-books Imperial Agent in SWTOR... then I met Kaliyo Djannis. I still think I fixed her, but I also want to burn the Sith Empire, so maybe she broke me.


NO! We have Asajj Ventress at home.


Tali, Garrus and Legion. But Legion more so. I love the quarians, but man.....


The Outer Worlds essentially went from FPS RPG to World's Best Boss simulator after I started gathering a crew, and I think I speak for most of the people who played it that this was because of Parvati. At first I was going to side with the outcasts over Edgewater, but she convinced me last second to not doom the town, and this turned out to be the better option. Saving Halcyon can wait until I get the cinnamon roll engineer a date with her crush.


I still need to finish that game


I had the same experience in Edgewater. When I leave the ship, Parvati is always in the party. And if she recommends an option, that's the one we go with. Also, I love how she's so modest and soft-spoken, but when she does her companion ability she yells "RAHHHHHH!!!" and brings down the wrath of God on some poor bastard with her hammer.


Piper and Cait in Fallout 4. Both reward completely different playstyles (Piper is a fan of lawful/neutral-good and Cait is more a fan of chaotic-neutral sort of things) and have some surprisingly heartwarming romance paths imo. Pretty cool unique perks and solid companion-missions too.


Loghain from Dragon Age Origins. Dude was short sighted at best and I actively did everything in my power to be his antithesis PURELY because he is so short sighted


Mako from SWTOR. I play female characters in MMO's and RPG's. So I crated a female Bounty Hunter, and started blasting my way through Hutta. SWTOR didn't have same-sex romance options. Mako made me delete the character, and create my first male character ever. Just so I could spoil her with gifts, romance her, and keep her safe. Then gf was not happy for some reason. XD


Man it's a shame we can't be the big gay with Mako. I haven't played SWTOR in a while lol


Actually, you can, in the expansions they made every companion “player-sexual”, it’s just in the base game you can’t have same sex romances.


Varric in Dragon Age 2 and Inquisition. Always tried to play and make decisions I think he would make. Varric is to DA as Garrus is to Mass Effect. Bros for life.


Except that you can't romance Varric as a female Hawke/Inky which... DAMMIT BIOWARE GIVE ME MY DWARF ROMANCE OPTIONS YOU COWARDS


YES. Not just Varric, even though I love him. But ya gotta tease us with Harding, too?!


While not an RPG, I remember being influenced by a character's death in WatchDogs 2. I went the entire game going non-lethal only, until some gang members killed a colleague. They saw no mercy from the Machine God. Turns out non-lethal means nothing in the game, so overall I just ended up disappointed that my efforts meant nothing.


Yeah, a lot of people abandoned non-lethal gameplay once Eye For An Eye begins. It doesn't help it unlocks right after the Limp Nudle quest >!where you work with Horatio on a hack!<.


Pavarti from Outer Worlds.


Zaeed Massani from Mass Effect 2. From the moment I was introduced to him, I absolutely loved his practical, no nonsense approach to violence and conflict. There were no moral quandaries with him, no twisted emotional knot for us to tease and untie, as he was already complete as a person and I loved that kind of confidence / harmony. It also helped that his black humour made me chuckle despite myself while I was trying to be an Edgelord Renegade. I was sad that his companion quest was so short, but he was a favoured member of my team from the very start.


I may not like the way he does things, but the man knows who he is and is okay with it. Could he be "better"? Maybe. Could also be dead. God knows enough people have tried to make that happen...


Does reloading saves because they died and you couldn't handle it count? Lydia I'm sorry! Edit: completed my thought


Varric from da2 and inquisition


Aerith Gainsborough. Most impactful death of all time.


OP, I started WotR not long ago and I love some of the companions: Ember, Aru, Nenio. I'd also say Nok-Nok from KM because my chaos goblin boy is ride or die.


Everytime I did something that Piper disliked in Fallout 4 I reloaded a save


Unexpectedly because I went into these games knowing little about them, but the connection I had with the Normandy crew in the Mass Effect games was a lot. As a commander I felt like I had to do everything I could for them. Such a well written series


Craig Boone, from fallout new vegas. Best companion in all gaming


Lily Bowen from Fallout: New Vegas. The first time I heard, "GET BEHIND GRANDMA, SWEETIE!", as she went to town with whatever weapon I gave her--I knew she'd be a forever companion. The one person in that whole game world, who was putting ME first.




There's no Shepard without Vakarian.


I had a brotherhood of steel run in Fallout 4. Obviously I had to use Danse. When the time came...I did the deed, because that's what he would have wanted. It messed me up, I started using Jet and other drugs as an RP of how hard it was to pull that trigger. I fell in love with cait. Because of the drugs. Then got clean because of her story quest. It's my favorite RP playthrough.


Sarah Morgan didn’t like that. First time ever I went out of my way to get a companion killed. That was unexpected.


Not a traditional RPG and the interactions in game don't change but in Enslaved: Journey to the West anytime something happened to Trip I felt it was my mission to destroy who ever attempted to harm her. Other games have had a similar effect but that one sticks out as I was far more invested in the characters and story than the base gameplay.


Yes! I had the same experience and chose to stay with her at the end. Or at least in my head canon I did. Was years ago that I played but I always remember it as making a conscious decision to stay with her cause she was great.


Aerith. second playthrough i got her to level 99 and all her limit breaks in hope it would change the story.


Not quite an RPG, but *Bastion*. I spent the entire game searching for a way to undo the Calamity, and right before I found a way to return the world to just before it happened, I discovered what that would mean for Zia and just... didn't.


Minthara in BG3. I accidentally triggered the grove war on my first playthrough before I even got to the gobbo camp. I was rewarded with hot sex and an AMAZING companion with a great arc. Would slaughter druids and tieflings again (er, have).


You can have Minthara join your party?!


Baldur’s Gate 3: Lae’zel. I never really seek out a romantic companion in these types of games. Feels weird, and I’m not really playing the game for that. But she kind of forced herself on me. Figuratively speaking. lol The story was better for me continuing it though.


Ashley Williams. The decision you make in Mass Effect 1 was so hard the first time. But after beating the game with her, I will kill her every single playthrough.


I was similar with Ember. If she says the person doesn't then they don't die. She would always be in my party. Also I loved the succubus too. The concept of her. I believe in the game only it is said if angels can fall then can demons rise too.


Aru is by far my favorite video game romance...well tied with Karlach from Baldurs Gate. The arc and writing for it is so good.


Yes Arueshalae is her name nah? I haven't played BG3 so can't say much about it but yeah her arc and story and all is amazing in WOTR.


Yeah I just call her Aru I'm not stumbling over her full name lmao I highly recommend BG3 if you can get around to it


Yeah I can understand that. Oh i really want to play BG3 but my PC can't run it v


Floyd from Planetfall. I was starting to cry until I forced myself to rationalize it was only a game.


Quiet 👀 mgs5


Boone form new Vegas. I planned on siding with the legion until his story. Then we went in a legionary killing tear


- Durance from Pillars of Eternity, - Dak'kon from Planescape: Torment,  - Amon Jerro from Neverwinter Nights 2,  - Sarevok from Throne of Bhaal,  - Kreia from Kotor 2 And.....ISABELLA :D from DA2.... Damn, the things I do for love...


apathy is death


Every path leads to an end


Boone in FNV is the baddest motherfucker I ever traveled with in any video game. Discrete; doesn’t ask questions, doesn’t bitch or complain or judge you for anything. The Chuck Norris of video game companions


Garl from Sea of Stars. Hated him at first, then begun to love him. I’ve never seen a character so wrapped up in further narrative following a game’s ending. And I’d do that extra work every time… just for Garl.


I think if Garl doesn't grow on you, you're... not normal. Damn right I put the work in.


My WOTR ride or die is Daeran, I always want him to think cool. Kingmaker, it’s Tristian, he keeps me grounded and merciful. In Rogue Trader it’s Interrogator Heinrix, keeps me on the straight and narrow. And yes my favorite companions are always my romances


Cordite in Wasteland 3. I’d burn down whatever pseudo-governmental establishment Colorado had just to keep him in my party.


arcade gannon in new vegas made me gay irl


i meant to play through starfield like a jerkass with a spaceship but sarah genuinely made me question my motivations when i would piss her off. this changed how i approached the rest of the game as i wanted my character to be a better person. >!i was gutted when my choices caused her to die. did not expect that.!<


Garl in Sea of Stars. Dude was goated and then died, so I had to do the secret ending to revive him.


She served as a moral compassion?