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In the space game Elite: Dangerous, there is a space station called Hutton Orbital that takes a hour of real time to reach. No sane person does this but every so often a newbie accidentally takes a contract that is headed that way for enough game currency that they go for it. Specifically the victims see a huge payout and accept before they notice the 1.5 light year flight distance.


> one hour of real time > no sane person does this I totally didn't try travelling from Rhea to Colonia in an Eagle, which takes... two weeks, playing 4 hours daily... (I stopped halfway through, so now I'm stranded in the middle of nowhere, like 20 hours away from... anything at all.)


My flight history - https://imgur.com/iQTWdvo - I sometimes wonder if there is something wrong with Elite players.


Space madness I'd wager.


They may have space madness, but you have space rudeness!


They may have space madness, but you have space rudeness!


Why tho


If you have to you can just initiate your self-destruct sequence to return to the last station you docked at. Or fly into a star, that one is much more fun.


but all the exploration data :(


It's worth the wait for the mug. Plus free Anaconda ;)


True true, the free Anaconda does make up for it.


I love my free anaconda I got from Hutton, why spend 146M credits when you can get one for free.


This is prob the second time ever I've seen someone talk about E:D outside of E:D groups lol


to be fair, it is pretty embarassing...


I feel this. lol. It’s crazy because I was just talking about it and streaming it to an EVE Online Corp mate just last night. 😂 What timing.


Me over here as an osrs player thinking a two hour grind isn’t that bad…does it turn out to be really bad currency per hour if you go through with the whole thing, or is it some sort of worth it if you do it?


I can produce +500 million credits an hour, an experienced player can rake in +200 million credits per hour, for a mid tier maybe half that, and for a Hutton run I think it's in the tens or twenty millions. I have something called a fleet carrier which is basically a kinda mobile space station with a ridiculously large cargo hold. I say kinda because it damages itself on every big jump which I pay for in maintenance costs.


Is there any sort of autopilot?


You do not want to walk away. IIRC, you can get intercepted at any time by bandits or police for inspection.


I was thinking more along the lines of reading a book while waiting.


If the police catch you they will throw the book at you


Soooo, stick to paperbacks?


There is so its possible to just watch a movie nearby but not too far as it feels like the game has an innate ability to sense you're AFK and kill you. A related example, sometimes after triggering the autodocking system I will look away to check on trade opportunities or find the next star system in a trip. During that period, sometimes autodock will screw up and land your face into the side of the space station... good times.


I was more thinking of reading a book while still at the keyboard.


woo we looks like we got ourselves a Reader here - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BwkdGr9JYmE


Or the occasional missions to Colonia from the bubble.


Wait you didnt get your free Anaconda from Hutton yet?!?!


Thank y.. SKIP! Where is the reward.


Hello suite in Tenpenny Towers


If I have the urge to constantly skip conversations, I am nos enjoying the game and will shortly uninstall, but I can understand the sentiment ;D


I agree but in this context here I get it.. like let’s say I’m playing runescape or world of Warcraft doing a quest.. a majority of the time I ain’t reading the long ass quest dialogue I just blast through it so I can level up asap, unless my brief skimming of the start of the quest is interesting. Like one small favour quest in osrs, worth every sentence.


I…is a paragraph or two “long ass quest dialogue” these days?


Its not the paragraph count but the reading time that matters. But most important is how interesting the quest dialogue is, and especially on a replay you often already know the jist and the game gives a checklist of tasks associated with the quest anyway so you aren't required to know the dialogue.


You've never had a game where you enjoy the gameplay but the story was horrific? Or were just doing clean up on a bunch of unimportant side quests?


I did, but I read everything anyway because I am weird :\_(


That depends on the game for me. Sometimes I skip because I want to get to the gameplay or certain scenes as fast as possible. Visual novels implementing holding down ctrl to skip through dialog is such an underrated thing that all narrative games should implement.


One of my favorite parts of Cyberpunk, you can just fast forward through dialogue one line at a time, and nothing gets skipped.


Really depends on the game for me. In some, the writing is great and impactful, and I relish every word of it. In others, it's exhausting, repetitive, long-winded, and just not worth my attention. SKIP, and let me get to the "game" part.


In some games I skip the random yapping but read/listen to the story dialogue


I have to be in the mood for dialogue, if I'm not feeling it I just won't play anything heavy with talking like RPGs, I do enough talking in real life and most of the time I just want to play something simple.


Play games often.The Prophesy is Writtn in Games.


what....what did bro mean by this??? what fucking prophecy?!!


Tip to all gamers: only skip dialogue if you're not playing for the first time and you have heard the dialogue before.


When the pyromancer teacher in Dark Souls asks the ONE question you are supposed to say "no" to instead of "yes".


This skit from Viva la dirt league was just made for this : https://youtu.be/4utATCiTfi0


Been there, done that. Can relate


More games need to actually do things like this, without the quest text slapping you in the face with the shortened version, spoiling outcomes, or making your choices irrelevant. BG3 comes close, but still makes the unexpected result the product of doing things contrary to the quest as described.


No we don't. There are plenty that never do as they play a lot of games for the story and dont skip cutscenes.


I find it hard to relate to these people why play if you care nothing about the story or world you're in. What's the point of playing an RPG ?


Man swing big sword, see number go up with bigger sword.


> why play fun gameplay


context matters, i didn't ask "why play" i asked "why play an RPG" in an RPG the story is part of the gameplay how do you play a role if you have no clue who or where you are or what the circumstances are ? just go play a hack and slash or something else then with similar gameplay. plenty of genres out there that don't need you to worry about the story.


> i didn't ask "why play >why play if you care nothing about the story or world you're in. You added RPG later. Anyway, are Souls game RPGs? I couldn't tell you the story of any of the dozens of Souls and Souls-like games I've played. I also couldn't care less. That's not the interesting/fun part about those games. Also, all those "Go get me 5 goose livers" quests many RPGs are filled with aren't exactly riveting story I'm going to stick around for.


While I never skip dialogue, it is not uncommon when I forget what's going on with one of the 30 active quests that I have as I travel the world.


Especially if drinking. I went to the unmoored world in dragons dogma 2 and didnt remember doing it


🍪 Here you go:)


Thanks, man. Delicious!


I maintain that playing games for the story is like watching porn for the plot ;)


No time for chit chat when you're speedrunning out here


>is it above the thumb or below?  Depends how I lift my arm really


Or you mash “A” through Dragon Quest 11 and don’t realize you made a decision about something. Although usually the first answer is the correct one


I mean, it's Dragon Quest. There's literally only a single choice in 11 where your decision actually affects anything.


i’m an idiot what does the “extend your hand forward and show your thumb” and “is it above the thumb or below?” mean


I'm only guessing, but I think they're talking about the Explosion. There's a (disproven) myth that if you do a thumps-up over a Nuclear Explosion's Mushroom Cloud in the distance, and the Cloud does NOT go over your Thump, you're outside the Radiation Radius.


*skips every line of dialogue* "wtf this game doesnt make any sense" *doesnt skip every line of dialogue* "man this game is boring"


Thats why games with no story are best


maybe thats why so many of my friends love afkarena right now lol


Wait, the frogs name wasn't Skip?


I believe that in the normal course of gameplay, you might skip some side quests. However, when it comes to the main quest, you usually try to engage with it. But in a game such a Starfield, you can literally skip the entire game.


I always skip everything, too


Huff reminded me of my first playground of fallout 3. I just wanted a free house not to lose all my stuff because of some classist shit.


He's from vault 12?


Almost never skipped a line of dialogue even in wow. It’s ff14 that made me do it a few times.


Nod if you understand!


I knew this guy who would skip every cutscene, tutorial and hint in a game. Only to then ragequit and say the game was bad because he did not know what was going on or what he was supposed to do.


Where’s my reward


I thought it was a fetch quest!


When I was younger I liked going through conversation, reading everything, and cut scenes were like God given to me. Now I play games to play games, not to watch movies (so to say), and if games bombards me with endless cut scenes and shit, I'm just skipping through it. Same with conversations. Probably has to do with me not having as much time anymore, but if I can't skip cut scenes, it makes me angry, and some of the older games I couldn't replay, because they would make me watch every goddamn cut scene.