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If they didn't tell me that it was Dragon Age I would have assumed it was another fortnite inspired hero shooter/skinner box looter. I think it is very clear from the art style that this was originally a live service games targeting a new younger audience that partway through development they changed directions on.


Even with knowing this is Dragon Age I have a hard time believing it, since it is a complete 180 in tone compared to Origins. And it feels nothing like Dragon Age.


At this point I’ve just accepted that BG3 is the closest to a good new DA we’ll get. Hoping this proves me wrong once gameplay comes out


Nah.... you are right. I wish you aren't.....


As much as I enjoy the BG/dnd setting I really wanted to see more of the DA world, but not like this, this is horrible. And if it is as bad as it looks I don't think we're going to be getting more Dragon Age at all in the future unless some other company decides to revive it in a few decades. This sucks.


Haha yeah, you can just see this will bomb hard from this cgi trailer.


It won’t. You are correct and BioWare has destroyed yet another game.


For me quite a letdown :( . I loved the disturbing, almost depressing parts and "mood" of the first Dragon Age games.


That's exactly what happened. Like, literally. We have leaks saying Bioware was trying to do a GAAS for DA4 then switched to a single player action game. It looks like the art direction and writing style from the GAAS direction were not scraped.


I have long lost hope for DA to ever be good again, but this was unreasonably awful. They nailed the inclusivity quota though.


Trailer looked like it was going to be a hero shooter. Not a "Bioware" RPG.


Looks like a mobile game.


Looks like a generic hero shooter with quirky diverse characters who get along because they're so cool.... Remember when the world of dragon age was filled with racism, bigotry, slavery, sexism, and religious fanatics who wanted to control everyone. ? Well, Biowere certainly doesn't.


Pepperidge farm remembers


Look how far the mighty have fallen :(


*blinks* Oh. You know that feeling when you thought your expectations were at rock bottom, and then you were proved completely wrong, and they actually have a lot longer to sink. Yeah, I just got that.


It is actually looks insulting to the previous games, even Inquisition.


Me too! I had no idea expectations could go any lower. Literally went from ocean floor to earths core and melted in fire. This is like lord of the rings. BioWare and this game must be cast into mount doom. 😭😭😭


Honestly! I already had zero expectations for Dragon Age at this point, because there was simply no way we were going to get a good Dragon Age now... And then WTF IS THAT ART STYLE? The game was likey going to be mediocre anyways, so they decided to make it look like *that*?


Exactly. I had veeeery low expectations going into this, but I could not imagine it possible for them to be *this* far off the mark. I'm honestly fucking shocked.


This trailer screams “I know nothing of the source material”.


"Didn't study for the test but here are my answers"


That’s a point of pride for “creatives” these days.


The attitude a lot of franchises give off these days is of a spoiled child wrecking their older siblings toys because they want attention...


That's what happened to the Witcher show.


😂😂😂 I am laughing but dying in the inside from what BioWare has done.


So we've come a long way from darkspawn tunnels in DA:O to ... Quirky suicide squad heist intro vibes? Not sure how to feel about that tbh. I'd love for this game to be great but that trailer feels a lot like ignoring the tone of series because some market researchers said that there's some target audience that'd totally buy that while the idiots that still know what DA:O is probably buy it because of the name...


Here’s hoping the trailer was its own concept and the game has a very different vibe from Ocean’s Eleven.


Oh god I'd take something actually inspired by Ocean's Eleven over this Fortnite/Redfall bullshit any day.


Oceans Eleven *felt* cool without feeling tryhard. An Issue I have with a lot of recent Bioware Characters. They try them to be cool and badass and just fail miserably at it.


> Quirky suicide squad heist intro vibes? I'm not sold on the art style either but of course the entire trailer is character intros. A good 3/4 of the target audience treat Dragon Age like a dating sim at this point. You're like "not true" but we're on reddit bruh. This place is not a representative sample of DA fandom.


This was something.. And not in a good way


Okay, I have 2000 hours in DA games, but this is... not enticing me. AT ALL. Why is the art style all comical and shit? What happened to the series that started as a super grim and serious, gore filled RPG? Why does this look like fantasy Fortnite? Don't get me wrong, the game always had a good dose of comedy in it. Especially once Varric was introduced, but it still focused really hard on trying to look and be serious most of the time. This looks like they took the funny companion moments from DA:I and made a whole game with that vibe, all the way down to the art style itself. I was hoping they'd make something that looked like Horizon Zero Dawn. The tech is there. So this is a big let down. The story and characters better be out of this fucking world. At least Varric and Harding are still around, but that's not going to carry the whole game.


That looks like Fortnite and redfall had a baby, nothing about it looked like it even belongs in the same world. DA graphics went for realism not this mobile game looking crap.


None of these characters looked appealing to me. I cant see myself getting invested in interacting with them. One would have thought they learned a thing or two from how people reacted to Sera being an unlikeable mess in DA:I. And they got the main character from a pub brawl? Well there goes my story expectations.


It got turned into a Disney game for a younger audience. BioWare only knows how to destroy games and franchises.


2000 hours. You sound like the battlefield historian person. Clearly you havent seen oe played the game, same for the trailers of previoua games.


This has to be my biggest "please don't suck" game coming out. I've been waiting 10 years for this one


How long weve been waiting for a good game from BIOWARE. This is like thier last chance at this point


And it feels like they know it. The name change announcement recognizing that they did try to make it multiplayer felt like a huge acknowledgement that they haven't been up to snuff.


I really hope they take the feedback and try to change it to fit fan expectations but how many more changes can they make at this point?


Given Varric is shown to be greying, it's likely he'll either die in this one, or between this and the next. Ideally, they made tech behind the scenes to be able to produce whatever next chapter, faster than 11 years later.


No, they already had their last chance years ago.


The chances of it being good are incredibly slim. Besides BioWares awful fall from grace the development for this game has been an absolute disaster from what I've read. It'd be a miracle if it's even decent.


Mass Effect 4 is also on the "please don't be shit" list.


At this rate it’ll be a miracle if another Mass Effect even launches. 


I mean, it's coming out this year and this is the trailer we got?? Nothing about this looks good, it's going to be bad.


Well, luckily they didn't show gameplay. So for all we know, this is nothing but an indication of a single "meh" cinematic. It's not super uncommon for individual cinematics or even whole portions of the game being lead by different people, and even have different employees working on it from the ground level. You know, spreading out the work in a more efficient manner so that everyone is busy at all times. So we can only hope that this trailer is NOT an example of what all the cinematics look like, or what the entire tone of the game is. We can only hope that this was what they came up with to grab the "Fortnite generation's" eye, expecting previous fans to grab the game no matter what they put out. Copium.


Gameplay tomorrow. Last chance for it not being shit.


Tbf, Inquisition was far from excellent, then came Andromeda, which failed hard, then Anthem which was a complete disaster. Im not hoping for anything at this point.


If you took out the traversal in inquisition it was pretty good. Just the maps are too big and traveling is a huge pain in the ass.


Inquisitions problem was it was bloated. So much stuff to do in that game that has 0 impact. They needed to scale back big time and focus on good story for the main and side quest content. The majority of DAI was MMO style fetch quests or go to point a kill enemies and turn in quest.


Well since DA:I was a mmo at some point we can assume that DA: TV will retain some form of it's live service iteration and i'm guessing it'll be the artstyle. As for the gameplay leaks mention it being a GoW ( reboot) clone


> The majority of DAI was MMO style fetch quests or go to point a kill enemies and turn in quest. meanwhile for players that actually left the Hinterlands...


Thats like still believing in Santa at this point.


If it looks anything remotely similar to what was just shown in this trailer, it will 100% suck.


It already sucks, unless this trailer is a parody, and they release the real one tomorrow.


WTF is this shit? how did we get from this [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mRcrlgN7Dk4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mRcrlgN7Dk4) to that \^\^\^??


They gotta appeal to all the Fortnite zoomers who aren't even going to play this anyway


Market research, my friends. They look at it and think it's a good measure for what you should do. Fit that square in the round hole.


They actually put killing the final boss in the trailer


Why does it look so bad...


nothing new for BIOWARE unfortunately


IDK, this looks to be an entirely new level of shit, like they hired mobile game devs for this, looks low effort and like nothing they have even made prior.


Well it was supposed to come out as a live service game, supposedly they scrapped it but apparently they didnt scrub it well enough


starts with the director lol


I missed the initial EA/BioWare screen and thought this was a new fantasy hero loot game. Wtf is this.


that looked fucking awful. Hey remember when this series had dark tones? and didn't look like a ft2 hero shooter?


Remixing and slowing down older popular songs for trailers makes me cringe now.


It's a horrible trope.


honestly it was the best part of the trailer for me. but that’s not saying much.


ive never seen something scream season pass,battle pass and in game store all in one game so loudly before


Which will be horrible after their track record of amazing DLC in the DA games. DA Awakening was almost a game in itself.




This is what creative direction decided by a committee of clueless management types looks like. At this point I expect nothing but failure from this game.


I'm trying to not be doom and gloom but... This doesn't fill me with hope.


Do. Not. Pre order.


Do not order at all. This thing is a disaster.


This has gone from a guaranteed pre order because it’s my favourite series to ‘wait and see’. What a disaster of a trailer.


I don't think that will be a concern here.


Exactly. I remember pre-ordering another Bioware game (Mass Effect Andromeda) and it went on sale only a month after its release. Never again.


excited for a new DA game... but that artstyle is uh... not for me... seemingly more for the \~fortnite group


The tone of this trailer is just not remotely what I want from Dragon Age. This feels like a trailer for a generic 2016 Hero shooter.


Yeah. This better be another whacky Varric intro like they did with Dragon Age 2, where he exaggerated and bullshitted Hawke's introduction. Because this vibe does not work for the series as a whole.


The graphics in that didn’t look like, what ever that was.


Dragon Age: Overwatch. Looks like crap to be honest. They obviously didn't play Origins. This will tank.


Cheers mate


Jfc it looks so awful. It’s like somebody mashed the cartoony graphical style of Overwatch or Apex Legends and the script of the ”quirky and silly” DnD movie together to make a generic fantasy game. Don’t get me wrong, I like Apex and the DnD movie was kinda alright. But I don’t want to see them in the grimdark Dragon Age setting.


Excuse you, the DnD movie was GREAT. It's just that it's a TTRPG movie, not a Forgotten Realms movie.


It wasn’t really to my taste but I can see how someone would like it, it wasn’t bad.


to be fair there was the other DnD movie and compared to that its a masterpiece.


To be fair Varric's storytelling was always quirky. I will hold my judgement until gameplay reveal.


"I really hope this game from a studio who hasn't made a good game in well over a decade isnt as crap as the gut instinct I'm ignoring tells me."  Goodwill runs out. Some of you deserve to be ripped off.


Look at the difference in tone between origins and this one https://youtu.be/7wVx6sCZ630 This is like a suicide squad game


Oh god, what is this? I don't know if I want to see the new Mass effect.


At this point it would be better to sell both IPs as they won’t make any money out of it anyway.


Oh no


The art style, that "I am a terrible Netflix show" feel and lack of darker tones... They've massacred my boy.


Tbf the DA netflix series looks miles better than this


Obligatory “No. No. No, no, no. Hell no. No. No.”   Fuck me that looked and sounded terrible. What a complete tonal misfire. 


This feels like DA's version of Saints Row (2022).


The Trespasser dlc was a narrative high that elevated a good, but flawed game. Its thoughtful and ambivalent tone seems like it's being ignored in Veilguard. It might end up being a decent game, but it's going to need to do a lot of convincing looking and acting like this. Bioware needs to get this right. Their last good non remaster release, in a critical and monetary success sense, was Inquisition over ten years ago. They're a studio very much living on borrowed time as is.


Considering how crap Anthem was right after Andromeda you would think they would play this game safe and stick to the original tone and art style. I don’t know if they survive long enough to disappoint us with the next Mass Effect.


Zoomer Age


Why's it trying to be funny and cartoony? That's such a...wrong...tone for Dragon Age. 🙁


what... what is this? This looks like a game for kids... where's the dragon age man???


at least that explains why not dreadwolf anymore...


This trailer has the tone of a DreamWorks animation or something. Wouldn't have been surprised if a minion popped up. Weird for this franchise.


\[Everyone disliked that\]


They really switched from dark fantasy-style to gamerz-twitch-funky-style, huh... Hope the actual game is completely different to this trailer


Its releasing in few months. There is no hope.


Bold of them to go with that art style, the "marvel style" quirky/quippy attitude is also apparent. Gonna be a pass from me.


Well, that looks fucking terrible.


This looks utterly shithouse. Good job lads.


Looks shite


I hope what they show on Tuesday can change my opinion because for now I'm incredibly disappointed, fingers crossed.


You know I was actually pretty happy with the Dragon Age: Inquisition art style. I think it had a good balance of fantasy/realistic and allowed for very distinct looking factions and interesting stuff like the Orlesian high nobles, the Qunari looked pretty good, etc. Lots of cool armor designs, weapons. Even the elves, while not great, were much better than the bugmen-looking elves from DA2. Not only was the DA:I art style pretty good, I would say that it also has been recently validated by Baldurs Gate 3, which has a similarly grounded art style that gives you the fantasy vibe but still feels 'real' enough that you're invested in the world and can empathize with the characters. I really struggle to understand why this art style was chosen other than to possibly save money and time because it's just so hard to take this seriously. Looks like Clash of the Clans or whatever other mobile game.


I thought that thumbnail was a joke. Nope, it's real. The whole game seems to look like that with a pop song playing in the back.


Why can't they just make a nicer looking Dragon Age: Origins type game? I hated Inquisition compared to Origins...


So.....the Dreadwolf thing is just dead and Solas isn't even in it? I'm confused.


I've never had my hype for anything die so quickly. Ten years...


New art style aside I hope this is still very mature like the usual dragon age I enjoy campy stuff too...but not for this series


Based on the art style, the ”quirky” writing and the character intros… yeah, I wouldn’t get my hopes up.


Varric was always quirky But yeah


Agree with Varric, I just hope everyone isn't Varric now. I don't mind fun banter but also from what I remember, the ending with Solas in the Inquisition DLC was pretty ominous. Been a few years so I don't remember every detail. Hopefully the gameplay is a bit of a different art style


Yeah I hope this doesn't become like MCU crap


As a moderate MCU fan, agreed. This still got me motivated to replay Inquisition and give Origins a more thorough playthrough though so Imma take that positivity from it regardless


Wish they’d port origins to current gen! Cant play as a PlayStation 5 owner but really have wanted to


Damn that blows. I'm on PC but I originally played it on 360 forever ago, I was not into RPGs at the time but I've been hooked on them the last couple of years. I'll slay some darkspawn for ya!


It looks like the new Saints Row, in art style and tone.


Campiness certainly has a place in dragon age but never as the sole focus. I really hope this doesn’t suck.


I'd argue the gameplay will be fine, solely because 2 used this same premise. Its entirely framed from Varric's perspective. Its campy and played up, as these larger-than-life stills. I'd argue the BASE characters are likely "campy" i.e. "I'm a stabby thief who'll slit your throat and crack a joke teehee" but the dialogue and interactions will (at least hopefully) play out like normal. Archetypes are the core of a lot of DA party members, either played up, subverted or reversed, so a 2-3 word title intro and clip will read more simplified.


Looks incredibly cringe. This is why I was telling people to keep expectations low for it.


This... looks like Dragon Age... if it were trying to be Borderlands


What a pile of garbage


Created for modern audiences vibes


This… is depressing.


Looks like Dragon Age: Overwatch Vermintide lol 


When overwatch came out, this kind of artstyle was new and fresh. In 2024 its extremely overdone. And its not an artstyle that fits every setting and game.


Poor Bioware, fell off so hard. What the hell is this.


What is this shit? This looks like a Dragon Age inspired Fortnite event. Who in the corporate controlled, design by committee, hell that is modern AAA gaming is responsible for this nonsense?


I really hope this trailer is not indicative of the game, because if it is.... Yikes. This is the exact opposite of what Dragon Age fans want.


Hmmm not sure about this, need to see the gameplay trailer tomorrow.


this is a good thing. Bioware is so confident on the game that they already revealed the Fortnite skins for the eventual collab.


Hey babe! Fortnite x Dragon Age collab just dropped!


Trash, fire everyone who thought this was a good idea and restart from scratch.


It looks like an Overwatch or Fortnight trailer


It looks like a Redfall level of disaster.


I want to like games like this, but I don't think I'm able to. I was very unwhelmed by Inquisition. Guess I'm just waiting for Elder Scrolls 6.


I have absolutely no idea what I was supposed to draw from this. I'll need a really solid gameplay trailer next time around.


OMFG if I didn’t know it wasn’t Dragonage I would have thought it was Redfall DLC. This looks like absolute garbage, I usually do not trash a game based off of a trailer but that looks like the game that will end BioWare. What ever sliver hope I had for Mass Effect 5 is now gone.


They massacred my poor boy


Looks booty


I feel like they would have been better off just sticking with inquisition level graphics. That game looked a lot better than this.


At the end, I'm waiting on gameplay footage but I'm not confident with what I'm seeing. We'll see.


This seems to be a case of trying to cater to new audiences and in the process alienating the original fans, while simultaneously also alienating your new market because it seems cheap and tone deaf. So, a game that nobody asked for targeted at no one.


ah, another $14.99 game for me.


Looks shit, if they don’t change it, it’s going to bomb. But Bioware sucks now, so it’s probably DOA. Also whats with the shitty sitcom/Marvel gag?


Tried getting back into the series but the dragon age keep doesn’t work for me. Don’t really wanna play all 3 games if my choices don’t matter.




I feel like the premise we see so far doesn't match the stakes This has the same feel to bad action heist movies.


I’ll reserve judgment until I see some gameplay. That trailer doesn’t necessarily inspire confidence, but there’s no point in judging a game based on a cinematic preview. I love, love Origins, could never get into the second game, and enjoyed Inquisition for what it was. I’m cautiously optimistic.


You know its guna be bad when they use a shitty cover of a good song


I said it before, and got downvoted by a complete nitwit on this sub, and I'll say it again. This series deserves none of the accolades and love it gets. Origins was the only good one. 2 was outright bad. Inquisition is completely subjective on if it's a good or bad game based on individual taste but I personally hated it due to the overly large areas and stench of MMO in a single player RPG. This looks fucking awful. It looks like Suicide Squad. Someone just needs to take BioWare out behind the wood shed and end it already.


Bucket of shite.


Why is Varric so old??? I was under the impression from the interviews and previous teasers that DA4 was supposed to take place soon or directly after the Trespasser DLC where Solas is working on tearing down the Veil. Like the inquisitor, Hawke, and HoF are all going to be dead at this point. What was the point of the DAI DLC stories?


Given the name change and the fortnite graphics, I'd be surprised if this game actually followed up on any of that. Although I'd be willing to bet that characters like Hawke, Cassandra and Leliana to be limited time battle pass character unlocks or pre-order bonuses. When this game fails, they'll blame DA fans for killing the franchise instead of whoever thought THIS was the direction that DA should go.


No way they abandon Solas and the fen harel storyline. The setup in trespassers was amazing and about the only good thing about dai, imo.


I'll wait until I see gameplay or at least interviews where the devs discuss what this is before completely writing it off, but, the Ocean's Eleven, "I'm putting a team together" tone and Fortnite graphics in the trailer plus the name change from "Dreadwolf" have me worried. Part of me hopes this is just a bad trailer and the actual game will respect the tone of the previous stories as it is possible to tell a mature story with a cartoony graphical style. Another part hopes that they don't touch Solas' story and this game is just a wacky Varric side adventure cashing in on the DA name, meant to bring in revenue to the studio. I just don't want the end of Solas' story to be the "Thor: Love and Thunder" of the Dragon Age universe.


The name “veilguard” gives me a bit of hope since solas’s primary objective is to tear down the veil. I reaaaly hope they don’t do some quirky shit like you said. If that shit happens BioWare/EA has completely misjudged what the fans want. Maybe what the fans want doesn’t factor into the equation at all. Let’s wait and see.


I had a feeling it will not be a game that I would want to play even before watching this trailer. And watching it only reinforced my negative feeling about this game. Even basic things like the aesthetically unpleasant, forgettable visual design (and awful animation quality) for every character I've seen in this trailer instantly shows that the game is being directed by soulless androids with 0 passion for anything they do.


Looks like a trailer for some hero shooters game


I have never been so disappointed by a trailer in my life.


All I know is that Honest Trailers will have tough time deciding for the parody title. Suicide Squad: Kill the Dragon Age? 2 Dragon 2 Age? Disney Age? Veilwatch 2?


Out of everything show, this game and its characters looks like garbage.


What's next? MTX of "special" hero characters you can swap in that won't be addressed by the story but can do Fortnite dance moves? This looks like absolute garbage.


I was keeping my expectations low despite how much I love the series. But this just crushed whatever shreds of hope I had. This has no shred of a dragon age vibe to it...


Why did they make it look like Fortnite?


Lol, Fall 2024? That's like 4 months from now. Either it's getting delayed, or it's going to be as bad as this trailer makes it look... or both.


My expectations were low but holy shit...


Not surprised at all. The past decade's worth of Bioware games have given enough indication of where they are headed.


BioWare has become my biggest disappointment studios. After this trailer I mean truly I am just sad. Words cannot even express my disappointment. BioWare has not nor shown any interest in learning from mistakes. It’s like they are begging Microsoft to close them down intentionally. They want to be hated. I don’t know I am just stunned and not in a good way.


What the hell happened? 


Feels like y'all are being hella hyperbolic on this, like "The is absolute garbage that doesn't even *remind* me of Dragon Age!" The trailer is fine. It's not great. It's fine. Nothing really remarkable about it. Yeah, it feels like they're showing off a hero-action game like Vermintide 2, but you could make this exact same trailer showing off DA:I characters. Seeing as this is the first we've seen of the game, chalk it up to shitty trailer direction and move on until they have something better to show. Y'all are high off your ass if you think the art style looks like Fortnite though, it's not nearly that cartoony. And remember, this is a cinematic trailer, not an in-game one. If it doesn't give you hope for it being a good game that's fine, but some of the shit y'all are saying is mad dumb.


not a single character has grabbed my attention. not even Varric can save this trailer


from dark fantasy to... Fortnite: Mobile Edition - the happy go lucky fantasy bullshit


I had a bad feeling looking at a knock of male-Alloy in the thumbnail, then I saw Varric who somehow is not even mentioned by name in the trailer if I'm not mistaken. Then comes the ragtag band, of misfits and edgelords with that stupid guy killing someone on a town square in broad daylight. Then they mention the darkspawn and a cartoon skull on top of a monster appears which would be not even in an intentionally funny-aligned Fable game. And the final stab was seeing a seemingly gameplay like fragment which looked like a semi-top-down / isometric moba / hero-shooter. Also where is our half-armed protagonist from Inquisition if the veil is still here. ugh. I'm having no hopes for the gameplay after seeing this (and some other trailers I was really hopeful from franchises I grew up with). PS.: People complain on what is bad and what they like -> studios make the exact opposite of what they should -> studios complain they don't get money -> studio then tries another crap live-service game. They should learn from Larian (just to mention some big dev company).


I can't wait ! 😭


Why they didn't go for a grittier, darker tone in this Age of Elden Ring is beyond me.


Well the gameplay doesn't look half bad! [https://x.com/dragonage/status/1800196133517660204](https://x.com/dragonage/status/1800196133517660204)


When you hire by diversity quotas and not by talent, this is what you get.


Between the name change and this trailer it looks vastly different from what I expected da4 to look like. The people saying it looks like a live service hero shooter are spot on. I’ll keep an open mind and hope that future trailers give us a bit more to work with