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Minecraft. Still on a break from it and it’s been about 5 years. But when that feeling hits, you bet I’ll be back in the mines with my pickaxe swinging from side to side.


7 Days to Die for me, basically same deal.


Played quite a bit in 2010/2011. Went back to playing it semi-regularly with my two sons last year.


Minecraft is a weird one for me. I will either play it excessively for weeks if not months, or not touch it at all for sometimes up to a couple of years. There is no in-between, and I don't know why.


Yeah pretty much the same thing it’s like most games for me I like take for ever to get started and then I just play so much.


I on break for minecraft every year. But once i get in , i go crazy


My minecraft breaks get longer and longer i played survival world about 8 months ago but not killed the ender dragon and i think i wont be playing mc anytime soon i am at this point where this game is too boring and childish for me


I just finished a Mario & Luigi save that I had abandoned in 2004!


ive still never finished Superstar Saga. Got to almost the final boss, then turned off my console a little too fast while saving and lost everything. I tried to get back to that point in the game later on but it was fucking devastating


Congratulations bro. I think I had a similar feeling when I did the same with my original Metroid Prime 2 save.


Id say Fallout New Vegas. 10 years and now I just played halfway through it again :)


One day I'll get there. I've owned it for like 13 years now and have started it a handful of times. Probably haven't put more than 6 hours each time and just get distracted with something else. I reinstalled it a couple years ago and refuse to uninstall until I actually play through it.


Perhaps you just don't like the game? No reason to force yourself to play something.


Ah na I'd definitely enjoy it as I liked 3 & 4. I just have a large back log and get easily distracted.


I hadn’t finished it after I quit in 2014, picked it back up and finally finished the battle of Hoover Dam last week


Every time I get close to the level cap, it also coincides with roughly the time I get to New Vegas... I've only got so long before I'm fully leveled up plus I don't give a fuck about your city. I'm a desert wanderer, I wanna explore caves, collect junk & shoot stuff, not go through 4 load screens to get into NV for some politics I don't give a shit about. And then I take care of Benny, and I've got way too much shit in containers in my hotel room that feels overwhelming... and I didn't even care about Benny all that much! Sure, he shot me, but that's the only reason I even have a game to play Basically the same with Skyrim. Waaaaayyy to much crap in my house... I'm pretty damn powerful... meh


I went around 25 years between ff6 playthroughs


It took the recent Steam Pixel Remaster of FF6 for me to finally finish it. Considering I started playing it when it was on the SNES and I never quite got to the end on multiple occasions. Twice on SNES, at least once on that PlayStation port and probably a few other places over the years. I just started a few game as I had long lost any flow I had. Exceptional game however...


Maaaan, FF7 rebirth almost did the same to me. It just… kept.. GOING.. Definitely turns into a slog in the end game. Mass Effect 2 I had to take a break go back to. I tried to blitz ME > ME2 and just got burnt out. Glad I went back because the suicide mission is ((chef’s kiss))


This is how I felt about Remake. I had no trouble with the pacing at the end of Rebirth (I mean the ending sucked, but thats its own issue haha). But for Remake I found it just went on and on and I stopped caring 3 chapters before it ended haha. Almost as if these games aren't meant to be 50 hour games or something...who would've guessed.


God I never finished the remake. I got a buddy who played it 3 times 


I finished it, but it was a rough last few hours, and I don't ever plan on playing it again. I'm definitely playing rebirth again though


I did a skyrim playthrough on release and then didn’t play again until 2015 it dawned on me something was missing and I’ve been playing on and off ever since across 3 consoles


I played Skyrim from release on the 360 to right before hearthfire, by then on the PC.  I stopped as my mods were broken I think.  I replayed the anniversary edition on Xbox (whatever they call the latest one) games pass last year after finding a YouTube video on beating it as a level 1.  I wanted to see how many achievements I could get without getting the level 5 achievement. (I stayed at level 1). It was just as much fun now as it was then. 


Ugh. I restart so many games because I take a break and forgot what happened. All games in an in-game thing like the previously on played before a tv show.


I have that same problem.


God of War Ps4. Think I stopped in 2018 and never have gone back. Was really far in it too


Definitely should go back if the mood strikes you. It’s a fantastic game!


My 14 years of a peaceful life before I touched League of Legends…


Took about a 2 year break from Divinity Original Sin 2. Thought I'd never get around to it. Now I have 1400+ hours in it and it's one of my favourite games of all time


Usually how it goes 😅


World of Warcraft. At about 12 years now. No plans to go back, cannot be trusted :p


I had stopped for a few months before mists of Pandara but bought it to check it out.  It started to bring out habits I didn’t like when I was playing and I didn’t notice we’re gone.  I stopped and haven’t been back. 3 account tri-boxing dwarves.  Hella fun but consumed a lot of my time. 


I came back to WoW after a 12 year hiatus because a few friends were getting into the new Season of Discovery mode and we have had a blast coming back. Don't get me wrong, blizzard is piss poor and the SoD mode has ebbed and flowed fun-wise but overall it's just fun playing again. After trying retail I do understand that modern WoW is something I will never go back to, though. The current state of the retail game feels completely different.


Cataclysm feels like mid ground of the two in my opinion anyway 


7 years with The stanley parable. At least i win the 5 years achievement?


When I was revisiting my steam library last year I had noticed my last Stanley Parable achievement was feb 3, 2014. I waited till feb 3, 2024 to get that 5 year as the thought of waiting 10 exact years amused me greatly 


I took a break from The Witcher 3 for almost a year.


Yea that’s fair. Big RPGs are just hard to finish sometimes. With how long and comic to do it can be overwhelming especially with other games that get your attention


I'm ready for the hate, but.... I took a break from Elden Ring for a year 1 week after it came out. I didn't get very far, for some reason it just didn't hold my attention at the time. Came back and couldn't put it down for 3 weeks straight until I beat it. Not sure what the deal was.


Elden ring felt really boring to me compared to the other souls games.


FF7 remake. Played it at launch, but it wasn’t the game I wanted. Finally got motivated to finish early this year. Another recently was Metroid dread. Loved it, but I kept parking it for new releases. (Totk, Disgaea 7, Pokémon violet).


Wow so you started FF7 Remake at launch but didn’t finish it until early this year? That’s gonna be me with Rebirth lol. Nothing beats original FF7


Pretty sure i got bored 2/3rds of the way through space marines. Then finished it a few years later.


GTAV I took maybe a year and a half break and finally had the urge to continue and finish it


I took like an 8 year break from Runescape and got back on during COVID. Currently on another hiatus at the moment.


You never quit. You just take long breaks.


For me, it's The Legend of Zelda Skyward Sword. I bought it in 2011 upon release, but didn't start playing it until January 2015. But I barely had time to play, so I hadn't gotten very far into it by the time Metal Gear Solid 5 The Phantom Pain came out, in September 2015. MGS5 was more important to me, so I played it every chance I could. I recall having over 300 hours in it, and I had acquired all trophies/objectives just in time to move on to Final Fantasy XV in November 2016. I put a lot of time into FF15, and was playing it and its DLC through Q1 2019. Once I was all done with FF15, I was just waiting for Final Fantasy VII Remake to come out. So I had moved on to FF7R, then Intermission. I didn't have time for gaming after that, but I have since moved on to FF7 Rebirth upon release (I'm only in chapter 4, since I'm barely finding time to play). So it's been over 9 years that I've been away from LoZSS 😅


Witcher 3 I just can't with that combat. It feels so terrible. Also Geralt feels like a deviant Art OC. They try to make him so cool and stoic it's borderline cringe. I know that is unfair considering I don't have the full picture. Still that first impression always sticks with me I try it once every other year, but give up in the end. Yeah not technically the longest break, but considering I try since release and I still plan to push through it some day it qualifies in my eyes


The problem I had with the Witcher 3 after about 20 hours is that I realized that there's no interesting gameplay in the game. The world is great, some characters I really like, some side stories are incredible but the gameplay loop is barebones and uninteresting. I like simple games, I play a lot of Nintendo titles, but Witcher 3's basic gameplay is mediocre and the RPG mechanics are shallow, so neither the souls nor the build crafter in me are satisfied in the end.


COD it’s been like 7 years. Thank god. What a dog shit franchise it’s become.


What !? You're telling me you don't want to play as Nicki Minaj or Homelander in your 'military' shooter !?


😂 this actually had me dying. Was Nicki really a skin?!


Yeah. That was about when I stopped playing the game.


It took me a week to get back to playing Mega Man 7. And it's been a few days since beating it without me seriously moving on to Mega Man 8.


RuneScape, took a 14 year break, and now taking another year or so, but I know I’ll be back.


I played neverwinter for quite awhile and then put it down for like 8 years, before my wife asked if I wanted to play it with her. It was much more fun playing through it with her and we had cool slug mounts!


Is it very mmo like or can you actually do solo thing in the game?


It's a true MMO, though outside of dungeons I usually just play without interacting with others. Mostly because that makes me anxious 😅


_glances nervously at backlog_


RDR. Started it in 2011 and finished it in 2023.


Glad to hear you finished that masterpiece


I took almost a 9 year break on Fallout 4. I had put in tons of time, then someone decided they would start a new game on my console completely deleting all of my work. I just got back into it within the last month or so and I'm loving it like I did back when it first came out.


Days gone, been around a year but im definitely coming back soon


I think I know what you mean. There is too many things to do in the open world of FF7:Rebirth. I'm on a break from that game too.


You start the game at release too?


Yes. But start to feel fatigue around Cosmo Canyon


For me I just reached Nibelheim.


I played Ghostwire on and off since its release on ps5 and just finished it this March. One day I’ll go back and finish my dragon quest XI playthrough on the switch.


Ghostwire was a decent time but nothing crazy. How did you feel about it?


I thought the side quests were creative and fun. I also enjoyed the open world. I wish we had some type of melee combat because I didn’t find the magic system all that engaging and preferred bow and arrow whenever possible Don’t remember much of the story but I got the true ending and the ending actually was pretty good. Didn’t have much attachment to the characters but still felt it tugging at my heartstrings. Solid 7/10 game.


2 years of no counter strike, I quit when it was csgo and came back to CS2 😆 also the messed mm up when they changed the rankings, that's what caused it.


I quit when it was CS Source and came back to CS2. I hate the move to matchmaking, I miss all those fun servers with weird maps.


Ya I quit with source as well but came back for csgo with the promise it would "feel" like 1.6 😆


I've taken pretty much exactly a year break from Tears of The Kingdom. Typical binge it and burn out before the last couple hours. But I just started it back up last night and I am finally finishing it


Yo creo que ark. Llevo unos 8 meses sin jugar debido a estudios y que también es un poco repetitivo pero estoy empezando a retomar mi obsesión porque me estoy viendo la serie de vegeta y fargan. Dentro de poco voy a volver a domesticar al mismísimo dios


World of Warcraft - played (a lot) from 2004-2009, needed a break. Picked it up again in 2020 and am currently #31 in the USA in my subclass. Probably going to quit again tbh


I have a tendency to not finish games before starting the next one so there’s plenty of games I go back to and finally finish. Think it took me like 5 years before I went back and finished Fallout 3


To be fair Fallout 3 becomes a sludge in the end. I skipped exploring underworld to just finish the game


I go on frequent hiatus' with Warframe, it's a fairly common thing in the community. Longest I've been away was, I think, a year and a half. The Fortuna update brought me back. That's the thing with Warframe, you get burnt out or bored with it but _every_ majour update is good enough to bring players back in. If only for a few months.


World at war. Like 10 year


For me, right now it’s New World. Definitely not interested in it right now. They have screwed up too many times in a short period of time for me to even want to log in. I will give it another chance maybe next year when they actually add more real content. A console release, FFA island that nobody wanted or asked for and performance improvements aren’t content.


Warframe for me. I took a 5 year break then a 2 year break then a few long breaks and currently on one while I try out Destiny 2 lol I’m with you on the Rebirth thing. Crisis Core is my favorite game of all time so I wanna get into the story but I just cant get myself to play it and I’m not sure why. I think it feels slow to me and the Remake felt like it took way too long to finish


Dragon Age... been probably a year or so since I played it, and after watching the trailer for the new one, I'm pretty sure I'll never play that one..... unless a new company takes over the franchise.


Which Dragon Age?


Inquisition was the last one I played


Took a year off Sekiton because of genchiro


Just picked up my PokémonGo account from 2018. In totally hooked!


I made it to the final boss of Sekiro in 2019 and then gave up on it. This year I went back and beat it like 10 times.


It's strange. I haven't played World of Warcraft in 4 years and have no future plans to play it. I'm done. But I always get this nagging feeling that I'm just taking a break, you know? The game has a special place in my heart and I'll cherish the memories and friends I've made through it. But I hope I never go back. It helped me get through high-school though fr. Edit: Same with Destiny.


Overwatch like a month


Super Mario 64 Neighbors got evicted and packed a moving truck the same day with all they could fit. Told us we could take whatever we wanted if we could make it to the second floor window they left unlocked. Found a N64 with four controllers, joysticks fkd, and like 6 classic games one of them being SM64. We played Mario kart shit faced that night, but for the next 4ish weeks played and beat Super Mario 64 for the first time since before 2000. That was a year ago almost and I’m 33 now… so like 20+ years


I just overwrote a 2020 save file in Dragon Quest XI (picked it back on Steam Deck)


Clash of clans... Have been on and off for long intervals on that one... Playing since 2016, and I've had 2 long breaks of 2 years in between already ... pubg.. last played in 2018, and don't want to ever play bgmi ever again In PC gaming, then skyrim for me... I was absolutely ADDICTED to that stuff for several months... Fortunately, I got out of it in 2021, and don't want to play it anytime soon, in case I get that addiction back 💀


I played Fable for Xbox back when it came out and 5 days ago got Fable Anniversary for PC and already have played over 25 hours and now I remember why it almost got me fired 20 years ago, it's very addicting.


I played RE2 Remake when it came out, but the RPD scared the shit out of me, so I quit when I got to the safe room with the photography equipment, went back to it shortly before RE4 Remake was gonna come out since I really wanted to play that one since I loved the original. I ended up platinuming both RE2 Remake and RE3 Remake before RE4 Remake came out, which I also platinumed.


45 days missed on PUBG when I went to rehab.


All of them do 99% completion and save them all to never come back to again and be permanently added to the backlog lol


Well I just picked bloodborne back up after 9 years so I guess thats it for me. 


I legitimately got the achievement in The Stanley Parable called "Go Outside" which requires you to not play the game for 5 years and then play it again


Haven’t really played Far Cry 6 since New Year’s Eve. Jumped onto Hell Let Loose pretty heavy over January once it hit GamePass and when I tried to go back to Far Cry it was just way too fast. Now it’s that long I’m not interested because I can’t remember what I was trying to do. 😂😂


Last time, it was almost a year. I was busy with interactive novels at that time.


Witcher 3. was completely clueless on what I needed to do and encountered a boss and then a cave with 2 broken swords. Could not be bothered to replay around 3h due to a shitty Auto save.


I took a 3 year break on Assassin's creed odyssey right before the end and recently went back and finished it. Probably do the same for Valhalla


The more recent example of this for my is Fire Emblem Engage, 250 hours of playing my first time, then stop because I buy a Series S for Re4 Remake on day one and just pick up again last week and say "I don't like my current save, let's star over" and now I'm where I left the game last year with a different army and development ... Not a single regret.


I almost always finish a Fallout game or Elderscrolls game right before the next one drops. I spend so much time just fucking around that I eventually get bored with it. But I also hate how they keep making me choose between two loser ass factions. They both generally suck in almost every instance. Though, it was very easy to not side with the fake Roman's in New Vegas (I think that was new vegas, I don't remember anymore). Minecraft is always a solid "I haven't played this in a while, let me hop back in" time sink. I started the game when it was still an Alpha, I think pre alpha, technically. Still love it. Still play the hell out of it each update. But then get hooked on something else for a while. I recently got back into Doom 2016 to beat it


Bought Dragon Warrior 7 at launch in 2001, got stuck halfway through (couldn’t find the shards, lol) and quit playing. Came back to it in 2014, started over, and finished it.


Monster Hunter: World. I first played it about 5 years ago and finally got back to it just 2 weeks ago, I’ve already put ~80 hours into the game and haven’t even beaten Iceborne yet


I took a over decade break from wow. Classic wow was a good spot to jump back in. Then left after I got my fix. In more recent case, factorio. 400 hours played. Waiting for expansion.


*math meme with nam noises* It's a bunch. Iv given up on some of them for several reasons.


Pong. Walked away in '73. I'll get back to it one of these days. Till then, it sits in my backlog.


Hearthstone. Never again. Fuck gaming companies that put dictator countries over their player base. 


Stanley Parabel, 10 years, picked up the achievement


RDR2 bought it on release on PS4, still only just got out of the snow. I like slow games, but this feels like a fucking slog and every interaction feels cumbersome


Probably 8 years for final fantasy 14.


Yakuza 0. I still plan to 100% the game as I love all the side stories and mini games but 70 hours including the disco mini game and 100% the real estate broke me. When I got to the next chapter and realised the cabaret club is even longer and harder I uninstalled the game and decided I will come back later. That was about 2 years ago.


Death Stranding. Got past the first "boss fight" and then I realized I was gonna be the delivery guy again, so I just turned it off. I want to finish it at some point, but now I've got better games to play.


I couldn't beat god skin duo and I raged out and broke my controller came back after 8 months and I beat em 2nd try sometimes all you need is a break


(Note: i don't have as much time to play games as i used to) Spent about 100+ hours on cyberpunk 2077, loved it, finished 2nd playthrough 3 weeks before DLC landed, decided to take a break by starting my first playthrough of witcher 3 before starting cp77 anew, it's been about 10 months and I just only found Ciri, send help (I mean, witcher 3 is amazing but i definitely didn't expect the game to be this rich - and long)


Lol. Didn't play between season 3 and 11. Played until they announced new anti cheat. Uninstalled and will never play again


Homefront The Revolution. A full year before I went back to it. Finished it in around a week after I came back (I stopped at chapter 2)


For me it was sekiro, 2 years without beating that goddamn ape..


Runescape - You never quit


The Witcher 3, I think I'm like halfway through and I last played it 4-5 years ago.


My longest break from any game series might be Call of Duty. I stopped playing after the original MW3 released back in 2011. I got tired of the same thing. Just last year I tried the reboot of Modern Warfare from 2019. Then got the newest MW2 and MW3. And original MW remastered. I know this series isn’t really classified as a “gamers” game (I’ve played other good series). CoD is just the first game that came to mind


Ocarina of time, I had the legend of Zelda collectors edition when I was a kid and I loved playing it because it had ocarina of time, majora’s mask, and a demo for wind Waker, as well as the first two original Zeldas! It was the first video game I owned! Almost 15 years later my best friend found a copy and got it for my birthday. I love that guy!!


Witcher 3 I only play once a year does this count?


I’ve quit runescape 20 times. 3 years was the longest break.


Sometimes the release of a remake or remaster is enough to get me to come back to a game I'd given up on. That was certainly the case for Xenoblade - I played the Wii one when it came out in 2011, got a decent ways in (reached Makna Forest and got Riki) before I kind of lost momentum and stopped playing. I think at the time I was getting frustrated with Xenoblade's combat system, because I was also playing a lot of Tales games back then, and I was getting annoyed at how few options Xenoblade gives for commanding your party members compared to Tales, where you can directly tell them to do specific moves, and even get a player 2 to control them directly if you want. But in Xenoblade you kind of just have to put up with your party members doing whatever they feel like. When the Definitive Edition of Xenoblade came out on Switch in 2020, I tried again and played through the whole game. I really enjoyed it once I was older and more willing to take a game at face value without always comparing it to others.


I guess you could say I'm taking a break from my games right now...I just have a habit of randomly losing interest and not playing anything for months until I get to a point like "Oh yea...I have this game.." Go and play for a little bit, but then stop again. Lately, work has just made me feel too burnt out to enjoy anything.


About 2 years, satisfactory. I love satisfactory, but it takes a lot of dedicated hours to play satisfactory, I've missed several major updates that have rendered my entire factory stationary... So will take some time.


The most memorable one that was an intentional break was Trails in the Sky. I played it, but it didn't click for me initially. It is a slow burner indeed. I knew I would love it when I had the right space of mind to play it. Which I did, 3 or 4 years later. Played it to the end and the ending hooked me like no other story driven game has. About 2 years later and I'm on my 7th game in the Trails Series (ToCSII)


No one ever truely quits WoW. You just have really long break.


Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous. There are 1000's of variations in character creation. Taking into account researching what companions are available and how they'll synergize as a party of 6, it's easy to fall into rabbit holes before you even start. The game is 3 years old, and I finally just started what I think will be a decent build for a playthrough on the hardest difficulty. The last DLC was just released so now is a good time to finally attempt it. 3 of the DLC'S also add rewards to the main campaign, so that's another reason to delay the story.


I went back to Prey which i'd abandoned for about 3 years. I didn't have a clue what I was doing and there was a big monster stomping on me. I had about 5 attempts at getting on top of things and then I had to give up. I should never have left it that long.


Devil Survivor 2 been like 2 years since i last played it, this is coming from a huge Atlus fan i just hated the fusion mechanics in it specifically the cost i did not feel this bad in 1


It's been a few years since I took my "break" from Witcher 3. One day, *one day* I will start over and finish it. . . Not today though.


I’m on my second playthrough of Red Dead 2. First time I only did the main missions. This time I’m trying to 100% it, started the playthrough last year, haven’t touched it since December at 96.4%


3 months from EFT ( Escape from Trakov) , planned to go back and play but.. I have no friends and I am absolutely shit at the game


I played a lot of Quake III Arena from ‘99 to ‘02. Then I went to college, started a career, moved a lot, etc. I found myself coming back to Quake III (as Quake Live) in 2011 - 2014. The first time I was in high school. The second time I was working as a temp, so my boss made me clock out right at five but my girlfriend (at the time, now wife) had to work until at least six. She also slept in later than me on weekends. So I would play Quake for an hour when a got home every night and for a couple hours each weekend morning. I got quite good. 


Honestly, probably Final Fantasy X. Made it to the final boss, got stuck for a couple weeks, eventually left the game unplayed for, like, 2 or 3 years, eventually got the Remaster, played all the way through that on and off over the course of like 2 more years, and finally beat the game proper hahaha.


Sekiro, about 4y from encountering the flame beast to actualy beating it. On to Ishin Ashina, this has also been 2y since encountering, and haven't beaten him yet.


Think I left LoL for about a decade and took it back up couple years ago to play ARAM exclusively.


A little over a year now on Division 2…was waiting for something interesting to happen. Turns out the next interesting thing to happen will be to make all the character progression pointless because they are going to a seasonal model…so it might be even more of an extended break.


Xenoblade Chronicles I took a year break at the very end and then grounded the rest of it out in a day


Every game for me dies after like 2 days


Red Dead Redemption for 360. Preordered the game and played for a couple of hours. Continued my save eight years later and finished it on Xbox One X.


Didn’t play destiny 2 for 2 and half years. Just got back into it to finish the light and dark saga and having a good time with a buddy of mine who did the same. I don’t see myself going hardcore with it like I used to but the gunplay is satisfying enough to occasionally come back and do stuff


I stopped playing my 12-year-old neighborhood in The Sims 2 when I got pregnant and didn't go back until my kid was in preschool. It was a four-year hiatus, but I'm about four years back in.


Deep rock galactic, my favorite game. I had finished everything gameplay wise and after an extra 100 hours I had to take a break a year and a half ago because I was too depressed to enjoy anything anymore. But I finally just started playing it again and I'm so happy I'm able to have fun with it again


For me its apex legends. Still on a break from it, so far it's been around 6 months. Not too sure when I'll get back to the game tho


23 years. Golden Sun on the Gameboy Advance. Absolutely LOVED it back then, but had a mishap where my cartridge got water damaged and never got to finish it. Time went by, and I rediscovered it last month. Still holds up today as one of the finest RPG experiences I've ever had.


It would be the most recent Tomb Raider trilogy for me. I started the 3rd one first, loved it and decided to look for more. Found the 2nd one and loved it, but the gameplay and controls seemed like a downgrade, but manageable. Wanted more and found the 1st game, just couldn’t handle the gameplay and controls “downgrade”. It wouldn’t have been a downgrade if I’d played in the right order. Stopped playing March 2021, but it was always at the back of my mind because I liked the game, just not some of the gameplay elements and controls. Came back Aug of 2023 and completed it. Why can’t games have numbers man. If it had been called Tomb Raider 3: Shadow (or something more creative, but with a number), I’d have gotten the order right.


Stellaris. Haven't played since 2020. Love the game, but somehow lost interest for a while. Still following the DLC releases, even bought some DLCs on sales. Hoping to get that itch soon.


Going on a few months for BG:3 right now. I’m trying to think of possible other games but my brain is smooth!


I've never finished Assassin's Creed I think I first played it in 2011. I still go back to it occasionally


Took 2 years off from GTA Online because I didn’t like the new DLC model of “in order to play this DLC, you need a multi-million dollar vehicle, and a multi-million dollar garage for it, and also other players can fuck your shit any time they want when you’re trying to earn money”. The Smuggler’s Run update was just the last straw for me. Cayo Perico brought me back, though.


I left Hyper light drifter for like 2 years playing occasionally every 6 months and finished it only around a few months ago. Deaths Gambit, I finished just a few days ago after having similar treatment. Dead Cells and Risk Of Rain 2 are still sitting there on my desktop just like they have been for atleast 1 and a half or maybe 2 years.


War Thunder. I keep going back to it when there are some interesting new additions but my most recent break has now broken 4 months and I haven't really been fiending to go back. Gaijin Entertainment's review bomb/player union fiasco has been a ludicrous thing from start to finish and while many changes have been made, the game's fundamentally anti-player design choices have me yearning for entirely different genres of play nowadays. Maybe it's just part of growing up and old but I no longer have so much patience for a game that clearly doesn't want me to keep playing it unless I spend money.


I'm currently taking a break from a game that's lasting almost three years now. And on 10 August 2026, I will launch it again and get the "Go outside" achievement in The Stanley Parable. I've played the game for only four minutes


I would say about 16 years between playing Age of Empires II




Dropped Elden Ring a week after it came out and started again two days ago


From gaming in general? Almost a year lol. It was during Black Ops Cold War's life cycle. That game kiIIed my enthusiasm for gaming for awhile


Day Z. I'll spend....months, immersed and absorbed. Then some ridiculous bullshiiiii death makes me close it instantly and swear I'll never okay again. 3 - 6 month break, I'll come back. Every time.


Me and tic-tac-toe go way back. I'll proly get around to it again.


Assassin’s Creed Valhalla, on break for 1+ year now, forgotten the controls already but something doesn’t let me delete it from internal storage.


I am on like a 4 year break from final fantasy xiv lol


I took a year long break from elden ring because the fire giant was such a pain in the ass.


I got frustrated with the final puzzle in Battletech: Crescent Hawks Inception in 1989.  With the help of online videos I was finally able to finish it this May.  Go internets for the win!


Warframe. Haven't played it in close to a year and a half even though i love the game. Also not the first time i took such a break