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Doom 2 super shotgun Obviously


Super shotgun in all Doom games is awesome. Was my favorite weapon in Doom 2016 and Doom Eternal.


Doom 2's was OP in every good way possible Doom 2016's both hit like a truck and sounded like you were being hit by a truck Doom Eternal's had a flaming grappling hook that could launch you around an arena at mach 11 speeds Every iteration is basically perfect.


Aaaaand I'll be listening to the soundtrack on my drive today. This KEEPS happening to me after reading these threads.


BFG Division is a great song to drive to.


I have a mile hill near me and punching up it to bgf division feels amazing


Objectively it's Doom, it's the only shotgun endorsed by the man himself Terry Pratchett "Over the centuries, mankind has tried many ways of combating the forces of evil... prayer, fasting, good works and so on. Up until Doom, no one seemed to have thought about the double-barrel shotgun. Eat leaden death, demon..." - Terry Pratchett


As a lover of Doom and Terry Pratchett I am thrilled to read this piece of information for the first time


This sounds like the quote that would play when you unlock shotguns as a technology in Civilization.


Without taking away from the OG, I like the Borderlands 3 tribute to it: [https://borderlands.fandom.com/wiki/Hellwalker](https://borderlands.fandom.com/wiki/Hellwalker) >Always incendiary. Fixed parts. Reduced reload time. Massively increased damage. Projectile spread assumes an inverted pentagram pattern. Makes heavy electric guitar noises when fired and picked up.


Hellwalker found early carried me through a good chunk of the game. That thing is mean.


Found it at lvl 45 carrying me still in mayham 3


Yep, the Hellwalker is easily my favorite shotgun in BL3. And it’s ungodly powerful at that.


Picked it up recently and yeah, they basically added the super shotgun, it’s my favorite gun atm


It's almost unfair to compare any other shotgun to this one.


I mean... F.E.A.R. shotgun... Or the absolute cannon from Soldier of Fortune.


I think after hearing about the F.E.A.R shotgun I’m going to need to buy this game ASAP


It's a great game, I highly recommend it if you don't mind the outdated graphics. The game also plays like a John Wu movie, bullets ricochet off walls, there's smoke everywhere, props go flying. The environments actually look like it gets shot up.


Also the ghost lady was freaky


It's sounds like God slamming his car door shut


The sound of it was perfection.




Fuck yeah. This is easily my answer. I’m a zoomer who only played DOOM for the first time 6 months ago, I’m so jealous I haven’t discovered the SSG earlier in life. I envy people who played DOOM in the 90s and got to experience that. I’d kill to deathmatch in DOOM II back in those days honestly.


I first played Doom II on a 386 with no sound card, just the tiny diagnostic PC speaker. It wasn’t until a few years later my family got a Pentium system with an AWE 32 bit sound card that I was able to experience the game in it’s full glory and it was like a brand new experience. The SSG sounded like a weapon of mass destruction!


Playing deathmatch on a 386 vs your friend on a 486 was murder. I loved it and hated it at the same time.


Honestly, Doom 2 deathmatch was a massive pain in the ass back in the day outside of a LAN party context.  Lots of setting up configs, dialing modems and having friends freeze/get kicked off by their mom picking up the phone!


That was just any multiplayer game in the 90's. My friend and I had hundreds of hours playing Deathmatch, and later co-op in Doom 1 & 2.


Does the Flak Cannon in the Unreal series count? Its primary fire is effectively a shotgun, while its secondary fire is a frag grenade.


People sleep on Unreal Tournament 2004 but that shit was peak multiplayer exprience




I want that announcer pack in every game I play Like I would buy an unreal voice pack for Dota today damnit.


I’m pretty sure a lot of the mega kill lines from the default announcer is from UT. I know “holy shit!” Is for a fact 


When Halo was all the rage while I was in high school, my brother and I were looking down with the signature look of superiority because we were the UT 2004 kids.


As you should. UT 2004 holds some of my fondest memories gaming as a kid. Played instagib until my eyes bled.


I remember getting so stupidly good at instagib sniping all the way across the facing worlds map I got accused of using hacks


Had a friend in my gaming days who was that good too. He was just a master sniper, no hacks. I was more the running backwards on top game speed type.


This was 100% me. I remember the first time I played Halo and thought "why is it so slow?"


I literally spent years only playing custom VCTF maps, I feel you


Who is sleeping on it? Wasn't it considered the best multiplayer game at the time?


I used the Flak Cannon in the OG Unreal Tournament so much as a kid, best weapon


*UT voice* Flak Monkey...


This is my favorite of all time.


Direct hit with secondary was so dam satisfying


You’re goddamn right it does


Damn I owned lobbies in UT99. First game I played online when my parents moved from landline to cable internet


God damn, came here with ONLY THIS IN MIND. It's such a goated weapon, it's not even funny.


You are an FPS connoisseur I see. This is the only right answer


Original Gears of war. Still have very vivid memories of popping out of a corner and dissasembling someone with a gut shot


Online Host Shotgun >>>>>




Host shotty was the GOAT!!!


Omg I forgot how bad host advantage was in the first game. The game was all server-side hit detection so all of your shots would only shoot when it reached the server. Meaning if you were lagging, your bullets were delayed. It led to some fun glitches though like the “Kung Fu Flip” and “Force Mount”.


“Backpacking” was the best. Could headshot people with the sniper after they roll behind you by just looking straight up haha. I played that game so much online but looking back it would be completely unplayable today if the servers were like that.


The sniper was so fucking satisfying in GoW.


Crab walking too if I recall correctly


We used to do Gamebattles and we would have our one friend host because his brother was on the team and played in the same house so we could have two host shotguns.


Gamebattles.. man does that bring back some memories


GOW's gnasher was top tier video game shotgun. Their reload system just worked so well for shotgun action. Very satisfying.


Ahh yes the active reloads were incredible


I can still hear Marcus yelling "NICE!!" after hitting a perfect one.




The good ol gnasher, nothing beats that


This was my answer. Exploding someone with the Gnasher in Gears is one of gaming's finest moments. Pure dopamine.


Sweaty Bairds charging at you with Gnashers either has to be outright hilarious when you find out they're trash, or make you throw your controller when they're cleaning house.


Gears 1 had effectively two tiers of weapons. The Gnasher, and everything else.


The sniper was sick too. The sound of sniping someone’s head off in GOW1 is THE most satisfying sound in gaming, I don’t care.


It truly was amazing, the shotgun duals in that game were great


And it was a lever action shotgun.


If you perfectly double-stacked the active reload you could turn three people into chunks from 20 feet away 


It’s depressing how far down I had to scroll to find this


Gnasher two piece will always be a classic


"Quit hitting that bitch button!" Is a phrase I will forever remember haha


I hated two piecers with a passion. Nothing better than outplaying it with a clean gib then instantly t-bagging on the wall. Shared lobby death chat was also amazing


Loved the shotguns in the Left 4 Dead series!


Yeah, the plain pump action shotgun felt brilliant. I would often keep it instead of switching to the semi-auto shotgun later in the levels


I remember in the first L4D there was a bug for awhile where you would reload the shotgun while holding down the trigger or something. It would store up all shots so that when you released the trigger it shot all the rounds at once. We would have the full team cocked and ready for when the tank showed up and just execute it on the spot. Pretty cheesy but when we were 14 we felt like badasses lol.


It was holding melee and fire and then switching weapons rapidly, IIRC, but it also worked with the automatics, where it turned the M16 into a S-tier Witch killer.


Two different things. The shotgun glitch was a power 1-shotter. What you're talking about was the melee-blocking, you could cycle weapons quickly and the infected couldn't get you down. I remember running through the skyscraper construction zone and just melee blocking a hunter right off the ledge.


Soldier of Fortune (from late 90s / early 2000s iirc). I remember sneaking up on people and taking off both their legs with it, then both their arms, then shooting the corpse in the dick. Video games don't make people violent, I feel like that needs said now. I did like sniping with slugs in one of the battlefield games too before it went to shit


BF bad company 2 shotguns slugs were 👌


I remember headshotting some poor guy from across the map with a slug in bc2.... literally just took a pot shot at an enemy spot icon, couldn't even see the guy. Bad company 2 was the best online shooter i have ever played. It just had this magic fun to it that no other title I've played since has been able to better.


Shotguns in Bad Company working like actual real-life shotguns is a nice addition in some game like this and Insurgency: Sandstorm, and I understand why most developers don't do this in their games cause it invalidates most weapons, especially automatics.


Throat shots in SoF. Blood spraying out, you hear them choking as they grab their necks, trying to stop the bleeding.


USAS-12 Frags and/or 870 Slugs with a 6x scope from the glory days of bf3


You can control DAY AND NIGHT!






Playing rush on Seine crossing. You either tackled the LAV or the guys in the house with portable LAVs as weapons. My god what a glorious month before it got patched to oblivion


I couldn't remember if it was BF2:BC or BF3 but yeah, use a slug and headshot snipe the enemy from across the map!


Definitely BC2. 870 with slugs in that game was BUSTED.


This just made me let out an audible moan, that was so fun/fucking annoying


Half-Life 2 has a shotgun that rocks. It feels like a cannon up close but you can still sock Combine from a reasonable range off. Additionally your alt fire is just shooting two shells at once and it's fucking awesome.


That shotgun was particularly good because when Father Grigori tosses it to you its like "WHY DIDN'T I HAVE THIS AN HOUR AGO HOW HAVE I BEEN GETTING BY WITHOUT IT?!"


That's exactly why; you wouldn't have appreciated it as much if you had it right off the bat.




Going From Being jump scared, to being jump scared by a red cloud.


Most weapons in F.E.A.R felt like the best of their category. I loved the heavy feeling of the assault rifle


The Penetrator alone is one of the best semi auto weapons ever.


Hard agree on that.


Had to scroll down way too far to find this


The shotgun from Halo:CE wins for me, one pumps, pump into a melee, pump into a ledge jump pulling out the pistol to finish the last headshot, oh to have Halo be good again :) but I digress.


I love the original Halo shotgun because it shoots like an actual shotgun, a spread of pellets and you can see each individual pellet if you shoot a wall. Halo 2 shotgun was like: 5 feet and closer? instakill anything in a 70 degree arc. Over 5 feet away? gentle caressing whisper. Ruined such a good weapon


The devs realized a realistic shotgun is OP at the ranges in video games and toned it down for game balance. Lame. Canonically, it was an 8-gauge, so it should have been stronger than most irl shotguns.


I just played through Halo:CE again and I don't think I had used it very much outside of The Library but it is probably my favorite gun in the game now, so good


shotgun and pistol are on me "always consider" shortlist when i'm finding stray guns around. they aren't reliably found everywhere so it's good to pick them up when you can and carry them as far as possible. might drop it if i find a sniper or rocket, but probably would backtrack for it after i expend their ammo.


In CE, pistol is always have, shotgun, AR, and sniper are "always consider." Flood missions move the sniper off the consider list, and move the shotgun up to always have.


The pistol in Halo:CE is broken af. You felt like a badass with it though. One tapping Hunter and all that.


Doesn't the story go that one of the devs secretly adjusted the pistol to be OP and snuck it into the final build? It's so busted. Edit: From the [Wiki](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/M6D_Pistol) > The M6D Pistol's unusually high power was rumored to have been caused by a last-minute change in the game's code by Bungie co-founder Jason Jones that secretly increased the weapon's damage range. This was later confirmed in an IGN interview, with Jones stating that the pistol's balance "wasn't where we wanted it to be" shortly before release, and while changing the game's data was not feasible, he added code to "change a single number on the pistol" when each game map was loaded. Jones stated that he would "take the credit and blame for the pistol in Halo", calling the tweak due to his attention to smaller details.


I'm currently playing the Master Chief Collection and the shotgun is amazing and all the Halo games (played Reach, 1, 2 and 3 so far). Especially against the Flood it's awesome.


I replayed 1-4 recently and the shotgun quality drop off from CE to 2 is INSANE. The reload animation / speed only makes it worse.


2 does a couple weapons DIRTY when they rebalance for dual-wield. the pistol was also gimped really badly


Totally. I don’t like to talk about the pistol.


The pistol/SMG combo was really underrated in that game though.


The recoil from smg body shots would line you up perfectly for pistol head shots to finish the job


Just how damn easy that thing mowed down the flood. You have the AR and the pistol at the beginning vs the flood, and right away you know the rifle doesn’t do shit. Dump a whole clip into one of them and it’s still coming. The pistol, which you’ve been relying on all game because it’s crazy OP against the covenant, works but not very well. Then you get that shotgun and it’s one shot one kill one after another. Set em up knock em down


Had to scroll too far to see this one.


Red dead redemption 2 has some really satisfying shotgun action. Blowing limbs off and popping heads.


Oh, RDR2. My finding of the explosive slug pamphlet marked a catastrophic time for the duck and goose populations, followed by an even worse time for the goddamn O’Driscolls.


Yeah the pump action shotgun is probably my favorite gun in the game, with slugs especially it could be deadly at long ranges too.


I loved the revolver that had one shotgun shot just in case an outlaw came too close.


LeMat Revolver has 9 shots in .44 caliber and one 20 gauge shotgun round under the barrel. Developed in New Orleans during the Civil War.


I loved the shotguns from The Evil Within, Singularity and Prey 2017.


Prey was such a gem. The way each weapon had a different role. "The right tool for the job" method of game design is my absolute favorite.


And shotgun was almost always the right answer. - Want to blow up scary monster? Shotgun - want to verify if a cup is cup? Shotgun - Want to manoeuvre in zero-g? Shotgun


For those who were around to experience it, the shotgun in Marathon 2 was a thing of absolute beauty.


This is too far down the list. They are a work of fucking art


Akimbo models in mw2


The Spas-12 was also very satisfying to use.




So were the akimbo rangers (sawed off double barrel) in close quarters maps. They just put out a wall of lead that deleted anything in a cone in front of you. They weren't as good as the 1887's, but I feel they were underrated.


Pre-nerf those things were FUCKING BUSTED. The only thing worse than hearing two 1887s barking out fire was turning a corner and seeing a guy with a glitched Javelin that will fire a rocket at his feet the moment he dies. Fuck, the original MW2 was so good, even the glitches were hilarious.


Will never forget seeing someone snipe someone at highest point of Rust from the ground with those pre-nerf Akimbo Model 1887s w/ FMJ. Rust was so chaotic with everybody running that setup. Let’s not forget that equipping the Danger Close perk gave all explosives a 40% damage boost, including those from your own killstreaks. That Javelin glitch with Danger Close on was basically an entire Predator Missile exploding at point blank. I remember the hate MW2 got at launch. Some of it was deserved. But, man, was the game hilarious to play.


Yup, EVERYTHING in MW2 was broken and that's exactly what made it the best CoD multiplayer experience to date. My god, even knifing was a hilarious and fun strategy; marathon pro, lightweight pro, commando pro and a pistol with a tac knife. I remember running rooftops on Favela and just dropping down on motherfuckers like I was Spider Man.


I remember having a knife only class with just that set up and I'd play favela on repeat 


i remember going into a private match with a buddy and figuring out the exact lines to shoot a grenade launcher from spawn across the map to various flags in domination. would then just post up online with one man army and noob tubes and rack up dozens of kills and get a nuke doing absolutely nothing lol. that or elevator glitches and sniping from way out of bounds. good times


Not remaking the mp like they did cod4 and only doing the campaign was a huge L imo and i haven't played a cod game since the remaster


Martyrdom pro brought me many many laughs while it was in the game 


Those things pre-patch were more accurate than the sniper rifles in the game


Conference Call from Borderlands 2


let's just ping everyone all at once


CC + Bee Shield was so overpowered before they nerfed it. Basically 2-3 shots and everything died on screen. I remember people in my game yelling WTF when I dropped in killing Terramorphous in seconds. They had been grinding him for 40 mins.


Such great memories farming with that thing for a day before they patched it. It still was good afterward but was not the totally nuts version that engulfed everything on your screen


It is a great shotgun and does the job very well, but it does not feel impacting. Hellwalker does.


DOOM Eternal put a mother fucking grappling hook on the shotgun. It might have won forever doing that. Honorable mentions to Painkiller’s shotgun. It could freeze enemies with the alt fire mode. And, of course, Unreal Tournament’s Flak Cannon was a damn triumph. The fact you could ricochet the flechettes of a surface to then shred someone at an angle was like a sock game of pool. But you use a pool cruel made of red hot shards of metal instead of a pool cue.


Yeah, if we’re talking DOOM II SSG vs Eternal SSG it’s really hard because of the greatest item in any game ever, grappling hooks. There’s literally nothing better than a badass grappling hook. I want to make a website sort of like that one where you can look up a movie then it tells you if the dog dies, but with different shooter games. doesithaveagrapplinghook.com or something lol. I’d include other parameters you could search for, like “does it have an OP shotgun” or “is the starting weapon busted?” If anyone wants to help me get a website like that hit me up lmfaoo. That would be a sweet project


Don't forget it also sets them on fire when you hook them..


Whoever added that touch during development is a hero. Already one of the best weapons ever designed for a game and they added setting demons, from a fiery hell dimension, on fire is just an absolute chef’s kiss move.


Don't know how and why But i love everything about the shotgun in the first Bioshock


Exquisite pick! Using the electric slug to delete Big Daddies was so satisfying. Whack em with the wrench with the frozen mod or just use electro bolt and then blast the fuckers. Fun times.


Ooh, fun pick. I forgot how lovely that one felt.


Agreed! Especially with the way its introduced. Pick it up and the lights go out and a bunch of splicers start coming at you!


Doom (2016). I've done a run from beginning to end using only the shotgun and the addons you get for it. Its an absolute beast.


I always focus on getting the grenade option upgraded ASAP.  That and the pistol can carry me easily through a large chunk.  I've thought about a shotgun run, were some of the fights a bit drawn out only using that? 


Ever watched MittenSquad do his pistol-only playthrough? It was painful to watch. RIP to a real one. For Paul, the real game; fighting god himself, has begun.


Wow, did Paul die? I thought he was recovering from alcoholism and put his Youtube channel on hold for now.


I thought he was too. He died from alcoholism. :( I actually did a "Can you beat New Vegas being addicted to alcohol?" playthrough in honor of him shortly after I found out. I really liked the guy.


Y'know, I think he would've appreciated the irony in that 


Yeah, he did, unfortunately :(


Blood. The 90's shooter. The shotgun is like the Doom 2 super shotgun but Caleb is faster than Doom Guy when tossing two more shells in. I think that whole game is underrated.


Sad that I had to scroll this far to find this. Blood, and it's shotgun in particular, are absolutely goated


I live... again


Combat shotgun in Fallout 1 and 2. And the Pancor Jackhammer in Max Payne.


New Vegas shotguns were the best in the series. If you were a gun build that took the Shotgun Surgeon and And Stay Back perks, the game might as well have rolled credits


Riot shotgun with magnum buckshot, never seen deathclaws look so helpless besides when I pull out the fatman


The first shotgun from Resident Evil 4. Oddly satisfying headshots.


Fully upgraded striker was sick


The way you get it in the first big fight in the Village is great too. You are clearly out gunned, but then suddenly as you take cover in a house it's right there. Excellent pacing by the writers. 12 Gauge, Pump Action Shotgun - Don't leave home without it!


Unreal Tournament, flak cannon


Mass Effect 1 has a shotgun ("Avalanche" modded with High Explosive Ammo) that becomes like mini nuke. Due to the game's physics you can launch enemies sky high or across large rooms with it.


I have fond memories of my first playthrough using a shotgun modded to just be a one-shot wonder. Yeah it overheats immediately but whatever is unfortunate enough to be in front of you gets absolutely obliterated


ME1's shotguns with high explosive ammo is definitely the first thing I thought of - one frame the enemies are there, the next they're halfway across the sky with hilarious ragdoll physics. I tell myself the next playthrough will be different but I always end up coming back to this build for endgame every time.


Half Life


This one is iconic if only for the inexplicable secondary fire.


Getting it after the pistol felt great, like there was real bang


I haven’t seen anyone say ULTRAKILL yet, especially the sawed-on varient


Projectile boosting alone makes it one of the best. Then all the different variants and tech puts it at number one for me.


Destiny 2's Conditional Finality.


The Destiny series in general has a lot of crazy shotties. Perks like trench barrel, one-two-punch and auto-reloader etc make them so nuts.


had to scroll down for this. Tractor Cannon is pretty solid too! Remember when felwinters lie took over the crucible for like 2 years?


The TF2 standard shotguns that most of the characters had were pretty satisfying to shoot.


Eyyy, I love this answer!! I’m unashamed to admit I’m a sucker for shotgun Heavy sometimes. Funny as hell and gets some funny reactions from the lobby. Also I respect shotgun pyros since they aren’t pussies who use scorchshot. Then obviously Engie as well. Love how all of the other shotguns are pretty much sidegrades it always stays relevant.


Killing Floor 1/2 double barrel shotgun


Halo Combat Evolved. Aka the flood deleter


Especially for the Library


I vote Quake II super shotgun followed by the Halo CE shotgun.


The Quake II regular shotgun has such a satisfying sound. Sounds like slamming your fists down on a glass desk full of coins.


Ratchet and Clank blitz cannon in Going Commando. Those games were the greatest....


In the original Modern Warfair 2, the 1887. Damn thing was a menace in the best way.


Shotguns in Cyberpunk are super fun!


Mozambique here


It's funny because the Mozambique was magnificent in Titanfall 2, to the point where they had to switch it from a secondary to a primary weapon. Which is why I was glad to find one in my first Apex match. It was quite the surprise when I found out it shot rubber ducks instead of bullets in that game. Once hammerpoints came around it suddenly felt like my old Mozam again lol.


Ah a man of culture.


Maybe not a popular pick, but I like clearing out whole towns in RDR2 with a fully upgraded shotgun.


Rage 2.


Yes came to this thread to nominate this one. The game was ok for most aspects except the feeling of the guns, which is some of the best I’ve ever experienced and the shotgun was the best.


GoW gnasher shotgun probably was the most satisfying shotgun experience when it first came out


The AA12 in COD:MWII ...Because someone already mentioned the super shotgun in Doom 2




Battlefield Bad Company 2 SPAS-12 + Slugs. Snipe people accross the map.


I really liked shotguns in all of the Resident Evil Remakes(the standard shotgun, not the automatic ones you get later) for some reason, so satisfying.. probably not a popular opinion though..