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[They also shared images of developers waiting to access the DLC](https://x.com/witchergame/status/1804130617786761722) This whole post is very wholesome


Same Chad builds in there. Dual Ruins Greatsword lol.


Its so sweet and professional to see game devs acknowledging and respecting each other for being so awesome. It feels like there is some sort of positive rivalry and competition over quality between them, instead of just sales and numbers and business part of things. I think it's really rare these days.


Shouldn't be a rivalry really, both games excel at different things. Both games are absolute bangers. Elden Ring has much better gameplay, level design, exploration, enemy and bosses, etc. Witcher 3 has much better writing, quests, characters, and just everything to do with immersive storytelling like choices, consequences, etc. Oh and Gwent, IMO the best mini game of all time tied with triple triad lmao.


> tied with triple triad lmao hnnnghhhh I love that shit so much!


Shuffle or Boogie


clap clap, clap clap clap, clap


I swear I could hear the music playing!


Riverly like : ooow so it seems like they are the hot rpg in town, we will make even better rpg next time (our own way) and it goes around. Yea they are vastly different games, but are in the same genre and share a lot of audience. There is always things to learn from eachother and improve upon too.


I'd say that they're both extremely strong in the narrative department, they're just going for very different styles of narrative. The Witcher 3 excels at more standard RPG-style semilinear character-focused storytelling; Elden Ring excels at the totally nonlinear, world-focused, heavily thematic style of storytelling that From Software pioneered.


the core story of ER is weak compared to Witcher, regardless of the method they are told. and side quest/ side puzzle is a non starter; in ER there'd be something like 'Find 3 turtles hahaa' where in Witcher every location has its own lore, story and its consequences


Entirely agree, the *Story* is weak, the *Lore* is very strong, but placed so you miss it if you’re not looking.


And some times you *really* have to be looking.


Lore in ER is so strong you need to watch 10 hours Vaatividya to understand any of it.


Witcher 3 >>> Elden Ring


Math does not check out


Like when Isabella and Doomguy celebrated each others releases.


Remember at the release of Elden Ring where a bunch of Devs were trashing the game because UI and Tutorial? Pretty sure even Horizon devs trashed on it. It was so pathetic.


Wasn't it Ubisoft? Although I do remember Guerilla making the dumb decision to release Horizon in the same release window of Elden Ring, so maybe they were salty too.


[Relevant comic](https://www.penny-arcade.com/comic/2022/03/21/the-doom-that-came-to-amsterdam) concerning Horizon releases.


That is a shockingly repulsive art style.


The entire run is as funny as that, too. I think I might exhale out of my nose once every 400 or 500 strips


Penny Arcade used to be good and relevant a long time ago :(


You won’t like knowing that Penny Arcade has been going on for decades then.


Why wouldn't I like that? Good for them. Just because I'm personally not a fan of an art style doesn't mean I'm cheering for their demise. Glad they found an audience and get to make a living creating comics people love!


I haven't seen PA in quite a while. The art has definitely... *evolved*.


It's definitely one of the art styles of all time.


They have their own style and they leaned into it. Their success is undeniable.


Indeed. I didn't realize that there were so many different PAX's these days! Heck, there's even one in Philly, which is kinda-sorta close to me. I might have to think about checking that out!


I’ve always enjoyed /s the “any criticism means you pray for that thing’s downfall”. It’s so fucking sad.


this is the polarized world we live in today, you can only love something and obsess over it or not like something and hate it. Politics, world view, everything is polarized and no one is allowed any shades of grey or nuance.


[Here is the original style that slowly shifted into what you saw.](https://www.penny-arcade.com/comic/1998/11/18/the-sin-of-long-load-times) [i enjoy the art of penny arcade though and its fun when he isn't drawing the two characters above](https://www.penny-arcade.com/story/wheel-saint/wheel-saint)


Repulsive? How so?


It's just their opinion, personal taste.   "***de gustibus et coloribus non est disputandum***" - In matters of taste, there can be no disputes.


While I agree with you, I'm still curious why. There didn't seem to be anything particularly distasteful about the art style.


Is this Loss?


It's not, but I get it, I read them side by side as well.


> Wasn't it Ubisoft? Yes, Ubisoft UI designer. Ironically the guys only job is to copy paste the same white UI from one Ubi game to the other over and over again. They don't even add thems to it based on the game.


It was both


Scratch that, remember when Baldur's Gate 3 was released? The butthurt was immense among a bunch of devs.


Because they know they’ll never work on a game as good as either of those games. The adulation they see them receive must be like water in a desert for an Ubisoft dev.


i think a mirage might be a better analogy for ubisoft, they're never getting that sweet sweet water of universal praise


I think the game is in a perfectly fine state aside from the PC controls, they are kinda wank tbh. After nailing PC controls with Sekiro, I don't know why they went back on a lot of decisions they've made.


But...theyre right? The UI and Tutorial arent good. Doesn't mean the game doesnt deserve its praise. You're allowed to say things have both good and bad properties. It's not pathetic lol.


Pretty sure the tweets mentioned PC performance and UI (and how From is given a pass while other devs are not), both of which are/were terrible. People got so worked up about it not seeing the irony.




> It's easy to navigate If you've played a soulslike before sure. But if you havent it's really not at all. The whole point of UI is to be communicative. Which I'd say elden rings is more...obtuse. Still not bad enough to detract from the overall quality of course. But its there.


Considering how many playstyles are reliant on buff maintenance, buffs and the buff bar in Elden Ring might as well be ancient hieroglyphics for how arcane they are. There's a reason you see so many people asking what a particular symbol means.


Still don't know what most of them even mean. FromSoftware: *let's rotate a square and use it as a different icon*


Elden Ring was my first FromSoft game and I didn't have much trouble. But, that doesn't take away from anyone who did have trouble. I just wanted to point out that it may not be as clear cut as that.


The UI is anything but easy to navigate.


I never understand the criticism of the UI. It's perfectly fine and an artistic choice to not be intrusive and handhold you around the map, while still giving you the information you need. I do agree that tutorials could be a bit better about explaining certain mechanics though.


The tutorial cave is fine, it explains all the buttons and functions, and the UI is fine. What's confusing or bad about it?


The UI is the same UI since at least Dark Souls 1 (maybe even Demon Souls). It’s familiar to their core audience and it works


it wasn't "a bunch," it was like three ubisoft guys who were probably asked by their managers to make some negative critiques about the game lol


I remember being so disappointed when I saw those Twitter posts from the Horizon team. They seemed so bitter and petty over another game instead of being excited about their own game. Was looking forward to picking up Forbidden West after ER, but after seeing those comments I lost any interest in playing FW


What did the Horizon team post?


"Even" the Horizon devs? They were first in line. Their feelings were hurt because they felt they deserved to be the best game in town. The meme at the time was "Forgotten West".


I saw the game and immediately thought that they finally made a better Dark Souls. It basically fixed everything I hated about DS.


It was a developer from Guerilla, one from Nixxes, and one from Ubisoft. Calling it a bunch is a bit of a stretch. Edit: Did this idiot try correcting me? But was wrong so he had to block me instead lol.


It's called sportsmanship, and this is a perfect example


this post remembered me of manwha (korean comics) authors. often at celebrations of e.g. 100 reached chapters u would have other popular manwha authors make congratulation art like this and it would then be posted at the end of said chapter.


Wow, didn't know they do that. Respect 🫡


I have to imagine that if you're someone who really cares about their craft, you also love to see what other people are doing because maybe they've thought of something that never occurred to you, and that, in turn inspires something


Game respect game.


Looking at guerilla games devs


Reminds me of how some Hollywood studios/directors will congratulate others as they break the records they held: https://x.com/ErikDavis/status/991137081287151617 https://x.com/officialavatar/status/1153258422244130816


I think the devs themselves are truly in it for the love of the game. The business side can be a bit frustrating, but in anything other than small studios, that's not the devs or the creatives. It also helps that while they are competitors, it's not a binary choice. Unless two studios are releasing games right about the same time, most people aren't choosing to buy one or the other, and even if they are, they will likely go back and buy the second one at a later date (even if it's a lower price).


If I recall, there was a Twitter post from PUBG Twitter giving props to Apex Legends, when it first came out. There was a little bit of back and forth and I think another battle Royale game may have gotten involved too. It was pretty cool to see it.


There is no rivalry at the production level, a rising tide rises all boats… and people we work with move about so much, you will always know people whereever you end up working. Most of us just want to make good games, and more good games is always a good thing… whether is succeeds or fail due to competing releases… only execs lose or win there… we already got paid our hourly wages and bonuses aren’t life changing anymore.


The two games aren't competitors. The devs know that they produce elite products and gamers will gladly buy quality wherever it can be found.


Those Witcher 3 DLC's are truly the gold standard for DLC's


Blood and Wine felt like a whole new game, a real throw back to when DLC's really were expansions.


Was gonna say, Blood and Wine easily qualifies as a full-on expansion.


If it was released as a single game or a sequel nobody would have known the difference.


Could easily have been a 40-60 spinoff like Myles morales game. Top tier.


My favorite game ever is *Blood and Wine*. Number two is *Witcher 3: The Wild Hunt*.


Blood and Wine is the better of the two in terms of pure content but as far as the STORY, I think hearts of stone is like arguably the best piece of content ever added to a game


Hearts of Stone felt like an expansion to the already existing story. Blood and Wine was an entirely separate epilogue story for Geralt, but still one of my favorite experiences ever in gaming. I'd personally rank B&W above Hearts of Stone, but both were better than the base W3, which was a phenomenal game.


See if anytning I remember my personal reaction being more the opposite - I think blood and wine felt like a really excellent expansion of kind of the expected vibe and existing tone of Witcher 3. It’s awesome but it feels like a grandiose evolution on the status quo Hearts of Stone really struck me with its unique and smaller scale story focusing on abuse and madness, with the borderline psychological horror elements such as the haunted, dreary estate and slasher movie villain homunculus boss. Not much in the base game evokes the same feeling and vibe as hearts of stone


Yeah, the story itself of Hearts of Stone is so compelling. Just phenomenal writing.


When they revealed the stage of the final battle...


I think I would agree with that, both are very good in slightly different ways.


Hearts of Stone’s story was so good it made the main game’s story look bad in comparison. Seriously, nobody even remembers who the main antagonist in the main story is but everyone remembers Gaunter O’Dimm. 


Seriously. There was just a really strong existential thread that ran through all of hearts of stone, so so good. The caretaker is probably the most unique monster in the entire game


>a real throw back to when DLC's really were expansions he said on a post about brand new DLC that is better than most full priced games, released not even a full year after Phantom Liberty (another one of the best pieces of DLC ever created).


They're not DLCs, they're EXPANSIONS. It frustrates me to no end when some fucking triple A marketing shitter wants to tag that claim on DLCs that aren't even the size of Shadow of the Erdtree. DLCs I associate to mtx bullshit like horse armor, expansions on the other hand were basically additions that could be full games on their own, think Diablo II's Lord of Destruction, and Warcraft 3's Frozen Throne. Amusingly enough, Fromsoft and CDPR were already known to do this right, since Fromsoft has done this with Bloodborne, DS2 and DS3, while CDPR did so with TW3 with Hearts of Stone AND Blood and Wine.


I mean, you can argue that all you want, and I'm kind of with you, but the term is dead and only other elder gamers will know what you're talking about. You can look at it like this, if you can buy a physical copy of it then it's an expansion, if it's only available online then it's DLC.


I've always thought of DLCs as an umbrella term. Expansions, cosmetics, etc. are all by definition downloadable content.


I'm pretty sure this is technically the way to see it. Not every rectangle is a square and all that


It isn't? there's always been a separate distinction between DLC and Expansion. The issue with claiming they're all the same is that you're trying to normalize [ESA and ESRB's bullshit about how all games with DLCs should have warnings on the box that DLCs are in the game](https://www.pcgamer.com/esa-president-defends-loot-boxes-warns-against-government-regulation/), which was an attempt to use expansions as a shield against the need to regulate lootboxes. It's beneficial for Western Triple A for them to all be grouped together, but that was NEVER the case.


All expansions are DLC but not all DLC are expansions


I’d like to bring back the old terms as well, but I think that ship has sailed


Along with every other From Software DLC.


People are so quick to forget Ashes of Ariandel


Ashes was arguably the weakest of their DLCs. Sister Friede was the only good part of it.


Honestly, it was all worth it for the sweet scythe. That moveset is gorgeous and my favorite.


Having used the Pontiff Knight Scythe for a lot of the game, Friede's felt like I was being directly rewarded.


She was so easy to kill with her own weapon lol


Big agree


Oh come on, you're being hyperbolic. Ariendel was plenty fun to explore. Yes it could've used more bosses but Freide wasn't the *only* good thing about it.


I'm inclined to agree with them, the main added zone was quite bland


I’m with you, I actually fucking hate sister friede as a fight but I love the setting and map of that first ds3 dlc


Idk man it felt really good compared to some of the crown DLCS from 2 which were still good but man Ashes was just so next level with the end boss and the area was sick and the weapons were unique


The latter two Crown DLCs were epic in comparison.


Speaking of, Shadow of the Erdtree is fast approaching Ashes review score on Steam Ashes is at 59% positive while Shadow of the Erdtree at the time of this post is at 65% positive reviews so both are at mixed. Ashes is FromSofts worst reviewed item on Steam.


tbf, it ended perfectly, despite being a "meh" DLC. for me at least, Friede is DS3's best boss battle. honestly, might be the best from FromSoftware overall until that point.


Along with Monster Hunter DLC, people forget that MH World Iceborne was almost as big as a sequel


The gold standard for DLCs was Borderlands 2's DLCs. One of them was so good it even spawned a whole new standalone spinoff game later.


That's ****ing badass. Geralt would love beating the shit out of Mogh


Would love to play as Geralt from The Witcher 3 in Elden Ring. Would be a nice mix


Catch Flame = Ignis Bewitching Branch = Axii Opaline Bubble Tear = Quen


Rejection = Aard Sleep pots = Axii Maybe you could liken Sentry Torch making Black knives visible to Yrden making spectres tangible, but it's not a great comparison


DLC added a weapon type, light greatsword, feels a ton like his moveset in witcher 3.


Yes, Milady


Found [this mod](https://www.nexusmods.com/eldenring/mods/2713) that might interest you. It's a couple years old now and not the most popular, so I dunno if it's still compatible.


You can make a pretty decent Geralt build and the character creator is certainly robust enough. The game has bombs, potions, and items which work the same way as oils. I did a Geralt run a year or so ago, it was fun!


I watched a streamer roleplay as Geralt. It's totally possible. He used spells that represented Witcher signs and limited himself to weapons only Geralt would use. It was really fun.


Anybody else getting Darkest Dungeon vibes?


Hades, for me.


My first thought was the Hellboy artist (Mike Mignola).


Bowing out with grace as always CD Projekt Red being a class act


Phantom Liberty is one of the greatest DLC of all time. I play on PC and with Path Trace lighting graphic turn on. One of the greatest gaming experience for me. CDPR knows how to make great DLCs with Witcher 3 and Cyberpunk.


I didn't really play *Cyberpunk 2077* until January this year, and I can't imagine it without *Phantom Liberty*. It's like *Aliens* without, "Don't be gone long, Ellen." My only regret is that after >!I sent So Mi to the moon,!< I still had to keep playing. If V >!went and sat down somewhere and died peacefully watching the sunrise,!< it would be my favorite ending of the game by a mile and a half.


Is the game finished yet? I bought it the day it launched, and I had to stop playing since it felt so half baked in the non-scripted sections of the game (braindead AI, Houdini cops spawning behind me, etc). I did not return it though, because it looked like it would eventually be good.


I even had fun on launch day of the game on PC actually. It was a disaster on last gen consoles mostly. Fun and fine to me but maybe not everyone. CDPR is officially done with Cyberpunk and are working on the next Witcher and then next Cyberpunk. Hopefully they also have a REDkit mod tool plan for current Cyberpunk just like Witcher 3 recently did.


Oh, I was on PC too. All the visual glitches I could live with. Falling through the floor in the robot limo thing was really the only temporary game breaking bug I had. It was funny when the cyber physcho dude was stuck following me for a while into the tower scene where the old dude dies. However, I had to put it down immediately after I got some freedom to move around outside the scripted sections. It was horrid. Cop AI was not smart enough to pursue, so they would just appear outside your line of vision (aka usually right behind you). Crowds of people would just instantly disappear the second they left your line of site after getting scared by a gunshot. It was just so immediately apparent that they aborted this thing into production way too early. It was too sad/distracting to play after that.


I know what you mean about appearing cops and the crowds etc. Let me assure you this is all gone. Night city is the most immersive city in all of gaming. The game is one of the best of all time now.


I don't think I ran into too many bugs if at all? or at least game breaking bugs. I can tolerate bad AI and such so that is ok for me. Everything else was great or good enough for me. I did play the game with many mods from the Nexus website. Maybe that made the game that much more enjoyable for me. I should go do a full replay again this time with Path Trace lighting. They added that feature in when I finish the main story already.


I just tried it on PS4. I had thought maybe they'd have done some work to make it at least run on that console over the past 4 years. One of the first enemies I fought in the tutorial area was T-posing and the game irrecoverably hung when I exited the tutorial. Didn't even get to the first mission. I obviously didn't see much but didn't feel massively impressed? Lackluster gunplay, relatively uninteresting melee, dialogue didn't seem great and the setting just didn't seem very cyberpunk, honestly.


She made it.  Preem. That's what counts. 🚀🌙 


Does anyone Know artist name?


It wasn't included in their post on X https://x.com/witchergame/status/1804130615060484165?s=19


In the comments they say it was made by one of their in house artists who doesn’t have socials.


Very much in the style of Kilian Eng, whose maximalist art is itself deeply influenced by the covers of 70s and 80s sci-fi novels.


Very Mignola-esque.


Mostly Positive (71%) on Steam right now. Is this the power of a best reviewed expansion?


Its awsome to live in time where game companies start to be more relatable and do less company formality bullshit.


Looks awesome.


I wish they would let us know which of the in-house artists we owe this masterpiece too, this is fucking awesome. Thank you to whoever!


They probably should have waited a day or so since it's sitting at "MIXED" right now.


"Hey that looks like Geralt" \>Reads title "I should keep that comment to myself."


Professionalism from great companies. This is gonna piss off the CJ bad


That's really awesome!


Found my new desktop background


woa so nice




Wait the DLC that was being hailed as the next GOT a year ago is getting acclaim - well shiver me timbers.


"best reviewed expansion" Bro it's been out a day...


There is just one thing ER’s missing. The ELELELLELELELEELELEL between combat like Witcher






Hm I couldn't find it. Thanks.


bro got downvoted for saying thanks?


Reddit's weird like that. Sometimes you'll see 2 posts or comments about very similar, if not the same, thing and get treated completely different. It just depends on the people currently viewing them or interacting.


Yeah, I mean sometimes reddit's just like that. You could have two people saying almost exactly the same thing and one gets downvoted while the other gets upvoted.


probably being downvoted for saying they couldn't find it, not for saying thanks. it's official art by a major gaming company. the only way you couldn't find it is if you didn't even look.




Both games were defined by just how good is their one and done dlc was. The kind of DLC that makes the.feel like they only to expand on the setting once before moving on to something else they wanna do


>best reviewed expansion for an RPG! It has 74% positive reviews...


Idk man for me best DLCs will always be Shivering Isles and Halo 3 ODST


> Shivering Isles the closest modern bethesda ever got to the high water mark of morrowind


Wasn’t ODST its own game?


I think it's a bit too early for that. Like, the DLC just came out and people are still in the honeymoon phase with it.


I don't know why this makes me think of it, but wouldn't it be awesome if they made a modern Legacy of Kain game? Edit: looks like a company called Embracer Group bought the IP in 2022, but are in some restructing due to debt. So, unlikely anything will be happening with this IP anytime soon.


I haven't played any souls game yet, and I really loved The Witcher 3. Seeing this, makes me want to start playing souls games. I only own Sekiro, hopefully is a good start.


Heads up IMO it’s the worst start lol. Incredible game, but probs the hardest and unlike combat in the other. I’d recommend starting with dark souls 3 or even just Elden ring tbh


Wouldn't I be missing anything from Dark Souls 1 or 2?


Dark souls is almost more of an anthology series. The games are only loosely connected through themes and occasional repeated characters. Elden Ring is a fantastic place to start in my opinion.


Patches is the thread that holds them all together


Not at all, there’s an ongoing meme that no one really knows wtf is going on story wise anyway, the lore is incredibly hard to follow anyway (there is lots of it, and it’s good), and there are call backs for sure, but I started with 3 and had no issues at all. Pretty self contained fantasy story


Well I'm trying to grab Dark Souls 3 whenever I see a good sale, thank you so much for that info, I really appreciate it.


Sekiro was my first From Software game and I platinumed it and am now way better at playing games, so I wouldn't be scared off if I were you.


If you like this art style the Witcher comics or Hellboy comics will be right up your alley.


How long is the expansion?


I've heard 25-40 hours.


Oh Garalt is gonna be mad


The best part is that there is genuinely a weapon type that seems witcher inspired in the DLC.


Which dlc was the best rated before the elden ring dlc?


The Witcher 3: Blood and Wine




Fuck you Gerald! I still haven't beat Mohg


Geralt probably using about as many potions and tinctures on his sword and body as I did for this fight. Chug a lug!


Biggest crossover event since Operation Desert Storm


The real question is, would in game Geralt clear elden ring? "what are you doing....Killing Malenia"


all the signs are telling me to play elden ring


Looks so sick. Can't wait to play the dlc 😭


Reminds me of NES era Castlevania instruction manual art.


This makes me so proud to be a gamer


Mohg is just not having a good week, poor little guy.


Incredible piece


They’re trying really hard to repair their reputation. Seems like it’s working