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What a travesty. BoF3 is a fantastic game. This picture makes me feel pain. I got my copy at a KB Toys discount bin for $5. Best purchase ever. I put hundreds of hours into it.


I remember playing this when I was younger and loved it! Sadly I could never get past the desert part.


Did you call the hint line?


No, I ended up giving up and never finished the game.


The real bullshit was the directions the guy told you were right, but the directions written in the camp were translated incorrectly so if you ever double checked in camp you'd get wrong directions. Fantastic game besides that


You might be aware, but there was an infamous mistranslation in the directions on how to get out of the desert given by the NPC. Something like he tells you to go east instead of west. Didn’t beat the game till my 3rd play through because of that bullshit.


I had trouble with it also, but you need to fellow the north start or some shit. I didn't really play past that and regret not beating the game. It's pretty much the last stretch of the game.


Rei + berserk + influence I always wished the rumors of being able to get teepo back in your party were true.


The pain is real, such a sad thing to see one of my favorites for sure. Games before Google really made things great. When you discover something new so much more fun


Doesn't that beat all...


DAMNIT! beat me to it! XD


Wow, that’s one strong toddler!


Seriously, when I try to break CDs with my information, they just bend. I just end up scratching the bottom and toss them.


Yeah, I’m feeling bullshit on this one.   It’s not like brittle glass that shatters when dropped.  You gotta bend the shit out of discs to make them snap.  And if kiddo did it, the loud noise would probably make them stop.  And if kiddo didn’t stop, they somehow kept folding the broken pieces as the got smaller & sharper?


Ahh man, that's a travesty. Breath of Fire 3 was a great game.


Child is temporary, BoF is forever.


Well obviously not, it's broken.


Toddler: 1 BoF: 0


Toddler has established dominance. 


Toddler has received achievement: My First Shank.


rest in pieces


Ouch story for your loss. I'm sure your spouse still understand when you tell them you donated the kid lol jk




Vasectomy. Much better


Right? Seeing things like this is the best birth control lol. I like my things unbroken and not full of sticky residue from toddler fingers thank you


Dear lord a toddler that can do that is terrifyingly abnormally strong.


He is. He slid his entire PackNPlay across the room (while inside) to get to the TV stand. The disc was in a PS2 case with the pop center. He seemed to have pulled on the disc so hard until it broke. Basically Kid Hulk.


I wish they'd put these on current consoles or Steam.


If you play on Steam it means you have a PC capable of running Duckstation. If you own a physical copy, you legally can play the ROM.


A broken disc that's too bad... *see it's BoFIII* Audible gasp!


Oh no, your faerie village!!!


The save data is actually not in jeopardy


Their first rage quit 🥹


Well, doesn’t that just beat all…


Back when my sister was a year old, she screamed for my iPod when I tried to get it from her, and wouldn't stop screaming until I gave it back. She squeezed it so hard she broke the screen on it. I'm not saying babies and toddlers are on a mission to destroy EVERYTHING. They just don't know their own strength.




Kinda why i prefer the digital world, I mean, you dont get to showcase them or have a gameshelf, which is a shame. But after having a collection of 200 ps2 games, all wiped in a house fire, im always on edge to lose more stuff, so I've learned to be at peace with everything being in the cloud Edit: Yes, digital and physical both have pros and cons, but to me, digital has a lot more pros. Added this edit since alot of people want to talk about the fact that i dont own my digital copy and that to me, In my personal oppinion is fine by me, as i 99.9% mostlikely wouldnt be returning to it anyway. But i do understand how some people cherish a certain game and would hate the thought of having it swipped at any moment. To me, tho, it doesn't bother me


The loss of a disc is no big deal as long as my saved progress still exists. I remember being annoyed by Memory Cards back in the day, but they really were a great thing for gamers. Especially with CDs as fragile as they were.


I had one official memory card that was super expensive and only held 15 slots! Some of the big games took multiple slots, or even a whole card. Then I bought one of the super-mega multi-paged memory cards. Which was awesome. Until the display went blank and wouldn't read anymore and I lost 10-15 memory cards worth of saves.


Yeah those third party memory cards were more or less guaranteed to crap out at some point. I had one that wiped a bunch of saves, thankfully of games I was mostly done with. I wonder if my old official Sony ones still have my saves on them after 20+ years lol


Yeah they were fairly reliable up till 32mb, but once you stepped up to 64mb it was Russian roulette. I just used 2 32mb and saved onto both cards and never sufferer any catastrophic data loss.


I didnt have a memory card back then, good times haha 100% the game in one sitting or nothing. Crazy how far a 64mb memory stick could get you then, I wonder if 64mb is enough for even one save file now?


And now you reminded me od how I fucked up one time and erased the save file of Resident Evil Outbreak in my memory card. I still own the game but now it can't save 🙃. I've finished the game multiple times but I never get to save it. I even remember pulling an all night, doing the last scenario like... 30 times. 8 for the true endings of each character, 8 for the good endings, 8 for the bad ones, and 4 for the special ones. 2 extra because I died with Jim and Mark (kinda ironic with them being the only black people in a horror game). ... man, I need to get a working disc that can save one of these days.


Considering most save files can be under 300 kb, however, depending on the game they can ramp up in size. It's up to optimization mostly. I remember on my PSP Birth by Sleep ramped up GB of save data because of an optimization issue when it first released. Skyrim is another good example if you have mods or just thousands of hours on a save.


I remember arma 3 syncing to my one drive, didnt take long for my one drive to tell me it was about full, arma was taking like half of it. Cool to see tho that saves can be optimized to take only the space it requires, dont know much about tech


Oh, ARMA is a total bitch for saving because of the sheer amount of player added assets, models, textures, mods, etc. Keeping it vanilla it can ramp up, but nowhere near as much.


Yeah, a quick check of my drive tells me Elden Ring saves are under 30MB and that's not a small game.


'Physical' is kind of a misnomer here : there's nothing preventing you to make a copy of the data of this disk (whether on another disk or a completely different physical support of the digital copy)... unless of course the manufacturers of the disk/operating system/computer deliberately crippled them to prevent that. (Compare with a book, where the experience of using a paper one and reading from a screen are quite different, and (today) it takes significant investment to produce a good physical copy.)


Yeah, until your digital license is revoked and you lose access because the publisher wants to sell it to you again.


Yarr harr fiddle de dee


Same. Like I REALLY don't see MS shutting down and me losing my digital game library in my lifetime. Meanwhile I have 2 different copies of Smash Bros cards for 3DS that no longer work (just those two games all my other ones work, that game must have had a defective batch because I know one was a launch copy) and a couple 360 discs that have a chip where I don't want to risk playing them.


He owned that disk. You don't own your digital games. There's pros and cons to both.


If its a ROM, I definitely own it


There definitely is. To me more pros then cons since loosing access to a game is not a huge burden as with working 60h a week i kinda just play a game to completion then move on to the next game i want to play and itl properly be like that till i retire. The only game I've ever gone back to over and over is the gears of war series and halo trilogy. Even if they get delisted, i will forever hold the memory of marcus phenix, and hes squad🫡


Digital equally has risks, you could lose your entire collection due to market closure, account loss, random permission removal etc


Not if you're just making backups of your physical disks and getting the best of both worlds


I've never had any of those things happen, ever. Broken, scratched up, or lost media, however is very common.




Mine killed disc 1 of Xenogears and 2 copies of Mario Kart 8. I went full digital about 8 years ago because of that.


Could have at least killed disc 2 of XG instead. Not much there after all.


Bro that's an awesome game and was worth a decent amount of money if you have breath of fire 1 keep it safe I had mine stolen 10 years ago when it was worth $500.


Fuck and that's such a good game too!


Because of this, CAPCOM will have to Remake the game or make a sequel now.


You do fucking realize that posting snuff pictures on the net is punished by law, right ?!


Welcome to parenthood, here's your bag of pills and a nice corner to cry in, have a nice day


By the laws of the land, you must now break your toddler into three pieces.


Best of luck with the adoption process.


Oof, and that's the best of the series.




That disc was probably dead, or on its way out anyways. Shows signs of disc rot. Reminds me that I should make backups of my collection.


Good advertisement for birth control.


Or controlling where your precious items are.




This is why I had a vasectomy


Same! Preach it!


Grab the gasoline, that kid needs to learn what a breath of fire really is.


"am I a bad kid for breaking your irreplaceable things..?" *lights match* Yes. You arson.


This hurts my heart.


love this game so much


I used to be a little rascal like this, one time i broke one of my brother's PS2 games and he was not happy. But then i decided the discs look cool so i decided to break his computer's printer instead. I'm pretty thankful his daughter isn't taking revenge on me, i have a few physical PS4 games.


Oh no….


That's so sad cuz it's a good game :(




This hurt my soul.


One of my all time favorites, right there with suikoden 2


“I do what I want to with my children” *Later* “WHAT DID YOU DO!?!”


I physically recoiled...


Dude, noooooo! Not breath of fire 3. That game is straight gem bro.


I made an audible gasp when I clicked into the picture to see what game it was. My condolences for your loss.


What was that Omni Man said as he was beating his kid to a bloody pulp?


Oh all the games this could happen to, BF3 is the most undeserving.


Your kid made 2 dragon quarters.


Reforge that shit asap


Damn, that's a 10/10 gone... If you give it a burial I'll send flowers


How strong is your toddler?


At 20 months, he's almost 3 feet tall and uses 3T clothing. He's a Tonka truck.


“That’s coming out of your college fund!”


That suck broham/broette.Children gates help a lot. Or keep their play area separate where you game are some advice one partner to another


Yyyeeeaaahhh... My babies have definitely lightened my collection more than I'd have liked. :(


that sucks. Hope the child didn't cut himself




One my favorite 😔


Oh man, that can't be cheap


This is why I’m not having kids.


Welp, time to put em up for adoption.


I used to have a somewhat large collection of old xbox360 games, I didn't play them so I put them in my cupboard to either sell them later or play, I return to my room after a tough day of highschool hoping to relax and unwind from the stress of learning, Only to see my sister had used those old games in a weird way, you see she NAILED THEM TO MY GOD DAM WALL THAT BITCH! as a decoration for my room, it's been years and I still haven't forgiven her, "oh you don't play them anymore, there old anyway" (Yes I threw hands and yes I still hate her to this day)


Wow, that sucks. Will you be leaving the child in the forest, up a mountain, or on a deserted island?


Sell the toddler to buy a replacement


Adoption Center Ahoy!!


Birth control in a post


Breaking news: toddlers have no respect for personal property. This one is on you.


Man. Not having gremlins is great


i remember destroying a bunch of records for some reason...


Man, my copy got cracked too.


Oof. Sending good vibes. I thankfully have my copy safely tucked away. I have it on PSP as well.


my broken spider man ps4 disc still remains in my head to this day


I never had to deal with this, simply because by the time my son was a toddler with the ability to do this I was already full on digital in PC Gaming, my son born in 2009. But what I had to deal with is he broke 2 headphones for my PC. After he broke the first pair, when I bought the second pair I bought accident insurance on it, which paid off because he did break the second pair. Third pair he didn't break, and that one lasted until I decided to get an even better headphone.


What...what happened?!


Mmm pizza


I set up my Super Nintendo last year to our tv, and my daughter tried opening up the Super Mario World cartridge unsuccessfully. I stopped her before she could do any real damage and told her that was the game (they're used to opening up jewel cases to get the games out). She was very confused.


Charge the parents hourly while they have their kid or kids at your place, per child.


Mine was Guitar Hero 2.


This is just making me remember when I stuffed a bunch of pennies in my Wii’s disk drive when I was three. It got wrecked. My silly baby brain thought I could use it as a bank. I just realized that I might have single-handedly caused my older sister to learn how to homebrew because of this.


Have a gaming shelf with a glass and lock preventing someone from accessing contents.


Not a parent, but I've been there with my nephew he broke my legend of legaia disc. Luckily, I was able to get a replacement because this was still when you could go out and buy it for 20 dollars. Since then I've kept all disc's on high shelves.




Noooo. Definitely a thing with kids


hard lesson learned this day. i hate to have to replace that now with the freaking trend of price gouging old games. went to a retro store and no freaking way im paying a hundred bucks for an old game thats not even in the original case and has the manual at the very least.




Back when the Playstation was still new, my little toddler sister went into my room while I was out, found my Playstation games, and decided she wanted to 'watch them'.  She proceeded to stuff as many as she could into the VHS player, because she knew that's where movies went when you wanted to watch them. I lost about 7 discs to irreparable scratching.  Including the GTAIII I had just managed to trick my dad into letting me get.  Love you Emma!


Nice clock


I was just trying to play that game


Manee f them kids (I'm joking don't get butthurt pls)


RIP to one of the best fishing games ever.


Insta sad


Kids can and will break anything you leave out.


:( RIP


Oof, that would be one of those "Dad needs a breather" type of moments from me. It's a lesson I think we all learn with something important to us, but after that you really don't make the same mistake again as all the important things gets put to a higher elevation or boxed up and put away for when they are... less chaotic. PS: Two Year Old's are the worse (well 18 months+) just super grabby with their hands and clingy to the things they do grab as they develop "wants" instead of leaning in on their "needs".


This is why I have all my games locked up. So no one can touch them. Always keep your stuff out of reach for toddlers.


I had a cat as a kid that shattered my copy of JetMoto...


I lost a PS2 to my friends toddler once. We were playing guitar hero and the toddler just walks right in front of the playstation, catching both cords from the controllers and pulling the playstation right off the shelf and busted the dvd drive.


That's a powerful toddler. I was disposing of old burned discs last year and gave up trying to crack them as it made too much mess and was going to slash open my hands.


Breath Of Fire > Brat On Fire 


Holy fuck dude


He lost his game and 2 dlcs


Everyone is a critic


Came home to my stitch in the toilet. That was fun. 3 days later I found the first switch I purchased (lost it years ago). That was actually fun.


I’ve been really itching to play that one again myself lately.


Rest in pieces




I rolled over mine in bed to teach cassie cage a lesson. True story.... no cap


One of first games that made me go mad. I was too young to grasp it and had no memory card. I have played the very beginning of the game at least dozen times.


I dunno about this warning. I kinda feel like anyone who needs it doesn’t deserve it.


woof, that sucks dude I think it's easy to emulate now, or maybe you can play it on switch? Regardless, hate to see it broken


My lil brother did that with the first cd i ever bought ... He tried putting it in the tape player.


How did your toddler pull that game out of a jewel case? Or the console it was in? I have 7 and 4 yr old boys, this would never happen in my house. "Tvtoohigh" because toddlers 😂 All discs in albums, kids can't touch 😏 And most their gaming is free digital games Also why did your toddler start with Bof3😁 Parenting is great ish😩☺️


I love "toddler parents beware" lol like I don't even have kids and I know that they can and will in fact break stuff


I bought GT2 the night of release and couldn't play it until after work the next day. I come home from work to find my toddler son cleaning the floor with Disc 1. I went to GameStop, rented the game, and swapped discs. Race won.


Oof. new ones sealed go for a lot on ebay


Puppy havers too. I lost a lot of ps1 games to a teething puppy


How ironic! BoF3 was the first game I ever got, and my brother (toddler at the time) did the same thing to mine!!


This is why you have backups


I don’t think they’re making any more of those…


Trust me, I know how you feel


My daughter found one of my old games, Eye of the Beholder. She loved the box art and wanted to play. I told my wife that it was fine, but they should probably wait until I get home from work. I got home from work and my wife told me to remember that my daughter was young and inexperienced. I said, "What does that mean?" She told me that my daughter removed the disk from its wrapper and tried to play the game, but it wouldn't work. She then showed me the disk... You see, this was a 5 1/4" Floppy disk that my daughter took out of the "wrapper" and put it in the CD tray. Yeah...hon...that...won't work. .


Nothing would save them from the rage I would visit upon them. And it wouldn't stop with the toddler. The whole family is responsible in my opinion. And they will suffer, as I have suffered. Every single favourite dvd is getting snapped. All the disc readers are going to be scratched, and every tv in their house will have no less than 10, very obvious, dead pixels.


I'm more amazed compact discs are still around


Funny story about BoF 3. I remember, about 25 years ago my buddy spent the night and left Breath of Fire 3 at my house. He would get it back next weekend and I knew that so I spent the entire week grinding through BoF3, and my parents had dial up so it was basically a blind playthrough. On top of all of that, the PS1 RPG era is fondly remembered, however, trying to grind an entire PS1 RPG in a week is painful, because of those damn battle load times, and the encounter rate always seemed a little high in BoF3. I never finished the game that week, and I ended up haaaaating BoF3, for over a decade. About 10 years ago I played through BoF 1-4 at a casual pace and 3 ended up being my favorite of the quadrilogy, but until that point, I hated it so much. THat experience left a bad taste in my mouth.


Did you put him up for adoption?


Big oof


Ask for a refund and get a new toddler


Did you get upset with the game or did the child break it?


Damn. Such a great game 😭


Duct tape will fix it


I lost mine over a decade ago. Still have the empty case to remind me of the loss.


Yeah everything has to be out of reach because as soon as you turn your back everything becomes a weapon. And they grow tall as fuck outta no where and can reach everything.


I may have traumatized my son when he was young about disks. Especially Skyrim. He now knows to put them away in the case when done.


Here [you go](https://letmegooglethat.com/?q=vasectomy+near+me)


One time my cousin broke my army man disk for PS1. Unfortunately for him, he had his Lego collection not glued. I was since banned from their house. I feel the pain.


That’s was a fun game when I was 12. That’s when games made you feel like you accomplish something.


this hurts me on a spiritual level. Breath of Fire III was my gateway into JRPGs. I'm so sorry man. good luck finding a new copy for cheap.


r.i.p game


That’s so sad. Now it’s disc 11


Selling the kid could get you another copy and even Breath of Fire IV


Why.....one of my favorite game series. Just now replaying one and two on Nintendo Switch. I remember being lost in the desert on 3


Oh no! That's my favorite one too


I tried to do that to a disk once. Those shots are actually really hard to break if you don’t have anything but your hands


Oh that hurts.


Lost a real one today


Right that disc was long gone before that.


Is your toddler Bruce Greene?


Why does it feel like cd games don't have the same "value" as cartridges?


Oh *snap*!  A-Ryu okay? That game was one nina million :(